coap_status_t observe_handleRequest(lwm2m_context_t * contextP, lwm2m_uri_t * uriP, lwm2m_server_t * serverP, int size, lwm2m_data_t * dataP, coap_packet_t * message, coap_packet_t * response) { lwm2m_watcher_t * watcherP; uint32_t count; LOG("observe_handleRequest()\r\n"); coap_get_header_observe(message, &count); switch (count) { case 0: if (!LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_INSTANCE(uriP) && LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(uriP)) return COAP_400_BAD_REQUEST; if (message->token_len == 0) return COAP_400_BAD_REQUEST; watcherP = prv_getWatcher(contextP, uriP, serverP); if (watcherP == NULL) return COAP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; watcherP->tokenLen = message->token_len; memcpy(watcherP->token, message->token, message->token_len); watcherP->active = true; watcherP->lastTime = lwm2m_gettime(); if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(uriP)) { switch (dataP->type) { case LWM2M_TYPE_INTEGER: if (1 != lwm2m_data_decode_int(dataP, &(watcherP->lastValue.asInteger))) return COAP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; break; case LWM2M_TYPE_FLOAT: if (1 != lwm2m_data_decode_float(dataP, &(watcherP->lastValue.asFloat))) return COAP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; break; default: break; } } coap_set_header_observe(response, watcherP->counter++); return COAP_205_CONTENT; case 1: // cancellation observe_cancel(contextP, LWM2M_MAX_ID, serverP->sessionH); return COAP_205_CONTENT; default: return COAP_400_BAD_REQUEST; } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void res_dc_status_obs_get_handler(void *request, void *response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { int vout_value = dc_status_sensor.value(0); int vin_value = dc_status_sensor.value(1); int iout_value = dc_status_sensor.value(2); int iin_value = dc_status_sensor.value(3); /* a request comes from a remote host */ if(request != NULL) { #if PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS /* set red led when receiving a packet */ leds_on(LEDS_RED); #endif coap_packet_t *const coap_req = (coap_packet_t *)request; PRINTF("dcdc/status GET (%s %u)\n", coap_req->type == COAP_TYPE_CON ? "CON" : "NON", coap_req->mid); /* if comes with observe then register it */ if(coap_get_header_observe(request, &observe)) { /* PRINTF("OBSERVE set\n"); */ /* respond with empty ack */ REST.set_header_content_type(response, observe); REST.set_response_payload(response, 0, 0); } else { /* if no observe option, then answer to GET request as normal */ /* PRINTF("OBSERVE NOT set\n"); */ REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); REST.set_response_payload( response, buffer, snprintf((char *)buffer, MAX_COAP_PAYLOAD, "ST\tON\nVO\t%d.000\nIO\t%d.000\nVI\t%d.000\nII\t%d.000\n", vout_value, iout_value, vin_value, iin_value)); } } else { /* this is a notification: need to set payload */ /* PRINTF("NULL REQUEST = PERIODIC\n"); */ REST.set_response_payload( response, buffer, snprintf((char *)buffer, MAX_COAP_PAYLOAD, "ST\tON\nVO\t%d.000\nIO\t%d.000\nVI\t%d.000\nII\t%d.000\n", vout_value, iout_value, vin_value, iin_value)); } count++; printf("PERIODIC %d: ST:ON VO:%d IO:%d VI:%d II:%d\n", count, vout_value, iout_value, vin_value, iin_value); #if PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS /* set yellow led when sending packet */ leds_on(LEDS_YELLOW); #endif }
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR handle_observe_notify(lwm2m_context_t * contextP, void * fromSessionH, coap_packet_t * message, coap_packet_t * response) { uint8_t * tokenP; int token_len; uint16_t clientID; uint16_t obsID; lwm2m_client_t * clientP; lwm2m_observation_t * observationP; uint32_t count; token_len = coap_get_header_token(message, (const uint8_t **)&tokenP); if (token_len != sizeof(uint32_t)) return false; if (1 != coap_get_header_observe(message, &count)) return false; clientID = (tokenP[0] << 8) | tokenP[1]; obsID = (tokenP[2] << 8) | tokenP[3]; clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID); if (clientP == NULL) return false; observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList, obsID); if (observationP == NULL) { coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_RST, 0, message->mid); message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH); } else { if (message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON ) { coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, message->mid); message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH); } observationP->callback(clientID, &observationP->uri, (int)count, message->content_type, message->payload, message->payload_len, observationP->userData); } return true; }
void handle_observe_notify(lwm2m_context_t * contextP, uint8_t * fromAddr, size_t fromAddrLen, coap_packet_t * message) { uint8_t * tokenP; int token_len; uint16_t clientID; uint16_t obsID; lwm2m_client_t * clientP; lwm2m_observation_t * observationP; uint32_t count; token_len = coap_get_header_token(message, (const uint8_t **)&tokenP); if (token_len != sizeof(uint32_t)) return; if (1 != coap_get_header_observe(message, &count)) return; clientID = (tokenP[0] << 8) | tokenP[1]; obsID = (tokenP[2] << 8) | tokenP[3]; clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID); if (clientP == NULL) return; observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList, obsID); if (observationP == NULL) { coap_packet_t resetMsg; coap_init_message(&resetMsg, COAP_TYPE_RST, 0, message->mid); message_send(contextP, &resetMsg, fromAddr, fromAddrLen); } else { observationP->callback(clientID, &observationP->uri, (int)count, message->payload, message->payload_len, observationP->userData); } }
