bool ScreenCapture::Capture(HWND hWnd, Bitmap** bitmapRet) { HDC desktop_dc = GetDC(nullptr); RECT rc = {0}; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rc); Bitmap* bitmap = new Bitmap(rc.right -rc.left, rc.bottom -; RECT window_rect = { }; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &window_rect); bool success = false; do { Graphics graphic(bitmap); HDC graphic_hdc = graphic.GetHDC(); success = !!BitBlt( graphic_hdc, 0, 0, rc.right -rc.left, rc.bottom -, desktop_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); graphic.ReleaseHDC(graphic_hdc); } while (false); ReleaseDC(nullptr, desktop_dc); *bitmapRet = bitmap->Clone(window_rect.left,, window_rect.right - window_rect.left, window_rect.bottom -, PixelFormat32bppARGB); delete bitmap; return success; }
void CBMPDoc::copyFrom(const CBMPDoc* bmpDoc) { Bitmap *src = bmpDoc->m_bitmap; this->m_bitmap = src->Clone(0, 0, src->GetWidth(), src->GetHeight(), PixelFormat8bppIndexed); CString newTitle("copied_"); newTitle.Append(bmpDoc->GetTitle()); this->SetTitle(newTitle); }
void IrisBitmap::FillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, const IrisColor *color){ this->needRefreshTexture = true; Bitmap* tbitmap = this->bitmap->Clone(0, 0, this->width, this->height, PixelFormat32bppARGB); SolidBrush *tpBrush = new SolidBrush(Color(color->alpha, color->red, color->green, color->blue)); delete this->bitmap; Graphics g(tbitmap); g.FillRectangle(tpBrush, x, y, width, height); this->bitmap = tbitmap->Clone(0, 0, tbitmap->GetWidth(), tbitmap->GetHeight(), PixelFormat32bppARGB); delete tbitmap; delete tpBrush; }
ImageEngine *ImageEngineImpl::Clone() { Bitmap *bmp = pages.At(0); bmp = bmp->Clone(0, 0, bmp->GetWidth(), bmp->GetHeight(), PixelFormat32bppARGB); if (!bmp) return NULL; ImageEngineImpl *clone = new ImageEngineImpl(); clone->fileName = str::Dup(fileName); clone->fileExt = fileExt; if (fileStream) fileStream->Clone(&clone->fileStream); clone->FinishLoading(bmp); return clone; }
void IrisBitmap::Clear(){ this->needRefreshTexture = true; //graphics->Clear(Color(100, 100, 100)); Bitmap* tp = this->bitmap->Clone(0, 0, this->width, this->height, PixelFormat32bppARGB); Graphics* tg = new Graphics(tp); delete this->bitmap; tg->Clear(Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); this->bitmap = tp->Clone(0, 0, tp->GetWidth(), tp->GetHeight(), PixelFormat32bppARGB); delete tp; delete tg; }
vector<Bitmap*> CExampleDemoDlg::LoadTemplateImg(string filesrc) { vector<Bitmap*> tempplate; vector<string>filepathname; ScanDirectory(filesrc, ".jpg", filepathname);//filesrc是文件夹名字 //std::sort(filepathname.begin(),filepathname.end()); for (int i = 0; i < filepathname.size(); i++) { string image = filesrc+"\\"+ filepathname[i]; std::wstring widestr = std::wstring(image.begin(), image.end()); Bitmap* pInImage = Bitmap::FromFile(widestr.c_str()); if (pInImage->GetLastStatus() == -1) { SAFE_DELETE(pInImage); continue; } Bitmap* img = pInImage->Clone(0, 0, pInImage->GetWidth(), pInImage->GetHeight(), PixelFormat32bppARGB); tempplate.push_back(img); } return tempplate; }
