Exemple #1
 * Ideally we would just use syslog(3C) for outputting our messages, but our
 * messaging standard defines a nice multi-line format and syslogd(1M) is very
 * inflexible and stupid when it comes to multi-line messages.  It pulls data
 * out of log(7D) and splits it up by \n, printing each line to the console
 * with its usual prefix of date and sender; it uses the same behavior for the
 * messages file as well.  Further, syslog(3C) provides no CE_CONT equivalent
 * for userland callers (which at least works around repeated file prefixing).
 * So with a multi-line message format, your file and console end up like this:
 * Dec 02 18:08:40 hostname this is my nicely formatted
 * Dec 02 18:08:40 hostname message designed for 80 cols
 * ...
 * To resolve these issues, we use our own syslog_emit() wrapper to emit
 * messages and some knowledge of how the Solaris log drivers work.  We first
 * construct an enlarged format string containing the appropriate msgid(1).
 * We then format the caller's message using the provided format and buffer.
 * We send this message to log(7D) using putmsg() with SL_CONSOLE | SL_LOGONLY
 * set in the log_ctl_t.  The log driver allows us to set SL_LOGONLY when we
 * construct messages ourself, indicating that syslogd should only emit the
 * message to /var/adm/messages and any remote hosts, and skip the console.
 * Then we emit the message a second time, without the special prefix, to the
 * sysmsg(7D) device, which handles console redirection and also permits us
 * to output any characters we like to the console, including \n and \r.
static void
syslog_emit(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, const char *msg)
	struct strbuf ctl, dat;
	uint32_t msgid;

	char *buf;
	size_t buflen;

	const char *format = "fmd: [ID %u FACILITY_AND_PRIORITY] %s";
	STRLOG_MAKE_MSGID(format, msgid);

	buflen = snprintf(NULL, 0, format, msgid, msg);
	buf = alloca(buflen + 1);
	(void) snprintf(buf, buflen + 1, format, msgid, msg);

	ctl.buf = (void *)&syslog_ctl;
	ctl.len = sizeof (syslog_ctl);

	dat.buf = buf;
	dat.len = buflen + 1;

	 * The underlying log driver won't accept messages longer than
	 * LOG_MAXPS bytes.  Therefore, messages which exceed this limit will
	 * be truncated and appended with a pointer to the full message.
	if (dat.len > LOG_MAXPS) {
		char *syslog_pointer, *p;
		size_t plen;

		if ((syslog_pointer = fmd_msg_gettext_id(syslog_msghdl, NULL,
			 * This shouldn't happen, but if it does we'll just
			 * truncate the message.
			buf[LOG_MAXPS - 1] = '\0';
			dat.len = LOG_MAXPS;
		} else {
			plen = strlen(syslog_pointer) + 1;
			buf[LOG_MAXPS - plen] = '\0';
			 * If possible, the pointer is appended after a newline
			if ((p = strrchr(buf, '\n')) == NULL)
				p = &buf[LOG_MAXPS - plen];

			(void) strcpy(p, syslog_pointer);
			dat.len = strlen(buf) + 1;
	if (syslog_file && putmsg(syslog_logfd, &ctl, &dat, 0) != 0) {
		fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "putmsg failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));

	dat.buf = strchr(buf, ']');
	dat.len -= (size_t)(dat.buf - buf);

	dat.buf[0] = '\r'; /* overwrite ']' with carriage return */
	dat.buf[1] = '\n'; /* overwrite ' ' with newline */

	if (syslog_cons && write(syslog_msgfd, dat.buf, dat.len) != dat.len) {
		fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	fmd_msg_hdl_t *h;
	pid_t pid;
	int i, err = 0;
	char *s;

	nvlist_t *auth, *fmri, *list, *test_arr[TEST_ARR_SZ];
	const char *code = "TEST-8000-08";
	int64_t tod[] = { 0x9400000, 0 };

	if (argc > 1) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
		return (2);

