int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { /** * Get all the arguments * First is the filename of the executable * Second should be the encrypted message file * Third is the keyfile * Fourth is the destination. * ArgParser will do the job */ ArgParser* argparser = NULL; list<string> arg_list; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { arg_list.push_back(string(argv[i])); } argparser = new ArgParser(argc, arg_list); if (argparser->get_Valid_Arguments() < 3) { cout << "What2HTML" << " by <*****@*****.**>" << endl << "Converts WhatsApp messages to HTML text" << endl << endl << "Usage:" << endl << argv[0] << " --encrypted-file=<sourcefile> --key-file=<keyfile> --output-file=<outfile>"; return EXIT_ARGUMENT_ERROR; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
TEST( ArgParserTest, DashIsAnArg ) { ArgParser parser; const char* args[] = { "test", "-" }; parser.Parse( 2, args ); ASSERT_EQ( 1ul, parser.Arguments().size() ); ASSERT_EQ( "-", parser.Arguments()[0] ); }
/** * <summary> * Main Program Entry Point. * </summary> */ int main(int argc, const char** argv) { int retval = 0; WriteHeader(); //Add all the arguments. s_args.AddMapEntries( s_argmap); s_s1.RegisterArgs( "s1", s_args); s_s2.RegisterArgs( "s2", s_args); //Parse the arguments. retval = s_args.Parse( argc, argv); if( retval > 0) { int addr = (int) s_args.GetLong( "address"); try { addr = s_cfgDevice.Attach(addr); printf("Attached to ASR-2300 at address = %d\n", addr); } catch (std::runtime_error& re) { printf("Error: %s0\n", re.what()); return -1; } // Dump the device information DumpDeviceInformation(); //Initialize the stream loggers. retval = s_s1.Init( s_args, &s_cfgDevice); if( retval == 0) retval = s_s2.Init( s_args, &s_cfgDevice); //Receive the data and store to disk. if( retval == 0) { s_s1.DisplayConfiguration(); s_s2.DisplayConfiguration(); s_cfgDevice.Dci0Transport().ClearReceiveQueue(); retval = ReceiveData((size_t) (s_args.GetDouble("duration")*1000.0)); } s_s1.Terminate(); s_s2.Terminate(); s_cfgDevice.Detach(); } else //Arguments were not right. { PrintUsage(); } return retval; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { SignalHandler::SetupHandlers(); ArgParser argparser = ArgParser(argc, argv); Envelope *env = argparser.GetEnvelope(); Client client = Client(env); client.SendMails(); return 0; } catch (char const* err) { std::cerr << err << std::endl; return 1; } }
TEST( ArgParserTest, LongArgsTest ) { ArgParser parser; parser.AddOption( 'h', "hello" ); parser.AddOption( 'g', "goodbye" ); const char* args[] = { "test", "--hello", "--goodbye", "foo" }; parser.Parse( 4, args ); EXPECT_TRUE( parser.HasOption( 'h' ) ); EXPECT_TRUE( parser.HasOption( "hello" ) ); EXPECT_TRUE( parser.HasOption( 'g' ) ); EXPECT_TRUE( parser.HasOption( "goodbye" ) ); ASSERT_EQ( 1ul, parser.Arguments().size() ); ASSERT_EQ( "foo", parser.Arguments()[0] ); }
RCType startTraceGen(int argc, char *argv[]) { RCType rc = RC_OK; Path *dir = NULL; if (RC_OK == help(argc, argv)) { return RC_OK; } J9TDFOptions options; TraceGen tracegen; ArgParser argParser; rc = argParser.parseOptions(argc, argv, &options); if (RC_OK != rc) { FileUtils::printError("Failed to parse command line options\n"); goto failed; } if (options.force) { printf("tracegen -force option is enabled. All files will be regenerated.\n"); } dir = options.rootDirectory; while (NULL != dir) { /* Recursively visit all directories under dirName, processing TDF files */ if (RC_OK != FileUtils::visitDirectory(&options, dir->path, TDF_FILE_EXT, &tracegen, TraceGen::generateCallBack)) { FileUtils::printError("Failed to generate trace files\n"); goto failed; } dir = dir->next; } tracegen.tearDown(); argParser.freeOptions(&options); return rc; failed: tracegen.tearDown(); argParser.freeOptions(&options); return RC_FAILED; }
