Exemple #1
cpArbiterUpdate(cpArbiter *arb, cpContact *contacts, int numContacts, cpCollisionHandler *handler, cpShape *a, cpShape *b)
	// Arbiters without contact data may exist if a collision function rejected the collision.
		// Iterate over the possible pairs to look for hash value matches.
		for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
			cpContact *old = &arb->contacts[i];
			for(int j=0; j<numContacts; j++){
				cpContact *new_contact = &contacts[j];
				// This could trigger false positives, but is fairly unlikely nor serious if it does.
				if(new_contact->hash == old->hash){
					// Copy the persistant contact information.
					new_contact->jnAcc = old->jnAcc;
					new_contact->jtAcc = old->jtAcc;
	arb->contacts = contacts;
	arb->numContacts = numContacts;
	arb->handler = handler;
	arb->swappedColl = (a->collision_type != handler->a);
	arb->e = a->e * b->e;
	arb->u = a->u * b->u;
	arb->surface_vr = cpvsub(a->surface_v, b->surface_v);
	// For collisions between two similar primitive types, the order could have been swapped.
	arb->a = a; arb->body_a = a->body;
	arb->b = b; arb->body_b = b->body;
	// mark it as new if it's been cached
	if(arb->state == cpArbiterStateCached) arb->state = cpArbiterStateFirstColl;
Exemple #2
/* Mouse handling is a bit tricky. We want the user to move
 * tiles using the mouse but because tiles are dynamic bodies
 * managed by Chipmunk2D, we cannot directly control them.
 * This is resolved by creating a pivot joint between an
 * invisible mouse body that we can control and the tile body
 * that we cannot directly control.
static void apply_mouse_motion(struct state* state)
    struct mouse m;
    int w, h;
    get_screen_size(&w, &h);
    int x = m.x_position * w;
    int y = m.y_position * h;
    cpVect mouse_pos = cpv(x, y);
    cpVect new_point =
        cpvlerp(cpBodyGetPosition(state->mouse_body), mouse_pos, 0.25f);
        cpvmult(cpvsub(new_point, cpBodyGetPosition(state->mouse_body)),
    cpBodySetPosition(state->mouse_body, new_point);
    if (m.left_click && state->mouse_joint == NULL) {
        cpFloat radius = 5.0;
        cpPointQueryInfo info = { 0 };
        cpShape* shape = cpSpacePointQueryNearest(state->space, mouse_pos,
                                                  radius, GRAB_FILTER, &info);
        if (shape && cpBodyGetMass(cpShapeGetBody(shape)) < INFINITY) {
            cpVect nearest = (info.distance > 0.0f ? info.point : mouse_pos);
            cpBody* body = cpShapeGetBody(shape);
            state->mouse_joint =
                cpPivotJointNew2(state->mouse_body, body, cpvzero,
                                 cpBodyWorldToLocal(body, nearest));
            cpConstraintSetMaxForce(state->mouse_joint, 5000000.0f);
                                     cpfpow(1.0f - 0.15f, 60.0f));
            cpSpaceAddConstraint(state->space, state->mouse_joint);
    if (m.left_click == false && state->mouse_joint != NULL) {
        cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(state->space, state->mouse_joint);                                                 
        state->mouse_joint = NULL;  
Exemple #3
cpArbiterGetContactPointSet(const cpArbiter *arb)
	cpContactPointSet set;
	set.count = cpArbiterGetCount(arb);
	cpBool swapped = arb->swapped;
	cpVect n = arb->n;
	set.normal = (swapped ? cpvneg(n) : n);
	for(int i=0; i<set.count; i++){
		// Contact points are relative to body CoGs;
		cpVect p1 = cpvadd(arb->body_a->p, arb->contacts[i].r1);
		cpVect p2 = cpvadd(arb->body_b->p, arb->contacts[i].r2);
		set.points[i].point1 = (swapped ? p2 : p1);
		set.points[i].point2 = (swapped ? p1 : p2);
		set.points[i].distance = cpvdot(cpvsub(p2, p1), n);
	return set;
static void
preStep(cpDampedSpring *spring, cpFloat dt, cpFloat dt_inv)
	CONSTRAINT_BEGIN(spring, a, b);
	spring->r1 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr1, a->rot);
	spring->r2 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, spring->r2), cpvadd(a->p, spring->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	spring->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : INFINITY));
	cpFloat k = k_scalar(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, spring->n);
	spring->nMass = 1.0f/k;
	spring->target_vrn = 0.0f;
	spring->v_coef = 1.0f - cpfexp(-spring->damping*dt*k);