	 * Build up a valid list.suspect event for a fictional diagnosis
	 * using a diagnosis code from our test dictionary so we can format
	 * messages.
	if (nvlist_alloc(&auth, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0 ||
	    nvlist_alloc(&fmri, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0 ||
	    nvlist_alloc(&list, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: nvlist_alloc failed\n", argv[0]);
		return (1);

	err |= nvlist_add_uint8(auth, FM_VERSION, FM_FMRI_AUTH_VERSION);
	err |= nvlist_add_string(auth, FM_FMRI_AUTH_PRODUCT, "product");
	err |= nvlist_add_string(auth, FM_FMRI_AUTH_PRODUCT_SN, "product_sn");
	err |= nvlist_add_string(auth, FM_FMRI_AUTH_CHASSIS, "chassis");
	err |= nvlist_add_string(auth, FM_FMRI_AUTH_DOMAIN, "domain");
	err |= nvlist_add_string(auth, FM_FMRI_AUTH_SERVER, "server");

	if (err != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to build auth nvlist: %s\n",
		    argv[0], strerror(err));
		return (1);

	err |= nvlist_add_uint8(fmri, FM_VERSION, FM_FMD_SCHEME_VERSION);
	err |= nvlist_add_string(fmri, FM_FMRI_SCHEME, FM_FMRI_SCHEME_FMD);
	err |= nvlist_add_nvlist(fmri, FM_FMRI_AUTHORITY, auth);
	err |= nvlist_add_string(fmri, FM_FMRI_FMD_NAME, "fmd_msg_test");
	err |= nvlist_add_string(fmri, FM_FMRI_FMD_VERSION, "1.0");

	if (err != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to build fmri nvlist: %s\n",
		    argv[0], strerror(err));
		return (1);

	err |= nvlist_add_uint8(list, FM_VERSION, FM_SUSPECT_VERSION);
	err |= nvlist_add_string(list, FM_CLASS, FM_LIST_SUSPECT_CLASS);
	err |= nvlist_add_string(list, FM_SUSPECT_UUID, "12345678");
	err |= nvlist_add_string(list, FM_SUSPECT_DIAG_CODE, code);
	err |= nvlist_add_int64_array(list, FM_SUSPECT_DIAG_TIME, tod, 2);
	err |= nvlist_add_nvlist(list, FM_SUSPECT_DE, fmri);
	err |= nvlist_add_uint32(list, FM_SUSPECT_FAULT_SZ, 0);

	 * Add a contrived nvlist array to our list.suspect so that we can
	 * exercise the expansion syntax for dereferencing nvlist array members
	for (i = 0; i < TEST_ARR_SZ; i++) {
		if (nvlist_alloc(&test_arr[i], NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to alloc nvlist "
			    "array: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(err));
			return (1);
		err |= nvlist_add_uint8(test_arr[i], "index", i);
	err |= nvlist_add_nvlist_array(list, "test_arr", test_arr, TEST_ARR_SZ);

	if (err != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to build list nvlist: %s\n",
		    argv[0], strerror(err));
		return (1);

	 * Now initialize the libfmd_msg library for testing, using the message
	 * catalogs found in the proto area of the current workspace.
	if ((h = fmd_msg_init(getenv("ROOT"), FMD_MSG_VERSION)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_init failed: %s\n",
		    argv[0], strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	 * Test 0: Verify that both fmd_msg_getitem_id and fmd_msg_gettext_id
	 * return NULL and EINVAL for an illegal message code, and NULL
	 * and ENOENT for a valid but not defined message code.
	s = fmd_msg_getitem_id(h, NULL, "I_AM_NOT_VALID", 0);
	if (s != NULL || errno != EINVAL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: test0 FAIL: illegal code returned "
		    "s = %p, errno = %d\n", argv[0], (void *)s, errno);
		return (1);

