void SAXSapHandler::startElement(const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { if(isElement("protein", el)) { m_bProtein = true; m_mapItem.clear(); m_strId = getAttrValue("id", attr); } else if(isElement("aa", el)) { char res = '\0'; char mut = '\0'; m_bAa = true; string strValue; strValue = getAttrValue("at",attr); m_pairItem.first = atoi(strValue.c_str()); strValue = getAttrValue("mut",attr); m_pairItem.second.first = strValue[0]; mut = strValue[0]; m_pairItem.second.second = getAttrValue("id",attr); strValue = getAttrValue("type",attr); res = strValue[0]; if(checkMut(res,mut)) { m_mapItem.insert(m_pairItem); } } }
void SAXMzxmlHandler::startElement(const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { if(isElement("scan", el)) { if((m_cidLevel = atoi(getAttrValue("msLevel", attr))) == 2) { m_bInMsLevel2 = true; reset(); // Clean up for the next scan m_scanNum = atoi(getAttrValue("num", attr)); m_tId = m_scanNum; while(m_sId.find(m_tId) != m_sId.end()) { m_tId++; } m_sId.insert(m_tId); m_peaksCount = atoi(getAttrValue("peaksCount", attr)); } } else if(isElement("peaks", el)) { m_bInPeaks = true; m_bLowPrecision = (strcmp("64", getAttrValue("precision", attr)) != 0); } else if(isElement("precursorMz", el)) { m_bInPrecursorMz = true; m_precursorCharge = atoi(getAttrValue("precursorCharge", attr)); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::addEdges(Iterator<edge> *addedEdges) { std::vector<edge> ee; std::vector<edge> superEdges; Graph *super = getSuperGraph(); bool superIsRoot = (super == getRoot()); while (addedEdges->hasNext()) { edge e = addedEdges->next(); assert(getRootImpl()->isElement(e)); assert(isElement(source(e))); assert(isElement(target(e))); if (!isElement(e)) { ee.push_back(e); if (!superIsRoot && !super->isElement(e)) superEdges.push_back(e); } } if (!superEdges.empty()) { StlIterator<edge, std::vector<edge>::iterator> it(superEdges.begin(), superEdges.end()); super->addEdges(&it); } if (!ee.empty()) addEdgesInternal(ee.size(), &ee, std::vector<pair<node, node>>()); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector<edge> GraphView::getEdges(const node src, const node tgt, bool directed) const { std::vector<edge> ee; if (isElement(src) && isElement(tgt)) getRootImpl()->getEdges(src, tgt, directed, ee, this); return ee; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- edge GraphView::existEdge(const node src, const node tgt, bool directed) const { if (!isElement(src) || !isElement(tgt)) return edge(); std::vector<edge> ee; return getRootImpl()->getEdges(src, tgt, directed, ee, this, true) ? ee[0] : edge(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::addEdge(const edge e) { assert(getRootImpl()->isElement(e)); assert(isElement(source(e))); assert(isElement(target(e))); if (!isElement(e)) { if (!getSuperGraph()->isElement(e)) getSuperGraph()->addEdge(e); addEdgeInternal(e); } }
bool Theme::checkThemeVersion(){ debug_out("bool checkThemeVersion()"); bool text = false; bool title =false; bool inactive =false; bool isNewTheme=false; if (isElement("WindowStyle","Active","Text")){text=true;} if (isElement("WindowStyle","Active","Title")){title=true;} if (isElement("WindowStyle","Inactive")){inactive=true;} if(text || title || inactive){ isNewTheme=false;} else{isNewTheme=true;} return isNewTheme; }
void SAXBiomlHandler::endElement(const XML_Char *el) { if(isElement("protein", el)){ m_bProtein = false; if(m_setSeq.find(m_seqCurrent.m_tUid) == m_setSeq.end()) { m_vseqBest.push_back(m_seqCurrent); m_setSeq.insert(m_seqCurrent.m_tUid); } } else if(isElement("peptide", el)){ m_bPeptide = false; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::setEndsInternal(const edge e, node src, node tgt, const node newSrc, const node newTgt) { if (isElement(e)) { if (isElement(newSrc) && isElement(newTgt)) { notifyBeforeSetEnds(e); if (src != newSrc) { _nodeData.get(newSrc.id)->outDegreeAdd(1); if (src.isValid() && isElement(src)) _nodeData.get(src.id)->outDegreeAdd(-1); else // as src may no longer exist (pop case) // set src as invalid for subgraphs loop src = node(); } if (tgt != newTgt) { _nodeData.get(newTgt.id)->inDegreeAdd(1); if (tgt.isValid() && isElement(tgt)) _nodeData.get(tgt.id)->inDegreeAdd(-1); else // as tgt may no longer exist (pop case) // set tgt as invalid for subgraphs loop tgt = node(); } // notification notifyAfterSetEnds(e); // propagate edge ends update on subgraphs for (Graph *sg : subGraphs()) { static_cast<GraphView *>(sg)->setEndsInternal(e, src, tgt, newSrc, newTgt); } } else { // delete e if its new ends do no belong to the graph // propagate edge ends update on subgraphs for (Graph *sg : subGraphs()) { static_cast<GraphView *>(sg)->setEndsInternal(e, src, tgt, newSrc, newTgt); } notifyDelEdge(e); _edges.remove(e); propertyContainer->erase(e); _nodeData.get(src.id)->outDegreeAdd(-1); _nodeData.get(tgt.id)->inDegreeAdd(-1); } } }
