int main (int argc, char** argv) { int N; //mber of rounds int score1 = 0,score2 = 0; int result = 0; int i; Player* player1; Player* player2; Ball* ball; Spell* spell; if(argc==1) { srand (time(NULL)); N = -1; } if(argc==2) { srand (time(NULL)); N = atoi(argv[1]); } if(argc==3) { srand (atoi(argv[2])); N = atoi(argv[1]); } for (i=0; i=N-1; i++) { int random = rand()%4; if(random==0) player1= new Chasers; else if(random==1) player1= new Beaters; else if(random==2) player1= new Keepers; else player1= new Seekers; random=rand()%4; if(random==0) player2= new Chasers; else if(random==1) player2= new Beaters; else if(random==2) player2= new Keepers; else player2= new Seekers; random=rand()%4; if(random==0) spell= new InvalidSpells; else if(random==1) spell= new PenaltySpells; else if(random==2) spell= new BonusSpells; else spell= new JamSpells; random=rand()%3; if(random==0) ball= new Quaffle; else if(random==1) ball= new Bludger; else ball= new GoldenSnitch; if(result==1) { player1->add_spell(-2); } if(result==2) { player2->add_spell(-2); } result = 0; random=rand()%2; if(random==0) spell->witchcraft(player1); else spell->witchcraft(player2); result= ball->battle(&score1,&score2,player1,player2); delete player1; delete player2; delete spell; delete ball; cout<<result<<endl; if(result==3) break; } cout<<" Team1 "<<score1<<" ,"<<" Team2 "<<score2<<endl; return 0; }
bool is_intersecting(Brick &brick, Ball &ball){ return brick.right() >= ball.left() && brick.left() <= ball.right() && brick.bottom() >= && <= ball.bottom(); }
void Pong::Update(double simLength) { // Swap between models 2D and 3D if (swapProjection) { if (projectionMode == Game::Orthographic) { gameObjectRegister[0]->ChangeModel(modelRegister[0], 1.0f, shaderLocations, "Assets/Textures/WhiteTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[0]->boundingBox.dimensions = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); gameObjectRegister[0]->boundingBoxOffset = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gameObjectRegister[1]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/WhiteTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[2]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/WhiteTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[3]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/WhiteTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[4]->ChangeModel(modelRegister[0], 1.0f, shaderLocations, "Assets/Textures/WhiteTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[5]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/BlackTexture.bmp"); } if (projectionMode == Game::Perspective) { gameObjectRegister[0]->ChangeModel(modelRegister[5], 0.005f, shaderLocations, "Assets/Textures/Elephant.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[0]->boundingBox.dimensions = glm::vec3(3.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f); gameObjectRegister[0]->boundingBoxOffset = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gameObjectRegister[1]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/RedTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[2]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/BlueTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[3]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/WoodTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[4]->ChangeModel(modelRegister[4], 0.02f, shaderLocations, "Assets/Textures/GraniteTexture.bmp"); gameObjectRegister[5]->LoadTextures("Assets/Textures/NightSkyTexture.bmp"); } swapProjection = false; } // Score Update Ball* tempBallObject = dynamic_cast<Ball*>(gameObjectRegister[0]); // Casts the ball object in the gameobject list so its derived methods can be accessed. GUI* tempGUIObject = dynamic_cast<GUI*>(gameObjectRegister[4]); WorldBounds* tempWorldBoundsObject = dynamic_cast<WorldBounds*>(gameObjectRegister[3]); tempBallObject->UpdateGUIScore(*tempGUIObject); // Updates the score by passing references to the games UI. if (projectionMode == Perspective) { tempGUIObject->UpdateScore(true); tempWorldBoundsObject->UpdateDrawMode(true); } else { tempGUIObject->UpdateScore(false); tempWorldBoundsObject->UpdateDrawMode(false); } bool gameEnd = tempGUIObject->CheckEndCondition(); if (gameEnd) { done = true; } // Update each GameObject. for (int i = 0; i < gameObjectRegister.size(); i++) { gameObjectRegister[i]->Update(simLength, gameObjectRegister); } CameraMovement(); if (followBall) { cameraPosition = glm::vec3(tempBallObject->position.x, tempBallObject->position.y, tempBallObject->position.z + 75.0f); cameraLookAt = tempBallObject->position; } gameObjectRegister.back()->position = cameraPosition; // Update the skybox location, causing it to be infinitely far away. viewMatrix = glm::lookAt(cameraPosition, cameraLookAt, upVector); // Update the view matrix. // Clear the pointers. tempBallObject = nullptr; tempGUIObject = nullptr; tempWorldBoundsObject = nullptr; delete tempBallObject, tempGUIObject, tempWorldBoundsObject; // Deletes the memory pointer to avoid memory leaks. }
