Exemple #1
void Foam::attachDetach::attachInterface
    polyTopoChange& ref
) const
    // Algorithm:
    // 1. Create the reverse patch out of the slave faces.
    // 2. Go through all the mesh points from the master and slave patch.
    //    If the point labels are different, insert them into the point
    //    renumbering list and remove them from the mesh.
    // 3. Remove all faces from the slave patch
    // 4. Modify all the faces from the master patch by making them internal
    //    between the faceCell cells for the two patches.  If the master owner
    //    is higher than the slave owner, turn the face around
    // 5. Get all the faces attached to the slave patch points.
    //    If they have not been removed, renumber them using the
    //    point renumbering list.

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "void attachDetach::attachInterface("
            << "polyTopoChange& ref) const "
            << " for object " << name() << " : "
            << "Attaching interface" << endl;

    const polyMesh& mesh = topoChanger().mesh();
    const faceList& faces = mesh.faces();
    const labelList& own = mesh.faceOwner();
    const labelList& nei = mesh.faceNeighbour();

    const polyPatch& masterPatch = mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterPatchID_.index()];
    const polyPatch& slavePatch = mesh.boundaryMesh()[slavePatchID_.index()];

    const label masterPatchStart = masterPatch.start();
    const label slavePatchStart = slavePatch.start();

    const labelList& slaveMeshPoints = slavePatch.meshPoints();

    const Map<label>& removedPointMap = pointMatchMap();

    const labelList removedPoints = removedPointMap.toc();

    forAll (removedPoints, pointI)
void Foam::slidingInterface::clearCouple
    polyTopoChange& ref
) const
    if (debug)
        Pout<< "void slidingInterface::clearCouple("
            << "polyTopoChange& ref) const for object " << name() << " : "
            << "Clearing old couple points and faces." << endl;

    // Remove all points from the point zone

    const polyMesh& mesh = topoChanger().mesh();

    const labelList& cutPointZoneLabels =

    forAll(cutPointZoneLabels, pointI)
 // Remove all points that will be collapsed
 forAll(ptc, pointi)