CBaseBot::CBaseBot() { = cfg_get_unique_id() + rand(); agent_interface.param = 0; agent_interface.value = 0; agent_interface.color_intensity = 1.0; agent_interface.time_stamp = get_ms_time(); agent_interface.type = AGENT_TYPE_BOT; agent_interface.type_behaviour = ROBOT_TYPE_BASE; agent_interface.type_interaction = AGENT_TYPE_INTERACTION_WEAK; agent_interface.size = AGENT_BOT_SIZE*3.0; agent_interface.request = AGENT_REQUEST_NULL; agent_interface.x = 0.1*rnd_()*POSITION_MAX_X; //*x_max; agent_interface.y = 0.1*rnd_()*POSITION_MAX_Y; //*y_max; agent_interface.z = 0.0*rnd_()*0.99;//*z_max; agent_interface.roll = 0.0; agent_interface.pitch = 0.0; agent_interface.yaw = 0.0; agent_interface.dt = cfg_get_dt(); agent_interface.action_type = ACTION_TYPE_NULL; dx = 0.0; dy = 0.0; dz = 0.0; dyaw = 0.0; client = new CClient(); }
float rnd_gauss_dist(float min, float max, float stddev) { float mean = ( min + max )/2.0; float x = rnd_(); float E = 2.718281828; float expo = - (pow((x - mean),2) / (2*pow(stddev,2))); return (1.0/(stddev*sqrt(2*PI))*pow(E,expo))*sgn(rnd_()); }
CBasisFunctions::CBasisFunctions(u32 count, u32 dimension, float a_range, float b_range, float w_range, u32 function_type) { this->functions_count = count; this->dimension = dimension; this->a_range = a_range; this->b_range = b_range; this->w_range = w_range; this->function_type = function_type; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE printf(" basis function type %u\n", this->function_type); #endif u32 j, i; a = (float**)malloc(this->functions_count*sizeof(float*)); b = (float*)malloc(this->functions_count*sizeof(float)); for (j = 0; j < this->functions_count; j++) { a[j] = (float*)malloc(this->dimension*sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < this->dimension; i++) a[j][i] = this->a_range*rnd_(); //in range -a_range..a_range if (function_type == BASIS_FUNCTION_TYPE_GAUSS) { float k = 0.90; b[j] = this->b_range*(k + (1.0 - k)*abs_(rnd_())); } else { float k = 0.50; b[j] = this->b_range*(k + (1.0 - k)*abs_(rnd_())); } } for (j = 0; j < this->functions_count; j++) output.push_back(0.0); w = (float*)malloc(this->functions_count*sizeof(float)); distance = (float*)malloc(this->functions_count*sizeof(float)); for (j = 0; j < this->functions_count; j++) { w[j] = 0.0; distance[j] = 0.0; } for (i = 0; i < this->dimension; i++) input.push_back(0.0); linear_combination = 0.0; }
float gauss_dist(float mean, float stddev) { float x = rnd_(); float E = 2.718281828; float expo = - (pow((x - mean),2) / (2*pow(stddev,2))); return (1.0/(stddev*sqrt(2*PI))*pow(E,expo)); }
void createPalms(Ogre::SceneManager *mSceneMgr) { const int NumberOfPalms = 12; Ogre::SceneNode* mPalmsSceneNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); for (int k = 0; k < NumberOfPalms; k++) { Ogre::Vector3 RandomPos = Ogre::Vector3(rnd_(500,2500), 0, rnd_(500,2500)); Ogre::RaySceneQuery * raySceneQuery = mSceneMgr-> createRayQuery(Ogre::Ray(RandomPos + Ogre::Vector3(0,1000000,0), Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y)); Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult& qryResult = raySceneQuery->execute(); Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult::iterator i = qryResult.begin(); if (i != qryResult.end() && i->worldFragment) { if (i->worldFragment->singleIntersection.y>105 || i->worldFragment->singleIntersection.y<20) { k--; continue; } RandomPos.y = i->worldFragment->singleIntersection.y; } else { k--; continue; } Ogre::Entity *mPalmEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Palm"+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(k), "Palm.mesh"); Ogre::SceneNode *mPalmSN = mPalmsSceneNode->createChildSceneNode(); mPalmSN->rotate(Ogre::Vector3(-1,0,rnd_(-0.3,0.3)), Ogre::Degree(90)); mPalmSN->attachObject(mPalmEnt); Ogre::Real Scale = rnd_(50,75); mPalmSN->scale(Scale,Scale,Scale); mPalmSN->setPosition(RandomPos); } }
void peak_hill_random(struct sPeakHill *func, u32 dim, u32 peak_count, u32 hill_count) { u32 i, j; std::vector<float> tmp; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) tmp.push_back(0.0); for (j = 0; j < peak_count; j++) { for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) tmp[i] = rnd_(); func->p_alpha.push_back(tmp); func->p_r.push_back(-4.0*abs_(rnd_())); } for (j = 0; j < hill_count; j++) { for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) tmp[i] = rnd_(); func->h_alpha.push_back(tmp); func->h_beta.push_back(10.0 + 10.0*abs_(rnd_())); func->h_w.push_back(abs_(rnd_())); } }
void CServer::update_position(u32 robot_idx) { u32 i, j; float position_new[ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION]; float tmp_dist = ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; std::vector<u32> colisions_idx; i32 wall_idx = -1; for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) position_new[i] = robots[robot_idx].position[i] + 5.0*robots[robot_idx].d[i]*dt*0.001 + 0.001*rnd_(); for (j = 0; j < robots.size(); j++) //if ( (j != robot_idx) && (robots[j].type&ROBOT_SOLID_FLAG) ) if ( (j != robot_idx) && (robots[j].type&ROBOT_STRONG_SOLID_FLAG) ) { tmp_dist = vect_distance(position_new, robots[j].position, ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION); if (tmp_dist < colision_distance) { colisions_idx.push_back(j); if (robots[j].type&ROBOT_STRONG_SOLID_FLAG) wall_idx = j; } } if (colisions_idx.size() == 0) //there is no colision for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) robots[robot_idx].position[i] = saturate(position_new[i], -position_max[i], position_max[i]); else { for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) { float tmp = 0.0; if (wall_idx == -1) tmp = -5.0*robots[robot_idx].d[i]*dt*0.001 + 0.001*rnd_(); else { tmp = 0.1*(robots[robot_idx].position[i] - robots[wall_idx].position[i] + 0.001*rnd_()); } robots[robot_idx].position[i] = saturate(robots[robot_idx].position[i] + tmp, -position_max[i], position_max[i]); } } }
logical opncls_(integer obj, integer so, integer sc) { /* System generated locals */ logical ret_val; ret_val = TRUE_; /* !ASSUME WINS. */ if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.closew) { goto L100; } /* !CLOSE? */ if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.openw) { goto L50; } /* !OPEN? */ ret_val = FALSE_; /* !LOSE */ return ret_val; L50: if ((objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { goto L200; } /* !OPEN... IS IT? */ rspeak_(so); objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] |= OPENBT; return ret_val; L100: if (! ((objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] & OPENBT) != 0)) { goto L200; } /* !CLOSE... IS IT? */ rspeak_(sc); objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] &= ~ OPENBT; return ret_val; L200: rspeak_(rnd_(3) + 125); /* !DUMMY. */ return ret_val; } /* opncls_ */
void CServer::respawn(struct sRobot *robot) { std::vector<float> position; u32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) position.push_back(0.0); float dist_min; do { /* for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) position[i] = rnd_()*200.0; */ for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) position[i] = rnd_()*position_max[i]*0.8; dist_min = 99999999999999999999.9; for (j = 0; j < robots.size(); j++) { float dist = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) dist+= abs_(position[i] - robots[j].position[i]); if (dist < dist_min) dist_min = dist; } } while (dist_min < (colision_distance*2.0)); for (i = 0; i < ROBOT_SPACE_DIMENSION; i++) robot->position[i] = position[i]; }
