//! Prepares an array with new particles to emitt into the system
//! and returns how much new particles there are.
s32 CParticleSphereEmitter::emitt(u32 now, u32 timeSinceLastCall, SParticle*& outArray)
	Time += timeSinceLastCall;

	u32 pps = (MaxParticlesPerSecond - MinParticlesPerSecond);
	f32 perSecond = pps ? (f32)MinParticlesPerSecond + (os::Randomizer::rand() % pps) : MinParticlesPerSecond;
	f32 everyWhatMillisecond = 1000.0f / perSecond;

	if(Time > everyWhatMillisecond)
		u32 amount = (u32)((Time / everyWhatMillisecond) + 0.5f);
		Time = 0;
		SParticle p;

		if(amount > MaxParticlesPerSecond*2)
			amount = MaxParticlesPerSecond * 2;

		for(u32 i=0; i<amount; ++i)
			// Random distance from center
			f32 distance = fmodf( (f32)os::Randomizer::rand(), Radius * 1000.0f ) * 0.001f;

			// Random direction from center
			p.pos.X = Center.X + distance;
			p.pos.Y = Center.Y + distance;
			p.pos.Z = Center.Z + distance;
			p.pos.rotateXYBy( os::Randomizer::rand() % 360, Center );
			p.pos.rotateYZBy( os::Randomizer::rand() % 360, Center );
			p.pos.rotateXZBy( os::Randomizer::rand() % 360, Center );

			p.startTime = now;
			p.vector = Direction;

				core::vector3df tgt = Direction;
				tgt.rotateXYBy((os::Randomizer::rand()%(MaxAngleDegrees*2)) - MaxAngleDegrees, core::vector3df());
				tgt.rotateYZBy((os::Randomizer::rand()%(MaxAngleDegrees*2)) - MaxAngleDegrees, core::vector3df());
				tgt.rotateXZBy((os::Randomizer::rand()%(MaxAngleDegrees*2)) - MaxAngleDegrees, core::vector3df());
				p.vector = tgt;

			if(MaxLifeTime - MinLifeTime == 0)
				p.endTime = now + MinLifeTime;
				p.endTime = now + MinLifeTime + (os::Randomizer::rand() % (MaxLifeTime - MinLifeTime));

			p.color = MinStartColor.getInterpolated(
				MaxStartColor, (os::Randomizer::rand() % 100) / 100.0f);

			p.startColor = p.color;
			p.startVector = p.vector;


		outArray = Particles.pointer();

		return Particles.size();

	return 0;
void CLineDrawer::UpdateLineStipple()
	stippleTimer += (gu->lastFrameTime * cmdColors.StippleSpeed());
	stippleTimer = fmodf(stippleTimer, (16.0f / 20.0f));
Exemple #3
void Song::processNextBuffer()
	// if not playing, nothing to do
	if( m_playing == false )

	TrackList trackList;
	int tcoNum = -1; // track content object number

	// determine the list of tracks to play and the track content object
	// (TCO) number
	switch( m_playMode )
		case Mode_PlaySong:
			trackList = tracks();
			// at song-start we have to reset the LFOs
			if( m_playPos[Mode_PlaySong] == 0 )

		case Mode_PlayBB:
			if( Engine::getBBTrackContainer()->numOfBBs() > 0 )
				tcoNum = Engine::getBBTrackContainer()->
				trackList.push_back( BBTrack::findBBTrack(
								tcoNum ) );

		case Mode_PlayPattern:
			if( m_patternToPlay != NULL )
				tcoNum = m_patternToPlay->getTrack()->
						getTCONum( m_patternToPlay );
						m_patternToPlay->getTrack() );



	// if we have no tracks to play, nothing to do
	if( trackList.empty() == true )

	// check for looping-mode and act if necessary
	TimeLineWidget * tl = m_playPos[m_playMode].m_timeLine;
	bool checkLoop =
		tl != NULL && m_exporting == false && tl->loopPointsEnabled();

	if( checkLoop )
		// if looping-mode is enabled and we are outside of the looping
		// range, go to the beginning of the range
		if( m_playPos[m_playMode] < tl->loopBegin() ||
					m_playPos[m_playMode] >= tl->loopEnd() )
						tl->loopBegin().getTicks() );
			emit updateSampleTracks();

	f_cnt_t framesPlayed = 0;
	const float framesPerTick = Engine::framesPerTick();

	while( framesPlayed < Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod() )

		float currentFrame = m_playPos[m_playMode].currentFrame();
		// did we play a tick?
		if( currentFrame >= framesPerTick )
			int ticks = m_playPos[m_playMode].getTicks() +
				( int )( currentFrame / framesPerTick );

			m_vstSyncController.setAbsolutePosition( ticks );

			// did we play a whole tact?
			if( ticks >= MidiTime::ticksPerTact() )
				// per default we just continue playing even if
				// there's no more stuff to play
				// (song-play-mode)
				int maxTact = m_playPos[m_playMode].getTact()
									+ 2;

				// then decide whether to go over to next tact
				// or to loop back to first tact
				if( m_playMode == Mode_PlayBB )
					maxTact = Engine::getBBTrackContainer()
				else if( m_playMode == Mode_PlayPattern &&
					m_loopPattern == true &&
					tl != NULL &&
					tl->loopPointsEnabled() == false )
					maxTact = m_patternToPlay->length()

				// end of played object reached?
				if( m_playPos[m_playMode].getTact() + 1
								>= maxTact )
					// then start from beginning and keep
					// offset
					ticks %= ( maxTact * MidiTime::ticksPerTact() );

					// wrap milli second counter

					m_vstSyncController.setAbsolutePosition( ticks );
			m_playPos[m_playMode].setTicks( ticks );

			if( checkLoop )
					tl->loopBegin().getTicks(), tl->loopEnd().getTicks() );

				// if looping-mode is enabled and we have got
				// past the looping range, return to the
				// beginning of the range
				if( m_playPos[m_playMode] >= tl->loopEnd() )
					m_playPos[m_playMode].setTicks( tl->loopBegin().getTicks() );
				else if( m_playPos[m_playMode] == tl->loopEnd() - 1 )
					emit updateSampleTracks();

			currentFrame = fmodf( currentFrame, framesPerTick );
			m_playPos[m_playMode].setCurrentFrame( currentFrame );

		f_cnt_t framesToPlay =
			Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod() - framesPlayed;

		f_cnt_t framesLeft = ( f_cnt_t )framesPerTick -
						( f_cnt_t )currentFrame;
		// skip last frame fraction
		if( framesLeft == 0 )
			m_playPos[m_playMode].setCurrentFrame( currentFrame
								+ 1.0f );
		// do we have samples left in this tick but these are less
		// than samples we have to play?
		if( framesLeft < framesToPlay )
			// then set framesToPlay to remaining samples, the
			// rest will be played in next loop
			framesToPlay = framesLeft;

		if( ( f_cnt_t ) currentFrame == 0 )
			processAutomations(trackList, m_playPos[m_playMode], framesToPlay);

			// loop through all tracks and play them
			for( int i = 0; i < trackList.size(); ++i )
				trackList[i]->play( m_playPos[m_playMode],
						framesPlayed, tcoNum );

		// update frame-counters
		framesPlayed += framesToPlay;
		m_playPos[m_playMode].setCurrentFrame( framesToPlay +
								currentFrame );
		m_elapsedMilliSeconds += MidiTime::ticksToMilliseconds( framesToPlay / framesPerTick, getTempo());
		m_elapsedTacts = m_playPos[Mode_PlaySong].getTact();
		m_elapsedTicks = ( m_playPos[Mode_PlaySong].getTicks() % ticksPerTact() ) / 48;
int Grid::GetIndex(Vector3 _pos)
	Vector3 pos = _pos;

	float multiple = (m_extents.x / ((float)m_splits / 2));

	float modifier = 0;
	if (m_splits % 2 == 0)
		modifier = multiple / 2;
		/*if (pos.x > 0)
			modifier *= -1;

	float x = pos.x + (multiple / 2) + modifier;
	if (x < 0)
		x -= multiple + fmodf(x, multiple);
		x -= fmodf(x, multiple);
	x -= modifier;

	if (x > m_extents.x)
		x -= multiple;
	else if(x < -m_extents.x)
		x += multiple;

	x += m_extents.x;
	x /= multiple;
	x = floor(x);

	multiple = (m_extents.y / ((float)m_splits / 2));

	modifier = 0;
	if (m_splits % 2 == 0)
		modifier = multiple / 2;
		/*if (pos.y > 0)
			modifier *= -1;

	float y = pos.y + (multiple / 2) + modifier;
	if (y < 0)
		y -= multiple + fmodf(y, multiple);
		y -= fmodf(y, multiple);
	y -= modifier;

	if (y > m_extents.y)
		y -= multiple;
	else if (y < -m_extents.y)
		y += multiple;

	y += m_extents.y;
	y /= multiple;
	y = floor(y);

	return (int)((y * m_splits) + x);
Exemple #5
void handleInput(GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	double te = gs->frameSpan;
	float moveSpeed = gs->settings.keyScroll * te; // should load from config
	float rotateSpeed = gs->settings.keyRotate * te; // 20.8 degrees
	float keyZoom = gs->settings.keyZoom * te;
	float mouseZoom = gs->settings.mouseZoom * te;
	if(is->clickButton == 1) {
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5,
			gs->activeTool + 1
	if(is->buttonDown == 1) {
		gs->mouseDownPos.x = gs->cursorPos.x;
		gs->mouseDownPos.y = gs->cursorPos.y;
		printf("start dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->buttonUp == 1) {
		//vCopy(&gs->cursorPos, &gs->mouseDownPos);
		printf("stopped dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->clickButton == 2) {
		gs->activeTool = (gs->activeTool + 1) % 3;
	// look direction
	if(is->keyState[38] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction += rotateSpeed;
	if(is->keyState[39] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction -= rotateSpeed;
	// keep rotation in [0,F_2PI)
	gs->direction = fmodf(F_2PI + gs->direction, F_2PI);
	// zoom
	if(is->keyState[52] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom += keyZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->keyState[53] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom -= keyZoom;
	if(is->clickButton == 4) {
		gs->zoom += mouseZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->clickButton == 5) {
		gs->zoom -= mouseZoom;

	// movement
	Vector move = {
		.x = moveSpeed * sin(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.y = moveSpeed * cos(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.z = 0.0f
	if(is->keyState[111] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[116] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	// flip x and y to get ccw normal, using move.z as the temp
	move.z = move.x;
	move.x = -move.y;
	move.y = move.z;
	move.z = 0.0f;
	if(is->keyState[113] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[114] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[110] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane += 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[115] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane -= 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[112] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane += 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[117] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane -= 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	static lastChange = 0;
	if(is->keyState[119] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		if(gs->frameTime > lastChange + 1) {
			gs->debugMode = (gs->debugMode + 1) % 5;
			lastChange = gs->frameTime;

void setGameSettings(GameSettings* g, UserConfig* u) {
	const float rotateFactor = 0.7260f;
	const float scrollFactor = 300.0f;
	const float zoomFactor = 600.0f;
	g->keyRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyRotateSensitivity);
	g->keyScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyScrollSensitivity);
	g->keyZoom = zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyZoomSensitivity);
	g->mouseRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseRotateSensitivity);
	g->mouseScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseScrollSensitivity);
	g->mouseZoom = 4 * zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseZoomSensitivity);
	printf("keyRotate %.3f\n", g->keyRotate);
	printf("keyScroll %.3f\n", g->keyScroll);
	printf("keyZoom %.3f\n", g->keyZoom);
	printf("mouseRotate %.3f\n", g->mouseRotate);
	printf("mouseScroll %.3f\n", g->mouseScroll);
	printf("mouseZoom %.3f\n", g->mouseZoom);

void setUpView(GameState* gs) {

void depthPrepass(XStuff* xs, GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	// draw UI
	renderUIPicking(xs, gs);
	// draw terrain
	// TODO: factor all the math into the frame setup function
	//mScale3f(10, 10, 10, &mModel);
	//mRot3f(0, 1, 0, gs->direction, &mModel);
	msPerspective(60, gs->screen.aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, &gs->proj);

	// order matters! don't mess with this.
	msTrans3f(0, -1, gs->zoom, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI / 6, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(0,1,0, gs->direction, &gs->view);
	msTrans3f(-gs->lookCenter.x, 0, -gs->lookCenter.y, &gs->view);
	// y-up to z-up rotation
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI_2, &gs->view);
	msScale3f(1, 1, -1, &gs->view);

