Any Any::operator + (const Any &r) const { switch (this->type()) { case Any::Int: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return this->getInt() + r.getInt(); case Any::Float: return this->getInt() + r.getFloat(); case Any::String: return boost::lexical_cast<string>(this->getInt()) + r.getString(); } break; case Any::Float: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return this->getFloat() + r.getInt(); case Any::Float: return this->getFloat() + r.getFloat(); case Any::String: return boost::lexical_cast<string>(this->getFloat()) + r.getString(); } break; case Any::String: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return this->getString() + boost::lexical_cast<string>(r.getInt()); case Any::Float: return this->getString() + boost::lexical_cast<string>(r.getFloat()); case Any::String: return this->getString() + r.getString(); } break; } FIXME("Unsupported operation %s + %s", this->typeInfo().name(), r.typeInfo().name()); return 0; }
int32_t Any::shr (const Any &l, const Any &r) { if (l.type() == Any::Int && r.type() == Any::Int) { int32_t a = l.getInt(); int32_t b = r.getInt(); uint32_t ret = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>( &a ) >> *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>( &b ); return *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>( &ret ); }
Texture::Encoding::Encoding(const Any& a) { *this = Encoding(); if (a.type() == Any::STRING) { format = ImageFormat::fromString(a); } else if (a.nameBeginsWith("Color4")) { readMultiplyFirst = a; } else if (anyNameIsColor3Variant(a)) { readMultiplyFirst = Color4(Color3(a), 1.0f); } else if (a.type() == Any::NUMBER) { readMultiplyFirst = Color4::one() * float(a.number()); } else { AnyTableReader r(a); r.getIfPresent("frame", frame); r.getIfPresent("readMultiplyFirst", readMultiplyFirst); r.getIfPresent("readAddSecond", readAddSecond); String fmt; if (r.getIfPresent("format", fmt)) { format = ImageFormat::fromString(fmt); } } }
Any Converter<float>::convert(const Any& a) { if (typeid(int) == a.type()) return Any(helper<float, int>::convert(a)); else if (typeid(const char *) == a.type()) return Any(helper<float, const char *>::convert(a)); return any_cast<float>(a); }
Any Converter<int>::convert(const Any& a) { if (Type::from<float>() == a.type()) return helper<int, double>::convert(a); else if (Type::from<const char *>() == a.type()) return helper<int, const char *>::convert(a); return any_cast<int>(a); }
Any Converter<float>::convert(const Any& a) { if (Type::from<int>() == a.type()) return Any(helper<float, int>::convert(a)); else if (Type::from<const char *>() == a.type()) return Any(helper<float, const char *>::convert(a)); return any_cast<float>(a); }
Any Converter<int>::convert(const Any& a) { if (typeid(float) == a.type()) return helper<int, double>::convert(a); else if (typeid(const char *) == a.type()) return helper<int, const char *>::convert(a); return any_cast<int>(a); }
Texture::Specification::Specification(const Any& any, bool assumesRGBForAuto, Dimension defaultDimension) { *this = Specification(); assumeSRGBSpaceForAuto = assumesRGBForAuto; dimension = defaultDimension; if (any.type() == Any::STRING) { filename = any.string(); if (filename == "<whiteCube>") { filename = "<white>"; dimension = Texture::DIM_CUBE_MAP; } if (! beginsWith(filename, "<")) { filename = any.resolveStringAsFilename(); if (FilePath::containsWildcards(filename)) { // Assume this is a cube map dimension = Texture::DIM_CUBE_MAP; } } } else if ((any.type() == Any::NUMBER) || any.nameBeginsWith("Color4") || anyNameIsColor3Variant(any)) { filename = "<white>"; encoding.readMultiplyFirst = Color4(any); } else { any.verifyNameBeginsWith("Texture::Specification"); AnyTableReader r(any); r.getFilenameIfPresent("filename", filename); r.getFilenameIfPresent("alphaFilename", alphaFilename); r.getIfPresent("encoding", encoding); r.getIfPresent("assumeSRGBSpaceForAuto", assumeSRGBSpaceForAuto); { Any a; if (r.getIfPresent("dimension", a)) { dimension = toDimension(a); } } r.getIfPresent("generateMipMaps", generateMipMaps); r.getIfPresent("preprocess", preprocess); r.getIfPresent("visualization", visualization); r.getIfPresent("cachable", cachable); r.verifyDone(); if (! any.containsKey("dimension") && FilePath::containsWildcards(filename)) { // Assume this is a cube map dimension = Texture::DIM_CUBE_MAP; } } }
void AnyTest::testComplexType() { SomeClass str(13,std::string("hello")); Any a = str; Any b = a; assert (a.type() == typeid(SomeClass)); assert (b.type() == typeid(SomeClass)); SomeClass str2 = AnyCast<SomeClass>(a); assert (str == str2); const SomeClass& strCRef = RefAnyCast<SomeClass>(a); assert (str == strCRef); SomeClass& strRef = RefAnyCast<SomeClass>(a); assert (str == strRef); }
