Exemple #1
bool unlock_door( char_data* ch, exit_data* exit )
  action_data*  action;
  room_data*      room;
  obj_data*        key;

  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) ) {
    send( ch, "The %s exit is not associated with a door.\n\r",
      dir_table[ exit->direction ].name );
    return FALSE;

  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is not closed.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  if( exit->key < 0 ) {
    send( ch, "You see no obvious way to unlock %s.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  if( ( key = has_key( ch, exit->key ) ) == NULL ) {
    send( ch, "You lack the key - perhaps try picking it.\n\r" );
    return FALSE;

  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is already unlocked.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  room = ch->in_room;

  for( action = room->action; action != NULL; action = action->next )
    if( action->trigger == TRIGGER_UNLOCK_DOOR
      && is_set( &action->flags, exit->direction ) ) {
      var_ch   = ch;
      var_room = room;
      if( !execute( action ) || ch->in_room != room )
        return TRUE;

  act( ch, prog_msg( action, unlock_door_msg[0], unlock_door_msg[1] ),
    key, exit );
  act_notchar( prog_msg( action, unlock_door_msg[2], unlock_door_msg[3] ),
    ch, key, exit );
  remove_bit( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );

  room = exit->to_room;

  if( ( exit = reverse( exit ) ) != NULL ) {
    remove_bit( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );
    act_room( room, prog_msg( action, unlock_door_msg[4],
      unlock_door_msg[5] ), exit );

  return TRUE;
void find_buddy( char_data* ch, obj_data* obj, int level,
  int species_list, int obj_list )
  char_data*         buddy;
  player_data*      pc;
  species_data*    species;
  int                    i;

  if( obj == NULL ) {
    bug( "Find_Buddy: Null Object as reagent!?" );

  if( ( pc = player( ch ) ) == NULL )

  for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
    if( obj->pIndexData->vnum
      == list_value[ obj_list ][ 10*(ch->shdata->alignment%3)+i ] )

  if( i == 10 ) {
    send( ch, "Nothing happens.\n\r" );

  send( *ch->array, "%s disintegrates in a burst of blue flame.\n\r", obj );
  obj->Extract( 1 );

  if( number_range( 0,100 ) < 50-7*level+10*i ) {
    send( ch, "You feel the summoning fail.\n\r" );

  i = list_value[ species_list ][ 10*(ch->shdata->alignment%3)+i ];

  if( ( species = get_species( i ) ) == NULL ) {
    bug( "Find_buddy: unknown species." );

  buddy = create_mobile( species );

  set_bit( &buddy->status, STAT_PET );

  remove_bit( &buddy->status, STAT_AGGR_ALL );
  remove_bit( &buddy->status, STAT_AGGR_GOOD );
  remove_bit( &buddy->status, STAT_AGGR_EVIL );

  buddy->To( ch->array );

  send( ch,
    "%s comes to your summons, stepping from the shadows.\n\r",
    buddy );

  add_follower( buddy, ch );

Exemple #3
bool open_door( char_data* ch, exit_data* exit ) 
  action_data*   action;
  room_data*       room  = ch->in_room;
  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) ) {
    send( ch, "There is no door or wall there.\n\r" );
    return FALSE;

  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is already open.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  if( is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is locked.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  if( is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_NO_OPEN ) ) {
    send( ch, "You see no way to open %s.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  for( action = room->action; action != NULL; action = action->next )
    if( action->trigger == TRIGGER_OPEN_DOOR
      && is_set( &action->flags, exit->direction ) ) {
      var_ch   = ch;
      var_room = room;
      if( !execute( action ) || ch->in_room != room )
        return FALSE;

  act( ch, prog_msg( action, open_msg[0], open_msg[1] ), exit );
  act_notchar( prog_msg( action, open_msg[2], open_msg[3] ), ch, exit );
  remove_bit( &exit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );

  room = exit->to_room; 