	// calculate cursor position
	Vector eyeCoord;
	Vector worldCoord;
	Matrix p, invp, invv;
	// device space (-1:1)
	Vector devCoord;
	devCoord.x = 0.50;
	devCoord.y = 0.50;
	devCoord.z = -1.0;
	// eye space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->proj), &invp);
	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invp, &eyeCoord);
	vNorm(&eyeCoord, &eyeCoord);
	// world space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->view), &invv);
	vMatrixMul(&eyeCoord, &invv, &worldCoord);
	vNorm(&worldCoord, &worldCoord);

	// draw terrain
// 	drawTerrainBlockDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->model), msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj));
	drawTerrainDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->screen.wh);
Exemple #6
ospml_hybrid(const float* data, int dy, int dt, int dx, const float* center,
             const float* theta, float* recon, int ngridx, int ngridy, int num_iter,
             const float* reg_pars, int num_block, const float* ind_block)
    if(dy == 0 || dt == 0 || dx == 0)

    float* gridx  = (float*) malloc((ngridx + 1) * sizeof(float));
    float* gridy  = (float*) malloc((ngridy + 1) * sizeof(float));
    float* coordx = (float*) malloc((ngridy + 1) * sizeof(float));
    float* coordy = (float*) malloc((ngridx + 1) * sizeof(float));
    float* ax     = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    float* ay     = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    float* bx     = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    float* by     = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    float* coorx  = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    float* coory  = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    float* dist   = (float*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(float));
    int*   indi   = (int*) malloc((ngridx + ngridy) * sizeof(int));

    assert(coordx != NULL && coordy != NULL && ax != NULL && ay != NULL && by != NULL &&
           bx != NULL && coorx != NULL && coory != NULL && dist != NULL && indi != NULL);

    int    s, q, p, d, i, m, n, os;
    int    quadrant;
    float  theta_p, sin_p, cos_p;
    float  mov, xi, yi;
    int    asize, bsize, csize;
    float* simdata;
    float  upd;
    int    ind_data, ind_recon;
    float* sum_dist;
    float  sum_dist2;
    float *E, *F, *G;
    int    ind0, ind1, indg[8];
    float  totalwg, wg[8], mg[8], rg[8], gammag[8];
    int    subset_ind1, subset_ind2;

    for(i = 0; i < num_iter; i++)
        simdata = (float*) calloc((dt * dy * dx), sizeof(float));

        // For each slice
        for(s = 0; s < dy; s++)
            preprocessing(ngridx, ngridy, dx, center[s], &mov, gridx,
                          gridy);  // Outputs: mov, gridx, gridy

            subset_ind1 = dt / num_block;
            subset_ind2 = subset_ind1;

            // For each ordered-subset num_subset
            for(os = 0; os < num_block + 1; os++)
                if(os == num_block)
                    subset_ind2 = dt % num_block;

                sum_dist = (float*) calloc((ngridx * ngridy), sizeof(float));
                E        = (float*) calloc((ngridx * ngridy), sizeof(float));
                F        = (float*) calloc((ngridx * ngridy), sizeof(float));
                G        = (float*) calloc((ngridx * ngridy), sizeof(float));

                // For each projection angle
                for(q = 0; q < subset_ind2; q++)
                    p = ind_block[q + os * subset_ind1];

                    // Calculate the sin and cos values
                    // of the projection angle and find
                    // at which quadrant on the cartesian grid.
                    theta_p  = fmodf(theta[p], 2.0f * (float) M_PI);
                    quadrant = calc_quadrant(theta_p);
                    sin_p    = sinf(theta_p);
                    cos_p    = cosf(theta_p);

                    // For each detector pixel
                    for(d = 0; d < dx; d++)
                        // Calculate coordinates
                        xi = -ngridx - ngridy;
                        yi = 0.5f * (1 - dx) + d + mov;
                        calc_coords(ngridx, ngridy, xi, yi, sin_p, cos_p, gridx, gridy,
                                    coordx, coordy);

                        // Merge the (coordx, gridy) and (gridx, coordy)
                        trim_coords(ngridx, ngridy, coordx, coordy, gridx, gridy, &asize,
                                    ax, ay, &bsize, bx, by);

                        // Sort the array of intersection points (ax, ay) and
                        // (bx, by). The new sorted intersection points are
                        // stored in (coorx, coory). Total number of points
                        // are csize.
                        sort_intersections(quadrant, asize, ax, ay, bsize, bx, by, &csize,
                                           coorx, coory);

                        // Calculate the distances (dist) between the
                        // intersection points (coorx, coory). Find the
                        // indices of the pixels on the reconstruction grid.
                        calc_dist(ngridx, ngridy, csize, coorx, coory, indi, dist);

                        // Calculate simdata
                        calc_simdata(s, p, d, ngridx, ngridy, dt, dx, csize, indi, dist,
                                     simdata);  // Output: simdata

                        // Calculate dist*dist
                        sum_dist2 = 0.0f;
                        for(n = 0; n < csize - 1; n++)
                            sum_dist2 += dist[n] * dist[n];
                            sum_dist[indi[n]] += dist[n];

                        // Update
                        if(sum_dist2 != 0.0f)
                            ind_data  = d + p * dx + s * dt * dx;
                            ind_recon = s * ngridx * ngridy;
                            upd       = data[ind_data] / simdata[ind_data];
                            for(n = 0; n < csize - 1; n++)
                                E[indi[n]] -= recon[indi[n] + ind_recon] * upd * dist[n];

                // Weights for inner neighborhoods.
                totalwg = 4 + 4 / sqrt(2);
                wg[0]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[1]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[2]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[3]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[4]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;
                wg[5]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;
                wg[6]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;
                wg[7]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;

                // (inner region)
                for(n = 1; n < ngridx - 1; n++)
                    for(m = 1; m < ngridy - 1; m++)
                        ind0 = m + n * ngridy;
                        ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                        indg[0] = ind1 + 1;
                        indg[1] = ind1 - 1;
                        indg[2] = ind1 + ngridy;
                        indg[3] = ind1 - ngridy;
                        indg[4] = ind1 + ngridy + 1;
                        indg[5] = ind1 + ngridy - 1;
                        indg[6] = ind1 - ngridy + 1;
                        indg[7] = ind1 - ngridy - 1;

                        for(q = 0; q < 8; q++)
                            mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                            rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                            gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                            F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                            G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // Weights for edges.
                totalwg = 3 + 2 / sqrt(2);
                wg[0]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[1]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[2]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[3]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;
                wg[4]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;

                // (top)
                for(m = 1; m < ngridy - 1; m++)
                    ind0 = m;
                    ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                    indg[0] = ind1 + 1;
                    indg[1] = ind1 - 1;
                    indg[2] = ind1 + ngridy;
                    indg[3] = ind1 + ngridy + 1;
                    indg[4] = ind1 + ngridy - 1;

                    for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
                        mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                        rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                        gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                        F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                        G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // (bottom)
                for(m = 1; m < ngridy - 1; m++)
                    ind0 = m + (ngridx - 1) * ngridy;
                    ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                    indg[0] = ind1 + 1;
                    indg[1] = ind1 - 1;
                    indg[2] = ind1 - ngridy;
                    indg[3] = ind1 - ngridy + 1;
                    indg[4] = ind1 - ngridy - 1;

                    for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
                        mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                        rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                        gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                        F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                        G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // (left)
                for(n = 1; n < ngridx - 1; n++)
                    ind0 = n * ngridy;
                    ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                    indg[0] = ind1 + 1;
                    indg[1] = ind1 + ngridy;
                    indg[2] = ind1 - ngridy;
                    indg[3] = ind1 + ngridy + 1;
                    indg[4] = ind1 - ngridy + 1;

                    for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
                        mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                        rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                        gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                        F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                        G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // (right)
                for(n = 1; n < ngridx - 1; n++)
                    ind0 = (ngridy - 1) + n * ngridy;
                    ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                    indg[0] = ind1 - 1;
                    indg[1] = ind1 + ngridy;
                    indg[2] = ind1 - ngridy;
                    indg[3] = ind1 + ngridy - 1;
                    indg[4] = ind1 - ngridy - 1;

                    for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
                        mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                        rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                        gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                        F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                        G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // Weights for corners.
                totalwg = 2 + 1 / sqrt(2);
                wg[0]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[1]   = 1 / totalwg;
                wg[2]   = 1 / sqrt(2) / totalwg;

                // (top-left)
                ind0 = 0;
                ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                indg[0] = ind1 + 1;
                indg[1] = ind1 + ngridy;
                indg[2] = ind1 + ngridy + 1;

                for(q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                    mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                    rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                    gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                    F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                    G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // (top-right)
                ind0 = (ngridy - 1);
                ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                indg[0] = ind1 - 1;
                indg[1] = ind1 + ngridy;
                indg[2] = ind1 + ngridy - 1;

                for(q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                    mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                    rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                    gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                    F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                    G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // (bottom-left)
                ind0 = (ngridx - 1) * ngridy;
                ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                indg[0] = ind1 + 1;
                indg[1] = ind1 - ngridy;
                indg[2] = ind1 - ngridy + 1;

                for(q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                    mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                    rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                    gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                    F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                    G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                // (bottom-right)
                ind0 = (ngridy - 1) + (ngridx - 1) * ngridy;
                ind1 = ind0 + s * ngridx * ngridy;

                indg[0] = ind1 - 1;
                indg[1] = ind1 - ngridy;
                indg[2] = ind1 - ngridy - 1;

                for(q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                    mg[q]     = recon[ind1] + recon[indg[q]];
                    rg[q]     = recon[ind1] - recon[indg[q]];
                    gammag[q] = 1 / (1 + fabs(rg[q] / reg_pars[1]));
                    F[ind0] += 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q];
                    G[ind0] -= 2 * reg_pars[0] * wg[q] * gammag[q] * mg[q];

                q = 0;
                for(n = 0; n < ngridx * ngridy; n++)
                    G[q] += sum_dist[n];

                for(n = 0; n < ngridx; n++)
                    for(m = 0; m < ngridy; m++)
                        q = m + n * ngridy;
                        if(F[q] != 0.0)
                            ind0        = q + s * ngridx * ngridy;
                            recon[ind0] = (-G[q] + sqrt(G[q] * G[q] - 8 * E[q] * F[q])) /
                                          (4 * F[q]);



Exemple #7
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	FILE * input;
	input = fopen('test.txt', "r");

	int n;
	long int lowerlim, upperlim;
	long int b, found, r, maxk, nextR, gcda, toir;
	double logresult, a, npowk;
	fscanf(input, "%d", &n);

	while(n > 0){
		fscanf(input, "%d %d", lowerlim, upperlim);
		while(lowerlim <= upperlim) {
			logresult = log2(lowerlim);
			for (b = 0; b < logresult; ++b) {
				a = pow(n, 1.0/b);
				if(a == (int )a){
					printf("%s\n", "composite");
					printf("%d\n", (int) a);
					found = 1;
			if (!found) {
				maxk = abs(pow(log2(lowerlim), 2));
				r = 2;
				nextR = 1;
				for (r = 2, nextR && r < maxk, r++ ){
					nextR = 0;
					for (k = 1; (!nextR) k <= maxk, ++k) {
						npowk = (int)pow(lowerlim, k);
						nextR = (((int)fmodf(npowk, r)) == 1 ||((int)fmodf(npowk, r)) == 0);
				for (a = r; a > 1; a--) {
					gcda = gcd(a, lowerlim);
					if (gcda > 1 && gcd < lowerlim){
						found = 1;
						printf("%s\n", "composite");
						printf("%d\n", a);

			if (!found) {
				if (n <= r) {
					found = 1;
					printf("%s\n", "prime");
					printf("%d\n", lowerlim);

			if (!found)	{
				toir = (int )floor(sqrt(phi(r))log(lowerlim));
				for(a = 1; a <= toir; a++) {
					if (/* condition */)
						/* code */

			lowerlim ++			
Exemple #8
static void layout_flow(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *box, fz_html *top, float em, float page_h)
	fz_html_flow *node, *line_start, *word_start, *word_end, *line_end;
	float glue_w;
	float word_w;
	float line_w;
	float indent;
	float avail, line_h;
	float baseline;
	int align;

	em = fz_from_css_number(box->style.font_size, em, em);
	indent = box->is_first_flow ? fz_from_css_number(top->style.text_indent, em, top->w) : 0;
	align = top->style.text_align;

	box->x = top->x;
	box->y = top->y + top->h;
	box->w = top->w;
	box->h = 0;

	if (!box->flow_head)

	for (node = box->flow_head; node; node = node->next)
		if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE)
			measure_image(ctx, node, top->w, page_h);
			measure_word(ctx, node, em);

	line_start = find_next_word(box->flow_head, &glue_w);
	line_end = NULL;

	line_w = indent;
	word_w = 0;
	word_start = line_start;
	while (word_start)
		word_end = find_next_glue(word_start, &word_w);
		if (line_w + word_w <= top->w)
			line_w += word_w;
			glue_w = 0;
			line_end = word_end;
			word_start = find_next_word(word_end, &glue_w);
			word_w = glue_w;
			avail = page_h - fmodf(box->y + box->h, page_h);
			line_h = measure_line(line_start, line_end, &baseline);
			if (line_h > avail)
				box->h += avail;
			layout_line(ctx, indent, top->w, line_w, align, line_start, line_end, box, baseline);
			box->h += line_h;
			word_start = find_next_word(line_end, &glue_w);
			line_start = word_start;
			line_end = NULL;
			indent = 0;
			line_w = 0;
			word_w = 0;