void mirror_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { /* The ETag and Token is copied to the header. */ uint8_t opaque[] = {0x0A, 0xBC, 0xDE}; /* Strings are not copied, so use static string buffers or strings in .text memory (char *str = "string in .text";). */ static char location[] = {'/','f','/','a','?','k','&','e', 0}; /* Getter for the header option Content-Type. If the option is not set, text/plain is returned by default. */ unsigned int content_type = REST.get_header_content_type(request); /* The other getters copy the value (or string/array pointer) to the given pointers and return 1 for success or the length of strings/arrays. */ uint32_t max_age_and_size = 0; const char *str = NULL; uint32_t observe = 0; const uint8_t *bytes = NULL; uint32_t block_num = 0; uint8_t block_more = 0; uint16_t block_size = 0; const char *query = ""; int len = 0; /* Mirror the received header options in the response payload. Unsupported getters (e.g., rest_get_header_observe() with HTTP) will return 0. */ int strpos = 0; /* snprintf() counts the terminating '\0' to the size parameter. * The additional byte is taken care of by allocating REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE+1 bytes in the REST framework. * Add +1 to fill the complete buffer, as the payload does not need a terminating '\0'. */ if (content_type!=-1) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE+1, "CT %u\n", content_type); } /* Some getters such as for ETag or Location are omitted, as these options should not appear in a request. * Max-Age might appear in HTTP requests or used for special purposes in CoAP. */ if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && REST.get_header_max_age(request, &max_age_and_size)) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "MA %lu\n", max_age_and_size); } /* For HTTP this is the Length option, for CoAP it is the Size option. */ if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && REST.get_header_length(request, &max_age_and_size)) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "SZ %lu\n", max_age_and_size); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = REST.get_header_host(request, &str))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "UH %.*s\n", len, str); } /* CoAP-specific example: actions not required for normal RESTful Web service. */ #if WITH_COAP > 1 if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_observe(request, &observe)) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Ob %lu\n", observe); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_token(request, &bytes))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "To 0x"); int index = 0; for (index = 0; index<len; ++index) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%02X", bytes[index]); } strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "\n"); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_etag(request, &bytes))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "ET 0x"); int index = 0; for (index = 0; index<len; ++index) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%02X", bytes[index]); } strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "\n"); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_uri_path(request, &str))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "UP "); strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%.*s\n", len, str); } #if WITH_COAP == 3 if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_location(request, &str))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Lo %.*s\n", len, str); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_block(request, &block_num, &block_more, &block_size, NULL)) /* This getter allows NULL pointers to get only a subset of the block parameters. */ { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Bl %lu%s (%u)\n", block_num, block_more ? "+" : "", block_size); } #else if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_location_path(request, &str))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "LP %.*s\n", len, str); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_location_query(request, &str))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "LQ %.*s\n", len, str); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_block2(request, &block_num, &block_more, &block_size, NULL)) /* This getter allows NULL pointers to get only a subset of the block parameters. */ { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "B2 %lu%s (%u)\n", block_num, block_more ? "+" : "", block_size); } /* * Critical Block1 option is currently rejected by engine. * if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_block1(request, &block_num, &block_more, &block_size, NULL)) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "B1 %lu%s (%u)\n", block_num, block_more ? "+" : "", block_size); } */ #endif /* CoAP > 03 */ #endif /* CoAP-specific example */ if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = REST.get_query(request, &query))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Qu %.*s\n", len, query); } if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = REST.get_request_payload(request, &bytes))) { strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%.