// extracts a vector<expr> that represents a core input extracted with Utils::read_core_file method // return 0 if successful (core in resulting clause), or a positive integer if unsuccessful (with empty resultingClause). void CoreParser::extractInitialCore(expr& ast, ArgParser parser, vector<expr>& resultingCore) { vector<string> initialCore; read_core_file(parser.getInputFile(), initialCore); vector<expr> core; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < initialCore.size(); ++i) { int index = -1; try { index = std::stoi(initialCore[i].substr(initialCore[i].find('c', 0)+1, initialCore[i].size() - 1)); // line should be of the form "C<num>" where C is a char and <num> is an integer between 0 and the number of clauses in the ast } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { resultingCore.clear(); throw PropsitionalCoreParserException((string(__func__) + ": ERROR in parsing clause named " + initialCore[i] + "at line " + std::to_string(i) + " in core file, clause not named in the form 'C<num>' (for a given number num)").c_str(),3); } if (0 > index || ast.num_args() <= index) { resultingCore.clear(); throw PropsitionalCoreParserException((string(__func__) + ": ERROR index "+ std::to_string(index) + ", at line " + std::to_string(i) + " in core file is out of bounds of formula.").c_str(),4); } resultingCore.push_back(ast.arg(index)); } }
virtual void run() { { ArgParser parser; Arg arg1(parser, false, "arg1", "<value>"); Arg required2(parser, true, "required2", "<value>"); const char* args[] = { "myExecutable", "-arg1", "myValue1", "-required2", "myRequired2", 0 }; assertTrue(parser.parse(sizeof(args) / sizeof(char*) - 1, args)); assertEqual("myValue1", arg1.value); assertEqual("myRequired2", required2.value); } { ArgParser parser; Arg arg1(parser, false, "arg1", "<value>"); Arg required2(parser, true, "required2", "<value>"); const char* args[] = { "myExecutable", "-arg1", "myValue1", "-required2", 0 }; assertFalse(parser.parse(sizeof(args) / sizeof(char*) - 1, args)); } { ArgParser parser; Arg arg1(parser, false, "arg1", "<value>"); Arg required2(parser, true, "required2", "<value>"); const char* args[] = { "myExecutable", "-arg1", "myValue1", 0 }; assertFalse(parser.parse(sizeof(args) / sizeof(char*) - 1, args)); } }
int xcrun(int argc, char **argv, Target &target) { if (getenv("xcrun_log")) showCommand = true; constexpr const char *ENVVARS[] = { "DEVELOPER_DIR", "TOOLCHAINS", "xcrun_verbose" }; for (const char *evar : ENVVARS) { if (getenv(evar)) { warn << "xcrun: ignoring environment variable " << "'" << evar << "'" << warn.endl(); } } if (char *SDK = getenv("SDKROOT")) { unsetenv("OSXCROSS_SDKROOT"); char *argv[1] = { SDK }; sdk(target, argv); } auto dummy = [](Target&, char**) { return 0; }; ArgParser<int (*)(Target&, char**), 19> argParser = {{ {"h", help}, {"help", help}, {"version", version}, {"v", dummy}, {"verbose", dummy}, {"k", dummy}, {"kill-cache", dummy}, {"n", dummy}, {"no-cache", dummy}, {"sdk", sdk, 1}, {"toolchain", dummy, 1}, {"l", log }, {"log", log}, {"f", find, 1}, {"find", find, 1}, {"r", run, 1}, {"run", run, 1}, {"show-sdk-path", showSDKPath}, {"show-sdk-version", showSDKVersion} }}; int retVal = 1; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { auto b = argParser.parseArg(argc, argv, i); if (!b) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { err << "xcrun: unknown argument: '" << argv[i] << "'" << err.endl(); retVal = 2; break; } run(target, &argv[i]); } retVal = b->fun(target, &argv[i + 1]); if (retVal != 0) break; i += b->numArgs; } return retVal; }
/** * <summary> * Prints usage of this program, on command line parsing error. * </summary> */ static void PrintUsage() { printf( "\nUsage for DualRxToFile:\n\n" " DualRxToFile <s1.filename> <s2.filename> [[<var>=<value>] ...]\n\n"); s_args.WriteDescriptions(); }
TEST( ArgParserTest, ThrowsOnUnknownLongArgs ) { ArgParser parser; const char* args[] = { "test", "--hello" }; EXPECT_THROW( parser.Parse( 2, args ), Error ); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { enum { OPTION_HELP, OPTION_DEVICE }; gtk_init(&argc, &argv); ArgParser argp; argp .add_usage("[OPTION]...") .add_text("Virtual Keyboard") .add_newline() .add_option(OPTION_HELP, 'h', "help", "", "display this help and exit") .add_option(OPTION_DEVICE, 'd', "device", "DEVICE", "read events from device"); ArgParser::ParsedOptions parsed = argp.parse_args(argc, argv); std::string device; for(ArgParser::ParsedOptions::const_iterator i = parsed.begin(); i != parsed.end(); ++i) { const ArgParser::ParsedOption& opt = *i; switch (i->key) { case OPTION_HELP: argp.print_help(std::cout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case OPTION_DEVICE: device = opt.argument; break; } } StatusIcon status_icon; KeyboardDescriptionPtr keyboard_desc = KeyboardDescription::create_us_layout(); VirtualKeyboard virtual_keyboard(keyboard_desc); if (!device.empty()) { UInput uinput(false); KeyboardDispatcher dispatcher(virtual_keyboard, uinput); KeyboardController controller(virtual_keyboard, uinput, device); uinput.finish();; gtk_main(); } else { { std::cout << "--device DEVICE option not given, starting in test mode" << std::endl; // non-interactive test mode; gtk_main(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }
void main(int argc,String *argv) { mcheck(); randomise(); a=ArgParser(argc,argv); nnname=a.argafter("-nn","nn name",""); tsname=a.argafter("-ts","trainset name","current.pat"); eacq=a.intafter("-eqcq","Edge Angle Cancelling histogram quantisation",16); eacrad=a.intafter("-eacrad","Default radius for eac",6); glq=a.intafter("-glq","greylevel quantisation",32); glhistrad=a.intafter("-glvr","Default radius for gl variance",3); windres=a.intafter("-wskip","pixel skip for window segmentation",5); botres=a.intafter("-br","bottom res for neighbour segmenter (botres*2^n=topres)",2); topres=a.intafter("-tr","top res",32); notext=a.floatafter("-nt","not text if < than",-4.5); istext=a.floatafter("-it","is text if > than",-2.0); show=a.argexists("-show","show results of measures"); usenumpostrainexs=a.intafter("-nptes","number of positive training examples to output",50); usenumnegtrainexs=a.intafter("-nntes","number of positive training examples to output",50); scale=a.floatafter("-s","scale",0.5); morphrad=a.intafter("-mr","radius for morphology",3); twooutnodes=true; // a.argexists("-to","two output nodes"); minarea=a.intafter("-ms","minimum size of kept region",200); // ghistscale=a.floatafter("-ghs","scale for hist stability",0.5); a.opts.add("task = trainset | newnn | trainnn | scan | test"); String task=a.arg("task"); if (Seq(task,"trainset")) { a.opts.add("trainset task = new | image | finish"); String task2=a.arg("trainset task"); if (Seq(task2,"new")) { tsname=a.argor(tsname); a.done(); makenewtrainingset(); } else if (Seq(task2,"image")) { iname=a.arg("image file"); a.done(); trainimage(); } else if(Seq(task2,"finish")) { a.done(); finishtrainingset(); } else { a.done(); error("Please choose a task for the training set"); } } else if (Seq(task,"newnn")) { a.opts.add("nn type = hopfield | banana"); String type=a.arg("nn type"); a.done(); makenewnn(type); } else if (Seq(task,"trainnn")) { a.done(); trainnetwork(); } else if (Seq(task,"scan")) { iname=a.arg("image file"); a.done(); scanimage(); } else if (Seq(task,"test")) { iname=a.arg("image file"); a.done(); testimage(); } else { a.done(); error("Please choose a task."); } printf("jnn : Finished.\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace std; retVal_t returnvalue = rvOK; ArgParser AP; AP.AddFile(".mat"); /* sysmat */ AP.AddFile(".rhs", false); /* rhsvec */ AP.AddFile(".cfg"); /* params */ AP.AddFile(".sol", false); /* solvec */ AP.AddOption("-c"); /* cmpmat */ AP.AddFlag("-h"); if (!AP.Parse(argc, argv)) { cout << "try " << argv[0] << " -h for help" << endl; return(rvArgumentError); } if (AP.FlagSet("-h")) { printUsageMessage(argv[0]); return(returnvalue); } if (!AP.FileSet(".mat") || !AP.FileSet(".rhs")) { cout << "system matrix file (.mat) and rhs vector file (.rhs) have to be specified !\n" << "try " << argv[0] << " -h for help" << endl; return(rvArgumentError); } cout << "Welcome to mattest4c!\n"; /* Reading system matrix */ /* ===================== */ qqqMCSR<qqqComplex> A; qqqSolverParameters parms; qqqError error; cout << "Reading System Matrix (file \"" << AP.FileStr(".mat") << "\") ... " << flush; if (!A.readMatrix(AP.FileStr(".mat"))) { cout << "not ok!" << endl; return(rvIOError); } else cout << "ok!\n"; qqqIndex dimension = A.dimension(); if (dimension < 1) { cout << "Error: dimension of system matrix is smaller than 1!" << endl; return(rvFormatError); } cout <<"Backwriting to \"" << (AP.OptionSet("-c") ? AP.OptionStr("-c") : "compare.mat") << "\"... " << flush; A.writeMatrix(AP.OptionSet("-c") ? AP.OptionStr("-c") : "compare.mat", true, true); cout << "ok!