//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup() { ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); n1 = 10; n2 = 20; n3 = 30; //create dispatcher jppevent::EventDispatcher dispatcher(this); //add listener dispatcher.addEventListener("A", eventHandler1); dispatcher.addEventListener("B", eventHandler1); dispatcher.addEventListener("B", eventHandler2, 100); //high priority dispatcher.addEventListener("B", eventHandler3); //dispatch test ofLog() << "----------------------------------------"; jppevent::Event eA("A"); dispatcher.dispatchEvent(&eA); ofLog() << "----------------------------------------"; dispatcher.dispatchEvent("A"); ofLog() << "----------------------------------------"; jppevent::Event eB("B"); dispatcher.dispatchEvent(&eB); }
void eA() { char simbolo = palavra[posicaoPalavra]; if (ehNumero(simbolo)) { posicaoPalavra++; eD(); } else if (ehAbreParenteses(simbolo)) { posicaoPalavra++; eB(); } else { printf("\nNÃO ACEITO!\n"); } }
bool ASMu3Dmx::assembleL2matrices (SparseMatrix& A, StdVector& B, const IntegrandBase& integrand, bool continuous) const { const int p1 = projBasis->order(0); const int p2 = projBasis->order(1); const int p3 = projBasis->order(2); // Get Gaussian quadrature points const int ng1 = continuous ? nGauss : p1 - 1; const int ng2 = continuous ? nGauss : p2 - 1; const int ng3 = continuous ? nGauss : p3 - 1; const double* xg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng1); const double* yg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng2); const double* zg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng3); const double* wg = continuous ? GaussQuadrature::getWeight(nGauss) : nullptr; if (!xg || !yg || !zg) return false; if (continuous && !wg) return false; size_t nnod = this->getNoProjectionNodes(); double dV = 0.0; Vectors phi(2); Matrices dNdu(2); Matrix sField, Xnod, Jac; std::vector<Go::BasisDerivs> spl1(2); std::vector<Go::BasisPts> spl0(2); // === Assembly loop over all elements in the patch ========================== LR::LRSplineVolume* geoVol; if (m_basis[geoBasis-1]->nBasisFunctions() == projBasis->nBasisFunctions()) geoVol = m_basis[geoBasis-1].get(); else geoVol = projBasis.get(); for (const LR::Element* el1 : geoVol->getAllElements()) { double uh = (el1->umin()+el1->umax())/2.0; double vh = (el1->vmin()+el1->vmax())/2.0; double wh = (el1->wmin()+el1->wmax())/2.0; std::vector<size_t> els; els.push_back(projBasis->getElementContaining(uh, vh, wh) + 1); els.push_back(m_basis[geoBasis-1]->getElementContaining(uh, vh, wh) + 1); if (continuous) { // Set up control point (nodal) coordinates for current element if (!this->getElementCoordinates(Xnod,els[1])) return false; else if ((dV = 0.25*this->getParametricVolume(els[1])) < 0.0) return false; // topology error (probably logic error) } // Compute parameter values of the Gauss points over this element RealArray gpar[3], unstrGpar[3]; this->getGaussPointParameters(gpar[0],0,ng1,els[1],xg); this->getGaussPointParameters(gpar[1],1,ng2,els[1],yg); this->getGaussPointParameters(gpar[2],2,ng3,els[1],zg); // convert to unstructred mesh representation expandTensorGrid(gpar, unstrGpar); // Evaluate the secondary solution at all integration points if (!this->evalSolution(sField,integrand,unstrGpar)) return false; // set up basis function size (for extractBasis subroutine) const LR::Element* elm = projBasis->getElement(els[0]-1); phi[0].resize(elm->nBasisFunctions()); phi[1].resize(el1->nBasisFunctions()); IntVec lmnpc; if (projBasis != m_basis[0]) { lmnpc.reserve(phi[0].size()); for (const LR::Basisfunction* f : elm->support()) lmnpc.push_back(f->getId()); } const IntVec& mnpc = projBasis == m_basis[0] ? MNPC[els[1]-1] : lmnpc; // --- Integration loop over all Gauss points in each direction ---------- Matrix eA(phi[0].size(), phi[0].size()); Vectors eB(sField.rows(), Vector(phi[0].size())); int ip = 0; for (int k = 