Exemple #1
void GateVisitor::warnSignals() {
    for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) {
	if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast<GateVarVertex*>(itp)) {
	    AstVarScope* vscp = vvertexp->varScp();
	    AstNode* sp = vvertexp->rstSyncNodep();
	    AstNode* ap = vvertexp->rstAsyncNodep();
	    if (ap && sp && !vscp->varp()->user2()) {
		// This is somewhat wrong, as marking one flop as ok for sync
		// may mean a different flop now fails.  However it's a pain to
		// then report a warning in a new place - we should report them all at once.
		// Instead we'll disable if any disabled
		if (!vscp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::SYNCASYNCNET)
		    && !ap->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::SYNCASYNCNET)
		    && !sp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::SYNCASYNCNET)
		    ) {
		    vscp->varp()->user2(true);  // Warn only once per signal
		    vscp->v3warn(SYNCASYNCNET,"Signal flopped as both synchronous and async: "<<vscp->prettyName()<<endl
				 <<ap->warnMore()<<"... Location of async usage"<<endl
				 <<sp->warnMore()<<"... Location of sync usage"<<endl);
Exemple #2
    AstNode* nafgCreateRecurse(V3GraphVertex* vertexp, uint32_t generation) {
	// Forewards follow user() marked previously and build tree
	AstNode* nodep = NULL;
	// OR across all edges found at this level
	//UINFO(9," nafgEnter: v "<<(void*)(vertexp)<<" "<<vertexp->name()<<endl);
	for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vertexp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->outNextp()) {
	    if (edgep->user() == generation) {
		GaterEdge* cedgep = static_cast<GaterEdge*>(edgep);
		AstNode* eqnp = NULL;
		//UINFO(9," nafgFollow: "<<(void*)(edgep)<<" "<<edgep->name()<<endl);
		if (dynamic_cast<GaterHeadVertex*>(edgep->fromp())) {
		    // Just OR in all lower terms
		    eqnp = nafgCreateRecurse(edgep->top(), generation);
		} else if (GaterIfVertex* cVxp = dynamic_cast<GaterIfVertex*>(edgep->fromp())) {
		    // Edges from IFs represent a real IF branch in the equation tree
		    //UINFO(9,"  ifver "<<(void*)(edgep)<<" cc"<<edgep->dotColor()<<endl);
		    eqnp = cVxp->nodep()->condp()->cloneTree(true);
		    if (eqnp && cedgep->ifelseFalse()) {
			eqnp = new AstNot(eqnp->fileline(),eqnp);
		    // We need to AND this term onto whatever was found below it
		    AstNode* belowp = nafgCreateRecurse(edgep->top(), generation);
		    if (belowp) eqnp = new AstAnd(eqnp->fileline(),eqnp,belowp);
		// Top level we could choose to make multiple gaters, or ORs under the gater
		// Right now we'll put OR lower down and let other optimizations deal
		if (nodep) nodep = new AstOr(eqnp->fileline(),nodep,eqnp);
		else nodep = eqnp;
		//if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"      followExpr: ");
	//UINFO(9," nafgExit:  "<<(void*)(vertexp)<<" "<<vertexp->name()<<endl);
	return nodep;
Exemple #3
    virtual void visit(AstNodeVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (nodep->varScopep() == m_elimVarScp) {
	    // Substitute in the new tree
	    // It's possible we substitute into something that will be reduced more later
	    // however, as we never delete the top Always/initial statement, all should be well.
	    m_didReplace = true;
	    if (nodep->lvalue()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Can't replace lvalue assignments with const var");
	    AstNode* substp = m_replaceTreep->cloneTree(false);
	    if (nodep->castNodeVarRef()
		&& substp->castNodeVarRef()
		&& nodep->same(substp)) {
		// Prevent a infinite loop...
		substp->v3fatalSrc("Replacing node with itself; perhaps circular logic?");
	    // Which fileline() to use?
	    // If replacing with logic, an error/warning is likely to want to point to the logic
	    // IE what we're replacing with.
	    // However a VARREF should point to the original as it's otherwise confusing
	    // to throw warnings that point to a PIN rather than where the pin us used.
	    if (substp->castVarRef()) substp->fileline(nodep->fileline());
	    // Make the substp an rvalue like nodep. This facilitate the hashing in dedupe.
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = substp->castNodeVarRef()) varrefp->lvalue(false);
	    nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
Exemple #4
    AstVarScope* getCreateLastClk(AstVarScope* vscp) {
	if (vscp->user1p()) return ((AstVarScope*)vscp->user1p());
	AstVar* varp = vscp->varp();
	if (!varp->width1()) varp->v3error("Unsupported: Clock edge on non-single bit signal: "<<varp->prettyName());
	string newvarname = ((string)"__Vclklast__"+vscp->scopep()->nameDotless()+"__"+varp->name());
        AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar(vscp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, VFlagLogicPacked(), 1);
        newvarp->noReset(true);  // Reset by below assign
	AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope(vscp->fileline(), m_scopep, newvarp);
        // Add init
        AstNode* fromp = new AstVarRef(newvarp->fileline(), vscp, false);
        if (v3Global.opt.xInitialEdge()) fromp = new AstNot(fromp->fileline(), fromp);
        AstNode* newinitp = new AstAssign(vscp->fileline(),
                                          new AstVarRef(newvarp->fileline(), newvscp, true),
	// At bottom, assign them
	AstAssign* finalp
            = new AstAssign(vscp->fileline(),
                            new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), newvscp, true),
                            new AstVarRef(vscp->fileline(), vscp, false));
	UINFO(4,"New Last: "<<newvscp<<endl);
	return newvscp;
    virtual void visit(AstPin* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Any non-direct pins need reconnection with a part-select
	if (!nodep->exprp()) return; // No-connect
	if (m_cellRangep) {
	    UINFO(4,"   PIN  "<<nodep<<endl);
	    int pinwidth = nodep->modVarp()->width();
	    int expwidth = nodep->exprp()->width();
	    if (expwidth == pinwidth) {
		// NOP: Arrayed instants: widths match so connect to each instance
	    } else if (expwidth == pinwidth*m_cellRangep->elementsConst()) {
		// Arrayed instants: one bit for each of the instants (each assign is 1 pinwidth wide)
		AstNode* exprp = nodep->exprp()->unlinkFrBack();
		bool inputPin = nodep->modVarp()->isInput();
		if (!inputPin && !exprp->castVarRef()
		    && !exprp->castConcat()  // V3Const will collapse the SEL with the one we're about to make
		    && !exprp->castSel()) {  // V3Const will collapse the SEL with the one we're about to make
		    nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Per-bit array instantiations with output connections to non-wires.");
		    // Note spec allows more complicated matches such as slices and such
		exprp = new AstSel (exprp->fileline(), exprp,
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("Width mismatch; V3Width should have errored out.");
Exemple #6
    // VISITORS  //========== Case assertions
    virtual void visit(AstCase* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (!nodep->user1Inc()) {
	    bool has_default=false;
	    for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
		if (itemp->isDefault()) has_default=true;
	    if (nodep->fullPragma() || nodep->priorityPragma()) {
		// Simply need to add a default if there isn't one already
		if (!has_default) {
		    nodep->addItemsp(new AstCaseItem(nodep->fileline(), NULL/*DEFAULT*/,
						     newFireAssert(nodep, "synthesis full_case, but non-match found")));
	    if (nodep->parallelPragma() || nodep->uniquePragma() || nodep->unique0Pragma()) {
		// Need to check that one, and only one of the case items match at any moment
		// If there's a default, we allow none to match, else exactly one must match
		if (!has_default && !nodep->itemsp()) {
		    // Not parallel, but harmlessly so.
		} else {
		    AstNode* propp = NULL;
		    for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
			for (AstNode* icondp = itemp->condsp(); icondp!=NULL; icondp=icondp->nextp()) {
			    AstNode* onep = new AstEq(icondp->fileline(),
			    if (propp) propp = new AstConcat(icondp->fileline(), onep, propp);
			    else propp = onep;
		    bool allow_none = has_default || nodep->unique0Pragma();
		    AstNode* ohot = (allow_none
				     ? (new AstOneHot0(nodep->fileline(), propp))->castNode()
				     : (new AstOneHot (nodep->fileline(), propp))->castNode());
		    AstIf* ifp = new AstIf (nodep->fileline(),
					    new AstLogNot (nodep->fileline(), ohot),
					    newFireAssert(nodep, "synthesis parallel_case, but multiple matches found"),
Exemple #7
    virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	AstVar* varp=nodep->varp();
	if (m_check == CT_SEQ
	    && m_assignp
	    && !varp->isUsedLoopIdx() // Ignore loop indicies
	    && !varp->isTemp()
	    ) {
	    // Allow turning off warnings on the always, or the variable also
	    if (!m_alwaysp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ)
		&& !m_assignp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ)
		&& !varp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ)
		) {
		m_alwaysp->fileline()->modifyWarnOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ, true);  // Complain just once for the entire always
		varp->fileline()->modifyWarnOff(V3ErrorCode::BLKSEQ, true);
		nodep->v3warn(BLKSEQ,"Blocking assignments (=) in sequential (flop or latch) block; suggest delayed assignments (<=).");
Exemple #8
    virtual void visit(AstPin* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// PIN(p,expr) -> ASSIGNW(VARXREF(p),expr)    (if sub's input)
	//	      or  ASSIGNW(expr,VARXREF(p))    (if sub's output)
	UINFO(4,"   PIN  "<<nodep<<endl);
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"  Pin_oldb: ");
	if (nodep->modVarp()->isOutOnly() && nodep->exprp()->castConst())
	    nodep->v3error("Output port is connected to a constant pin, electrical short");
	// Use user1p on the PIN to indicate we created an assign for this pin
	if (!nodep->user1Inc()) {
	    // Simplify it
	    V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(nodep, m_cellp, m_modp);
	    // Make a ASSIGNW (expr, pin)
	    AstNode*  exprp  = nodep->exprp()->cloneTree(false);
	    if (nodep->width() != nodep->modVarp()->width())
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("Width mismatch, should have been handled in pinReconnectSimple\n");
	    if (nodep->modVarp()->isInout()) {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Verilator is a 2-state simulator");
	    } else if (nodep->modVarp()->isOutput()) {
		AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarXRef (exprp->fileline(), nodep->modVarp(), m_cellp->name(), false);
		AstAssignW* assp = new AstAssignW (exprp->fileline(), exprp, rhsp);
	    } else if (nodep->modVarp()->isInput()) {
		// Don't bother moving constants now,
		// we'll be pushing the const down to the cell soon enough.
		AstNode* assp = new AstAssignW
		     new AstVarXRef(exprp->fileline(), nodep->modVarp(), m_cellp->name(), true),
		if (debug()>=9) assp->dumpTree(cout,"     _new: ");
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Assigned pin is neither input nor output");

