  * @param expression: A string array
  * @return: The root of expression tree
 ExpressionTreeNode* build(vector<string> &expression) {
     if (expression.empty()) {
         return 0;
     vector<string> prefix;
     infixToPrefix(expression, prefix);
     int start = 0;
     return buildExpressionTree(prefix, start);
Exemple #2
 * Take a command string and break it up into an argc, argv list while
 * handling quoting and wildcards.  The returned argument list and
 * strings are in static memory, and so are overwritten on each call.
 * The argument list is ended with a NULL pointer for convenience.
 * Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE on an error with a message
 * already output.
makeArgs(const char * cmd, int * retArgc, const char *** retArgv)
	const char *		argument;
	char *			cp;
	char *			cpOut;
	char *			newStrings;
	const char **		fileTable;
	const char **		newArgTable;
	int			newArgTableSize;
	int			fileCount;
	int			len;
	int			ch;
	int			quote;
	BOOL			quotedWildCards;
	BOOL			unquotedWildCards;
	BOOL			dollarMode;

	static int		stringsLength;
	static char *		strings;
	static int		argCount;
	static int		argTableSize;
	static const char **	argTable;

	 * Clear the returned values until we know them.
	argCount = 0;
	*retArgc = 0;
	*retArgv = NULL;

	 * Copy the command string into a buffer that we can modify,
	 * reallocating it if necessary.
	len = strlen(cmd) + 1;

	if (len > stringsLength)
		newStrings = realloc(strings, len);

		if (newStrings == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate string\n");

			return FALSE;

		strings = newStrings;
		stringsLength = len;

	memcpy(strings, cmd, len);
	cp = strings;

	 * Keep parsing the command string as long as there are any
	 * arguments left.
	while (*cp)
		 * Save the beginning of this argument.
		argument = cp;
		cpOut = cp;

		 * Reset quoting and wildcarding for this argument.
		quote = '\0';
		quotedWildCards = FALSE;
		unquotedWildCards = FALSE;
		dollarMode = FALSE;

		 * Loop over the string collecting the next argument while
		 * looking for quoted strings or quoted characters, and
		 * remembering whether there are any wildcard characters
		 * in the argument.
		while (*cp)
			ch = *cp++;

			 * If we are not in a quote and we see a blank then
			 * this argument is done.
			if (isBlank(ch) && (quote == '\0'))

			 * If we see a backslash then accept the next
			 * character no matter what it is.
			if (ch == '\\')
				ch = *cp++;

				 * Make sure there is a next character.
				if (ch == '\0')
						"Bad quoted character\n");

					return FALSE;

				 * Remember whether the quoted character
				 * is a wildcard.
				if (isWildCard(ch))
					quotedWildCards = TRUE;

				*cpOut++ = ch;


			 * If we see one of the wildcard characters then
			 * remember whether it was seen inside or outside
			 * of quotes.
			if (isWildCard(ch) && !dollarMode)
				if (quote)
					quotedWildCards = TRUE;
					unquotedWildCards = TRUE;

			 * If we were in a quote and we saw the same quote
			 * character again then the quote is done.
			if (ch == quote)
				quote = '\0';


			 * If we weren't in a quote and we see either type
			 * of quote character, then remember that we are
			 * now inside of a quote.
			if ((quote == '\0') && ((ch == '\'') || (ch == '"')))
				quote = ch;

			 * TP1
			 * If we see a $ 
			 if(ch == '$' && !quote)
			 	dollarMode = TRUE;

			 * Store the character.
			*cpOut++ = ch;

		 * Make sure that quoting is terminated properly.
		if (quote)
			fprintf(stderr, "Unmatched quote character\n");

			return FALSE;

		 * Null terminate the argument if it had shrunk, and then
		 * skip over all blanks to the next argument, nulling them
		 * out too.
		if (cp != cpOut)
			*cpOut = '\0';

		while (isBlank(*cp))
 			*cp++ = '\0';

				char* buff = (char*)malloc(5*sizeof(char));
			}else if(*(argument+1)=='['){
				char* buff = (char*)malloc((strlen(argument)-3)*sizeof(char));
				printf("test %s\n",infixToPrefix(buff));

		 * If both quoted and unquoted wildcards were used then
		 * complain since we don't handle them properly.
		if (quotedWildCards && unquotedWildCards)
				"Cannot use quoted and unquoted wildcards\n");

			return FALSE;

		 * Expand the argument into the matching filenames or accept
		 * it as is depending on whether there were any unquoted
		 * wildcard characters in it.
		if (unquotedWildCards)
			 * Expand the argument into the matching filenames.
			fileCount = expandWildCards(argument, &fileTable);

			 * Return an error if the wildcards failed to match.
			if (fileCount < 0)
				return FALSE;

			if (fileCount == 0)
				fprintf(stderr, "Wildcard expansion error\n");

				return FALSE;
			 * Set up to only store the argument itself.
			fileTable = &argument;
			fileCount = 1;

		 * Now reallocate the argument table to hold the file name.
		if (argCount + fileCount >= argTableSize)
			newArgTableSize = argCount + fileCount + 1;

			newArgTable = (const char **) realloc(argTable,
				(sizeof(const char *) * newArgTableSize));

			if (newArgTable == NULL)
				fprintf(stderr, "No memory for arg list\n");

				return FALSE;

			argTable = newArgTable;
			argTableSize = newArgTableSize;

		 * Copy the new arguments to the end of the old ones.
		memcpy((void *) &argTable[argCount], (const void *) fileTable,
			(sizeof(const char **) * fileCount));

		 * Add to the argument count.
		argCount += fileCount;

	 * Null terminate the argument list and return it.
	argTable[argCount] = NULL;

	*retArgc = argCount;
	*retArgv = argTable;

 	return TRUE;