\n"; /* Reading parameter file */ /* ====================== */ if (AP.FileSet(".cfg")) { cout << "Reading solver parameter file (file \"" << AP.FileStr(".cfg") << "\") ... " << flush; if (!parms.readParameters(AP.FileStr(".cfg"))) { cout << "not ok (using default)!\n"; parms.setDefaultSolverParameters(); } else cout << "ok!\n"; } /* Allocating memory */ /* ================= */ cout << "Allocating memory (dimension = " << qqqIndexToLong(dimension) << ") ... " << flush; qqqComplex *x = new qqqComplex[parms.nrhs * dimension]; qqqComplex *b = new qqqComplex[parms.nrhs * dimension]; #if 1 qqqComplex **mB; qqqComplex **mX; if (parms.nrhs > 1) { mB = new qqqComplex*[parms.nrhs]; mX = new qqqComplex*[parms.nrhs]; for (qqqIndex ccirhs = 0; ccirhs < parms.nrhs; ccirhs++) { mB[ccirhs] = &b[ccirhs * dimension]; mX[ccirhs] = &x[ccirhs * dimension]; } } else { mB = &b; mX = &x; } #endif if ((x == NULL) || (b == NULL)) { cout << "not ok [insufficient memory]!\n"; returnvalue = rvAllocErr; } else cout << "ok!\n"; /* Reading right hand side vector(s) */ /* ================================= */ //char filename[40]; string filename; if (returnvalue == rvOK) { cout << "Reading " << parms.nrhs << " right hand side vector(s) (file series \"" << AP.FileStr(".rhs") << "\") ..." << endl; returnvalue = rvIOError; for (qqqIndex ccirhs = 0; ccirhs < parms.nrhs; ccirhs++) { stringstream sbuf; sbuf << AP.FileStr(".rhs") << ccirhs << ends; sbuf >> filename; qqqIndex readRetval = qqqReadVector(&b[ccirhs * dimension], dimension, filename.c_str()); if (readRetval == -1) cout << " " << filename << ": not ok [file not found]!\n"; else if (readRetval == -2) cout << " " << filename << ": not ok [header mismatch]!\n"; else if (readRetval == -3) cout << " " << filename << ": not ok [dimension mismatch]!\n"; else if (readRetval == -4) cout << " " << filename << ": not ok [end of file error]!\n"; else if (readRetval != dimension) cout << " " << filename << ": not ok [format error: row " << readRetval << "]!\n"; else { cout << " " << filename << ": ok!\n"; returnvalue = rvOK; } if (returnvalue != rvOK) break; } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { VectorReader myVectorReader; VectorRecord_t currentVector; ArgParser myArgParser; unsigned long seconds_counter = 0; unsigned long steps_counter = 0; bool update_vector = false; bool update_PID_control = false; bool last_iteration = false; float plantState; float processF; uint16_t processValue; float setPointF; uint16_t setPoint; uint16_t setPoint_old = 0; float effect = 0; float k_norm = 0.446f; float offset_norm = 48.144f; float tempSetting; // Temperature setting bool reg_enabled; // Heater ON/OFF uint8_t pid_mode; char *input_fname; char *output_dir; char *tmp_arg_str; int simulation_mode; char tmp_buf_char[100]; //--------------------------------------------// // Command line arguments parsing myArgParser.Parse(argc, (char **)argv); //myArgParser.PrintOptions(); //std::cin.get(); //return 0; if (!(input_fname = myArgParser.GetOptionValue("-input"))) { std::cout << "Expected test vector file (-input <file>)" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; } if (!(output_dir = myArgParser.GetOptionValue("-outdir"))) { std::cout << "Expected output directory (-outdir <directory>)" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; } if (!(tmp_arg_str = myArgParser.GetOptionValue("-mode"))) { std::cout << "Expected simulation mode (-mode <PLANT_STEP / NORMAL>)" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; } simulation_mode = (strcmp(tmp_arg_str, "PLANT_STEP") == 0) ? SIM_PLANT_STEP_RESPONSE : SIM_NORMAL; //--------------------------------------------// //-----------------------------// // Reading test vector file if (myVectorReader.ReadVectorFile(input_fname) == false) { std::cout << "Cannot read test vector file. Press any key to exit." << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; } std::cout << "Test vector file OK. Starting simulation." << std::endl; //-----------------------------// // Initializing simulation if (!CreateDirectory(output_dir,NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { std::cout << "Cannot create output log directory" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; } } // Open LOG files FILE *f_state_float; FILE *f_state_int; FILE *f_setting; FILE *f_p_term; FILE *f_d_term; FILE *f_i_term; FILE *f_pid_output; // Create log data files: // Plant state float sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "col_0f.txt"); fopen_s( &f_state_float, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // Plant state integer sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "col_0.txt"); fopen_s( &f_state_int, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // Set value sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "setting.txt"); fopen_s( &f_setting, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // P-term of PID controller sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "col_5.txt"); fopen_s( &f_p_term, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // D-term of PID controller sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "col_6.txt"); fopen_s( &f_d_term, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // I-term of PID controller sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "col_7.txt"); fopen_s( &f_i_term, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // Output of PID controller sprintf_s(tmp_buf_char, 100, "%s%s", output_dir, "col_8.txt"); fopen_s( &f_pid_output, tmp_buf_char, "w" ); // Set ambient temperature and plant internal state if (!myVectorReader.StartConditions.AmbientValid) myVectorReader.StartConditions.Ambient = 25; if (!myVectorReader.StartConditions.StateValid) myVectorReader.StartConditions.SystemState = 25; initPlant((float)myVectorReader.StartConditions.Ambient, (float)myVectorReader.StartConditions.SystemState); processPlant(0); // Initialize PID controller setPIDIntegratorLimit(0); // Initial simulator state reg_enabled = false; // heater OFF tempSetting = 25.0f; // Temperature default setting myVectorReader.GetNextVector(¤tVector); //int32_t aaa; //aaa = INT32_MAX; //printf("%d",aaa); //std::cin.get(); //-----------------------------// // Simulate while(true) { // Process time counters update_vector = false; update_PID_control = false; if (steps_counter % STEPS_PER_SECOND == 0) { if (seconds_counter == currentVector.TimeStamp) { update_vector = true; } if (seconds_counter % PID_CALL_INTERVAL == 0) { update_PID_control = true; } seconds_counter++; } steps_counter++; // Update setting using data from test vector file if (update_vector) { if (last_iteration) { printf("%10lu sec. Simulation finished.\n", currentVector.TimeStamp); break; } reg_enabled = currentVector.ProcessEnabled; if (reg_enabled) { tempSetting = (float)currentVector.ForceValue; setPIDIntegratorLimit((int)tempSetting); } if (reg_enabled) printf("%10lu sec. New setting = %.2f\n", currentVector.TimeStamp, tempSetting); else printf("%10lu sec. New setting = %s\n", currentVector.TimeStamp, "OFF"); last_iteration = !myVectorReader.GetNextVector(¤tVector); //std::cin.get(); } // Process plant with TIMESTEP interval processPlant(effect); // Process regulator if (simulation_mode == SIM_PLANT_STEP_RESPONSE) { if (reg_enabled) effect = 100; else effect = 0; dbg_PID_output = (int16_t)effect; } else { if (update_PID_control) { // Calculate process value plantState = (float)getPlantState(); processF = (plantState + offset_norm) / k_norm; processF *= 4; //processF /= 2; processValue = (uint16_t)processF; // Calculate setpoint setPointF = (tempSetting + offset_norm) / k_norm; setPointF *= 4; //setPointF /= 2; setPoint = (uint16_t)setPointF; // PID pid_mode = 0; if (reg_enabled) pid_mode |= PID_ENABLED; effect = processPID(setPoint, processValue,pid_mode); } } // LOG fprintf(f_state_float, "%f\r", getPlantState()); fprintf(f_state_int, "%u\r", (uint16_t)getPlantState()); fprintf(f_setting, "%d\r", (int)tempSetting); fprintf(f_p_term, "%d\r", dbg_PID_p_term); fprintf(f_d_term, "%d\r", dbg_PID_d_term); fprintf(f_i_term, "%d\r", dbg_PID_i_term); fprintf(f_pid_output, "%d\r", dbg_PID_output); } //-------------------------------// fclose(f_state_float); fclose(f_state_int); fclose(f_setting); fclose(f_p_term); fclose(f_d_term); fclose(f_i_term); fclose(f_pid_output); std::cout << "Done. Press enter to exit." << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; }