  if( ( exit = reverse( exit ) ) != NULL ) {
    remove_bit( &exit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
    act_room( room, prog_msg( action, open_msg[4], open_msg[5] ),
      exit );

  return TRUE;
void setup() {
   set_name( "elephant" );
   set_long( "This is an elephant.  A large creature with a thick grey "
      "hide.  He seems to weigh a lot so don't let him step on your "
      "toe.\n" );
   set_height( 280 );
   set_weight( 100000 );
   set_desc( "an elephant that looks back at you with small nice eyes" );

   remove_bit( "nose" );
   remove_bit( "head" );

   add_bit( "head", "head", ({ 0, 135, 0,
      "left eye", "right eye", "skull", "tongue", "left ear", "right ear",
      "tusk", "tusks", "trunk" }) );
Exemple #5
void open_object( char_data* ch, obj_data* obj )
  if( obj->pIndexData->item_type != ITEM_CONTAINER ) {
    send( ch, "%s is not a container.\n\r", obj );

  if( !is_set( &obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is already open.\n\r", obj );

  if( !is_set( &obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSEABLE ) ) {
    send( ch, "You can't do that.\n\r", ch );

  if( is_set( &obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is locked.\n\r", obj );

  remove_bit( &obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED );
  send( ch, "You open %s.\n\r", obj );
  send( *ch->array, "%s opens %s.\n\r", ch, obj );
Exemple #6
void stop_fight( char_data* ch )
  char_data*     rch;

  remove_bit( &ch->status, STAT_BERSERK );

  ch->fighting = NULL;
  disrupt_spell( ch );
  clear( ch->aggressive );
  stop_events( ch, execute_leap );

  for( int i = 0; i < *ch->array; i++ ) {
    if( ( rch = character( ch->array->list[i] ) ) == NULL )

    if( rch->cast != NULL && rch->cast->target == ch
      && spell_table[rch->cast->spell].type != STYPE_WORLD ) 
      disrupt_spell( rch );

    rch->aggressive -= ch;

    if( rch->fighting == ch ) 
      rch->fighting = NULL;

    for( int j = rch->events-1; j >= 0; j-- )
      if( rch->events[j]->pointer == (void*) ch ) {
        extract( rch->events[j] );
        init_attack( rch );
Exemple #7
void char_bash( char_data* ch, char_data* victim )
  int delay;

  if( victim == ch ) {
    send( ch, "Bashing yourself is not very productive.\n\r" );

  if( victim->species != NULL ) { 
    if( is_set( &victim->species->act_flags, ACT_NO_BASH ) ) {
      send( ch, "Bashing that does not make sense.\n\r" );
    if( is_set( &victim->species->act_flags, ACT_GHOST ) ) {
      send( ch, "Bashing a ghost is a completely futile exercise.\n\r" );

  if( victim->position < POS_FIGHTING ) {
    send( ch, "Your victim is already on the ground!\n\r" );

  if( victim->Size( ) > ch->Size( )+1 ) {
    send( ch, "%s is way too large for you to successfully bash %s.\n\r",
      victim, victim->Him_Her( ) );

  if( !can_kill( ch, victim ) )

  check_killer( ch, victim );
  ch->fighting = victim;
  react_attack( ch, victim );  

  remove_bit( &ch->status, STAT_LEAPING );
  remove_bit( &ch->status, STAT_WIMPY );

  ch->improve_skill( SKILL_BASH );

  delay = bash_attack( ch, victim );
  add_queue( &ch->active, delay );
Exemple #8
void death( char_data* victim, char_data* ch, char* dt )
  char               tmp  [ TWO_LINES ];
  obj_data*       corpse;
  content_array*   where  = victim->array;
  char_data*         rch;
  bool           survive;
  remove_bit( &victim->status, STAT_BERSERK );

  if( ch == NULL ) 
    for( int i = 0; i < *where; i++ ) 
      if( ( rch = character( where->list[i] ) ) != NULL 
        && includes( rch->aggressive, victim ) ) {
        ch = rch;