	// apply spring force
	cpFloat f_spring = spring->springForceFunc((cpConstraint *)spring, dist);
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, f_spring*dt));
static void
cpPolyShapeNearestPointQuery(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpNearestPointQueryInfo *info){
	int count = poly->numVerts;
	cpSplittingPlane *planes = poly->tPlanes;
	cpVect *verts = poly->tVerts;
	cpFloat r = poly->r;
	cpVect v0 = verts[count - 1];
	cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;
	cpVect closestPoint = cpvzero;
	cpVect closestNormal = cpvzero;
	cpBool outside = cpFalse;
	for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
		if(cpSplittingPlaneCompare(planes[i], p) > 0.0f) outside = cpTrue;
		cpVect v1 = verts[i];
		cpVect closest = cpClosetPointOnSegment(p, v0, v1);
		cpFloat dist = cpvdist(p, closest);
		if(dist < minDist){
			minDist = dist;
			closestPoint = closest;
			closestNormal = planes[i].n;
		v0 = v1;
	cpFloat dist = (outside ? minDist : -minDist);
	cpVect g = cpvmult(cpvsub(p, closestPoint), 1.0f/dist);
	info->shape = (cpShape *)poly;
	info->p = cpvadd(closestPoint, cpvmult(g, r));
	info->d = dist - r;
	// Use the normal of the closest segment if the distance is small.
	info->g = (minDist > MAGIC_EPSILON ? g : closestNormal);
static void
preStep(cpPivotJoint *joint, cpFloat dt, cpFloat dt_inv)
	cpBody *a = joint->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = joint->constraint.b;
	joint->r1 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr1, a->rot);
	joint->r2 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr2, b->rot);
	// Calculate mass tensor
	k_tensor(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, &joint->k1, &joint->k2);
	// compute max impulse
	joint->jMaxLen = J_MAX(joint, dt);
	// calculate bias velocity
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, joint->r2), cpvadd(a->p, joint->r1));
	joint->bias = cpvclamp(cpvmult(delta, -joint->constraint.biasCoef*dt_inv), joint->constraint.maxBias);
	// apply accumulated impulse
	apply_impulses(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, joint->jAcc);
Exemple #7
static void
preStep(cpSlideJoint *joint, cpFloat dt, cpFloat dt_inv)
	CONSTRAINT_BEGIN(joint, a, b);
	joint->r1 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr1, a->rot);
	joint->r2 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, joint->r2), cpvadd(a->p, joint->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	cpFloat pdist = 0.0f;
	if(dist > joint->max) {
		pdist = dist - joint->max;
	} else if(dist < joint->min) {
		pdist = joint->min - dist;
		dist = -dist;
	joint->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : (cpFloat)CP_INFINITY));
	// calculate mass normal
	joint->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, joint->n);
	// calculate bias velocity
	cpFloat maxBias = joint->constraint.maxBias;
	joint->bias = cpfclamp(-joint->constraint.biasCoef*dt_inv*(pdist), -maxBias, maxBias);
	// compute max impulse
	joint->jnMax = J_MAX(joint, dt);

	// apply accumulated impulse
	if(!joint->bias) //{
		// if bias is 0, then the joint is not at a limit.
		joint->jnAcc = 0.0f;
//	} else {
		cpVect j = cpvmult(joint->n, joint->jnAcc);
		apply_impulses(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, j);
//	}
Exemple #8
// takes array of vertices, returns center x and y coordinates in address of x and y
// algorithm: take average x value average y value
static void core_freestyle_center ( cpVect * verts, const int num_verts, cpVect * center ) {
    cpFloat tot_length = 0.0;
    // assume uniform mass, so length can be substitued as mass
    cpVect center_of_mass = cpvzero;
    for ( int i = 0; i< num_verts - 1; i++ ) {
        cpFloat length = cpvdist ( verts[i], verts[i+1] );
        cpVect to_cent = cpvmult ( cpvsub ( verts[i+1], verts[i] ), 0.5 );
        cpVect loc_center = cpvadd ( verts[i], to_cent );
        center_of_mass = cpvadd ( center_of_mass, cpvmult ( loc_center, length ) );
        tot_length += length;
    center_of_mass = cpvmult ( center_of_mass, 1/tot_length );
    center->x = center_of_mass.x;
    center->y = center_of_mass.y;
Exemple #9
static void
setUpVerts(cpPolyShape *poly, int numVerts, const cpVect *verts, cpVect offset)
    // Fail if the user attempts to pass a concave poly, or a bad winding.
    cpAssertHard(cpPolyValidate(verts, numVerts), "Polygon is concave or has a reversed winding. Consider using cpConvexHull() or CP_CONVEX_HULL().");

