BetterStream::_getchar(FILE *stream)
    BetterStream      *bs;

    bs = (BetterStream *)fdev_get_udata(stream);

    // We return -1 if there is nothing to read, which the library interprets
    // as an error, which our clients will need to deal with.
BetterStream::_putchar(char c, FILE *stream)
    BetterStream      *bs;

    bs = (BetterStream *)fdev_get_udata(stream);
    if ('\n' == c)
        bs->write('\r');        // ASCII translation on the cheap
// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void AP_GPS_NMEA::init(enum GPS_Engine_Setting nav_setting)
    BetterStream	*bs = (BetterStream *)_port;

    // send the SiRF init strings
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)_SiRF_init_string);

    // send the MediaTek init strings
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)_MTK_init_string);

    // send the ublox init strings
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)_ublox_init_string);

    idleTimeout = 1200;
// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void AP_GPS_NMEA::init(void)
    BetterStream	*bs = (BetterStream *)_port;

    // send the SiRF init strings
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)_SiRF_init_string);

    // send the MediaTek init strings
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)_MTK_init_string);

    // send the ublox init strings
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)_ublox_init_string);

    // @kenny try, try to remove pinout from nmea, Thx to Kevorkian for this
    // PMTK300,FixInterval,0,0,0,0
    // PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort, "$PMTK397,0*23\r\n");
    bs->print_P((const prog_char_t *)"$PMTK397,0*23\n\r");

    idleTimeout = 1200;