void SAXMzxmlHandler::endElement(const XML_Char *el) { if(isElement("peaks", el)) { processData(); m_bInPeaks = false; } else if(isElement("precursorMz", el)) { processData(); m_bInPrecursorMz = false; } else if(isElement("scan", el) && m_bInMsLevel2 == true) { // only add a spectrum without charge (which will lead // to internal xtandem charge state guessing) if there // were no values parsed from *both* "precursorCharge" // or "possibleCharges" if ( (m_precursorCharge == 0) && (m_viPossiblePrecursorCharges.size() == 0) ) { // add spectrum, with precursorMz charge pushSpectrum(); } else { // add the spectrum with the m_precursorCharge value int originalPrecursorMZ = m_precursorCharge; // do other pushSpectrum calls change this? pushSpectrum(m_precursorCharge); // are there any multiple precursor charges from mzXML 3.1's // possibleCharges? if (m_viPossiblePrecursorCharges.size() > 0) { size_t originalId = m_tId; for (vector<int>::iterator i = m_viPossiblePrecursorCharges.begin(); i != m_viPossiblePrecursorCharges.end(); ++i) { int z = *i; if (z != originalPrecursorMZ) { // no need to duplicate if already added m_tId += 100000000; pushSpectrum(z); } } m_tId = originalId; } } m_bInMsLevel2 = false; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::removeNode(const node n) { assert(isElement(n)); notifyDelNode(n); _nodeData.set(n.id, nullptr); _nodes.remove(n); propertyContainer->erase(n); }
xml_node* xml_node::create( string const& temp ) { if( temp.size() < 2 ) { // only <> in element throw Xml_exception( eEx::parse, msg_unknown_node + ": " + temp ); // return 0; } xml_document* d = document(); assert( d != nullptr ); if( isElement( temp ) ) { // is alpha or underscore xml_node* node = d->element_create(); return node; } if( isComment( temp ) ) { // <!-- und --> xml_node* node = d->comment_create(); return node; } if( isDeclaration( temp ) ) { // "<?xml und ?>" xml_node* node = d->declaration_create( tlfm_ ); return node; } throw Xml_exception( eEx::parse, msg_unknown_node + ": " + temp ); }
void DocumentBuilder::consumeContent(Node *root){ while(peek() != -1){ consumeText(root); if (isElement()){ consumeElement(root); continue; } if (isComment()){ consumeComment(root); continue; } if (isCDataSection()){ consumeCDataSection(root); continue; } if(isPI()){ consumePI(root); continue; } if (isCharRef()){ StringBuffer *sb = new StringBuffer(2); sb->append(consumeCharRef()); appendToLastTextNode(root, sb); continue; } if (isEntityRef()){ String *entext = consumeEntityRef(true); appendToLastTextNode(root, entext); continue; } if (peek(0) == '<') break; }; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::addNodes(Iterator<node> *addedNodes) { std::vector<node> nodes; std::vector<node> superNodes; Graph *super = getSuperGraph(); bool superIsRoot = (super == getRoot()); while (addedNodes->hasNext()) { node n = addedNodes->next(); if (!isElement(n)) { nodes.push_back(n); if (!superIsRoot && !super->isElement(n)) superNodes.push_back(n); } } if (!superNodes.empty()) { StlIterator<node, std::vector<node>::iterator> it(superNodes.begin(), superNodes.end()); super->addNodes(&it); } if (!nodes.empty()) addNodesInternal(nodes.size(), &nodes); }
void SAXTaxHandler::startElement(const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char* label = getAttrValue("label", attr); if(isElement("taxon", el) && m_setTax.find(label) != m_setTax.end()){ m_bTax = true; } else if(isElement("file", el) && m_bTax){ string strType = getAttrValue("format",attr); if(m_strType == strType) { string strPath = getAttrValue("URL",attr); if(m_setPaths.find(strPath) == m_setPaths.end()) { m_vstrPaths->push_back(strPath); m_setPaths.insert(strPath); } } } }
void SAXMzdataHandler::endElement(const XML_Char *el) { if(isElement("mzArrayBinary", el)) m_bInmzArrayBinary = false; else if(isElement("intenArrayBinary", el)) m_bInintenArrayBinary = false; else if(isElement("data", el)) { processData(); m_bInData = false; } else if(isElement("spectrum", el) && m_bInMsLevel2) { pushSpectrum(); m_bInMsLevel2 = false; } }