    poly->numVerts = numVerts;
    poly->verts = (cpVect *)cpcalloc(2*numVerts, sizeof(cpVect));
    poly->planes = (cpSplittingPlane *)cpcalloc(2*numVerts, sizeof(cpSplittingPlane));
    poly->tVerts = poly->verts + numVerts;
    poly->tPlanes = poly->planes + numVerts;

    for(int i=0; i<numVerts; i++) {
        cpVect a = cpvadd(offset, verts[i]);
        cpVect b = cpvadd(offset, verts[(i+1)%numVerts]);
        cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvperp(cpvsub(b, a)));

        poly->verts[i] = a;
        poly->planes[i].n = n;
        poly->planes[i].d = cpvdot(n, a);

Exemple #10
static void
preStep(cpDampedSpring *spring, cpFloat dt, cpFloat dt_inv)
	cpBody *a = spring->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = spring->constraint.b;
	spring->r1 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr1, a->rot);
	spring->r2 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, spring->r2), cpvadd(a->p, spring->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	spring->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : INFINITY));
	// calculate mass normal
	spring->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, spring->n);

	spring->dt = dt;
	spring->target_vrn = 0.0f;

	// apply spring force
	cpFloat f_spring = spring->springForceFunc((cpConstraint *)spring, dist);
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, f_spring*dt));
Exemple #11
static void
update(int ticks)
	int steps = 1;
	cpFloat dt = 1.0f/60.0f/(cpFloat)steps;
	for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
		// turn the control body based on the angle relative to the actual body
		cpVect mouseDelta = cpvsub(mousePoint, tankBody->p);
		cpFloat turn = cpvtoangle(cpvunrotate(tankBody->rot, mouseDelta));
		cpBodySetAngle(tankControlBody, tankBody->a - turn);
		// drive the tank towards the mouse
		if(cpvnear(mousePoint, tankBody->p, 30.0)){
			tankControlBody->v = cpvzero; // stop
		} else {
			cpFloat direction = (cpvdot(mouseDelta, tankBody->rot) > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
			tankControlBody->v = cpvrotate(tankBody->rot, cpv(30.0f*direction, 0.0f));
		cpSpaceStep(space, dt);
// Add contact points for circle to circle collisions.
// Used by several collision tests.
static int
circle2circleQuery(cpVect p1, cpVect p2, cpFloat r1, cpFloat r2, cpContact *con)
	cpFloat mindist = r1 + r2;
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(p2, p1);
	cpFloat distsq = cpvlengthsq(delta);
	if(distsq >= mindist*mindist) return 0;
	cpFloat dist = cpfsqrt(distsq);
	// To avoid singularities, do nothing in the case of dist = 0.
	cpFloat non_zero_dist = (dist ? dist : INFINITY);