int main() { //GAME SETUP sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(gDisplayx,gDisplayy), "PONG - Obrecht"); window.setFramerateLimit(60); // Initialize the Menu Menu menu( window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y ); bool menuBool = true; //Boolean to clear Menu Options options( window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y ); bool optionsBool = false; bool computerAIBool = false; bool playertwoBool = true; //default behavior // Initialize Score Score score( window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y ); ScoreWindow scorewindow( window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y ); sf::Time elapsed; bool scoreBool = true; // Initialize the TableMap sf::Color PongTableColor = sf::Color(4,27,90); TableMap tablemap( window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y ); // Initialize the Paddles - Two Players Paddle Paddles("Player 1","Player 2"); // AI Paddle - One Player Paddle Paddle("Player 1"); // Initialize the Ball Ball ball; ball.loadsound(); //Initialize Gameover Screen int winningscore = 5; Gameover gameover( window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y ); gameover.loadsound(); sf::Time elapsedGameOver; bool gameoverBool = false; while( window.isOpen() ) { sf::Event event; while( window.pollEvent(event) ) { if( event.type == sf::Event::Closed || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape) ) { window.close(); } // Handling Menu Options: if( menuBool ) { if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Up ) ) { menu.MoveUp(); } else if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Down ) ) { menu.MoveDown(); } else if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Return ) ) { switch( menu.getPressedItem() ) { case 0: menuBool = false; break; case 1: menuBool = false; optionsBool = true; break; case 2: window.close(); break; } } } if( optionsBool ) { if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Up ) ) { options.MoveUp(); } else if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Down ) ) { options.MoveDown(); } else if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Return ) ) { switch( options.getPressedItem() ) { case 1: computerAIBool = true; playertwoBool = false; break; case 2: playertwoBool = true; break; case 3: optionsBool = false; menuBool = true; break; } } } if( gameoverBool ) { if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Space )) { menuBool = true; optionsBool = false; ball.setRightScore(0); ball.setLeftScore(0); ball.ballupdate(); gameoverBool = false; } } } //DRAWING - Layers of draw commands, i.e. first is layer one // Menu at beginning of game if( menuBool && !optionsBool) { window.clear(); window.draw(menu); } // If Options is pushed if( optionsBool ) { window.clear(); window.draw(options); } if( !menuBool && !optionsBool ) { // Table Lines window.clear(PongTableColor); window.draw(tablemap); // Score window.draw(score); // Paddles if( playertwoBool ) { window.draw(Paddles); Paddles.movePaddle(); } // Computer AI if( computerAIBool ){ } // Ball window.draw(ball); ball.update(&Paddles); // Score Keeper if(ball.didLeftPaddleScore() || ball.didRightPaddleScore() ) { sf::Clock scoreClock; //reset clock each time window.clear(); scorewindow.updateScore( ball.getLeftScore(), ball.getRightScore() ); window.draw(scorewindow); elapsed+=scoreClock.getElapsedTime(); if( elapsed.asSeconds() >= 0.009 ) { ball.setLeftBool(false); ball.setRightBool(false); elapsed-=elapsed; ball.ballupdate(); } scoreClock.restart(); } // Clean up / Updates score.updateScore( ball.getLeftScore(), ball.getRightScore() ); // Gameover if( ball.getRightScore() == winningscore ) { gameoverBool = true; ball.setLeftBool(false); ball.setRightBool(false); //gameover.playsound(); std::string winner = Paddles.getRightName() + " WINS!"; gameover.setWinner( winner ); window.clear(); if(gameoverBool) window.draw(gameover); } if( ball.getLeftScore() == winningscore ) { gameoverBool = true; ball.setLeftBool(false); ball.setRightBool(false); //gameover.playsound(); std::string winner = Paddles.getLeftName() + " WINS!"; gameover.setWinner( winner ); window.clear(); if(gameoverBool) window.draw(gameover); } } window.display(); } return 0; }
