void KeyframeMapper::buildOctomap(octomap::OcTree& tree)
  ROS_INFO("Building Octomap...");
  octomap::point3d sensor_origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);  

  for (unsigned int kf_idx = 0; kf_idx < keyframes_.size(); ++kf_idx)
    ROS_INFO("Processing keyframe %u", kf_idx);
    const rgbdtools::RGBDKeyframe& keyframe = keyframes_[kf_idx];
    PointCloudT cloud;
    keyframe.constructDensePointCloud(cloud, max_range_, max_stdev_);
    octomap::pose6d frame_origin = poseTfToOctomap(tfFromEigenAffine(keyframe.pose));

    // build octomap cloud from pcl cloud
    octomap::Pointcloud octomap_cloud;
    for (unsigned int pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < cloud.points.size(); ++pt_idx)
      const PointT& p = cloud.points[pt_idx];
      if (!std::isnan(p.z))
        octomap_cloud.push_back(p.x, p.y, p.z);
    tree.insertScan(octomap_cloud, sensor_origin, frame_origin);
void KeyframeMapper::buildColorOctomap(octomap::ColorOcTree& tree)
  ROS_INFO("Building Octomap with color...");

  octomap::point3d sensor_origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);  

  for (unsigned int kf_idx = 0; kf_idx < keyframes_.size(); ++kf_idx)
    ROS_INFO("Processing keyframe %u", kf_idx);
    const rgbdtools::RGBDKeyframe& keyframe = keyframes_[kf_idx];
    // construct the cloud
    PointCloudT::Ptr cloud_unf(new PointCloudT());
    keyframe.constructDensePointCloud(*cloud_unf, max_range_, max_stdev_);
    // perform filtering for max z
    pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_unf, *cloud_unf, keyframe.pose);
    PointCloudT cloud;
    pcl::PassThrough<PointT> pass;
    pass.setInputCloud (cloud_unf);
    pass.setFilterFieldName ("z");
    pass.setFilterLimits (-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), max_map_z_);
    pcl::transformPointCloud(cloud, cloud, keyframe.pose.inverse());
    octomap::pose6d frame_origin = poseTfToOctomap(tfFromEigenAffine(keyframe.pose));
    // build octomap cloud from pcl cloud
    octomap::Pointcloud octomap_cloud;
    for (unsigned int pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < cloud.points.size(); ++pt_idx)
      const PointT& p = cloud.points[pt_idx];
      if (!std::isnan(p.z))
        octomap_cloud.push_back(p.x, p.y, p.z);
    // insert scan (only xyz considered, no colors)
    tree.insertScan(octomap_cloud, sensor_origin, frame_origin);
    // insert colors
    PointCloudT cloud_tf;
    pcl::transformPointCloud(cloud, cloud_tf, keyframe.pose);
    for (unsigned int pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < cloud_tf.points.size(); ++pt_idx)
      const PointT& p = cloud_tf.points[pt_idx];
      if (!std::isnan(p.z))
        octomap::point3d endpoint(p.x, p.y, p.z);
        octomap::ColorOcTreeNode* n = tree.search(endpoint);
        if (n) n->setColor(p.r, p.g, p.b); 
void keypoint_map::get_octree(octomap::OcTree & tree) {


	for (size_t i = 0; i < depth_imgs.size(); i++) {

		octomap::Pointcloud octomap_cloud;
		octomap::point3d sensor_origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

		Eigen::Vector3f trans(camera_positions[i].translation());
		Eigen::Quaternionf rot(camera_positions[i].rotation());

		octomap::pose6d frame_origin(
				octomath::Vector3(trans.x(), trans.y(), trans.z()),
				octomath::Quaternion(rot.w(), rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z()));

		for (int v = 0; v < depth_imgs[i].rows; v++) {
			for (int u = 0; u < depth_imgs[i].cols; u++) {
				if (depth_imgs[i].at<unsigned short>(v, u) != 0) {
					pcl::PointXYZ p;
					p.z = depth_imgs[i].at<unsigned short>(v, u) / 1000.0f;
					p.x = (u - intrinsics[2]) * p.z / intrinsics[0];
					p.y = (v - intrinsics[3]) * p.z / intrinsics[1];

					octomap_cloud.push_back(p.x, p.y, p.z);


		tree.insertScan(octomap_cloud, sensor_origin, frame_origin);


  void KeyframeLiveMapper::buildColorOctomap(octomap::ColorOcTree& tree,int current_keyframes_size)
    int i;
    octomap::point3d sensor_origin(0,0,0);
    for(i = 0; i < current_keyframes_size; i++)
      const rgbdtools::RGBDKeyframe& keyframe = _keyframes[i];
      octomap::pose6d frame_origin;
      octomap::Pointcloud octomap_cloud;