	// We're done with the pin
	nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
    void visitEqNeqWild(AstNodeBiop* nodep) {
	UINFO(4," N/EQWILD->EQ "<<nodep<<endl);
	V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->lhsp());  // lhsp may change
	V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->rhsp());  // rhsp may change
	if (nodep->lhsp()->castConst() && nodep->rhsp()->castConst()) {
	    // Both sides are constant, node can be constant
	    V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	} else {
	    AstNode* lhsp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* rhsp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* newp;
	    if (!rhsp->castConst()) {
		nodep->v3error("Unsupported: RHS of ==? or !=? must be constant to be synthesizable");  // Says spec.
		// Replace with anything that won't cause more errors
		newp = new AstEq (nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
	    } else {
		// X or Z's become mask, ala case statements.
		V3Number nummask  (rhsp->fileline(), rhsp->width());
		V3Number numval   (rhsp->fileline(), rhsp->width());
		numval.opBitsOne  (rhsp->castConst()->num());
		AstNode* and1p = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), lhsp,
					    new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), nummask));
		AstNode* and2p = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numval);
		if (nodep->castEqWild())
		    newp  = new AstEq  (nodep->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		else newp = new AstNeq (nodep->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		rhsp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(rhsp);
	    nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	    // Iterate tree now that we may have gotten rid of the compare
    // METHODS
    void readModNames() {
	// Look at all modules, and store pointers to all module names
	for (AstNodeModule* nextp,* nodep = v3Global.rootp()->modulesp(); nodep; nodep=nextp) {
	    nextp = nodep->nextp()->castNodeModule();
	    AstNode* foundp = m_mods.rootp()->findIdFallback(nodep->name())->nodep();
	    if (foundp && foundp != nodep) {
		if (!(foundp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::MODDUP) || nodep->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::MODDUP))) {
		    nodep->v3warn(MODDUP,"Duplicate declaration of module: "<<nodep->prettyName()<<endl
				  <<foundp->warnMore()<<"... Location of original declaration");
		pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL;
	    } else if (!foundp) {
		m_mods.rootp()->insert(nodep->name(), new VSymEnt(&m_mods, nodep));
	//if (debug()>=9) m_mods.dump(cout, "-syms: ");
Exemple #11
    bool simulateTree(AstNode *nodep, const V3Number *loopValue, AstNode *dtypep, V3Number &outNum) {
	AstNode* clone = nodep->cloneTree(true);
	if (!clone) {
	    nodep->v3fatalSrc("Failed to clone tree");
	    return false;
	if (loopValue) {
	    m_varValuep = new AstConst (nodep->fileline(), *loopValue);
	    // Iteration requires a back, so put under temporary node
	    AstBegin* tempp = new AstBegin (nodep->fileline(), "[EditWrapper]", clone);
	    m_varModeReplace = true;
	    m_varModeReplace = false;
	    clone = tempp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
	    tempp = NULL;
	    pushDeletep(m_varValuep); m_varValuep = NULL;
	SimulateVisitor simvis;
	if (!simvis.optimizable()) {
	    UINFO(3, "Unable to simulate" << endl);
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"- _simtree: ");
	    return false;
	// Fetch the result
	V3Number* res = simvis.fetchNumberNull(clone);
	if (!res) {
	    UINFO(3, "No number returned from simulation" << endl);
	    return false;
	// Patch up datatype
	if (dtypep) {
	    AstConst new_con (clone->fileline(), *res);
	    outNum = new_con.num();
	    return true;
	outNum = *res;
	return true;
Exemple #12
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (!nodep->user1Inc()) {
	    if (debug()==9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-in: ");
	    // Guard against reading/writing past end of arrays
	    AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep->fromp());
	    int dimension      = AstArraySel::dimension(nodep->fromp());
	    int maxmsb = 0;
	    bool lvalue = false;
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = basefromp->castNodeVarRef()) {
		AstArrayDType* adtypep = varrefp->varp()->dtypep()->dtypeDimensionp(dimension)->castArrayDType();
		if (!adtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("ArraySel to type without array at same depth");
		lvalue = varrefp->lvalue();
		maxmsb = adtypep->elementsConst()-1;
	    } else if (AstConst* lhconstp = basefromp->castConst()) {
		// If it's a PARAMETER[bit], then basefromp may be a constant instead of a varrefp
		maxmsb = lhconstp->width();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef or Const under ArraySel\n");
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"arraysel_old: ");
	    V3Number widthnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->bitp()->width(), maxmsb);