static void testParse() { { const String& src = "name[ \"foo\", b4r, { a = b, c = d}]"; Any a = Any::parse(src); a.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); a[0].verifyType(Any::STRING); testAssert(a[0].string() == "foo"); testAssert(a[1].string() == "b4r"); testAssert(a[2]["a"].string() == "b"); } { const String& src = "[v = 1,\r\n/*\r\n*/\r\nx = 1]"; Any a = Any::parse(src); testAssert(a.type() == Any::TABLE); testAssert(a.size() == 2); Any val1 = a["v"]; testAssert(val1.type() == Any::NUMBER); testAssert(val1.number() == 1); } { const String& src = "{\n\ val0 : (1);\n\ \n\ // Comment 1\n\ val1 : 3;\n\ \ // Comment 2\n\ // Comment 3\n\ val2 : None;\n\ val3 : none;\n\ val4 : NIL;\n\ }"; Any a = Any::parse(src); testAssert(a.type() == Any::TABLE); testAssert(a.size() == 5); Any val1 = a["val1"]; testAssert(val1.type() == Any::NUMBER); testAssert(val1.number() == 3); testAssert(val1.comment() == "Comment 1"); testAssert(a["val2"].isNil()); testAssert(a["val3"].string() == "none"); testAssert(a["val4"].isNil()); }
void SoundInterface::commandPlaySound(void) { int32_t freg = cb->popValue().toInt(); float balance = cb->popValue().toFloat(); float volume = cb->popValue().toFloat(); Any any = cb->popValue(); // If passed parameter is integer, the sound is preloaded. Otherwise load it. if (any.type() == Any::Int) { CBChannel* channel = new CBChannel; channel->setMixer(al_get_default_mixer()); int32_t id = any.toInt(); channel->playSound((*sounds[id]), volume, balance, freg); int32_t nextChannel = nextChannelId(); channels[nextChannel] = channel; } else { CBChannel* channel = new CBChannel; channel->setMixer(al_get_default_mixer()); ALLEGRO_PATH *path = any.toString().getPath(); const char *cpath = al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP); channel->playSound(cpath, volume, balance, freg); int32_t nextChannel = nextChannelId(); channels[nextChannel] = channel; } }
void Any_Handler::extract_into_any (const Any& desc, CORBA::Any& toconfig) { DANCE_TRACE("Any_Handler::extract_into_any"); try { DynamicAny::DynAny_var dyn = DYNANY_HANDLER->extract_into_dynany (desc.type (), desc.value ()); CORBA::Any_var any_safe (dyn->to_any ()); toconfig = *any_safe; dyn->destroy (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_TERMINAL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("Any_Handler::extract_into_any -") ACE_TEXT (" Caught CORBA Exception while extracting into") ACE_TEXT (" dynany: %C\n"), ex._info ().c_str ())); throw Config_Error (ACE_TEXT (""), ACE_TEXT ("CORBA Exception while extracting into dynany\n")); } catch (Config_Error &ex) { throw ex; } catch (...) { throw Config_Error (ACE_TEXT (""), ACE_TEXT ("Caught error whilst parsing XML into Any\n")); } }
Sampler::Sampler(const Any& any) { *this = Sampler::defaults(); any.verifyNameBeginsWith("Sampler"); if (any.type() == Any::TABLE) { AnyTableReader r(any); r.getIfPresent("maxAnisotropy", maxAnisotropy); r.getIfPresent("maxMipMap", maxMipMap); r.getIfPresent("minMipMap", minMipMap); r.getIfPresent("mipBias", mipBias); r.getIfPresent("xWrapMode", xWrapMode); if (! r.getIfPresent("yWrapMode", yWrapMode)) { yWrapMode = xWrapMode; } r.getIfPresent("depthReadMode", depthReadMode); r.getIfPresent("interpolateMode", interpolateMode); r.verifyDone(); } else { any.verifySize(0); const String& n =; if (n == "Sampler::defaults") { // Done! } else if (n == "Sampler::buffer") { *this = Sampler::buffer(); } else if (n == "Sampler::cubeMap") { *this = Sampler::cubeMap(); } else if (n == "Sampler::shadow") { *this = Sampler::shadow(); } else if (n == "Sampler::video") { *this = Sampler::video(); } else { any.verify(false, "Unrecognized name for Sampler constructor or factory method."); } } }
ArticulatedModel::Instruction::Identifier::Identifier(const Any& a) { switch (a.type()) { case Any::NUMBER: id = ID(iRound(a.number())); a.verify(id >= 0, "Illegal ID"); break; case Any::STRING: name = a.string(); break; case Any::ARRAY: a.verifySize(0); if ( == "root") { *this = root(); } else if ( == "all") { *this = all(); } else { a.verify(false, "Illegal function call: " +; } break; default: a.verify(false, "Expected a name, integer ID, root(), or all()"); } }