0; k < ng3; k++) for (int j = 0; j < ng2; j++) for (int i = 0; i < ng1; i++, ip++) { if (continuous) { projBasis->computeBasis(gpar[0][i], gpar[1][j], gpar[2][k], spl1[0], els[0]-1); SplineUtils::extractBasis(spl1[0],phi[0],dNdu[0]); m_basis[geoBasis-1]->computeBasis(gpar[0][i], gpar[1][j], gpar[2][k], spl1[1], els[1]-1); SplineUtils::extractBasis(spl1[1], phi[1], dNdu[1]); } else { projBasis->computeBasis(gpar[0][i], gpar[1][j], gpar[2][k], spl0[0], els[0]-1); phi[0] = spl0[0].basisValues; } // Compute the Jacobian inverse and derivatives double dJw = 1.0; if (continuous) { dJw = dV*wg[i]*wg[j]*wg[k]*utl::Jacobian(Jac,dNdu[1],Xnod,dNdu[1],false); if (dJw == 0.0) continue; // skip singular points } // Integrate the mass matrix eA.outer_product(phi[0], phi[0], true, dJw); // Integrate the rhs vector B for (size_t r = 1; r <= sField.rows(); r++) eB[r-1].add(phi[0],sField(r,ip+1)*dJw); } for (size_t i = 0; i < eA.rows(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < eA.cols(); ++j) A(mnpc[i]+1, mnpc[j]+1) += eA(i+1,j+1); int jp = mnpc[i]+1; for (size_t r = 0; r < sField.rows(); r++, jp += nnod) B(jp) += eB[r](1+i); } } return true; }
bool ASMs3Dmx::assembleL2matrices (SparseMatrix& A, StdVector& B, const IntegrandBase& integrand, bool continuous) const { const size_t nnod = projBasis->numCoefs(0) * projBasis->numCoefs(1) * projBasis->numCoefs(2); const int p1 = svol->order(0); const int p2 = svol->order(1); const int p3 = svol->order(2); const int p11 = projBasis->order(0); const int p21 = projBasis->order(1); const int p31 = projBasis->order(2); const int n1 = svol->numCoefs(0); const int n2 = svol->numCoefs(1); const int n3 = svol->numCoefs(2); const int nel1 = n1 - p1 + 1; const int nel2 = n2 - p2 + 1; const int nel3 = n3 - p3 + 1; // Get Gaussian quadrature point coordinates (and weights if continuous) const int ng1 = continuous ? nGauss : p1 - 1; const int ng2 = continuous ? nGauss : p2 - 1; const int ng3 = continuous ? nGauss : p3 - 1; const double* xg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng1); const double* yg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng2); const double* zg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng3); const double* wg = continuous ? GaussQuadrature::getWeight(nGauss) : 0; if (!xg || !yg || !zg) return false; if (continuous && !wg) return false; // Compute parameter values of the Gauss points over the whole patch Matrix gp; std::array<RealArray,3> gpar; gpar[0] = this->getGaussPointParameters(gp,0,ng1,xg); gpar[1] = this->getGaussPointParameters(gp,1,ng2,yg); gpar[2] = this->getGaussPointParameters(gp,2,ng3,zg); // Evaluate basis functions at all integration points std::vector<Go::BasisPts> spl0; std::array<std::vector<Go::BasisDerivs>,2> spl1; if (continuous) { projBasis->computeBasisGrid(gpar[0],gpar[1],gpar[2],spl1[0]); svol->computeBasisGrid(gpar[0],gpar[1],gpar[2],spl1[1]); } else projBasis->computeBasisGrid(gpar[0],gpar[1],gpar[2],spl0); // Evaluate the secondary solution at all integration points Matrix sField; if (!this->evalSolution(sField,integrand,gpar.data())) { std::cerr <<" *** ASMs3D::assembleL2matrices: Failed for patch "<< idx+1 <<" nPoints="<< gpar[0].size()*gpar[1].size()*gpar[2].size() << std::endl; return false; } double dV = 1.0; std::array<Vector,2> phi; phi[0].resize(p11*p21*p31); phi[1].resize(p1*p2*p3); std::array<Matrix,2> dNdu; Matrix Xnod, J; // === Assembly loop over all elements in the patch ========================== int iel = 0; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < nel3; i3++) for (int i2 = 0; i2 < nel2; i2++) for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nel1; i1++, iel++) { if (MLGE[iel] < 1) continue; // zero-volume element if (continuous) { // Set up control point (nodal) coordinates for current element if (!this->getElementCoordinates(Xnod,1+iel)) return false; else if ((dV = 0.125*this->getParametricVolume(1+iel)) < 