*s", len, bytes); } if (strpos >= REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) { buffer[REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-1] = 0xBB; /* '»' to indicate truncation */ } REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, strpos); PRINTF("/mirror options received: %s\n", buffer); /* Set dummy header options for response. Like getters, some setters are not implemented for HTTP and have no effect. */ REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); REST.set_header_max_age(response, 17); /* For HTTP, browsers will not re-request the page for 17 seconds. */ REST.set_header_etag(response, opaque, 2); REST.set_header_location(response, location); /* Initial slash is omitted by framework */ REST.set_header_length(response, strpos); /* For HTTP, browsers will not re-request the page for 10 seconds. CoAP action depends on the client. */ /* CoAP-specific example: actions not required for normal RESTful Web service. */ #if WITH_COAP > 1 coap_set_header_uri_host(response, "tiki"); coap_set_header_observe(response, 10); #if WITH_COAP == 3 coap_set_header_block(response, 42, 0, 64); /* The block option might be overwritten by the framework when blockwise transfer is requested. */ #else coap_set_header_proxy_uri(response, "ftp://x"); coap_set_header_block2(response, 42, 0, 64); /* The block option might be overwritten by the framework when blockwise transfer is requested. */ coap_set_header_block1(response, 23, 0, 16); coap_set_header_accept(response, TEXT_PLAIN); coap_set_header_if_none_match(response); #endif /* CoAP > 03 */ #endif /* CoAP-specific example */ }
static void coap_HandleResource(/*CoapRequestHandlerCallbacks * RequestCB,*/ void *packet, void *response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { const char *url = NULL; int urlLen = 0; const uint8_t * payload = NULL; int payloadLen = 0; int content = -1; coap_packet_t *const request = (coap_packet_t *)packet; CoapResponse coapResponse = { .responseContent = buffer, .responseContentLen = preferred_size, .responseCode = 400, }; payloadLen = REST.get_request_payload(request, &payload); if ((urlLen = REST.get_url(request, &url))) { char uriBuf[64] = {0}; rest_resource_flags_t method = REST.get_method_type(request); uriBuf[0] = '/'; memcpy(&uriBuf[1], url, urlLen); const char * query = NULL; REST.get_query(request, &query); CoapRequest coapRequest = { .ctxt = context, .addr = { 0 }, .path = uriBuf, .query = query, .token = request->token, .tokenLength = request->token_len, .requestContent = payload, .requestContentLen = payloadLen, }; memcpy(&coapRequest.addr.Addr, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t)); coapRequest.addr.Port = uip_ntohs(UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport); switch(method) { case METHOD_GET: REST.get_header_accept(request, &content); coapRequest.contentType = content; int32_t observe; if (!coap_get_header_observe(request, &observe)) observe = -1; switch(observe) { case -1: Lwm2m_Debug("Coap GET for %s\n", uriBuf); coapRequest.type = COAP_GET_REQUEST; requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; case 0: Lwm2m_Debug("Coap OBSERVE for %s\n", uriBuf); coapRequest.type = COAP_OBSERVE_REQUEST; requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); coap_set_header_observe(response, 1); break; case 1: Lwm2m_Debug("Coap CANCEL OBSERVE for %s\n", uriBuf); coapRequest.type = COAP_CANCEL_OBSERVE_REQUEST; requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; default: break; } REST.set_header_content_type(response, coapResponse.responseContentType); /* text/plain is the default, hence this option could be omitted. */ break; case METHOD_POST: REST.get_header_content_type(request, &content); coapRequest.contentType = content; coapRequest.type = COAP_POST_REQUEST; Lwm2m_Debug("Coap POST for %s\n", uriBuf); requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; case METHOD_PUT: REST.get_header_content_type(request, &content); coapRequest.contentType = content; coapRequest.type = COAP_PUT_REQUEST; Lwm2m_Debug("Coap PUT for %s\n", uriBuf); requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; case METHOD_DELETE: coapRequest.contentType = ContentType_None; coapRequest.type = COAP_DELETE_REQUEST; Lwm2m_Debug("Coap DELETE for %s\n", uriBuf); requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; default: break; } if (coapResponse.responseContentLen > 0 && coapResponse.responseCode == 205 ) { REST.set_response_payload(response, coapResponse.responseContent, coapResponse.responseContentLen); } } REST.set_response_status(response, COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(coapResponse.responseCode)); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int coap_receive(void) { coap_error_code = NO_ERROR; PRINTF("handle_incoming_data(): received uip_datalen=%u \n",(uint16_t)uip_datalen()); /* Static declaration reduces stack peaks and program code size. */ static coap_packet_t message[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */ static coap_packet_t response[1]; static coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL; if (uip_newdata()) { PRINTF("receiving UDP datagram from: "); PRINT6ADDR(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr); PRINTF(":%u\n Length: %u\n Data: ", uip_ntohs(UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport), uip_datalen() ); PRINTBITS(uip_appdata, uip_datalen()); PRINTF("\n"); coap_error_code = coap_parse_message(message, uip_appdata, uip_datalen()); if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR) { /*TODO duplicates suppression, if required by application */ PRINTF(" Parsed: v %u, t %u, tkl %u, c %u, mid %u\n", message->version, message->type, message->token_len, message->code, message->mid); PRINTF(" URL: %.