	    // See if the condition is constant true
	    AstNode* condp = new AstLte (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), widthnum));
	    // Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
	    condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
	    if (condp->isOne()) {
		// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
	    else if (!lvalue
		&& !nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {	// Too complicated and slow if mid-multidimension
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> COND(LT(bit<maxbit), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		V3Number xnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (nodep->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
		// Link in conditional, can blow away temp xor
		// Added X's, tristate them too
	    else if (!lvalue) {  // Mid-multidimension read, just use zero
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> ARRAYSEL(COND(LT(bit<maxbit), bit, 0))
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		AstNode* bitp = nodep->bitp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
		V3Number zeronum (nodep->fileline(), bitp->width(), 0);
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (bitp->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), zeronum));
		// Added X's, tristate them too
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
	    else {  // lvalue
		replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);
Exemple #13
    bool forUnroller(AstNode* nodep,
		     AstAssign* initp,
		     AstNode* condp,
		     AstNode* precondsp,
		     AstNode* incp, AstNode* bodysp) {
	V3Number loopValue = V3Number(nodep->fileline());
	if (!simulateTree(initp->rhsp(), NULL, initp, loopValue)) {
	    return false;
	AstNode* stmtsp = NULL;
	if (initp) {
	    initp->unlinkFrBack();	// Always a single statement; nextp() may be nodep
	    // Don't add to list, we do it once, and setting loop index isn't needed as we're constant propagating it
	if (precondsp) {
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(precondsp);
	if (bodysp) {
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(bodysp);  // Maybe null if no body
	if (incp && !nodep->castGenFor()) {  // Generates don't need to increment loop index
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(incp);  // Maybe null if no body
	// Mark variable to disable some later warnings

	AstNode* newbodysp = NULL;
	if (stmtsp) {
	    int times = 0;
	    while (1) {
		UINFO(8,"      Looping "<<loopValue<<endl);
		V3Number res = V3Number(nodep->fileline());
		if (!simulateTree(condp, &loopValue, NULL, res)) {
		    nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling failed.");
		    return false;
		if (!res.isEqOne()) {
		    break;  // Done with the loop
		else {
		    // Replace iterator values with constant.
		    AstNode* oneloopp = stmtsp->cloneTree(true);

		    m_varValuep = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), loopValue);