	s = fmd_msg_gettext_id(h, NULL, "I_AM_NOT_VALID");
	if (s != NULL || errno != EINVAL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: test0 FAIL: illegal code returned "
		    "s = %p, errno = %d\n", argv[0], (void *)s, errno);
		return (1);

	s = fmd_msg_getitem_id(h, NULL, "I_AM_NOT_HERE-0000-0000", 0);
	if (s != NULL || errno != ENOENT) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: test0 FAIL: missing code returned "
		    "s = %p, errno = %d\n", argv[0], (void *)s, errno);
		return (1);

	s = fmd_msg_gettext_id(h, NULL, "I_AM_NOT_HERE-0000-0000");
	if (s != NULL || errno != ENOENT) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: test0 FAIL: missing code returned "
		    "s = %p, errno = %d\n", argv[0], (void *)s, errno);
		return (1);

	 * Test 1: Use fmd_msg_getitem_id to retrieve the item strings for
	 * a known message code without having any actual event handle.
	for (i = 0; i < FMD_MSG_ITEM_MAX; i++) {
		if ((s = fmd_msg_getitem_id(h, NULL, code, i)) == NULL) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_getitem_id failed "
			    "for %s, item %d: %s\n",
			    argv[0], code, i, strerror(errno));

		(void) printf("code %s item %d = <<%s>>\n", code, i, s);

	 * Test 2: Use fmd_msg_gettext_id to retrieve the complete message for
	 * a known message code without having any actual event handle.
	if ((s = fmd_msg_gettext_id(h, NULL, code)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_gettext_id failed for %s: "
		    "%s\n", argv[0], code, strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	(void) printf("%s\n", s);

	 * Test 3: Use fmd_msg_getitem_nv to retrieve the item strings for
	 * our list.suspect event handle.
	for (i = 0; i < FMD_MSG_ITEM_MAX; i++) {
		if ((s = fmd_msg_getitem_nv(h, NULL, list, i)) == NULL) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_getitem_nv failed "
			    "for %s, item %d: %s\n",
			    argv[0], code, i, strerror(errno));

		(void) printf("code %s item %d = <<%s>>\n", code, i, s);

	 * Test 4: Use fmd_msg_getitem_nv to retrieve the complete message for
	 * a known message code using our list.suspect event handle.
	if ((s = fmd_msg_gettext_nv(h, NULL, list)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_gettext_nv failed for %s: "
		    "%s\n", argv[0], code, strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	(void) printf("%s\n", s);

	 * Test 5: Use fmd_msg_getitem_nv to retrieve the complete message for
	 * a known message code using our list.suspect event handle, but this
	 * time set the URL to our own customized URL.  Our contrived message
	 * has been designed to exercise the key aspects of the variable
	 * expansion syntax.
	if (fmd_msg_url_set(h, "http://foo.bar.com/") != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_url_set failed: %s\n",
		    argv[0], strerror(errno));

	if ((s = fmd_msg_gettext_nv(h, NULL, list)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: fmd_msg_gettext_nv failed for %s: "
		    "%s\n", argv[0], code, strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	(void) printf("%s\n", s);

	for (i = 0; i < TEST_ARR_SZ; i++)

	fmd_msg_fini(h);	/* free library state before dumping core */
	pid = fork();		/* fork into background to not bother make(1) */

	switch (pid) {
	case -1:
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "FAIL (failed to fork)\n");
		return (1);
	case 0:
		return (1);

	if (waitpid(pid, &err, 0) == -1) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "FAIL (failed to wait for %d: %s)\n",
		    (int)pid, strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	if (WIFSIGNALED(err) == 0 || WTERMSIG(err) != SIGABRT) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "FAIL (child did not SIGABRT)\n");
		return (1);

	if (!WCOREDUMP(err)) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "FAIL (no core generated)\n");
		return (1);

	(void) fprintf(stderr, "done\n");
	return (0);