int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) { /*** get calling argument ***/ char *filePrefix; getArgument(argc, argv, &filePrefix); /* check argument and set filePrefix if needed */ /*** input and output file pointers ***/ FILE *fpInput; FILE *fpOutput; /*** input and output buffers ***/ word16_t inputBuffer[L_FRAME]; word16_t outputBuffer[L_FRAME]; /*** inits ***/ /* open the input file */ if ( (fpInput = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) { printf("%s - Error: can't open file %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]); exit(-1); } /* create the output file(filename is the same than input file with the .out extension) */ char *outputFile = malloc((strlen(filePrefix)+5)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(outputFile, "%s.out",filePrefix); if ( (fpOutput = fopen(outputFile, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("%s - Error: can't create file %s\n", argv[0], outputFile); exit(-1); } /*** init of the tested bloc ***/ /* create the context structure */ bcg729EncoderChannelContextStruct *encoderChannelContext = malloc(sizeof(bcg729EncoderChannelContextStruct)); initPreProcessing(encoderChannelContext); /*** initialisation complete ***/ /*** loop over input file ***/ while(1) /* infinite loop, escape condition is in the reading of data */ { int i; /* read the input data until we have some */ if (fscanf(fpInput,"%hd",&(inputBuffer[0])) != 1) break; for (i=1; i<L_FRAME; i++) { if (fscanf(fpInput,",%hd",&(inputBuffer[i])) != 1) break; } /* call the preProcessing function: output will replace the input in the buffer */ preProcessing(encoderChannelContext, inputBuffer, outputBuffer); /* write the output to the output file */ fprintf(fpOutput,"%d", outputBuffer[0]); for (i=1; i<L_FRAME; i++) { fprintf(fpOutput,",%d", outputBuffer[i]); } fprintf(fpOutput,"\n"); } exit (0); }
void FunctionHelper::setFunc(LPTSTR raw) { wcscpy(this->_raw, raw); char *buffer = new char[128]; wcstombs(buffer, raw, 128); this->_func = preProcessing(buffer); this->_rpn = getRPN(this->_func); }
/** * 新产生的谓词 s、t为内涵谓词,succ、max为外延谓词 * @param _originalFml * @return */ Formulas HengZhang::transform(const Formula& _originalFml) { Formula fml = preProcessing(_originalFml); Formulas fmls; fmls.pushBack(createFormula_1()); fmls.pushBack(createFormula_2(fml)); fmls.pushBack(createFormula_3(fml)); fmls.pushBack(createFormula_4_1(fml)); fmls.pushBack(createFormula_4_2(fml)); fmls.pushBack(createFormula_5_1(fml)); fmls.pushBack(createFormula_5_2(fml)); postProcessing(); return fmls; }
int main() { unsigned int T,m,n,i; preProcessing(); i = scanf("%u",&T); while(T--){ i = scanf("%u",&m); i = scanf("%u",&n); m--; n--; printf("%llu\n",(((Fact[m+n]*iFact[m])%PRIME)*iFact[n])%PRIME); } return 0; }
FunctionHelper::FunctionHelper (LPTSTR raw, DWORD color, FUNC_TYPE type) { initialParser(); this->_raw = new TCHAR[128]; wcscpy(this->_raw, raw); this->_color = color; this->_type = type; if (type == FUNC) { char *buffer = new char[128]; wcstombs(buffer, raw, 128); this->_func = preProcessing(buffer); this->_rpn = getRPN(this->_func); } }
int arrow_detection::featureExteraction(Mat arrow,vector<float> &features){ features.clear(); Mat binary; vector <std::vector<cv::Point2i >> blobs; vector<Rect> blobs_roi; preProcessing(arrow, binary); // viewImage(binary*255,"binary arrow"); segmentation(binary,blobs_roi, blobs); // DEBUG_LOG("Blobs attained : %ld\n",blobs_roi.size()); if(blobs_roi.size() > 1){ // ERROR_LOG("More than one blobs detected possibly an error."); return -1; } float convex_area = blobs[0].size(); features.push_back(convex_area); // DEBUG_LOG("convex_area : %f\n",convex_area); Rect arrow_rect(blobs_roi[0]); float a = 0,b = 0; if(arrow_rect.width > arrow_rect.height){ a = arrow_rect.width/2; b = arrow_rect.height/2; }else{ a = arrow_rect.height/2; b = arrow_rect.width/2; } // DEBUG_LOG("semi major axis: %f\n",a); // DEBUG_LOG("semi minor axis: %f\n",b); // DEBUG_LOG("their ratio: %f\n",b/a); // DEBUG_LOG("pow(b/a,2) : %f\n",pow(b/a,2)); float ecentricity = sqrtf(1-pow(b/a,2)); features.push_back(ecentricity); // DEBUG_LOG("ecentricity : %f\n",ecentricity); float extent = convex_area/float(; features.push_back(extent); // DEBUG_LOG("extent : %f\n",extent); float solidity = float(; features.push_back(extent); // DEBUG_LOG("solidity : %f\n",solidity); return 0; }
void Widget::findPixels(const Point2D<int>& inDisplay, float inRange) { mDisplay = inDisplay; Point2D<float> objectPoint; objectPoint.x = mLocation.x - (mSize.x / 2.0f); objectPoint.y = mLocation.y + (mSize.y / 2.0f); mPixelUL = DisplayEngine::convert2DObjectToPixel(objectPoint, mDisplay, inRange); objectPoint.x = mLocation.x + (mSize.x / 2.0f); objectPoint.y = mLocation.y - (mSize.y / 2.0f); mPixelLR = DisplayEngine::convert2DObjectToPixel(objectPoint, mDisplay, inRange); preProcessing(inRange); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { ocd_init(&argc, &argv, NULL); ocd_initCL(); if (argc < 3) { printf("Calculate similarities between two strings.