		    // Iteration requires a back, so put under temporary node
		    if (oneloopp) {
			AstBegin* tempp = new AstBegin(oneloopp->fileline(),"[EditWrapper]",oneloopp);
			m_varModeReplace = true;
			m_varModeReplace = false;
			oneloopp = tempp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); tempp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(tempp);
		    if (m_generate) {
			string index = AstNode::encodeNumber(m_varValuep->toSInt());
			string nname = m_beginName + "__BRA__" + index + "__KET__";
			oneloopp = new AstBegin(oneloopp->fileline(),nname,oneloopp,true);
		    pushDeletep(m_varValuep); m_varValuep=NULL;
		    if (newbodysp) newbodysp->addNext(oneloopp);
		    else newbodysp = oneloopp;

		    if (++times > unrollCount()*3) {
			nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling took too long; probably this is an infinite loop, or set --unroll-count above "<<unrollCount());

		    // loopValue += valInc
		    AstAssign *incpass = incp->castAssign();
		    V3Number newLoopValue = V3Number(nodep->fileline());
		    if (!simulateTree(incpass->rhsp(), &loopValue, incpass, newLoopValue)) {
			nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling failed");
			return false;
	// Replace the FOR()
	if (newbodysp) nodep->replaceWith(newbodysp);
	else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
	if (bodysp) { pushDeletep(bodysp); VL_DANGLING(bodysp); }
	if (precondsp) { pushDeletep(precondsp); VL_DANGLING(precondsp); }
	if (initp) { pushDeletep(initp); VL_DANGLING(initp); }
	if (incp && !incp->backp()) { pushDeletep(incp); VL_DANGLING(incp); }
	if (debug()>=9) newbodysp->dumpTree(cout,"-  _new: ");
	return true;
Exemple #14
void V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(AstPin* pinp, AstCell* cellp, AstNodeModule* modp) {
    // If a pin connection is "simple" leave it as-is
    // Else create a intermediate wire to perform the interconnect
    // Note this module calles cloneTree() via new AstVar
    AstVar* pinVarp = pinp->modVarp();
    AstVarRef* connectRefp = pinp->exprp()->castVarRef();
    AstBasicDType* pinBasicp = pinVarp->dtypep()->basicp();  // Maybe NULL
    AstBasicDType* connBasicp = NULL;
    if (connectRefp) connBasicp = connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->basicp();
    if (connectRefp
	&& connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->sameTree(pinVarp->dtypep())
	&& !connectRefp->varp()->isSc()) { // Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types
	// Done.  Same data type
    } else if (connBasicp
	       && pinBasicp
	       && connBasicp->width() == pinBasicp->width()
	       && connBasicp->lsb() == pinBasicp->lsb()
	       && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc()	// Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types
	       && pinp->width() == pinVarp->width()
	       && 1) {
	// Done. One to one interconnect won't need a temporary variable.
    } else if (pinp->exprp()->castConst()) {
	// Done. Constant.
    } else {
	// Make a new temp wire
	//if (1||debug()>=9) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"in_pin:"); }
	AstAssignW* assignp = NULL;
	AstNode* pinexprp = pinp->exprp()->unlinkFrBack();
	string newvarname = "__Vcellinp__"+cellp->name()+"__"+pinp->name();
	AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (pinVarp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, pinVarp);
	if (pinVarp->isInout()) {
	    pinVarp->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Inout connections to pins must be direct one-to-one connection (without any expression)");
	} else if (pinVarp->isOutput()) {
	    // See also V3Inst
	    AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, false);
	    if (pinp->width() > rhsp->width()) {
		if (rhsp->isSigned()) {
		    rhsp = new AstExtendS(pinp->fileline(), rhsp);
		} else {
		    rhsp = new AstExtend (pinp->fileline(), rhsp);
	    } else if (pinp->width() < rhsp->width()) {
		rhsp = new AstSel    (pinp->fileline(), rhsp, 0, pinp->width());
	    assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(), pinexprp, rhsp);
	    pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (pinexprp->fileline(), newvarp, true));
	} else {
	    // V3 width should have range/extended to make the widths correct
	    if (pinexprp->width() != pinVarp->width()) pinp->v3fatalSrc("Input pin width mismatch");
	    assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(),
				      new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, true),
	    pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (pinexprp->fileline(), newvarp, false));
	if (assignp) modp->addStmtp(assignp);
	//if (1||debug()) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"  out:"); }
	//if (1||debug()) { assignp->dumpTree(cout," aout:"); }
    virtual void visit(AstSenItem* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Remove bit selects, and bark if it's not a simple variable
	if (nodep->isClocked()) {
	    // If it's not a simple variable wrap in a temporary
	    // This is a bit unfortunate as we haven't done width resolution
	    // and any width errors will look a bit odd, but it works.
	    AstNode* sensp = nodep->sensp();
	    if (sensp
		&& !sensp->castNodeVarRef()
		&& !sensp->castConst()) {
		// Make a new temp wire
		string newvarname = "__Vsenitemexpr"+cvtToStr(++m_senitemCvtNum);
		AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (sensp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname,
					      VFlagLogicPacked(), 1);
		// We can't just add under the module, because we may be inside a generate, begin, etc.
		// We know a SenItem should be under a SenTree/Always etc, we we'll just hunt upwards
		AstNode* addwherep = nodep;  // Add to this element's next
		while (addwherep->castSenItem()
		       || addwherep->castSenTree()) {
		    addwherep = addwherep->backp();
		if (!addwherep->castAlways()) {  // Assertion perhaps?
		    sensp->v3error("Unsupported: Non-single-bit pos/negedge clock statement under some complicated block");
		    addwherep = m_modp;

