//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JrkPlotDialog::onFinished(int) { if(plot_timer->isActive()) on_stopButton_clicked(); //qDebug("JrkPlotDialog::onFinished"); }
void MainWindow::on_resetButton_clicked() { on_stopButton_clicked(); usleep(10000); core->reset(); showInfo(); }
void MainWindow::createActions() { m_playPauseAction = new QAction( tr( "Play\\Pause" ), this ); connect( m_playPauseAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( on_startPauseButton_clicked() ) ); m_stopAction = new QAction( tr( "Stop" ), this ); connect( m_stopAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( on_stopButton_clicked() ) ); m_muteAction = new QAction( tr( "Mute" ), this ); connect( m_muteAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( on_soundButton_clicked() ) ); m_backAction = new QAction( tr( "Back" ), this ); connect( m_backAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( on_backButton_clicked() ) ); m_nextAction = new QAction( tr( "Next" ), this ); connect( m_nextAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( on_nextButton_clicked() ) ); m_minimizeAction = new QAction( tr( "Mi&nimize" ), this ); connect( m_minimizeAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( hide() ) ); m_maximizeAction = new QAction( tr( "Ma&ximize" ), this ); connect( m_maximizeAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( showMaximized() ) ); }
void MainWindow::stopRecordingCall() { // If we are recording a call, consider this the equivalent of hitting // the "stop" button. if (myGst->currentlyRecordingCall()) { on_stopButton_clicked(); } }
int DriveWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: statusChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 1: on_maxSpeedSlider_valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: on_maxSpeedBox_valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: on_inStrafeModeBox_clicked(); break; case 4: on_stallCurrentBox_valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 5: on_directionDivisorBox_valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 6: on_useCurveBox_clicked(); break; case 7: on_dirScaleBox_valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 8: on_speedScaleBox_valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 9: on_pwmModeBox_clicked(); break; case 10: on_joystickDevName_currentIndexChanged((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 11: on_reopenJsButton_clicked(); break; case 12: on_rescanJsButton_clicked(); break; case 13: on_joystickProfileBox_currentIndexChanged((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 14: on_enableWatchdogBox_clicked(); break; case 15: on_sendCmdButton_clicked(); break; case 16: on_startTimingButton_clicked(); break; case 17: on_stopButton_clicked(); break; case 18: on_sendNumbersButton_clicked(); break; case 19: on_sendTestMsg_clicked(); break; case 20: gotWirelessMessage((*reinterpret_cast< QByteArray(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 21: gotMotorStatusUpdate((*reinterpret_cast< QByteArray(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 22: gotWatchdogTimeout((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 23: strafeModeChanged((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 24: slowModeButtonToggled(); break; case 25: sendMessageTimer(); break; case 26: timingTimeout(); break; case 27: gotPassthroughMessage((*reinterpret_cast< QByteArray(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 28: gotTimeoutData((*reinterpret_cast< QByteArray(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 29: gotMotorCurrentData((*reinterpret_cast< QByteArray(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 30: gotRoverDataErrorCount((*reinterpret_cast< QByteArray(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 31: on_getCurrentButton_clicked(); break; default: ; } _id -= 32; } return _id; }
int Schachuhr::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: on_stopButton_clicked(); break; case 1: on_quitButton_clicked(); break; case 2: on_clearButton_clicked(); break; case 3: on_player2Button_clicked(); break; case 4: on_player1Button_clicked(); break; default: ; } _id -= 5; } return _id; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JrkPlotDialog::on_settingsButton_clicked() { bool running = plot_timer->isActive(); bool changed = false; if(running) plot_timer->stop(); JrkPlotSettingsDialog dlg(this); if(dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) changed = true; if(running) { if(changed) on_stopButton_clicked(); // reset else plot_timer->start(); // continue } }