void SAXMzmlHandler::endElement(const XML_Char *el) { if(isElement("binary", el)) { processData(); m_bInintenArrayBinary = false; m_bInmzArrayBinary = false; m_bInData = false; } else if(isElement("spectrum", el) && m_bInMsLevel2) { pushSpectrum(); m_bInMsLevel2 = false; } else if (isElement("referenceableParamGroup", el)) { m_bInRefGroup = false; } }
void Tree::dropCurrentElement(Vertex *v) { sabassert(stackTop && isElement(stackTop)); sabassert(stackTop == v); sabassert(!pendingTextNode); stackTop = v -> parent; delete v; toE(stackTop) -> contents.deppend(); }
void SAXMzxmlHandler::endElement(const XML_Char *el) { if(isElement("peaks", el)) { processData(); m_bInPeaks = false; } else if(isElement("precursorMz", el)) { processData(); m_bInPrecursorMz = false; } else if(isElement("scan", el) && m_bInMsLevel2 == true) { pushSpectrum(); m_bInMsLevel2 = false; } }
void Set::print(ostream& out) const { out << "[Set (" << m_size << ") "; for (int i=0; i<m_size; i++) { out << (bool) isElement(i) << " "; } out << "]"; }
char huffdecoditication::getElementTree(cell* node,QString HuffmanCodification) { char charReturn; if(node->leaf != true) { if(HuffmanCodification.at(0).toLatin1()=='0') { charReturn=isElement(node->left, HuffmanCodification.remove(0,1)); } if(HuffmanCodification.at(0).toLatin1()=='1') { charReturn=isElement(node->right,HuffmanCodification.remove(0,1)); } } if(node->leaf) { return node->getElement(); } }
int hasElement(binTree *root, int cur) { if (root == NULL) { return 0; } if (root->value < cur) { isElement(root->right, cur); } else if (root->value > cur) { isElement(root->left, cur); } else if (root->value == cur) { return 1; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::addNode(const node n) { assert(getRoot()->isElement(n)); if (!isElement(n)) { if (!getSuperGraph()->isElement(n)) getSuperGraph()->addNode(n); restoreNode(n); } }
int main() { char * x; char tab[ROZMIAR]; printf (" wpisz tekst:\n"); fgets(tab, ROZMIAR, stdin); x=isElement(tab, 'a'); printf("%d\n", x); system("pause"); }
ostream& ppsig::printrec (ostream& fout, Tree var, Tree lexp, bool hide) const { if (isElement(var, fEnv) ) { fout << *var; } else if (hide) { fout << *var; } else { fout << "letrec(" << *var << " = " << ppsig(lexp, addElement(var, fEnv)) << ")"; } return fout; }
//Adds user specified int to set if it isn't already an element. void Set::add(const int add){ if(!isElement(add)){ if(!_cardinality==0){ if((_cardinality)%(_chunk_size)==0){ _grow(); } } _element[_cardinality] = add; _cardinality++; } }
NodeID Set::smallestElement() const { assert(count() > 0); int counter = 0; for (int i=0; i<m_size; i++) { if (isElement(i)) { return i; } } ERROR_MSG("No smallest element of an empty set."); }
void SAXGamlHandler::endElement(const XML_Char *el) { if(isElement("note", el) && m_bDesc){ m_bDesc=false; } else if(isElement("GAML:Xdata", el) && m_bInData){ pushPeaks(m_bMZ, m_bINT); m_strData.clear(); m_bMZ = false; } else if(isElement("GAML:Ydata", el) && m_bInData){ pushPeaks(m_bMZ, m_bINT); m_strData.clear(); m_bINT = false; } else if(isElement("GAML:trace", el) && m_bInData){ pushSpectrum(); reset(); m_bInData=false; } }
bool Mandelbrot::calculate() { // Calculate step size double step_x = (max_x - min_x) / (double) width; double step_y = (max_y - min_y) / (double) height; if(step_x == 0.0 || step_y == 0.0) { m_last_error = "Mandelbrot: step_x or step_y is 0"; return true; } // Create image if(create(width, height)) return true; // Allocate colors if(allocateColors()) return true; // Real calculation bool do_break = false; for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if(update()) { do_break = true; break; } // Calculation for current complex number Complex c(min_x + step_x * x, max_y - step_y * y); int number; bool state = isElement(&c, &number); // Get color and set pixel int red, green, blue; getColor(state, number, &red, &green, &blue); setPixel(x, y, red, green, blue); } if(do_break) break; } // Free colors freeColors(); return false; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphView::removeEdge(const edge e) { assert(isElement(e)); notifyDelEdge(e); _edges.remove(e); propertyContainer->erase(e); const std::pair<node, node> &eEnds = ends(e); node src = eEnds.first; node tgt = eEnds.second; _nodeData.get(src.id)->outDegreeAdd(-1); _nodeData.get(tgt.id)->inDegreeAdd(-1); }