      PointCloudXYZRGB::Ptr cloud_unf(new PointCloudXYZRGB());
      PointCloudXYZRGB      cloud;
      keyframe.constructDensePointCloud(*cloud_unf, _max_range,_max_stddev);

      // perform filtering for max z

      // build octomap cloud from pcl cloud
      frame_origin = octomap::poseTfToOctomap(ccny_rgbd::tfFromEigenAffine(keyframe.pose));

      // insert points

      tree.insertScan(octomap_cloud, sensor_origin, frame_origin);

      // insert colors

void PointCloudOctomapUpdater::cloudMsgCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &cloud_msg)
  ROS_DEBUG("Received a new point cloud message");
  ros::WallTime start = ros::WallTime::now();
  if (monitor_->getMapFrame().empty())
  /* get transform for cloud into map frame */
  tf::StampedTransform map_H_sensor;
  if (monitor_->getMapFrame() == cloud_msg->header.frame_id)
    if (tf_)
        tf_->lookupTransform(monitor_->getMapFrame(), cloud_msg->header.frame_id, cloud_msg->header.stamp, map_H_sensor);
      catch (tf::TransformException& ex)
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error of sensor data: " << ex.what() << "; quitting callback");
  /* convert cloud message to pcl cloud object */
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
  pcl::fromROSMsg(*cloud_msg, cloud);
  /* compute sensor origin in map frame */
  const tf::Vector3 &sensor_origin_tf = map_H_sensor.getOrigin();
  octomap::point3d sensor_origin(sensor_origin_tf.getX(), sensor_origin_tf.getY(), sensor_origin_tf.getZ());
  Eigen::Vector3d sensor_origin_eigen(sensor_origin_tf.getX(), sensor_origin_tf.getY(), sensor_origin_tf.getZ());
  if (!updateTransformCache(cloud_msg->header.frame_id, cloud_msg->header.stamp))
    ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(1, "Transform cache was not updated. Self-filtering may fail.");
  /* mask out points on the robot */
  shape_mask_->maskContainment(cloud, sensor_origin_eigen, 0.0, max_range_, mask_);
  octomap::KeySet free_cells, occupied_cells, model_cells;

    /* do ray tracing to find which cells this point cloud indicates should be free, and which it indicates
     * should be occupied */
    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < cloud.height; row += point_subsample_)
      unsigned int row_c = row * cloud.width;
      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < cloud.width; col += point_subsample_)
        if (mask_[row_c + col] == point_containment_filter::ShapeMask::CLIP)
        const pcl::PointXYZ &p = cloud(col, row);
        /* check for NaN */
        if ((p.x == p.x) && (p.y == p.y) && (p.z == p.z))
	  /* transform to map frame */
	  tf::Vector3 point_tf = map_H_sensor * tf::Vector3(p.x, p.y, p.z);
	  /* occupied cell at ray endpoint if ray is shorter than max range and this point
	     isn't on a part of the robot*/
	  if (mask_[row_c + col] == point_containment_filter::ShapeMask::INSIDE)
	    model_cells.insert(tree_->coordToKey(point_tf.getX(), point_tf.getY(), point_tf.getZ()));
            occupied_cells.insert(tree_->coordToKey(point_tf.getX(), point_tf.getY(), point_tf.getZ()));

    /* compute the free cells along each ray that ends at an occupied cell */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(), end = occupied_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      if (tree_->computeRayKeys(sensor_origin, tree_->keyToCoord(*it), key_ray_))
        free_cells.insert(key_ray_.begin(), key_ray_.end());

    /* compute the free cells along each ray that ends at a model cell */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = model_cells.begin(), end = model_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      if (tree_->computeRayKeys(sensor_origin, tree_->keyToCoord(*it), key_ray_))
        free_cells.insert(key_ray_.begin(), key_ray_.end());
  catch (...)
  /* cells that overlap with the model are not occupied */
  for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = model_cells.begin(), end = model_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)

  /* occupied cells are not free */
  for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(), end = occupied_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
    /* mark free cells only if not seen occupied in this cloud */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = free_cells.begin(), end = free_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      tree_->updateNode(*it, false);
    /* now mark all occupied cells */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(), end = occupied_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      tree_->updateNode(*it, true);

    // set the logodds to the minimum for the cells that are part of the model
    const float lg = tree_->getClampingThresMinLog() - tree_->getClampingThresMaxLog();
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = model_cells.begin(), end = model_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      tree_->updateNode(*it, lg);
  catch (...)
    ROS_ERROR("Internal error while updating octree");
  ROS_DEBUG("Processed point cloud in %lf ms", (ros::WallTime::now() - start).toSec() * 1000.0);
void keypoint_map::extract_surface() {

	octomap::ColorOcTree tree(0.05f);