	// Allocate and initialize the contact.
		cpvadd(p1, cpvmult(delta, 0.5f + (r1 - 0.5f*mindist)/non_zero_dist)),
		cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/non_zero_dist),
		dist - mindist,
	return 1;
static void
preStep(cpPinJoint *joint, cpFloat dt)
    cpBody *a = joint->constraint.a;
    cpBody *b = joint->constraint.b;
    joint->r1 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr1, a->rot);
    joint->r2 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr2, b->rot);
    cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, joint->r2), cpvadd(a->p, joint->r1));
    cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
    joint->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : (cpFloat)INFINITY));
    // calculate mass normal
    joint->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, joint->n);
    // calculate bias velocity
    cpFloat maxBias = joint->constraint.maxBias;
    joint->bias = cpfclamp(-bias_coef(joint->constraint.errorBias, dt)*(dist - joint->dist)/dt, -maxBias, maxBias);
    // compute max impulse
    joint->jnMax = J_MAX(joint, dt);
Exemple #14
static void
preStep(cpDampedSpring *spring, cpFloat dt)
	cpBody *a = spring->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = spring->constraint.b;
	spring->r1 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr1, a->rot);
	spring->r2 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, spring->r2), cpvadd(a->p, spring->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	spring->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : INFINITY));
	cpFloat k = k_scalar(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, spring->n);
	cpAssertSoft(k != 0.0, "Unsolvable spring.");
	spring->nMass = 1.0f/k;
	spring->target_vrn = 0.0f;
	spring->v_coef = 1.0f - cpfexp(-spring->damping*dt*k);

	// apply spring force
	cpFloat f_spring = spring->springForceFunc((cpConstraint *)spring, dist);
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, f_spring*dt));
static void
	cpVect newPoint = cpvlerp(mousePoint_last, mousePoint, 0.25f);
	mouseBody->p = newPoint;
	mouseBody->v = cpvmult(cpvsub(newPoint, mousePoint_last), 60.0f);
	mousePoint_last = newPoint;
  if(!paused || step > 0){
    step = (step > 1 ? step - 1 : 0);
	drawSpace(space, currDemo->drawOptions ? currDemo->drawOptions : &options);
	drawString(-300, -210, messageString);
Exemple #16
cpBodySlew(cpBody *body, cpVect pos, cpFloat dt)
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(pos, body->p);
	body->v = cpvmult(delta, 1.0/dt);
cpVect * bmx_cpvect_sub(cpVect * vec, cpVect * vec2) {
	return bmx_cpvect_new(cpvsub(*vec, *vec2));
Exemple #18
// Modified from chipmunk_private.h
cpFloat Buoyancy::KScalarBody(cpBody *body, cpVect point, cpVect n)
    cpFloat rcn = cpvcross(cpvsub(point, cpBodyGetPosition(body)), n);
    return 1.0f/cpBodyGetMass(body) + rcn*rcn/cpBodyGetMoment(body);
void ColliderDetector::updateTransform(Mat4 &t)
    if (!_active)

    for(auto& object : _colliderBodyList)
        ColliderBody *colliderBody = (ColliderBody *)object;
        ContourData *contourData = colliderBody->getContourData();

        b2PolygonShape *shape = nullptr;
        if (_body != nullptr)
            shape = (b2PolygonShape *)colliderBody->getB2Fixture()->GetShape();
        cpPolyShape *shape = nullptr;
        if (_body != nullptr)
            shape = (cpPolyShape *)colliderBody->getShape();

        unsigned long num = contourData->vertexList.size();
        std::vector<cocos2d::Vec2> &vs = contourData->vertexList;

        std::vector<cocos2d::Vec2> &cvs = colliderBody->_calculatedVertexList;

        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; i++)
            helpPoint.setPoint( vs.at(i).x,  vs.at(i).y);
            helpPoint = PointApplyTransform(helpPoint, t);

            cvs.at(i).x = helpPoint.x;
            cvs.at(i).y = helpPoint.y;

            if (shape != nullptr)
                b2Vec2 &bv = shape->m_vertices[i];
                bv.Set(helpPoint.x / PT_RATIO, helpPoint.y / PT_RATIO);
            if (shape != nullptr)
                cpVect v ;
                v.x = helpPoint.x;
                v.y = helpPoint.y;
                shape->verts[i] = v;

        cpConvexHull((int)num, shape->verts, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; i++)
            cpVect b = shape->verts[(i + 1) % shape->numVerts];
            cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvperp(cpvsub(b, shape->verts[i])));

            shape->planes[i].n = n;
            shape->planes[i].d = cpvdot(n, shape->verts[i]);
Exemple #20
cpBool Buoyancy::WaterPreSolve(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *ptr)
    CP_ARBITER_GET_SHAPES(arb, water, poly);
    cpBody *body = cpShapeGetBody(poly);

    // Get the top of the water sensor bounding box to use as the water level.
    cpFloat level = cpShapeGetBB(water).t;