CAction::CAction(u32 states_count, u32 actions_per_state, u32 action_width, std::vector<std::vector<float>> *action_init) { u32 k, j, i; for (k = 0; k < states_count; k++) { //actions in one state std::vector<struct sAction> actions_tmp; //actions initialziation for (j = 0; j < actions_per_state; j++) { struct sAction action; for (i = 0; i < action_width; i++) action.action.push_back(0.0); if (action_init != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < action_width; i++) action.action[i] = (*action_init)[j][i]; } else { for (i = 0; i < action_width; i++) action.action[i] = sgn(rnd_()); } = ACTION_FITNESS_MIN; action.usability = 0.0; actions_tmp.push_back(action); } actions.push_back(actions_tmp); } }
integer blow_(integer h, integer v, integer rmk, integer hflg, integer out) { /* Initialized data */ const integer rmiss = 0; const integer rout = 1; const integer rkill = 2; const integer rstag = 5; const integer rlose = 6; const integer rhes = 7; const integer rsit = 8; static const integer def1r[3] = { 1,2,3 }; static const integer def2r[4] = { 13,23,24,25 }; static const integer def3r[5] = { 35,36,46,47,57 }; static const integer rvectr[66] = { 0,0,0,0,5,5,1,1,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,5, 5,3,3,1,0,0,0,5,5,3,3,3,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,5,5,3,3,4,4,0,0,0,5,5, 3,3,3,4,4,4,0,5,5,3,3,3,3,4,4,4 }; static const integer rstate[45] = { 5000,3005,3008,4011,3015,3018,1021, 0,0,5022,3027,3030,4033,3037,3040,1043,0,0,4044,2048,4050,4054, 5058,4063,4067,3071,1074,4075,1079,4080,4084,4088,4092,4096,4100, 1104,4105,2109,4111,4115,4119,4123,4127,3131,3134 }; /* System generated locals */ integer ret_val, i__1, i__2; /* Local variables */ logical f; integer i, j, oa, ra, od, mi, dv, def; integer tbl; integer att, res; integer dweap; integer pblose; ra = objcts_1.oactio[v - 1]; /* !GET VILLAIN ACTION, */ dv = objcts_1.odesc2[v - 1]; /* !DESCRIPTION. */ ret_val = rmiss; /* !ASSUME NO RESULT. */ if (! (hflg)) { goto L1000; } /* !HERO STRIKING BLOW? */ /* HERO IS ATTACKER, VILLAIN IS DEFENDER. */ pblose = 10; /* !BAD LK PROB. */ objcts_1.oflag2[v - 1] |= FITEBT; if ((advs_1.aflag[h - 1] & aflags_1.astag) == 0) { goto L100; } rspeak_(591); /* !YES, CANT FIGHT. */ advs_1.aflag[h - 1] &= ~ aflags_1.astag; return ret_val; L100: att = fights_(h, 1); /* !GET HIS STRENGTH. */ oa = att; def = vilstr_(v); /* !GET VILL STRENGTH. */ od = def; dweap = 0; /* !ASSUME NO WEAPON. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) { /* !SEARCH VILLAIN. */ if (objcts_1.ocan[i - 1] == v && (objcts_1.oflag2[i - 1] & WEAPBT) != 0) { dweap = i; } /* L200: */ } if (v == advs_1.aobj[aindex_1.player - 1]) { goto L300; } /* !KILLING SELF? */ if (def != 0) { goto L2000; } /* !DEFENDER ALIVE? */ rspsub_(592, dv); /* !VILLAIN DEAD. */ return ret_val; L300: jigsup_(593); /* !KILLING SELF. */ return ret_val; /* VILLAIN IS ATTACKER, HERO IS DEFENDER. */ L1000: pblose = 50; /* !BAD LK PROB. */ advs_1.aflag[h - 1] &= ~ aflags_1.astag; if ((objcts_1.oflag2[v - 1] & STAGBT) == 0) { goto L1200; } objcts_1.oflag2[v - 1] &= ~ STAGBT; rspsub_(594, dv); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; L1200: att = vilstr_(v); /* !SET UP ATT, DEF. */ oa = att; def = fights_(h, 1); if (def <= 0) { return ret_val; } /* !DONT ALLOW DEAD DEF. */ od = fights_(h, 0); dweap = (i__1 = fwim_(0, WEAPBT, 0, 0, h, 1), abs(i__1)); /* !FIND A WEAPON. */ /* BLOW, PAGE 4 */ /* PARTIES ARE NOW EQUIPPED. DEF CANNOT BE ZERO. */ /* ATT MUST BE > 0. */ L2000: if (def > 0) { goto L2100; } /* !DEF ALIVE? */ res = rkill; if (hflg) { rspsub_(595, dv); } /* !DEADER. */ goto L3000; L2100: if ((i__1 = def - 2) < 0) { goto L2200; } else if (i__1 == 0) { goto L2300; } else { goto L2400; } /* !DEF <2,=2,>2 */ L2200: att = min(att,3); /* !SCALE ATT. */ tbl = def1r[att - 1]; /* !CHOOSE TABLE. */ goto L2500; L2300: att = min(att,4); /* !SCALE ATT. */ tbl = def2r[att - 1]; /* !CHOOSE TABLE. */ goto L2500; L2400: att -= def; /* !SCALE ATT. */ /* Computing MIN */ i__1 = 2, i__2 = max(-2,att); att = min(i__1,i__2) + 3; tbl = def3r[att - 1]; L2500: res = rvectr[tbl + rnd_(10) - 1]; /* !GET RESULT. */ if (out == 0) { goto L2600; } /* !WAS HE OUT? */ if (res == rstag) { goto L2550; } /* !YES, STAG--> HES. */ res = rsit; /* !OTHERWISE, SITTING. */ goto L2600; L2550: res = rhes; L2600: if (res == rstag && dweap != 0 && prob_(25, pblose)) { res = rlose; } mi = rstate[(rmk - 1) * 9 + res]; /* !CHOOSE TABLE ENTRY. */ if (mi == 0) { goto L3000; } i__1 = mi / 1000; i = mi % 1000 + rnd_(i__1) + star_1.mbase + 1; j = dv; if (! (hflg) && dweap != 0) { j = objcts_1.odesc2[dweap - 1]; } rspsub_(i, j); /* !PRESENT RESULT. */ /* BLOW, PAGE 5 */ /* NOW APPLY RESULT */ L3000: switch (res + 1) { case 1: goto L4000; case 2: goto L3100; case 3: goto L3200; case 4: goto L3300; case 5: goto L3400; case 6: goto L3500; case 7: goto L3600; case 8: goto L4000; case 9: goto L3200; } L3100: if (hflg) { def = -def; } /* !UNCONSCIOUS. */ goto L4000; L3200: def = 0; /* !KILLED OR SITTING DUCK. */ goto L4000; L3300: /* Computing MAX */ i__1 = 0, i__2 = def - 1; def = max(i__1,i__2); /* !LIGHT WOUND. */ goto L4000; L3400: /* Computing MAX */ i__1 = 0, i__2 = def - 2; def = max(i__1,i__2); /* !SERIOUS WOUND. */ goto L4000; L3500: if (hflg) { goto L3550; } /* !STAGGERED. */ advs_1.aflag[h - 1] |= aflags_1.astag; goto L4000; L3550: objcts_1.oflag2[v - 1] |= STAGBT; goto L4000; L3600: newsta_(dweap, 0,, 0, 0); /* !LOSE WEAPON. */ dweap = 0; if (hflg) { goto L4000; } /* !IF HERO, DONE. */ dweap = (i__1 = fwim_(0, WEAPBT, 0, 0, h, 1), abs(i__1)); /* !GET NEW. */ if (dweap != 0) { rspsub_(605, objcts_1.odesc2[dweap - 1]); } /* BLOW, PAGE 6 */ L4000: ret_val = res; /* !RETURN RESULT. */ if (! (hflg)) { goto L4500; } /* !HERO? */ objcts_1.ocapac[v - 1] = def; /* !STORE NEW CAPACITY. */ if (def != 0) { goto L4100; } /* !DEAD? */ objcts_1.oflag2[v - 1] &= ~ FITEBT; rspsub_(572, dv); /* !HE DIES. */ newsta_(v, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* !MAKE HIM DISAPPEAR. */ if (ra == 0) { return ret_val; } /* !IF NX TO DO, EXIT. */ prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.deadxw; /* !LET HIM KNOW. */ f = oappli_(ra, 0); return ret_val; L4100: if (res != rout || ra == 0) { return ret_val; } prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.outxw; /* !LET HIM BE OUT. */ f = oappli_(ra, 0); return ret_val; L4500: advs_1.astren[h - 1] = -10000; /* !ASSUME DEAD. */ if (def != 0) { advs_1.astren[h - 1] = def - od; } if (def >= od) { goto L4600; } cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevcur - 1] = 30; cevent_1.cflag[cindex_1.cevcur - 1] = TRUE_; L4600: if (fights_(h, 1) > 0) { return ret_val; } advs_1.astren[h - 1] = 1 - fights_(h, 0); /* !HE'S DEAD. */ jigsup_(596); ret_val = -1; return ret_val; } /* blow_ */