	/* don't justify the last line of a paragraph */
	if (align == TA_JUSTIFY)
		align = TA_LEFT;

	if (line_start)
		avail = page_h - fmodf(box->y + box->h, page_h);
		line_h = measure_line(line_start, line_end, &baseline);
		if (line_h > avail)
			box->h += avail;
		layout_line(ctx, indent, top->w, line_w, align, line_start, line_end, box, baseline);
		box->h += line_h;
Exemple #9
void ifs_render(float t)

	if(ifs_loaded!=(int)(ifs_number)) ifs_load((int)ifs_number);
//	if(ifs_loaded!=(int)(angles[254])) ifs_load((int)angles[254]);

//	g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER|D3DCLEAR_STENCIL, 0xff000000, 1.0f, 0L );


	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_ALWAYS);

//	render_bg(g_pd3dDevice, bg);

	D3DXMATRIX matWorld;
	D3DXMatrixIdentity( &matWorld );
//	D3DXMatrixScaling(&matWorld, ifs_z,ifs_z,ifs_z); 
	g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &matWorld );

	// Set up our view matrix. A view matrix can be defined given an eye point,
	// a point to lookat, and a direction for which way is up. Here, we set the
	// eye five units back along the z-axis and up three units, look at the
	// origin, and define "up" to be in the y-direction.
	D3DXMATRIX matView;
	D3DXMatrixLookAtLH( &matView, &D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0f, 0.0f,-3.0f+ifs_z),
		&D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
		&D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_VIEW, &matView );

	// For the projection matrix, we set up a perspective transform (which
	// transforms geometry from 3D view space to 2D viewport space, with
	// a perspective divide making objects smaller in the distance). To build
	// a perpsective transform, we need the field of view (1/4 pi is common),
	// the aspect ratio, and the near and far clipping planes (which define at
	// what distances geometry should be no longer be rendered).
	D3DXMATRIX matProj;
	//D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &matProj, D3DX_PI/4, 1.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f );
	D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &matProj, 1, 4.f/3.f, 0.1f, 100.0f );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_PROJECTION, &matProj );

	g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture(3, m_pParticleTexture );

	int alpha=(int)(255*fade);
	m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR, 0x01010101*(alpha));

	m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 0);
    m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_COLOROP,   D3DTOP_MODULATE );
    m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_CURRENT);
    m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
    m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP,   D3DTOP_MODULATE );
    m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_TFACTOR);
    m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 3, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_CURRENT );

	// Set the render states for using point sprites
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE, TRUE);
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSCALEENABLE,  FALSE );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSIZE,     FtoDW(8.0f) );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSIZE_MIN, FtoDW(0.01f) );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSCALE_A,  FtoDW(0.00f) );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSCALE_B,  FtoDW(0.00f) );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSCALE_C,  FtoDW(1.00f) );

	// Set up the vertex buffer to be rendered
	//    pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, ifs_vb, 0, sizeof(POINTVERTEX) );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetVertexShader( D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE );
g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState (D3DRS_POINTSCALEENABLE, FALSE);
// All textures must be turned off.
g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture (0, NULL); 
g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP,  D3DTOP_DISABLE);
// The point size render state must be set to any value between 0.0-1.0
g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSIZE, 1.0);

	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );

    // Turn off culling
    g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE );

    // Turn off D3D lighting
    g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE );

	//	printf("%4.2f\n", t);
	g_anim.time = fmodf(t, g_anim.getEndTime());

	g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture(3, NULL);
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, TRUE );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE, FALSE);

//	g_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
static float fast_mod(float angle, float max) {
    if (angle >= max || angle <= -max) {
        angle = fmodf(angle, max); 
    return angle;
Exemple #11
static void paint(void *widget, OsdPainter *painter, int x, int y)
    WgVerticalGauge *self = widget;
    osdPainterTranslate(painter, x, y);
    osdPainterSetPen(painter, &gaugePen);
    osdPainterSetBrush(painter, &gaugeBrush);
    osdPainterDrawLine(painter, 0, -GAUGE_HEIGHT / 2, 0, GAUGE_HEIGHT / 2);

    // draw scale
    osdPainterSetFont(painter, osdFontByName("consolas10"));
    float rem = fmodf(self->value, self->scale);
    int offset = (int)((rem / self->scale) * LONG_NOTCH_SPACE);
    float centerNotchVal =self->scale * ((int)(self->value / self->scale));
    float upNotchVal = centerNotchVal;
    float downNotchVal = upNotchVal;
    int ygamut = 0;
    while(1) {
        bool longNotch = (((ygamut) % LONG_NOTCH_SPACE) == 0);
        int notchLen = (longNotch) ? LONG_NOTCH_LEN : SHORT_NOTCH_LEN;
        if (self->leftSide) notchLen = -notchLen;
        if ((ygamut + offset) <= (GAUGE_HEIGHT / 2)) {
            if ((!self->noNegative) || (downNotchVal >= 0)) {
                osdPainterDrawLine(painter, 0, ygamut + offset, notchLen, ygamut + offset);
                // draw notch caption (lower)
                if (longNotch) {
                    char strVal[8];
                    itoa((int)downNotchVal, strVal, 10);
                    int textX;
                    if (self->leftSide) {
                        int width = 0;
                        int height = 0;
                        osdPainterTextBounds(painter, strVal, &width, &height);
                        textX = -LONG_NOTCH_LEN - 2 - width;
                    } else {
                        textX = LONG_NOTCH_LEN + 2;
                    osdPainterDrawText(painter, textX, ygamut + offset - 5, strVal);
            if (longNotch) downNotchVal -= self->scale;
        if ((-ygamut + offset) < (-GAUGE_HEIGHT / 2)) break;

        osdPainterDrawLine(painter, 0, -ygamut + offset, notchLen, -ygamut + offset);

        // draw notch caption (upper)
        if (longNotch) {
            char strVal[8];
            itoa((int)upNotchVal, strVal, 10);
            upNotchVal += self->scale;
            int textX;
            if (self->leftSide) {
                int width = 0;
                int height = 0;
                osdPainterTextBounds(painter, strVal, &width, &height);
                textX = -LONG_NOTCH_LEN - 2 - width;
            } else {
                textX = LONG_NOTCH_LEN + 2;
            osdPainterDrawText(painter, textX, -ygamut + offset - 5, strVal);
        ygamut += SHORT_NOTCH_SPACE;

    // draw arrow with value
    char strVal[12];
    if (fabsf(self->value) < 10) {
        if (self->value < 0)
            lsprintf(strVal, "-%d.%d", (int)fabsf(self->value),
                    (int)fabsf(self->value * 10) % 10);
            lsprintf(strVal, "%d.%d", (int)fabsf(self->value),
                    (int)fabsf(self->value * 10) % 10);
    } else {
        itoa((int)self->value, strVal, 10);
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    osdPainterSetFont(painter, osdFontByName(needleFont));
    osdPainterTextBounds(painter, strVal, &width, &height);

    int textValueX = 0;
    int textUnitX = 0;
    int poly[10];
    if (!self->leftSide) {
        poly[0] = 1; poly[1] =  0;
        poly[2] = NEEDLE_LENGTH; poly[3] =  -height / 2 - 1;
        poly[4] = NEEDLE_LENGTH + width + 1; poly[5] =  -height / 2 -1;
        poly[6] = NEEDLE_LENGTH + width + 1; poly[7] = height / 2 + 1;
        poly[8] = NEEDLE_LENGTH;  poly[9] = height / 2 +1;
        textValueX = NEEDLE_LENGTH + 1;
        textUnitX = LONG_NOTCH_LEN + 28;
    } else {
        poly[0] = -1; poly[1] =  0;
        poly[2] = -NEEDLE_LENGTH; poly[3] =  -height / 2 - 1;
        poly[4] = -NEEDLE_LENGTH - width - 1; poly[5] =  -height / 2 -1;
        poly[6] = -NEEDLE_LENGTH - width - 1; poly[7] = height / 2 + 1;
        poly[8] = -NEEDLE_LENGTH;  poly[9] = height / 2 +1;

        textValueX = - NEEDLE_LENGTH - width + 1;
        textUnitX = - LONG_NOTCH_LEN - 45;


    osdPainterSetPen(painter, &needlePen);
    osdPainterSetBrush(painter, &needleBrush);
    osdPainterDrawPoly(painter, poly, 5);
    osdPainterSetBrush(painter, &gaugeBrush);
    osdPainterSetPen(painter, &textPen);
    osdPainterDrawText(painter, textValueX, -height / 2 + 1, strVal);
    osdPainterSetFont(painter, osdFontByName(captionFont));
    osdPainterDrawText(painter, textUnitX, 12, self->units);
// updateMotion()
void LLMotionController::updateMotions(bool force_update)
	BOOL use_quantum = (mTimeStep != 0.f);

	// Always update mPrevTimerElapsed
	F32 cur_time = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
	F32 delta_time = cur_time - mPrevTimerElapsed;
	mPrevTimerElapsed = cur_time;
	mLastTime = mAnimTime;

	// Always cap the number of loaded motions
	// Update timing info for this time step.
	if (!mPaused)
		F32 update_time = mAnimTime + delta_time * mTimeFactor;
		if (use_quantum)
			F32 time_interval = fmodf(update_time, mTimeStep);

            // This old code is nonsense.
            //S32 quantum_count = llmax(0, ll_round((update_time - time_interval) / mTimeStep)) + 1;
            // (update_time - time_interval) / mTimeStep is an integer! We need ll_round to get rid of floating point errors, not llfloor.
            // Moreover, just rounding off to the nearest integer with ll_round(update_time / mTimeStep) makes a lot more sense:
            // it is the best we can do to get as close to what we should draw as possible.
            // However, mAnimTime may only be incremented; therefore make sure of that with the llmax.
			S32 quantum_count = llmax(ll_round(update_time / mTimeStep), llceil(mAnimTime / mTimeStep));
			if (quantum_count == mTimeStepCount)
				// we're still in same time quantum as before, so just interpolate and exit
				if (!mPaused)
					F32 interp = time_interval / mTimeStep;
					mPoseBlender.interpolate(interp - mLastInterp);
					mLastInterp = interp;