0.0) return false; // topology error (probably logic error) } int ip = ((i3*ng2*nel2 + i2)*ng1*nel1 + i1)*ng3; IntVec lmnpc; if (projBasis != m_basis[0]) { lmnpc.reserve(phi[0].size()); int nuv = projBasis->numCoefs(0)*projBasis->numCoefs(1); int widx = (spl1[0][ip].left_idx[2]-p31+1)*nuv; for (int k = 0; k < p31; ++k, widx += nuv) { int vidx = (spl1[0][ip].left_idx[1]-p21+1)*projBasis->numCoefs(0); for (int j = 0; j < p21; ++j, vidx += projBasis->numCoefs(0)) for (int i = 0; i < p11; ++i) if (continuous) lmnpc.push_back(spl1[0][ip].left_idx[0]-p11+1+i+vidx+widx); else lmnpc.push_back(spl0[ip].left_idx[0]-p11+1+i+vidx+widx); } } const IntVec& mnpc = projBasis == m_basis[0] ? MNPC[iel] : lmnpc; // --- Integration loop over all Gauss points in each direction -------- Matrix eA(p11*p21*p31, p11*p21*p31); Vectors eB(sField.rows(), Vector(p11*p21*p31)); for (int k = 0; k < ng3; k++, ip += ng2*(nel2-1)*ng1*nel1) for (int j = 0; j < ng2; j++, ip += ng1*(nel1-1)) for (int i = 0; i < ng1; i++, ip++) { if (continuous) { SplineUtils::extractBasis(spl1[0][ip],phi[0],dNdu[0]); SplineUtils::extractBasis(spl1[1][ip],phi[1],dNdu[1]); } else phi[0] = spl0[ip].basisValues; // Compute the Jacobian inverse and derivatives double dJw = dV; if (continuous) { dJw *= wg[i]*wg[j]*wg[k]*utl::Jacobian(J,dNdu[1],Xnod,dNdu[1],false); if (dJw == 0.0) continue; // skip singular points } // Integrate the mass matrix eA.outer_product(phi[0], phi[0], true, dJw); // Integrate the rhs vector B for (size_t r = 1; r <= sField.rows(); r++) eB[r-1].add(phi[0],sField(r,ip+1)*dJw); } for (int i = 0; i < p11*p21*p31; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < p11*p21*p31; ++j) A(mnpc[i]+1, mnpc[j]+1) += eA(i+1, j+1); int jp = mnpc[i]+1; for (size_t r = 0; r < sField.rows(); r++, jp += nnod) B(jp) += eB[r](1+i); } } return true; }
/* Apply light/power settings for current power source */ static void applyLightSettings(QPowerStatus *p) { int initbright; int intervalDim; int intervalLightOff; int intervalSuspend; bool dim; bool lightoff; bool suspend; bool canSuspend; QSettings config("Trolltech","qpe"); QSettings hwConfig("Trolltech", "Hardware"); hwConfig.beginGroup("PowerManagement"); if (p->wallStatus() == QPowerStatus::Available) { config.beginGroup("ExternalPower"); canSuspend = hwConfig.value("CanSuspendAC", false).toBool(); } else { config.beginGroup("BatteryPower"); canSuspend = hwConfig.value("CanSuspend", false).toBool(); } intervalDim = config.value("Interval_Dim", 20).toInt(); config.setValue("Interval_Dim", intervalDim); intervalLightOff = config.value("Interval_LightOff", 30).toInt(); config.setValue("Interval_LightOff", intervalLightOff); if (canSuspend) { if (p->wallStatus() == QPowerStatus::Available) { intervalSuspend = config.value("Interval", 240).toInt(); config.setValue("Interval", intervalSuspend); } else { intervalSuspend = config.value("Interval", 60).toInt(); config.setValue("Interval", intervalSuspend); } suspend = config.value("Suspend", true).toBool(); config.setValue("Suspend", suspend); } else { intervalSuspend = 0; config.setValue("Interval", intervalSuspend); suspend = false; config.setValue("Suspend", suspend); } initbright = config.value("Brightness", qpe_sysBrightnessSteps()).toInt(); config.setValue("Brightness", initbright); dim = config.value("Dim", true).toBool(); config.setValue("Dim", dim); lightoff = config.value("LightOff", false).toBool(); config.setValue("LightOff", lightoff); config.sync(); //write out for syncronisation with light app int i_dim = (dim ? intervalDim : 0); int i_lightoff = (lightoff ? intervalLightOff : 0); int i_suspend = (suspend ? intervalSuspend : 0); QtopiaServiceRequest eB("QtopiaPowerManager", "setBacklight(int)" ); eB << -3; //forced on eB.send(); QtopiaServiceRequest e("QtopiaPowerManager", "setIntervals(int,int,int)" ); e << i_dim << i_lightoff << i_suspend; e.send(); }