void fightd_() { /* Initialized data */ const integer rout = 1; /* Local variables */ logical f; integer i, j, ra; integer obj; integer res; integer out; for (i = 1; i <= vill_1.vlnt; ++i) { /* !LOOP THRU VILLAINS. */ vill_1.vopps[i - 1] = 0; /* !CLEAR OPPONENT SLOT. */ obj = vill_1.villns[i - 1]; /* !GET OBJECT NO. */ ra = objcts_1.oactio[obj - 1]; /* !GET HIS ACTION. */ if ( != objcts_1.oroom[obj - 1]) { if (!((objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] & FITEBT) == 0 || ra == 0)) { prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.fightw; /* !HAVE A FIGHT. */ f = oappli_(ra, 0); } if (obj == oindex_1.thief) { findex_1.thfenf = FALSE_; } /* !TURN OFF ENGROSSED. */ advs_1.aflag[aindex_1.player - 1] &= ~ aflags_1.astag; objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] &= ~ (STAGBT + FITEBT); if (objcts_1.ocapac[obj - 1] >= 0 || ra == 0) { continue; } prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.inxw; /* !WAKE HIM UP. */ f = oappli_(ra, 0); objcts_1.ocapac[obj - 1] = abs(objcts_1.ocapac[obj - 1]); continue; } /* !ADVENTURER STILL HERE? */ if (obj == oindex_1.thief && findex_1.thfenf) { continue; } /* !THIEF ENGROSSED? */ if (objcts_1.ocapac[obj - 1] >= 0) { if ((objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] & FITEBT) == 0) { if (ra == 0) { continue; } /* !NOT FIGHTING, */ prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.frstqw; /* !SET UP PROBABILITY */ if (! oappli_(ra, 0)) { continue; } /* !OF FIGHTING. */ objcts_1.oflag2[obj - 1] |= FITEBT; vill_1.vopps[i - 1] = obj; /* !SET UP OPP. */ continue; } vill_1.vopps[i - 1] = obj; /* !FIGHTING, SET UP OPP. */ continue; } /* !YES, VILL AWAKE? */ if (vill_1.vprob[i - 1] == 0 || ! prob_(vill_1.vprob[i - 1], vill_1.vprob[i - 1])) { vill_1.vprob[i - 1] += 10; /* !INCREASE WAKEUP PROB. */ continue; /* !NOTHING ELSE. */ } objcts_1.ocapac[obj - 1] = abs(objcts_1.ocapac[obj - 1]); vill_1.vprob[i - 1] = 0; if (ra == 0) { continue; } /* !ANYTHING TO DO? */ prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.inxw; /* !YES, WAKE HIM UP. */ f = oappli_(ra, 0); continue; /* !NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS. */ } /* FIGHTD, PAGE 3 */ /* NOW DO ACTUAL COUNTERBLOWS. */ out = 0; /* !ASSUME HERO OK. */ do { for (i = 1; i <= vill_1.vlnt; ++i) { /* !LOOP THRU OPPS. */ j = vill_1.vopps[i - 1]; if (j == 0) { continue; } /* !SLOT EMPTY? */ prsvec_1.prscon = 1; /* !STOP CMD STREAM. */ ra = objcts_1.oactio[j - 1]; if (ra != 0) { /* !VILLAIN ACTION? */ prsvec_1.prsa = vindex_1.fightw; /* !SEE IF */ if (oappli_(ra, 0)) { continue; } } /* !SPECIAL ACTION. */ res = blow_(aindex_1.player, j, vill_1.vmelee[i - 1], 0, out); /* !STRIKE BLOW. */ if (res < 0) { return; } /* !IF HERO DEAD, EXIT. */ if (res == rout) { out = rnd_(3) + 2; } /* !IF HERO OUT, SET FLG. */ } --out; /* !DECREMENT OUT COUNT. */ } while (out > 0); /* !IF STILL OUT, GO AGAIN. */ return; } /* fightd_ */
logical nobjs_(integer ri, integer arg) { /* System generated locals */ // TODO See if arg is needed integer i__1, i__2 = arg; logical ret_val; /* Local variables */ integer target; integer i; integer j; integer wl; integer nxt, odi2 = 0, odo2 = 0; if (prsvec_1.prso != 0) { odo2 = objcts_1.odesc2[prsvec_1.prso - 1]; } if (prsvec_1.prsi != 0) { odi2 = objcts_1.odesc2[prsvec_1.prsi - 1]; } ret_val = TRUE_; switch (ri - 31) { case 1: goto L1000; case 2: goto L2000; case 3: goto L3000; case 4: goto L4000; case 5: goto L5000; case 6: goto L6000; case 7: goto L7000; case 8: goto L8000; case 9: goto L9000; case 10: goto L10000; case 11: goto L11000; case 12: goto L12000; case 13: goto L13000; case 14: goto L14000; case 15: goto L15000; case 16: goto L16000; case 17: goto L17000; case 18: goto L18000; case 19: goto L19000; case 20: goto L20000; case 21: goto L21000; } bug_(6, ri); /* RETURN HERE TO DECLARE FALSE RESULT */ L10: ret_val = FALSE_; return ret_val; /* O32-- BILLS */ L1000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.eatw) { goto L1100; } /* !EAT? */ rspeak_(639); /* !JOKE. */ return ret_val; L1100: if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.burnw) { rspeak_(640); } /* !BURN? JOKE. */ goto L10; /* !LET IT BE HANDLED. */ /* NOBJS, PAGE 3 */ /* O33-- SCREEN OF LIGHT */ L2000: target = oindex_1.scol; /* !TARGET IS SCOL. */ L2100: if (prsvec_1.prso != target) { goto L2400; } /* !PRSO EQ TARGET? */ if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.pushw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.movew && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.takew && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.rubw) { goto L2200; } rspeak_(673); /* !HAND PASSES THRU. */ return ret_val; L2200: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.killw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.attacw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.mungw) { goto L2400; } rspsub_(674, odi2); /* !PASSES THRU. */ return ret_val; L2400: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.throww || prsvec_1.prsi != target) { goto L10; } if ( == rindex_1.bkbox) { goto L2600; } /* !THRU SCOL? */ newsta_(prsvec_1.prso, 0, rindex_1.bkbox, 0, 0); /* !NO, THRU WALL. */ rspsub_(675, odo2); /* !ENDS UP IN BOX ROOM. */ cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevscl - 1] = 0; /* !CANCEL ALARM. */ screen_1.scolrm = 0; /* !RESET SCOL ROOM. */ return ret_val; L2600: if (screen_1.scolrm == 0) { goto L2900; } /* !TRIED TO GO THRU? */ newsta_(prsvec_1.prso, 0, screen_1.scolrm, 0, 0); /* !SUCCESS. */ rspsub_(676, odo2); /* !ENDS UP SOMEWHERE. */ cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevscl - 1] = 0; /* !CANCEL ALARM. */ screen_1.scolrm = 0; /* !RESET SCOL ROOM. */ return ret_val; L2900: rspeak_(213); /* !CANT DO IT. */ return ret_val; /* NOBJS, PAGE 4 */ /* O34-- GNOME OF ZURICH */ L3000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.givew && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.throww) { goto L3200; } if (objcts_1.otval[prsvec_1.prso - 1] != 0) { goto L3100; } /* !THROW A TREASURE? */ newsta_(prsvec_1.prso, 641, 0, 0, 0); /* !NO, GO POP. */ return ret_val; L3100: newsta_(prsvec_1.prso, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* !YES, BYE BYE TREASURE. */ rspsub_(642, odo2); newsta_(oindex_1.zgnom, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* !BYE BYE GNOME. */ cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevzgo - 1] = 0; /* !CANCEL EXIT. */ moveto_(rindex_1.bkent, play_1.winner); /* !NOW IN BANK ENTRANCE. */ return ret_val; L3200: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.attacw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.killw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.mungw) { goto L3300; } newsta_(oindex_1.zgnom, 643, 0, 0, 0); /* !VANISH GNOME. */ cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevzgo - 1] = 0; /* !CANCEL EXIT. */ return ret_val; L3300: rspeak_(644); /* !GNOME IS IMPATIENT. */ return ret_val; /* O35-- EGG */ L4000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.openw || prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.egg) { goto L4500; } if (! ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.egg - 1] & OPENBT) != 0)) { goto L4100; } /* !OPEN ALREADY? */ rspeak_(649); /* !YES. */ return ret_val; L4100: if (prsvec_1.prsi != 0) { goto L4200; } /* !WITH SOMETHING? */ rspeak_(650); /* !NO, CANT. */ return ret_val; L4200: if (prsvec_1.prsi != oindex_1.hands) { goto L4300; } /* !WITH HANDS? */ rspeak_(651); /* !NOT RECOMMENDED. */ return ret_val; L4300: i = 652; /* !MUNG MESSAGE. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag1[prsvec_1.prsi - 1] & TOOLBT) != 0 || ( objcts_1.oflag2[prsvec_1.prsi - 1] & WEAPBT) != 0) { goto L4600; } i = 653; /* !NOVELTY 1. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[prsvec_1.prso - 1] & FITEBT) != 0) { i = 654; } objcts_1.oflag2[prsvec_1.prso - 1] |= FITEBT; rspsub_(i, odi2); return ret_val; L4500: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.openw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.mungw) { goto L4800; } i = 655; /* !YOU BLEW IT. */ L4600: newsta_(oindex_1.begg, i, objcts_1.oroom[oindex_1.egg - 1], objcts_1.ocan[oindex_1.egg - 1], objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.egg - 1]) ; newsta_(oindex_1.egg, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* !VANISH EGG. */ objcts_1.otval[oindex_1.begg - 1] = 2; /* !BAD EGG HAS VALUE. */ if (objcts_1.ocan[oindex_1.canar - 1] != oindex_1.egg) { goto L4700; } /* !WAS CANARY INSIDE? */ rspeak_(objcts_1.odesco[oindex_1.bcana - 1]); /* !YES, DESCRIBE RESULT. */ objcts_1.otval[oindex_1.bcana - 1] = 1; return ret_val; L4700: newsta_(oindex_1.bcana, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* !NO, VANISH IT. */ return ret_val; L4800: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.dropw || != rindex_1.mtree) { goto L10; } newsta_(oindex_1.begg, 658, rindex_1.fore3, 0, 0); /* !DROPPED EGG. */ newsta_(oindex_1.egg, 0, 0, 0, 0); objcts_1.otval[oindex_1.begg - 1] = 2; if (objcts_1.ocan[oindex_1.canar - 1] != oindex_1.egg) { goto L4700; } objcts_1.otval[oindex_1.bcana - 1] = 1; /* !BAD CANARY. */ return ret_val; /* NOBJS, PAGE 5 */ /* O36-- CANARIES, GOOD AND BAD */ L5000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.windw) { goto L10; } /* !WIND EM UP? */ if (prsvec_1.prso == oindex_1.canar) { goto L5100; } /* !RIGHT ONE? */ rspeak_(645); /* !NO, BAD NEWS. */ return ret_val; L5100: if (! findex_1.singsf && ( == rindex_1.mtree || ( >= rindex_1.fore1 && < rindex_1.clear))) { goto L5200; } rspeak_(646); /* !NO, MEDIOCRE NEWS. */ return ret_val; L5200: findex_1.singsf = TRUE_; /* !SANG SONG. */ i =; if (i == rindex_1.mtree) { i = rindex_1.fore3; } /* !PLACE BAUBLE. */ newsta_(oindex_1.baubl, 647, i, 0, 0); return ret_val; /* O37-- WHITE CLIFFS */ L6000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.clmbw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.clmbuw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.clmbdw) { goto L10; } rspeak_(648); /* !OH YEAH? */ return ret_val; /* O38-- WALL */ L7000: if ((i__1 = - findex_1.mloc, abs(i__1)) != 1 || mrhere_( != 0 || prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.pushw) { goto L7100; } rspeak_(860); /* !PUSHED MIRROR WALL. */ return ret_val; L7100: if ((rooms_1.rflag[ - 1] & RNWALL) == 0) { goto L10; } rspeak_(662); /* !NO WALL. */ return ret_val; /* NOBJS, PAGE 6 */ /* O39-- SONG BIRD GLOBAL */ L8000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.findw) { goto L8100; } /* !FIND? */ rspeak_(666); return ret_val; L8100: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.examiw) { goto L10; } /* !EXAMINE? */ rspeak_(667); return ret_val; /* O40-- PUZZLE/SCOL WALLS */ L9000: if ( != rindex_1.cpuzz) { goto L9500; } /* !PUZZLE WALLS? */ if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.pushw) { goto L10; } /* !PUSH? */ for (i = 1; i <= 8; i += 2) { /* !LOCATE WALL. */ if (prsvec_1.prso == puzzle_1.cpwl[i - 1]) { goto L9200; } /* L9100: */ } bug_(80, prsvec_1.prso); /* !WHAT? */ L9200: // TODO Check the following error from cppcheck // [nobjs.c:396]: (error) Array 'puzzle_.cpwl[8]' accessed at index 9, which is out of bounds. // Possible solution change to i-1 j = puzzle_1.cpwl[i]; /* !GET DIRECTIONAL OFFSET. */ nxt = findex_1.cphere + j; /* !GET NEXT STATE. */ wl = puzzle_1.cpvec[nxt - 1]; /* !GET C(NEXT STATE). */ switch (wl + 4) { case 1: goto L9300; case 2: goto L9300; case 3: goto L9300; case 4: goto L9250; case 5: goto L9350; } /* !PROCESS. */ L9250: rspeak_(876); /* !CLEAR CORRIDOR. */ return ret_val; L9300: if (puzzle_1.cpvec[nxt + j - 1] == 0) { goto L9400; } /* !MOVABLE, ROOM TO MOVE? */ L9350: rspeak_(877); /* !IMMOVABLE, NO ROOM. */ return ret_val; L9400: i = 878; /* !ASSUME FIRST PUSH. */ if (findex_1.cpushf) { i = 879; } /* !NOT? */ findex_1.cpushf = TRUE_; puzzle_1.cpvec[nxt + j - 1] = wl; /* !MOVE WALL. */ puzzle_1.cpvec[nxt - 1] = 0; /* !VACATE NEXT STATE. */ cpgoto_(nxt); /* !ONWARD. */ cpinfo_(i, nxt); /* !DESCRIBE. */ princr_(1,; /* !PRINT ROOMS CONTENTS. */ rooms_1.rflag[ - 1] |= RSEEN; return ret_val; L9500: if ( != screen_1.scolac) { goto L9700; } /* !IN SCOL ACTIVE ROOM? */ for (i = 1; i <= 12; i += 3) { target = screen_1.scolwl[i]; /* !ASSUME TARGET. */ if (screen_1.scolwl[i - 1] == { goto L2100; } /* !TREAT IF FOUND. */ /* L9600: */ } L9700: if ( != rindex_1.bkbox) { goto L10; } /* !IN BOX ROOM? */ target = oindex_1.wnort; goto L2100; /* NOBJS, PAGE 7 */ /* O41-- SHORT POLE */ L10000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.raisew) { goto L10100; } /* !LIFT? */ i = 749; /* !ASSUME UP. */ if (findex_1.poleuf == 2) { i = 750; } /* !ALREADY UP? */ rspeak_(i); findex_1.poleuf = 2; /* !POLE IS RAISED. */ return ret_val; L10100: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lowerw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.pushw) { goto L10; } if (findex_1.poleuf != 0) { goto L10200; } /* !ALREADY LOWERED? */ rspeak_(751); /* !CANT DO IT. */ return ret_val; L10200: if (findex_1.mdir % 180 != 0) { goto L10300; } /* !MIRROR N-S? */ findex_1.poleuf = 0; /* !YES, LOWER INTO */ rspeak_(752); /* !CHANNEL. */ return ret_val; L10300: if (findex_1.mdir != 270 || findex_1.mloc != rindex_1.mrb) { goto L10400; } findex_1.poleuf = 0; /* !LOWER INTO HOLE. */ rspeak_(753); return ret_val; L10400: i__1 = findex_1.poleuf + 753; rspeak_(i__1); /* !POLEUF = 1 OR 2. */ findex_1.poleuf = 1; /* !NOW ON FLOOR. */ return ret_val; /* O42-- MIRROR SWITCH */ L11000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.pushw) { goto L10; } /* !PUSH? */ if (findex_1.mrpshf) { goto L11300; } /* !ALREADY PUSHED? */ rspeak_(756); /* !BUTTON GOES IN. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) { /* !BLOCKED? */ if (qhere_(i, rindex_1.mreye) && i != oindex_1.rbeam) { goto L11200; } /* L11100: */ } rspeak_(757); /* !NOTHING IN BEAM. */ return ret_val; L11200: cevent_1.cflag[cindex_1.cevmrs - 1] = TRUE_; /* !MIRROR OPENS. */ cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevmrs - 1] = 7; findex_1.mrpshf = TRUE_; findex_1.mropnf = TRUE_; return ret_val; L11300: rspeak_(758); /* !MIRROR ALREADYOPEN. */ return ret_val; /* NOBJS, PAGE 8 */ /* O43-- BEAM FUNCTION */ L12000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.takew || prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.rbeam) { goto L12100; } rspeak_(759); /* !TAKE BEAM, JOKE. */ return ret_val; L12100: i = prsvec_1.prso; /* !ASSUME BLK WITH DIROBJ. */ if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.putw && prsvec_1.prsi == oindex_1.rbeam) { goto L12200; } if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.mungw || prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.rbeam || prsvec_1.prsi == 0) { goto L10; } i = prsvec_1.prsi; L12200: if (objcts_1.oadv[i - 1] != play_1.winner) { goto L12300; } /* !CARRYING? */ newsta_(i, 0,, 0, 0); /* !DROP OBJ. */ rspsub_(760, objcts_1.odesc2[i - 1]); return ret_val; L12300: j = 761; /* !ASSUME NOT IN ROOM. */ if (qhere_(j, { i = 762; } /* !IN ROOM? */ // TODO Check the following error from cppcheck // [nobjs.c:607]: (error) Array 'objcts_.odesc2[220]' accessed at index 761, which is out of bounds. rspsub_(j, objcts_1.odesc2[i - 1]); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* O44-- BRONZE DOOR */ L13000: if ( == rindex_1.ncell || (findex_1.lcell == 4 && ( == rindex_1.cell || == rindex_1.scorr))) { goto L13100; } rspeak_(763); /* !DOOR NOT THERE. */ return ret_val; L13100: if (! opncls_(oindex_1.odoor, 764, 765)) { goto L10; } /* !OPEN/CLOSE? */ if ( == rindex_1.ncell && (objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.odoor - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { rspeak_(766); } return ret_val; /* O45-- QUIZ DOOR */ L14000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.openw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.closew) { goto L14100; } rspeak_(767); /* !DOOR WONT MOVE. */ return ret_val; L14100: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.knockw) { goto L10; } /* !KNOCK? */ if (findex_1.inqstf) { goto L14200; } /* !TRIED IT ALREADY? */ findex_1.inqstf = TRUE_; /* !START INQUISITION. */ cevent_1.cflag[cindex_1.cevinq - 1] = TRUE_; cevent_1.ctick[cindex_1.cevinq - 1] = 2; findex_1.quesno = rnd_(8); /* !SELECT QUESTION. */ findex_1.nqatt = 0; findex_1.corrct = 0; rspeak_(768); /* !ANNOUNCE RULES. */ rspeak_(769); i__1 = findex_1.quesno + 770; rspeak_(i__1); /* !ASK QUESTION. */ return ret_val; L14200: rspeak_(798); /* !NO REPLY. */ return ret_val; /* O46-- LOCKED DOOR */ L15000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.openw) { goto L10; } /* !OPEN? */ rspeak_(778); /* !CANT. */ return ret_val; /* O47-- CELL DOOR */ L16000: ret_val = opncls_(oindex_1.cdoor, 779, 780); /* !OPEN/CLOSE? */ return ret_val; /* NOBJS, PAGE 9 */ /* O48-- DIALBUTTON */ L17000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.pushw) { goto L10; } /* !PUSH? */ rspeak_(809); /* !CLICK. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.cdoor - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { rspeak_(810); } /* !CLOSE CELL DOOR. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) { /* !RELOCATE OLD TO HYPER. */ if (objcts_1.oroom[i - 1] == rindex_1.cell && (objcts_1.oflag1[i - 1] & DOORBT) == 0) { i__2 = findex_1.lcell * hyper_1.hfactr; newsta_(i, 0, i__2, 0, 0); } if (objcts_1.oroom[i - 1] == findex_1.pnumb * hyper_1.hfactr) { newsta_(i, 0, rindex_1.cell, 0, 0); } /* L17100: */ } objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.odoor - 1] &= ~ OPENBT; objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.cdoor - 1] &= ~ OPENBT; objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.odoor - 1] &= ~ VISIBT; if (findex_1.pnumb == 4) { objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.odoor - 1] |= VISIBT; } if (advs_1.aroom[aindex_1.player - 1] != rindex_1.cell) { goto L17400; } /* !PLAYER IN CELL? */ if (findex_1.lcell != 4) { goto L17200; } /* !IN RIGHT CELL? */ objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.odoor - 1] |= VISIBT; moveto_(rindex_1.ncell, aindex_1.player); /* !YES, MOVETO NCELL. */ goto L17400; L17200: moveto_(rindex_1.pcell, aindex_1.player); /* !NO, MOVETO PCELL. */ L17400: findex_1.lcell = findex_1.pnumb; return ret_val; /* NOBJS, PAGE 10 */ /* O49-- DIAL INDICATOR */ L18000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.spinw) { goto L18100; } /* !SPIN? */ findex_1.pnumb = rnd_(8) + 1; /* !WHEE */ /* ! */ i__1 = findex_1.pnumb + 712; rspsub_(797, i__1); return ret_val; L18100: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.movew && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.putw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.trntow) { goto L10; } if (prsvec_1.prsi != 0) { goto L18200; } /* !TURN DIAL TO X? */ rspeak_(806); /* !MUST SPECIFY. */ return ret_val; L18200: if (prsvec_1.prsi >= oindex_1.num1 && prsvec_1.prsi <= oindex_1.num8) { goto L18300; } rspeak_(807); /* !MUST BE DIGIT. */ return ret_val; L18300: findex_1.pnumb = prsvec_1.prsi - oindex_1.num1 + 1; /* !SET UP NEW. */ i__1 = findex_1.pnumb + 712; rspsub_(808, i__1); return ret_val; /* O50-- GLOBAL MIRROR */ L19000: ret_val = mirpan_(832, 0); return ret_val; /* O51-- GLOBAL PANEL */ L20000: if ( != rindex_1.fdoor) { goto L20100; } /* !AT FRONT DOOR? */ if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.openw && prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.closew) { goto L10; } rspeak_(843); /* !PANEL IN DOOR, NOGO. */ return ret_val; L20100: ret_val = mirpan_(838, 1); return ret_val; /* O52-- PUZZLE ROOM SLIT */ L21000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.putw || prsvec_1.prsi != oindex_1.cslit) { goto L10; } if (prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.gcard) { goto L21100; } /* !PUT CARD IN SLIT? */ newsta_(prsvec_1.prso, 863, 0, 0, 0); /* !KILL CARD. */ findex_1.cpoutf = TRUE_; /* !OPEN DOOR. */ objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.stldr - 1] &= ~ VISIBT; return ret_val; L21100: if ((objcts_1.oflag1[prsvec_1.prso - 1] & VICTBT) == 0 && ( objcts_1.oflag2[prsvec_1.prso - 1] & VILLBT) == 0) { goto L21200; } i__1 = rnd_(5) + 552; rspeak_(i__1); /* !JOKE FOR VILL, VICT. */ return ret_val; L21200: newsta_(prsvec_1.prso, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* !KILL OBJECT. */ rspsub_(864, odo2); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; } /* nobjs_ */
int main() { srand(time(NULL)); struct sRobotInit robot_init; robot_init.x = 0.0; robot_init.y = 0.0; robot_init.theta = 0.0; robot_init.wheel_diameter = 300.0; robot_init.wheel_distance = 800.0; robot_init.encoder_resolution = 1000; class CRobotModel *robot_model; robot_model = new CRobotModel(robot_init); class CLog *robot_log; robot_log = new CLog((char*)"robot_log.txt", 10); class CLog *nn_log; nn_log = new CLog((char*)"nn_result/nn_log.txt", 11); struct sRobotOutput robot_output, robot_output_filtered; //, robot_output_filtered_prev; u32 k; float error_filtered = 0.0; struct sNNInitStruct nn_init; u32 init_vector[] = {3, 10, 3}; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) nn_init.init_vector.push_back(init_vector[k]); nn_init.weight_range = 4.0; nn_init.init_weight_range = 0.01*1.0/nn_init.weight_range; nn_init.learning_constant = 1.0/100.0; nn_init.output_limit = 4.0; nn_init.neuron_type = NN_LAYER_NEURON_TYPE_TANH; nn_init.order = 5; class CNN *nn; nn = new CNN(nn_init); /* struct sNeuralNetworkInitStructure nn_init; nn_init.init_vector_size = 3; nn_init.init_vector = init_vector; nn_init.weight_range = 4.0; nn_init.learning_constant = 0.0001; nn_init.weight_range_init = 0.1; nn_init.order = 5; nn_init.neuron_type = NEURON_TYPE_MIXED; //nn_init.neuron_type = NEURON_TYPE_COMMON; class CNeuralNetwork *nn; nn = new CNeuralNetwork(nn_init); */ u32 iterations = 100000; //robot_output_filtered = robot_model->get_output_filtered(); for (k = 0; k < iterations; k++) { robot_model->random_input(0.03); robot_model->process(); robot_output = robot_model->get_output(); //robot_output_filtered_prev = robot_output_filtered; robot_output_filtered = robot_model->get_output_filtered(); float k_tmp = 1000.0; std::vector<float> nn_input; nn_input.push_back(robot_output_filtered.left_encoder); nn_input.push_back(robot_output_filtered.right_encoder); nn_input.push_back(1.0); std::vector<float> nn_required_output; /* nn_required_output.push_back(robot_output_filtered.x/500.0); nn_required_output.push_back(robot_output_filtered.y/500.0); nn_required_output.push_back(robot_output_filtered.theta*k_tmp/2500.0); */ nn_required_output.push_back(sin(robot_output_filtered.left_encoder)); nn_required_output.push_back(cos(robot_output_filtered.right_encoder)); nn_required_output.push_back(cos(robot_output_filtered.left_encoder + robot_output_filtered.right_encoder)); std::vector<float> nn_output; nn_output.push_back(rnd_()); nn_output.push_back(rnd_()); nn_output.push_back(rnd_()); nn->process(nn_input); nn_output = nn->get(); if ( k < (iterations - 1000) ) nn->learn(nn_required_output); float error = 0.0; u32 i; for (i = 0; i < nn_required_output.size(); i++) error+= abs_(nn_required_output[i] - nn_output[i]); float fil = 0.98; error_filtered = error_filtered*fil + abs_(error)*(1.0 - fil); if ( k > (iterations - 500) ) { robot_log->add(0, robot_output.x); robot_log->add(1, robot_output.y); robot_log->add(2, robot_output.theta*k_tmp); robot_log->add(3, robot_output.left_encoder); robot_log->add(4, robot_output.right_encoder); robot_log->add(5, robot_output_filtered.x); robot_log->add(6, robot_output_filtered.y); robot_log->add(7, robot_output_filtered.theta*k_tmp); robot_log->add(8, robot_output_filtered.left_encoder); robot_log->add(9, robot_output_filtered.right_encoder); nn_log->add(0, nn_input[0]/1000.0); nn_log->add(1, nn_input[1]/1000.0); nn_log->add(2, nn_input[2]); nn_log->add(3, nn_required_output[0]); nn_log->add(4, nn_required_output[1]); nn_log->add(5, nn_required_output[2]); nn_log->add(6, nn_output[0]); nn_log->add(7, nn_output[1]); nn_log->add(8, nn_output[2]); nn_log->add(9, error); nn_log->add(10, error_filtered); } } robot_log->save(); nn_log->save(); nn->save((char*)"nn/nn"); delete nn_log; delete robot_model; delete robot_log; delete nn; printf("program done\n"); return 0; }
logical rappl1_(integer ri) { /* System generated locals */ integer i__1, i__2; logical ret_val; /* Local variables */ integer i; integer j; ret_val = TRUE_; /* !USUALLY IGNORED. */ if (ri == 0) { return ret_val; } /* !RETURN IF NAUGHT. */ /* !SET TO FALSE FOR */ /* !NEW DESC NEEDED. */ switch (ri) { case 1: goto L1000; case 2: goto L2000; case 3: goto L3000; case 4: goto L4000; case 5: goto L5000; case 6: goto L6000; case 7: goto L7000; case 8: goto L8000; case 9: goto L9000; case 10: goto L10000; case 11: goto L11000; case 12: goto L12000; case 13: goto L13000; case 14: goto L14000; case 15: goto L15000; case 16: goto L16000; case 17: goto L17000; case 18: goto L18000; case 19: goto L19000; case 20: goto L20000; case 21: goto L21000; case 22: goto L22000; case 23: goto L23000; case 24: goto L24000; case 25: goto L25000; case 26: goto L26000; case 27: goto L27000; case 28: goto L28000; case 29: goto L29000; case 30: goto L30000; case 31: goto L31000; case 32: goto L32000; case 33: goto L33000; case 34: goto L34000; case 35: goto L35000; case 36: goto L36000; case 37: goto L37000; } bug_(1, ri); /* R1-- EAST OF HOUSE. DESCRIPTION DEPENDS ON STATE OF WINDOW */ L1000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 13; /* !ASSUME CLOSED. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.windo - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { i = 12; } /* !IF OPEN, AJAR. */ rspsub_(11, i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R2-- KITCHEN. SAME VIEW FROM INSIDE. */ L2000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 13; /* !ASSUME CLOSED. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.windo - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { i = 12; } /* !IF OPEN, AJAR. */ rspsub_(14, i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R3-- LIVING ROOM. DESCRIPTION DEPENDS ON MAGICF (STATE OF */ /* DOOR TO CYCLOPS ROOM), RUG (MOVED OR NOT), DOOR (OPEN OR CLOSED) */ L3000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L3500; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 15; /* !ASSUME NO HOLE. */ if (findex_1.magicf) { i = 16; } /* !IF MAGICF, CYCLOPS HOLE. */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = findex_1.orrug + 17; /* !ASSUME INITIAL STATE. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.door - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { i += 2; } /* !DOOR OPEN? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* NOT A LOOK WORD. REEVALUATE TROPHY CASE. */ L3500: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.takew && (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.putw || prsvec_1.prsi != oindex_1.tcase)) { return ret_val; } advs_1.ascore[play_1.winner - 1] = state_1.rwscor; /* !SCORE TROPHY CASE. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) { /* !RETAIN RAW SCORE AS WELL. */ j = i; /* !FIND OUT IF IN CASE. */ L3550: j = objcts_1.ocan[j - 1]; /* !TRACE OWNERSHIP. */ if (j == 0) { goto L3600; } if (j != oindex_1.tcase) { goto L3550; } /* !DO ALL LEVELS. */ advs_1.ascore[play_1.winner - 1] += objcts_1.otval[i - 1]; L3600: ; } scrupd_(0); /* !SEE IF ENDGAME TRIG. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 3 */ /* R4-- CELLAR. SHUT DOOR AND BAR IT IF HE JUST WALKED IN. */ L4000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L4500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(21); /* !DESCRIBE CELLAR. */ return ret_val; L4500: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw) { return ret_val; } /* !WALKIN? */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.door - 1] & (OPENBT + TCHBT)) != OPENBT) { return ret_val; } objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.door - 1] = (objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.door - 1] | TCHBT) & ~ OPENBT; rspeak_(22); /* !SLAM AND BOLT DOOR. */ return ret_val; /* R5-- MAZE11. DESCRIBE STATE OF GRATING. */ L5000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(23); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 24; /* !ASSUME LOCKED. */ if (findex_1.grunlf) { i = 26; } /* !UNLOCKED? */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.grate - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { i = 25; } /* !OPEN? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE GRATE. */ return ret_val; /* R6-- CLEARING. DESCRIBE CLEARING, MOVE LEAVES. */ L6000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L6500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(27); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (findex_1.rvclr == 0) { return ret_val; } /* !LEAVES MOVED? */ i = 28; /* !YES, ASSUME GRATE CLOSED. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.grate - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { i = 29; } /* !OPEN? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE GRATE. */ return ret_val; L6500: if (findex_1.rvclr != 0 || (qhere_(oindex_1.leave, rindex_1.clear) && (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.movew)) || prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.leave) { return ret_val; } rspeak_(30); /* !MOVE LEAVES, REVEAL GRATE. */ findex_1.rvclr = 1; /* !INDICATE LEAVES MOVED. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 4 */ /* R7-- RESERVOIR SOUTH. DESCRIPTION DEPENDS ON LOW TIDE FLAG. */ L7000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 31; /* !ASSUME FULL. */ if (findex_1.lwtidf) { i = 32; } /* !IF LOW TIDE, EMPTY. */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ rspeak_(33); /* !DESCRIBE EXITS. */ return ret_val; /* R8-- RESERVOIR. STATE DEPENDS ON LOW TIDE FLAG. */ L8000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 34; /* !ASSUME FULL. */ if (findex_1.lwtidf) { i = 35; } /* !IF LOW TIDE, EMTPY. */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R9-- RESERVOIR NORTH. ALSO DEPENDS ON LOW TIDE FLAG. */ L9000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 36; /* !YOU GET THE IDEA. */ if (findex_1.lwtidf) { i = 37; } rspeak_(i); rspeak_(38); return ret_val; /* R10-- GLACIER ROOM. STATE DEPENDS ON MELTED, VANISHED FLAGS. */ L10000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(39); /* !BASIC DESCRIPTION. */ i = 0; /* !ASSUME NO CHANGES. */ if (findex_1.glacmf) { i = 40; } /* !PARTIAL MELT? */ if (findex_1.glacrf) { i = 41; } /* !COMPLETE MELT? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R11-- FOREST ROOM */ L11000: if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.walkiw) { cevent_1.cflag[cindex_1.cevfor - 1] = TRUE_; } /* !IF WALK IN, BIRDIE. */ return ret_val; /* R12-- MIRROR ROOM. STATE DEPENDS ON MIRROR INTACT. */ L12000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(42); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (findex_1.mirrmf) { rspeak_(43); } /* !IF BROKEN, NASTY REMARK. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 5 */ /* R13-- CAVE2 ROOM. BLOW OUT CANDLES WITH 50% PROBABILITY. */ L13000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw) { return ret_val; } /* !WALKIN? */ if (prob_(50, 50) || objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.candl - 1] != play_1.winner || ! ((objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.candl - 1] & ONBT) != 0)) { return ret_val; } objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.candl - 1] &= ~ ONBT; rspeak_(47); /* !TELL OF WINDS. */ cevent_1.cflag[cindex_1.cevcnd - 1] = FALSE_; /* !HALT CANDLE COUNTDOWN. */ return ret_val; /* R14-- BOOM ROOM. BLOW HIM UP IF CARRYING FLAMING OBJECT. */ L14000: j = objcts_1.odesc2[oindex_1.candl - 1]; /* !ASSUME CANDLE. */ if (objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.candl - 1] == play_1.winner && ( objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.candl - 1] & ONBT) != 0) { goto L14100; } j = objcts_1.odesc2[oindex_1.torch - 1]; /* !ASSUME TORCH. */ if (objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.torch - 1] == play_1.winner && ( objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.torch - 1] & ONBT) != 0) { goto L14100; } j = objcts_1.odesc2[oindex_1.match - 1]; if (objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.match - 1] == play_1.winner && ( objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.match - 1] & ONBT) != 0) { goto L14100; } return ret_val; /* !SAFE */ L14100: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.trnonw) { goto L14200; } /* !TURN ON? */ rspsub_(294, j); /* !BOOM */ /* ! */ jigsup_(44); return ret_val; L14200: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw) { return ret_val; } /* !WALKIN? */ rspsub_(295, j); /* !BOOM */ /* ! */ jigsup_(44); return ret_val; /* R15-- NO-OBJS. SEE IF EMPTY HANDED, SCORE LIGHT SHAFT. */ L15000: findex_1.empthf = TRUE_; /* !ASSUME TRUE. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) { /* !SEE IF CARRYING. */ if (objcts_1.oadv[i - 1] == play_1.winner) { findex_1.empthf = FALSE_; } /* L15100: */ } if ( != rindex_1.bshaf || ! lit_( { return ret_val; } scrupd_(state_1.ltshft); /* !SCORE LIGHT SHAFT. */ state_1.ltshft = 0; /* !NEVER AGAIN. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 6 */ /* R16-- MACHINE ROOM. DESCRIBE MACHINE. */ L16000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ i = 46; /* !ASSUME LID CLOSED. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.machi - 1] & OPENBT) != 0) { i = 12; } /* !IF OPEN, OPEN. */ rspsub_(45, i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R17-- BAT ROOM. UNLESS CARRYING GARLIC, FLY AWAY WITH ME... */ L17000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L17500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(48); /* !DESCRIBE ROOM. */ if (objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.garli - 1] == play_1.winner) { rspeak_(49); } /* !BAT HOLDS NOSE. */ return ret_val; L17500: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw || objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.garli - 1] == play_1.winner) { return ret_val; } rspeak_(50); /* !TIME TO FLY, JACK. */ moveto_(bats_1.batdrp[rnd_(9)], play_1.winner); /* !SELECT RANDOM DEST. */ ret_val = FALSE_; /* !INDICATE NEW DESC NEEDED. */ return ret_val; /* R18-- DOME ROOM. STATE DEPENDS ON WHETHER ROPE TIED TO RAILING. */ L18000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L18500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(51); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (findex_1.domef) { rspeak_(52); } /* !IF ROPE, DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; L18500: if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.leapw) { jigsup_(53); } /* !DID HE JUMP??? */ return ret_val; /* R19-- TORCH ROOM. ALSO DEPENDS ON WHETHER ROPE TIED TO RAILING. */ L19000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(54); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (findex_1.domef) { rspeak_(55); } /* !IF ROPE, DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R20-- CAROUSEL ROOM. SPIN HIM OR KILL HIM. */ L20000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L20500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(56); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (! findex_1.caroff) { rspeak_(57); } /* !IF NOT FLIPPED, SPIN. */ return ret_val; L20500: if (prsvec_1.prsa == vindex_1.walkiw && findex_1.carozf) { jigsup_(58); } /* !WALKED IN. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 7 */ /* R21-- LLD ROOM. HANDLE EXORCISE, DESCRIPTIONS. */ L21000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L21500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(59); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (! findex_1.lldf) { rspeak_(60); } /* !IF NOT VANISHED, GHOSTS. */ return ret_val; L21500: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.exorcw) { return ret_val; } /* !EXORCISE? */ if (objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.bell - 1] == play_1.winner && objcts_1.oadv[ - 1] == play_1.winner && objcts_1.oadv[ oindex_1.candl - 1] == play_1.winner && (objcts_1.oflag1[ oindex_1.candl - 1] & ONBT) != 0) { goto L21600; } rspeak_(62); /* !NOT EQUIPPED. */ return ret_val; L21600: if (qhere_(oindex_1.ghost, { goto L21700; } /* !GHOST HERE? */ jigsup_(61); /* !NOPE, EXORCISE YOU. */ return ret_val; L21700: newsta_(oindex_1.ghost, 63, 0, 0, 0); /* !VANISH GHOST. */ findex_1.lldf = TRUE_; /* !OPEN GATE. */ return ret_val; /* R22-- LLD2-ROOM. IS HIS HEAD ON A POLE? */ L22000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(64); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (findex_1.onpolf) { rspeak_(65); } /* !ON POLE? */ return ret_val; /* R23-- DAM ROOM. DESCRIBE RESERVOIR, PANEL. */ L23000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(66); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 67; if (findex_1.lwtidf) { i = 68; } rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE RESERVOIR. */ rspeak_(69); /* !DESCRIBE PANEL. */ if (findex_1.gatef) { rspeak_(70); } /* !BUBBLE IS GLOWING. */ return ret_val; /* R24-- TREE ROOM */ L24000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(660); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 661; /* !SET FLAG FOR BELOW. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { /* !DESCRIBE OBJ IN FORE3. */ if (! qhere_(j, rindex_1.fore3) || j == oindex_1.ftree) { goto L24200; } rspeak_(i); /* !SET STAGE, */ i = 0; rspsub_(502, objcts_1.odesc2[j - 1]); /* !DESCRIBE. */ L24200: ; } return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 8 */ /* R25-- CYCLOPS-ROOM. DEPENDS ON CYCLOPS STATE, ASLEEP FLAG, MAGIC FLAG. */ L25000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(606); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 607; /* !ASSUME BASIC STATE. */ if (findex_1.rvcyc > 0) { i = 608; } /* !>0? HUNGRY. */ if (findex_1.rvcyc < 0) { i = 609; } /* !<0? THIRSTY. */ if (findex_1.cyclof) { i = 610; } /* !ASLEEP? */ if (findex_1.magicf) { i = 611; } /* !GONE? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ if (! findex_1.cyclof && findex_1.rvcyc != 0) { i__1 = abs(findex_1.rvcyc) + 193; rspeak_(i__1); } return ret_val; /* R26-- BANK BOX ROOM. */ L26000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw) { return ret_val; } /* !SURPRISE HIM. */ for (i = 1; i <= 8; i += 2) { /* !SCOLRM DEPENDS ON */ if (screen_1.fromdr == screen_1.scoldr[i - 1]) { screen_1.scolrm = screen_1.scoldr[i]; } /* L26100: */ } /* !ENTRY DIRECTION. */ return ret_val; /* R27-- TREASURE ROOM. */ L27000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw || ! hack_1.thfact) { return ret_val; } if (objcts_1.oroom[oindex_1.thief - 1] != { newsta_(oindex_1.thief, 82,, 0, 0); } hack_1.thfpos =; /* !RESET SEARCH PATTERN. */ objcts_1.oflag2[oindex_1.thief - 1] |= FITEBT; if (objcts_1.oroom[oindex_1.chali - 1] == { objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.chali - 1] &= ~ TAKEBT; } /* VANISH EVERYTHING IN ROOM */ j = 0; /* !ASSUME NOTHING TO VANISH. */ i__1 = objcts_1.olnt; for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) { if (i == oindex_1.chali || i == oindex_1.thief || ! qhere_(i, { goto L27200; } j = 83; /* !FLAG BYEBYE. */ objcts_1.oflag1[i - 1] &= ~ VISIBT; L27200: ; } rspeak_(j); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R28-- CLIFF FUNCTION. SEE IF CARRYING INFLATED BOAT. */ L28000: findex_1.deflaf = objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.rboat - 1] != play_1.winner; /* !TRUE IF NOT CARRYING. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 9 */ /* R29-- RIVR4 ROOM. PLAY WITH BUOY. */ L29000: if (! findex_1.buoyf || objcts_1.oadv[oindex_1.buoy - 1] != play_1.winner) { return ret_val; } rspeak_(84); /* !GIVE HINT, */ findex_1.buoyf = FALSE_; /* !THEN DISABLE. */ return ret_val; /* R30-- OVERFALLS. DOOM. */ L30000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { jigsup_(85); } /* !OVER YOU GO. */ return ret_val; /* R31-- BEACH ROOM. DIG A HOLE. */ L31000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.digw || prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.shove) { return ret_val; } ++findex_1.rvsnd; /* !INCREMENT DIG STATE. */ switch (findex_1.rvsnd) { case 1: goto L31100; case 2: goto L31100; case 3: goto L31100; case 4: goto L31400; case 5: goto L31500; } /* !PROCESS STATE. */ bug_(2, findex_1.rvsnd); L31100: i__1 = findex_1.rvsnd + 85; rspeak_(i__1); /* !1-3... DISCOURAGE HIM. */ return ret_val; L31400: i = 89; /* !ASSUME DISCOVERY. */ if ((objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.statu - 1] & VISIBT) != 0) { i = 88; } rspeak_(i); objcts_1.oflag1[oindex_1.statu - 1] |= VISIBT; return ret_val; L31500: findex_1.rvsnd = 0; /* !5... SAND COLLAPSES */ jigsup_(90); /* !AND SO DOES HE. */ return ret_val; /* R32-- TCAVE ROOM. DIG A HOLE IN GUANO. */ L32000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.digw || prsvec_1.prso != oindex_1.shove) { return ret_val; } i = 91; /* !ASSUME NO GUANO. */ if (! qhere_(oindex_1.guano, { goto L32100; } /* !IS IT HERE? */ /* Computing MIN */ i__1 = 4, i__2 = findex_1.rvgua + 1; findex_1.rvgua = min(i__1,i__2); /* !YES, SET NEW STATE. */ i = findex_1.rvgua + 91; /* !GET NASTY REMARK. */ L32100: rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R33-- FALLS ROOM */ L33000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(96); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 97; /* !ASSUME NO RAINBOW. */ if (findex_1.rainbf) { i = 98; } /* !GOT ONE? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* RAPPL1, PAGE 10 */ /* R34-- LEDGE FUNCTION. LEDGE CAN COLLAPSE. */ L34000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(100); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 102; /* !ASSUME SAFE ROOM OK. */ if ((rooms_1.rflag[rindex_1.msafe - 1] & RMUNG) != 0) { i = 101; } rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R35-- SAFE ROOM. STATE DEPENDS ON WHETHER SAFE BLOWN. */ L35000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { return ret_val; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(104); /* !DESCRIBE. */ i = 105; /* !ASSUME OK. */ if (findex_1.safef) { i = 106; } /* !BLOWN? */ rspeak_(i); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; /* R36-- MAGNET ROOM. DESCRIBE, CHECK FOR SPINDIZZY DOOM. */ L36000: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.lookw) { goto L36500; } /* !LOOK? */ rspeak_(107); /* !DESCRIBE. */ return ret_val; L36500: if (prsvec_1.prsa != vindex_1.walkiw || ! findex_1.caroff) { return ret_val; } /* !WALKIN ON FLIPPED? */ if (findex_1.carozf) { goto L36600; } /* !ZOOM? */ rspeak_(108); /* !NO, SPIN HIS COMPASS. */ return ret_val; L36600: i = 58; /* !SPIN HIS INSIDES. */ if (play_1.winner != aindex_1.player) { i = 99; } /* !SPIN ROBOT. */ jigsup_(i); /* !DEAD. */ return ret_val; /* R37-- CAGE ROOM. IF SOLVED CAGE, MOVE TO OTHER CAGE ROOM. */ L37000: if (findex_1.cagesf) { moveto_(rindex_1.cager, play_1.winner); } /* !IF SOLVED, MOVE. */ return ret_val; } /* rappl1_ */