viennacl::backend::mem_handle const & handle(viennacl::matrix_expression<LHS, RHS, OP> const & obj) { return handle(obj.lhs()); }
/* * Return a table like following: * { * -- a line entry * 1 = { * 1 = {word="This", x0=377, y0=4857, x1=2427, y1=5089}, * 2 = {word="is", x0=377, y0=4857, x1=2427, y1=5089}, * 3 = {word="Word", x0=377, y0=4857, x1=2427, y1=5089}, * 4 = {word="List", x0=377, y0=4857, x1=2427, y1=5089}, * x0 = 377, y0 = 4857, x1 = 2427, y1 = 5089, * }, * * -- an other line entry * 2 = { * 1 = {word="This", x0=377, y0=4857, x1=2427, y1=5089}, * 2 = {word="is", x0=377, y0=4857, x1=2427, y1=5089}, * x0 = 377, y0 = 4857, x1 = 2427, y1 = 5089, * }, * } */ static int getPageText(lua_State *L) { DjvuDocument *doc = (DjvuDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "djvudocument"); int pageno = luaL_checkint(L, 2); /* get page height for coordinates transform */ ddjvu_pageinfo_t info; ddjvu_status_t r; while ((r=ddjvu_document_get_pageinfo( doc->doc_ref, pageno-1, &info))<DDJVU_JOB_OK) { handle(L, doc->context, TRUE); } if (r>=DDJVU_JOB_FAILED) return luaL_error(L, "cannot get page #%d information", pageno); /* start retrieving page text */ miniexp_t sexp, se_line, se_word; int i = 1, j = 1, counter_l = 1, counter_w=1, nr_line = 0, nr_word = 0; const char *word = NULL; while ((sexp = ddjvu_document_get_pagetext(doc->doc_ref, pageno-1, "word")) == miniexp_dummy) { handle(L, doc->context, True); } /* throuw page info and obtain lines info, after this, sexp's entries * are lines. */ sexp = miniexp_cdr(sexp); /* get number of lines in a page */ nr_line = miniexp_length(sexp); /* table that contains all the lines */ lua_newtable(L); counter_l = 1; for(i = 1; i <= nr_line; i++) { /* retrive one line entry */ se_line = miniexp_nth(i, sexp); nr_word = miniexp_length(se_line); if (nr_word == 0) { continue; } /* subtable that contains words in a line */ lua_pushnumber(L, counter_l); lua_newtable(L); counter_l++; /* set line position */ lua_pushstring(L, "x0"); lua_pushnumber(L, miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(1, se_line))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "y1"); lua_pushnumber(L, info.height - miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(2, se_line))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "x1"); lua_pushnumber(L, miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(3, se_line))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "y0"); lua_pushnumber(L, info.height - miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(4, se_line))); lua_settable(L, -3); /* now loop through each word in the line */ counter_w = 1; for(j = 1; j <= nr_word; j++) { /* retrive one word entry */ se_word = miniexp_nth(j, se_line); /* check to see whether the entry is empty */ word = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_nth(5, se_word)); if (!word) { continue; } /* create table that contains info for a word */ lua_pushnumber(L, counter_w); lua_newtable(L); counter_w++; /* set word info */ lua_pushstring(L, "x0"); lua_pushnumber(L, miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(1, se_word))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "y1"); lua_pushnumber(L, info.height - miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(2, se_word))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "x1"); lua_pushnumber(L, miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(3, se_word))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "y0"); lua_pushnumber(L, info.height - miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(4, se_word))); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "word"); lua_pushstring(L, word); lua_settable(L, -3); /* set word entry to line subtable */ lua_settable(L, -3); } /* end of for (j) */ /* set line entry to page text table */ lua_settable(L, -3); } /* end of for (i) */ return 1; }