\n"); printf("Maximum length of each string is: %d\n", MAX_LEN); printf("Usage: %s query database\n", argv[0]); printf("or: %s query database [openPenalty extensionPenalty block#]\n", argv[0]); printf("openPenalty (5.0), extensionPenalty (0.5)\n"); return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////// // 00 --> 01 // | | // 10 --> 11 //////////////////////////////////// char queryFilePathName[255], dbDataFilePathName[255], dbLenFilePathName[255]; int querySize, subSequenceNum, subSequenceSize; float openPenalty, extensionPenalty; int coalescedOffset = COALESCED_OFFSET; int nblosumWidth = 23; size_t blockSize = 64; size_t setZeroThreadNum, mfThreadNum; int blockNum = 14; cl_ulong maxLocalSize; int arraySize; struct timeval t1, t2; float tmpTime; FILE *pfile; //record time memset(&strTime, 0, sizeof(STRUCT_TIME)); timerStart(); openPenalty = 5.0f; extensionPenalty = 0.5; if (argc == 6) { openPenalty = atof(argv[3]); extensionPenalty = atof(argv[4]); blockNum = atoi(argv[5]); } //relocated to after MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS check //mfThreadNum = blockNum * blockSize; cl_program hProgram; cl_kernel hMatchStringKernel, hTraceBackKernel, hSetZeroKernel; size_t sourceFileSize; char *cSourceCL = NULL; //err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platformID, NULL); //CHKERR(err, "Get platform ID error!"); cl_int err; //check to make sure the device supports this block count //then scale threads appropriately cl_uint devBlockNum = 0; CHKERR(clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS,\ sizeof(cl_uint), &devBlockNum, 0), \ "Error while querying CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS."); if (devBlockNum == MIN(blockNum, devBlockNum)) { printf("Scaling blocks from %d to %d to fit on device\n",\ blockNum, devBlockNum); blockNum = devBlockNum; } mfThreadNum = blockNum * blockSize; CHKERR(clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE,\ sizeof(cl_ulong), &maxLocalSize, 0), \ "Error while querying CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE."); //load the source file char kernel_file[] = ""; cSourceCL = loadSource(kernel_file, &sourceFileSize); hProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **)&cSourceCL, &sourceFileSize, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create program with source error"); err = clBuildProgram(hProgram, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //debug================================ int logSize = 3000, i; size_t retSize; char logTxt[3000]; err = clGetProgramBuildInfo(hProgram, device_id, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, logSize, logTxt, &retSize); for (i = 0; i < retSize; i++) { printf("%c", logTxt[i]); } //=================================== CHKERR(err, "Build program error"); hMatchStringKernel = clCreateKernel(hProgram, "MatchStringGPUSync", &err); CHKERR(err, "Create MatchString kernel error"); hTraceBackKernel = clCreateKernel(hProgram, "trace_back2", &err); CHKERR(err, "Create trace_back2 kernel error"); hSetZeroKernel = clCreateKernel(hProgram, "setZero", &err); CHKERR(err, "Create setZero kernel error"); sprintf(queryFilePathName, "%s", argv[1]); sprintf(dbDataFilePathName, "", argv[2]); sprintf(dbLenFilePathName, "%s.loc", argv[2]); char *allSequences, *querySequence, *subSequence; char *seq1, *seq2; cl_mem seq1D, seq2D; allSequences = new char[2 * (MAX_LEN)]; if (allSequences == NULL) { printf("Allocate sequence buffer error!\n"); return 1; } querySequence = allSequences; seq1D = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_char) * MAX_LEN, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create seq1D memory"); seq2D = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_char) * MAX_LEN, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create seq2D memory"); //read query sequence querySize = readQuerySequence(queryFilePathName, querySequence); if (querySize <= 0 || querySize > MAX_LEN) { printf("Query size %d is out of range (0, %d)\n", MAX_LEN, querySize); return 1; } encoding(querySequence, querySize); subSequence = allSequences + querySize; //allocate output sequence buffer char *outSeq1, *outSeq2; outSeq1 = new char[2 * MAX_LEN]; outSeq2 = new char[2 * MAX_LEN]; if (outSeq1 == NULL || outSeq2 == NULL) { printf("Allocate output sequence buffer on host error!\n"); return 1; } cl_mem outSeq1D, outSeq2D; outSeq1D = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_char) * MAX_LEN * 2, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create outSeq1D memory"); outSeq2D = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_char) * MAX_LEN * 2, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create outSeq2D memory"); //allocate thread number per launch and //location difference information int *threadNum, *diffPos; threadNum = new int[2 * MAX_LEN]; diffPos = new int[2 * MAX_LEN]; if (threadNum == NULL || diffPos == NULL) { printf("Allocate location buffer on host error!\n"); return 1; } cl_mem threadNumD, diffPosD; threadNumD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_int) * (2 * MAX_LEN), 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create threadNumD memory"); diffPosD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_int) * (2 * MAX_LEN), 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create diffPosD memory"); //allocate matrix buffer char *pathFlag, *extFlag; float *nGapDist, *hGapDist, *vGapDist; int maxElemNum = (MAX_LEN + 1) * (MAX_LEN + 1); pathFlag = new char[maxElemNum]; extFlag = new char[maxElemNum]; nGapDist = new float[maxElemNum]; hGapDist = new float[maxElemNum]; vGapDist = new float[maxElemNum]; if (pathFlag == NULL || extFlag == NULL || nGapDist == NULL || hGapDist == NULL || vGapDist == NULL) { printf("Allocate DP matrices on host error!