// TeapotWarsGame::VOnUpdate			- Chapter 19, page 709
void CometConquestGame::VOnUpdate(float time, float elapsedTime)
	int deltaMilliseconds = int(elapsedTime * 1000.0f);
	m_Lifetime += elapsedTime;
	unsigned int currentTime = timeGetTime();
	BaseGameLogic::VOnUpdate(time, elapsedTime);

	if (m_bProxy)

	case BGS_LoadingGameEnvironment:

	case BGS_MainMenu:

	case BGS_WaitingForPlayers:
		if (m_ExpectedPlayers + m_ExpectedRemotePlayers == m_HumanPlayersAttached ) 

	case BGS_Running:
		if(currentTime > (m_data.m_lastCometTime + 5000))
			Vec4 at = -g_Right4 * 2.0f;
			Vec4 atWorld = Mat4x4::g_Identity.Xform(at);
			int randVertical = m_random.Random(115) + 1 - 60;
			Vec3 normalDir(atWorld);
			Mat4x4 temp = Mat4x4::g_Identity;
			CometParams cp;
			cp.m_Pos = temp.GetPosition() + Vec3(atWorld);
			cp.m_Radius = 6.0f;
			cp.m_Color = g_Cyan;
			cp.m_NormalDir = normalDir;
			cp.m_Force = 40000.0f;

			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor cannonBallEvt( &cp );
			safeTriggerEvent( cannonBallEvt );
			m_data.m_lastCometTime = currentTime;
		assert(0 && _T("Unrecognized state."));

	// look in Chapter 15, page 563 for more on this bit of code
Exemple #2
// Script exports for the physics system
void InternalScriptExports::ApplyForce(LuaPlus::LuaObject normalDirLua, float force, int actorId)
    if (normalDirLua.IsTable())
        Vec3 normalDir(normalDirLua["x"].GetFloat(), normalDirLua["y"].GetFloat(), normalDirLua["z"].GetFloat());
		g_pApp->m_pGame->VGetGamePhysics()->VApplyForce(normalDir, force, actorId);
    GCC_ERROR("Invalid object passed to ApplyForce(); type = " + std::string(normalDirLua.TypeName()));
// apply force to an object from lua
void LuaInternalScriptExports::ApplyForce(LuaPlus::LuaObject normalDirectionLua, float force, int gameObjectId)
	if (normalDirectionLua.IsTable())
		Vec3 normalDir(normalDirectionLua["x"].GetFloat(), normalDirectionLua["y"].GetFloat(), normalDirectionLua["z"].GetFloat());
		g_pApp->m_pGame->GetGamePhysics()->ApplyForce(normalDir, force, gameObjectId);
	CB_ERROR("Invalid object passed to ApplyForce(). Type = " + std::string(normalDirectionLua.TypeName()));
dgUnsigned32 dgBallConstraint::JacobianDerivative(dgContraintDescritor& params)
  dgInt32 ret;
  dgFloat32 relVelocErr;
  dgFloat32 penetrationErr;
  dgMatrix matrix0;
  dgMatrix matrix1;

  if (m_jointUserCallback)
    m_jointUserCallback(*this, params.m_timestep);

  dgVector angle(CalculateGlobalMatrixAndAngle(matrix0, matrix1));
  m_angles = angle.Scale(-dgFloat32(1.0f));

  const dgVector& dir0 = matrix0.m_front;
  const dgVector& dir1 = matrix0.m_up;
  const dgVector& dir2 = matrix0.m_right;
  const dgVector& p0 = matrix0.m_posit;
  const dgVector& p1 = matrix1.m_posit;

  dgPointParam pointData;
  InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p1);
  CalculatePointDerivative(0, params, dir0, pointData, &m_jointForce[0]);
  CalculatePointDerivative(1, params, dir1, pointData, &m_jointForce[1]);
  CalculatePointDerivative(2, params, dir2, pointData, &m_jointForce[2]);
  ret = 3;

  if (m_twistLimit)
    if (angle.m_x > m_twistAngle)
      dgVector p0(matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_up.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
      InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p0);

      const dgVector& dir = matrix0.m_right;
      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, dir, pointData, &m_jointForce[ret]);

      dgVector velocError(pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      relVelocErr = velocError % dir;
      if (relVelocErr > dgFloat32(1.0e-3f))
        relVelocErr *= dgFloat32(1.1f);

      penetrationErr = MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH * (angle.m_x - m_twistAngle);
      _ASSERTE(penetrationErr >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));