PhysicsFrame::PhysicsFrame(const Any& a) { const std::string& n = toLower(; *this = PhysicsFrame(); if (beginsWith(n, "vector3")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(Vector3(a)); } else if (beginsWith(n, "matrix3")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(Matrix3(a)); } else if (beginsWith(n, "cframe") || beginsWith(n, "coordinateframe")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(CoordinateFrame(a)); } else if (beginsWith(n, "pframe") || beginsWith(n, "physicsframe")) { if (a.type() == Any::ARRAY) { a.verifySize(2); rotation = a[0]; translation = a[1]; } else { for (Any::AnyTable::Iterator it = a.table().begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) { const std::string& n = toLower(it->key); if (n == "translation") { translation = it->value; } else if (n == "rotation") { rotation = it->value; } else { a.verify(false, "Illegal table key: " + it->key); } } } } }
void AnyTest::testDefaultCtor() { const Any value; assert (value.empty()); assert (0 == AnyCast<int>(&value)); assert (value.type() == typeid(void)); }
void AbstractBinder::bind(std::size_t pos, const Any& val, Direction dir) { const std::type_info& type = val.type(); if(type == typeid(Int32)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<Int32>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(std::string)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<std::string>(val), dir); else if (type == typeid(bool)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<bool>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(char)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<char>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(Int8)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<Int8>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(UInt8)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<UInt8>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(Int16)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<Int16>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(UInt16)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<UInt16>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(UInt32)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<UInt32>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(Int64)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<Int64>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(UInt64)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<UInt64>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(float)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<float>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(double)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<double>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(DateTime)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<DateTime>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(Date)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<Date>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(Time)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<Time>(val), dir); else if(type == typeid(BLOB)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<BLOB>(val), dir); #ifndef POCO_LONG_IS_64_BIT else if(type == typeid(long)) bind(pos, RefAnyCast<long>(val), dir); #endif else throw UnknownTypeException(std::string(val.type().name())); }
ParticleSystemModel::Emitter::Specification::Specification(const Any& a) { a.verifyNameBeginsWith("ParticleSystemModel::Emitter"); *this = Specification(); AnyTableReader r(a); r.getIfPresent("location", location); r.getIfPresent("noisePower", noisePower); r.getIfPresent("initialDensity", initialDensity); r.getIfPresent("rateCurve", rateCurve); r.getIfPresent("coverageFadeInTime", coverageFadeInTime); r.getIfPresent("coverageFadeOutTime", coverageFadeOutTime); r.getIfPresent("particleLifetimeMean", particleLifetimeMean); r.getIfPresent("particleLifetimeVariance", particleLifetimeVariance); r.getIfPresent("angularVelocityMean", angularVelocityMean); r.getIfPresent("angularVelocityVariance", angularVelocityVariance); r.getIfPresent("material", material); r.getIfPresent("radiusMean", radiusMean); r.getIfPresent("radiusVariance", radiusVariance); r.getIfPresent("particleMassDensity", particleMassDensity); r.getIfPresent("dragCoefficient", dragCoefficient); shapeType = Shape::Type::NONE; Any shape; if (r.getIfPresent("shape", shape)) { if (shape.nameBeginsWith("ArticulatedModel") || (shape.type() == Any::STRING)) { shapeType = Shape::Type::MESH; } else { shapeType = Shape::Type(toUpper(; } switch (shapeType) { case Shape::Type::BOX: box = Box(shape); break; case Shape::Type::CYLINDER: cylinder = Cylinder(shape); break; case Shape::Type::SPHERE: sphere = Sphere(shape); break; case Shape::Type::MESH: mesh = shape; break; default: shape.verify(false, "Shape must be a Box, Cylinder, Sphere, or ArticulatedModel specification"); } } r.getIfPresent("velocityDirectionMean", velocityDirectionMean); r.getIfPresent("velocityConeAngleDegrees", velocityConeAngleDegrees); r.getIfPresent("velocityMagnitudeMean", velocityMagnitudeMean); r.getIfPresent("velocityMagnitudeVariance", velocityMagnitudeVariance); r.verifyDone(); }