\n"); return 1; } cl_mem pathFlagD, extFlagD, nGapDistD, hGapDistD, vGapDistD; pathFlagD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_char) * maxElemNum, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create pathFlagD memory"); extFlagD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_char) * maxElemNum, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create extFlagD memory"); nGapDistD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_float) * maxElemNum, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create nGapDistD memory"); hGapDistD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_float) * maxElemNum, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create hGapDistD memory"); vGapDistD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_float) * maxElemNum, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create vGapDistD memory"); //Allocate the MAX INFO structure MAX_INFO *maxInfo; maxInfo = new MAX_INFO[1]; if (maxInfo == NULL) { printf("Alloate maxInfo on host error!\n"); return 1; } cl_mem maxInfoD; maxInfoD = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(MAX_INFO) * mfThreadNum, 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "Create maxInfoD memory"); //allocate the distance table cl_mem blosum62D; int nblosumHeight = 23; blosum62D = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_float) * nblosumWidth * nblosumHeight, 0, &err); err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, blosum62D, CL_TRUE, 0, nblosumWidth * nblosumHeight * sizeof(cl_float), blosum62[0], 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "SWAT Scoring Matrix Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "copy blosum62 to device"); cl_mem mutexMem; mutexMem = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_int), 0, &err); CHKERR(err, "create mutex mem error!"); //copy the scoring matrix to the constant memory //copyScoringMatrixToConstant(); //open the database pDBDataFile = fopen(dbDataFilePathName, "rb"); if (pDBDataFile == NULL) { printf("DB data file %s open error!\n", dbDataFilePathName); return 1; } pDBLenFile = fopen(dbLenFilePathName, "rb"); if (pDBLenFile == NULL) { printf("DB length file %s open error!\n", dbLenFilePathName); return 1; } //record time timerEnd(); strTime.iniTime = elapsedTime(); //read the total number of sequences fread(&subSequenceNum, sizeof(int), 1, pDBLenFile); //get the larger and smaller of the row and colum number int subSequenceNo, launchNum, launchNo; int rowNum, columnNum, matrixIniNum; int DPMatrixSize; int seq1Pos, seq2Pos, nOffset, startPos; for (subSequenceNo = 0; subSequenceNo < subSequenceNum; subSequenceNo++) { //record time timerStart(); //read subject sequence fread(&subSequenceSize, sizeof(int), 1, pDBLenFile); if (subSequenceSize <= 0 || subSequenceSize > MAX_LEN) { printf("Size %d of bubject sequence %d is out of range!\n", subSequenceSize, subSequenceNo); break; } fread(subSequence, sizeof(char), subSequenceSize, pDBDataFile); gettimeofday(&t1, NULL); if (subSequenceSize > querySize) { seq1 = subSequence; seq2 = querySequence; rowNum = subSequenceSize + 1; columnNum = querySize + 1; } else { seq1 = querySequence; seq2 = subSequence; rowNum = querySize + 1; columnNum = subSequenceSize + 1; } launchNum = rowNum + columnNum - 1; //preprocessing for sequences DPMatrixSize = preProcessing(rowNum, columnNum, threadNum, diffPos, matrixIniNum); //record time timerEnd(); strTime.preprocessingTime += elapsedTime(); //record time timerStart(); //use a kernel to initialize the matrix arraySize = DPMatrixSize * sizeof(char); setZeroThreadNum = ((arraySize - 1) / blockSize + 1) * blockSize; err = clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&pathFlagD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 1, sizeof(int), (void *)&arraySize); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT DP Matrix Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&extFlagD); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT DP Matrix Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Initialize flag matrice"); arraySize = matrixIniNum * sizeof(float); setZeroThreadNum = ((arraySize - 1) / blockSize + 1) * blockSize; err = clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&nGapDistD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 1, sizeof(int), (void *)&arraySize); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Distance Matrix Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hGapDistD); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Distance Matrix Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&vGapDistD); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Distance Matrix Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Initialize dist matrice"); arraySize = sizeof(MAX_INFO) * mfThreadNum; setZeroThreadNum = ((arraySize - 1) / blockSize + 1) * blockSize; err = clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&maxInfoD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 1, sizeof(int), (void *)&arraySize); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Max Info Matrix Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Initialize max info"); arraySize = sizeof(int); setZeroThreadNum = ((arraySize - 1) / blockSize + 1) * blockSize; err = clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&mutexMem); err |= clSetKernelArg(hSetZeroKernel, 1, sizeof(int), (void *)&arraySize); err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hSetZeroKernel, 