void CQTTDemoView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { { /* CDC *mdc = new CDC; //De lam cai gi vay troi? mdc->CreateCompatibleDC(pDC); CBitmap* m_bitmap = new CBitmap(); //Ham de load cai file den cai bitmap // Win32 API m_bitmap->m_hObject=(HBITMAP)::LoadImage( NULL, "tamtit.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 520, 758, LR_LOADFROMFILE); //Phai select object thi no moi ve dc. mdc->SelectObject(m_bitmap); CRect rect; //Lay client Rect GetClientRect(&rect); //BitBlt() // Khong hieu //pDC->BitBlt(100,100,400,500,mdc,0,0,SRCCOPY); float radians = 3.1416f*0/180; float minx = 0; float miny = 0; float cosine = (float)cos(radians); float sine = (float)sin(radians); XFORM xform; xform.eM11 = cosine; xform.eM12 = -sine; xform.eM21 = sine; xform.eM22 = cosine; xform.eDx = (float)-minx; xform.eDy = (float)-miny; pDC->BitBlt(0,0,400,500,mdc,100,100,SRCCOPY); SetGraphicsMode(pDC->m_hDC, GM_ADVANCED); SetWorldTransform(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),&xform); pDC->TransparentBlt(100,100,400,500,mdc,0,0,400,500,RGB(144,3,225)); mdc->DeleteDC(); CBrush brush; brush.CreatePatternBrush(m_bitmap); */ // Block for Graphics Bitmap* originalBitmap = new Bitmap(L"gameloft_logo.png"); Graphics g(pDC->GetSafeHdc()); g.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeHighQuality); g.SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic); g.SetPixelOffsetMode(PixelOffsetModeHighQuality); for (int i = 0; i < PATH_COUNT; i++) { //g.RotateTransform(45); if( i == PATH_IMAGE) { REAL left = 34; REAL top = 59; REAL width = 106; REAL height = 76; RectF sourceRect( left, top, width, height ); RectF sourceBound; m_Paths[i].GetBounds(&sourceBound); Bitmap* secondBitmap = originalBitmap->Clone(sourceRect, PixelFormatDontCare); m_Matrixs[i]; g.SetTransform(m_Matrixs[i]); g.DrawImage(secondBitmap,0,0); Matrix* m = m_Matrixs[i]->Clone(); m->Reset(); g.SetTransform(m); g.DrawPath(m_pPens[i], & m_Paths[i]); delete m; } else{ g.FillPath(m_pBrushes[i], & m_Paths[i]); g.DrawPath(m_pPens[i], & m_Paths[i]); } //g.GetTransform() } } //Dung de paint may cai nut de co the xoay, resize v.v... m_Tracker.Draw(pDC); }
HBITMAP renderer::GetThumbnail() { //Calculate icon size int iconsize = height; if (m_Settings.AsIcon) { if (width < iconsize) iconsize = width; iconsize = (m_Settings.IconSize * iconsize) / 100; iconsize -= 2; } //Calculate Alpha blend based on Transparency float fBlend = (100-m_Settings.BG_Transparency)/100.0; ColorMatrix BitmapMatrix = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, fBlend, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; bool tempfail = fail; int iconposition = m_Settings.IconPosition; // Draw background if not valid if (!background) { if (m_Settings.Shrinkframe) { if (iconposition == IP_LOWERLEFT) { iconposition = IP_UPPERLEFT; } else if (m_Settings.IconPosition == IP_LOWERRIGHT) { iconposition = IP_UPPERRIGHT; } } no_icon = false; fail = false; background = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); switch (tempfail ? m_Settings.Revertto : m_Settings.Thumbnailbackground) { case BG_TRANSPARENT: no_icon = true; break; case BG_ALBUMART: { // get album art if (!m_albumart.getAA(m_metadata.getFileName(), background, width, height, iconsize) && m_Settings.Revertto != BG_ALBUMART) { // fallback fail = true; ClearBackground(); GetThumbnail(); } else { m_iconwidth = iconsize; m_iconheight = iconsize; } } break; case BG_CUSTOM: if (!m_Settings.BGPath.empty()) { if (custom_img == NULL) { custom_img = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); Image img(m_Settings.BGPath.c_str(), true); if (img.GetType() != 0) { Graphics gfx(custom_img); gfx.SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeBicubic); float img_width = img.GetWidth(); float img_height = img.GetHeight(); if (m_Settings.AsIcon) { float new_height = 0; float new_width = 0; if (img_width > img_height) { new_height = img_height / img_width * (float)iconsize; new_height -= 2; new_width = iconsize; } else { new_width = img_width / img_height * (float)iconsize; new_width -= 2; new_height = iconsize; } int iconleft = 0, icontop = 0; switch (iconposition) { case IP_LOWERLEFT: icontop = height - iconsize - 2; break; case IP_UPPERRIGHT: iconleft = width - iconsize - 2; break; case IP_LOWERRIGHT: iconleft = width - iconsize - 2; icontop = height - iconsize - 2; break; } if (m_Settings.BG_Transparency == 0) { // Draw icon shadow gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); gfx.FillRectangle(&SolidBrush(Color::MakeARGB(110, 0, 0, 0)), static_cast<REAL>(iconleft + 1), static_cast<REAL>(icontop + 1), static_cast<REAL>(new_width + 1), static_cast<REAL>(new_height + 1)); // Draw icon gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeNone); gfx.DrawImage(&img, RectF(static_cast<REAL>(iconleft), static_cast<REAL>(icontop), static_cast<REAL>(new_width), static_cast<REAL>(new_height))); } else { ImageAttributes ImgAttr; ImgAttr.SetColorMatrix(&BitmapMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault, ColorAdjustTypeBitmap); // Draw icon shadow gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); gfx.FillRectangle(&SolidBrush(Color::MakeARGB(110 - m_Settings.BG_Transparency, 0, 0, 0)), static_cast<REAL>(iconleft + 1), static_cast<REAL>(icontop + 1), static_cast<REAL>(new_width + 1), static_cast<REAL>(new_height + 1)); // Draw icon gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeNone); gfx.DrawImage(&img, RectF(static_cast<REAL>(iconleft), static_cast<REAL>(icontop), static_cast<REAL>(new_width), static_cast<REAL>(new_height)), 0, 0, img_width, img_height, UnitPixel, &ImgAttr); } m_iconwidth = new_width; m_iconheight = new_height; } else { float new_height = 0; float new_width = 0; if (width > height) { new_height = img_height / img_width * (float)width; new_width = width; if (new_height > height) { new_width = img_width / img_height * (float)height; new_height = height; } } else { new_width = img_width / img_height * (float)height; new_height = height; if (new_width > width) { new_height = img_height / img_width * (float)width; new_width = width; } } gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeNone); if (m_Settings.BG_Transparency == 0) { gfx.DrawImage(&img, RectF((width / 2) - (new_width/2), 0, static_cast<REAL>(new_width), static_cast<REAL>(new_height))); } else { ImageAttributes ImgAttr; ImgAttr.SetColorMatrix(&BitmapMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault, ColorAdjustTypeBitmap); gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeNone); gfx.DrawImage(&img, RectF((width / 2) - (new_width/2), 0, static_cast<REAL>(new_width), static_cast<REAL>(new_height)), 0, 0, img_width, img_height, UnitPixel, &ImgAttr); } } } else if (m_Settings.Revertto != BG_CUSTOM) { fail = true; ClearBackground(); GetThumbnail(); } } delete background; background = (Bitmap*)custom_img->Clone(); } else if (m_Settings.Revertto != BG_CUSTOM) { fail = true; ClearBackground(); GetThumbnail(); } break; default: { fail = true; ClearBackground(); GetThumbnail(); } break; } } if (tempfail) { return NULL; } REAL textheight = 0; Bitmap *canvas = background->Clone(0, 0, background->GetWidth(), background->GetHeight(), PixelFormat32bppPARGB); Graphics gfx(canvas); if (m_Settings.Text.empty()) { Pen p(Color::MakeARGB(1, 255, 255, 255), 0.1); gfx.DrawLine(&p, 0, 0, 1, 1); textheight = m_iconheight + 10; } else { // Draw text static lines text_parser(m_Settings, m_metadata, m_hwnd); text_parser.Parse(); if (m_textpositions.empty()) { m_textpositions.resize(text_parser.GetNumberOfLines(), 0); } else { for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != m_textpositions.size(); ++i) { if (m_textpositions[i] != 0) { m_textpositions[i] -= 2; } else { if (scroll_block) { bool unblock = true; for (std::vector<int>::size_type j = 0; j != m_textpositions.size(); ++j) { if (m_textpositions[j] < 0) { unblock = false; break; } } scroll_block = !unblock; m_textpause = 60; } if (!scroll_block && m_textpause == 0) { m_textpositions[i] -= 2; } } } } // Setup fonts HDC h_gfx = gfx.GetHDC(); Font font(h_gfx, &m_Settings.font); LOGFONT large_font = {}; large_font = m_Settings.font; LONG large_size = -((m_Settings.font.lfHeight * 72) / GetDeviceCaps(h_gfx, LOGPIXELSY)); large_size += 4; large_font.lfHeight = -MulDiv(large_size, GetDeviceCaps(h_gfx, LOGPIXELSY), 72); Font largefont(h_gfx, &large_font); gfx.ReleaseHDC(h_gfx); SolidBrush bgcolor(Color(GetRValue(m_Settings.bgcolor), GetGValue(m_Settings.bgcolor), GetBValue(m_Settings.bgcolor))); SolidBrush fgcolor(Color(GetRValue(m_Settings.text_color), GetGValue(m_Settings.text_color), GetBValue(m_Settings.text_color))); StringFormat sf(StringFormatFlagsNoWrap); const int text_space = 28; for (std::size_t text_index = 0; text_index != text_parser.GetNumberOfLines(); ++text_index) { RectF ret_rect; std::wstring current_text = text_parser.GetLineText(text_index); linesettings current_settings = text_parser.GetLineSettings(text_index); // Measure size gfx.SetTextRenderingHint(TextRenderingHintAntiAlias); if (current_settings.largefont) gfx.MeasureString(current_text.c_str(), -1, &largefont, RectF(0, 0, 2000, 1000), &sf, &ret_rect); else gfx.MeasureString(current_text.c_str(), -1, &font, RectF(0, 0, 2000, 1000), &sf, &ret_rect); if (ret_rect.GetBottom() == 0) { if (current_text.empty()) { gfx.MeasureString(L"QWEXCyjM", -1, &font, RectF(0, 0, static_cast<REAL>(width), static_cast<REAL>(height)), &sf, &ret_rect); } else { gfx.MeasureString(L"QWEXCyjM", -1, &Font(L"Segoe UI", 14), RectF(0, 0, static_cast<REAL>(width), static_cast<REAL>(height)), &sf, &ret_rect); } } Bitmap text_bitmap(ret_rect.GetRight(), ret_rect.GetBottom() - 1, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); Graphics text_gfx(&text_bitmap); // Graphics setup text_gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeNone); text_gfx.SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor); text_gfx.SetPixelOffsetMode(PixelOffsetModeNone); text_gfx.SetCompositingQuality(CompositingQualityHighSpeed); (m_Settings.Antialias) ? text_gfx.SetTextRenderingHint(TextRenderingHintAntiAlias) : text_gfx.SetTextRenderingHint(TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit); // Draw box if needed if (current_settings.darkbox && !current_text.empty()) { SolidBrush