Exemple #1
task main()
	while(getBumperValue(bumpSwitch) == 0)	// Instructs robot to do nothing while the touch sensor isn't pressed
		//Idle Loop - Will continuously check the while loop's condition

	while(getBumperValue(bumpSwitch) == 1)	// Loop while robot's bumper/touch sensor IS pressed in
		setMotorSpeed(leftMotor, 50);		//Set the leftMotor (motor1) to half power (50)
		setMotorSpeed(rightMotor, 50);  //Set the rightMotor (motor6) to half power (50)
task main()
	int distanceBack = 1;

	if (getBumperValue(bumpSwitch) = 1)
		int rightEncoder = getMotorEncoder(rightMotor);

		while ((getMotorEncoder(rightMotor)) > (getMotorEncoder(rightMotor)-distanceBack))

  void armClose();


/// returns whether or not robot is pressed up against something
bool limitSwitchPressed(){
    return getBumperValue(limitSwitchSensor);