Any Any::operator % (const Any &r) const { switch (this->type()) { case Any::Int: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return this->getInt() % r.getInt(); case Any::Float: return (float)fmod((double)this->getInt(), (double)r.getFloat()); } break; case Any::Float: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return (float)fmod((double)this->getFloat(), (double)r.getInt()); case Any::Float: return (float)fmod(this->getFloat(), r.getFloat()); } break; } FIXME("Unsupported operation %s % %s", this->typeInfo().name(), r.typeInfo().name()); return 0; }
Any Any::operator / (const Any &r) const { switch (this->type()) { case Any::Int: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return this->getInt() / r.getInt(); case Any::Float: return this->getInt() / r.getFloat(); } break; case Any::Float: switch (r.type()) { case Any::Int: return this->getFloat() / r.getInt(); case Any::Float: return this->getFloat() / r.getFloat(); } break; } FIXME("Unsupported operation %s / %s", this->typeInfo().name(), r.typeInfo().name()); return 0; }
void MathInterface::functionAbs(void) { Any v = cb->popValue(); if (v.type() == Any::Float) { cb->pushValue(abs(v.getFloat())); return; } cb->pushValue(abs(v.getInt())); return; }
void MathInterface::functionWrapAngle(void) { Any a = cb->popValue(); if (a.type() == Any::Float) { cb->pushValue(wrapAngle(a.getFloat())); } else { // Has to be int cb->pushValue(wrapAngle(a.getInt())); } }
Any Any::operator << (const Any &r) const { if (this->type() == Any::Int && r.type() == Any::Int) { int32_t a = this->getInt(); int32_t b = r.getInt(); uint32_t ret = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>( &a ) << *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>( &b ); return *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>( &ret ); } FIXME("Unsupported operation %s << %s", this->typeInfo().name(), r.typeInfo().name()); return 0; }
bool Any::operator == ( const Any& rhs ) const { if( (this == &rhs) || (empty() && rhs.empty( ))) return true; if( empty() != rhs.empty() || type() != rhs.type( )) return false; return *content == *rhs.content; }
void AnyTest::testInt() { Any a = 13; assert (a.type() == typeid(int)); int* i = AnyCast<int>(&a); assert (*i == 13); Any b = a; assert (b.type() == typeid(int)); int *cpyI = AnyCast<int>(&b); assert (*cpyI == *i); *cpyI = 20; assert (*cpyI != *i); std::string* s = AnyCast<std::string>(&a); assert (s == NULL); int tmp = AnyCast<int>(a); const Any c = a; tmp = AnyCast<int>(a); }
void AnyTest::testCopyCtor() { std::string text = "test message"; Any original = text, copy = original; assert (!copy.empty()); assert (original.type() == copy.type()); assert (AnyCast<std::string>(original) == AnyCast<std::string>(copy)); assert (text == AnyCast<std::string>(copy)); assert (AnyCast<std::string>(&original) != AnyCast<std::string>(©)); }
void AnyTest::testConvertingCtor() { std::string text = "test message"; Any value = text; assert (!value.empty()); assert (value.type() == typeid(std::string)); assert (0 == AnyCast<int>(&value)); assert (0 != AnyCast<std::string>(&value)); assert (AnyCast<std::string>(value) == text); assert (AnyCast<std::string>(&value) != &text); }
void StringInterface::functionStr(void) { Any a = cb->popValue(); switch (a.type()) { case Any::Int: cb->pushValue(lexical_cast<string>(a.getInt())); return; case Any::Float: cb->pushValue(lexical_cast<string>(a.getFloat())); return; default: cb->pushValue(a); } }
Vector2int32::Vector2int32(const Any& any) { any.verifyName("Vector2int32", "Point2int32"); any.verifyType(Any::TABLE, Any::ARRAY); any.verifySize(2); if (any.type() == Any::ARRAY) { x = any[0]; y = any[1]; } else { // Table x = any["x"]; y = any["y"]; } }
void AnyTest::testVector() { std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(1); tmp.push_back(2); tmp.push_back(3); Any a = tmp; assert (a.type() == typeid(std::vector<int>)); std::vector<int>tmp2 = AnyCast<std::vector<int> >(a); const std::vector<int >& vecCRef = RefAnyCast<std::vector<int> >(a); std::vector<int >& vecRef = RefAnyCast<std::vector<int> >(a); vecRef[0] = 0; assert (vecRef[0] == vecCRef[0]); }