boxbrush(Color::MakeARGB(120, GetRValue(m_Settings.bgcolor), GetGValue(m_Settings.bgcolor), GetBValue(m_Settings.bgcolor))); ret_rect.Height += 2; text_gfx.FillRectangle(&boxbrush, ret_rect); } text_gfx.SetTextContrast(120); // Draw text to offscreen surface //shadow if (current_settings.shadow) { text_gfx.DrawString(current_text.c_str(), -1, current_settings.largefont ? &largefont : &font, PointF(1, -1), &bgcolor); } //text text_gfx.DrawString(current_text.c_str(), -1, current_settings.largefont ? &largefont : &font, PointF(0, -2), &fgcolor); // Calculate text position int X = 0, CX = width; if (m_iconwidth == 0) { m_iconwidth = iconsize; } if (m_iconheight == 0) { m_iconheight = iconsize; } if (m_Settings.AsIcon && !no_icon && !current_settings.forceleft) { if ( (iconposition == IP_UPPERLEFT || iconposition == IP_LOWERLEFT) && !current_settings.forceleft ) { X += m_iconwidth + 5; CX = width - X; } else if ( iconposition == IP_UPPERRIGHT || iconposition == IP_LOWERRIGHT ) { CX = width - m_iconwidth - 5; } } gfx.SetClip(RectF(X, 0, CX, width), CombineModeReplace); // Draw text bitmap to final bitmap if (text_bitmap.GetWidth() > CX + 2 && !current_settings.dontscroll)// && m_textpause[text_index] == 0) { // Draw scrolling text int left = m_textpositions[text_index]; int bmp_width = (int)text_bitmap.GetWidth(); int bmp_height = (int)text_bitmap.GetHeight(); if (left + bmp_width < 0) { // reset text m_textpositions[text_index] = text_space; left = text_space; scroll_block = true; } if (left == 0 && m_textpause == 0) { m_textpause = 60; // delay; in steps } if (left + bmp_width >= CX) { gfx.DrawImage(&text_bitmap, X, (int)textheight, -left, 0, CX, bmp_height, UnitPixel); } else { gfx.DrawImage(&text_bitmap, X, (int)textheight, -left, 0, bmp_width + left, bmp_height, UnitPixel); gfx.DrawImage(&text_bitmap, X + text_space + 2 + bmp_width + left, (int)textheight, 0, 0, -left, bmp_height, UnitPixel); } } else { // Draw non-scrolling text if ( { // Center text int newleft = X + ((CX / 2) - (text_bitmap.GetWidth() / 2)); gfx.DrawImage(&text_bitmap, newleft, (int)textheight, 0, 0, text_bitmap.GetWidth(), text_bitmap.GetHeight(), UnitPixel); } else { gfx.DrawImage(&text_bitmap, X, (int)textheight, 0, 0, text_bitmap.GetWidth(), text_bitmap.GetHeight(), UnitPixel); } m_textpositions[text_index] = 2; // Nr. pixels text jumps on each step when scrolling } gfx.ResetClip(); textheight += text_bitmap.GetHeight(); } if (m_textpause > 0) { --m_textpause; } if (!m_Settings.Shrinkframe) textheight = height-2; if (m_Settings.Thumbnailpb) textheight += 25; if (textheight > height-2) textheight = height-2; } // Draw progressbar if (m_Settings.Thumbnailpb && m_Settings.play_total > 0)// && m_Settings.play_current >0) { gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); int Y = canvas->GetHeight()-10; if (m_Settings.Shrinkframe) { Y = textheight - 10; } Pen p1(Color::White, 1); Pen p2(Color::MakeARGB(80, 0, 0, 0), 1); SolidBrush b1(Color::MakeARGB(50, 0, 0, 0)); SolidBrush b2(Color::MakeARGB(220, 255, 255, 255)); RectF R1(44, (REAL)Y, 10, 9); RectF R2((REAL)width - 56, (REAL)Y, 10, 9); gfx.FillRectangle(&b1, 46, Y, width-94, 9); gfx.DrawLine(&p2, 46, Y+2, 46, Y+6); gfx.DrawLine(&p2, width-48, Y+2, width-48, Y+6); gfx.DrawArc(&p1, R1, -90.0f, -180.0f); gfx.DrawArc(&p1, R2, 90.0f, -180.0f); gfx.DrawLine(&p1, 48, Y, width-49, Y); gfx.DrawLine(&p1, 48, Y+9, width-49, Y+9); gfx.