1, NULL, &setZeroThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Mutex Init", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Initialize mutex variable"); //copy input sequences to device err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, seq1D, CL_FALSE, 0, (rowNum - 1) * sizeof(cl_char), seq1, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "SWAT Sequence Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) err |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, seq2D, CL_FALSE, 0, (columnNum - 1) * sizeof(cl_char), seq2, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "SWAT Sequence Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "copy input sequence"); err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, diffPosD, CL_FALSE, 0, launchNum * sizeof(cl_int), diffPos, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "SWAT Mutex Info Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) err |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, threadNumD, CL_FALSE, 0, launchNum * sizeof(cl_int), threadNum, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "SWAT Mutex Info Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "copy diffpos and/or threadNum mutexMem info error!"); //record time timerEnd(); strTime.copyTimeHostToDevice += elapsedTime(); //record time timerStart(); //set arguments err = clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&pathFlagD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&extFlagD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&nGapDistD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hGapDistD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&vGapDistD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&diffPosD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&threadNumD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 7, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&rowNum); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 8, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&columnNum); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 9, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&seq1D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 10, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&seq2D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 11, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&nblosumWidth); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 12, sizeof(cl_float), (void *)&openPenalty); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 13, sizeof(cl_float), (void *)&extensionPenalty); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 14, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&maxInfoD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 15, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&blosum62D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 16, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&mutexMem); //err |= clSetKernelArg(hMatchStringKernel, 17, maxLocalSize, NULL); CHKERR(err, "Set match string argument error!"); err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hMatchStringKernel, 1, NULL, &mfThreadNum, &blockSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Kernels", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Launch kernel match string error"); //record time timerEnd(); strTime.matrixFillingTime += elapsedTime(); //record time timerStart(); err = clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&pathFlagD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&extFlagD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&diffPosD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&seq1D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&seq2D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&outSeq1D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&outSeq2D); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&maxInfoD); err |= clSetKernelArg(hTraceBackKernel, 8, sizeof(int), (void *)&mfThreadNum); size_t tbGlobalSize[1] = {1}; size_t tbLocalSize[1] = {1}; err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, hTraceBackKernel, 1, NULL, tbGlobalSize, tbLocalSize, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "SWAT Kernels", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Launch kernel trace back error"); clFinish(commands); //record time timerEnd(); strTime.traceBackTime += elapsedTime(); //record time timerStart(); //copy matrix score structure back err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commands, maxInfoD, CL_FALSE, 0, sizeof(MAX_INFO), maxInfo, 0, 0, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_D2H, "SWAT Max Info Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Read maxInfo buffer error!"); int maxOutputLen = rowNum + columnNum - 2; err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commands, outSeq1D, CL_FALSE, 0, maxOutputLen * sizeof(cl_char), outSeq1, 0, 0, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_D2H, "SWAT Sequence Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commands, outSeq2D, CL_FALSE, 0, maxOutputLen * sizeof(cl_char), outSeq2, 0, 0, &ocdTempEvent); clFinish(commands); START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_D2H, "SWAT Sequence Copy", ocdTempTimer) END_TIMER(ocdTempTimer) CHKERR(err, "Read output sequence error!"); //record time clFinish(commands); gettimeofday(&t2, NULL); timerEnd(); strTime.copyTimeDeviceToHost += elapsedTime(); //call the print function to print the match result printf("============================================================\n"); printf("Sequence pair %d:\n", subSequenceNo); int nlength = maxInfo->noutputlen; PrintAlignment(outSeq1, outSeq2, nlength, CHAR_PER_LINE, openPenalty, extensionPenalty); printf("Max alignment score (on device) is %.1f\n", maxInfo->fmaxscore); //obtain max alignment score on host //err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commands, nGapDistD, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float) * DPMatrixSize, // nGapDist, 0, 0, 0); //printf("Max alignment score (on host) is %.1f\n", maxScore(nGapDist, DPMatrixSize)); printf("openPenalty = %.1f, extensionPenalty = %.1f\n", openPenalty, extensionPenalty); printf("Input sequence size, querySize: %d, subSequenceSize: %d\n", querySize, subSequenceSize); printf("Max position, seq1 = %d, seq2 = %d\n", maxInfo->nposi, maxInfo->nposj); } tmpTime = 1000.0 * (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1000.0; pfile = fopen("../kernelTime.txt", "at"); fprintf(pfile, "verOpencl4:\t%.3f\n", tmpTime); fclose(pfile); //print time printTime_toStandardOutput(); printTime_toFile(); fclose(pDBLenFile); fclose(pDBDataFile); clReleaseKernel(hMatchStringKernel); clReleaseKernel(hTraceBackKernel); clReleaseKernel(hSetZeroKernel); delete allSequences; clReleaseMemObject(seq1D); clReleaseMemObject(seq2D); delete outSeq1; delete outSeq2; clReleaseMemObject(outSeq1D); clReleaseMemObject(outSeq2D); delete threadNum; clReleaseMemObject(threadNumD); delete diffPos; clReleaseMemObject(diffPosD); delete pathFlag; delete extFlag; delete nGapDist; delete hGapDist; delete vGapDist; clReleaseMemObject(pathFlagD); clReleaseMemObject(extFlagD); clReleaseMemObject(nGapDistD); clReleaseMemObject(hGapDistD); clReleaseMemObject(vGapDistD); delete maxInfo; clReleaseMemObject(maxInfoD); free(cSourceCL); clReleaseMemObject(blosum62D); clReleaseMemObject(mutexMem); clReleaseProgram(hProgram); clReleaseCommandQueue(commands); clReleaseContext(context); ocd_finalize(); return 0; }
void pcl::GrayStereoMatching::compute (unsigned char* ref_img, unsigned char* trg_img, int width, int height) { //Check that a suitable value of max_disp has been selected if ( max_disp_ <= 0) { PCL_ERROR( "[pcl::StereoMatching::compute] Error. A positive max_disparity value has not be correctly inserted. Aborting..\n" ); return; } if ( (disp_map_ != NULL) && (width_ != width || height_ != height) ) { delete [] disp_map_; disp_map_ = NULL; if ( disp_map_trg_ != NULL) { delete [] disp_map_trg_; disp_map_trg_ = NULL; } if ( pp_ref_img_ != NULL) { delete [] pp_ref_img_; delete [] pp_trg_img_; pp_ref_img_ = NULL; pp_trg_img_ = NULL; } } if ( disp_map_ == NULL) { disp_map_ = new short int[width * height]; width_ = width; height_ = height; } if ( is_lr_check_ && disp_map_trg_ == NULL) { disp_map_trg_ = new short int[width * height]; } if ( !is_lr_check_ && disp_map_trg_ != NULL) { delete [] disp_map_trg_; disp_map_trg_ = NULL; } if ( is_pre_proc_ && pp_ref_img_ == NULL) { pp_ref_img_ = new unsigned char[width_*height_]; pp_trg_img_ = new unsigned char[width_*height_]; } if ( !is_pre_proc_ && pp_ref_img_ != NULL) { delete [] pp_ref_img_; delete [] pp_trg_img_; pp_ref_img_ = NULL; pp_trg_img_ = NULL; } memset(disp_map_, 0, sizeof(short int)*height_*width_); if ( is_pre_proc_) { preProcessing(ref_img, pp_ref_img_); preProcessing(trg_img, pp_trg_img_); } if (is_lr_check_) { if ( is_pre_proc_) { imgFlip(pp_ref_img_); imgFlip(pp_trg_img_); compute_impl(pp_trg_img_, pp_ref_img_); imgFlip(pp_ref_img_); imgFlip(pp_trg_img_); } else { imgFlip(ref_img); imgFlip(trg_img); compute_impl(trg_img, ref_img); imgFlip(ref_img); imgFlip(trg_img); } for (int j = 0; j < height_; j++) for (int i = 0; i < width_; i++) disp_map_trg_[j * width_ + i] = disp_map_[j * width_ + width_ - 1 - i]; } if ( is_pre_proc_) compute_impl(pp_ref_img_, pp_trg_img_); else compute_impl(ref_img, trg_img); if ( is_lr_check_) { leftRightCheck(); } //at the end, x_offset (*16) needs to be added to all computed disparities, //so that each fixed point value of the disparity map represents the true disparity value multiplied by 16 for (int j = 0; j < height_; j++) for (int i = 0; i < width_; i++) if ( disp_map_[j * width_ + i] > 0) disp_map_[j * width_ + i] += static_cast<short int> (x_off_ * 16); }
void runCifar10() { /*state and cublas handle*/ cublasHandle_t handle; init(handle); /*read the data from disk*/ cuMatrixVector<float>trainX; cuMatrixVector<float>testX; cuMatrix<int>* trainY, *testY; Config::instance()->initPath("Config/Cifar10Config.txt"); read_CIFAR10_Data(trainX, testX, trainY, testY); preProcessing(trainX, testX); const int nclasses = Config::instance()->getClasses(); /*build CNN net*/ int ImgSize = trainX[0]->rows; Config::instance()->setImageSize(ImgSize - Config::instance()->getCrop()); int crop = Config::instance()->getCrop(); int nsamples = trainX.size(); int batch = Config::instance()->getBatchSize(); float start,end; int cmd; cuInitDistortionMemery(batch, ImgSize - crop); printf("1. random init weight\n2. Read weight from file\nChoose the way to init weight:"); if(g_argv.size() >= 2) cmd = g_argv[1]; else if(1 != scanf("%d", &cmd)){ LOG("scanf fail", "result/log.txt"); } buildNetWork(trainX.size(), testX.size()); if(cmd == 2) cuReadConvNet(ImgSize - crop, "Result/checkPoint.txt", nclasses); /*learning