void EnvironmentClass::init(const GLint &width, const GLint &height) { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { GLPosition robotPos; robotPos.posX=400; robotPos.posY=400; GLint robotRadius=10; Ball *pRobot = new(std::nothrow) Ball(robotPos, robotRadius, 0); if (NULL == pRobot) continue; //pRobot->type = Object::eRobot; pRobot->setSpeed(100); pRobot->setOrientation(90); //pRobot->direction=120; // pRobot->setTarget(i * 2 + 1010); pRobot->render(glColorVec(0.0f, 80.0f, 100.0f)); // // if (i % 2) // pRobot->setDirectionColor(glColorVec(100, 0, 0)); // else // pRobot->setDirectionColor(glColorVec(200, 0, 100)); vecRobot.push_back(pRobot); //printf("direction is %d\n",pRobot->direction); //printf("direction is %d\n",vecRobot[i]->getOrientation()); } /** *@endcode */ /** *@todo must create 2 robots */ assert(1 == vecRobot.size()); /** * @code * initialize obstacle objects, * rand generater radius for obstacle, it between [16, 48) pixels * generate a rand posion for the obstacle and new circular obstacle instance * set obstacle id,type, default color, * if this obstacle is appointed to a robot, use the robot's direction line color to draw it * add to the obstacle vector */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GLPosition obsPos; obsPos.posX=300; obsPos.posY=790-i*790; Bat *pCircObs = new(std::nothrow) Bat(obsPos, 200, 10); if (NULL == pCircObs) continue; pCircObs->direction=90; pCircObs->motionless = false; pCircObs->id = 1010 + i; pCircObs->type = Object::eCircular; pCircObs->render(glColorVec(0, 100, 0)); vecbat.push_back(pCircObs); } /** *@endcode */ /** *@todo must create 6 circular obstacle */ assert(2 == vecbat.size()); /** *@todo remember the gui windows's size */ winWidth = width; winHeight = height; }
bool Paddle::checkCollision(int yres, Ball &ball) { float ballspeed = 15.0f; float ballXVel = ballspeed * cos(0)+10; float ballYVel = ballspeed * -sin(35); //ball collision with paddles bool onLeftSide = ball.getXPos() < 150 && xPos < 150; bool onRightSide = ball.getXPos() > 150 && xPos > 150; bool hitLeftPaddle = (ball.getXPos()-ball.getRadius() <= xPos) && ball.getYPos() >= yPos && ball.getYPos() <= yPos + height; bool hitRightPaddle = (ball.getXPos() >= xPos) && ball.getYPos() >= yPos && ball.getYPos() <= yPos + height; //check if paddle is moving up or down bool paddleMovingUp = yVel > 0; bool paddleMovingDown = yVel < 0; checkAI(yres, ball); checkScreenCollision(yres); float angle = PI/2; //collision with ball //left paddle if(onLeftSide && hitLeftPaddle){ ball.setXVel(ballXVel); createSound(1); if(paddleMovingUp){ ballYVel = ballspeed * -sin(-angle); ball.setYVel(ballYVel); ball.setXVel(ballXVel); } else if(paddleMovingDown){ ballYVel = ballspeed * -sin(-angle); ball.setYVel(-ballYVel); ball.setXVel(ballXVel); } return true; } //right paddle else if(onRightSide && hitRightPaddle){ ball.setXVel(-ballXVel); createSound(1); if(paddleMovingUp){ ballYVel = ballspeed * -sin(angle); ball.setYVel(ballYVel); ball.setXVel(-ballXVel); } else if(paddleMovingDown){ ballYVel = ballspeed * -sin(-angle); ball.setYVel(-ballYVel); ball.setXVel(-ballXVel); } return true; } return false; }
void GLAnalyzer3::paintGL() { // limit max dT to 0.05 and update color and scroll constants if ( show.dT > 0.05 ) show.dT = 0.05; show.colorK += show.dT * 0.4; if ( show.colorK > 3.0 ) show.colorK -= 3.0; show.gridScrollK += 0.2 * show.peakEnergy * show.dT; // Switch to MODEL matrix and clear screen glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glLoadIdentity(); glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); // Draw scrolling grid if ( (show.gridEnergyK > 0.05) || (!frame.silence && frame.dEnergy < -0.3) ) { show.gridEnergyK *= exp( -show.dT / 0.1 ); if ( -frame.dEnergy > show.gridEnergyK ) show.gridEnergyK = -frame.dEnergy*2.0; float gridColor[4] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.6, show.gridEnergyK }; drawScrollGrid( show.gridScrollK, gridColor ); } // Roll camera up/down handling the beat show.camRot += show.camRoll * show.dT; // posision show.camRoll -= 400 * show.camRot * show.dT; // elasticity show.camRoll *= (1 - 2.0 * show.dT); // friction if ( !frame.silence && frame.dEnergy > 0.4 ) show.camRoll += show.peakEnergy*2.0; glRotatef( show.camRoll / 2.0, 1,0,0 ); // Translate the drawing plane glTranslatef( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.8f ); // Draw upper/lower planes and paddles drawHFace( -1.0 ); drawHFace( 1.0 ); leftPaddle->renderGL(); rightPaddle->renderGL(); // Draw Balls if ( ballTexture ) { glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, ballTexture ); } else glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glEnable( GL_BLEND ); Ball * ball = balls.first(); for ( ; ball; ball = ) { float color[3], angle = show.colorK; // Rotate the color based on 'angle' value [0,3) if ( angle < 1.0 ) { color[ 0 ] = ball->color[ 0 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 1 ] * angle; color[ 1 ] = ball->color[ 1 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 2 ] * angle; color[ 2 ] = ball->color[ 2 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 0 ] * angle; } else if ( angle < 2.0 ) { angle -= 1.0; color[ 0 ] = ball->color[ 1 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 2 ] * angle; color[ 1 ] = ball->color[ 2 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 0 ] * angle; color[ 2 ] = ball->color[ 0 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 1 ] * angle; } else { angle -= 2.0; color[ 0 ] = ball->color[ 2 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 0 ] * angle; color[ 1 ] = ball->color[ 0 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 1 ] * angle; color[ 2 ] = ball->color[ 1 ] * (1 - angle) + ball->color[ 2 ] * angle; } // Draw the dot and update its physics also checking at bounces glColor3fv( color ); drawDot3s( ball->x, ball->y, ball->z, 1.0 ); ball->updatePhysics( show.dT ); if ( ball->x < 0 ) leftPaddle->bounce( ball ); else rightPaddle->bounce( ball ); } glDisable( GL_BLEND ); glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); // Update physics of paddles leftPaddle->updatePhysics( show.dT ); rightPaddle->updatePhysics( show.dT ); if ( !frame.silence ) { leftPaddle->impulse(*3.0 + frame.dEnergy*6.0 ); rightPaddle->impulse(*3.0 - frame.dEnergy*6.0 ); } }
Ball MotionBoard(Ball B) { Ball B1; if (B.position.x + B.dr().x > TableLength - BallRadius){ B1.position = B.position + B.dr() - vector3f(2*(B.position.x + B.dr().x - TableLength + BallRadius), 0 , 0); B1.speed.x = -0.8 * B.speed.x; B1.speed.y = B.speed.y / (abs(B.speed.x)/10 + 1); } if (B.position.x + B.dr().x < - TableLength + BallRadius){ B1.position = B.position + B.dr() - vector3f(2*(B.position.x + B.dr().x + TableLength - BallRadius), 0 , 0); B1.speed.x = -0.8 * B.speed.x; B1.speed.y = B.speed.y / (abs(B.speed.x)/20 + 1); } if (B.position.y + B.dr().y > TableWidth - BallRadius){ B1.position = B.position + B.dr() - vector3f(0, 2*(B.position.y + B.dr().y - TableWidth + BallRadius), 0); B1.speed.y = -0.8 * B.speed.y; B1.speed.x = B.speed.x / (abs(B.speed.y)/10 + 1); } if (B.position.y + B.dr().y < - TableWidth + BallRadius){ B1.position = B.position + B.dr() - vector3f(0, 2*(B.position.y + B.dr().y + TableWidth - BallRadius), 0); B1.speed.y = -0.8 * B.speed.y; B1.speed.x = B.speed.x / (abs(B.speed.y)/20 + 1); } return B1; }
int main() { // Objects declaration srand(time(NULL)); Paddle paddle(200,50); paddle.setX(paddle.getX()); paddle.setY(paddle.getY()); Ball ball; Stage level1; std::vector<Brick*> brick; for (int y = 0; y < 7; y++){ for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { brick.push_back(new Brick(x*85+100,y*45+100,1,"red")); } } RenderWindow window(VideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), "Arkanoid"); Keyboard keyboard; //if (!music.openFromFile("musictheme.mp3")) //{ // exit;// error... //} //music.setPosition(0, 1, 10); // change its 3D position //music.setPitch(2); // increase the pitch //music.setVolume(50); // reduce the volume //music.setLoop(true); //; while (window.isOpen()) { Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); // ruch paletki myszk¹ i klawiatura if (event.type == Event::MouseMoved) { paddle.setX(event.mouseMove.x - paddle.getWidth()/2); } } Collision::BallPaddle(&ball, &paddle); ball.setX(ball.getX() + ball.getSpeed().x_speed); ball.setY(ball.getY() + ball.getSpeed().y_speed); // Clear scene, render elements window.clear(); window.draw(level1.getSprite()); window.draw(paddle.getSprite()); window.draw(ball.getSprite()); for(auto &b : brick){ window.draw(b->getSprite()); } window.display(); } return 0; }
