Exemple #1
 bool BoundingEllipsoid::intersects(BoundingBox &bx, CollisionResultSet::Info& info) {
      math::Ray r1(center, bx.getCenter());
      math::Ray r2(bx.getCenter(), center);
      math::Vec3f near1, near2, far1, far2;
      if (!intersectsWhere(r1, near1, far1, info))
         return false;
      if (!bx.intersectsWhere(r2, near2, far2, info))
         return false;
      math::Vec3f d1 = far1 - center;
      math::Vec3f d2 = far2 - bx.getCenter();
      return (center.computeDistSquared(bx.getCenter()) - d1.magnSquared() - d2.magnSquared()) <= 0;
Exemple #2
bool MovingEntity::VerticalCollision(Vector3 pos)
	bool colided = false;

	for (int i = 0;i < 36;i++)
		BlockPosition *bp = &_blockPositions[i];

		if (_world->IsBlockCollidable(bp->position.x,bp->position.y,bp->position.z))
			BoundingBox blockBox = BoundingBox(Vector3(bp->position.x,bp->position.y,bp->position.z),Vector3(bp->position.x+1,bp->position.y+1,bp->position.z+1));

			if (blockBox.contains(pos))
				colided = true;
				float moveDirection = pos.y - blockBox.getCenter().y;

				if (moveDirection > 0.0f)
					_position.y += (0.5f - moveDirection);
				}else if (moveDirection < 0.0f)
					_position.y -= (0.51f + moveDirection);

	return colided;
	TreeNode(BoundingBox box) {
		_mass = 0;
		_centerOfMass = Vec2D();
		//_state = state;
		_NW = _SW = _NE = _SE = NULL;
		_box = box;
		//cout << "NODE CENTER " << box.getCenter().getX() << " " << box.getCenter().getY() << endl;
		_position = _box.getCenter();
bool collision(BoundingBox& a, BoundingBox& b)
	vec2 Axis = a.getAxis();
	vec2 mid = (a.getCenter() + b.getCenter()) / 2.0;
	vec2 A = mid - (1000*Axis);
	vec2 B = mid + (1000*Axis);
	Axis = normal(Axis);
	vec2 C = mid - (1000*Axis);
	vec2 D = mid + (1000*Axis);
	Axis = b.getAxis();
	vec2 E = mid - (1000*Axis);
	vec2 F = mid + (1000*Axis);
	Axis = normal(Axis);
	vec2 G = mid - (1000*Axis);
	vec2 H = mid + (1000*Axis);

	return (collide(a.calc(A,B),b.calc(A,B)) &&
		collide(a.calc(C,D),b.calc(C,D)) &&
		collide(a.calc(E,F),b.calc(E,F)) &&
Exemple #5
Sphere::Sphere( bool fullSphere, byte numSubDiv, float dim )
	setPrimitiveType( PrimitiveType::Triangles );
	VertexData position;
	buildGeometry( fullSphere, numSubDiv, position, dim );
	// Build Texture Coordinates.
	BoundingBox box;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < position.size(); i++ )
		const Vector3& v = position[i];

	Vector3 center = box.getCenter();

	std::vector<Vector3> texCoords;

	for( size_t i = 0; i < position.size(); i++ )
		const Vector3& vert = position[i];
		Vector3 d = vert-center;

		// Conveert to spherical coordinates.
		//float t = d.z / sqrt(d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y+d.z*d.z);
		//float delta = acos(t);
		//float phi = atan2(d.y, d.x);

		//float u = delta / Math::PI;
		//float v = phi / 2*Math::PI;
		float u = std::asin(d.x) / PI + 0.5f;
		float v = std::asin(d.y) / PI + 0.5f;

		texCoords.push_back( Vector2(u, v) );

	gb->set( VertexAttribute::Position, position );
	gb->set( VertexAttribute::TexCoord0, texCoords );
	TreeNode(BoundingBox box, NodeState state) {
		_mass = 0;
		_centerOfMass = Vec2D();
		_parent = NULL;
		_state = state;
		if (state == INTERNAL) {
			_NW = new TreeNode(box.getQuadrant(1), EXTERNAL);
			_NE = new TreeNode(box.getQuadrant(2), EXTERNAL);
			_SW = new TreeNode(box.getQuadrant(3), EXTERNAL);
			_SE = new TreeNode(box.getQuadrant(4), EXTERNAL);
		} else {
			_NW = _SW = _NE = _SE = NULL;
		_body = NULL;
		_box = box;
		//cout << "NODE CENTER " << box.getCenter().getX() << " " << box.getCenter().getY() << endl;
		_position = box.getCenter();
		visited = false;
int lua_BoundingBox_getCenter(lua_State* state)
    // Get the number of parameters.
    int paramCount = lua_gettop(state);

    // Attempt to match the parameters to a valid binding.
    switch (paramCount)
        case 1:
                if ((lua_type(state, 1) == LUA_TUSERDATA))
                    BoundingBox* instance = getInstance(state);
                    void* returnPtr = (void*)new Vector3(instance->getCenter());
                    if (returnPtr)
                        gameplay::ScriptUtil::LuaObject* object = (gameplay::ScriptUtil::LuaObject*)lua_newuserdata(state, sizeof(gameplay::ScriptUtil::LuaObject));
                        object->instance = returnPtr;
                        object->owns = true;
                        luaL_getmetatable(state, "Vector3");
                        lua_setmetatable(state, -2);

                    return 1;
            } while (0);

            lua_pushstring(state, "lua_BoundingBox_getCenter - Failed to match the given parameters to a valid function signature.");
        case 2:
                if ((lua_type(state, 1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) &&
                    (lua_type(state, 2) == LUA_TUSERDATA || lua_type(state, 2) == LUA_TTABLE || lua_type(state, 2) == LUA_TNIL))
                    // Get parameter 1 off the stack.
                    bool param1Valid;
                    gameplay::ScriptUtil::LuaArray<Vector3> param1 = gameplay::ScriptUtil::getObjectPointer<Vector3>(2, "Vector3", false, &param1Valid);
                    if (!param1Valid)