    // Clip the polygon against the water level
    int count = cpPolyShapeGetCount(poly);
    int clippedCount = 0;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    // MSVC is pretty much the only compiler in existence that doesn't support variable sized arrays.
    cpVect clipped[10];
    cpVect clipped[count + 1];

    for(int i=0, j=count-1; i<count; j=i, i++){
        cpVect a = cpBodyLocalToWorld(body, cpPolyShapeGetVert(poly, j));
        cpVect b = cpBodyLocalToWorld(body, cpPolyShapeGetVert(poly, i));

        if(a.y < level){
            clipped[clippedCount] = a;

        cpFloat a_level = a.y - level;
        cpFloat b_level = b.y - level;

        if(a_level*b_level < 0.0f){
            cpFloat t = cpfabs(a_level)/(cpfabs(a_level) + cpfabs(b_level));

            clipped[clippedCount] = cpvlerp(a, b, t);

    // Calculate buoyancy from the clipped polygon area
    cpFloat clippedArea = cpAreaForPoly(clippedCount, clipped, 0.0f);
    cpFloat displacedMass = clippedArea*FLUID_DENSITY;
    cpVect centroid = cpCentroidForPoly(clippedCount, clipped);

    cpDataPointer data = ptr;
    DrawPolygon(clippedCount, clipped, 0.0f, RGBAColor(0, 0, 1, 1), RGBAColor(0, 0, 1, 0.1f), data);
    DrawDot(5, centroid, RGBAColor(0, 0, 1, 1), data);

    cpFloat dt = cpSpaceGetCurrentTimeStep(space);
    cpVect g = cpSpaceGetGravity(space);

    // Apply the buoyancy force as an impulse.
    cpBodyApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(body, cpvmult(g, -displacedMass*dt), centroid);

    // Apply linear damping for the fluid drag.
    cpVect v_centroid = cpBodyGetVelocityAtWorldPoint(body, centroid);
    cpFloat k = k_scalar_body(body, centroid, cpvnormalize(v_centroid));
    cpFloat damping = clippedArea*FLUID_DRAG*FLUID_DENSITY;
    cpFloat v_coef = cpfexp(-damping*dt*k); // linear drag
    //	cpFloat v_coef = 1.0/(1.0 + damping*dt*cpvlength(v_centroid)*k); // quadratic drag
    cpBodyApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(body, cpvmult(cpvsub(cpvmult(v_centroid, v_coef), v_centroid), 1.0/k), centroid);

    // Apply angular damping for the fluid drag.
    cpVect cog = cpBodyLocalToWorld(body, cpBodyGetCenterOfGravity(body));
    cpFloat w_damping = cpMomentForPoly(FLUID_DRAG*FLUID_DENSITY*clippedArea, clippedCount, clipped, cpvneg(cog), 0.0f);
    cpBodySetAngularVelocity(body, cpBodyGetAngularVelocity(body)*cpfexp(-w_damping*dt/cpBodyGetMoment(body)));

    return cpTrue;
Exemple #21
// Find the closest p(t) to (0, 0) where p(t) = a*(1-t)/2 + b*(1+t)/2
// The range for t is [-1, 1] to avoid floating point issues if the parameters are swapped.
static inline cpFloat
ClosestT(const cpVect a, const cpVect b)
    cpVect delta = cpvsub(b, a);
    return -cpfclamp(cpvdot(delta, cpvadd(a, b))/cpvlengthsq(delta), -1.0f, 1.0f);
Exemple #22
// Recursive implementation of the EPA loop.
// Each recursion adds a point to the convex hull until it's known that we have the closest point on the surface.
static struct ClosestPoints
EPARecurse(const struct SupportContext *ctx, const int count, const struct MinkowskiPoint *hull, const int iteration)
    int mini = 0;
    cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;

    // TODO: precalculate this when building the hull and save a step.
    // Find the closest segment hull[i] and hull[i + 1] to (0, 0)
    for(int j=0, i=count-1; j<count; i=j, j++) {
        cpFloat d = ClosestDist(hull[i].ab, hull[j].ab);
        if(d < minDist) {
            minDist = d;
            mini = i;

    struct MinkowskiPoint v0 = hull[mini];
    struct MinkowskiPoint v1 = hull[(mini + 1)%count];
    cpAssertSoft(!cpveql(v0.ab, v1.ab), "Internal Error: EPA vertexes are the same (%d and %d)", mini, (mini + 1)%count);