int main() { if (!init()) { return 1; } ballImg = loadImage ("ball.png"); Ball ball = Ball (screen, ballImg, SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 8, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 - 8, 1, 1); Paddle p1 = Paddle (screen, SCREEN_WIDTH-20, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-PADDLE_HEIGHT/2, PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_HEIGHT); Paddle p2 = Paddle (screen, 20, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-PADDLE_HEIGHT/2, PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_HEIGHT); // p1 can use default keys, p2 needs new ones bound. p2.setKeys (SDLK_w, SDLK_s); bool quit = false; bool winner = false; SDL_Event event; Timer fps; int bounceCount = 0; while (!quit) { fps.start(); if (SDL_PollEvent (&event)) { p1.handleEvents (event); p2.handleEvents (event); if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { quit = true; } } // white out the background SDL_FillRect (screen, &screen->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); // update the paddles p1.draw (); p2.draw (); // update the ball ball.update(); if (!winner) { // check to see if the ball is past the paddle if (ball.getXPos() < 20) { // left player win std::cout << "right player win!" << std::endl; winner = true; } else if (ball.getXPos() > SCREEN_WIDTH - 20 - PADDLE_WIDTH) { // right player win std::cout << "left player win!" << std::endl; winner = true; } } // check to see if the ball should bounce off the right paddle if (ball.getXPos() + 6 == SCREEN_WIDTH - 20 - PADDLE_WIDTH && ball.getYPos() < p1.getYPos() + PADDLE_HEIGHT && ball.getYPos() > p1.getYPos()) { std::cout << "right bounce!" << std::endl; ball.bounce(); } SDL_UpdateWindowSurface (window); if (fps.get_ticks() < 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) { SDL_Delay ((1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) - fps.get_ticks()); } } clean(); return 0; }
int main () { GameStatus gameStatus; Converter converter; Player homePlayer1; Player homePlayer2; Player awayPlayer1; Player awayPlayer2; Ball ball; srand(time(NULL)); int pohotnostRand, pozicioniranjeRand, dodavanjeRand, strat; bool stratFlipFlop, scoreFlipFlop; int successCounter [12]; int mainMainCounter = 0; double px0,py0,px1,py1,px2,py2,px3,py3; bool presreci01,presreci02,presreci03; // homePlayer1 bool presreci11,presreci12,presreci13; // homePlayer2 bool presreci21,presreci22,presreci23; // awayPlayer1 bool presreci31,presreci32,presreci33; // awayPlayer2 double vremePr0,vremePr1,vremePr2,vremePr3; for (int i=0;i<12;i++) successCounter[i]=0; while (true) {/*if (LogFajl.is_open() != true)"Izlaz.txt",ios::app);*/ //start input //10 //20 //30 //40 gameStatus.inputGameStatus(); //50 //60 //70 //80 homePlayer1.inputPos(); homePlayer2.inputPos(); awayPlayer1.inputPos(); awayPlayer2.inputPos(); //90 //100 //110 //120 ball.inputPos(); ball.inputVel(); //130 //140 //150 homePlayer1.inputHasKicked(); homePlayer2.inputHasKicked(); awayPlayer1.inputHasKicked(); awayPlayer2.inputHasKicked(); //end input //Player nizIgraca[4] = {homePlayer1,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2}; // IN CONVERSION converter.convertIn(homePlayer1,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,ball,gameStatus); // double a1,b1; //odrediTackuOdbijanja(1,-398,a1,b1,ball); // !!!!!******!!!!!*******!!!!!! //cout << "INTERSECTION POINT: " << a1 << " " << b1 << endl; //start calc if ((ball.getXPos()>0) && (ball.getXPos()<g_fieldLength)) mainMainCounter++; if ((mainMainCounter<6000) && gameStatus.getReset() && stratFlipFlop) { stratFlipFlop = false; strat = rand() % 12; if (strat < 12) { pohotnostRand = strat % 3; pozicioniranjeRand = strat % 2; dodavanjeRand = strat / 6; } } if (mainMainCounter >= 6000) { int pohotnostSuccess[3]={0,0,0},pozicioniranjeSuccess[2]={0,0},dodavanjeSuccess[2]={0,0}; for (int i=0;i<12;i++) { pohotnostSuccess[i%3] += successCounter[i]; pozicioniranjeSuccess[i%2] += successCounter[i]; dodavanjeSuccess[i/6] += successCounter[i]; } int pohotnostMaxI = maximumN(pohotnostSuccess,3),pozicioniranjeMaxI = maximumN(pozicioniranjeSuccess,2),dodavanjeMaxI = maximumN(dodavanjeSuccess,2); if (pohotnostMaxI == 0) { if (pozicioniranjeMaxI == 0) strat = 0 + 6*dodavanjeMaxI; else strat = 3 + 6*dodavanjeMaxI; } if (pohotnostMaxI == 1) { if (pozicioniranjeMaxI == 0) strat = 4 + 6*dodavanjeMaxI; else