*s\n", message->uri_path_len, message->uri_path); PRINTF(" Payload: %.*s\n", message->payload_len, message->payload); /* Handle requests. */ if (message->code >= COAP_GET && message->code <= COAP_DELETE) { /* Use transaction buffer for response to confirmable request. */ if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(message->mid, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport)) ) { uint32_t block_num = 0; uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; uint32_t block_offset = 0; int32_t new_offset = 0; /* prepare response */ if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON) { /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */ coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, CONTENT_2_05, message->mid); } else { /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */ coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, coap_get_mid()); } /* mirror token */ if (message->token_len) { coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len); } /* get offset for blockwise transfers */ if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset)) { PRINTF("Blockwise: block request %lu (%u/%u) @ %lu bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset); block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); new_offset = block_offset; } /* Invoke resource handler. */ if (service_cbk) { /* Call REST framework and check if found and allowed. */ if (service_cbk(message, response, transaction->packet+COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE, block_size, &new_offset)) { if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR) { /* Apply blockwise transfers. */ if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) && response->code<BAD_REQUEST_4_00 && !IS_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) ) { PRINTF("Block1 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n"); coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01; coap_error_message = "NoBlock1Support"; } else if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) ) { /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */ if (new_offset==block_offset) { PRINTF("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u\n", response->payload_len, block_size); if (block_offset >= response->payload_len) { PRINTF("handle_incoming_data(): block_offset >= response->payload_len\n"); response->code = BAD_OPTION_4_02; coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); /* a const char str[] and sizeof(str) produces larger code size */ } else { coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size); coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size)); } /* if (valid offset) */ } else { /* resource provides chunk-wise data */ PRINTF("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %ld\n", new_offset); coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size); if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size); } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */ } else if (new_offset!=0) { PRINTF("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); coap_set_header_block2(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)); } /* if (blockwise request) */ } /* no errors/hooks */ } /* successful service callback */ /* Serialize response. */ if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR) { if ((transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(response, transaction->packet))==0) { coap_error_code = PACKET_SERIALIZATION_ERROR; } } } else { coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01; coap_error_message = "NoServiceCallbck"; // no a to fit 16 bytes } /* if (service callback) */ } else { coap_error_code = SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_5_03; coap_error_message = "NoFreeTraBuffer"; } /* if (transaction buffer) */ } else { /* Responses */ uint32_t observe = 0; coap_subscription_t *subscription; coap_transaction_t *open_transaction = NULL; transaction = NULL; if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON && message->code==0) { PRINTF("Received Ping\n"); coap_error_code = PING_RESPONSE; } else if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_ACK) { /* Transactions are closed through lookup below */ PRINTF("Received ACK\n"); } else if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_RST) { PRINTF("Received RST\n"); /* Cancel possible subscriptions. */ coap_remove_observer_by_mid(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, message->mid); } else if (coap_get_header_observe(message, &observe)) { PRINTF("Received a notification on a subscription\n"); if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON) // notifications can be confirmable or not { PRINTF("creating ACK for confirmable notification\n"); if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(message->mid, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport))) { /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */ coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, CONTENT_2_05, message->mid); /* mirror token */ if (message->token_len) { coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len); } else { PRINTF("No token in notification from observed resource?