ControlBar::ControlBar( QWidget* parent ) : QToolBar( parent ) , _startButton( new QPushButton( "Start", this ) ) , _stopButton( new QPushButton( "Stop", this ) ) , _beltSelector( new QSpinBox( this ) ) { setMinimumSize( 200, 46 ); setFloatable( false ); setMovable( false ); addWidget( _startButton ); addWidget( _stopButton ); addWidget( _beltSelector ); _stopButton->setEnabled( false ); bool ok; ok = connect( _startButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( on_startButton_clicked() ) ); Q_ASSERT( ok ); ok = connect( _stopButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( on_stopButton_clicked() ) ); Q_ASSERT( ok ); }
void MainWindow::slotReceiveData(const QByteArray &data) { QString text( data ); if ( text == QString( "DADA01" ) ) { on_startPauseButton_clicked(); } else if ( text == QString( "DADA02" ) ) { on_stopButton_clicked(); } else if ( text == QString( "DADA03" ) ) { on_backButton_clicked(); } else if ( text == QString( "DADA04" ) ) { on_nextButton_clicked(); } else if ( text == QString( "DADA05" ) ) { on_soundButton_clicked(); } else if ( text == QString( "DADA06" ) ) { on_volumeUpButton_clicked(); } else if ( text == QString( "DADA07" ) ) { on_volumeDownButton_clicked(); } else { QString message( "Error: unknown command from the COM-port" ); QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), message ); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JrkPlotDialog::run(void) { if(!plot_timer->isActive()) on_stopButton_clicked(); }
void MainWindow::callOptionDialog (QVector<ConsoleInterface::optionDialogEntry> * options,bool * ret) { if (options->isEmpty()) return; QVectorIterator<ConsoleInterface::optionDialogEntry> it(*options); QDialog * d = new QDialog(this); d->setModal(true); QVBoxLayout * dbl = new QVBoxLayout(); d->setLayout(dbl); QList <QWidget * > ents; QHBoxLayout * sl; QLabel * l; QLineEdit * lew; QCheckBox * chw; QComboBox * cbl; for(int i=0;i< (*options).size();i++) { sl = new QHBoxLayout(); l = new QLabel(d); l->setText(it.next().text); sl->addWidget(l); if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_DEC) { lew = new QLineEdit(d); lew->setValidator(new QIntValidator( d )); QString s; s.setNum((*options)[i].valueInt); lew->setText(s); sl->addWidget(lew); ents.append(lew); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_HEX) { lew = new QLineEdit(d); lew->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])+"),d)); QString s; s.setNum((*options)[i].valueInt,16); lew->setText(s); sl->addWidget(lew); ents.append(lew); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_STR) { lew = new QLineEdit(d); lew->setValidator(NULL); QString s = (*options)[i].valueStr; lew->setText(s); sl->addWidget(lew); ents.append(lew); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_CHK) { chw = new QCheckBox(d); chw->setChecked((*options)[i].valueInt == 0 ? false : true); sl->addWidget(chw); ents.append(chw); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_LIST) { cbl = new QComboBox(d); cbl->addItems((*options)[i].variants); sl->addWidget(cbl); ents.append(cbl); } dbl->addLayout(sl); } QHBoxLayout * hbl = new QHBoxLayout(d); QPushButton * obOK = new QPushButton(tr("OK"),d); QPushButton * obCancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"),d); QPushButton * obAbort = new QPushButton(tr("Abort"),d); connect(obOK,SIGNAL(clicked()),d,SLOT(accept())); connect(obCancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),d,SLOT(reject())); connect(obAbort,SIGNAL(clicked()),d,SLOT(reject())); connect(obAbort,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(on_stopButton_clicked()),Qt::QueuedConnection); hbl->addStretch(10); hbl->addWidget(obOK); hbl->addWidget(obCancel); hbl->addWidget(obAbort); dbl->addLayout(hbl); if(d->exec()==QDialog::Accepted) { for(int i=0;i< (*options).size();i++) { if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_DEC) { (*options)[i].valueInt = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(ents[i])->text().toInt(); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_HEX) { (*options)[i].valueInt = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(ents[i])->text().toInt(0,16); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_STR) { QString t = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(ents[i])->text(); (*options)[i].valueStr = t; } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_CHK) { (*options)[i].valueInt = dynamic_cast<QCheckBox*>(ents[i])->isChecked(); } if((*options)[i].type == ConsoleInterface::OPT_LIST) { (*options)[i].valueInt = dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(ents[i])->currentIndex(); } } *ret =true; } else { *ret =false; } delete d; }
void MainWindow::stopPlaying() { // For now, this will be identical to hitting the "stop" button, although // it might be more akin to "pause"... on_stopButton_clicked(); }