		sensp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef (sensp->fileline(), newvarp, false));
		AstAssignW* assignp = new AstAssignW
		     new AstVarRef(sensp->fileline(), newvarp, true),
	} else {  // Old V1995 sensitivity list; we'll probably mostly ignore
	    bool did=1;
	    while (did) {
		if (AstNodeSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castNodeSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
		// NodeSel doesn't include AstSel....
		if (AstSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
		if (AstNodePreSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castNodePreSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
	if (!nodep->sensp()->castNodeVarRef()
	    && !nodep->sensp()->castEnumItemRef()) {  // V3Const will cleanup
	    if (debug()) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-tree: ");
	    nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Complex statement in sensitivity list");
Exemple #16
    void replaceCaseComplicated(AstCase* nodep) {
	// CASEx(cexpr,ITEM(icond1,istmts1),ITEM(icond2,istmts2),ITEM(default,istmts3))
	// ->  IF((cexpr==icond1),istmts1,
	//		         IF((EQ (AND MASK cexpr) (AND MASK icond1)
	//				,istmts2, istmts3
	AstNode* cexprp = nodep->exprp()->unlinkFrBack();
	// We'll do this in two stages.  First stage, convert the conditions to
	// the appropriate IF AND terms.
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"    _comp_IN:   ");
	bool hadDefault = false;
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    if (!itemp->condsp()) {
		// Default clause.  Just make true, we'll optimize it away later
		itemp->condsp(new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicTrue()));
		hadDefault = true;
	    } else {
		// Expressioned clause
		AstNode* icondNextp = NULL;
		AstNode* ifexprp = NULL;	// If expression to test
		for (AstNode* icondp = itemp->condsp(); icondp!=NULL; icondp=icondNextp) {
		    icondNextp = icondp->nextp();

		    AstNode* condp = NULL;  // Default is to use and1p/and2p
		    AstConst* iconstp = icondp->castConst();
		    if (iconstp && neverItem(nodep, iconstp)) {
			// X in casez can't ever be executed
			icondp->deleteTree(); icondp=NULL; iconstp=NULL;
			// For simplicity, make expression that is not equal, and let later
			// optimizations remove it
			condp = new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicFalse());
		    } else if (AstInsideRange* irangep = icondp->castInsideRange()) {
			// Similar logic in V3Width::visit(AstInside)
			AstNode* ap = AstGte::newTyped(itemp->fileline(),
			AstNode* bp = AstLte::newTyped(itemp->fileline(),
			condp = new AstAnd(itemp->fileline(), ap, bp);
		    } else if (iconstp && iconstp->num().isFourState()
			       && (nodep->casex() || nodep->casez() || nodep->caseInside())) {
			V3Number nummask (itemp->fileline(), iconstp->width());
			V3Number numval  (itemp->fileline(), iconstp->width());
			AstNode* and1p = new AstAnd(itemp->fileline(), cexprp->cloneTree(false),
						    new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), nummask));
			AstNode* and2p = new AstAnd(itemp->fileline(),
						    new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), numval),
						    new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), nummask));
			icondp->deleteTree(); icondp=NULL; iconstp=NULL;
			condp = AstEq::newTyped(itemp->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		    } else {
			// Not a caseX mask, we can simply build CASEEQ(cexpr icond)
			AstNode* and1p = cexprp->cloneTree(false);
			AstNode* and2p = icondp;
			condp = AstEq::newTyped(itemp->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		    if (!ifexprp) {
			ifexprp = condp;
		    } else {
			ifexprp = new AstLogOr(itemp->fileline(), ifexprp, condp);
		// Replace expression in tree
	cexprp->deleteTree(); cexprp=NULL;
	if (!hadDefault) {
	    // If there was no default, add a empty one, this greatly simplifies below code
	    // and constant propagation will just eliminate it for us later.
	    nodep->addItemsp(new AstCaseItem(nodep->fileline(),
					     new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), AstConst::LogicTrue()),
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"    _comp_COND: ");
	// Now build the IF statement tree
	// The tree can be quite huge.  Pull ever group of 8 out, and make a OR tree.
	// This reduces the depth for the bottom elements, at the cost of some of the top elements.
	// If we ever have profiling data, we should pull out the most common item from here and
	// instead make it the first IF branch.
	int depth = 0;
	AstNode* grouprootp = NULL;
	AstIf* groupnextp = NULL;
	AstIf* itemnextp = NULL;
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    AstNode* istmtsp = itemp->bodysp();   // Maybe null -- no action.
	    if (istmtsp) istmtsp->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
	    // Expressioned clause
	    AstNode* ifexprp = itemp->condsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    {   // Prepare for next group
		if (++depth > CASE_ENCODER_GROUP_DEPTH) depth = 1;
		if (depth == 1) {  // First group or starting new group
		    itemnextp = NULL;
		    AstIf* newp = new AstIf(itemp->fileline(), ifexprp->cloneTree(true), NULL, NULL);
		    if (groupnextp) groupnextp->addElsesp(newp);
		    else grouprootp = newp;
		    groupnextp = newp;
		} else { // Continue group, modify if condition to OR in this new condition
		    AstNode* condp = groupnextp->condp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    groupnextp->condp(new AstOr(ifexprp->fileline(),
	    {   // Make the new lower IF and attach in the tree
		AstNode* itemexprp = ifexprp;  ifexprp=NULL;
		if (depth == (CASE_ENCODER_GROUP_DEPTH)) { // End of group - can skip the condition
		    itemexprp->deleteTree(); itemexprp=NULL;
		    itemexprp = new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicTrue());
		AstIf* newp = new AstIf(itemp->fileline(), itemexprp, istmtsp, NULL);
		if (itemnextp) itemnextp->addElsesp(newp);
		else groupnextp->addIfsp(newp);  // First in a new group
		itemnextp = newp;
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"    _comp_TREE: ");
	// Handle any assertions
	replaceCaseParallel(nodep, false);
	// Replace the CASE... with IF...
	if (debug()>=9) grouprootp->dumpTree(cout,"     _new: ");
	if (grouprootp) nodep->replaceWith(grouprootp);
	else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
	nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
Exemple #17
    virtual void visit(AstAssignW* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Note: this detects and expands tristates of the forms:
	// assign x = (OE) ?  y  : 'hZ;
	// assign x = (OE) ? 'hz :  y;

	// see if this a COND and separate out the __en logic from the output logic if it is
	if (AstCond* condp = nodep->rhsp()->castCond()) {
	    //if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-   cond-in: ");
	    AstNode* oep = condp->condp();
	    AstNode* expr1p = condp->expr1p();
	    AstNode* expr2p = condp->expr2p();
	    AstNode* enrhsp;
	    AstNode* outrhsp;

	    if (expr1p->castConst() && expr1p->castConst()->num().isAllZ()) {
		enrhsp = new AstNot(oep->fileline(), oep->unlinkFrBack());
		outrhsp = expr2p->unlinkFrBack();
	    } else if (expr2p->castConst() && expr2p->castConst()->num().isAllZ()){
		enrhsp = oep->unlinkFrBack();
		outrhsp = expr1p->unlinkFrBack();
	    } else {
		// not a tristate or not in a form we recgonize, so exit and move on.