  stop_fight( victim );
  clear_queue( victim );

  if( !can_die( victim ) )
  disburse_exp( victim );
  register_death( victim, ch, dt );

  clear_queue( victim );
  death_cry( victim );

  if( survive = !die_forever( victim ) )
    raw_kill( victim );

  corpse = make_corpse( victim, where );
  loot_corpse( corpse, ch, victim );

  if( survive ) 

  if( mob( victim ) != NULL ) {
    victim->Extract( );

  sprintf( tmp, "%s's soul is taken by death.", victim->Name( ) );
  info( tmp, LEVEL_BUILDER, tmp, IFLAG_DEATHS, 1, victim );

  clear_screen( victim );
  reset_screen( victim );

  send( victim, "Death is surprisingly peaceful.\n\r" );
  send( victim, "Good night.\n\r" );

  purge( player( victim ) );
Exemple #9
bool spell_tame( char_data* ch, char_data* victim, void*, int level, int )
  if( null_caster( ch, SPELL_TAME ) )
    return TRUE;

  if( is_set( &victim->status, STAT_PET ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is already tame.\r\n", victim );
    return TRUE;

  if( victim->species == NULL
    || !is_set( &victim->species->act_flags, ACT_CAN_TAME )
    || makes_save( victim, ch, RES_MIND, SPELL_TAME, level )
    || victim->leader != NULL 
    || victim->shdata->level > ch->shdata->level ) {
    send( ch, "%s ignores you.\r\n", victim );
    send( *ch->array, "%s ignores %s.\r\n", victim, ch );
    return TRUE;

  if( victim->shdata->level > ch->shdata->level-pet_levels( ch ) ) {
    send( ch, "You fail as you are unable to control more animals.\r\n" );
    return TRUE;

  if( is_set( &victim->species->act_flags, ACT_MOUNT ) && has_mount( ch ) )
    return TRUE;

  if( ch->leader == victim )
    stop_follower( ch );

  set_bit( &victim->status, STAT_PET );
  set_bit( &victim->status, STAT_TAMED );

  remove_bit( &victim->status, STAT_AGGR_ALL );
  remove_bit( &victim->status, STAT_AGGR_GOOD );
  remove_bit( &victim->status, STAT_AGGR_EVIL );

  add_follower( victim, ch );

  return TRUE;
Exemple #10
void fix( obj_clss_data* obj_clss )
  if( obj_clss->item_type == ITEM_SCROLL ) 
    set_bit( &obj_clss->materials, MAT_PAPER );

  for( int i = 0; i < MAX_ANTI; i++ )
    if( !strncasecmp( anti_flags[i], "unused", 6 ) )
      remove_bit( &obj_clss->anti_flags, i );

Exemple #11
bool pick_door( char_data* ch, exit_data* exit )
  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is not closed.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  if( !is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s is already unlocked.\n\r", exit );
    return FALSE;

  if( exit->key < 0 ) {
    send( ch, "You see no keyhole in the door to pick.\n\r" );
    return FALSE;

  if( is_set( &exit->exit_info, EX_PICKPROOF ) ) {
    send( ch, "You failed.\n\r" );
    return FALSE;
  if( ch->species != NULL || !ch->check_skill( SKILL_PICK_LOCK ) ) {
    send( ch, "You failed.\n\r" );
    return FALSE;

  remove_bit( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );

  send( ch, "*Click*\n\r" );
  send_seen( ch, "%s picks %s.\n\r", ch, exit );
  ch->improve_skill( SKILL_PICK_LOCK );

  if( ( exit = reverse( exit ) ) != NULL ) 
    remove_bit( &exit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );

  return TRUE;
Exemple #12
void struggle_web( char_data* ch )
  affect_data* affect;

  for( int i = 0; ; i++ ) {
    if( i > ch->affected ) {
      bug( "Execute_Web: Entangled Character with no affect." );
      remove_bit( ch->affected_by, AFF_ENTANGLED );
    if( ch->affected[i]->type == AFF_ENTANGLED ) {
      affect = ch->affected[i];