bool LoadPrefs() { if (prefLoaded) // already attempted loading return true; char filepath[MAXPATHLEN]; sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", MPLAYER_DATADIR, PREF_FILE_NAME); TiXmlDocument doc; bool loadOkay = doc.LoadFile(filepath); if (loadOkay) { FixInvalidSettings(); TiXmlHandle docu(&doc); TiXmlElement* settings = docu.FirstChildElement().Element(); if (settings == NULL) { goto noheader; } TiXmlHandle handle(0); TiXmlElement* elem; handle = TiXmlHandle(settings); elem = handle.FirstChild("global").FirstChild().Element(); for (elem; elem; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement()) { const char* elemName = elem->Value(); if (strcmp(elemName, "exit") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.exit_action = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "language") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.language = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } } elem = handle.FirstChild("filebrowser").FirstChild().Element(); for (elem; elem; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement()) { const char* elemName = elem->Value(); if (strcmp(elemName, "sort") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.sort_order = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } } elem = handle.FirstChild("audio").FirstChild().Element(); for (elem; elem; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement()) { const char* elemName = elem->Value(); if (strcmp(elemName, "language") == 0) { sprintf(XMPlayerCfg.alang, elem->Attribute("value")); sprintf(XMPlayerCfg.alang_desc, elem->Attribute("desc")); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "volume") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.volume = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "softvol") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.softvol = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } } elem = handle.FirstChild("video").FirstChild().Element(); for (elem; elem; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement()) { const char* elemName = elem->Value(); if (strcmp(elemName, "framedrop") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.framedrop = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "vsync") == 0) { XMPlayerCfg.vsync = atoi(elem->Attribute("value")); } } elem = handle.FirstChild("subtitles").FirstChild().Element(); for (elem; elem; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement()) { const char* elemName = elem->Value(); if (strcmp(elemName, "sub_color") == 0) { elem->Attribute("value", &XMPlayerCfg.subcolor); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "border_color") == 0) { elem->Attribute("value", &XMPlayerCfg.border_color); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "codepage") == 0) { sprintf(XMPlayerCfg.subcp, elem->Attribute("value")); sprintf(XMPlayerCfg.subcp_desc, elem->Attribute("desc")); } else if (strcmp(elemName, "language") == 0) { sprintf(XMPlayerCfg.sublang, elem->Attribute("value")); sprintf(XMPlayerCfg.sublang_desc, elem->Attribute("desc")); } } doc.Clear(); prefLoaded = true; printf("[Preferences] Sucessfully loaded xmplayer.xml \n"); return true; } else { noheader: DefaultSettings(); printf("[Preferences] Failed to load xmplayer.xml - Loading default settings \n"); return false; } }
int main(void) { int i; int ifd; int len; int client_sock; struct online_user *user; Client client; struct sockaddr_in client_name; int client_name_len = sizeof(client_name); #define MAX_BUFSIZE 0x100000 char buf[MAX_BUFSIZE]; struct format *package = (struct format *)buf; tcp_server_sock = tcp_startup(SERVER_TCP_PORT); init_mysql(); register_ctrl_c(); kdpfd = epoll_create(MAXEPOLLSIZE); /* 设置要监听的事件。EPOLLIN 表示可读,EPOLLET则指定电平触发 */ = EPOLLIN; = tcp_server_sock; if (epoll_ctl(kdpfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tcp_server_sock, &ev) < 0) /* 把 tcp sock 加入监听集合,以便接收连接请求 */ error_die("tcp epoll_ctl\n"); /* 记录监听的文件数,同时他也是 epoll_wait 的第三个参数。 因为内核需要知道 events 数组的有效数据有多长 */ curfds = 1; for (;;) { memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); printf("waiting...\n"); /* 等待有事件发生。该函数的返回值存放在 nfds 和 events 内 */ nfds = epoll_wait(kdpfd, events, curfds, -1); if (nfds < 0) error_die("epoll_wait"); for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { ifd = events[i].data.fd; if (ifd == tcp_server_sock) { //新的 TCP 连接请求到来 if (!(events[i].events & EPOLLIN)) error_die("failed to event is not EPOLLIN\n"); client_sock = accept(tcp_server_sock,(struct sockaddr *)&client_name,&client_name_len); setnonblocking(client_sock); = EPOLLIN; = client_sock; if (epoll_ctl(kdpfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, client_sock, &ev) < 0) error_die("epoll_ctl"); curfds++; client = alloc_client(client_sock); add_client(client); } else if ((events[i].events & EPOLLIN)) { /* 客户端有数据发来(POLLIN)或者发生 POLLHUP/POLLERR(这两个事件系统会自动监听) */ client = find_client(ifd); if (client != NULL && client->handler != NULL) { //已经有了处理函数,直接调用这个函数来处理 client->handler(ifd,client->private); } else { //默认的处理方法 //读入数据包头部。 len = read(ifd,package,(sizeof(struct format)-sizeof(package->data))); if (len <= 0) { //对方断线。 close_connect(ifd); continue; } if (package->length >= MAX_BUFSIZE || package->length <= 0) { while(read(ifd,package->data,4) > 0); continue; } if ((len = read(ifd,package->data,package->length) <= 0)) { //读入数据包内容 close_connect(ifd); continue; } // 处理数据 if (handle(ifd,package) == NEED_WRITE) { = EPOLLOUT; = ifd; epoll_ctl(kdpfd,EPOLL_CTL_MOD,ifd,&ev); } } } else if(events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) {
