Exemple #1
// ok, need thing to step down through bodies and find closest approach
// modify targpos directly to aim short of dangerous bodies
static bool ParentSafetyAdjust(Ship *ship, Frame *targframe, const vector3d &posoff, vector3d &targpos)
	Body *body = 0;
	Frame *frame = targframe->IsRotatingFrame() ? targframe->m_parent : targframe;
	while (frame)
		double sdist = ship->GetPositionRelTo(frame).Length();				// ship position in that frame
		if (sdist < frame->GetRadius()) break;

		while (frame && !(body = frame->GetBodyFor()))
			frame = frame->m_parent;
		if (!frame) return false;

		frame = body->GetFrame()->m_parent;
		if (body->HasDoubleFrame()) frame = frame->m_parent;
	if (!body) return false;

	// ok, so if body != 0, aim for zero velocity at distance to surface of that body
	// still along path to target

	vector3d targpos2 = targpos - ship->GetPosition();
	double targdist = targpos2.Length();
	double bodydist = body->GetPositionRelTo(ship).Length() - MaxEffectRad(body, ship)*1.5;
	if (targdist < bodydist) return false;
	targpos -= (targdist - bodydist) * targpos2 / targdist;
//	printf("Adjusted targpos for safety from %s: old = %.1f, new = %.1f\n",
//		body->GetLabel().c_str(), targdist, (targpos-ship->GetPosition()).Length());
	return true;
Exemple #2
vector3d Space::GetHyperspaceExitPoint(const SystemPath &source) const

    const SystemPath &dest = m_starSystem->GetPath();

    Sector source_sec(source.sectorX, source.sectorY, source.sectorZ);
    Sector dest_sec(dest.sectorX, dest.sectorY, dest.sectorZ);

    Sector::System source_sys = source_sec.m_systems[source.systemIndex];
    Sector::System dest_sys = dest_sec.m_systems[dest.systemIndex];

    const vector3d sourcePos = vector3d(source_sys.p) + vector3d(source.sectorX, source.sectorY, source.sectorZ);
    const vector3d destPos = vector3d(dest_sys.p) + vector3d(dest.sectorX, dest.sectorY, dest.sectorZ);

    // find the first non-gravpoint. should be the primary star
    Body *primary = 0;
    for (BodyIterator i = BodiesBegin(); i != BodiesEnd(); ++i)
        if ((*i)->GetSystemBody()->type != SystemBody::TYPE_GRAVPOINT) {
            primary = *i;

    // point along the line between source and dest, a reasonable distance
    // away based on the radius (don't want to end up inside black holes, and
    // then mix it up so that ships don't end up on top of each other
    vector3d pos = (sourcePos - destPos).Normalized() * (primary->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius()/AU+1.0)*11.0*AU*Pi::rng.Double(0.95,1.2) + MathUtil::RandomPointOnSphere(5.0,20.0)*1000.0;
    assert(pos.Length() > primary->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius());
    return pos + primary->GetPositionRelTo(GetRootFrame());
Exemple #3
// ok, need thing to step down through bodies and find closest approach
// modify targpos directly to aim short of dangerous bodies
static bool ParentSafetyAdjust(Ship *ship, Frame *targframe, vector3d &targpos, vector3d &targvel)
	Body *body = 0;
	Frame *frame = targframe->GetNonRotFrame();
	while (frame)
		if (ship->GetFrame()->GetNonRotFrame() == frame) break;		// ship in frame, stop
		if (frame->GetBody()) body = frame->GetBody();			// ignore grav points?

		double sdist = ship->GetPositionRelTo(frame).Length();
		if (sdist < frame->GetRadius()) break;					// ship inside frame, stop

		frame = frame->GetParent()->GetNonRotFrame();			// check next frame down
	if (!body) return false;

