static BasicDemo::DemoApplication* Create() { BasicDemo* demo = new BasicDemo; demo->myinit(); demo->initPhysics(); return demo; }
virtual void createBodyForCompoundShape(btCompoundShape* compoundTmpShape,bool addConstraint, const btTransform& worldTransform, btScalar mass) { btDefaultMotionState* myMotionState= 0; btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax; compoundTmpShape->getAabb(btTransform::getIdentity(),aabbMin,aabbMax); int numSpheres = compoundTmpShape->getNumChildShapes(); btAssert(numSpheres>0); if (numSpheres>8) { printf("error: exceeded 8 spheres\n"); return; } btVector3* positions = new btVector3[numSpheres]; btScalar* radii = new btScalar[numSpheres]; for (int i=0;i<numSpheres;i++) { btAssert(compoundTmpShape->getChildShape(i)->getShapeType()== SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE); btSphereShape* sphereShape = (btSphereShape*)compoundTmpShape->getChildShape(i); radii[i]=sphereShape->getRadius(); positions[i] = compoundTmpShape->getChildTransform(i).getOrigin(); } btMultiSphereShape* multiSphere = new btMultiSphereShape(positions,radii,numSpheres); m_demo->addCollisionShape(multiSphere); btVector3 localInertia(0,0,0); if (mass) { myMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(worldTransform); multiSphere->calculateLocalInertia(mass,localInertia); } //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(mass,myMotionState,multiSphere,localInertia); body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(1,1,0)); body->setAngularFactor(btVector3(0,0,1)); body->setWorldTransform(worldTransform); m_demo->getDynamicsWorld()->addRigidBody(body); if (addConstraint) { btVector3 pivotInA(0,0,0); btPoint2PointConstraint* p2p = new btPoint2PointConstraint(*body,pivotInA); m_demo->getDynamicsWorld()->addConstraint(p2p); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { float dt = 1./120.f; #ifdef BT_DEBUG char* name = "Bullet 2 CPU FeatherstoneMultiBodyDemo (Debug build=SLOW)"; #else char* name = "Bullet 2 CPU FeatherstoneMultiBodyDemo"; #endif SimpleOpenGL3App* app = new SimpleOpenGL3App(name,1024,768); app->m_instancingRenderer->setCameraDistance(40); app->m_instancingRenderer->setCameraPitch(0); app->m_instancingRenderer->setCameraTargetPosition(b3MakeVector3(0,0,0)); app->m_window->setMouseMoveCallback(MyMouseMoveCallback); app->m_window->setMouseButtonCallback(MyMouseButtonCallback); BasicDemo* demo = new BasicDemo(app); demo->initPhysics(); sDemo = demo; GLint err = glGetError(); assert(err==GL_NO_ERROR); do { GLint err = glGetError(); assert(err==GL_NO_ERROR); app->m_instancingRenderer->init(); app->m_instancingRenderer->updateCamera(); demo->stepSimulation(); demo->drawObjects(); app->drawGrid(10,0.01); char bla[1024]; static int frameCount = 0; frameCount++; sprintf(bla,"Simulation frame %d", frameCount); app->drawText(bla,10,10); app->swapBuffer(); } while (!app->m_window->requestedExit()); demo->exitPhysics(); delete demo; delete app; return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { BasicDemo ccdDemo; ccdDemo.initPhysics(); int i; for (i=0;i<5;i++) ccdDemo.clientMoveAndDisplay(); ccdDemo.exitPhysics(); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { myargc = argc; myargv = argv; BasicDemo ccdDemo; fprintf(stderr,"after declaration"); ccdDemo.myinit(); ccdDemo.initPhysics(); return glutmain(argc, argv,1024,600,"Bullet Physics Demo.",&ccdDemo); //default glut doesn't return from mainloop return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { GLDebugDrawer gDebugDrawer; ///testing the btHashMap btHashMap<btHashKey<OurValue>,OurValue> map; OurValue value1(btVector3(2,3,4)); btHashKey<OurValue> key1(value1.getUid()); map.insert(key1,value1); OurValue value2(btVector3(5,6,7)); btHashKey<OurValue> key2(value2.getUid()); map.insert(key2,value2); { OurValue value3(btVector3(7,8,9)); btHashKey<OurValue> key3(value3.getUid()); map.insert(key3,value3); } map.remove(key2); const OurValue* ourPtr = map.find(key1); for (int i=0;i<map.size();i++) { OurValue* tmp = map.getAtIndex(i); //printf("tmp value=%f,%f,%f\n",tmp->m_position.getX(),tmp->m_position.getY(),tmp->m_position.getZ()); } BasicDemo ccdDemo; ccdDemo.initPhysics(); ccdDemo.getDynamicsWorld()->setDebugDrawer(&gDebugDrawer); #ifdef CHECK_MEMORY_LEAKS ccdDemo.exitPhysics(); #else return glutmain(argc, argv,640,480,"Bullet Physics Demo.",&ccdDemo); #endif //default glut doesn't return from mainloop return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef __APPLE__ MacOpenGLWindow* window = new MacOpenGLWindow(); #else Win32OpenGLWindow* window = new