int main() { #ifdef WIN32 acl::acl_cpp_init(); #endif acl::aio_handle handle(acl::ENGINE_SELECT); acl::http_service* service = new acl::http_service(); // 使消息服务器监听 的地址 if (service->open(&handle) == false) { printf(">>open message service error!\n"); printf(">>enter any key to quit\n"); getchar(); return (1); } // 创建 HTTP 请求过程 acl::string domain; domain = ""; //domain = ""; //domain = ""; http_request* req = new http_request(domain.c_str(), 80, &handle); req->set_url("/index.html"); //req->set_url("/download/banmau_install.exe"); req->set_host(domain); req->set_keep_alive(false); req->set_method(acl::HTTP_METHOD_GET); req->add_cookie("x-cookie-name", "cookie-value"); //req->set_redirect(1); // 设置自动重定向的次数限制 // 通知异步消息服务器处理该 HTTP 请求过程 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //acl::string buf; //req->build_request(buf); //printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); //printf("%s", buf.c_str()); //printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// service->do_request(req); while (true) { if (handle.check() == false) { printf(">>quit aio process\n"); break; } } printf("delete http service now\r\n"); delete service; printf("delete delay aio stream\r\n"); handle.check(); printf(">>enter any key to exist\n"); getchar(); return (0); }
int ErrorRecord::field ( uint index ) const { return (::MsiRecordGetInteger(handle(),index)); }
void Styles::LoadSkinFile(const wxString& filePath) { TiXmlDocument doc(filePath.mb_str()); doc.LoadFile(); TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement("Skin"); if (!root) { WLOG(_T("Styles::LoadSkinFile: Could not load XML. No Skin element found: %s"), filePath); return; } SkinMetadata skinMetadata; Styles::GetSkinMetadata(root, skinMetadata); if (!Styles::IsSkinVersionCompatible(skinMetadata.CompatibleVersion)) { MessageBoxes::ShowError(wxString::Format(_("This skin is not compatible with the current version of %s."), APPLICATION_NAME)); return; } // ***************************************************************** // Set default values // ***************************************************************** Styles::OptionButton.IconColor = wxColour(255,255,255); Styles::ArrowButton.ColorDown = wxNullColour; Styles::ArrowButton.ColorOver = wxNullColour; Styles::Icon.LabelGap = 10; Styles::Font.Color = wxColor(0,0,0); Styles::Font.Face = _T("Arial"); Styles::Font.Size = 8; Styles::Font.Weight = wxBOLD; Styles::Font.ShadowColor = wxColor(255,255,255); Styles::Font.ShadowAlpha = 0.2; Styles::Font.ShadowOffset = 1; // ***************************************************************** // Load the XML // ***************************************************************** for (TiXmlElement* element = root->FirstChildElement(); element; element = element->NextSiblingElement()) { wxString elementName = wxString(element->Value(), wxConvUTF8); TiXmlHandle handle(element); wxRect resultRect; if (elementName == _T("ArrowButton")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Rectangle", Styles::ArrowButton.SourceRectangle); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ColorOver", Styles::ArrowButton.ColorOver); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ColorDown", Styles::ArrowButton.ColorDown); } if (elementName == _T("BrowseButton")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ColorOver", Styles::BrowseButton.ColorOver); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ColorDown", Styles::BrowseButton.ColorDown); } if (elementName == _T("OptionPanel")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Rectangle", Styles::OptionPanel.SourceRectangle); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Padding", resultRect); Styles::OptionPanel.Padding.FromRect(resultRect); Styles::OptionPanel.ButtonHGap = XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsInt(handle, "HGap"); Styles::OptionPanel.ButtonVGap = XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsInt(handle, "VGap"); } if (elementName == _T("MainPanel")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Rectangle", Styles::MainPanel.SourceRectangle); } if (elementName == _T("IconPanel")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Rectangle", Styles::InnerPanel.SourceRectangle); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Padding", resultRect); Styles::InnerPanel.Padding.FromRect(resultRect); } if (elementName == _T("Icon")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsRect(handle, "Padding", resultRect); Styles::Icon.Padding.FromRect(resultRect); } if (elementName == _T("IconLabelFont")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "Color", Styles::Font.Color); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ShadowColor", Styles::Font.ShadowColor); Styles::Font.Face = XmlUtil::ReadElementText(handle, "Face", _T("Arial")); Styles::Font.ShadowOffset = XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsInt(handle, "ShadowOffset", 1); int shadowAlpha = XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsInt(handle, "ShadowAlpha", 20); Styles::Font.ShadowAlpha = (float)shadowAlpha / 100.0; Styles::Font.Size = XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsInt(handle, "Size", 8); wxString weight = XmlUtil::ReadElementText(handle, "Weight", _T("Normal")); Styles::Font.Weight = weight == _T("Bold") ? wxBOLD : wxNORMAL; } if (elementName == _T("OptionButton")) { XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ColorOver", Styles::OptionButton.ColorOver); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "ColorDown", Styles::OptionButton.ColorDown); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsPoint(handle, "DownIconOffset", Styles::OptionButton.DownIconOffset); XmlUtil::ReadElementTextAsColor(handle, "IconColor", Styles::OptionButton.IconColor); } } }
int OggFile::rate() { return ov_info(handle(), -1)->rate; }
void OggFile::rewind() { ov_raw_seek(handle(), 0); }
ZLNetworkXMLParserData::~ZLNetworkXMLParserData() { if (handle() != 0) { myReader->shutdown(); } }
void default_garbage_collector::commit_object(object &constructed) { object_handle handle(remove_storage( reinterpret_cast<char *>(&constructed))); m_objects.push_back(std::move(handle)); }
void RangeWidget::paint_view(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) { QPen pen; pen.setColor(QColor("#F28585")); pen.setWidth(10); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); QRectF handle(this->boundingRect().center().x() - 5, this->boundingRect().center().y() - 5, 10, 10); QRectF borderRect(boundingRect().x() + 24, boundingRect().y() + 24, boundingRect().width() - 48, boundingRect().height() - 48); painter->save(); QPen pen_border; pen_border.setColor(QColor("#F0F0F0")); pen_border.setWidth(4); painter->setPen(pen_border); // painter->drawEllipse(borderRect); painter->drawLine( QPointF(0.0, this->boundingRect().height() / 2), QPointF(this->boundingRect().width(), this->boundingRect().height() / 2)); painter->restore(); /* QPainterPath clockInisde; clockInisde.addEllipse(QRectF(borderRect.x() + 2, borderRect.y() + 2, borderRect.width() - 4 , borderRect.height() - 4)); //painter->fillPath(clockInisde, QColor("#F28585")); painter->fillPath(clockInisde, QColor(Qt::white)); QFont font = painter->font(); font.setBold(true); font.setPixelSize(32); painter->save(); painter->setFont(font); // painter->drawText(borderRect, Qt::AlignCenter, d->convertAngleToTimeString(d->mAngle)); painter->restore(); painter->save(); QTransform xform; QPointF transPos = this->boundingRect().center(); xform.translate(transPos.x(), transPos.y()); xform.rotate(d->mAngle); xform.translate(-transPos.x(), -transPos.y()); painter->setTransform(xform); QLineF line(, QPointF(boundingRect().width() - 48, (boundingRect().height() / 2) - 48)); // QRectF ctrRect(line.x2(), line.y2(), 10, 10); QRectF ctrFrameRect(line.x2(), line.y2(), 32, 32); QPainterPath path; path.addEllipse(ctrFrameRect); painter->fillPath(path, QColor(Qt::white)); painter->fillPath(path, QColor("#F28585")); QPen whitePen; whitePen.setColor(Qt::white); painter->setPen(whitePen); painter->drawText(ctrFrameRect, Qt::AlignCenter, QString("%1").arg((int)d->mProgressValue)); painter->restore(); */ }