strat = 1 + 6*dodavanjeMaxI; } if (pohotnostMaxI == 2) { if (pozicioniranjeMaxI == 0) strat = 2 + 6*dodavanjeMaxI; else strat = 5 + 6*dodavanjeMaxI; } } //Vreme::Primerak()->postaviPrviTajmer(); homePlayer1.setWillMove(true); // *** homePlayer1.setWillKick(true); homePlayer2.setWillMove(true); homePlayer2.setWillKick(true); // potrebno da bi se izracunavala brzina igraca: homePlayer1.setPastPos(); homePlayer2.setPastPos(); awayPlayer1.setPastPos(); awayPlayer2.setPastPos(); odrediTackuPresretanja(homePlayer1,ball,px0,py0,vremePr0,presreci01,presreci02,presreci03,3); odrediTackuPresretanja(homePlayer2,ball,px1,py1,vremePr1,presreci11,presreci12,presreci13,0); odrediTackuPresretanja(awayPlayer1,ball,px2,py2,vremePr2,presreci21,presreci22,presreci23,0); odrediTackuPresretanja(awayPlayer2,ball,px3,py3,vremePr3,presreci31,presreci32,presreci33,0); //LogFajl << vremePr0 << " " << vremePr3 << " " << vectorDistance(ball.getXPos(), ball.getYPos(), homePlayer1.getXPos(), homePlayer1.getYPos()) << " " << vectorDistance(ball.getXPos(), ball.getYPos(), awayPlayer2.getXPos(), awayPlayer2.getYPos()) << " " ; double niz[4] = {vremePr0,vremePr1,vremePr2,vremePr3}; int koCePrvi = minimum(niz); // if ((0 == koCePrvi) || (1 == koCePrvi)) //if () // ODBRAMBENI IGRAC (kretanje) double destX, destY; //if (0 == koCePrvi) {destX = px0; destY = py0;}else odrediKretanjeGolmana (homePlayer1,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,koCePrvi,ball,destX,destY,px0,py0,pohotnostRand); homePlayer1.setDestinationX(destX); homePlayer1.setDestinationY(destY); //if (sqrt(pow((homePlayer2.getXPos()-ball.getXPos()),2)+pow((homePlayer2.getYPos()-ball.getYPos()),2)) < 40) // *** //{ // homePlayer1.setDestinationX(500); // homePlayer2.setDestinationY(200); //} // NAPADACKI IGRAC (kretanje) double pX,pY,vremePr; //Vreme::Primerak()->postaviPrviTajmer(); odrediTackuPresretanja(homePlayer2,ball,pX,pY,vremePr,presreci11,presreci12,presreci13,0); //Vreme::Primerak()->postaviDrugiTajmer(); //Vreme::Primerak()->ispisiTrajanjeIzvrsavanjaULog(); if (true == (presreci11 || presreci12 || presreci13)) // moze i samo true == presreci 13 { homePlayer2.setDestinationX(pX); homePlayer2.setDestinationY(pY); } else { homePlayer2.setDestinationX(homePlayer2.getXPos()); // ball.getXPos() homePlayer2.setDestinationY(homePlayer2.getYPos()); // ball.getYpos() } Player awayGoalie = ((awayPlayer1.getXPos() > awayPlayer2.getXPos()) ? awayPlayer1 : awayPlayer2); int AGIndex = ((awayPlayer1.getXPos() > awayPlayer2.getXPos()) ? 2 : 3); //LogFajl << " AGIndex " << AGIndex << " koCePrvi " << koCePrvi << " " ; if ((koCePrvi != 1) && (koCePrvi != AGIndex) && (pozicioniranjeRand == 1)) { //LogFajl << " DA "; homePlayer2.setDestinationX((awayPlayer1.getXPos() + awayPlayer2.getXPos()) / 2); homePlayer2.setDestinationY((awayPlayer1.getYPos() + awayPlayer2.getYPos()) / 2); } if (((0 == koCePrvi) && (awayGoalie.getXPos() > g_fieldLength - 150) && (abs(awayGoalie.getYPos()) < 150)) && (pozicioniranjeRand==0)) { //LogFajl << " DA "; homePlayer2.setDestinationX(awayGoalie.getXPos() - 30); homePlayer2.setDestinationY(-1*awayGoalie.getYPos()); } if(((0 == koCePrvi) && (!((awayGoalie.getXPos() > g_fieldLength - 150) && (abs(awayGoalie.getYPos()) < 150)))) && (pozicioniranjeRand==0)) { homePlayer2.setDestinationX(awayGoalie.getXPos() + 60); homePlayer2.setDestinationY(-1*awayGoalie.getYPos()); //homePlayer2.setDestinationX((awayPlayer1.getXPos() + awayPlayer2.getXPos()) / 2); //homePlayer2.setDestinationY((awayPlayer1.getYPos() + awayPlayer2.getYPos()) / 2); } // ========SUTIRANJE======== // double xkick,ykick; double intenzitet; bool mozeSigurno; sutUgol(ball,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,xkick,ykick,intenzitet,mozeSigurno); //LogFajl << koCePrvi << " " << setw(15) ; if (mozeSigurno) {//LogFajl << "Sut Sigurica"; homePlayer1.setKickVectorX(xkick); //********** homePlayer1.setKickVectorY(ykick); //********** homePlayer1.setKickIntensity(intenzitet); // treba 100 za precisionShotMax homePlayer2.setKickVectorX(xkick); homePlayer2.setKickVectorY(ykick); homePlayer2.setKickIntensity(intenzitet); } else { bool mozeVodjenje; double xkickV,ykickV,intenzitetV; if (sqrt(pow((homePlayer1.getXPos()-ball.getXPos()),2)+pow((homePlayer1.getYPos()-ball.getYPos()),2)) < sqrt(pow((homePlayer2.getXPos()-ball.getXPos()),2)+pow((homePlayer2.getYPos()-ball.getYPos()),2))) vodiLoptu(g_fieldLength,0,ball,homePlayer1,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,xkickV,ykickV,intenzitetV,mozeVodjenje); else