bool VertexBufferInterface::directStoragePossible(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib,
                                                  const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &currentValue) const
    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.mBoundBuffer.get();
    BufferStorage *storage = buffer ? buffer->getStorage() : NULL;

    if (!storage || !storage->supportsDirectBinding())
        return false;

    // Alignment restrictions: In D3D, vertex data must be aligned to
    //  the format stride, or to a 4-byte boundary, whichever is smaller.
    //  (Undocumented, and experimentally confirmed)
    size_t alignment = 4;
    bool requiresConversion = false;

    if (attrib.mType != GL_FLOAT)
        gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, currentValue.Type);

        unsigned int outputElementSize;
        getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attrib, 1, 0, &outputElementSize);
        alignment = std::min<size_t>(outputElementSize, 4);

        requiresConversion = (mRenderer->getVertexConversionType(vertexFormat) & VERTEX_CONVERT_CPU) != 0;

    bool isAligned = (static_cast<size_t>(attrib.stride()) % alignment == 0) &&
                     (static_cast<size_t>(attrib.mOffset) % alignment == 0);

    return !requiresConversion && isAligned;
static bool directStoragePossible(VertexBufferInterface* vb, const gl::VertexAttribute& attrib)
    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.mBoundBuffer.get();
    BufferStorage *storage = buffer ? buffer->getStorage() : NULL;

    const bool isAligned = (attrib.stride() % 4 == 0) && (attrib.mOffset % 4 == 0);

    return storage && storage->supportsDirectBinding() && !vb->getVertexBuffer()->requiresConversion(attrib) && isAligned;
GLenum IndexDataManager::prepareIndexData(GLenum type, GLsizei count, gl::Buffer *buffer, const GLvoid *indices, TranslatedIndexData *translated)
    if (!mStreamingBufferShort)
        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    GLenum destinationIndexType = (type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    unsigned int offset = 0;
    bool alignedOffset = false;

    BufferStorage *storage = NULL;

    if (buffer != NULL)
        if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(indices) > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        offset = static_cast<unsigned int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(indices));

        storage = buffer->getStorage();

        switch (type)
          case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:  alignedOffset = (offset % sizeof(GLubyte) == 0);  break;
          case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: alignedOffset = (offset % sizeof(GLushort) == 0); break;
          case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:   alignedOffset = (offset % sizeof(GLuint) == 0);   break;
          default: UNREACHABLE(); alignedOffset = false;

        unsigned int typeSize = gl::GetTypeBytes(type);

        // check for integer overflows
        if (static_cast<unsigned int>(count) > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / typeSize) ||
            typeSize * static_cast<unsigned int>(count) + offset < offset)
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        if (typeSize * static_cast<unsigned int>(count) + offset > storage->getSize())
            return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

        indices = static_cast<const GLubyte*>(storage->getData()) + offset;

    StreamingIndexBufferInterface *streamingBuffer = (type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) ? mStreamingBufferInt : mStreamingBufferShort;

    StaticIndexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticIndexBuffer() : NULL;
    IndexBufferInterface *indexBuffer = streamingBuffer;
    bool directStorage = alignedOffset && storage && storage->supportsDirectBinding() &&
                         destinationIndexType == type;
    unsigned int streamOffset = 0;

    if (directStorage)
        indexBuffer = streamingBuffer;
        streamOffset = offset;

        if (!buffer->getIndexRangeCache()->findRange(type, offset, count, &translated->minIndex,
                                                     &translated->maxIndex, NULL))
            computeRange(type, indices, count, &translated->minIndex, &translated->maxIndex);
            buffer->getIndexRangeCache()->addRange(type, offset, count, translated->minIndex,
                                                   translated->maxIndex, offset);
    else if (staticBuffer && staticBuffer->getBufferSize() != 0 && staticBuffer->getIndexType() == type && alignedOffset)
        indexBuffer = staticBuffer;

        if (!staticBuffer->getIndexRangeCache()->findRange(type, offset, count, &translated->minIndex,
                                                           &translated->maxIndex, &streamOffset))
            streamOffset = (offset / gl::GetTypeBytes(type)) * gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
            computeRange(type, indices, count, &translated->minIndex, &translated->maxIndex);
            staticBuffer->getIndexRangeCache()->addRange(type, offset, count, translated->minIndex,
                                                         translated->maxIndex, streamOffset);
        unsigned int convertCount = count;

        if (staticBuffer)
            if (staticBuffer->getBufferSize() == 0 && alignedOffset)
                indexBuffer = staticBuffer;
                convertCount = storage->getSize() / gl::GetTypeBytes(type);
                staticBuffer = NULL;

        if (!indexBuffer)
            ERR("No valid index buffer.");
            return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

        unsigned int indexTypeSize = gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
        if (convertCount > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / indexTypeSize)
            ERR("Reserving %u indicies of %u bytes each exceeds the maximum buffer size.", convertCount, indexTypeSize);
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        unsigned int bufferSizeRequired = convertCount * indexTypeSize;
        if (!indexBuffer->reserveBufferSpace(bufferSizeRequired, type))
            ERR("Failed to reserve %u bytes in an index buffer.", bufferSizeRequired);
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        void* output = NULL;
        if (!indexBuffer->mapBuffer(bufferSizeRequired, &output, &streamOffset))
            ERR("Failed to map index buffer.");
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        convertIndices(type, staticBuffer ? storage->getData() : indices, convertCount, output);

        if (!indexBuffer->unmapBuffer())
            ERR("Failed to unmap index buffer.");
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        computeRange(type, indices, count, &translated->minIndex, &translated->maxIndex);

        if (staticBuffer)
            streamOffset = (offset / gl::GetTypeBytes(type)) * gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
            staticBuffer->getIndexRangeCache()->addRange(type, offset, count, translated->minIndex,
                                                         translated->maxIndex, streamOffset);

    translated->storage = directStorage ? storage : NULL;
    translated->indexBuffer = indexBuffer->getIndexBuffer();
    translated->serial = directStorage ? storage->getSerial() : indexBuffer->getSerial();
    translated->startIndex = streamOffset / gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
    translated->startOffset = streamOffset;

    if (buffer)
        buffer->promoteStaticUsage(count * gl::GetTypeBytes(type));

    return GL_NO_ERROR;