static int swReactorPoll_wait(swReactor *reactor, struct timeval *timeo) { swReactorPoll *object = reactor->object; swDataHead event; swReactor_handle handle; int ret; int i; while (swoole_running > 0) { ret = poll(object->events, object->fd_num, timeo->tv_sec * 1000 + timeo->tv_usec / 1000); if (ret < 0) { if (swReactor_error(reactor) < 0) { swWarn("poll error. Errno=%d\n", errno); } continue; } else if (ret == 0) { if(reactor->onTimeout != NULL) { reactor->onTimeout(reactor); } continue; } else { for (i = 0; i < object->fd_num; i++) { event.fd = object->events[i].fd; event.from_id = reactor->id; event.type = object->fds[i].fdtype; //in if (object->events[i].revents & POLLIN) { handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_READ, event.type); swTrace("Event:Handle=%p|fd=%d|from_id=%d|type=%d\n", reactor->handle[event.type], event.fd, reactor->id, object->fds[i].fdtype); ret = handle(reactor, &event); if (ret < 0) { swWarn("poll[POLLIN] handler fail. fd=%d|errno=%d.Error: %s[%d]", event.fd, errno, strerror(errno), errno); } } //error if (object->events[i].revents & (POLLHUP | POLLERR)) { handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_READ, event.type); swTrace("Event:Handle=%p|fd=%d|from_id=%d|type=%d\n", reactor->handle[event.type], event.fd, reactor->id, object->fds[i].fdtype); ret = handle(reactor, &event); if (ret < 0) { swWarn("poll[POLLERR] handler fail. fd=%d|errno=%d.Error: %s[%d]", event.fd, errno, strerror(errno), errno); } } //out if (object->events[i].revents & POLLOUT) { handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_WRITE, event.type); swTrace("Event:Handle=%p|fd=%d|from_id=%d|type=%d\n", handle, event.fd, reactor->id, object->fds[i].fdtype); ret = handle(reactor, &event); if (ret < 0) { swWarn("poll[POLLOUT] handler fail. fd=%d|errno=%d.Error: %s[%d]", event.fd, errno, strerror(errno), errno); } } } if (object->fd_num < 1) { swWarn("poll exception"); } if(reactor->onFinish != NULL) { reactor->onFinish(reactor); } } } return SW_OK; }
viennacl::memory_types active_handle_id(T const & obj) { return handle(obj).get_active_handle_id(); }
void Tooltip::popup () { ::SendMessageW(handle(),TTM_POPUP,0,0); }
long read(void * out, size_t len) { int bitstream = -1; long result = ov_read(handle(), static_cast<char*>(out), len, 0, 2, 1, &bitstream); return result; }
void Tooltip::deactivate () { ::SendMessageW(handle(),TTM_ACTIVATE,static_cast<::WPARAM>(FALSE),0); }
int Fl_ImageViewer::prochandle( int event ) { return handle( event ); }
// Map an already open file void *FXMemMap::map(FXlong off,FXival len){ if(isOpen()){ // Get file size FXlong filesize=size(); if(0<=filesize){ #ifdef WIN32 // Map whole file if(len==-1) len=filesize-off; // Set access flags DWORD prot=0; if(access&ReadOnly){ prot=PAGE_READONLY; } if(access&WriteOnly){ prot=PAGE_READWRITE; } DWORD flag=0; if(access&ReadOnly){ flag=FILE_MAP_READ; } if(access&WriteOnly){ flag=FILE_MAP_WRITE; } // Now map it FXInputHandle hnd=::CreateFileMapping(handle(),NULL,prot,0,len,NULL); if(hnd!=NULL){ FXuchar* ptr=(FXuchar*)::MapViewOfFile(hnd,flag,0,off,len); if(ptr!=NULL){ maphandle=hnd; mapbase=ptr; maplength=len; mapoffset=off; mapposition=off; return mapbase; } ::CloseHandle(hnd); } #else // Map whole file if(len==-1) len=filesize-off; // Trying to map region larger than the file if(filesize<off+len){ if(access&WriteOnly){ truncate(off+len); // Extends the file if writing } else{ len=filesize-off; // Map smaller region when reading } } // Set access flags FXint prot=PROT_NONE; if(access&ReadOnly){ prot|=PROT_READ; } if(access&WriteOnly){ prot|=PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ; } if(access&Executable){ prot|=PROT_EXEC; } // Now map it FXuchar* ptr=(FXuchar*)::mmap(NULL,len,prot,MAP_SHARED,handle(),off); if(ptr!=MAP_FAILED){ mapbase=ptr; maplength=len; mapoffset=off; mapposition=off; return mapbase; } #endif } } return NULL; }
void EdgeQM::get_edge_evaluations( PatchData& pd, std::vector<size_t>& handles, bool free_vertices_only, bool single_pass_evaluate, MsqError& err ) { std::vector<EdgeData> vtx_edges; size_t n_verts = free_vertices_only ? pd.num_free_vertices() : pd.num_nodes(); size_t n_cutoff = single_pass_evaluate ? pd.num_nodes() : n_verts; handles.