  if( roll_dice( 2,7 )+number_range( 0, affect->level ) < ch->Strength( ) )
    strip_affect( ch, AFF_ENTANGLED );
Exemple #13
void execute_wander( event_data* event )
  char_data*     ch  = (char_data*) event->owner;
  exit_data*   exit;

  if( is_set( &ch->status, STAT_ALERT ) && number_range( 0, 30 ) == 0 )
    remove_bit( &ch->status, STAT_ALERT );

  if(  ch->position == POS_STANDING
    && ch->leader == NULL
    && ( exit = random_movable_exit( ch ) ) != NULL
    && !is_set( &exit->to_room->room_flags, RFLAG_NO_MOB )
    && ( !is_set( &ch->species->act_flags, ACT_STAY_AREA )
    || exit->to_room->area == ch->in_room->area ) )
    move_char( ch, exit->direction, FALSE );

  if( ch->Is_Valid( ) ) 
    delay_wander( event );
Exemple #14
void passive_action( char_data* ch )
  command_data*   cmd;

  if( ch->cast != NULL ) {
    spell_update( ch );

  for( ; ; ) {
    if( ( cmd = pop( ch->cmd_queue ) ) == NULL )
    assign_bit( &ch->status, STAT_ORDERED, cmd->ordered );
    interpret( ch, cmd->string );
    remove_bit( &ch->status, STAT_ORDERED );
    delete cmd;
    if( ch->link != NULL )
      ch->link->idle = 0;
    if( ch->active.time != -1 )

  check_wimpy( ch );

  if( is_set( ch->affected_by, AFF_ENTANGLED ) ) {
    struggle_web( ch );
    add_queue( &ch->active, 32 );

  if( ch->position < POS_STANDING
    && ( ch->fighting != NULL
    || !is_empty( ch->aggressive ) ) ) {
    jump_feet( ch );
    add_queue( &ch->active, 32 );
Exemple #15
void advance_level( char_data* ch, bool message )
  char        buf  [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  int        clss  = ch->pcdata->clss;
  int      add_hp;
  int    add_mana;
  int    add_move;
  int       pracs  = 0;
  bool     regain;

  if( ch->species != NULL )


  regain = ( ch->pcdata->max_level != -1 );

  if( message ) {
    send( ch, "\r\n-=-= CONGRATS!!! =-=-\r\n\r\n" );
    send( ch, "You have %sgained level %d.\r\n",
      regain ? "re" : "",  ch->shdata->level );
    send( ch, "You need %d exp for the next level.\r\n",
      exp_for_level( ch )-ch->exp );

    sprintf( buf, "%s has %sgained level %d.", ch->descr->name,
      regain ? "re" : "", ch->shdata->level );
    info( buf, LEVEL_BUILDER, buf, IFLAG_LEVELS, regain ? 2 : 1, ch );

  if( ch->pcdata->max_level == ch->shdata->level ) {
    ch->pcdata->max_level  = -1;
    ch->base_hit           = ch->pcdata->level_hit;
    ch->base_mana          = ch->pcdata->level_mana;
    ch->base_move          = ch->pcdata->level_move;
  else {
    add_hp  = number_range( clss_table[ clss ].hit_min,
      clss_table[ clss ].hit_max );
    add_mana = number_range( clss_table[ clss ].mana_min,
      clss_table[ clss ].mana_max );
    add_move = number_range( clss_table[ clss ].move_min,
      clss_table[ clss ].move_max );

    ch->base_hit   += add_hp;
    ch->base_mana  += add_mana;
    ch->base_move  += add_move;

    if( ch->pcdata->max_level == -1 ) {      
      if( ( pracs = 12-ch->shdata->level ) > 0 ) {
        if( message )
          send( ch, "\r\n>> You gain %d practice point%s. <<\r\n\r\n",
            pracs, pracs == 1 ? "" : "s" );
        ch->pcdata->practice += pracs;
      remove_bit( ch->pcdata->pfile->flags, PLR_FAMILIAR );