	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr point_cloud(
			new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < depth_imgs.size(); i++) {

		cv::imwrite("rgb/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i) + ".png",
		cv::imwrite("depth/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i) + ".png",

		octomap::Pointcloud octomap_cloud;
		octomap::point3d sensor_origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

		Eigen::Vector3f trans(camera_positions[i].translation());
		Eigen::Quaternionf rot(camera_positions[i].rotation());

		octomap::pose6d frame_origin(
				octomath::Vector3(trans.x(), trans.y(), trans.z()),
				octomath::Quaternion(rot.w(), rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z()));
		//std::cerr << camera_positions[i].matrix() << std::endl;

		for (int v = 0; v < depth_imgs[i].rows; v++) {
			for (int u = 0; u < depth_imgs[i].cols; u++) {
				if (depth_imgs[i].at<unsigned short>(v, u) != 0) {
					pcl::PointXYZRGBA p;
					p.z = depth_imgs[i].at<unsigned short>(v, u) / 1000.0f;
					p.x = (u - intrinsics[2]) * p.z / intrinsics[0];
					p.y = (v - intrinsics[3]) * p.z / intrinsics[1];
					cv::Vec3b brg = rgb_imgs[i].at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u);
					p.r = brg[2];
					p.g = brg[1];
					p.b = brg[0];
					p.a = 255;

					Eigen::Vector4f tmp = camera_positions[i]
							* p.getVector4fMap();

					if (tmp[2] < 2.0) {

						octomap_cloud.push_back(p.x, p.y, p.z);
						p.getVector4fMap() = tmp;

						octomap::point3d endpoint(p.x, p.y, p.z);
						octomap::ColorOcTreeNode* n = tree.search(endpoint);
						if (n) {
							n->setColor(p.r, p.g, p.b);

						//ROS_INFO("Point %f %f %f from  %f %f ", p.x, p.y, p.z, keypoints[i].pt.x, keypoints[i].pt.y);



		tree.insertScan(octomap_cloud, sensor_origin, frame_origin);


	pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII("room.pcd", *point_cloud);

	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr point_cloud_filtered(
			new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
	pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> sor;
	sor.setLeafSize(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);

	pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII("room_sub.pcd", *point_cloud_filtered);