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_verts; ++i) { if (pd.vertex_by_index(i).is_flag_set( MsqVertex::MSQ_PATCH_FIXED )) continue; vtx_edges.clear(); size_t n_elems; const size_t* elems; elems = pd.get_vertex_element_adjacencies( i, n_elems, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err); for (size_t j = 0; j < n_elems; ++j) { MsqMeshEntity& elem = pd.element_by_index(elems[j]); unsigned n_edges = TopologyInfo::edges( elem.get_element_type() ); for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_edges; ++k) { const unsigned* edge = TopologyInfo::edge_vertices( elem.get_element_type(), k, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err); size_t vtx1 = elem.get_vertex_index_array()[edge[0]]; size_t vtx2 = elem.get_vertex_index_array()[edge[1]]; size_t other; if (vtx1 == i) other = vtx2; else if (vtx2 == i) other = vtx1; else continue; // If !free_vertices_only, we'll visit every edge twice. // The first check below ensures that we only add each edge // once. The second check is never true unless free_vertices_only // is true and single_pass_evaluate is false. In that case, it // serves as an exception to the first rule for those cases in which // we visit an edge only once. For single_pass_evaluate (e.g. // BCD initialization or QualityAssessor) we want to avoid visiting // and edge more than once for every patch rather than just within // this patch. if (other > i || other > n_cutoff) { EdgeData d = { other, elems[j], k }; vtx_edges.push_back(d); } } // end for each edge in element } // end for each element adjacent to vertex std::sort( vtx_edges.begin(), vtx_edges.end() ); std::vector<EdgeData>::iterator it, end; end = std::unique( vtx_edges.begin(), vtx_edges.end() ); for (it = vtx_edges.begin(); it != end; ++it) handles.push_back( handle( it->elemEdge, it->adjElem ) ); } // end for each (free) vertex }
HDC QWindowsWindow::getDC() { if (!m_hdc) m_hdc = GetDC(handle()); return m_hdc; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Parse options */ int i; for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { char *s = argv[i]; if (s[0] == '-' && s[1] != 0) { char buf[32]; const char *opt = s; const char *arg = strchr(opt, '='); if (*opt == '-') opt += 1; if (*opt == '-') opt += 1; if (arg) { int l = arg - opt; if (l > (int)sizeof(buf) - 1) l = sizeof(buf) - 1; strncpy(buf, opt, l); buf[l] = 0; opt = buf; arg += 1; } if (!strcmp(opt,"page") || !strcmp(opt,"pages") ) { if (!arg && i<argc) arg = argv[i++]; if (!arg) die(i18n("option %s needs an argument."), s); if (pagespec) fprintf(stderr,i18n("warning: duplicate option --page=...\n")); pagespec = arg; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "detail")) { if (!arg) arg = "char"; if (detail) fprintf(stderr,i18n("warning: duplicate option --detail.\n")); detail = arg; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "escape") && !arg) escape = 1; else die(i18n("unrecognized option %s."), s); } else if (!inputfilename) inputfilename = s; else if (! outputfilename) outputfilename = s; else usage(); } /* Defaults */ if (! inputfilename) usage(); if (outputfilename) if (! freopen(outputfilename, "w", stdout)) die(i18n("cannot open output file %s."), outputfilename); if (! pagespec) pagespec = "1-$"; /* Create context and document */ if (! (ctx = ddjvu_context_create(argv[0]))) die(i18n("Cannot create djvu context.")); if (! (doc = ddjvu_document_create_by_filename(ctx, inputfilename, TRUE))) die(i18n("Cannot open djvu document '%s'."), inputfilename); while (! ddjvu_document_decoding_done(doc)) handle(TRUE); /* Process all pages */ i = ddjvu_document_get_pagenum(doc); parse_pagespec(pagespec, i, dopage); /* Close */ if (doc) ddjvu_document_release(doc); if (ctx) ddjvu_context_release(ctx); /* Return */ minilisp_finish(); return 0; }
void HttpRequest::_on_request_read(uv_stream_t*, ssize_t nread, uv_buf_t buf) { if (nread > 0) { //std::cerr << nread << " bytes read\n"; if (_ignoreNewData) { // Do nothing } else if (_protocol == HTTP) { int parsed = http_parser_execute(&_parser, &request_settings(), buf.base, nread); if (_parser.upgrade) { char* pData = buf.base + parsed; ssize_t pDataLen = nread - parsed; if (_headers.find("upgrade") != _headers.end() && _headers["upgrade"] == std::string("websocket") && _headers.find("sec-websocket-key") != _headers.end()) { // Freed in on_response_written HttpResponse* pResp = new HttpResponse(this, 101, "Switching Protocols", NULL); pResp->addHeader("Upgrade", "websocket"); pResp->addHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); pResp->addHeader( "Sec-WebSocket-Accept", createHandshakeResponse(_headers["sec-websocket-key"])); // TODO: Consult app about supported WS protocol //pResp->addHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", ""); pResp->writeResponse(); _protocol = WebSockets; _pWebApplication->onWSOpen(this); read(pData, pDataLen); } if (_protocol != WebSockets) { // TODO: Write failure close(); } } else if (parsed < nread) { if (!_ignoreNewData) { fatal_error("on_request_read", "parse error"); uv_read_stop((uv_stream_t*)handle()); close(); } } } else if (_protocol == WebSockets) { read(buf.base, nread); } } else if (nread < 0) { uv_err_t err = uv_last_error(_pLoop); if (err.code == UV_EOF /*|| err.code == UV_ECONNRESET*/) { } else { fatal_error("on_request_read", uv_strerror(err)); } close(); } else { // It's normal for nread == 0, it's when uv requests a buffer then // decides it doesn't need it after all } free(buf.base); }