vodiLoptu(g_fieldLength,0,ball,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,xkickV,ykickV,intenzitetV,mozeVodjenje); if (mozeVodjenje) {//LogFajl << "Vodi Loptu"; homePlayer1.setKickVectorX(xkickV); homePlayer1.setKickVectorY(ykickV); homePlayer1.setKickIntensity(intenzitetV); homePlayer2.setKickVectorX(xkickV); homePlayer2.setKickVectorY(ykickV); homePlayer2.setKickIntensity(intenzitetV); } else { double AP1DoGolmana = vectorDistance(awayPlayer1.getXPos(),awayPlayer1.getYPos(),homePlayer1.getXPos(),homePlayer1.getYPos()), AP2DoGolmana = vectorDistance(awayPlayer2.getXPos(),awayPlayer2.getYPos(),homePlayer1.getXPos(),homePlayer1.getYPos()), bliziDoGolmana = (AP1DoGolmana < AP2DoGolmana) ? AP1DoGolmana : AP2DoGolmana; double dodajX,dodajY,dodajInt; bool mozeDodajHP1Spec = dodajSpec(ball,homePlayer1,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,dodajX,dodajY,dodajInt); if (mozeDodajHP1Spec) { homePlayer1.setKickVectorX(dodajX); //********** homePlayer1.setKickVectorY(dodajY); //********** homePlayer1.setKickIntensity(dodajInt); } else { bool mozeDodajHP1 = dodaj(ball,homePlayer1,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,dodajX,dodajY,dodajInt); if (mozeDodajHP1) {//LogFajl << "Dodavanje hp1"; homePlayer1.setKickVectorX(dodajX); //********** homePlayer1.setKickVectorY(dodajY); //********** homePlayer1.setKickIntensity(dodajInt); } else { homePlayer1.setKickVectorX(xkick); //********** homePlayer1.setKickVectorY(ykick); //********** homePlayer1.setKickIntensity(intenzitet); // treba 100 za precisionShotMax } } bool mozeDodajHP2 = dodaj(ball,homePlayer2,homePlayer1,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,dodajX,dodajY,dodajInt); if (mozeDodajHP2 && (homePlayer2.getXPos() > (g_fieldLength / (3 - dodavanjeRand)) - g_playerDiameter) && (bliziDoGolmana > g_fieldLength / 4)) {//LogFajl << "Dodavanje hp2"; homePlayer2.setKickVectorX(dodajX); //********** homePlayer2.setKickVectorY(dodajY); //********** homePlayer2.setKickIntensity(dodajInt); } else { homePlayer2.setKickVectorX(xkick); homePlayer2.setKickVectorY(ykick); homePlayer2.setKickIntensity(intenzitet); } } } if (gameStatus.getReset() == false) stratFlipFlop = true; if ((ball.getXPos() > g_fieldLength + g_ballDiameter) && scoreFlipFlop) { scoreFlipFlop = false; successCounter[strat]++; } if ((ball.getXPos() < - g_ballDiameter) && scoreFlipFlop) { scoreFlipFlop = false; successCounter[strat]--; } if ((ball.getXPos() > 0) && (ball.getXPos()<g_fieldLength)) { scoreFlipFlop = true; } //end calc // ISPIS U FAJL /*LogFajl.is_open() != true)"Izlaz.txt",ios::app);*/ //double bolXvel = ball.getXVel(), bolYvel = ball.getYVel(), homeXpos = homePlayer1.getXPos(), homeYpos = homePlayer1.getYPos(); //double ka = ball.getYVel() / ball.getXVel() ; //LogFajl << koCePrvi << " ||| " << px0 << " " << py0 << endl; //<< " ||| " << presreci01 << " ||| " ; //<< homeXpos << " " << homeYpos << " ||| " << bolXvel << " " << bolYvel << endl ; //LogFajl << ball.getXVel() << " " << ball.getYVel() << " " << ka << endl; /*LogFajl << " " << koCePrvi << " " << ball.getXVel() << " " << ball.getYVel() << " igractackapreseka: " << vectorDistance(homePlayer1.getXPos(),homePlayer1.getYPos(),px0,py0) << " loptatackapreseka " << vectorDistance(ball.getXPos(),ball.getYPos(),px0,py0) << " brzinaigraca " << vectorLength(homePlayer1.getVelX(),homePlayer1.getVelY()) << " |||| "; LogFajl << " njihovtackapreseka: " << vectorDistance(awayPlayer2.getXPos(),awayPlayer2.getYPos(),px3,py3) << " loptatackapresekanjihov " << vectorDistance(ball.getXPos(),ball.getYPos(),px3,py3) << " brzinanjihov " << vectorLength(awayPlayer2.getVelX(),awayPlayer2.getVelY()) << endl;*/ //LogFajl << "glavni tajmer: " << mainMainCounter << " strategija: " << strat<< endl; //LogFajl << vremeGore << " " << vremeDole << " " << vremeDirekt << " " << sut << " " ; //LogFajl << ball.getXVel() << " " << ball.getYVel() << endl ; //sqrt(pow(ball.getXVel(),2)+pow(ball.getYVel(),2)) << endl; // presreci13 << " " ; //sqrt(pow(ball.getXVel(),2)+pow(ball.getYVel(),2)) << " "; //LogFajl.close(); //Vreme::Primerak()->postaviDrugiTajmer(); // OUT CONVERSION converter.convertOut(homePlayer1,homePlayer2,awayPlayer1,awayPlayer2,ball,gameStatus); //Vreme::Primerak()->ispisiTrajanjeIzvrsavanjaULog(); //start output //170 //180 //190 //200 //210 //220 //230 //240 homePlayer1.outputDecisions(); homePlayer2.outputDecisions(); //end output // Vreme::Primerak()->ispisiTrajanjeIzvrsavanjaULog(); } // while (true) return 0; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_catchball_CatchBallGLSurface_nativePause (JNIEnv *, jclass) { ball.stopRotating(); // LOGI("Pause"); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_catchball_CatchBallGLSurface_processTouch (JNIEnv *, jclass, jfloat x1, jfloat y1, jfloat x2, jfloat y2) { ball.rotate(x1,y1,x2,y2); }