      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = dgFloat32(0.0f);
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_NORMAL_CONSTRAINT;
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_jointForce = &m_jointForce[ret];
//			params.m_jointAccel[ret] = (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep;
          (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep, params);
    else if (angle.m_x < -m_twistAngle)
      dgVector p0(matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_up.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
      InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p0);
      dgVector dir(matrix0.m_right.Scale(-dgFloat32(1.0f)));
      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, dir, pointData, &m_jointForce[ret]);

      dgVector velocError(pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      relVelocErr = velocError % dir;
      if (relVelocErr > dgFloat32(1.0e-3f))
        relVelocErr *= dgFloat32(1.1f);

      penetrationErr = MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH * (-m_twistAngle - angle.m_x);
      _ASSERTE(penetrationErr >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));

      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = dgFloat32(0.0f);
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_NORMAL_CONSTRAINT;
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_jointForce = &m_jointForce[ret];
//			params.m_jointAccel[ret] = (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep;
          (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep, params);

  if (m_coneLimit)

    dgFloat32 coneCos;
    coneCos = matrix0.m_front % matrix1.m_front;
    if (coneCos < m_coneAngleCos)
      dgVector p0(
          matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
      InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p0);

      dgVector tangentDir(matrix0.m_front * matrix1.m_front);
      tangentDir = tangentDir.Scale(
          dgRsqrt ((tangentDir % tangentDir) + 1.0e-8f));
      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, tangentDir, pointData,

      dgVector normalDir(tangentDir * matrix0.m_front);

      dgVector velocError(pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      //restitution = contact.m_restitution;
      relVelocErr = velocError % normalDir;
      if (relVelocErr > dgFloat32(1.0e-3f))
        relVelocErr *= dgFloat32(1.1f);

      penetrationErr = MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH
          * (dgAcos (GetMax (coneCos, dgFloat32(-0.9999f))) - m_coneAngle);
      _ASSERTE(penetrationErr >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));

      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, normalDir, pointData,
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = dgFloat32(0.0f);
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_NORMAL_CONSTRAINT;
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_jointForce = &m_jointForce[ret];
//			params.m_jointAccel[ret] = (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep;
          (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep, params);

  return dgUnsigned32(ret);
bool CometConquestEventListener::HandleEvent( IEventData const & event )
	if ( EvtData_Request_Start_Game::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
	else if ( EvtData_Game_State::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		const EvtData_Game_State & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Game_State & >( event );
	else if ( EvtData_Remote_Client::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		// This event is always sent from clients to the game server.

		const EvtData_Remote_Client & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Remote_Client & >( event );
		const int sockID = castEvent.m_socketId;
		const int ipAddress = castEvent.m_ipAddress;

		// The teapot has already been created - we need to go find it.
		//ActorMap::iterator i = m_CometConquest->m_ActorList.begin();
		//ActorMap::iterator end = m_CometConquest->m_ActorList.end();
		//shared_ptr<IActor> actor = shared_ptr<BaseActor>(); 
		//while (i != end)
		//	actor = (*i).second;
		//	if (actor->VGetType() == AT_Ship)
		//	{
		//		shared_ptr<ActorParams> params = actor->VGetParams();
		//		shared_ptr<ShipParams> teapotParams = boost::static_pointer_cast<ShipParams>(params);
		//		if (teapotParams->m_ViewId == VIEWID_NO_VIEW_ATTACHED)
		//		{
		//			break;
		//		}
		//	}
		//	++i;