                    BoundingBox* instance = getInstance(state);
                    return 0;
            } while (0);

            lua_pushstring(state, "lua_BoundingBox_getCenter - Failed to match the given parameters to a valid function signature.");
            lua_pushstring(state, "Invalid number of parameters (expected 1 or 2).");
    return 0;
Exemple #8
bool BoundingBox::overlapsWith(const BoundingBox& other)
   if(!use || !other.use) return false;

   float wa = getWidth()/2;
   float ha = getHeight()/2;
   float da = getDepth()/2;

   glm::vec3 Ca = getCenter();
   glm::vec3 Az = getFrontNormal();
   glm::vec3 Ay = getUpNormal();
   glm::vec3 Ax = getRightNormal();

   glm::vec3 Cb = other.getCenter();
   glm::vec3 Bz = other.getFrontNormal();
   glm::vec3 By = other.getUpNormal();
   glm::vec3 Bx = other.getRightNormal();
   float wb = other.getWidth()/2;
   float hb = other.getHeight()/2;
   float db = other.getDepth()/2;

   glm::vec3 T = Cb - Ca;

   float lhs = 0, rhs = 0;

   float Rxx = glm::dot(Ax, Bx);
   float Rxy = glm::dot(Ax, By);
   float Rxz = glm::dot(Ax, Bz);

   // Case 1: L = Ax
   lhs = glm::dot(T, Ax);
   rhs = wa + fabs(wb * Rxx) + fabs(hb * Rxy) + fabs(db * Rxz);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   float Ryx = glm::dot(Ay, Bx);
   float Ryy = glm::dot(Ay, By);
   float Ryz = glm::dot(Ay, Bz);

   // Case 2: L = Ay
   lhs = glm::dot(T, Ay);
   rhs = ha + fabs(wb * Ryx) + fabs(hb * Ryy) + fabs(db * Ryz);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   float Rzx = glm::dot(Az, Bx);
   float Rzy = glm::dot(Az, By);
   float Rzz = glm::dot(Az, Bz);

   // Case 3: L = Az
   lhs = glm::dot(T, Az);
   rhs = da + fabs(wb * Rzx) + fabs(hb * Rzy) + fabs(db * Rzz);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 4: L = Bx
   lhs = glm::dot(T, Bx);
   rhs = fabs(wa * Rxx) + fabs(ha * Ryx) + fabs(da * Rzx) + wb;
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 5: L = By
   lhs = glm::dot(T, By);
   rhs = fabs(wa * Rxy) + fabs(ha * Ryy) + fabs(da * Rzy) + hb;
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 6: L = Bz
   lhs = glm::dot(T, Bz);
   rhs = fabs(wa * Rxz) + fabs(ha * Ryz) + fabs(da * Rzz) + db;
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 7: L = Ax x Bx
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Ax, Bx));
   rhs = fabs(ha * Rzx) + fabs(da * Ryx) + fabs(hb * Rxz) + fabs(db * Rxy);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 8: L = Ax x By
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Ax, By));
   rhs = fabs(ha * Rzy) + fabs(da * Ryy) + fabs(wb * Rxz) + fabs(db * Rxx);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 9: L = Ax x Bz
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Ax, Bz));
   rhs = fabs(ha * Rzz) + fabs(da * Ryz) + fabs(wb * Rxy) + fabs(hb * Rxx);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 10: L = Ay x Bx
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Ay, Bx));
   rhs = fabs(wa * Rzx) + fabs(da * Rxx) + fabs(hb * Ryz) + fabs(db * Ryy);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 11: L = Ay x By
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Ay, By));
   rhs = fabs(wa * Rzy) + fabs(da * Rxy) + fabs(wb * Ryz) + fabs(db * Ryx);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 12: L = Ay x Bz
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Ay, Bz));
   rhs = fabs(wa * Rzz) + fabs(da * Rxz) + fabs(wb * Ryy) + fabs(hb * Ryx);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 13: L = Az x Bx
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Az, Bx));
   rhs = fabs(wa * Ryx) + fabs(ha * Rxx) + fabs(hb * Rzz) + fabs(db * Rzy);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 14: L = Az x By
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Az, By));
   rhs = fabs(wa * Ryy) + fabs(ha * Rxy) + fabs(wb * Rzz) + fabs(db * Rzx);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   // Case 15: L = Az x Bz
   lhs = glm::dot(T, glm::cross(Az, Bz));
   rhs = fabs(wa * Ryz) + fabs(ha * Rxz) + fabs(wb * Rzy) + fabs(hb * Rzx);
   if(lhs > rhs) return false;

   return true;
Exemple #9
bool BVHTree::sortAlgZ(BoundingBox b1, BoundingBox b2)
    return b1.getCenter()(Z) > b2.getCenter()(Z);
Exemple #10
BoundingSphere::BoundingSphere(const BoundingBox& box)
	: center(box.getCenter())
	, radius((box.getCenter() - box.max.x).length())
{ }