	    AstNode* outp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();;
	    AstVarRef* outrefp = NULL;
	    if (outp->castVarRef()) {
		outrefp = outp->castVarRef();
	    } else if (outp->castSel()) {
		outrefp = outp->castSel()->fromp()->castVarRef();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Can't find LHS varref");

	    createEnableVar(outp, outrefp, enrhsp, outrhsp->width());

	    // replace the old assign logic with the new one
	    AstAssignW* newassp = new AstAssignW(nodep->fileline(), outp,outrhsp);
	    //if (debug()>=9) newassp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"-   cond-out: ");
	    nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;

	// How about a tri gate?
	else if (AstBufIf1* bufp = nodep->rhsp()->castBufIf1()) {
	    //if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-   tri-in : ");
	    AstNode* enrhsp = bufp->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* outrhsp = bufp->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();

	    AstNode* outp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();;
	    AstVarRef* outrefp = NULL;
	    if (outp->castVarRef()) {
		outrefp = outp->castVarRef();
	    } else if (outp->castSel()) {
		outrefp = outp->castSel()->fromp()->castVarRef();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Can't find LHS varref");

	    createEnableVar(outp, outrefp, enrhsp, outrhsp->width());

	    // replace the old assign logic with the new one
	    AstAssignW* newassp = new AstAssignW(nodep->fileline(), outp,outrhsp);
	    //if (debug()>=9) newassp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"-   tri-out: ");
	    nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
	else {
    static AstAssignW* pinReconnectSimple(AstPin* pinp, AstCell* cellp, AstNodeModule*,
					  bool forTristate, bool alwaysCvt) {
	// If a pin connection is "simple" leave it as-is
	// Else create a intermediate wire to perform the interconnect
	// Return the new assignment, if one was made
	// Note this module calles cloneTree() via new AstVar
	AstVar* pinVarp = pinp->modVarp();
	AstVarRef* connectRefp = pinp->exprp()->castVarRef();
	AstBasicDType* pinBasicp = pinVarp->dtypep()->basicp();  // Maybe NULL
	AstBasicDType* connBasicp = NULL;
	AstAssignW* assignp = NULL;
	if (connectRefp) connBasicp = connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->basicp();
	if (!alwaysCvt
	    && connectRefp
	    && connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->sameTree(pinVarp->dtypep())
	    && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc()) { // Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types
	    // Done. Same data type
	} else if (!alwaysCvt
		   && connectRefp
		   && connectRefp->varp()->isIfaceRef()) {
	    // Done. Interface
	} else if (!alwaysCvt
		   && connBasicp
		   && pinBasicp
		   && connBasicp->width() == pinBasicp->width()
		   && connBasicp->lsb() == pinBasicp->lsb()
		   && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc()	// Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types
		   && connBasicp->width() == pinVarp->width()
		   && 1) {
	    // Done. One to one interconnect won't need a temporary variable.
	} else if (!alwaysCvt && !forTristate && pinp->exprp()->castConst()) {
	    // Done. Constant.
	} else {
	    // Make a new temp wire
	    //if (1||debug()>=9) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"-in_pin:"); }
	    AstNode* pinexprp = pinp->exprp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    string newvarname = ((string)(pinVarp->isOutput() ? "__Vcellout" : "__Vcellinp")
				 +(forTristate?"t":"")  // Prevent name conflict if both tri & non-tri add signals
	    AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (pinVarp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, pinVarp);
	    // Important to add statement next to cell, in case there is a generate with same named cell
	    if (pinVarp->isInout()) {
		pinVarp->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Inout connections to pins must be direct one-to-one connection (without any expression)");
	    } else if (pinVarp->isOutput()) {
		// See also V3Inst
		AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, false);
		UINFO(5,"pinRecon width "<<pinVarp->width()<<" >? "<<rhsp->width()<<" >? "<<pinexprp->width()<<endl);
		rhsp = extendOrSel (pinp->fileline(), rhsp, pinVarp);
		pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (newvarp->fileline(), newvarp, true));
		AstNode* rhsSelp = extendOrSel (pinp->fileline(), rhsp, pinexprp);
		assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(), pinexprp, rhsSelp);
	    } else {
		// V3 width should have range/extended to make the widths correct
		assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(),
					  new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, true),
		pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (pinexprp->fileline(), newvarp, false));
	    if (assignp) cellp->addNextHere(assignp);
	    //if (debug()) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"-  out:"); }
	    //if (debug()) { assignp->dumpTree(cout,"- aout:"); }
	return assignp;
Exemple #19
    void reorderBlock(AstNode* nodep) {
	// Reorder statements in the completed graph
	AstAlways* splitAlwaysp = nodep->backp()->castAlways();

	// Map the rank numbers into nodes they associate with
	typedef multimap<uint32_t,AstNode*> RankNodeMap;
	typedef map<uint32_t,RankNodeMap> ColorRankMap;
	ColorRankMap colorRankMap;
	uint32_t firstColor = 0;  bool multiColors = false;
	int currOrder = 0;	// Existing sequence number of assignment
	for (AstNode* nextp=nodep; nextp; nextp=nextp->nextp()) {
	    SplitLogicVertex* vvertexp = (SplitLogicVertex*)nextp->user3p();
	    if (!splitAlwaysp) vvertexp->splitColor(1);  // All blocks remain as-is
	    RankNodeMap& rankMap = colorRankMap[vvertexp->splitColor()];
	    rankMap.insert(make_pair(vvertexp->rank(), nextp));
	    if (firstColor && firstColor != vvertexp->splitColor()) multiColors = true;
	    firstColor = vvertexp->splitColor();
	    nextp->user4(++currOrder);   // Record current ordering
	// If there was only one color, we don't need multiple always blocks
	if (!multiColors) splitAlwaysp = NULL;