    // Check if there is a point on the minkowski difference beyond this edge.
    struct MinkowskiPoint p = Support(ctx, cpvperp(cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab)));

    cpVect verts[count];
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++) verts[i] = hull[i].ab;

    ChipmunkDebugDrawPolygon(count, verts, 0.0, RGBAColor(1, 1, 0, 1), RGBAColor(1, 1, 0, 0.25));
    ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(v0.ab, v1.ab, RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 1));

    ChipmunkDebugDrawDot(5, p.ab, LAColor(1, 1));

    // The signed area of the triangle [v0.ab, v1.ab, p] will be positive if p lies beyond v0.ab, v1.ab.
    cpFloat area2x = cpvcross(cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab), cpvadd(cpvsub(p.ab, v0.ab), cpvsub(p.ab, v1.ab)));
    if(area2x > 0.0f && iteration < MAX_EPA_ITERATIONS) {
        // Rebuild the convex hull by inserting p.
        struct MinkowskiPoint *hull2 = (struct MinkowskiPoint *)alloca((count + 1)*sizeof(struct MinkowskiPoint));
        int count2 = 1;
        hull2[0] = p;

        for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
            int index = (mini + 1 + i)%count;

            cpVect h0 = hull2[count2 - 1].ab;
            cpVect h1 = hull[index].ab;
            cpVect h2 = (i + 1 < count ? hull[(index + 1)%count] : p).ab;

            // TODO: Should this be changed to an area2x check?
            if(cpvcross(cpvsub(h2, h0), cpvsub(h1, h0)) > 0.0f) {
                hull2[count2] = hull[index];

        return EPARecurse(ctx, count2, hull2, iteration + 1);
    } else {
        // Could not find a new point to insert, so we have found the closest edge of the minkowski difference.
        cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_EPA_ITERATIONS, "High EPA iterations: %d", iteration);
        return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);
Exemple #23

    cpVect *hullVerts = alloca(mdiffCount*sizeof(cpVect));
    int hullCount = cpConvexHull(mdiffCount, mdiffVerts, hullVerts, NULL, 0.0);

    ChipmunkDebugDrawPolygon(hullCount, hullVerts, 0.0, RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 1), RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 0.25));

    struct MinkowskiPoint v0, v1;
    if(*id) {
        // Use the minkowski points from the last frame as a starting point using the cached indexes.
        v0 = MinkowskiPointNew(ShapePoint(ctx->shape1, (*id>>24)&0xFF), ShapePoint(ctx->shape2, (*id>>16)&0xFF));
        v1 = MinkowskiPointNew(ShapePoint(ctx->shape1, (*id>> 8)&0xFF), ShapePoint(ctx->shape2, (*id    )&0xFF));
    } else {
        // No cached indexes, use the shapes' bounding box centers as a guess for a starting axis.
        cpVect axis = cpvperp(cpvsub(cpBBCenter(ctx->shape1->bb), cpBBCenter(ctx->shape2->bb)));
        v0 = Support(ctx, axis);
        v1 = Support(ctx, cpvneg(axis));

    struct ClosestPoints points = GJKRecurse(ctx, v0, v1, 1);
    *id = points.id;
    return points;

//MARK: Contact Clipping

// Given two support edges, find contact point pairs on their surfaces.
static inline void
ContactPoints(const struct Edge e1, const struct Edge e2, const struct ClosestPoints points, struct cpCollisionInfo *info)
Exemple #24
static inline struct MinkowskiPoint
MinkowskiPointNew(const struct SupportPoint a, const struct SupportPoint b)
    struct MinkowskiPoint point = {a.p, b.p, cpvsub(b.p, a.p), (a.index & 0xFF)<<8 | (b.index & 0xFF)};
    return point;
Exemple #25
static void update(void) {
    int steps, i;
    cpFloat dt;
    cpVect look, lastPos, curPos;
    projectile_t *pj; /* temp for looping */

    static cpVect delta = {0, 0};
    static projectile_t *curProj = NULL;
    static bool canToggleEditor = true;

    curPos = atlMousePos();
    lastPos = atlMouseLastPos();