/**main * gets the command line arguments, set parameters accordingly and triggers the data acquisition to generate CSV files. * Input data are contained in a RINEX observation or navigation file containing header and epoch data. * The output is a CSV (Comma Separated Values) text data file. This type of files can be used to import data to some available * application (like MS Excel). * A detailed definition of the RINEX format can be found in the document "RINEX: The Receiver Independent Exchange * Format Version 2.10" from Werner Gurtner; Astronomical Institute; University of Berne. An updated document exists * also for Version 3.01. * *@param argc the number of arguments passed from the command line *@param argv the array of arguments passed from the command line *@return the exit status according to the following values and meaning:: * - (0) no errors have been detected * - (1) an error has been detected in arguments * - (2) error when opening the input file * - (3) error when reading, setting or printing header data * - (4) error in data filtering parameters * - (5) there were format errors in epoch data or no epoch data exist * - (6) error when creating output file * - (7) inconsistent data in RINEX VERSION header record */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int anInt; //a general purpose int variable string aStr; //a general purpose string variable string fileName; double aDouble; //a general purpose double variable /**The main process sequence follows:*/ /// 1- Defines and sets the error logger object Logger log("LogFile.txt", string(), string(argv[0]) + MYVER + string(" START")); /// 2- Setups the valid options in the command line. They will be used by the argument/option parser TOT = parser.addOption("-t", "--totime=TOT", "TOT", "Select epochs before the given date and time (comma separated yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,sec", ""); SELSAT = parser.addOption("-s", "--selsat", "SELSAT", "Select system-satellite from input (comma separated list of sys-prn, like G01,G02)", ""); SELOBS2 = parser.addOption("-p", "--selobs2", "SELOBS2", "Select system-observable (ver.2.10 notation) from input (comma separated list, like C1,L1,L2)", ""); SELOBS3 = parser.addOption("-o", "--selobs", "SELOBS3", "Select system-observable (ver.3.01 notation) from input (comma separated list, like GC1C,GL1C)", ""); LOGLEVEL = parser.addOption("-l", "--llevel", "LOGLEVEL", "Maximum level to log (SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST)", "INFO"); HELP = parser.addOption("-h", "--help", "HELP", "Show usage data and stops", false); FROMT = parser.addOption("-f", "--fromtime=FROMT", "FROMT", "Select epochs from the given date and time (comma separated yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,sec", ""); /// 3- Setups the default values for operators in the command line INRINEX = parser.addOperator("RINEX.DAT"); /// 4- Parses arguments in the command line extracting options and operators try { parser.parseArgs(argc, argv); } catch (string error) { parser.usage("Argument error: " + error, CMDLINE); log.severe(error); return 1; };; if (parser.getBoolOpt(HELP)) { //help info has been requested parser.usage("Parses and read the given observation RINEX file generating a CSV ot TXT file with the requested characteristics", CMDLINE); return 0; } /// 5- Sets logging level stated in option. Default level is INFO log.setLevel(parser.getStrOpt(LOGLEVEL)); /// 7 - Set 1st and last epoch time tags (if selected from / to epochs time) TimeIntervalParams timeInterval; int week, year, month, day, hour, minute; double tow, second; aStr = parser.getStrOpt(FROMT); if (!aStr.empty()) { if (sscanf(aStr.c_str(), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%lf", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second) != 6) { log.severe("Cannot state 'from time' for the time interval"); return 1; } setWeekTow (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week, tow); timeInterval.fromTimeTag = getSecsGPSEphe(week, tow); timeInterval.fromTime = true; } else timeInterval.fromTime = false; aStr = parser.getStrOpt(TOT); if (!aStr.empty()) { if (sscanf(aStr.c_str(), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%lf", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second) != 6) { log.severe("Cannot