  if( message ) {
    sprintf( buf, "%sained level %d.",
      regain ? "Reg" : "G", ch->shdata->level );
    player_log( ch, buf );

  ch->pcdata->pfile->level = ch->shdata->level;
  calc_resist( ch );
  update_maxes( ch );
void find_familiar( char_data* ch, obj_data* obj, int level,
  int species_list, int obj_list )
  char_data*      familiar;
  player_data*      pc;
  species_data*    species;
  int                    i;

  if( obj == NULL ) {
    bug( "Find_Familiar: Null Object as reagent!?" );

  if( ( pc = player( ch ) ) == NULL )

  if( ch->shdata->level < LEVEL_APPRENTICE
    && is_set( ch->pcdata->pfile->flags, PLR_FAMILIAR ) ) {
    send( ch, "Nothing happens.\n\r" );
    send( ch, "You can only summon one familiar per level.\n\r" );

  if( pc->familiar != NULL ) {
    send( ch, "Nothing happens.\n\r" );
    send( ch, "You can only have one familiar at a time.\n\r" );

  for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
    if( obj->pIndexData->vnum
      == list_value[ obj_list ][ 10*(ch->shdata->alignment%3)+i ] )

  if( i == 10 ) {
    send( ch, "Nothing happens.\n\r" );

  send( *ch->array, "%s disintegrates in a burst of blue flame.\n\r", obj );
  obj->Extract( 1 );

  if( number_range( 0,100 ) < 50-7*level+10*i ) {
    send( ch, "You feel the summoning fail.\n\r" );

  i = list_value[ species_list ][ 10*(ch->shdata->alignment%3)+i ];

  if( ( species = get_species( i ) ) == NULL ) {
    bug( "Find_familiar: unknown species." );

  familiar         = create_mobile( species );
  familiar->reset  = NULL;
  pc->familiar = familiar;

  set_bit( &familiar->status, STAT_PET );
  set_bit( &familiar->status, STAT_FAMILIAR );
  set_bit( ch->pcdata->pfile->flags, PLR_FAMILIAR );

  remove_bit( &familiar->status, STAT_AGGR_ALL );
  remove_bit( &familiar->status, STAT_AGGR_GOOD );
  remove_bit( &familiar->status, STAT_AGGR_EVIL );

  familiar->To( ch->array );

  send( ch,
    "%s comes to your summons, stepping from the shadows.\n\r",
    familiar );

  add_follower( familiar, ch );

Exemple #17
void do_mount( char_data* ch, char* argument )
  char_data* victim;

  if( IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->shdata->skill[SKILL_RIDING] == 0 ) {
    send( ch, "You don't know how to ride.\r\n" );

  if( ch->mount != NULL ) {
    send( ch, "You are already riding %s.\r\n", ch->mount );

  if( ( victim = one_character( ch, argument, "mount",
    ch->array ) ) == NULL )

  if( IS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, RFLAG_NO_MOUNT ) ) {
    send( "You can't mount here.\r\n", ch );

  if( victim->rider != NULL ) {
    send( ch, "Someone else is already riding them.\r\n" );

  if( victim->leader != ch || !is_set( &victim->status, STAT_PET )
    || !is_set( &victim->species->act_flags, ACT_MOUNT ) ) {
    send( ch, "%s refuses to let you mount %s.\r\n",
      victim, victim->Him_Her( ) );

  if( victim->fighting != NULL ) {
    send( ch, "It is impossible to mount a fighting beast.\r\n" );

  if( victim->Size( ) < ch->Size( )+1 ) {
    send( ch, "%s is too small to carry your weight.\r\n", victim );

  if( victim->position != POS_STANDING ) {
    send( ch, "You can only mount a beast while it is standing.\r\n" );

  leave_shadows( ch );

  if( ch->pcdata != NULL ) 
    remove_bit( ch->pcdata->pfile->flags, PLR_SNEAK );

  send( ch, "You mount %s.\r\n", victim );
  send( *ch->array, "%s mounts %s.\r\n", ch, victim );

  ch->mount     = victim;
  victim->rider = ch;

  ch->improve_skill( SKILL_RIDING );