    /* rotate 'gun' based on mouse position */
    look = cpvnormalize(cpvsub(curPos, g_Cannon->body->p));
    cpBodySetAngle(g_Cannon->body, cpvtoangle(look));

    if (isKeyPressed(KEY_e) && canToggleEditor) {
        canToggleEditor = false;
        editorMode = !editorMode;
    } else if (!isKeyPressed(KEY_e)) {
        canToggleEditor = true;

    if (editorMode) {
        if (!editorBody)
    } else {
        if (editorBody)

        if (atlLeftMouseDown()) {

            if (!curProj) {
                /* don't let player hold the left mouse button to fire multiple rounds */
                delta = cpvnormalize(cpvsub(atlMouseClickPos(), g_Cannon->body->p));
                if (g_Cannon->ai < MAX_PROJECTILES) {
                    curProj = g_Cannon->ammo[g_Cannon->ai++];

                    if (curProj) {
                        cpSpaceAddBody(g_Space, curProj->body);
                        curProj->body->p = cpvadd(g_Cannon->body->p,
                                                  cpvmult(look, g_Cannon->length));

                        cpSpaceAddShape(g_Space, curProj->shape);
                                           cpvmult(cpvforangle(g_Cannon->body->a), 600.0f),
        } else {
            curProj = NULL;

    /* treat projectiles as limited resources. only allocated at the start of a level */
    for (i = 0; i <= g_Cannon->ai-1; ++i) {
        pj = g_Cannon->ammo[i];
        if (!pj)

        if (pj->body->v.x >= -0.01f && pj->body->v.x <= 0.01f &&
            pj->body->v.y >= -0.01f && pj->body->v.y <= 0.01f) {
            /* TODO: mark an object for deletion, but don't delete immediately */
            cpSpaceRemoveBody(g_Space, pj->body);
            cpSpaceRemoveShape(g_Space, pj->shape);
            g_Cannon->ammo[i] = NULL;

    steps = 3;
    dt = 1.0f/60.0f/(cpFloat)steps;

    for (i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
        cpSpaceStep(g_Space, dt);
void ColliderDetector::updateTransform(AffineTransform &t)
    if (!m_bActive)

    for(auto object : *m_pColliderBodyList)
        ColliderBody *colliderBody = (ColliderBody *)object;
        ContourData *contourData = colliderBody->getContourData();

        b2PolygonShape* b2shape = nullptr;
        if (m_pB2Body != nullptr)
            b2shape = (b2PolygonShape *)colliderBody->getB2Fixture()->GetShape();

        cpPolyShape* cpshape = nullptr;
        if (m_pCPBody != nullptr)
            cpshape = (cpPolyShape *)colliderBody->getShape();

        int num = contourData->m_tVertexList.count();
        ContourVertex2 **vs = (ContourVertex2 **)contourData->m_tVertexList.data->arr;

        ContourVertex2 **cvs = (ContourVertex2 **)colliderBody->getCalculatedVertexList()->data->arr;

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            helpPoint.setPoint( vs[i]->x,  vs[i]->y);
            helpPoint = PointApplyAffineTransform(helpPoint, t);

            cvs[i]->x = helpPoint.x;
            cvs[i]->y = helpPoint.y;

            if ( b2shape != nullptr )
                b2Vec2 &bv = b2shape->m_vertices[i];
                bv.Set(helpPoint.x / PT_RATIO, helpPoint.y / PT_RATIO);

            if ( cpshape != nullptr )
                cpVect v ;
                v.x = helpPoint.x;
                v.y = helpPoint.y;
                cpshape->verts[i] = v;

		if ( cpshape != nullptr )
			cpConvexHull(num, cpshape->verts, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				cpVect b = cpshape->verts[(i + 1) % cpshape->numVerts];
				cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvperp(cpvsub(b, cpshape->verts[i])));

				cpshape->planes[i].n = n;
				cpshape->planes[i].d = cpvdot(n, cpshape->verts[i]);
Exemple #27
static inline cpFloat
Sharpness(cpVect a, cpVect b, cpVect c)
	// TODO could speed this up by caching the normals instead of calculating each twice.
  return cpvdot(cpvnormalize(cpvsub(a, b)), cpvnormalize(cpvsub(c, b)));