rate*/ std::vector<float>nlrate; std::vector<float>nMomentum; std::vector<int>epoCount; nlrate.push_back(0.005f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.004f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.003f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.002f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.001f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0009f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0008f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0007f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0006f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0005f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0004f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0003f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0002f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.0001f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.00001f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); nlrate.push_back(0.000001f); nMomentum.push_back(0.90f); epoCount.push_back(50); start = clock(); cuTrainNetwork(trainX, trainY, testX, testY, batch, ImgSize - crop, nclasses, nlrate, nMomentum, epoCount, handle); end = clock(); char logStr[1024]; sprintf(logStr, "trainning time hours = %f\n", (end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 3600); LOG(logStr, "Result/log.txt"); }
void bcg729Encoder(bcg729EncoderChannelContextStruct *encoderChannelContext, int16_t inputFrame[], uint8_t bitStream[]) { int i; uint16_t parameters[NB_PARAMETERS]; /* the output parameters in an array */ /* internal buffers which we do not need to keep between calls */ word16_t LPCoefficients[NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* the LP coefficients in Q3.12 */ word16_t qLPCoefficients[2*NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* the quantized LP coefficients in Q3.12 computed from the qLSP one after interpolation: two sets, one for each subframe */ word16_t weightedqLPCoefficients[2*NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* the qLP coefficients in Q3.12 weighted according to spec A3.3.3 */ word16_t LSPCoefficients[NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* the LSP coefficients in Q15 */ word16_t qLSPCoefficients[NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* the quantized LSP coefficients in Q15 */ word16_t interpolatedqLSP[NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* the interpolated qLSP used for first subframe in Q15 */ /*****************************************************************************************/ /*** on frame basis : preProcessing, LP Analysis, Open-loop pitch search ***/ preProcessing(encoderChannelContext, inputFrame, encoderChannelContext->signalLastInputFrame); /* output of the function in the signal buffer */ computeLP(encoderChannelContext->signalBuffer, LPCoefficients); /* use the whole signal Buffer for windowing and autocorrelation */ /*** compute LSP: it might fail, get the previous one in this case ***/ if (!LP2LSPConversion(LPCoefficients, LSPCoefficients)) { /* unable to find the 10 roots repeat previous LSP */ memcpy(LSPCoefficients, encoderChannelContext->previousLSPCoefficients, NB_LSP_COEFF*sizeof(word16_t)); } /*** LSPQuantization and compute L0, L1, L2, L3: the first four parameters ***/ LSPQuantization(encoderChannelContext, LSPCoefficients, qLSPCoefficients, parameters); /*** interpolate qLSP and convert to LP ***/ interpolateqLSP(encoderChannelContext->previousqLSPCoefficients, qLSPCoefficients, interpolatedqLSP); /* copy the currentqLSP to previousqLSP buffer */ for (i=0; i<NB_LSP_COEFF; i++) { encoderChannelContext->previousqLSPCoefficients[i] = qLSPCoefficients[i]; } /* first subframe */ qLSP2LP(interpolatedqLSP, qLPCoefficients); /* second subframe */ qLSP2LP(qLSPCoefficients, &(qLPCoefficients[NB_LSP_COEFF])); /*** Compute the weighted Quantized LP Coefficients according to spec A3.3.3 ***/ /* weightedqLPCoefficients[0] = qLPCoefficients[0]*Gamma^(i+1) (i=0..9) with Gamma = 0.75 in Q15 */ weightedqLPCoefficients[0] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[0], GAMMA_E1); weightedqLPCoefficients[1] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[1], GAMMA_E2); weightedqLPCoefficients[2] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[2], GAMMA_E3); weightedqLPCoefficients[3] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[3], GAMMA_E4); weightedqLPCoefficients[4] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[4], GAMMA_E5); weightedqLPCoefficients[5] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[5], GAMMA_E6); weightedqLPCoefficients[6] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[6], GAMMA_E7); weightedqLPCoefficients[7] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[7], GAMMA_E8); weightedqLPCoefficients[8] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[8], GAMMA_E9); weightedqLPCoefficients[9] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[9], GAMMA_E10); weightedqLPCoefficients[10] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[10], GAMMA_E1); weightedqLPCoefficients[11] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[11], GAMMA_E2); weightedqLPCoefficients[12] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[12], GAMMA_E3); weightedqLPCoefficients[13] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[13], GAMMA_E4); weightedqLPCoefficients[14] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[14], GAMMA_E5); weightedqLPCoefficients[15] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[15], GAMMA_E6); weightedqLPCoefficients[16] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[16], GAMMA_E7); weightedqLPCoefficients[17] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[17], GAMMA_E8); weightedqLPCoefficients[18] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[18], GAMMA_E9); weightedqLPCoefficients[19] = MULT16_16_P15(qLPCoefficients[19], GAMMA_E10); /*** Compute