int main( int argc, char* args[] ) { if (!initialize()) { return 1; } if (!createWindow("RF", 800, 600, false)) return false; SoundEngine* soundEngine = createSoundEngine(); SoundSource* music = loadSound(soundEngine, "music.mp3"); soundEngine->play2D(music); SoundSource* effect = loadSound( soundEngine, "effecft.mp3" ); soundEngine->play2D( effect ); deleteSound( soundEngine, effect ); bool play = true; loadTexture("logo.png"); //Font //RF_Font font = RF_LoadFont("cour.ttf"); Font font = loadFont("cour.ttf"); if (font->Error() ) { return -1; } font->FaceSize(20); //Sound float angle = 0; Player player; Player2 player2; Ball ball; while (play) { beginLoop(); //Events if(checkEvent()) { if (eventType == SDL_KEYDOWN && eventKey == SDLK_ESCAPE) { play = false; };; } //Logic player.logic(&ball); player2.logic(&ball); ball.logic(); //Render clearWindow(); player.render(); player2.render(); ball.render(); //Fonti TODO drawText( font, "Test test test test", 0, 0 ); swapBuffer(); handleFps(); } return 0; }
// Saves all of the pertinent calibration settings to human-readable file void saveSettings() { // Open file std::ofstream of(""); if (!of.is_open()) { printf("\n\n\nERROR OPENING SETTINGS FILE!\n\n\n"); return; } const string h1 = "Home1"; const string h2 = "Home2"; const string a1 = "Away1"; const string a2 = "Away2"; const string b = "Ball"; const string f = "Field"; int tempH, tempS, tempV; // Print human-readable header for settings file of << "#############################################################" << "\n"; of << "# This settings file contains the color calibration settings" << "\n"; of << "# Format: " << "\n"; of << "# [RobotName] [Hmin] [Smin] [Vmin] [Hmax] [Smax] [Vmax]" << "\n"; of << "# [Ball] [Hmin] [Smin] [Vmin] [Hmax] [Smax] [Vmax]" << "\n"; of << "# [Field] [x_center_pos] [y_center_pos] [width] [height]" << "\n"; of << "#############################################################" << "\n"; of << "\n\n"; // Robot Save format: // [RobotName] [Hmin] [Smin] [Vmin] [Hmax] [Smax] [Vmax] tempH = home1.getHSVmin().val[0]; tempS = home1.getHSVmin().val[1]; tempV = home1.getHSVmin().val[2]; of << h1 << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV; tempH = home1.getHSVmax().val[0]; tempS = home1.getHSVmax().val[1]; tempV = home1.getHSVmax().val[2]; of << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV << "\n"; tempH = home2.getHSVmin().val[0]; tempS = home2.getHSVmin().val[1]; tempV = home2.getHSVmin().val[2]; of << h2 << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV; tempH = home2.getHSVmax().val[0]; tempS = home2.getHSVmax().val[1]; tempV = home2.getHSVmax().val[2]; of << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV << "\n"; tempH = away1.getHSVmin().val[0]; tempS = away1.getHSVmin().val[1]; tempV = away1.getHSVmin().val[2]; of << a1 << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV; tempH = away1.getHSVmax().val[0]; tempS = away1.getHSVmax().val[1]; tempV = away1.getHSVmax().val[2]; of << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV << "\n"; tempH = away2.getHSVmin().val[0]; tempS = away2.getHSVmin().val[1]; tempV = away2.getHSVmin().val[2]; of << a2 << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV; tempH = away2.getHSVmax().val[0]; tempS = away2.getHSVmax().val[1]; tempV = away2.getHSVmax().val[2]; of << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV << "\n"; // Ball Save format: // [Ball] [Hmin] [Smin] [Vmin] [Hmax] [Smax] [Vmax] tempH = ball.getHSVmin().val[0]; tempS = ball.getHSVmin().val[1]; tempV = ball.getHSVmin().val[2]; of << b << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV; tempH = ball.getHSVmax().val[0]; tempS = ball.getHSVmax().val[1]; tempV = ball.getHSVmax().val[2]; of << " " << tempH << " " << tempS << " " << tempV << "\n"; // Field Save format: // [Field] [x_pos] [y_pos] [width] [height] of << f << " " << field_center_x << " " << field_center_y; of << " " << field_width << " " << field_height << "\n"; // close file of.close(); printf("Settings Saved!\n"); }