void main (void) { unsigned char flags; /* Init the hardware */ flags = catgenie_init(); #ifdef HAS_BLUETOOTH serial_init(BT_BITRATE); bluetooth_init(); serial_term(); #endif /* HAS_BLUETOOTH */ /* Initialize the serial port */ serial_init(BITRATE); printf("\n*** GenieDiag ***\n"); if (!nPOR) { DBG("Power-on reset\n"); flags |= POWER_FAILURE; } else if (!nBOR) { DBG("Brown-out reset\n"); flags |= POWER_FAILURE; } #ifdef __RESETBITS_ADDR else if (!__timeout) DBG("Watchdog reset\n"); else if (!__powerdown) DBG("Pin reset (sleep)\n"); else DBG("Pin reset\n"); #else else
/** * @brief Main program. * @param None * @retval None */ int main(void) { // int c; /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s) before to branch to application main. To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to system_stm32f10x.c file */ SystemInit(); RCC_GetClocksFreq(&RCC_Clocks); SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / SYSTICK_FREQUENCY_HZ); #ifdef TRACEUART TRACEUART_Configuration(); #endif //TRACEUART UART_Configuration(); LED_Init(); /* Output a message on Hyperterminal using printf function */ printf("\n\r\n\r"); printf("*** LATTICE FW LOADER V1.00 Build by phalt on ("__DATE__ "-" __TIME__ ")\n\r"); printf("*** LATTICE FW LOADER V1.00 Rebooting ...\n\r"); /* * wait for a keystroke (or a button press if you want.) */ // printf("\n\rPress Return to start, any other key To Enter the Console ...\n\r"); // c = awaitkey(DEFAULT_BOOT_DELAY); if(1) //(((c != '\r') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\0'))) { Delay(500); GPIO_ResetBits(BLINK_PORT, (0xF << LED1)); // traceprintf("\rtrace start OK\n\r"); // Codec_GPIO_Init(); // Delay(1); // /* Reset the Codec Registers */ // Codec_Reset(); // Delay(1); // /* Initialize the Control interface of the Audio Codec */ // Codec_CtrlInterface_Init(); // Delay(1); if(1) { GPIO_SetBits(BLINK_PORT, (0xF << LED1)); // WavePlayBack(AUDIOFREQ, 1); WavePlayerInit(AUDIOFREQ); GPIO_ResetBits(BLINK_PORT, (0xF << LED1)); } while(1) //eugene loop { // Codec_CtrlInterface_Init(); GPIO_SetBits(BLINK_PORT, (0x1 << LED1)); // Codec_Write(); Codec_ReadRegister(0x00); //test read of codec GPIO_ResetBits(BLINK_PORT, (0x1 << LED1)); Delay(1000); } if(1) //test { init_builtin_cmds(); serial_term(); } } printf("*** JUMP to Application now ...\n\r"); run_app(0x08000000); /* Infinite loop */ while (1); }