			// is calculating a new keyframe pose, make sure the last one gets applied

			mTimeStepCount = quantum_count;
			// Singu note: mAnimTime may never be set back in time.
			// Despite the llmax/llceil above, (F32)quantum_count * mTimeStep can still
			// be a tiny bit smaller than mAnimTime due to floating point round off errors.
			mAnimTime = llmax(mAnimTime, (F32)quantum_count * mTimeStep);
			mLastInterp = 0.f;
			// Singu note: mAnimTime may never be set back in time.
			mAnimTime = llmax(mAnimTime, update_time);



	if (mPaused && !force_update)
		// update additive motions

		// update all regular motions

		if (use_quantum)

	mHasRunOnce = TRUE;
//	llinfos << "Motion controller time " << motionTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() << llendl;
Exemple #13
int audioCallback (const void *inputBuffer,
                   void *outputBuffer,
                   unsigned long frames,
                   const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
                   PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
                   void *userData)
    AudioData *data = (AudioData *) userData;
    int16_t *inputLeft = ((int16_t **) inputBuffer)[0];
//    int16_t *inputRight = ((int16_t **) inputBuffer)[1];
    //printf("Audio callback at %6.0f\n", usecTimestampNow()/1000);
    if (inputLeft != NULL) {
        //  Measure the loudness of the signal from the microphone and store in audio object
        float loudness = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES; i++) {
            loudness += abs(inputLeft[i]);
        loudness /= BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
        data->lastInputLoudness = loudness;
        data->averagedInputLoudness = 0.66*data->averagedInputLoudness + 0.33*loudness;
        //  If scope is turned on, copy input buffer to scope
        if (scope->getState()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES; i++) {
                scope->addData((float)inputLeft[i]/32767.0, 1, i);
        if (data->mixerAddress != 0) {
            sockaddr_in audioMixerSocket;
            audioMixerSocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
            audioMixerSocket.sin_addr.s_addr = data->mixerAddress;
            audioMixerSocket.sin_port = data->mixerPort;
            int leadingBytes = 2 + (sizeof(float) * 4);
            // we need the amount of bytes in the buffer + 1 for type
            // + 12 for 3 floats for position + float for bearing + 1 attenuation byte
            unsigned char dataPacket[BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES + leadingBytes];
            dataPacket[0] = PACKET_HEADER_INJECT_AUDIO;
            unsigned char *currentPacketPtr = dataPacket + 1;
            // memcpy the three float positions
            for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) {
                memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &data->linkedHead->getPos()[p], sizeof(float));
                currentPacketPtr += sizeof(float);
            // tell the mixer not to add additional attenuation to our source
            *(currentPacketPtr++) = 255;
            // memcpy the corrected render yaw
            float correctedYaw = fmodf(data->linkedHead->getRenderYaw(), 360);
            if (correctedYaw > 180) {
                correctedYaw -= 360;
            } else if (correctedYaw < -180) {
                correctedYaw += 360;
            if (data->mixerLoopbackFlag) {
                correctedYaw = correctedYaw > 0 ? correctedYaw + AGENT_LOOPBACK_MODIFIER : correctedYaw - AGENT_LOOPBACK_MODIFIER;
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &correctedYaw, sizeof(float));
            currentPacketPtr += sizeof(float);
//            if (samplesLeftForWalk == 0) {
//                sampleWalkPointer = walkingSoundArray;
//            }
//            if (data->playWalkSound) {
//                // if this boolean is true and we aren't currently playing the walk sound
//                // set the number of samples left for walk
//                samplesLeftForWalk = walkingSoundSamples;
//                data->playWalkSound = false;
//            }
//            if (samplesLeftForWalk > 0) {
//                // we need to play part of the walking sound
//                // so add it in
//                int affectedSamples = std::min(samplesLeftForWalk, BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
//                for (int i = 0; i < affectedSamples; i++) {
//                    inputLeft[i] += *sampleWalkPointer;
//                    inputLeft[i] = std::max(inputLeft[i], std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min());
//                    inputLeft[i] = std::min(inputLeft[i], std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max());
//                    sampleWalkPointer++;
//                    samplesLeftForWalk--;
//                    if (sampleWalkPointer - walkingSoundArray > walkingSoundSamples) {
//                        sampleWalkPointer = walkingSoundArray;
//                    };
//                }
//            }
            // copy the audio data to the last BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES bytes of the data packet
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, inputLeft, BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES);
            data->audioSocket->send((sockaddr *)&audioMixerSocket, dataPacket, BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES + leadingBytes);
    int16_t *outputLeft = ((int16_t **) outputBuffer)[0];
    int16_t *outputRight = ((int16_t **) outputBuffer)[1];
    memset(outputLeft, 0, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);
    memset(outputRight, 0, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);

    AudioRingBuffer *ringBuffer = data->ringBuffer;
    // if we've been reset, and there isn't any new packets yet
    // just play some silence
    if (ringBuffer->getEndOfLastWrite() != NULL) {
        if (!ringBuffer->isStarted() && ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + JITTER_BUFFER_SAMPLES) {
            //printf("Held back, buffer has %d of %d samples required.\n", ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput(), PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + JITTER_BUFFER_SAMPLES);
        } else if (ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES) {
            packetsReceivedThisPlayback = 0;

            //printf("Starved #%d\n", starve_counter);
            data->wasStarved = 10;      //   Frames to render the indication that the system was starved.
        } else {
            if (!ringBuffer->isStarted()) {
                printf("starting playback %3.1f msecs delayed \n", (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&firstPlaybackTimer))/1000.0);
            } else {
                //printf("pushing buffer\n");
            // play whatever we have in the audio buffer
            // if we haven't fired off the flange effect, check if we should
            int lastYawMeasured = fabsf(data->linkedHead->getLastMeasuredYaw());
            if (!samplesLeftForFlange && lastYawMeasured > MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD) {
                // we should flange for one second
                if ((lastYawMeasuredMaximum = std::max(lastYawMeasuredMaximum, lastYawMeasured)) != lastYawMeasured) {
                    lastYawMeasuredMaximum = std::min(lastYawMeasuredMaximum, MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD);
                    samplesLeftForFlange = SAMPLE_RATE;
                    flangeIntensity = MIN_FLANGE_INTENSITY +
                        ((lastYawMeasuredMaximum - MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD) / (float)(MAX_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD - MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD)) *
                        (1 - MIN_FLANGE_INTENSITY);
                    flangeRate = FLANGE_BASE_RATE * flangeIntensity;
                    flangeWeight = MAX_FLANGE_SAMPLE_WEIGHT * flangeIntensity;
            // check if we have more than we need to play out
//            int thresholdFrames = ceilf((PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + JITTER_BUFFER_SAMPLES) / (float)PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
//            int thresholdSamples = thresholdFrames * PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
//            if (ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() > thresholdSamples) {
//                // we need to push the next output forwards
//                int samplesToPush = ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() - thresholdSamples;
//                if (ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + samplesToPush > ringBuffer->getBuffer()) {
//                    ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getBuffer() + (samplesToPush - (ringBuffer->getBuffer() + RING_BUFFER_SAMPLES - ringBuffer->getNextOutput())));
//                } else {
//                    ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + samplesToPush);
//                }
//            }
            for (int s = 0; s < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; s++) {
                int leftSample = ringBuffer->getNextOutput()[s];
                int rightSample = ringBuffer->getNextOutput()[s + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
                if (samplesLeftForFlange > 0) {
                    float exponent = (SAMPLE_RATE - samplesLeftForFlange - (SAMPLE_RATE / flangeRate)) / (SAMPLE_RATE / flangeRate);
                    int sampleFlangeDelay = (SAMPLE_RATE / (1000 * flangeIntensity)) * powf(2, exponent);
                    if (samplesLeftForFlange != SAMPLE_RATE || s >= (SAMPLE_RATE / 2000)) {
                        // we have a delayed sample to add to this sample
                        int16_t *flangeFrame = ringBuffer->getNextOutput();
                        int flangeIndex = s - sampleFlangeDelay;
                        if (flangeIndex < 0) {
                            // we need to grab the flange sample from earlier in the buffer
                            flangeFrame = ringBuffer->getNextOutput() != ringBuffer->getBuffer()
                            ? ringBuffer->getNextOutput() - PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES
                            : ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + RING_BUFFER_SAMPLES - PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
                            flangeIndex = PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL + (s - sampleFlangeDelay);
                        int16_t leftFlangeSample = flangeFrame[flangeIndex];
                        int16_t rightFlangeSample = flangeFrame[flangeIndex + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
                        leftSample = (1 - flangeWeight) * leftSample + (flangeWeight * leftFlangeSample);
                        rightSample = (1 - flangeWeight) * rightSample + (flangeWeight * rightFlangeSample);
                        if (samplesLeftForFlange == 0) {
                            lastYawMeasuredMaximum = 0;
                outputLeft[s] = leftSample;
                outputRight[s] = rightSample;
            ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
            if (ringBuffer->getNextOutput() == ringBuffer->getBuffer() + RING_BUFFER_SAMPLES) {
    gettimeofday(&data->lastCallback, NULL);
    return paContinue;
void GraphicsContext::drawLineForDocumentMarker(const FloatPoint& point, float width, DocumentMarkerLineStyle style)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    if (style != DocumentMarkerSpellingLineStyle && style != DocumentMarkerGrammarLineStyle)

    // These are the same for misspelling or bad grammar
    const int patternHeight = 3; // 3 rows
    ASSERT(cMisspellingLineThickness == patternHeight);
    const int patternWidth = 4; // 4 pixels
    ASSERT(patternWidth == cMisspellingLinePatternWidth);

    // Make sure to draw only complete dots.
    // NOTE: Code here used to shift the underline to the left and increase the width
    // to make sure everything gets underlined, but that results in drawing out of
    // bounds (e.g. when at the edge of a view) and could make it appear that the
    // space between adjacent misspelled words was underlined.
    // allow slightly more considering that the pattern ends with a transparent pixel
    float widthMod = fmodf(width, patternWidth);
    if (patternWidth - widthMod > cMisspellingLinePatternGapWidth)
        width -= widthMod;
    // Draw the underline
    CGContextRef context = platformContext();

    const Color& patternColor = style == DocumentMarkerGrammarLineStyle ? grammarPatternColor() : spellingPatternColor();
    setCGStrokeColor(context, patternColor);

    wkSetPatternPhaseInUserSpace(context, point);
    CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeNormal);
    // 3 rows, each offset by half a pixel for blending purposes
    const CGPoint upperPoints [] = {{point.x(), point.y() + patternHeight - 2.5 }, {point.x() + width, point.y() + patternHeight - 2.5}};
    const CGPoint middlePoints [] = {{point.x(), point.y() + patternHeight - 1.5 }, {point.x() + width, point.y() + patternHeight - 1.5}};
    const CGPoint lowerPoints [] = {{point.x(), point.y() + patternHeight - 0.5 }, {point.x() + width, point.y() + patternHeight - 0.5 }};
    // Dash lengths for the top and bottom of the error underline are the same.
    // These are magic.
    static const float edge_dash_lengths[] = {2.0f, 2.0f};
    static const float middle_dash_lengths[] = {2.76f, 1.24f};
    static const float edge_offset = -(edge_dash_lengths[1] - 1.0f) / 2.0f;
    static const float middle_offset = -(middle_dash_lengths[1] - 1.0f) / 2.0f;

    // Line opacities.  Once again, these are magic.
    const float upperOpacity = 0.33f;
    const float middleOpacity = 0.75f;
    const float lowerOpacity = 0.88f;

    //Top line
    CGContextSetLineDash(context, edge_offset, edge_dash_lengths, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(edge_dash_lengths));
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, upperOpacity);
    CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, upperPoints, 2);
    // Middle line
    CGContextSetLineDash(context, middle_offset, middle_dash_lengths, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(middle_dash_lengths));
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, middleOpacity);
    CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, middlePoints, 2);
    // Bottom line
    CGContextSetLineDash(context, edge_offset, edge_dash_lengths, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(edge_dash_lengths));
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, lowerOpacity);
    CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, lowerPoints, 2);

static inline bool glyphOrientationIsMultiplyOf180Degrees(float orientationAngle)
    return !fabsf(fmodf(orientationAngle, 180));
Exemple #16
void Guy::Update(float time, float seconds)
//	if (Input::GetKey(KeyCode_T))
		//d += seconds;
	//if (Input::GetKey(KeyCode_G))
//		d -= seconds;

//	d = MathUtils::Clamp(d, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	if (m_meshRibbon != NULL)
		float d = 0;
		if (m_meshRibbon->m_ribbon != NULL && m_meshRibbon->m_ribbon->m_ribbonWeightCurve != NULL)
			d = m_meshRibbon->m_ribbon->m_ribbonWeightCurve->Evaluate(time);

		d = MathUtils::Clamp(d, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		shader->SetParameter("u_ribbonWeight", d);

		m_meshRibbon->Update(time, seconds);

	if (time < m_positionCurve->GetStartTime() ||
		time > m_positionCurve->GetEndTime())
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_renderables.size(); i++)
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_renderables.size(); i++)

	sm::Vec3 position = m_positionCurve->Evaluate(time);
	sm::Vec3 nextPosition = m_positionCurve->Evaluate(time + 0.05f);

	sm::Vec3 direction(0, 0, 1);

	if (position != nextPosition)
		direction = (nextPosition - position).GetNormalized();

	sm::Matrix baseTransform =
		sm::Matrix::TranslateMatrix(position) *
		sm::Matrix::CreateLookAt(direction.GetReversed(), sm::Vec3(0, 1, 0)) *
		sm::Matrix::ScaleMatrix(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f);

	//sm::Matrix baseTransform = sm::Matrix::Identity;

	int animationIndex = 0;

	float animLength = m_animations[animationIndex]->GetAnimLength();

