bool read_n230_eeprom()
    bool status = false;
    if (flash_session.device == NULL) { //Initialize flash session structure for the first time
        spif_init(&flash_session, &spi_flash_device, spif_spsn_s25flxx_operations());
    spif_read_sync(&flash_session, N230_FLASH_NV_DATA_OFFSET, &eeprom_cache, sizeof(n230_eeprom_map_t));

    //Verify data format
    status = (eeprom_cache.data_version_major == default_eeprom.data_version_major);
    //Sanity communication info
    if (eeprom_cache.eth_info[0].ip_addr == 0xFFFFFFFF)
        eeprom_cache.eth_info[0].ip_addr = default_eeprom.eth_info[0].ip_addr;
    if (eeprom_cache.eth_info[1].ip_addr == 0xFFFFFFFF)
        eeprom_cache.eth_info[1].ip_addr = default_eeprom.eth_info[1].ip_addr;
    if (eeprom_cache.eth_info[0].subnet == 0xFFFFFFFF)
        eeprom_cache.eth_info[0].subnet = default_eeprom.eth_info[0].subnet;
    if (eeprom_cache.eth_info[1].subnet == 0xFFFFFFFF)
        eeprom_cache.eth_info[1].subnet = default_eeprom.eth_info[1].subnet;

    if (!status)  {
        UHD_FW_TRACE(WARN, "read_n230_eeprom: Initialized cache to the default map.");
        memcpy(&eeprom_cache, &default_eeprom, sizeof(n230_eeprom_map_t));
    cache_dirty = !status;
    return status;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	//uint8_t buf[32];
	//int i = 0;

  hal_disable_ints();	// In case we got here via jmp 0x0

//	delay(10000000);

	//before anything else you might want to blinkenlights just to indicate code startup to the user.

//	i2c_init(); //for EEPROM
	puts("USRP2+ UART firmware loader");

//	puts("Debug: loading production image, 10 bytes.");

//	spi_flash_read(PROD_FW_IMAGE_LOCATION_ADDR, 10, buf);
//	for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {
//		puthex8(buf[i]);
//	}


 	//shouldn't get here. should reboot.
	puts("shit happened.\n");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	uint16_t i, t;
	uint8_t buf[260];
	const uint8_t testdata[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C};

  hal_disable_ints();	// In case we got here via jmp 0x0
//	spi_init();
//	clocks_init(); //set up AD9510, enable FPGA clock @ 1x divisor

	puts("SPI Flash test\n");
	puts("Initializing SPI\n");

	puts("Erasing sector 1\n");
	spi_flash_erase(0x00010000, 256);
	puts("Reading back data\n");
	spi_flash_read(0x00010000, 256, buf);

	for(i=4; i<250; i++) {
		if(buf[i] != 0xFF) t=0;

	if(!t) puts("Data was not initialized to 0xFF. Unsuccessful erase or read\n");
	else puts("Data initialized to 0xFF, erase confirmed\n");

	puts("Writing test buffer\n");
	spi_flash_program(0x00010000, 16, testdata);
	//memset(buf, 0, 256);

	puts("Wrote data, reading back\n");

	spi_flash_read(0x00010000, 16, buf);

	if(memcmp(testdata, buf, 16)) puts("Data is not the same between read and write. Unsuccessful write or read\n");
	else puts("Successful write! Flash write correct\n");

	return 0;