weighted signal according to spec A3.3.3, this function also set LPResidualSignal(entire frame values) as specified in eq A.3 in excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION] ***/ computeWeightedSpeech(encoderChannelContext->signalCurrentFrame, qLPCoefficients, weightedqLPCoefficients, &(encoderChannelContext->weightedInputSignal[MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY]), &(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION])); /* weightedInputSignal contains MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY values from previous frame, points to current frame */ /*** find the open loop pitch delay ***/ uint16_t openLoopPitchDelay = findOpenLoopPitchDelay(&(encoderChannelContext->weightedInputSignal[MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY])); /* define boundaries for closed loop pitch delay search as specified in 3.7 */ int16_t intPitchDelayMin = openLoopPitchDelay-3; if (intPitchDelayMin < 20) { intPitchDelayMin = 20; } int16_t intPitchDelayMax = intPitchDelayMin + 6; if (intPitchDelayMax > MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY) { intPitchDelayMax = MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY; intPitchDelayMin = MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY - 6; } /*****************************************************************************************/ /* loop over the two subframes: Closed-loop pitch search(adaptative codebook), fixed codebook, memory update */ /* set index and buffers */ int subframeIndex; int LPCoefficientsIndex = 0; int parametersIndex = 4; /* index to insert parameters in the parameters output array */ word16_t impulseResponseInput[L_SUBFRAME]; /* input buffer for the impulse response computation: in Q12, 1 followed by all zeros see spec A3.5*/ impulseResponseInput[0] = ONE_IN_Q12; memset(&(impulseResponseInput[1]), 0, (L_SUBFRAME-1)*sizeof(word16_t)); for (subframeIndex=0; subframeIndex<L_FRAME; subframeIndex+=L_SUBFRAME) { /*** Compute the impulse response : filter a subframe long buffer filled with unit and only zero through the 1/weightedqLPCoefficients as in spec A.3.5 ***/ word16_t impulseResponseBuffer[NB_LSP_COEFF+L_SUBFRAME]; /* impulseResponseBuffer in Q12, need NB_LSP_COEFF as past value to go through filtering function */ memset(impulseResponseBuffer, 0, (NB_LSP_COEFF)*sizeof(word16_t)); /* set the past values to zero */ synthesisFilter(impulseResponseInput, &(weightedqLPCoefficients[LPCoefficientsIndex]), &(impulseResponseBuffer[NB_LSP_COEFF])); /*** Compute the target signal (x[n]) as in spec A.3.6 in Q0 ***/ /* excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION+subframeIndex] currently store in Q0 the LPResidualSignal as in spec A.3.3 eq A.3*/ synthesisFilter( &(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION+subframeIndex]), &(weightedqLPCoefficients[LPCoefficientsIndex]), &(encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[NB_LSP_COEFF])); /*** Adaptative Codebook search : compute the intPitchDelay, fracPitchDelay and associated parameter, compute also the adaptative codebook vector used to generate the excitation ***/ /* after this call, the excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION + subFrameIndex] contains the adaptative codebook vector as in spec 3.7.1 */ int16_t intPitchDelay, fracPitchDelay; adaptativeCodebookSearch(&(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION + subframeIndex]), &intPitchDelayMin, &intPitchDelayMax, &(impulseResponseBuffer[NB_LSP_COEFF]), &(encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[NB_LSP_COEFF]), &intPitchDelay, &fracPitchDelay, &(parameters[parametersIndex]), subframeIndex); /*** Compute adaptative codebook gain spec 3.7.3, result in Q14 ***/ /* compute the filtered adaptative codebook vector spec 3.7.3 */ /* this computation makes use of two partial results used for gainQuantization too (yy and xy in eq63), they are part of the function output */ /* note spec 3.7.3 eq44 make use of convolution of impulseResponse and adaptative codebook vector to compute the filtered version */ /* in the Annex A, the filter being simpler, it's faster to directly filter the the vector using the weightedqLPCoefficients */ word16_t filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[NB_LSP_COEFF+L_SUBFRAME]; /* in Q0, the first NB_LSP_COEFF words are set to zero and used by filter only */ memset(filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector, 0, NB_LSP_COEFF*sizeof(word16_t)); synthesisFilter(&(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION + subframeIndex]), &(weightedqLPCoefficients[LPCoefficientsIndex]), &(filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[NB_LSP_COEFF])); word64_t gainQuantizationXy, gainQuantizationYy; /* used to store in Q0 values reused in gain quantization */ word16_t adaptativeCodebookGain = computeAdaptativeCodebookGain(&(encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[NB_LSP_COEFF]), &(filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[NB_LSP_COEFF]), &gainQuantizationXy, &gainQuantizationYy); /* gain in Q14 */ /* increase parameters index and compute P0 if needed */ parametersIndex++; if (subframeIndex==0) { /* first subframe compute P0, the parity bit of P1 */ parameters[parametersIndex] = computeParity(parameters[parametersIndex-1]); parametersIndex++; } /*** Fixed Codebook Search : compute the parameters for fixed codebook and the regular and convolved version of the fixed codebook vector ***/ word16_t fixedCodebookVector[L_SUBFRAME]; /* in Q13 */ word16_t convolvedFixedCodebookVector[L_SUBFRAME]; /* in Q12 */ fixedCodebookSearch(&(encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[NB_LSP_COEFF]), &(impulseResponseBuffer[NB_LSP_COEFF]), intPitchDelay, encoderChannelContext->lastQuantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain, &(filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[NB_LSP_COEFF]), adaptativeCodebookGain, &(parameters[parametersIndex]), &(parameters[parametersIndex+1]), fixedCodebookVector, convolvedFixedCodebookVector); parametersIndex+=2; /*** gains Quantization ***/ word16_t quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain; /* in Q14 */ word16_t quantizedFixedCodebookGain; /* in Q1 */ gainQuantization(encoderChannelContext, &(encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[NB_LSP_COEFF]), &(filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[NB_LSP_COEFF]), convolvedFixedCodebookVector, fixedCodebookVector, gainQuantizationXy, gainQuantizationYy, &quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain, &quantizedFixedCodebookGain, &(parameters[parametersIndex]), &(parameters[parametersIndex+1])); parametersIndex+=2; /*** subframe basis indexes and memory updates ***/ LPCoefficientsIndex+= NB_LSP_COEFF; encoderChannelContext->lastQuantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain = quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain; if (encoderChannelContext->lastQuantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain>ONE_POINT_2_IN_Q14) encoderChannelContext->lastQuantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain = ONE_POINT_2_IN_Q14; if (encoderChannelContext->lastQuantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain<O2_IN_Q14) encoderChannelContext->lastQuantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain = O2_IN_Q14; /* compute excitation for current subframe as in spec A.3.10 */ /* excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION + subframeIndex] currently contains in Q0 the adaptative codebook vector, quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain in Q14 */ /* fixedCodebookVector in Q13, quantizedFixedCodebookGain in Q1 */ for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) { encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION + subframeIndex + i] = (word16_t)(SATURATE(PSHR(ADD32(MULT16_16(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_PAST_EXCITATION + subframeIndex + i], quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain), MULT16_16(fixedCodebookVector[i], quantizedFixedCodebookGain)), 14), MAXINT16)); /* result in Q0 */ } /* update targetSignal memory as in spec A.3.10 */ quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain = PSHR(quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain, 1); /* quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain in Q13 */ for (i=0; i<NB_LSP_COEFF; i++) { /* targetSignal[i] = targetSignal[L_SUBFRAME+i] - quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain*filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[L_SUBFRAME+i] - quantizedFixedCodebookGain*convolvedFixedCodebookVector[L_SUBFRAME-NB_LSP_COEFF+i]*/ word32_t acc = MAC16_16(MULT16_16(quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain, filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[L_SUBFRAME+i]), quantizedFixedCodebookGain, convolvedFixedCodebookVector[L_SUBFRAME-NB_LSP_COEFF+i]); /* acc in Q13 */ encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[i] = (word16_t)(SATURATE(SUB32(encoderChannelContext->targetSignal[L_SUBFRAME+i], PSHR(acc, 13)), MAXINT16)); } } /*****************************************************************************************/ /*** frame basis memory updates ***/ /* shift left by L_FRAME the signal buffer */ memmove(encoderChannelContext->signalBuffer, &(encoderChannelContext->signalBuffer[L_FRAME]), (L_LP_ANALYSIS_WINDOW-L_FRAME)*sizeof(word16_t)); /* update previousLSP coefficient buffer */ memcpy(encoderChannelContext->previousLSPCoefficients, LSPCoefficients, NB_LSP_COEFF*sizeof(word16_t)); memcpy(encoderChannelContext->previousqLSPCoefficients, qLSPCoefficients, NB_LSP_COEFF*sizeof(word16_t)); /* shift left by L_FRAME the weightedInputSignal buffer */ memmove(encoderChannelContext->weightedInputSignal, &(encoderChannelContext->weightedInputSignal[L_FRAME]), MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY*sizeof(word16_t)); /* shift left by L_FRAME the excitationVector */ memmove(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector, &(encoderChannelContext->excitationVector[L_FRAME]), L_PAST_EXCITATION*sizeof(word16_t)); /*** Convert array of parameters into bitStream ***/ parametersArray2BitStream(parameters, bitStream); return; }
void SolventAccessibleSurface::compute() { preProcessing(); get(); }