	//m_animations[animationIndex]->Update(time, m_mesh->m_meshData->m_worldMatrix, seconds);
	m_animations[animationIndex]->Update(fmodf(time * 1.0f, animLength), baseTransform, seconds);
	//m_animations[animationIndex]->Update(animLength * 0.8f, baseTransform, seconds);


	/*for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_renderables.size(); i++)
Exemple #17
static gboolean _lib_filmstrip_expose_callback(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer user_data)
  dt_lib_module_t *self = (dt_lib_module_t *)user_data;
  dt_lib_filmstrip_t *strip = (dt_lib_filmstrip_t *)self->data;

  GtkAllocation allocation;
  gtk_widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation);
  int32_t width = allocation.width;
  int32_t height = allocation.height;

  gdouble pointerx = strip->pointerx;
  gdouble pointery = strip->pointery;

  if(darktable.gui->center_tooltip == 1)

  strip->image_over = DT_VIEW_DESERT;
  DT_CTL_SET_GLOBAL(lib_image_mouse_over_id, -1);

  /* create cairo surface */
  cairo_t *cr = gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_window(widget));

  /* fill background */
  cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .2, .2, .2);

  int offset = strip->offset;

  const float wd = height;
  const float ht = height;

  int max_cols = (int)(width/(float)wd) + 2;
  if (max_cols%2 == 0)
    max_cols += 1;

  const int col_start = max_cols/2 - strip->offset;
  const int empty_edge = (width - (max_cols * wd))/2;
  int step_res = SQLITE_ROW;

  sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;

  /* mouse over image position in filmstrip */
  pointerx -= empty_edge;
  const int seli = (pointery > 0 && pointery <= ht) ? pointerx / (float)wd : -1;
  const int img_pointerx = (int)fmodf(pointerx, wd);
  const int img_pointery = (int)pointery;

  /* get the count of current collection */
  strip->collection_count = dt_collection_get_count (darktable.collection);

  /* get the collection query */
  const gchar *query=dt_collection_get_query (darktable.collection);
    return FALSE;

  if(offset < 0)
    strip->offset = offset = 0;
  if(offset > strip->collection_count-1)
    strip->offset = offset = strip->collection_count-1;

  // dt_view_set_scrollbar(self, offset, count, max_cols, 0, 1, 1);

  DT_DEBUG_SQLITE3_PREPARE_V2(dt_database_get(darktable.db), query, -1, &stmt, NULL);
  DT_DEBUG_SQLITE3_BIND_INT(stmt, 1, offset - max_cols/2);
  DT_DEBUG_SQLITE3_BIND_INT(stmt, 2, max_cols);

  cairo_translate(cr, empty_edge, 0.0f);
  for(int col = 0; col < max_cols; col++)
    if(col < col_start)
      cairo_translate(cr, wd, 0.0f);

    if(step_res != SQLITE_DONE)
      step_res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

    if(step_res == SQLITE_ROW)
      int id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
      // set mouse over id
      if(seli == col)
        strip->mouse_over_id = id;
        DT_CTL_SET_GLOBAL(lib_image_mouse_over_id, strip->mouse_over_id);
      // FIXME find out where the y translation is done, how big the value is and use it directly instead of getting it from the matrix ...
      cairo_matrix_t m;
      cairo_get_matrix(cr, &m);
      dt_view_image_expose(&(strip->image_over), id, cr, wd, ht, max_cols, img_pointerx, img_pointery, FALSE);
    else if (step_res == SQLITE_DONE)
      /* do nothing, just add some empty thumb frames */
    else goto failure;
    cairo_translate(cr, wd, 0.0f);

  if(darktable.gui->center_tooltip == 1) // set in this round
    char* tooltip = dt_history_get_items_as_string(strip->mouse_over_id);
    if(tooltip != NULL)
      g_object_set(G_OBJECT(strip->filmstrip), "tooltip-text", tooltip, (char *)NULL);
  else if(darktable.gui->center_tooltip == 2)   // not set in this round
    darktable.gui->center_tooltip = 0;
    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(strip->filmstrip), "tooltip-text", "", (char *)NULL);

#ifdef _DEBUG
  if(darktable.unmuted & DT_DEBUG_CACHE)

  /* cleanup */

  return TRUE;
char CInputManager::HandleKeyboard(float dtime)
	DWORD oldTime = 0;
	DWORD tickDelta;
	// update counts and time
    oldTime = m_fTime;

	DWORD newCount = GetTickCount();

	tickDelta = newCount - m_fOldCount;

	// if none of the keys are pressed
	if (!m_pInputModule->KBIsAnyKeyPressed())
		// clear the key states and return
		m_fOldCount = (newCount-1);
		return 0;

	int i;
	char cLastASCII = 0;

	// figure out if shift is pressed
	bool bShift = (m_pInputModule->KBIsKeyPressed(EEK_RSHIFT)!=0)||

	// load key table
	const SEEKey *pTable = m_pInputModule->GetKeyTable();

	// go through all the keys
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_KEYS;i++)
		// check if key is pressed
		bool state = (m_pInputModule->KBIsKeyPressed(i)!=0);

		// check modifiers and escape
		if (i==EEK_RSHIFT || i==EEK_LSHIFT || i==EEK_LCTRL || 
			i==EEK_RCTRL  || i==EEK_LALT || i==EEK_ALTGR || 

		// if a key is pressed
		if (state)
			// make sure the repeat delay time as passed
			// if it has see the key pressed to be true
			m_bPressed[i] = (m_fPressedTime[i] == -KEYREPEAT_DELAYTIME);
			// add time change to time array
			m_fPressedTime[i] += tickDelta;

			if (m_fPressedTime[i] >= KEYREPEAT_FREQUENCY)
				m_fPressedTime[i] = fmodf(m_fPressedTime[i],
				m_bPressed[i] = true;
				// also display in output
				//OutputDebugString(_T("PASSED TEST!\n"));
			// otherwise make sure the key isn't pressed
			// in the array
			m_fPressedTime[i] = -KEYREPEAT_DELAYTIME;
			m_bPressed[i] = false;
		// map virtual key to ASCII
		if (!cLastASCII && m_bPressed[i])
			const SEEKey *pKey = &pTable[i];
			cLastASCII = (bShift) ? 
	// send message that a key has been pressed
	static DWORD msgHash_KeyPress = CHashString(_T("KeyPress")).GetUniqueID();
	m_ToolBox->SendMessage(msgHash_KeyPress, (DWORD)(sizeof(char)), &cLastASCII);

	m_fOldCount = (newCount-1);
	return cLastASCII;
Exemple #19
void ofApp::drawEffects(int mode)
    switch (mode) {
        case 0:
            // Mouse Circle
            float hue = fmodf(ofGetElapsedTimef()*10,255);
            ofColor c = ofColor::fromHsb(hue, 255, 255);
        case 1:
            // Like the processing example draw dot images and rotate
            int size = 120;
            ofTranslate(0, 0);
            ofSetColor(0, 255,20);
            dot.draw(size/4, size/4, size,size);
            ofSetColor(255, 0,20);
            dot.draw((size/4*3), size/4, size,size);
            ofSetColor(0, 0,255);
            dot.draw(size/4, (size/4*3), size,size);
            ofSetColor(255, 0,255);
            dot.draw((size/4*3),(size/4*3), size,size);
        case 2:
            // Changes the color of a Circle
            float hue = fmodf(ofGetElapsedTimef()*10,255);
            ofColor c = ofColor::fromHsb(hue, 255, 255);
        case 3:
            // Fade to full brightness then to zero
            ofSetColor((int)(128 + 128 * sin(ofGetElapsedTimef())));
        case 4:
            float rotationAmount = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis()/10;
            ofSetColor(255, 0, 0);
            ofTranslate(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2);
            ofTranslate(-ofGetWidth()/2, -ofGetHeight()/2);
            ofCircle(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2-10, 20);
            ofSetColor(0, 0, 255);
            ofTranslate(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2);
            ofTranslate(-ofGetWidth()/2, -ofGetHeight()/2);
            ofCircle(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2+10, 20);
        case 5:
            ofSetColor(255, 255,255);
            movie.draw(ofGetWidth()/2-30, ofGetHeight()/2-30, 60, 60);
        case 6:
            float hue = fmodf(ofGetElapsedTimef()*10,255);
            ofColor c = ofColor::fromHsb(hue, 255, 255);
            dot.draw(mouseX-75, mouseY-75, 150,150);
Exemple #20
OSStatus Stereo::ProcessBufferLists(AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags,
	const AudioBufferList & inBuffer, AudioBufferList & outBuffer, UInt32 inFramesToProcess)
	// update internal parameters...
	float dphi = (float) (3.141 * GetParameter(kParam_Rate) / GetSampleRate());
	float mod = (float) ((double)GetParameter(kParam_Mod) * 0.001 * GetSampleRate());

	long widthMode = (long) GetParameter(kParam_Mode);
	if (widthMode >= kNumModes)
		widthMode = kNumModes - 1;
	else if (widthMode < 0)
		widthMode = 0;
	float widthValue = GetParameter(kParam_Width) * 0.01f;
	float fli, fld, fri, frd;
	if (widthMode == kMode_Haas)
		fli = 1.0f - (widthValue * 0.75f);
		fld = 0.0f;
		fri = 1.0f - widthValue;
		frd = 1.0f - fri;
		fli = ((1.0f - widthValue) * 0.5f) + 0.5f;
		fld = widthValue * 0.5f;
		fri = fli;
		frd = -fld;
	float fdel = (float) ((double)GetParameter(kParam_Delay) * 0.001 * GetSampleRate());
	float balanceValue = GetParameter(kParam_Balance) * 0.01f;
	float balanceScalar = 1.0f - fabsf(balanceValue);
	if (balanceValue > 0.0f)
		fli *= balanceScalar;
		fld *= balanceScalar;
		fri *= balanceScalar;
		frd *= balanceScalar;
	float widthValue_modified = (widthValue * 0.5f) + 0.5f;
	fri *= widthValue_modified;
	frd *= widthValue_modified;
	fli *= widthValue_modified;
	fld *= widthValue_modified;

	const float * in1 = (float*)(inBuffer.mBuffers[0].mData);
	float * in2 = NULL;
	if (inBuffer.mNumberBuffers > 1)
		in2 = (float*)(inBuffer.mBuffers[1].mData);
	float * out[kNumOutputs];
	for (SInt16 i=0; i < kNumOutputs; i++)
		out[i] = (float*)(outBuffer.mBuffers[i].mData);

	if (mod > 0.0f)	// modulated delay
		for (UInt32 samp=0; samp < inFramesToProcess; samp++)
			float a = in1[samp];	// mono input
			if (in2 != NULL)
				a = (a + in2[samp]) * 0.5f;	// summed stereo input

			buffer[bufpos] = a;	// write
			long tmp = (bufpos + (long)(fdel + fabsf(mod * sinf(phi)) ) ) % bufsize;
			float b = buffer[tmp];

			out[0][samp] = (a * fli) - (b * fld);	// output
			out[1][samp] = (a * fri) - (b * frd);

			// buffer position
			if (bufpos < 0)
				bufpos = bufsize - 1;

			phi = phi + dphi;
		for (UInt32 samp=0; samp < inFramesToProcess; samp++)
			float a = in1[samp];	// mono input
			if (in2 != NULL)
				a = (a + in2[samp]) * 0.5f;	// summed stereo input

			buffer[bufpos] = a;	// write
			long tmp = (bufpos + (long)(fdel) ) % bufsize;
			float b = buffer[tmp];

			out[0][samp] = (a * fli) - (b * fld);	// output
			out[1][samp] = (a * fri) - (b * frd);

			// buffer position
			if (bufpos < 0)
				bufpos = bufsize - 1;
	phi = fmodf(phi, 6.2831853f);

	return noErr;
int main(void)
    e_coreid_t coreid;
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int num;
    unsigned int time_p;
    unsigned int time_c;
    unsigned int time_compare;
    unsigned int list[14] = {4, 3, 3, 144953, 68892, 24971, 52908, 96970, 19531, 17676, 10459, 10458, 357432, 36235};
    unsigned int index = 0;
    unsigned *mailbox;
    float volatile af;
    float volatile bf;
    float volatile cf;
    float volatile df;
    float volatile ref;
    unsigned int temp;

    float volatile in_sin;
    float volatile in_cos;
    float volatile in_sqt;
    float volatile in_ceil;
    float volatile in_log;
    float re_f0, re_f1, re_f2, re_f3, re_f4, re_f5;

    af = 3.5f;
    bf = 2.8f;
    cf = 8.0f;
    df = 3.0f;
    in_sin = (float) pi;
    in_sin = in_sin / 6 ;
    in_cos = (float) pi;
    in_cos = in_cos / 3 ;
    in_sqt = 0.25f;
    in_ceil = 2.5f;
    in_log = 100.0f;
    mailbox = (unsigned *)0x6000;
    mailbox[0] = 0;