inline handle& handle::operator=(handle const& other) { handle(other).swap(*this); return *this; }
static int swReactorKqueue_wait(swReactor *reactor, struct timeval *timeo) { swEvent event; swFd fd_; swReactorKqueue *this = reactor->object; swReactor_handle handle; int i, n, ret; struct timespec t; t.tv_sec = timeo->tv_sec; t.tv_nsec = timeo->tv_usec; while (SwooleG.running > 0) { n = kevent(this->epfd, NULL, 0, this->events, this->event_max, &t); if (n < 0) { //swTrace("kqueue error.EP=%d | Errno=%d\n", this->epfd, errno); if(swReactor_error(reactor) < 0) { swWarn("Kqueue[#%d] Error: %s[%d]", reactor->id, strerror(errno), errno); return SW_ERR; } else { continue; } } else if (n == 0) { if(reactor->onTimeout != NULL) { reactor->onTimeout(reactor); } continue; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (this->events[i].udata) { memcpy(&fd_, &(this->events[i].udata), sizeof(fd_)); event.fd = fd_.fd; event.from_id = reactor->id; event.type = fd_.fdtype; //read if (this->events[i].filter == EVFILT_READ) { handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_READ, event.type); ret = handle(reactor, &event); if (ret < 0) { swWarn("kqueue event handler fail. fd=%d|errno=%d.Error: %s[%d]", event.fd, errno, strerror(errno), errno); } } //write else if (this->events[i].filter == EVFILT_WRITE) { handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_WRITE, event.type); ret = handle(reactor, &event); if (ret < 0) { swWarn("kqueue event handler fail. fd=%d|errno=%d.Error: %s[%d]", event.fd, errno, strerror(errno), errno); } } else { swWarn("kqueue event unknow filter=%d", this->events[i].filter); } } } if(reactor->onFinish != NULL) { reactor->onFinish(reactor); } } return 0; }
hid_t handleOrDefault () const { if (!isValid ()) return H5P_DEFAULT; return handle (); }
/* Casts libmagic on the file <lpfile> to determine its type and * tries to find and run a handler for that type of files. */ int runmime (wchar_t *logfile, LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOW einfo, wchar_t *lpfile, wchar_t *lpdirectory) { magic_t magicmimetype = NULL, magicmimeencoding = NULL, magicapple = NULL, magicname = NULL; char *mimetype, *mimeencoding, *apple, *name; char *argv1 = NULL; MimeResults mres; int ret = 0; logtofilew (logfile, L">runmime\n"); magicname = load (NULL, MAGIC_NONE); magicmimetype = load (NULL, MAGIC_MIME_TYPE); magicmimeencoding = load (NULL, MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING); magicapple = load (NULL, MAGIC_APPLE); logtofilew (logfile, L"magics: %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x\n", magicname, magicmimetype, magicmimeencoding, magicapple); wchartostr (lpfile, &argv1, CP_THREAD_ACP); logtofilew (logfile, L"file to check is %S\n", argv1); memset (&mres, 0, sizeof (mres)); mres.type = (char *) magic_file (magicmimetype, argv1); mres.enc = (char *) magic_file (magicmimeencoding, argv1); = (char *) magic_file (magicapple, argv1); = (char *) magic_file (magicname, argv1); logtofilew (logfile, L"magic results: {%S} {%S} {%S} {%S}\n",, mres.type, mres.enc,; if ( != NULL) = strdup (; if (mres.type != NULL) mres.type = strdup (mres.type); if (mres.enc != NULL) mres.enc = strdup (mres.enc); if ( != NULL) = strdup (; strtowchar (, &mres.wname, CP_THREAD_ACP); strtowchar (mres.type, &mres.wtype, CP_THREAD_ACP); strtowchar (mres.enc, &mres.wenc, CP_THREAD_ACP); strtowchar (, &mres.wapple, CP_THREAD_ACP); magic_close (magicmimetype); magic_close (magicmimeencoding); magic_close (magicapple); magic_close (magicname); if (argv1 != NULL) free (argv1); if (mres.type == NULL && == NULL && == NULL) { logtofilew (logfile, L"Zero results, returning.\n"); ret = -1; } else { ret = handle (logfile, &mres, einfo, lpfile, lpdirectory); } if ( != NULL) free (; if (mres.type != NULL) free (mres.type); if (mres.enc != NULL) free (mres.enc); if ( != NULL) free (; if (mres.wname != NULL) free (mres.wname); if (mres.wtype != NULL) free (mres.wtype); if (mres.wenc != NULL) free (mres.wenc); if (mres.wapple != NULL) free (mres.wapple); logtofilew (logfile, L"<runmime %d\n", ret); return ret; }