void DepthImageOccupancyMapUpdater::depthImageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_msg, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info_msg)
  ROS_DEBUG("Received a new depth image message");
  ros::WallTime start = ros::WallTime::now();
  if (monitor_->getMapFrame().empty())
  /* get transform for cloud into map frame */
  tf::StampedTransform map_H_sensor;
  if (monitor_->getMapFrame() == depth_msg->header.frame_id)
    if (tf_)
        tf_->lookupTransform(monitor_->getMapFrame(), depth_msg->header.frame_id, depth_msg->header.stamp, map_H_sensor);
      catch (tf::TransformException& ex)
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error of sensor data: " << ex.what() << "; quitting callback");
  if (!updateTransformCache(depth_msg->header.frame_id, depth_msg->header.stamp))
    ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(1, "Transform cache was not updated. Self-filtering may fail.");
  if (depth_msg->is_bigendian && !HOST_IS_BIG_ENDIAN)
    ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(1, "endian problem: received image data does not match host");
  const int w = depth_msg->width;
  const int h = depth_msg->height;
  // call the mesh filter
  mesh_filter::StereoCameraModel::Parameters& params = mesh_filter_->parameters();
  params.setCameraParameters (info_msg->K[0], info_msg->K[4], info_msg->K[2], info_msg->K[5]);
  params.setImageSize(w, h);
  const bool is_u_short = depth_msg->encoding == sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16UC1;
  if (is_u_short)
    mesh_filter_->filter(&depth_msg->data[0], GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
    mesh_filter_->filter(&depth_msg->data[0], GL_FLOAT);
  // Use correct principal point from calibration
  const double px = info_msg->K[2];
  const double py = info_msg->K[5];
  const double inv_fx = 1.0 / info_msg->K[0];
  const double inv_fy = 1.0 / info_msg->K[4];
  // Pre-compute some constants
  if (x_cache_.size() < w)
  if (y_cache_.size() < h)
  for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
    x_cache_[x] = (x - px) * inv_fx;
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
    y_cache_[y] = (y - py) * inv_fy;
  octomap::point3d sensor_origin(map_H_sensor.getOrigin().getX(), map_H_sensor.getOrigin().getY(), map_H_sensor.getOrigin().getZ());
  OccMapTreePtr tree = monitor_->getOcTreePtr();
  octomap::KeySet free_cells, occupied_cells, model_cells;
  // allocate memory if needed
  std::size_t img_size = h * w;
  if (filtered_data_.size() < img_size)
  const float* filtered_row = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(&filtered_data_[0]);
  if (debug_info_)
    sensor_msgs::Image debug_msg;
    debug_msg.header = depth_msg->header;
    debug_msg.height = depth_msg->height;
    debug_msg.width = depth_msg->width;
    debug_msg.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32FC1;
    debug_msg.is_bigendian = depth_msg->is_bigendian;
    debug_msg.step = depth_msg->step;
    debug_msg.data.resize(img_size * sizeof(float));
    pub_model_depth_image_.publish(debug_msg, *info_msg);
    memcpy(&debug_msg.data[0], &filtered_data_[0], sizeof(float) * img_size);
    pub_filtered_depth_image_.publish(debug_msg, *info_msg);
    const int h_bound = h - skip_vertical_pixels_;
    const int w_bound = w - skip_horizontal_pixels_;
    if (is_u_short)
      const uint16_t *input_row = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(&depth_msg->data[0]);
      for (int y = skip_vertical_pixels_ ; y < h_bound ; ++y, filtered_row += w, input_row += w)
	if (y_cache_[y] == y_cache_[y]) // if not NaN
	  for (int x = skip_horizontal_pixels_ ; x < w_bound ; ++x)
            float zz = filtered_row[x];
            uint16_t zz0 = input_row[x];
            if (zz0 != 0)
              if (zz == 0.0)
                float zz1 = (float)zz0 * 1e-3; // scale from mm to m
                float yy = y_cache_[y] * zz1;
                float xx = x_cache_[x] * zz1;
                /* transform to map frame */
                tf::Vector3 point_tf = map_H_sensor * tf::Vector3(xx, yy, zz1);
                // add to the list of model cells
                model_cells.insert(tree->coordToKey(point_tf.getX(), point_tf.getY(), point_tf.getZ()));
                if (zz == zz)
                  float yy = y_cache_[y] * zz;
                  float xx = x_cache_[x] * zz;
                  /* transform to map frame */
                  tf::Vector3 point_tf = map_H_sensor * tf::Vector3(xx, yy, zz);
                  // add to the list of occupied cells
                  occupied_cells.insert(tree->coordToKey(point_tf.getX(), point_tf.getY(), point_tf.getZ()));
      const float *input_row = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(&depth_msg->data[0]);
      for (int y = skip_vertical_pixels_ ; y < h_bound ; ++y, filtered_row += w, input_row += w)
	if (y_cache_[y] == y_cache_[y]) // if not NaN
	  for (int x = skip_horizontal_pixels_ ; x < w_bound ; ++x)
            float zz = filtered_row[x];
            float zz0 = input_row[x];
            if (zz0 == zz0 && zz == zz) // check for NaN
              float yy = y_cache_[y] * zz0;
              float xx = x_cache_[x] * zz0;
              if (xx == xx)
                /* transform to map frame */
                tf::Vector3 point_tf = map_H_sensor * tf::Vector3(xx, yy, zz0);
                if (zz == 0.0)
                  // add to the list of model cells
                  model_cells.insert(tree->coordToKey(point_tf.getX(), point_tf.getY(), point_tf.getZ()));
                  // add to the list of occupied cells
                  occupied_cells.insert(tree->coordToKey(point_tf.getX(), point_tf.getY(), point_tf.getZ()));
    /* compute the free cells along each ray that ends at an occupied cell */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(), end = occupied_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      if (tree->computeRayKeys(sensor_origin, tree->keyToCoord(*it), key_ray_))
        free_cells.insert(key_ray_.begin(), key_ray_.end());
    /* compute the free cells along each ray that ends at a model cell */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = model_cells.begin(), end = model_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      if (tree->computeRayKeys(sensor_origin, tree->keyToCoord(*it), key_ray_))
        free_cells.insert(key_ray_.begin(), key_ray_.end());
  catch (...)
  /* cells that overlap with the model are not occupied */
  for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = model_cells.begin(), end = model_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
  /* occupied cells are not free */
  for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(), end = occupied_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
    /* mark free cells only if not seen occupied in this cloud */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = free_cells.begin(), end = free_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      tree->updateNode(*it, false);
    /* now mark all occupied cells */
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(), end = occupied_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      tree->updateNode(*it, true);
    // set the logodds to the minimum for the cells that are part of the model
    const float lg = tree->getClampingThresMinLog() - tree->getClampingThresMaxLog();
    for (octomap::KeySet::iterator it = model_cells.begin(), end = model_cells.end(); it != end; ++it)
      tree->updateNode(*it, lg);
  catch (...)
    ROS_ERROR("Internal error while updating octree");
  ROS_DEBUG("Processed depth image in %lf ms", (ros::WallTime::now() - start).toSec() * 1000.0);