    // Who am I? Query the CoreID from hardware.
    coreid = e_get_coreid();
    sprintf(outbuf, "");

    // Get time waste on functions
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0,  E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    time_p = e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);
    time_compare = time_p - time_c ;

    // Addition
    // E_CTIMER0
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0,  E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    ref = bf + af ;

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (!((ref > 6.299f)&&(ref < 6.301f)) )
        sprintf(outbuf, "\n Addition is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp >=(list[0] - 2)) && (temp <=(list[0] + 2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf , "\nPASS for addition!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf , "\nThe clock cycle for addition is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[0]);

    // Subtraction
    // E_CTIMER0
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0,  E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    ref =  af - bf;

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((ref > 0.699f)&&(ref < 0.701f)))
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Subtraction is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ((temp >= (list[1] - 2)) && (temp <= (list[1] + 2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf) , "\nPASS for substraction!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for subtraction is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[1]);

    // Mul
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    ref = af * bf;

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (!((ref > 9.799f)&&(ref < 9.801f)))
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Multiplication is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ((temp >=(unsigned) (list[2] -2)) && (temp <=(unsigned) (list[2]+2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for multiplication!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for multiplication is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[2]);

    // Div
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    ref = ( af / bf);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (!((ref > 1.2499f)&&(ref < 1.2501f)))
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Division is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (unsigned) (list[3] * 0.8)) && (temp < (unsigned) (list[3] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for division!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for division is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[3]);

    // Mod
    // E_CTIMER0
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    ref = fmodf(cf,df);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (!((ref > 1.99f)&&(ref < 2.01f)))
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Mod is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (unsigned)(list[4] * 0.8)) && (temp < (unsigned)(list[4] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for mod!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for mod is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[4]);

    // Sin
    // E_CTIMER0
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    re_f0 = sinf(in_sin);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((re_f0 > 0.499) && (re_f0 < 0.501)) )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Sin is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (unsigned)(list[5] * 0.8)) && (temp < (unsigned)(list[5] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for sin!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for sin is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[5]);

    // Cos
    // E_CTIMER0
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    re_f1 = cosf(in_cos);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (  !((re_f1 > 0.499) && (re_f1 < 0.501)))
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Cos is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (unsigned)(list[6] * 0.8)) && (temp < (unsigned)(list[6] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for cos!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for cos is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[6]);

    // Sqrt
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0,  E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    re_f2 = sqrtf(in_sqt);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((re_f2 > 0.499) && (re_f2 < 0.501)) )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Sqrt is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[7] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[7] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for square root!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for sqrt is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[7]);

    // Ceil
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0,  E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    re_f3 = ceilf(in_ceil);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((re_f3 > 2.99) && (re_f3 < 3.01)) )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Ceil is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[8] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[8] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for ceil!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for ceil is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[8]);

    // Floor
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0,  E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    re_f5 = floorf(in_ceil);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((re_f5 > 1.99f) && (re_f5 < 2.01f))  )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Floor is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[9] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[9] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for floor!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for floor is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[9]);

    // Log10
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_1, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_1, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_1);

    re_f4 = log10f(df);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_1);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((re_f4 > 0.477f) && (re_f4 < 0.478f)) )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Log10 is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[11] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[11] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for log10!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for log10 is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[10]);

    // Ln
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    re_f4 = logf(in_log);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (!((re_f4 > 4.6f) && (re_f4 < 4.61f)) )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Ln is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[11] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[11] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for ln!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for ln is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[11]);

    // Power
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_1, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_1, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_1);

    re_f4 = powf(cf,df);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_1);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if (!( (re_f4 > 511.99f) && (re_f4 < 512.01f) ))
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Power is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[12] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[12] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for power!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for power is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[12]);

    // Ldexp
    e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_1, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
    e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_1, E_CTIMER_CLK);
    time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_1);

    re_f4 = ldexpf(cf,df);

    time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_1);

    temp = time_p - time_c - time_compare;

    if ( !((re_f4 > 63.99f) && (re_f4 < 64.01f)) )
        sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf), "\n Ldexp is wrong!\n");
    } else
        if ( (temp > (list[13] * 0.8)) && (temp < (list[13] * 1.2)) )
            index++;//sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nPASS for ldexp!\n");
        } else
            sprintf(outbuf +strlen(outbuf), "\nThe clock cycle for ldexp is %d instead of %d.\n", temp, list[13]);

    mailbox[0] = index;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

simpleaudio_tone(simpleaudio *sa_out, float tone_freq, size_t nsamples_dur)
    unsigned int framesize = simpleaudio_get_framesize(sa_out);

    void *buf = malloc(nsamples_dur * framesize);

    if ( tone_freq != 0 ) {

	float wave_nsamples = simpleaudio_get_rate(sa_out) / tone_freq;
	size_t i;

#define TURNS_TO_RADIANS(t)	( (float)M_PI*2 * (t) )

#define SINE_PHASE_TURNS	( (float)i/wave_nsamples + sa_tone_cphase )

	switch ( simpleaudio_get_format(sa_out) ) {

		    float *float_buf = buf;
		    if ( sin_table_float ) {
			for ( i=0; i<nsamples_dur; i++ )
			    float_buf[i] = sin_lu_float(SINE_PHASE_TURNS);
		    } else {
			for ( i=0; i<nsamples_dur; i++ )
			    float_buf[i] = tone_mag * sinf(SINE_PHASE_RADIANS);

	    case SA_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16:
		    short *short_buf = buf;
		    if ( sin_table_short ) {
			for ( i=0; i<nsamples_dur; i++ )
			    short_buf[i] = sin_lu_short(SINE_PHASE_TURNS);
		    } else {
			unsigned short mag_s = 32767.0f * tone_mag + 0.5f;
			if ( tone_mag > 1.0f ) // clamp to 1.0 to avoid overflow
			    mag_s = 32767;
			if ( mag_s < 1 ) // "short epsilon"
			    mag_s = 1;
			for ( i=0; i<nsamples_dur; i++ )
			    short_buf[i] = lroundf( mag_s * sinf(SINE_PHASE_RADIANS) );


	    = fmodf(sa_tone_cphase + (float)nsamples_dur/wave_nsamples, 1.0);

    } else {

	bzero(buf, nsamples_dur * framesize);
	sa_tone_cphase = 0.0;


    assert ( simpleaudio_write(sa_out, buf, nsamples_dur) > 0 );

Exemple #23
	virtual void HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
		switch (msg.GetType())
		case MT_Interpolate:
			const CMessageInterpolate& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageInterpolate&> (msg);

			float rotY = m_RotY.ToFloat();

			if (rotY != m_InterpolatedRotY)
				float delta = rotY - m_InterpolatedRotY;
				// Wrap delta to -M_PI..M_PI
				delta = fmodf(delta + (float)M_PI, 2*(float)M_PI); // range -2PI..2PI
				if (delta < 0) delta += 2*(float)M_PI; // range 0..2PI
				delta -= (float)M_PI; // range -M_PI..M_PI
				// Clamp to max rate
				float deltaClamped = clamp(delta, -m_RotYSpeed*msgData.deltaSimTime, +m_RotYSpeed*msgData.deltaSimTime);
				// Calculate new orientation, in a peculiar way in order to make sure the
				// result gets close to m_orientation (rather than being n*2*M_PI out)
				m_InterpolatedRotY = rotY + deltaClamped - delta;
				// update the visual XZ rotation
				if (m_InWorld)
					m_LastInterpolatedRotX = m_InterpolatedRotX;
					m_LastInterpolatedRotZ = m_InterpolatedRotZ;

			if (m_InWorld && m_NeedInitialXZRotation)
				// the terrain probably wasn't loaded last time we tried, so update the XZ rotation without interpolation

				m_LastInterpolatedRotX = m_InterpolatedRotX;
				m_LastInterpolatedRotZ = m_InterpolatedRotZ;

		case MT_TurnStart:
			m_LastInterpolatedRotX = m_InterpolatedRotX;
			m_LastInterpolatedRotZ = m_InterpolatedRotZ;

			if (m_InWorld && (m_LastX != m_X || m_LastZ != m_Z))

			// Store the positions from the turn before
			m_PrevX = m_LastX;
			m_PrevZ = m_LastZ;

			m_LastX = m_X;
			m_LastZ = m_Z;

Exemple #24
void draw_demostuff(NVGcontext *vg, int x, int y, float w, float h) {
    nvgTranslate(vg, x, y);

    bndSplitterWidgets(vg, 0, 0, w, h);
    x = 10;
    y = 10;

    y += 25;
    y += 25;   
    y += 40;
    y += 25;
    y += 25;

    y += 25;
        -1, "Default");
    y += 25;
        -1, "Hovered");
    y += 25;
        -1, "Active");
    y += 25;
    int ry = y;
    int rx = x;
    y = 10;
    x += 130;
    y += 25;
    y += 25;

    y += 40;

    int mx = x-30;
    int my = y-12;
    int mw = 120;
    bndMenuLabel(vg,mx,my,mw,BND_WIDGET_HEIGHT,-1,"Menu Title");
    my += BND_WIDGET_HEIGHT-2;
    my += BND_WIDGET_HEIGHT-2;
    my += BND_WIDGET_HEIGHT-2;
    y = 10;
    x += 130;
    int ox = x;
    y += 25;
    y += 25;
    y += 40;
    x += 60-1;
    x += 60-1;
    x += 60-1;
    x = ox;
    y += 40;
    float progress_value = fmodf(glfwGetTime()/10.0,1.0);
    char progress_label[32];
    sprintf(progress_label, "%d%%", int(progress_value*100+0.5f));
    y += 25;
    y += 25;

    int rw = x+240-rx;
    float s_offset = sinf(glfwGetTime()/2.0)*0.5+0.5;
    float s_size = cosf(glfwGetTime()/3.11)*0.5+0.5;
    ry += 20;
    ry += 20;
    const char edit_text[] = "The quick brown fox";
    int textlen = strlen(edit_text)+1;
    int t = int(glfwGetTime()*2);
    int idx1 = (t/textlen)%textlen;
    int idx2 = idx1 + (t%(textlen-idx1));
    ry += 25;
        -1, edit_text, idx1, idx2);
    ry += 25;
        -1, edit_text, idx1, idx2);
    ry += 25;
        -1, edit_text, idx1, idx2);
    draw_noodles(vg, 20, ry+50);
    rx += rw + 20;
    ry = 10;
    rx += 20;
    rx += 20;
    x = ox;
    y += 40;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += 5;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;
    x += BND_TOOL_WIDTH-1;

Exemple #25
static void waveModifier_do(WaveModifierData *md, 
		Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
	   float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts)
	WaveModifierData *wmd = (WaveModifierData*) md;
	MVert *mvert = NULL;
	MDeformVert *dvert;
	int defgrp_index;
	float ctime = BKE_curframe(scene);
	float minfac =
			(float)(1.0 / exp(wmd->width * wmd->narrow * wmd->width * wmd->narrow));
	float lifefac = wmd->height;
	float (*tex_co)[3] = NULL;
	const int wmd_axis= wmd->flag & (MOD_WAVE_X|MOD_WAVE_Y);
	const float falloff= wmd->falloff;
	float falloff_fac= 1.0f; /* when falloff == 0.0f this stays at 1.0f */

	if(wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_NORM && ob->type == OB_MESH)
		mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);

		float mat[4][4];
		/* get the control object's location in local coordinates */
		invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat);
		mul_m4_m4m4(mat, wmd->objectcenter->obmat, ob->imat);

		wmd->startx = mat[3][0];
		wmd->starty = mat[3][1];

	/* get the index of the deform group */
	modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, wmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index);

	if(wmd->damp == 0) wmd->damp = 10.0f;

	if(wmd->lifetime != 0.0f) {
		float x = ctime - wmd->timeoffs;

		if(x > wmd->lifetime) {
			lifefac = x - wmd->lifetime;

			if(lifefac > wmd->damp) lifefac = 0.0;
			else lifefac =
				(float)(wmd->height * (1.0f - sqrtf(lifefac / wmd->damp)));

	if(wmd->texture) {
		tex_co = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*tex_co) * numVerts,
					 "waveModifier_do tex_co");
		wavemod_get_texture_coords(wmd, ob, dm, vertexCos, tex_co, numVerts);

	if(lifefac != 0.0f) {
		/* avoid divide by zero checks within the loop */
		float falloff_inv= falloff ? 1.0f / falloff : 1.0f;
		int i;

		for(i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
			float *co = vertexCos[i];
			float x = co[0] - wmd->startx;
			float y = co[1] - wmd->starty;
			float amplit= 0.0f;
			float def_weight= 1.0f;