	// Is the current ordering OK?
	bool leaveAlone=true;
	if (splitAlwaysp) leaveAlone=false;
	int newOrder = 0;	// New sequence number of assignment
	for (ColorRankMap::iterator colorIt = colorRankMap.begin(); colorIt != colorRankMap.end(); ++colorIt) {
	    RankNodeMap& rankMap = colorIt->second;
	    for (RankNodeMap::iterator it = rankMap.begin(); it != rankMap.end(); ++it) {
		AstNode* nextp = it->second;
		if (++newOrder != nextp->user4()) leaveAlone=false;
	if (leaveAlone) {
	    UINFO(6,"   No changes\n");
	} else {
	    AstNRelinker replaceHandle;	// Where to add the list
	    AstNode* addAfterp = splitAlwaysp;

	    for (ColorRankMap::iterator colorIt = colorRankMap.begin(); colorIt != colorRankMap.end(); ++colorIt) {
		uint32_t color = colorIt->first;
		RankNodeMap& rankMap = colorIt->second;
		AstNode* newListp = NULL;
		for (RankNodeMap::iterator it = rankMap.begin(); it != rankMap.end(); ++it) {
		    AstNode* nextp = it->second;
		    UINFO(6, "    Color="<<color<<"  New order: "<<nextp<<endl);
		    if (nextp == nodep && !splitAlwaysp) nodep->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
		    else nextp->unlinkFrBack();
		    newListp = newListp->addNext(nextp);
		if (splitAlwaysp) {
		    AstAlways* alwaysp = new AstAlways(newListp->fileline(), VAlwaysKwd::ALWAYS, NULL, NULL);
		    addAfterp->addNextHere(alwaysp);  addAfterp=alwaysp;
		} else {
		    // Just reordering
	    if (splitAlwaysp) {
	} // leaveAlone
    void forUnroller(AstNode* nodep,
		     AstNode* initp,
		     AstNode* precondsp, AstNode* condp,
		     AstNode* incp, AstNode* bodysp,
		     const V3Number& numInit,
		     AstNodeBiop* cmpInstrp, const V3Number& numStop,
		     AstNodeBiop* incInstrp, const V3Number& numInc) {
	UINFO(4, "   Unroll for var="<<numInit<<"; var<"<<numStop<<"; var+="<<numInc<<endl);
	UINFO(6, "    cmpI "<<cmpInstrp<<endl);
	UINFO(6, "    IncI "<<incInstrp<<endl);
	AstNode* stmtsp = NULL;
	if (initp) {
	    initp->unlinkFrBack();	// Always a single statement; nextp() may be nodep
	    // Don't add to list, we do it once, and setting loop index isn't needed as we're constant propagating it
	if (precondsp) {
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(precondsp);
	if (bodysp) {
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(bodysp);  // Maybe null if no body
	if (incp && !nodep->castGenFor()) {  // Generates don't need to increment loop index
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(incp);  // Maybe null if no body
	// Mark variable to disable some later warnings

	// If it's a While, then incp is already part of bodysp.
	V3Number loopValue(nodep->fileline(), m_forVarp->width());  // May differ in size from numInitp

	AstNode* newbodysp = NULL;
	if (stmtsp) {
	    int times = 0;
	    while (1) {
		UINFO(8,"      Looping "<<loopValue<<endl);
		// if loopValue<valStop
		V3Number contin (nodep->fileline(), 1);
		cmpInstrp->numberOperate(contin, loopValue, numStop);
		if (contin.isEqZero()) {
		    break;  // Done with the loop
		} else {
		    // Replace iterator values with constant.
		    AstNode* oneloopp = stmtsp->cloneTree(true);

		    m_varValuep = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), loopValue);

		    // Iteration requires a back, so put under temporary node
		    if (oneloopp) {
			AstBegin* tempp = new AstBegin(oneloopp->fileline(),"[EditWrapper]",oneloopp);
			m_varModeReplace = true;
			m_varModeReplace = false;
			oneloopp = tempp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); tempp->deleteTree(); tempp=NULL;
		    if (m_generate) {
			string index = AstNode::encodeNumber(m_varValuep->toSInt());
			string nname = m_beginName + "__BRA__" + index + "__KET__";
			oneloopp = new AstBegin(oneloopp->fileline(),nname,oneloopp,true);

		    if (newbodysp) newbodysp->addNext(oneloopp);
		    else newbodysp = oneloopp;

		    if (++times > unrollCount()*3) {
			nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling took too long; probably this is an infinite loop, or set --unroll-count above "<<unrollCount());

		    //loopValue += valInc
		    V3Number newnum(nodep->fileline(), m_forVarp->width());  // Can't increment in-place
		    incInstrp->numberOperate(newnum, loopValue, numInc);

		    pushDeletep(m_varValuep); m_varValuep=NULL;
	// Replace the FOR()
	if (newbodysp) nodep->replaceWith(newbodysp);
	else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
	if (bodysp) { pushDeletep(bodysp); bodysp=NULL; }
	if (precondsp) { pushDeletep(precondsp); precondsp=NULL; }
	if (initp) { pushDeletep(initp); initp=NULL; }
	if (incp && !incp->backp()) { pushDeletep(incp); incp=NULL; }
	if (debug()>=9) newbodysp->dumpTree(cout,"-  _new: ");
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) {
	if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) {
	    if (debug()==9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-in: ");
	    // Guard against reading/writing past end of arrays
	    AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep->fromp());
	    bool lvalue = false;
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = basefromp->castNodeVarRef()) {
		lvalue = varrefp->lvalue();
	    } else if (basefromp->castConst()) {
		// If it's a PARAMETER[bit], then basefromp may be a constant instead of a varrefp
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef or Const under ArraySel");
	    // Find range of dtype we are selecting from
	    int declElements = -1;
	    AstNodeDType* dtypep = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp();
	    if (!dtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Select of non-selectable type");
	    if (AstNodeArrayDType* adtypep = dtypep->castNodeArrayDType()) {
		declElements = adtypep->elementsConst();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Select from non-array "<<dtypep->prettyTypeName());
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"arraysel_old: ");
	    V3Number widthnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->bitp()->width(), declElements-1);