state 'to time' for the time interval"); return 1; } setWeekTow (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week, tow); timeInterval.toTimeTag = getSecsGPSEphe(week, tow); timeInterval.toTime = true; } else timeInterval.toTime = false; /// 7- Opens the RINEX input file passed as operator FILE* inFile; fileName = parser.getOperator(INRINEX); if ((inFile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot open file " + fileName); return 2; } /// 8- Create a RINEX object and extract header data from the RINEX input file RinexData rinex(RinexData::VTBD, &log); char fileType = ' '; char sysId = ' '; try { rinex.readRinexHeader(inFile); if (!rinex.getHdLnData(RinexData::INFILEVER, aDouble, fileType, sysId)) { log.severe("This RINEX input file version cannot be processed"); fclose(inFile); return 3; } } catch (string error) { log.severe(error); fclose(inFile); return 3; } /// 9 - Set filtering parameters passed in options, if any //convert obsV2Tokens to V3 and append them to obsTokens vector<string> obsV2Tokens = getTokens(parser.getStrOpt(SELOBS2), ','); vector<string> obsTokens = getTokens(parser.getStrOpt(SELOBS3), ','); for (vector<string>::iterator it = obsV2Tokens.begin(); it != obsV2Tokens.end(); it++) { aStr = rinex.obsV2toV3((*it).substr(1)); if (aStr.empty()) log.warning("Filtering data: ignored unknown V2 observable " + aStr); else obsTokens.push_back((*it).substr(0,1) + aStr); } //verify coherence of SELSAT w.r.t. fileType and system identifier vector<string> selsat = getTokens(parser.getStrOpt(SELSAT), ','); if (fileType == 'N' && sysId == 'M') { if (selsat.empty()) { log.severe("File is Navigation type 'M', and no sytem was selected."); return 4; } else { //state sysId as per the 1st satellite selected sysId = selsat[0].at(0); } } if (!rinex.setFilter(selsat, obsTokens)) log.warning("Ignored inconsistent data filtering parameters for observation files."); /// 10 - Create output file for header data (suffix name _HDR.CSV), print them, and close output file FILE* outFile; while ((anInt = fileName.find('.')) != string::npos) fileName.replace(anInt, 1, "_"); //replace . by _ in fileName aStr = fileName + "_HDR.CSV"; if ((outFile = fopen(aStr.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot create file " + aStr); return 6; } generateHeaderCSV(outFile, rinex, &log); fclose(outFile); rinex.clearHeaderData(); /// 11 - Create output file for observation or navigation data switch (fileType) { case 'O': /// 11.1- If observation file, create output file (suffix name _OBS.CSV), and epoch by epoch read its data and print them. Close output file aStr = fileName + "_OBS.CSV"; if ((outFile = fopen(aStr.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot create file " + aStr); return 6; } anInt = generateObsCSV(inFile, outFile, rinex, timeInterval, &log); fclose(outFile); break; case 'N': /// 11.2 - If navigation file, create output file (suffix name _xxxNAV.CSV), and epoch by epoch read its data and print them. Close output file switch (sysId) { case 'G': aStr = fileName + "_GPSNAV.CSV"; if ((outFile = fopen(aStr.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot create file " + aStr); return 6; } anInt = generateGPSNavCSV(inFile, outFile, rinex, timeInterval, &log); fclose(outFile); break; case 'E': aStr = fileName + "_GALNAV.CSV"; if ((outFile = fopen(aStr.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot create file " + aStr); return 6; } anInt = generateGalNavCSV(inFile, outFile, rinex, timeInterval, &log); fclose(outFile); break; case 'R': aStr = fileName + "_GLONAV.CSV"; if ((outFile = fopen(aStr.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot create file " + aStr); return 6; } anInt = generateGloNavCSV(inFile, outFile, rinex, timeInterval, &log); fclose(outFile); break; case 'S': aStr = fileName + "_SBASNAV.CSV"; if ((outFile = fopen(aStr.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { log.severe("Cannot create file " + aStr); return 6; } anInt = generateSBASNavCSV(inFile, outFile, rinex, timeInterval, &log); fclose(outFile); break; default: //should not happen log.severe("Unexpected system type for navigation file"); return 7; } break; default: log.severe("Unexpected file type, different from Observation or Navigation"); return 7; } fclose(inFile); return anInt>0? 0:5; }