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeDefault); gfx.FillRectangle(&b2, 48, Y+3, (m_Settings.play_current*(width-96))/m_Settings.play_total, 4); } // finalize / garbage HBITMAP retbmp; if (!m_Settings.Shrinkframe) { canvas->GetHBITMAP(NULL, &retbmp); } else { Bitmap *shrink = canvas->Clone(0, 0, (int)width, textheight > m_iconheight ? (int)textheight : (int)m_iconheight, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); shrink->GetHBITMAP(NULL, &retbmp); delete shrink; } delete canvas; return retbmp; }
void ToolFilter::activate() { ChildCore *child = this->core->getActiveChild(); if( child != NULL ){ if( this->lastActivate == true && this->isLastActivate == false ){ this->lastActivate = false; return; } ToolFilter::Info fi; Bitmap *source = NULL; if( child->getWorkspace()->getSelection() != NULL ){ source = child->getWorkspace()->getSelectedProjection(NULL,COPCOP); } else { source = child->getWorkspace()->getSelectedLayer()->getRender(); source = source->Clone(Rect(0,0,source->GetWidth(),source->GetHeight()),source->GetPixelFormat()); } fi.bmpSource = source; fi.bmpEffect = NULL; = this->lastBw; fi.bwalpha = (this->lastAlpha && this->lastFilterId != ID_FILTER_OLDSTONE && this->lastFilterId != ID_FILTER_EDGETRACE ); fi.smooth = true; fi.edgeTrace = (this->lastFilterId == ID_FILTER_EDGETRACE); fi.filterId = this->lastFilterId; fi.filterValue = this->lastFilterValue; fi.filterByValue = (this->lastFilterId != ID_FILTER_CUSTOM); fi.minVal = 0; switch(fi.filterId){ case ID_FILTER_SHARPEN: fi.maxVal = SHARPENMAX; break; default: fi.maxVal = FILTERMAX; break; } if( fi.filterByValue == true ) fi.matrix = ToolFilter::allocateMatrix(fi.filterId,fi.filterValue); else fi.matrix = this->lastCustomMatrix; int result = NO; if( this->lastActivate == false ){ result = this->core->getDialogs()->showDialog( (LPCTSTR)IDD_FIL, (DLGPROC)Dialogs::processDlg_Fil, (LPARAM)&fi ); } else { this->lastActivate = false; result = YES; } if( result == YES ){ Point shift(0,0); Rect *bounds = NULL; if( child->getWorkspace()->getSelection() != NULL ){ bounds = new Rect(0,0,0,0); child->getWorkspace()->getSelection()->GetBounds(bounds); fi.bmpSource = child->getWorkspace()->getSelectedLayer()->getRender(); } else { int exw = (int)( floor(fi.matrix.mxw / 2.0) + 1 ); int exh = (int)( floor(fi.matrix.mxh / 2.0) + 1 ); shift.X = -exw; shift.Y = -exh; Bitmap *newsource = new Bitmap( source->GetWidth() + 2 * exw, source->GetHeight() + 2 * exh, source->GetPixelFormat()); Graphics *g = Graphics::FromImage(newsource); g->DrawImage(source,exw,exh,source->GetWidth(),source->GetHeight()); delete g; delete source; source = newsource; fi.bmpSource = newsource; } if( fi.filterByValue == true ) this->lastFilterValue = fi.filterValue; else this->lastCustomMatrix = fi.matrix; this->lastBw =; this->lastAlpha = fi.bwalpha; Rect newbounds = ToolFilter::applyFilter(&fi,bounds); if( child->getWorkspace()->getSelection() == NULL ){ bounds = &newbounds; bounds->X += shift.X; bounds->Y += shift.Y; } child->getWorkspace()->getSelectedLayer()->applyEffect( fi.bmpEffect, bounds, this, fi.filterId); delete fi.bmpEffect; this->isLastActivate = true; child->getWorkspace()->updateToolws(); child->getWorkspace()->update(); } if( source != NULL ) delete source; } }