	    // See if the condition is constant true
	    AstNode* condp = new AstGte (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), widthnum),
	    // Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
	    condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
	    if (condp->isOne()) {
		// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
	    else if (!lvalue
		     && !nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {	// Too complicated and slow if mid-multidimension
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> COND(LT(bit<maxbit), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		V3Number xnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
		if (nodep->isString()) {
		    xnum = V3Number(V3Number::String(), nodep->fileline(), "");
		} else {
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (nodep->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
		// Link in conditional, can blow away temp xor
		// Added X's, tristate them too
	    else if (!lvalue) {  // Mid-multidimension read, just use zero
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> ARRAYSEL(COND(LT(bit<maxbit), bit, 0))
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		AstNode* bitp = nodep->bitp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
		V3Number zeronum (nodep->fileline(), bitp->width(), 0);
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (bitp->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), zeronum));
		// Added X's, tristate them too
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
	    else {  // lvalue
		replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);
Exemple #22
    virtual void visit(AstSelExtract* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Select of a range specified part of an array, i.e. "array[2:3]"
	// SELEXTRACT(from,msb,lsb) -> SEL(from, lsb, 1+msb-lsb)
	// This select style has a (msb or lsb) and width
	UINFO(6,"SELEXTRACT "<<nodep<<endl);
	//if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEX0: ");
	// Below 2 lines may change nodep->widthp()
	V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->lsbp()); // May relink pointed to node
	V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->msbp()); // May relink pointed to node
	//if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEX3: ");
	checkConstantOrReplace(nodep->lsbp(), "First value of [a:b] isn't a constant, maybe you want +: or -:");
	checkConstantOrReplace(nodep->msbp(), "Second value of [a:b] isn't a constant, maybe you want +: or -:");
	AstNode* fromp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstNode* msbp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstNode* lsbp = nodep->thsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	vlsint32_t msb = msbp->castConst()->toSInt();
	vlsint32_t lsb = lsbp->castConst()->toSInt();
	FromData fromdata = fromDataForArray(nodep, fromp, false);
	AstNodeDType* ddtypep = fromdata.m_dtypep;
	VNumRange fromRange = fromdata.m_fromRange;
	if (ddtypep->castUnpackArrayDType()) {
	    // Slice extraction
	    if (fromRange.elements() == (msb-lsb+1)
		&& fromRange.lo() == lsb) { // Extracting whole of original array
		nodep->replaceWith(fromp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	    } else {
		// TODO when unpacked arrays fully supported probably need new data type here
		AstArraySel* newp = new AstArraySel (nodep->fileline(), fromp, lsbp);
		newp->length((msb - lsb) + 1);
		nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else if (AstPackArrayDType* adtypep = ddtypep->castPackArrayDType()) {
	    // SELEXTRACT(array, msb, lsb) -> SEL(array, lsb*width-of-subindex, width-of-subindex*(msb-lsb))
	    if (!fromRange.elements() || (adtypep->width() % fromRange.elements())!=0)
		adtypep->v3fatalSrc("Array extraction with width miscomputed "
	    int elwidth = adtypep->width() / fromRange.elements();
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),AstConst::Unsized32(),lsb*elwidth),
				       new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),AstConst::Unsized32(),(msb-lsb+1)*elwidth));
	    newp->dtypeFrom(sliceDType(adtypep, msb, lsb));
	    //if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--EXTBTn: ");
	    if (newp->widthMin()!=(int)newp->widthConst()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Width mismatch");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else if (ddtypep->castBasicDType()) {
	    if (fromRange.littleEndian()) {
		// Below code assumes big bit endian; just works out if we swap
		int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
	    if (lsb > msb) {
		nodep->v3error("["<<msb<<":"<<lsb<<"] Range extract has backward bit ordering, perhaps you wanted ["<<lsb<<":"<<msb<<"]");
		int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
	    AstNode* widthp = new AstConst (msbp->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32(), // Unsized so width from user
					    msb +1-lsb);
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       newSubLsbOf(lsbp, fromRange),
	    UINFO(6,"   new "<<newp<<endl);
	    //if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEXnew: ");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else if (ddtypep->castNodeClassDType()) {
	    // Classes aren't little endian
	    if (lsb > msb) {
		nodep->v3error("["<<msb<<":"<<lsb<<"] Range extract has backward bit ordering, perhaps you wanted ["<<lsb<<":"<<msb<<"]");
		int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
	    AstNode* widthp = new AstConst (msbp->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32(), // Unsized so width from user
					    msb +1-lsb);
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       newSubLsbOf(lsbp, fromRange),
	    UINFO(6,"   new "<<newp<<endl);
	    //if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEXnew: ");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else {  // NULL=bad extract, or unknown node type
	    nodep->v3error("Illegal range select; type already selected, or bad dimension: type is "
	    UINFO(1,"    Related ddtype: "<<ddtypep<<endl);
	    // How to recover?  We'll strip a dimension.
	    nodep->replaceWith(fromp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	// delete whataver we didn't use in reconstruction
	if (!fromp->backp()) { pushDeletep(fromp); VL_DANGLING(fromp); }
	if (!msbp->backp()) { pushDeletep(msbp); VL_DANGLING(msbp); }
	if (!lsbp->backp()) { pushDeletep(lsbp); VL_DANGLING(lsbp); }