		//if (actor != shared_ptr<BaseActor>())
		NetworkGameView *netGameView = GCC_NEW NetworkGameView( sockID );

		shared_ptr<IGameView> gameView(netGameView);
		m_CometConquest->VAddView(gameView, sockID);

		extern void ListenForCometConquestViewEvents(EventListenerPtr listener);

		EventListenerPtr listener ( GCC_NEW NetworkEventForwarder( sockID ) );
		ListenForCometConquestViewEvents( listener );

	else if ( EvtData_Network_Player_Actor_Assignment::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		// we're a remote client getting an actor assignment.
		// the server assigned us a playerId when we first attached (the server's socketId, actually)
		const EvtData_Network_Player_Actor_Assignment & castEvent =
			static_cast< const EvtData_Network_Player_Actor_Assignment & >( event );

		shared_ptr<IGameView> playersView(GCC_NEW CometConquestGameView(true));
		playersView.get()->VOnAttach(castEvent.m_remotePlayerId, castEvent.m_actorId);
		m_CometConquest->VAddView(playersView, castEvent.m_actorId);	

	else if ( EvtData_PhysCollision::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		const EvtData_PhysCollision & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_PhysCollision & >( event );
		shared_ptr<IActor> pGameActorA = m_CometConquest->VGetActor(castEvent.m_ActorA);
		shared_ptr<IActor> pGameActorB = m_CometConquest->VGetActor(castEvent.m_ActorB);
		if (!pGameActorA || !pGameActorB)
			return false;

		int typeA = pGameActorA->VGetType();
		int typeB = pGameActorB->VGetType();

		//Bullets hitting things
		if(AT_Bullet == typeA && AT_Ship != typeB && AT_Floor != typeB)
		if(AT_Bullet == typeB && AT_Ship != typeA && AT_Floor != typeA)
		//Comets hitting boundry wall
		if(AT_Comet == typeB && AT_BoundryWall == typeA)
		if(AT_Comet == typeA && AT_BoundryWall == typeB)
		//Ship getting hit by a comet
		if(AT_Ship == typeA && AT_Comet == typeB)
			ShipParams tp;
			tp.m_StartPosition = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Mat = tp.m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Length = 2.5;
			tp.m_ViewId = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_ViewId;
			tp.m_Team = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_Team;
			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor requestShip( &tp );
			safeTriggerEvent( requestShip );
		if(AT_Ship == typeB && AT_Comet == typeA)
			ShipParams tp;
			tp.m_StartPosition = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Mat = tp.m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Length = 2.5;
			tp.m_ViewId = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_ViewId;
			tp.m_Team = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_Team;
			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor requestShip( &tp );
			safeTriggerEvent( requestShip );
		//Shooting players
		if(AT_Ship == typeA && AT_Bullet == typeB)

			ShipParams tp;
			tp.m_StartPosition = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Mat = tp.m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Length = 2.5;
			//tp.m_Id = pGameActorA->VGetID();
			tp.m_ViewId = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_ViewId;
			tp.m_Team = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_Team;
			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor requestShip( &tp );

			safeTriggerEvent( requestShip );

		if(AT_Ship == typeB && AT_Bullet == typeA)

			ShipParams tp;
			tp.m_StartPosition = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Mat = tp.m_StartPosition;
			tp.m_Length = 2.5;
			//tp.m_Id = pGameActorB->VGetID();
			tp.m_ViewId = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_ViewId;
			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor requestShip( &tp );

			safeTriggerEvent( requestShip );
		//Shooting Comets
		if(AT_Bullet == typeA && AT_Comet == typeB)
		if(AT_Bullet == typeB && AT_Comet == typeA)