\n"); } } else { /* TODO: correct to send 5.03? */ coap_error_code = SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_5_03; coap_error_message = "NoFreeTraBuffer"; } } /* if (confirmable notification) */ if (message->token_len) { if ((subscription = coap_get_subscription_by_token(message->token, message->token_len))) { if (message->code == CONTENT_2_05 || message->code == VALID_2_03) { // now passing the message to the handler that also handled the repsonce of the first subscription GET subscription->callback(message); } else { // the server sent a non valid notification, indicating that the resource is no longer valid coap_clear_subscription(subscription); } } else { PRINTF("No handler found for notification based on token\n"); } } else { PRINTF("No token in notification from observed resource!?\n"); } /* notification had a token, which it should */ } /* received notification from observed resource */ if ( (open_transaction = coap_get_transaction_by_mid(message->mid)) ) { /* Free transaction memory before callback, as it may create a new transaction. */ restful_response_handler callback = transaction->callback; void *callback_data = transaction->callback_data; coap_clear_transaction(transaction); /* Check if someone registered for the response */ if (callback) { callback(callback_data, message); } } /* if (ACKed transaction) */ transaction = NULL; } /* Request or Response */ } /* if (parsed correctly) */ if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR) { if (transaction) coap_send_transaction(transaction); } else if (coap_error_code==MANUAL_RESPONSE) { PRINTF("Clearing transaction for manual response"); coap_clear_transaction(transaction); } else { coap_message_type_t reply_type = COAP_TYPE_ACK; PRINTF("ERROR %u: %s\n", coap_error_code, coap_error_message); coap_clear_transaction(transaction); /* Set to sendable error code. */ if (coap_error_code >= 192) { coap_error_code = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_5_00; } if (coap_error_code == PING_RESPONSE) { coap_error_code = 0; reply_type = COAP_TYPE_RST; } /* Reuse input buffer for error message. */ coap_init_message(message, reply_type, coap_error_code, message->mid); coap_set_payload(message, coap_error_message, strlen(coap_error_message)); coap_send_message(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, uip_appdata, coap_serialize_message(message, uip_appdata)); } } /* if (new data) */ return coap_error_code; }
static int coap_HandleRequest(void *packet, void *response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { int result = 1; const char *url = NULL; int urlLen = 0; const uint8_t * payload = NULL; int payloadLen = 0; int content = -1; coap_packet_t * const request = (coap_packet_t *) packet; CoapResponse coapResponse = { .responseContent = buffer, .responseContentLen = preferred_size, .responseCode = 400, }; payloadLen = coap_get_payload(request, &payload); if ((urlLen = coap_get_header_uri_path(request, &url))) { char uriBuf[MAX_COAP_PATH] = { 0 }; rest_resource_flags_t method = (rest_resource_flags_t) (1 << (((coap_packet_t *) packet)->code - 1)); //coap_get_rest_method(request); uriBuf[0] = '/'; memcpy(&uriBuf[1], url, urlLen); char queryBuf[128] = "?"; const char * query = NULL; int queryLength = coap_get_header_uri_query(request, &query); if (queryLength > 0) memcpy(&queryBuf[1], query, queryLength); queryBuf[queryLength+1] = '\0'; CoapRequest coapRequest = { .ctxt = context, .addr = { 0 }, .path = uriBuf, .query = queryBuf, .token = request->token, .tokenLength = request->token_len, .requestContent = payload, .requestContentLen = payloadLen, }; NetworkAddress_SetAddressType(sourceAddress, &coapRequest.addr); switch (method) { case METHOD_GET: coap_get_header_accept(request, &content); coapRequest.contentType = content; int32_t observe; if (!coap_get_header_observe(request, &observe)) observe = -1; switch (observe) { case -1: Lwm2m_Debug("Coap GET for %s\n", uriBuf); coapRequest.type = COAP_GET_REQUEST; requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; case 0: Lwm2m_Debug("Coap OBSERVE for %s\n", uriBuf); coapRequest.type = COAP_OBSERVE_REQUEST; requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); coap_set_header_observe(response, 1); break; case 1: Lwm2m_Debug("Coap CANCEL OBSERVE for %s\n", uriBuf); coapRequest.type = COAP_CANCEL_OBSERVE_REQUEST; requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; default: break; } coap_set_header_content_format(response, coapResponse.responseContentType); /* text/plain is the default, hence this option could be omitted. */ break; case METHOD_POST: coap_get_header_content_format(request, &content); coapRequest.contentType = content; coapRequest.type = COAP_POST_REQUEST; Lwm2m_Debug("Coap POST for %s\n", uriBuf); requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); if (coapResponse.responseContentLen > 0 && coapResponse.responseCode == 201) { coap_set_header_location_path(response, coapResponse.responseContent); } break; case METHOD_PUT: coap_get_header_content_format(request, &content); coapRequest.contentType = content; coapRequest.type = COAP_PUT_REQUEST; Lwm2m_Debug("Coap PUT for %s\n", uriBuf); requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; case METHOD_DELETE: coapRequest.contentType = ContentType_None; coapRequest.type = COAP_DELETE_REQUEST; Lwm2m_Debug("Coap DELETE for %s\n", uriBuf); requestHandler(&coapRequest, &coapResponse); break; default: break; } if (coapResponse.responseContentLen > 0 && coapResponse.responseCode == 205) { coap_set_payload(response, coapResponse.responseContent, coapResponse.responseContentLen); } } coap_set_status_code(response, COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(coapResponse.responseCode)); return result; }