Exemple #1
void AMatineeActor::PostNetReceive()

	if (MatineeData != NULL)
		TArray<AActor*> ControlledActors;
		// Build a list of actors controlled by this matinee actor
		for( int32 InfoIndex = 0; InfoIndex < GroupActorInfos.Num(); ++InfoIndex )
			const FInterpGroupActorInfo& Info = GroupActorInfos[ InfoIndex ];

			for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < Info.Actors.Num(); ++ActorIndex )
				AActor* Actor = Info.Actors[ ActorIndex ];
				if (Actor != NULL)
					ControlledActors.Add( Actor );

		// if we just received the matinee action, set 'saved' values to default so we make sure to apply previously received values
		if (SavedInterpData == NULL)
			AMatineeActor* Default = GetClass()->GetDefaultObject<AMatineeActor>();
			SavedbIsPlaying = Default->bIsPlaying;
			SavedPosition = Default->InterpPosition;
			SavedbReversePlayback = Default->bReversePlayback;

		// Handle replication of flag saying that bIsPlaying really should have replicated as true.
		if (SavedReplicationForceIsPlaying != ReplicationForceIsPlaying)
			bIsPlaying = true;

		// apply bReversePlayback
		if (SavedbReversePlayback!= bReversePlayback)
			if (SavedbIsPlaying && bIsPlaying)
				// notify actors that something has changed
				for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < ControlledActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex )
					IMatineeInterface * IMI = Cast<IMatineeInterface>(ControlledActors[ActorIndex]);
					if (IMI)
		// start up interpolation, if necessary
		if (!SavedbIsPlaying && (bIsPlaying || InterpPosition != SavedPosition))

			// if we're playing forward, call Play() to process any special properties on InterpAction that may affect the meaning of 'Position' (bNoResetOnRewind, etc)
			if (!bReversePlayback)

			// find affected actors and set their ControllingMatineeActor
			// @warning: this code requires the linked actors to be static object references (i.e., some other Kismet action can't be assigning them)
			// this might not work for AI pawns
			for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < ControlledActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex )
				AActor* Actor = ControlledActors[ActorIndex];
				UInterpGroupInst * GrInst = FindGroupInst(Actor);
				if (Actor != NULL && !Actor->IsPendingKill() && GrInst != NULL) 
					// fire an event if we're really playing (and not just starting it up to do a position update)
					if (bIsPlaying)
						IMatineeInterface * IMI = Cast<IMatineeInterface>(Actor);
						if (IMI)


		// if we received a different current position
		if (InterpPosition != SavedPosition)
			//@hack: negate fade tracks if we're updating a stopped matinee
			// the right fix is probably to pass bJump=true to UpdateInterp() when (!bIsPlaying && !SavedbIsPlaying),
			// but that may have lots of other side effects I don't have time to test right now
			TArray<FSavedFadeState> SavedFadeStates;
			if (!bIsPlaying && !SavedbIsPlaying && MatineeData != NULL)
				for (FLocalPlayerIterator It(GEngine, GetWorld()); It; ++It)
					if (It->PlayerController != NULL && It->PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager != NULL)

			if (bIsPlaying && SavedPosition != -1 && FMath::Abs(InterpPosition - SavedPosition) < ClientSidePositionErrorTolerance)
				// The error value between us and the server is too small to change gameplay, but will cause visual pops
				InterpPosition = SavedPosition;
				// set to position replicated from server
				UpdateInterp(InterpPosition, false, false);

		// terminate interpolation, if necessary
		if ((SavedbIsPlaying || InterpPosition != SavedPosition) && !bIsPlaying)

			// find affected actors and remove InterpAction from their LatentActions list
			for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < ControlledActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex )
				AActor* Actor = ControlledActors[ ActorIndex ];
				if (Actor != NULL)

					// fire an event if we were really playing (and not just starting it up to do a position update)
					if (SavedbIsPlaying)
						IMatineeInterface * IMI = Cast<IMatineeInterface>(Actor);
						if (IMI)