		//Goal & Ring
		if(AT_Ring == typeA && AT_Goal == typeB)
			RingParams rp;
			rp.m_StartPosition == static_cast<RingParams *>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_StartPosition;
			rp.m_Mat = rp.m_StartPosition;
			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor requestRing (&rp);
			safeTriggerEvent (requestRing);
						if(0 == static_cast<GoalParams*>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_Team)
		if(AT_Ring == typeB && AT_Goal == typeA)
			RingParams rp;
			rp.m_StartPosition == static_cast<RingParams *>(pGameActorB->VGetParams().get())->m_StartPosition;
			rp.m_Mat = rp.m_StartPosition;
			const EvtData_Request_New_Actor requestRing (&rp);
			safeTriggerEvent (requestRing);
			if(0 == static_cast<GoalParams*>(pGameActorA->VGetParams().get())->m_Team)


	else if ( EvtData_Thrust::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		const EvtData_Thrust & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Thrust & >( event );
		shared_ptr<IActor> pActor = m_CometConquest->VGetActor(castEvent.m_id);
		if( pActor )
			static const float newtonForce = 1.f;
			float thrustForce = castEvent.m_throttle * newtonForce;

			Mat4x4 rotation = pActor->VGetMat();
			Vec3 dir = rotation.Xform(g_Forward);
			m_CometConquest->m_pPhysics->VApplyForce(dir, thrustForce, castEvent.m_id);
	else if ( EvtData_Steer::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		static const float newtonForce = -.25 * 1.8f;

		const EvtData_Steer & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Steer & >( event );
		float steerForce = -castEvent.m_dir * newtonForce;
		m_CometConquest->m_pPhysics->VApplyTorque(Vec3(0,1,0), steerForce, castEvent.m_id);
	else if ( EvtData_Fire_Weapon::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
			const EvtData_Fire_Weapon & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Fire_Weapon & >( event );
			ActorId gunnerId = castEvent.m_id;

			shared_ptr<IActor> pGunner = m_CometConquest->VGetActor(gunnerId);
			if (pGunner)

				//Calculate depth offset from the controller
				Vec4 at = g_Forward4 * 3.0f;
				Vec4 atWorld = pGunner->VGetMat().Xform(at);

				Vec3 normalDir(atWorld);

				BulletParams sp;
				sp.m_Pos = pGunner->VGetMat().GetPosition() + Vec3(atWorld) * 3;
				sp.m_Radius = 0.25;
				sp.m_Segments = 16;
				sp.m_Color = g_Cyan;
				sp.m_NormalDir = normalDir;
				sp.m_Force = g_WeaponForce;
				sp.m_TeamFiredBy = static_cast<ShipParams *>(pGunner->VGetParams().get())->m_Team;
				//Request creation of this actor.
				const EvtData_Request_New_Actor cannonBallEvt( &sp );
				safeTriggerEvent( cannonBallEvt );
				return true;

	else if ( EvtData_Move_Actor::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		const EvtData_Move_Actor & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Move_Actor & >( event );
		m_CometConquest->VMoveActor(castEvent.m_Id, castEvent.m_Mat);
	else if ( EvtData_Request_New_Actor::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		const EvtData_Request_New_Actor & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_Request_New_Actor & >( event );

		ActorParams * pActorParams = NULL;

		pActorParams = castEvent.m_pActorParams;

		//Did we get valid actor params?
		if ( NULL == pActorParams )
			assert( 0 && "Invalid parameters specified for actor!" );
			return false;

		//Valid params.
		const ActorId actorID = m_CometConquest->GetNewActorID();
		pActorParams->m_Id = actorID;
		//Package as a new actor event.
		IEventDataPtr actorEvent( IEventDataPtr( GCC_NEW EvtData_New_Actor( actorID, pActorParams ) ) );
		const bool bSuccess = safeQueEvent( actorEvent );
		const EvtData_New_Actor actorEvent( actorID, pActorParams );
		const bool bSuccess = safeTriggerEvent( actorEvent );

		return bSuccess;
	else if ( EvtData_New_Actor::sk_EventType == event.VGetEventType() )
		const EvtData_New_Actor & castEvent = static_cast< const EvtData_New_Actor & >( event );
		ActorParams * pActorParams = castEvent.m_pActorParams;

		if ( NULL == pActorParams )
			assert( 0 && "Received a new actor event with NULL actor parameters!" );
			return false;


		if ( false == castEvent.m_id )
			assert( 0 && "Unable to construct desired actor type!" );
			return false;

	return false;