Exemple #18
void do_unlock( char_data* ch, char* argument )
  obj_data*         key;
  exit_data*       door;
  obj_data*         obj;
  oprog_data*     oprog;
  thing_data*     thing;

  if( ( thing = one_thing( ch, argument, "unlock",
    (thing_array*) &ch->in_room->exits, ch->array,
    &ch->contents ) ) == NULL )
  if( ( obj = object( thing ) ) != NULL ) {
    if( obj->pIndexData->item_type != ITEM_CONTAINER ) {
      send( ch, "%s isn't a container.\n\r", obj );
    if( !is_set( &obj->value[1], CONT_CLOSED ) ) {
      send( ch, "%s isn't closed.\n\r", obj );
    if( obj->pIndexData->value[2] < 0 ) {
      send( ch, "%s can't be unlocked.\n\r", obj );
    if( ( key = has_key( ch, obj->pIndexData->value[2] ) ) == NULL ) {
      send( ch, "You lack the key.\n\r" );
    if( !is_set( &obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED ) ) {
      send( ch, "%s is already unlocked.\n\r", obj );

    for( oprog = obj->pIndexData->oprog; oprog != NULL;
      oprog = oprog->next )
      if( oprog->trigger == OPROG_TRIGGER_UNLOCK ) {
        var_ch        = ch;
        var_room      = ch->in_room;
        var_obj       = key;
        var_container = obj;
        execute( oprog );

    act( ch, prog_msg( oprog, unlock_msg[0], unlock_msg[1] ),
      obj, key );
    act_notchar( prog_msg( oprog, unlock_msg[2], unlock_msg[3] ),
      ch, obj, key );
    remove_bit( &obj->value[1], CONT_LOCKED );


  if( ( door = exit( thing ) ) != NULL ) {
    unlock_door( ch, door );

  send( ch, "%s isn't unlockable.\n\r", thing );
Exemple #19
void Char_Data :: To( content_array* where )
  room_data*   room;
  wizard_data*  imm;
  char_data*    rch;

  if( array != NULL ) {
    roach( "Adding character somewhere which isn't nowhere." );
    roach( "-- Ch = %s", this );
    From( number );

  Thing_Data :: To( where );


  if( ( room = Room( where->where ) ) != NULL ) {
    room_position = -1;
    in_room       = room;

    if( pcdata != NULL ) 

    if( ( imm = wizard( this ) ) != NULL ) {
      imm->custom_edit  = 0;
      imm->room_edit    = NULL;
      imm->action_edit  = NULL;
      imm->exit_edit    = NULL;

    if( water_logged( room ) ) {
      remove_bit( &status, STAT_SNEAKING );
      remove_bit( &status, STAT_HIDING );
      remove_bit( &status, STAT_CAMOUFLAGED );
      remove_bit( affected_by, AFF_HIDE );
      remove_bit( affected_by, AFF_CAMOUFLAGE );

    if( is_submerged( this ) )
      enter_water( this );

    for( int i = 0; i < room->contents; i++ ) {
      if( ( rch = character( room->contents[i] ) ) == NULL 
        || rch == this )
      if( rch->species != NULL && species != NULL
        && rch->species->group == species->group
        && rch->species->group != GROUP_NONE ) {
        share_enemies( this, rch );   
        share_enemies( rch, this );   
      if( is_aggressive( this, rch ) ) 
        init_attack( this, rch );
      if( is_aggressive( rch, this ) ) 
        init_attack( rch, this );

  roach( "Attempted transfer of character to non-room object." );