Win32OpenGLWindow(); #endif btgWindowConstructionInfo wci(g_OpenGLWidth,g_OpenGLHeight); wci.m_openglVersion = 2; window->createWindow(wci); window->setWindowTitle("MyTest"); #ifdef _WIN32 glewInit(); #endif window->startRendering(); float color[4] = {1,1,1,1}; // prim.drawRect(0,0,200,200,color); window->endRendering(); window->setKeyboardCallback(MyKeyboardCallback); { BasicDemo* demo = new BasicDemo; demo->myinit(); demo->initPhysics(); do { window->startRendering(); demo->clientMoveAndDisplay(); render.init(); render.renderPhysicsWorld(demo->getDynamicsWorld()); window->endRendering(); } while (!window->requestedExit()); demo->exitPhysics(); delete demo; } window->closeWindow(); delete window; return 0; }
void basicBayes::runRealWorld(){ bool realWorld = false; if (realWorld == false){ //When you want to use a simulation for the real world int realModel = 3; std::cout << "this is the real world" << std::endl; if (realModel == 0){ BasicDemo world; realCurrentState_ = world.runSimulation(realPrevState_,realAction_); } else if (realModel == 1){ realCurrentState_ = realPrevState_; } else if (realModel == 2){ BasicDemoRev world; std::vector<double> temp; temp.push_back(atan2(realPrevState_[1],realPrevState_[0]-0.44)); realCurrentState_ = world.runSimulation(temp,realAction_); } else if (realModel == 3){ BasicDemoPris world; std::vector<double> temp; temp.push_back(realPrevState_[0]); realCurrentState_ = world.runSimulation(temp,realAction_); } } //When you want to use the robot for the real world //translation of the coordinate systems is required //bullet: +x forward, +y up, +z to the right, realAction_, realCurrentState_ //pr2: +x forward, +y to the left, +z up, translatedAction, translatedCurrentState else if (realWorld == true){ std::vector<double> translatedAction; translatedAction.push_back(realAction_[0]); //b to pr2: x+ to x+ translatedAction.push_back(-realAction_[1]); // +z to +y //translatedAction.push_back(0.0); //translatedAction.push_back(0.0); translatedAction.push_back(0.0); //this is just +z for the pr2 which isn't read anyways sendRequest(translatedAction); //realCurrentState_.clear(); //realCurrentState_.shrink_to_fit(); std::vector<double> translatedCurrentState; std::cout << "Now, waiting for a response from the robot" << std::endl; while(!getResponse(translatedCurrentState)){ //std::cout << "waiting for a response from the robot" << std::endl; } realCurrentState_[0] = translatedCurrentState[0]; //pr2 to b: x+ to x+ realCurrentState_[1] = -translatedCurrentState[1]; // +y to +z std::cout << "observation from robot: " << realCurrentState_[0] << " , " << realCurrentState_[1] << std::endl; } }
std::vector<double> basicBayes::stateTransition(std::vector<double> prevState, std::vector<double> action){ //this funciton is problem specific //make this do something eventually std::vector<double> nextState; double sum = std::accumulate(action.begin(),action.end(),(double) 0); if (sum == -100.0) { //Didn't do anything kind of this has to change nextState = prevState; } else { //this is saying there is no probability to transition between models //prevState[0] is the model. 0.0 is free, 1.0 is fixed, 2.0 is revolute, 3.0 is prismatic //WOM means without model. std::vector<double> prevStateWOM; prevStateWOM.assign(prevState.begin()+1,prevState.end()); //state without the model which is always the first entry in the state std::vector<double> tempWorldState; if (prevState[0]==0.0) { //model: free BasicDemo world; tempWorldState = world.runSimulation(prevStateWOM,action); nextState.push_back(0.0); //this is saying you end up in the same state for(size_t j=0;j<tempWorldState.size();j++){ nextState.push_back(tempWorldState[j]); } } else if (prevState[0]==1.0) { //model: fixed nextState=prevState; } else if (prevState[0]==2.0) { //model: revolute BasicDemoRev world; tempWorldState = world.runSimulation(prevStateWOM,action); nextState.push_back(2.0); //this is saying you end up in the same state for(size_t j=0;j<tempWorldState.size();j++){ nextState.push_back(tempWorldState[j]); } } else if (prevState[0]==3.0) { //model: prismatic BasicDemoPris world; tempWorldState = world.runSimulation(prevStateWOM,action); nextState.push_back(3.0); //this is saying you end up in the same state for(size_t j=0;j<tempWorldState.size();j++){ nextState.push_back(tempWorldState[j]); } } //print out what the simulation returned each time if (debug_print_){ std::cout << "the simulation returned:" << std::endl; for(size_t j=0;j<tempWorldState.size();j++){ std::cout << tempWorldState[j] << "," << std::endl; } } } return nextState; }