void FreeIMU1::getYawPitchRollRad(float * ypr) {
  int i;
  double dYPR[3];
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    ypr[i] = (float)dYPR[i];
Exemple #2
 * Returns the yaw pitch and roll angles, respectively defined as the angles in degrees between
 * the Earth North and the IMU X axis (yaw), the Earth ground plane and the IMU X axis (pitch)
 * and the Earth ground plane and the IMU Y axis.
 * @note This is not an Euler representation: the rotations aren't consecutive rotations but only
 * angles from Earth and the IMU. For Euler representation Yaw, Pitch and Roll see FreeIMU::getEuler
 * @param ypr three floats array which will be populated by Yaw, Pitch and Roll angles in degrees
void FreeIMU::getYawPitchRoll(float * ypr) {
 * Returns the yaw pitch and roll angles, respectively defined as the angles in degrees between
 * the Earth North and the IMU X axis (yaw), the Earth ground plane and the IMU X axis (pitch)
 * and the Earth ground plane and the IMU Y axis.
 * @note This is not an Euler representation: the rotations aren't consecutive rotations but only
 * angles from Earth and the IMU. For Euler representation Yaw, Pitch and Roll see FreeIMU1::getEuler
 * @param ypr three doubles array which will be populated by Yaw, Pitch and Roll angles in degrees
void FreeIMU1::getYawPitchRoll(double * ypr) {