			/* get weights */
			if(dvert) {
				def_weight= defvert_find_weight(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);

				/* if this vert isn't in the vgroup, don't deform it */
				if(def_weight == 0.0f) {

			switch(wmd_axis) {
				amplit = sqrtf(x*x + y*y);
			case MOD_WAVE_X:
				amplit = x;
			case MOD_WAVE_Y:
				amplit = y;

			/* this way it makes nice circles */
			amplit -= (ctime - wmd->timeoffs) * wmd->speed;

			if(wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_CYCL) {
				amplit = (float)fmodf(amplit - wmd->width, 2.0f * wmd->width)
						+ wmd->width;

			if(falloff != 0.0f) {
				float dist = 0.0f;

				switch(wmd_axis) {
					dist = sqrtf(x*x + y*y);
				case MOD_WAVE_X:
					dist = fabsf(x);
				case MOD_WAVE_Y:
					dist = fabsf(y);

				falloff_fac = (1.0f - (dist * falloff_inv));
				CLAMP(falloff_fac, 0.0f, 1.0f);

			/* GAUSSIAN */
			if((falloff_fac != 0.0f) && (amplit > -wmd->width) && (amplit < wmd->width)) {
				amplit = amplit * wmd->narrow;
				amplit = (float)(1.0f / expf(amplit * amplit) - minfac);

				/*apply texture*/
				if(wmd->texture) {
					TexResult texres;
					texres.nor = NULL;
					get_texture_value(wmd->texture, tex_co[i], &texres);
					amplit *= texres.tin;

				/*apply weight & falloff */
				amplit *= def_weight * falloff_fac;

				if(mvert) {
					/* move along normals */
					if(wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_NORM_X) {
						co[0] += (lifefac * amplit) * mvert[i].no[0] / 32767.0f;
					if(wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_NORM_Y) {
						co[1] += (lifefac * amplit) * mvert[i].no[1] / 32767.0f;
					if(wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_NORM_Z) {
						co[2] += (lifefac * amplit) * mvert[i].no[2] / 32767.0f;
				else {
					/* move along local z axis */
					co[2] += lifefac * amplit;

	if(wmd->texture) MEM_freeN(tex_co);
Exemple #26
void BillboardSet::UpdateVertexBuffer(const FrameInfo& frame)
    // If using animation LOD, accumulate time and see if it is time to update
    if (animationLodBias_ > 0.0f && lodDistance_ > 0.0f)
        animationLodTimer_ += animationLodBias_ * frame.timeStep_ * ANIMATION_LOD_BASESCALE;
        if (animationLodTimer_ >= lodDistance_)
            animationLodTimer_ = fmodf(animationLodTimer_, lodDistance_);
            // No LOD if immediate update forced
            if (!forceUpdate_)

    unsigned numBillboards = billboards_.Size();
    unsigned enabledBillboards = 0;
    const Matrix3x4& worldTransform = node_->GetWorldTransform();
    Matrix3x4 billboardTransform = relative_ ? worldTransform : Matrix3x4::IDENTITY;
    Vector3 billboardScale = scaled_ ? worldTransform.Scale() : Vector3::ONE;

    // First check number of enabled billboards
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numBillboards; ++i)
        if (billboards_[i].enabled_)

    unsigned index = 0;

    // Then set initial sort order and distances
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numBillboards; ++i)
        Billboard& billboard = billboards_[i];
        if (billboard.enabled_)
            sortedBillboards_[index++] = &billboard;
            if (sorted_)
                billboard.sortDistance_ = frame.camera_->GetDistanceSquared(billboardTransform * billboards_[i].position_);

    batches_[0].geometry_->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, 0, enabledBillboards * 6, false);

    bufferDirty_ = false;
    forceUpdate_ = false;
    if (!enabledBillboards)

    if (sorted_)
        Sort(sortedBillboards_.Begin(), sortedBillboards_.End(), CompareBillboards);

    float* dest = (float*)vertexBuffer_->Lock(0, enabledBillboards * 4, true);
    if (!dest)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < enabledBillboards; ++i)
        Billboard& billboard = *sortedBillboards_[i];

        Vector2 size(billboard.size_.x_ * billboardScale.x_, billboard.size_.y_ * billboardScale.y_);
        unsigned color = billboard.color_.ToUInt();

        float rotationMatrix[2][2];
        rotationMatrix[0][0] = Cos(billboard.rotation_);
        rotationMatrix[0][1] = Sin(billboard.rotation_);
        rotationMatrix[1][0] = -rotationMatrix[0][1];
        rotationMatrix[1][1] = rotationMatrix[0][0];

        dest[0] = billboard.position_.x_; dest[1] = billboard.position_.y_; dest[2] = billboard.position_.z_;
        ((unsigned&)dest[3]) = color;
        dest[4] = billboard.uv_.min_.x_; dest[5] = billboard.uv_.min_.y_;
        dest[6] = -size.x_ * rotationMatrix[0][0] + size.y_ * rotationMatrix[0][1];
        dest[7] = -size.x_ * rotationMatrix[1][0] + size.y_ * rotationMatrix[1][1];

        dest[8] = billboard.position_.x_; dest[9] = billboard.position_.y_; dest[10] = billboard.position_.z_;
        ((unsigned&)dest[11]) = color;
        dest[12] = billboard.uv_.max_.x_; dest[13] = billboard.uv_.min_.y_;
        dest[14] = size.x_ * rotationMatrix[0][0] + size.y_ * rotationMatrix[0][1];
        dest[15] = size.x_ * rotationMatrix[1][0] + size.y_ * rotationMatrix[1][1];

        dest[16] = billboard.position_.x_; dest[17] = billboard.position_.y_; dest[18] = billboard.position_.z_;
        ((unsigned&)dest[19]) = color;
        dest[20] = billboard.uv_.max_.x_; dest[21] = billboard.uv_.max_.y_;
        dest[22] = size.x_ * rotationMatrix[0][0] - size.y_ * rotationMatrix[0][1];
        dest[23] = size.x_ * rotationMatrix[1][0] - size.y_ * rotationMatrix[1][1];

        dest[24] = billboard.position_.x_; dest[25] = billboard.position_.y_; dest[26] = billboard.position_.z_;
        ((unsigned&)dest[27]) = color;
        dest[28] = billboard.uv_.min_.x_; dest[29] = billboard.uv_.max_.y_;
        dest[30] = -size.x_ * rotationMatrix[0][0] - size.y_ * rotationMatrix[0][1];
        dest[31] = -size.x_ * rotationMatrix[1][0] - size.y_ * rotationMatrix[1][1];

        dest += 32;

void ScreenEvaluation::Init()
	LOG->Trace( "ScreenEvaluation::Init()" );

	// debugging
	// Only fill StageStats with fake info if we're the InitialScreen
	// (i.e. StageStats not already filled)
	if( PREFSMAN->m_sTestInitialScreen.Get() == m_sName )

		STATSMAN->m_vPlayedStageStats.push_back( StageStats() );
		StageStats &ss = STATSMAN->m_vPlayedStageStats.back();

		GAMESTATE->SetCurrentStyle( GAMEMAN->GameAndStringToStyle(GAMEMAN->GetDefaultGame(),"versus"), PLAYER_INVALID );
		ss.m_playMode = GAMESTATE->m_PlayMode;
		ss.m_Stage = Stage_1st;
		enum_add( ss.m_Stage, rand()%3 );
		ss.m_EarnedExtraStage = (EarnedExtraStage)(rand() % NUM_EarnedExtraStage);
		GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong.Set( SONGMAN->GetRandomSong() );
		ss.m_vpPlayedSongs.push_back( GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong );
		ss.m_vpPossibleSongs.push_back( GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong );
		GAMESTATE->m_pCurCourse.Set( SONGMAN->GetRandomCourse() );
		GAMESTATE->m_iCurrentStageIndex = 0;
		FOREACH_ENUM( PlayerNumber, p )
			GAMESTATE->m_iPlayerStageTokens[p] = 1;

		FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
			ss.m_player[p].m_pStyle = GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle(p);
			if( RandomInt(2) )
				PO_GROUP_ASSIGN_N( GAMESTATE->m_pPlayerState[p]->m_PlayerOptions, ModsLevel_Stage, m_bTransforms, PlayerOptions::TRANSFORM_ECHO, true );	// show "disqualified"
			SO_GROUP_ASSIGN( GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions, ModsLevel_Stage, m_fMusicRate, 1.1f );

			GAMESTATE->JoinPlayer( p );
			GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[p].Set( GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong->GetAllSteps()[0] );
			if( GAMESTATE->m_pCurCourse )
				vector<Trail*> apTrails;
				GAMESTATE->m_pCurCourse->GetAllTrails( apTrails );
				if( apTrails.size() )
					GAMESTATE->m_pCurTrail[p].Set( apTrails[0] );
			ss.m_player[p].m_vpPossibleSteps.push_back( GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[PLAYER_1] );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iStepsPlayed = 1;

			PO_GROUP_ASSIGN( GAMESTATE->m_pPlayerState[p]->m_PlayerOptions, ModsLevel_Stage, m_fScrollSpeed, 2.0f );
			PO_GROUP_CALL( GAMESTATE->m_pPlayerState[p]->m_PlayerOptions, ModsLevel_Stage, ChooseRandomModifiers );

		for( float f = 0; f < 100.0f; f += 1.0f )
			float fP1 = fmodf(f/100*4+.3f,1);
			ss.m_player[PLAYER_1].SetLifeRecordAt( fP1, f );
			ss.m_player[PLAYER_2].SetLifeRecordAt( 1-fP1, f );

		FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
			float fSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong->GetStepsSeconds();
			ss.m_player[p].m_iActualDancePoints = RandomInt( 3 );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iPossibleDancePoints = 2;
			if( RandomInt(2) )
				ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = RandomInt(15000);
				ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 0;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0, true );

			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo += 50;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0.10f * fSeconds, false );

			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 0;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0.15f * fSeconds, false );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 1;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0.25f * fSeconds, false );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 50;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0.35f * fSeconds, false );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 0;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0.45f * fSeconds, false );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 1;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 0.50f * fSeconds, false );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iCurCombo = 100;
			ss.m_player[p].UpdateComboList( 1.00f * fSeconds, false );
			if( RandomInt(5) == 0 )
				ss.m_player[p].m_bFailed = true;
			ss.m_player[p].m_iTapNoteScores[TNS_W1] = RandomInt( 3 );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iTapNoteScores[TNS_W2] = RandomInt( 3 );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iTapNoteScores[TNS_W3] = RandomInt( 3 );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iPossibleGradePoints = 4*ScoreKeeperNormal::TapNoteScoreToGradePoints(TNS_W1, false);
			ss.m_player[p].m_fLifeRemainingSeconds = randomf( 90, 580 );
			ss.m_player[p].m_iScore = rand() % (900*1000*1000);
			ss.m_player[p].m_iPersonalHighScoreIndex = (rand() % 3) - 1;
			ss.m_player[p].m_iMachineHighScoreIndex = (rand() % 3) - 1;
			ss.m_player[p].m_PeakComboAward = (PeakComboAward)(rand()%NUM_PeakComboAward);
			ss.m_player[p].m_StageAward = (StageAward)(rand()%NUM_StageAward);

			FOREACH_ENUM( RadarCategory, rc )
				switch( rc )
					case RadarCategory_Stream:
					case RadarCategory_Voltage:
					case RadarCategory_Air:
					case RadarCategory_Freeze:
					case RadarCategory_Chaos:
						ss.m_player[p].m_radarPossible[rc] = randomf( 0, 1 );
						ss.m_player[p].m_radarActual[rc] = randomf( 0, ss.m_player[p].m_radarPossible[rc] );
					case RadarCategory_TapsAndHolds:
					case RadarCategory_Jumps:
					case RadarCategory_Holds:
					case RadarCategory_Mines:
					case RadarCategory_Hands:
					case RadarCategory_Rolls:
					case RadarCategory_Lifts:
					case RadarCategory_Fakes:
						ss.m_player[p].m_radarPossible[rc] = 1 + (rand() % 200);
						ss.m_player[p].m_radarActual[rc] = rand() % (int)(ss.m_player[p].m_radarPossible[rc]);
					default: break;

				;	// filled in by ScreenGameplay on start of notes
Exemple #28
void BouncingBall::PhysicsTick ()
    // Update the ball.