	// aim for zero velocity at surface of that body
	// still along path to target

	vector3d targpos2 = targpos - ship->GetPosition();
	double targdist = targpos2.Length();
	double bodydist = body->GetPositionRelTo(ship).Length() - MaxEffectRad(body, ship)*1.5;
	if (targdist < bodydist) return false;
	targpos -= (targdist - bodydist) * targpos2 / targdist;
	targvel = body->GetVelocityRelTo(ship->GetFrame());
	return true;
Exemple #4
static int l_body_get_position_rel_to(lua_State *l)
	Body *b = LuaObject<Body>::CheckFromLua(1);
	const Body *other = LuaObject<Body>::CheckFromLua(2);
	vector3d velocity = b->GetPositionRelTo(other);
	LuaPush<vector3d>(l, velocity);
	return 1;
Exemple #5
vector3d Space::GetHyperspaceExitPoint(const SystemPath &source, const SystemPath &dest) const


	RefCountedPtr<const Sector> source_sec = m_sectorCache->GetCached(source);
	RefCountedPtr<const Sector> dest_sec = m_sectorCache->GetCached(dest);

	Sector::System source_sys = source_sec->m_systems[source.systemIndex];
	Sector::System dest_sys = dest_sec->m_systems[dest.systemIndex];

	const vector3d sourcePos = vector3d(source_sys.GetPosition()) + vector3d(source.sectorX, source.sectorY, source.sectorZ);
	const vector3d destPos = vector3d(dest_sys.GetPosition()) + vector3d(dest.sectorX, dest.sectorY, dest.sectorZ);

	Body *primary = 0;
	if (dest.IsBodyPath()) {
		assert(dest.bodyIndex < m_starSystem->GetNumBodies());
		primary = FindBodyForPath(&dest);
		while (primary && primary->GetSystemBody()->GetSuperType() != SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_STAR) {
			SystemBody* parent = primary->GetSystemBody()->GetParent();
			primary = parent ? FindBodyForPath(&parent->GetPath()) : 0;
	if (!primary) {
		// find the first non-gravpoint. should be the primary star
		for (Body* b : GetBodies())
			if (b->GetSystemBody()->GetType() != SystemBody::TYPE_GRAVPOINT) {
				primary = b;

	// point along the line between source and dest, a reasonable distance
	// away based on the radius (don't want to end up inside black holes, and
	// then mix it up so that ships don't end up on top of each other
	vector3d pos = (sourcePos - destPos).Normalized() * (primary->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius()/AU+1.0)*11.0*AU*Pi::rng.Double(0.95,1.2) + MathUtil::RandomPointOnSphere(5.0,20.0)*1000.0;
	assert(pos.Length() > primary->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius());
	return pos + primary->GetPositionRelTo(GetRootFrame());
// Checks ship path to destination for obstacles.
// clear_angle is angle
// returns true if path is clear, false if there is an obstacle.
static bool CheckClearPath(Ship* ship, Frame* destination_frame, vector3d destination_pos, float clear_angle = 0.0f)
	Body* sbody = ship->GetFrame()->GetBody();
	if (sbody == nullptr) {
		return true;
	if (sbody->IsType(Object::PLANET) 
		|| (sbody->IsType(Object::SPACESTATION) && ship->GetFrame() != destination_frame)) 
		vector3d ship_pos = ship->GetPositionRelTo(destination_frame);
		vector3d body_pos = sbody->GetPositionRelTo(destination_frame);
		double radius = GetTransitRadius(sbody);
		if (sbody->IsType(Object::PLANET)) {
			radius += 5000.0;
		double ship_to_body_distance;
		vector3d ship_to_body_dir = (body_pos - ship_pos).Normalized(ship_to_body_distance);
		double ship_to_destination_distance;
		vector3d ship_to_destination_dir = (destination_pos - ship_pos).Normalized(ship_to_destination_distance);
		double cos = ship_to_destination_dir.Dot(ship_to_body_dir);
		if (cos > clear_angle) { // Path might be unclear
			double ship_to_closest_distance = cos * ship_to_body_distance;
			vector3d closest_point = ship_pos + (ship_to_destination_dir * ship_to_closest_distance);
			double closest_distance = (closest_point - body_pos).Length();
			if (closest_distance < radius && ship_to_closest_distance < ship_to_destination_distance) {
				return false;
			} else {
				return true;
		} else {
			return true;
	} else {
		return true;