void fun(ClientInfo *clientinfo,const char *b) { printf("Server:ENTER PROCESS______________________________\n"); string localfilename="../webpage"; Request req(b); ResponseHeader httpheader; ArgParser parser; string affix; string arg; string filename; char param[500]; if(req.method=="GET"||req.content!="") { if(req.method=="GET") cout<<"(IP: "<<clientinfo->ip<<")"<<"Browser:GET "<<req.uri_full<<endl; else if(req.content!="") cout<<"(IP: "<<clientinfo->ip<<")"<<"Browser:POST "<<req.content<<endl; //全请求 string fullfilename=req.uri_full; //请求文件 filename=req.uri_name; localfilename+="/"; localfilename+=filename; //请求文件后缀 affix=req.uri_affix; //请求参数 arg=req.uri_arg; strcpy(param,arg.c_str()); //获得接口 if(req.content!="") { clientinfo->PostSpace=(char *)malloc(req.content.length()+3); if(clientinfo->PostSpace==0) cout<<endl<<"Server:PostSpace Allocate Error"<<endl; memset(clientinfo->PostSpace,0,req.content.length()+3); strcpy(clientinfo->PostSpace,req.content.c_str()); } else clientinfo->PostSpace=0; parser.parse(arg.c_str()); string src=parser.get("srcpool"); string stobesent; BYTE* btobesent; Resource *presorce; int ret; WebInterface inter; if(src!="") { cout<<"Server:Load Src"<<endl; presorce=SerSourcePool[fullfilename]; if(presorce==0) { cout<<"Server:Load SRC ERR"<<endl; return; } cout<<"Server:Load Over"<<endl; //getchar(); if(presorce->obsolete==1||clientinfo->PostSpace) { inter.getEntry(localfilename); cout<<"Server:Src Obosolete"<<endl; // Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain ret=inter.webmain(clientinfo,param,filename); if(ret==-1) { cout<<"Server:Load DLL Err"<<endl; return ; } } if(presorce->Type=="TEXT") { stobesent=SerSourcePool[fullfilename]->Text; httpheader.settype(presorce->MimeType.c_str()); httpheader.setsize(stobesent.length()); httpheader.prepareheader(); //send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send(clientinfo->clientsocket,httpheader.content.c_str(),httpheader.content.size(),0); send(clientinfo->clientsocket,stobesent.c_str(),stobesent.length(),0); clearClientInfo(clientinfo); presorce->obsolete=1; return ; } if(presorce->Type=="BIN") { // printf("SERIMAGEsize:%d,Ptr:%d\n",SerSourcePool[fullfilename]->BinL,SerSourcePool[fullfilename]->Bin); btobesent= SerSourcePool[fullfilename]->Bin; httpheader.settype(presorce->MimeType.c_str()); httpheader.setsize(presorce->BinL); httpheader.prepareheader(); //send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send(clientinfo->clientsocket,httpheader.content.c_str(),httpheader.content.size(),0); send(clientinfo->clientsocket,(char *)btobesent,presorce->BinL,0); clearClientInfo(clientinfo); return; } } if(affix=="exe"||affix=="dll") { // Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain Webmain cout<<"Server:WebMain Entry"<<endl; inter.getEntry(localfilename); ret=inter.webmain(clientinfo,param,filename); cout<<"Server:WebMain Ret"<<endl; if(ret==-1) { cout<<"Server:Load DLL Err"; return ; } cout<<"Server:Extract Src From Dll"<<endl; for(map<string,Resource*>::iterator itr=clientinfo->SourcePool->begin();itr!=clientinfo->SourcePool->end(); itr++) { SerSourcePool[itr->first]=itr->second; } cout<<"Server:Extract Src Over"<<endl; httpheader.settype(clientinfo->MainSrc->MimeType.c_str()); if(clientinfo->MainSrc->Type=="TEXT") httpheader.setsize(clientinfo->MainSrc->Text.length()); else if(clientinfo->MainSrc->Type=="BIN") httpheader.setsize(clientinfo->MainSrc->BinL); httpheader.prepareheader(); //send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send send(clientinfo->clientsocket,httpheader.content.c_str(),httpheader.content.size(),0); if(clientinfo->MainSrc->Type=="TEXT") send(clientinfo->clientsocket,clientinfo->MainSrc->Text.c_str(),clientinfo->MainSrc->Text.length(),0); else if(clientinfo->MainSrc->Type=="BIN") send(clientinfo->clientsocket,(char *)clientinfo->MainSrc->Bin,clientinfo->MainSrc->BinL,0); clearClientInfo(clientinfo); return ; } else { BigFile file(localfilename.c_str()); httpheader.setfile(file,file.size); httpheader.prepareheader(); send(clientinfo->clientsocket,httpheader.content.c_str(),httpheader.content.size(),0); double flag=file.sendfile(clientinfo->clientsocket); return; } } }