void Tooltip::update () { ::SendMessageW(handle(),TTM_UPDATE,0,0); }
/* ** Returns 0 for success, negative number for error code. ** bpp can be 24 or 8. ** */ int bmpdjvu_djvufile_to_bmp(WILLUSBITMAP *bmp,char *infile,int pageno, int dpi,int bpp,FILE *out) { ddjvu_context_t *ctx; ddjvu_document_t *doc; ddjvu_page_t *page; /* ddjvu_page_type_t type; */ ddjvu_rect_t prect; ddjvu_rect_t rrect; ddjvu_format_style_t style; ddjvu_render_mode_t mode; ddjvu_format_t *fmt; int i,iw,ih,idpi,status; ctx=ddjvu_context_create("bmpdjvu_djvufile_to_bmp"); if (ctx==NULL) { nprintf(out,"Cannot create djvu context.\n"); return(-1); } doc=ddjvu_document_create_by_filename_utf8(ctx,infile,1); if (doc==NULL) { ddjvu_context_release(ctx); nprintf(out,"Cannot create djvu document context from djvu file %s.\n", infile); return(-2); } i=ddjvu_document_get_pagenum(doc); if (pageno<0 || pageno>i) { ddjvu_document_release(doc); ddjvu_context_release(ctx); nprintf(out,"Page number %d is out of range for djvu file %s.\n",pageno,infile); return(-3); } page=ddjvu_page_create_by_pageno(doc,pageno-1); if (page==NULL) { ddjvu_document_release(doc); ddjvu_context_release(ctx); nprintf(out,"Cannot parse page %d of djvu file %s.\n",pageno,infile); return(-4); } while (!ddjvu_page_decoding_done(page)) handle(1,ctx); if (ddjvu_page_decoding_error(page)) { ddjvu_page_release(page); ddjvu_document_release(doc); ddjvu_context_release(ctx); nprintf(out,"Error decoding page %d of djvu file %s.\n",pageno,infile); return(-5); } /* type= */ ddjvu_page_get_type(page); /* printf("type=%d\n",type); description=ddjvu_page_get_long_description(page); printf("Description='%s'\n",description); */ iw = ddjvu_page_get_width(page); ih = ddjvu_page_get_height(page); idpi = ddjvu_page_get_resolution(page); prect.x=prect.y=0; bmp->width=prect.w=iw*dpi/idpi; bmp->height=prect.h=ih*dpi/idpi; bmp->bpp=(bpp==8) ? 8 : 24; rrect=prect; bmp_alloc(bmp); if (bmp->bpp==8) { int ii; for (ii=0;ii<256;ii++) bmp->red[ii]=bmp->blue[ii]=bmp->green[ii]=ii; } mode=DDJVU_RENDER_COLOR; style=bpp==8 ? DDJVU_FORMAT_GREY8 : DDJVU_FORMAT_RGB24; fmt=ddjvu_format_create(style,0,0); if (fmt==NULL) { ddjvu_page_release(page); ddjvu_document_release(doc); ddjvu_context_release(ctx); nprintf(out,"Error setting DJVU format for djvu file %s (page %d).\n",infile,pageno); return(-6); } ddjvu_format_set_row_order(fmt,1); status=ddjvu_page_render(page,mode,&prect,&rrect,fmt,bmp_bytewidth(bmp),(char *)bmp->data); /* Seems to return 0 for blank/empty page */ if (!status) bmp_fill(bmp,255,255,255); ddjvu_format_release(fmt); ddjvu_page_release(page); ddjvu_document_release(doc); ddjvu_context_release(ctx); /* if (!status) { nprintf(out,"Error rendering page %d of djvu file %s.\n",pageno,infile); return(-7); } */ return(0); }
A pString_Connection::readBurst(void) { ipcWarn(wrnlvl(),"%t pString_Connection::readBurst\n"); MSBuffer bbuff; A d,z=(A)0; I slen=readFileLength(),slen1,n,s,count; if(-1==slen)R(A)0; if(0==slen) { static char fmt[]="\343 IPC warning: pA::ReadBurst: read event with no data [%d]\n"; Warn(fmt, handle()); } /* create buff to hold it. Fill buffer */ slen1=slen?slen:4; bbuff.minofbuffer(mab(slen1)); bbuff.maxofbuffer(bbuff.minofbuffer()+slen1); bbuff.reset(); if(0>(n=readTheBuffer(&bbuff,slen1))) {mfbuffer(&bbuff); R(A)0;} if(0==n&&0==slen) {turnInReadOff(); mfbuffer(&bbuff); R(A)0;} d=getAobjFromBuffer(&bbuff); if((A)0==d){mfbuffer(&bbuff); R(A)0;} // determine how many more complete A-objects lie in bbuff count=1; for(C *cp=bbuff.get();cp<bbuff.put();cp+=s) { s=longAt(cp); cp+=sizeof(long); if(s<=bbuff.put()-cp)++count; } // create result z=gv(Et,count); for(int i=0;i<count;++i)z->p[i]=(I)aplus_nl; int idx=0; z->p[idx++]=(I)d; // retrieve additional A-objects from bbuff, fill in z while(idx<count) { d=getAobjFromBuffer(&bbuff); if((A)0==d)break; z->p[idx++]=(I)d; } if(idx<count) { ipcWarn(wrnlvl(),"%t burst mode aborted. Possible data loss.\n"); } // run once more to clear out bbuff and move partial object into connection // buffers if(bbuff.get()==bbuff.put())turnInReadOff(); else { d=getAobjFromBuffer(&bbuff); if((A)0!=d || bbuff.get()!=bbuff.put()) { ipcWarn(wrnlvl(),"%t burst buffer not cleared: %d %d %d\n", d,bbuff.get(),bbuff.put()); } } // free bbuff; mfbuffer(&bbuff); return z; }