Exemple #1
void update_walk_behind_images()
  int ee, rr;
  int bpp = (thisroom.ebscene[play.bg_frame]->GetColorDepth() + 7) / 8;
  Bitmap *wbbmp;
  for (ee = 1; ee < MAX_OBJ; ee++)
    if (walkBehindRight[ee] > 0)
      wbbmp = BitmapHelper::CreateBitmap( 
                               (walkBehindRight[ee] - walkBehindLeft[ee]) + 1,
                               (walkBehindBottom[ee] - walkBehindTop[ee]) + 1,
      int yy, startX = walkBehindLeft[ee], startY = walkBehindTop[ee];
      for (rr = startX; rr <= walkBehindRight[ee]; rr++)
        for (yy = startY; yy <= walkBehindBottom[ee]; yy++)
          if (thisroom.object->GetScanLine(yy)[rr] == ee)
            for (int ii = 0; ii < bpp; ii++)
              wbbmp->GetScanLineForWriting(yy - startY)[(rr - startX) * bpp + ii] = thisroom.ebscene[play.bg_frame]->GetScanLine(yy)[rr * bpp + ii];


      if (walkBehindBitmap[ee] != NULL)
      walkBehindBitmap[ee] = gfxDriver->CreateDDBFromBitmap(wbbmp, false);
      delete wbbmp;

  walkBehindsCachedForBgNum = play.bg_frame;
Exemple #2
long loadcompressed_allegro(Stream *in, Common::Bitmap **bimpp, color *pall, long read_at) {
  short widd,hitt;
  int   ii;

  Bitmap *bim = *bimpp;
  delete bim;

  widd = in->ReadInt16();
  hitt = in->ReadInt16();
  bim = BitmapHelper::CreateBitmap(widd, hitt, 8);
  if (bim == NULL)
    quit("!load_room: not enough memory to decompress masks");
  *bimpp = bim;

  for (ii = 0; ii < hitt; ii++) {
    cunpackbitl(&bim->GetScanLineForWriting(ii)[0], widd, in);
    if (ii % 20 == 0)

  in->Seek(Common::kSeekCurrent, 768);  // skip palette

  return in->GetPosition();
Exemple #3
void DrawSpriteWithTransparency(Bitmap *ds, Bitmap *sprite, int x, int y, int alpha)
    if (alpha <= 0)
        // fully transparent, don't draw it at all

    int surface_depth = ds->GetColorDepth();
    int sprite_depth  = sprite->GetColorDepth();

    if (sprite_depth < surface_depth
        // CHECKME: what is the purpose of this hack and is this still relevant?
#if defined(IOS_VERSION) || defined(ANDROID_VERSION)
        || (ds->GetBPP() < surface_depth && psp_gfx_renderer > 0) // Fix for corrupted speechbox outlines with the OGL driver
        // If sprite is lower color depth than destination surface, e.g.
        // 8-bit sprites drawn on 16/32-bit surfaces.
        if (sprite_depth == 8 && surface_depth >= 24)
            // 256-col sprite -> truecolor background
            // this is automatically supported by allegro, no twiddling needed
            ds->Blit(sprite, x, y, kBitmap_Transparency);

        // 256-col sprite -> hi-color background, or
        // 16-bit sprite -> 32-bit background
        Bitmap hctemp;
        hctemp.CreateCopy(sprite, surface_depth);
        if (sprite_depth == 8)
            // only do this for 256-col -> hi-color, cos the Blit call converts
            // transparency for 16->32 bit
            color_t mask_color = hctemp.GetMaskColor();
            for (int scan_y = 0; scan_y < hctemp.GetHeight(); ++scan_y)
                // we know this must be 1 bpp source and 2 bpp pixel destination
                const uint8_t *src_scanline = sprite->GetScanLine(scan_y);
                uint16_t      *dst_scanline = (uint16_t*)hctemp.GetScanLineForWriting(scan_y);
                for (int scan_x = 0; scan_x < hctemp.GetWidth(); ++scan_x)
                    if (src_scanline[scan_x] == 0)
                        dst_scanline[scan_x] = mask_color;

        if (alpha < 0xFF) 
            set_trans_blender(0, 0, 0, alpha);
            ds->TransBlendBlt(&hctemp, x, y);
            ds->Blit(&hctemp, x, y, kBitmap_Transparency);
        if (alpha < 0xFF && surface_depth > 8 && sprite_depth > 8) 
            set_trans_blender(0, 0, 0, alpha);
            ds->TransBlendBlt(sprite, x, y);
            ds->Blit(sprite, x, y, kBitmap_Transparency);
Exemple #4
void DynamicSprite_CopyTransparencyMask(ScriptDynamicSprite *sds, int sourceSprite) {
    if (sds->slot == 0)
        quit("!DynamicSprite.CopyTransparencyMask: sprite has been deleted");

    if ((spritewidth[sds->slot] != spritewidth[sourceSprite]) ||
        (spriteheight[sds->slot] != spriteheight[sourceSprite]))
        quit("!DynamicSprite.CopyTransparencyMask: sprites are not the same size");

    Bitmap *target = spriteset[sds->slot];
    Bitmap *source = spriteset[sourceSprite];

    if (target->GetColorDepth() != source->GetColorDepth())
        quit("!DynamicSprite.CopyTransparencyMask: sprites are not the same colour depth");