    // Get the ball parameters.
    float period = mBall->GetPeriod();
    float tMin = mBall->GetMinActive();
    float tMax = mBall->GetMaxActive();

    // Translate the ball.
    const float yMax = 2.5f, zMax = 0.75f;
    float yTrn, zTrn, ratio, amp;
    float time = fmodf(mSimTime, 2.0f*period);
    if (time < tMin)
        ratio = time/tMin;
        yTrn = yMax*ratio;
        zTrn = zMax*(1.0f - ratio*ratio);
    else if (time < tMax)
        yTrn = yMax;
        amp = mBall->GetAmplitude(time);
        if (amp <= 0.999f)
            zTrn = -(1.0f - Mathf::Sqrt(1.0f - amp + amp*amp))/(1.0f - amp);
            zTrn = -0.5f;
    else if (time < period + tMin)
        yTrn = -yMax*(time - period)/tMin;
        zTrn = zMax*(time - tMax)*(period + tMin - time) /
            (tMin*(period - tMax));
    else if (time < period + tMax)
        yTrn = -yMax;
        amp = mBall->GetAmplitude(time - period);
        if (amp <= 0.999f)
            zTrn = -(1.0f - Mathf::Sqrt(1.0f - amp + amp*amp))/(1.0f - amp);
            zTrn = -0.5f;
        yTrn = yMax*(time - 2.0f*period)/(period - tMax);
        zTrn = zMax*(time - (period + tMax))*(2.0f*period + tMin - time) /
            (tMin*(period - tMax));
    mBallNode->LocalTransform.SetTranslate(APoint(0.0f, yTrn, zTrn));

    // Rotate the ball.
    float angle = Mathf::HALF_PI + 0.5f*yTrn*Mathf::PI/yMax;
    mBallNode->LocalTransform.SetRotate(HMatrix(AVector::UNIT_Z, angle));

    // Update the scene graph.

    // Next simulation time.
    mSimTime += mSimDelta;
Exemple #29
void WidthIterator::advance(int offset, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer)
    if (offset > m_end)
        offset = m_end;

    int currentCharacter = m_currentCharacter;
    const UChar* cp = m_run.data(currentCharacter);

    bool rtl = m_run.rtl();
    bool hasExtraSpacing = (m_font->letterSpacing() || m_font->wordSpacing() || m_padding) && !m_run.spacingDisabled();

    float widthSinceLastRounding = m_runWidthSoFar;
    m_runWidthSoFar = floorf(m_runWidthSoFar);
    widthSinceLastRounding -= m_runWidthSoFar;

    float lastRoundingWidth = m_finalRoundingWidth;
    FloatRect bounds;

    const SimpleFontData* primaryFont = m_font->primaryFont();
    const SimpleFontData* lastFontData = primaryFont;

    while (currentCharacter < offset) {
        UChar32 c = *cp;
        unsigned clusterLength = 1;
        if (c >= 0x3041) {
            if (c <= 0x30FE) {
                // Deal with Hiragana and Katakana voiced and semi-voiced syllables.
                // Normalize into composed form, and then look for glyph with base + combined mark.
                // Check above for character range to minimize performance impact.
                UChar32 normalized = normalizeVoicingMarks(currentCharacter);
                if (normalized) {
                    c = normalized;
                    clusterLength = 2;
            } else if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
                if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c))

                // Do we have a surrogate pair?  If so, determine the full Unicode (32 bit)
                // code point before glyph lookup.
                // Make sure we have another character and it's a low surrogate.
                if (currentCharacter + 1 >= m_run.length())
                UChar low = cp[1];
                if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
                c = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, low);
                clusterLength = 2;

        const GlyphData& glyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(c, rtl);
        Glyph glyph = glyphData.glyph;
        const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphData.fontData;


        // Now that we have a glyph and font data, get its width.
        float width;
        if (c == '\t' && m_run.allowTabs()) {
            float tabWidth = m_font->tabWidth(*fontData);
            width = tabWidth - fmodf(m_run.xPos() + m_runWidthSoFar + widthSinceLastRounding, tabWidth);
        } else {
            width = fontData->widthForGlyph(glyph);

            // SVG uses horizontalGlyphStretch(), when textLength is used to stretch/squeeze text.
            width *= m_run.horizontalGlyphStretch();

            // We special case spaces in two ways when applying word rounding.
            // First, we round spaces to an adjusted width in all fonts.
            // Second, in fixed-pitch fonts we ensure that all characters that
            // match the width of the space character have the same width as the space character.
            if (width == fontData->spaceWidth() && (fontData->pitch() == FixedPitch || glyph == fontData->spaceGlyph()) && m_run.applyWordRounding())
                width = fontData->adjustedSpaceWidth();

        if (fontData != lastFontData && width) {
            lastFontData = fontData;
            if (m_fallbackFonts && fontData != primaryFont) {
                // FIXME: This does a little extra work that could be avoided if
                // glyphDataForCharacter() returned whether it chose to use a small caps font.
                if (!m_font->isSmallCaps() || c == toUpper(c))
                else {
                    const GlyphData& uppercaseGlyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(toUpper(c), rtl);
                    if (uppercaseGlyphData.fontData != primaryFont)

        if (hasExtraSpacing) {
            // Account for letter-spacing.
            if (width && m_font->letterSpacing())
                width += m_font->letterSpacing();

            if (Font::treatAsSpace(c)) {
                // Account for padding. WebCore uses space padding to justify text.
                // We distribute the specified padding over the available spaces in the run.
                if (m_padding) {
                    // Use left over padding if not evenly divisible by number of spaces.
                    if (m_padding < m_padPerSpace) {
                        width += m_padding;
                        m_padding = 0;
                    } else {
                        float previousPadding = m_padding;
                        m_padding -= m_padPerSpace;
                        width += roundf(previousPadding) - roundf(m_padding);

                // Account for word spacing.
                // We apply additional space between "words" by adding width to the space character.
                if (currentCharacter != 0 && !Font::treatAsSpace(cp[-1]) && m_font->wordSpacing())
                    width += m_font->wordSpacing();

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            bounds = fontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
            if (!currentCharacter)
                m_firstGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, -bounds.x());

        if (m_forTextEmphasis && !Font::canReceiveTextEmphasis(c))
            glyph = 0;

        // Advance past the character we just dealt with.
        cp += clusterLength;
        currentCharacter += clusterLength;

        // Account for float/integer impedance mismatch between CG and KHTML. "Words" (characters 
        // followed by a character defined by isRoundingHackCharacter()) are always an integer width.
        // We adjust the width of the last character of a "word" to ensure an integer width.
        // If we move KHTML to floats we can remove this (and related) hacks.

        float oldWidth = width;

        // Force characters that are used to determine word boundaries for the rounding hack
        // to be integer width, so following words will start on an integer boundary.
        if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(c)) {
            width = ceilf(width);

            // Since widthSinceLastRounding can lose precision if we include measurements for
            // preceding whitespace, we bypass it here.
            m_runWidthSoFar += width;

            // Since this is a rounding hack character, we should have reset this sum on the previous
            // iteration.
        } else {
            // Check to see if the next character is a "rounding hack character", if so, adjust
            // width so that the total run width will be on an integer boundary.
            if ((m_run.applyWordRounding() && currentCharacter < m_run.length() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(*cp))
                    || (m_run.applyRunRounding() && currentCharacter >= m_end)) {
                float totalWidth = widthSinceLastRounding + width;
                widthSinceLastRounding = ceilf(totalWidth);
                width += widthSinceLastRounding - totalWidth;
                m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
                widthSinceLastRounding = 0;
            } else
                widthSinceLastRounding += width;

        if (glyphBuffer)
            glyphBuffer->add(glyph, fontData, (rtl ? oldWidth + lastRoundingWidth : width));

        lastRoundingWidth = width - oldWidth;

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY = max(m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.bottom());
            m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY = min(m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.y());
            m_lastGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, bounds.right() - width);

    m_currentCharacter = currentCharacter;
    m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
    m_finalRoundingWidth = lastRoundingWidth;
Exemple #30
void PhaserEffect::processChannel(const ChannelHandle& handle,
                                  PhaserGroupState* pState,
                                  const CSAMPLE* pInput, CSAMPLE* pOutput,
                                  const mixxx::EngineParameters& bufferParameters,
                                  const EffectEnableState enableState,
                                  const GroupFeatureState& groupFeatures,
                                  const EffectChainMixMode mixMode) {

    if (enableState == EffectEnableState::Enabling) {

    CSAMPLE depth = 0;
    if (enableState != EffectEnableState::Disabling) {
        depth = m_pDepthParameter->value();

    double periodParameter = m_pLFOPeriodParameter->value();
    double periodSamples;
    if (groupFeatures.has_beat_length_sec) {
        // periodParameter is a number of beats
        periodParameter = std::max(roundToFraction(periodParameter, 2.0), 1/4.0);
        if (m_pTripletParameter->toBool()) {
            periodParameter /= 3.0;
        periodSamples = periodParameter * groupFeatures.beat_length_sec * bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    } else {
        // periodParameter is a number of seconds
        periodSamples = std::max(periodParameter, 1/4.0) * bufferParameters.sampleRate();
    // freqSkip is used to calculate the phase independently for each channel,
    // so do not multiply periodSamples by the number of channels.
    CSAMPLE freqSkip = 1.0 / periodSamples * 2.0 * M_PI;

    CSAMPLE feedback = m_pFeedbackParameter->value();
    CSAMPLE range = m_pRangeParameter->value();
    int stages = 2 * m_pStagesParameter->value();

    CSAMPLE* oldInLeft = pState->oldInLeft;
    CSAMPLE* oldOutLeft = pState->oldOutLeft;
    CSAMPLE* oldInRight = pState->oldInRight;
    CSAMPLE* oldOutRight = pState->oldOutRight;

    // Using two sets of coefficients for left and right channel
    CSAMPLE filterCoefLeft = 0;
    CSAMPLE filterCoefRight = 0;

    CSAMPLE left = 0, right = 0;

    CSAMPLE_GAIN oldDepth = pState->oldDepth;
    const CSAMPLE_GAIN depthDelta = (depth - oldDepth)
            / bufferParameters.framesPerBuffer();
    const CSAMPLE_GAIN depthStart = oldDepth + depthDelta;

    int stereoCheck = m_pStereoParameter->value();
    int counter = 0;

    for (unsigned int i = 0;
            i < bufferParameters.samplesPerBuffer();
            i += bufferParameters.channelCount()) {
        left = pInput[i] + tanh(left * feedback);
        right = pInput[i + 1] + tanh(right * feedback);

        // For stereo enabled, the channels are out of phase
        pState->leftPhase = fmodf(pState->leftPhase + freqSkip, 2.0 * M_PI);
        pState->rightPhase = fmodf(pState->rightPhase + freqSkip + M_PI * stereoCheck, 2.0 * M_PI);

        // Updating filter coefficients once every 'updateCoef' samples to avoid
        // extra computing
        if ((counter++) % updateCoef == 0) {
                CSAMPLE delayLeft = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(pState->leftPhase);
                CSAMPLE delayRight = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(pState->rightPhase);

                // Coefficient computing based on the following:
                // https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/pasp/Classic_Virtual_Analog_Phase.html
                CSAMPLE wLeft = range * delayLeft;
                CSAMPLE wRight = range * delayRight;

                CSAMPLE tanwLeft = tanh(wLeft / 2);
                CSAMPLE tanwRight = tanh(wRight / 2);

                filterCoefLeft = (1.0 - tanwLeft) / (1.0 + tanwLeft);
                filterCoefRight = (1.0 - tanwRight) / (1.0 + tanwRight);

        left = processSample(left, oldInLeft, oldOutLeft, filterCoefLeft, stages);
        right = processSample(right, oldInRight, oldOutRight, filterCoefRight, stages);

        const CSAMPLE_GAIN depth = depthStart + depthDelta * (i / bufferParameters.channelCount());

        // Computing output combining the original and processed sample
        pOutput[i] = pInput[i] * (1.0 - 0.5 * depth) + left * depth * 0.5;
        pOutput[i + 1] = pInput[i + 1] * (1.0 - 0.5 * depth) + right * depth * 0.5;

    pState->oldDepth = depth;