Exemple #1
void Channel::_drawModel( const Model* scene )
    Window* window = static_cast< Window* >( getWindow( ));
    VertexBufferState& state = window->getState();
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();

    if( frameData.getColorMode() == COLOR_MODEL && scene->hasColors( ))
        state.setColors( true );
        state.setColors( false );
    state.setChannel( this );

    // Compute cull matrix
    const eq::Matrix4f& rotation = frameData.getCameraRotation();
    const eq::Matrix4f& modelRotation = frameData.getModelRotation();
    eq::Matrix4f position = eq::Matrix4f::IDENTITY;
    position.set_translation( frameData.getCameraPosition());

    const eq::Frustumf& frustum = getFrustum();
    const eq::Matrix4f projection = useOrtho() ? frustum.compute_ortho_matrix():
    const eq::Matrix4f& view = getHeadTransform();
    const eq::Matrix4f model = rotation * position * modelRotation;

    state.setProjectionModelViewMatrix( projection * view * model );
    state.setRange( &getRange().start);

    const eq::Pipe* pipe = getPipe();
    const GLuint program = state.getProgram( pipe );
    if( program != VertexBufferState::INVALID )
        glUseProgram( program );

    scene->cullDraw( state );

    state.setChannel( 0 );
    if( program != VertexBufferState::INVALID )
        glUseProgram( 0 );

    const InitData& initData =
        static_cast<Config*>( getConfig( ))->getInitData();
    if( initData.useROI( ))
        // declare empty region in case nothing is in frustum
        declareRegion( eq::PixelViewport( ));
        declareRegion( getPixelViewport( ));

#ifndef NDEBUG
Exemple #2
void Channel::frameDraw( const eq::uint128_t& )
    // Setup frustum
    EQ_GL_CALL( applyBuffer( ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( applyViewport( ));

    EQ_GL_CALL( glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( glLoadIdentity( ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( applyFrustum( ));

    EQ_GL_CALL( glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( glLoadIdentity( ));

    // Setup lights before applying head transform, so the light will be
    // consistent in the cave
    const FrameData&    frameData   = _getFrameData();
    const eq::Matrix4f& rotation    = frameData.getRotation();
    const eq::Vector3f& translation = frameData.getTranslation();

    eq::Matrix4f     invRotationM;
    rotation.inverse( invRotationM );
    setLights( invRotationM );

    EQ_GL_CALL( applyHeadTransform( ));

    glTranslatef(  translation.x(), translation.y(), translation.z() );
    glMultMatrixf( rotation.array );

    Pipe*     pipe     = static_cast<Pipe*>( getPipe( ));
    Renderer* renderer = pipe->getRenderer();
    LBASSERT( renderer );

    const eq::Matrix4f& modelview = _computeModelView();

    // set fancy data colors
    const eq::Vector4f taintColor = _getTaintColor( frameData.getColorMode(),
                                                    getUniqueColor( ));
    const int normalsQuality = _getFrameData().getNormalsQuality();

    const eq::Range& range = getRange();
    renderer->render( range, modelview, invRotationM, taintColor,
                      normalsQuality );
    checkError( "error during rendering " );

    _drawRange = range;

#ifndef NDEBUG
Exemple #3
void Channel::frameDraw( const eq::uint128_t& frameID )
    // Setup frustum
    EQ_GL_CALL( applyBuffer( ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( applyViewport( ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( glLoadIdentity( ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( applyFrustum( ));

    EQ_GL_CALL( glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ));
    EQ_GL_CALL( glLoadIdentity( ));

    // Setup lights before applying head transform, so the light will be
    // consistent in the cave
    const FrameData&    frameData   = _getFrameData();
    const eq::Matrix4f& rotation    = frameData.getRotation();
    const eq::Vector3f& translation = frameData.getTranslation();

    eq::Matrix4f     invRotationM;
    rotation.inverse( invRotationM );
    setLights( invRotationM );

    EQ_GL_CALL( applyHeadTransform( ));

    glTranslatef(  translation.x(), translation.y(), translation.z() );
    glMultMatrixf( rotation.array );

    Pipe*     pipe     = static_cast<Pipe*>( getPipe( ));
    Renderer* renderer = pipe->getRenderer();
    EQASSERT( renderer );

    eq::Matrix4f  modelviewM;     // modelview matrix
    eq::Matrix3f  modelviewITM;   // modelview inversed transposed matrix
    _calcMVandITMV( modelviewM, modelviewITM );

    const eq::Range& range = getRange();
    renderer->render( range, modelviewM, modelviewITM, invRotationM );

    checkError( "error during rendering " );

    _drawRange = range;

#ifndef NDEBUG