    // set the target's alpha channel depending on the source
    bool sourceHasAlpha = (game.spriteflags[sourceSprite] & SPF_ALPHACHANNEL) != 0;
    game.spriteflags[sds->slot] &= ~SPF_ALPHACHANNEL;
    if (sourceHasAlpha)
        game.spriteflags[sds->slot] |= SPF_ALPHACHANNEL;

    unsigned int maskColor = source->GetMaskColor();
    int colDep = source->GetColorDepth();
    int bytesPerPixel = (colDep + 1) / 8;

    unsigned short *shortPtr;
    unsigned int *longPtr;
    for (int y = 0; y < target->GetHeight(); y++)
        unsigned char * sourcePixel = source->GetScanLineForWriting(y);
        unsigned char * targetPixel = target->GetScanLineForWriting(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < target->GetWidth(); x++)
            shortPtr = (unsigned short*)sourcePixel;
            longPtr = (unsigned int*)sourcePixel;

            if ((colDep == 8) && (sourcePixel[0] == maskColor))
                targetPixel[0] = maskColor;
            else if ((bytesPerPixel == 2) && (shortPtr[0] == maskColor))
                ((unsigned short*)targetPixel)[0] = maskColor;
            else if ((bytesPerPixel == 3) && (memcmp(sourcePixel, &maskColor, 3) == 0))
                memcpy(targetPixel, sourcePixel, 3);
            else if ((bytesPerPixel == 4) && (longPtr[0] == maskColor))
                ((unsigned int*)targetPixel)[0] = maskColor;
            else if ((bytesPerPixel == 4) && (sourceHasAlpha))
                // the fourth byte is the alpha channel, copy it
                targetPixel[3] = sourcePixel[3];
            else if (bytesPerPixel == 4)
                // set the alpha channel byte to opaque
                targetPixel[3] = 0xff;

            sourcePixel += bytesPerPixel;
            targetPixel += bytesPerPixel;
Exemple #5
int is_route_possible(int fromx, int fromy, int tox, int toy, Bitmap *wss)
  wallscreen = wss;
  suggestx = -1;

  // ensure it's a memory bitmap, so we can use direct access to line[] array
  if ((wss == NULL) || (!wss->IsMemoryBitmap()) || (wss->GetColorDepth() != 8))
    quit("is_route_possible: invalid walkable areas bitmap supplied");

  if (wallscreen->GetPixel(fromx, fromy) < 1)
    return 0;

  Bitmap *tempw = BitmapHelper::CreateBitmapCopy(wallscreen, 8);

  if (tempw == NULL)
    quit("no memory for route calculation");
  if (!tempw->IsMemoryBitmap())
    quit("tempw is not memory bitmap");

  int dd, ff;
  // initialize array for finding widths of walkable areas
  int thisar, inarow = 0, lastarea = 0;
  int walk_area_times[MAX_WALK_AREAS + 1];
  for (dd = 0; dd <= MAX_WALK_AREAS; dd++) {
    walk_area_times[dd] = 0;
    walk_area_granularity[dd] = 0;

  for (ff = 0; ff < tempw->GetHeight(); ff++) {
    const uint8_t *tempw_scanline = tempw->GetScanLine(ff);
    for (dd = 0; dd < tempw->GetWidth(); dd++) {
      thisar = tempw_scanline[dd];
      // count how high the area is at this point
      if ((thisar == lastarea) && (thisar > 0))
      else if (lastarea > MAX_WALK_AREAS)
        quit("!Calculate_Route: invalid colours in walkable area mask");
      else if (lastarea != 0) {
        walk_area_granularity[lastarea] += inarow;
        inarow = 0;
      lastarea = thisar;

  for (dd = 0; dd < tempw->GetWidth(); dd++) {
    for (ff = 0; ff < tempw->GetHeight(); ff++) {
      uint8_t *tempw_scanline = tempw->GetScanLineForWriting(ff);
      thisar = tempw_scanline[dd];
      if (thisar > 0)
        tempw_scanline[dd] = 1;
      // count how high the area is at this point
      if ((thisar == lastarea) && (thisar > 0))
      else if (lastarea != 0) {
        walk_area_granularity[lastarea] += inarow;
        inarow = 0;
      lastarea = thisar;

  // find the average "width" of a path in this walkable area
  for (dd = 1; dd <= MAX_WALK_AREAS; dd++) {
    if (walk_area_times[dd] == 0) {
      walk_area_granularity[dd] = MAX_GRANULARITY;

    walk_area_granularity[dd] /= walk_area_times[dd];
    if (walk_area_granularity[dd] <= 4)
      walk_area_granularity[dd] = 2;
    else if (walk_area_granularity[dd] <= 15)
      walk_area_granularity[dd] = 3;
      walk_area_granularity[dd] = MAX_GRANULARITY;

    /*char toprnt[200];
       sprintf(toprnt,"area %d: Gran %d", dd, walk_area_granularity[dd]);
       winalert(toprnt); */
  walk_area_granularity[0] = MAX_GRANULARITY;

  tempw->FloodFill(fromx, fromy, 232);
  if (tempw->GetPixel(tox, toy) != 232) 
    // Destination pixel is not walkable
    // Try the 100x100 square around the target first at 3-pixel granularity
    int tryFirstX = tox - 50, tryToX = tox + 50;
    int tryFirstY = toy - 50, tryToY = toy + 50;

    if (!find_nearest_walkable_area(tempw, tryFirstX, tryFirstY, tryToX, tryToY, tox, toy, 3))
      // Nothing found, sweep the whole room at 5 pixel granularity
      find_nearest_walkable_area(tempw, 0, 0, tempw->GetWidth(), tempw->GetHeight(), tox, toy, 5);

    delete tempw;
    return 0;
  delete tempw;

  return 1;