bool CImageEx::SetGray() { CImage *pImage = &m_ImageClone; if ( pImage == NULL && pImage->IsNull() ) { pImage = this; } int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth(); int nHeight = pImage->GetHeight(); BYTE* pArray = (BYTE*)pImage->GetBits(); int nPitch = pImage->GetPitch(); int nBitCount = pImage->GetBPP() / 8; for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nWidth; j++) { int grayVal = (BYTE)(((*(pArray + nPitch * i + j * nBitCount) * 306) + (*(pArray + nPitch * i + j * nBitCount + 1) * 601) + (*(pArray + nPitch * i + j * nBitCount + 2) * 117) + 512 ) >> 10); // 计算灰度值 *(pArray + nPitch * i + j * nBitCount) = grayVal; // 赋灰度值 *(pArray + nPitch * i + j * nBitCount + 1) = grayVal; *(pArray + nPitch * i + j * nBitCount + 2) = grayVal; } } return true; }
static BOOL CImageToMat(const CImage& image, Mat& img) { img.create(image.GetHeight(), image.GetWidth(), CV_8UC3); if ( == NULL) return FALSE; // 支持24位、32位图 int bpp = image.GetBPP() / 8; if (bpp < 3) return FALSE; for (int y = 0; y < image.GetHeight(); y++) { BYTE* src = (BYTE*)image.GetPixelAddress(0, y); BYTE* dst = img.ptr<BYTE>(y); for (int x = 0; x < image.GetWidth(); x++) { dst[0] = src[0]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[2]; src += bpp; dst += 3; } } return TRUE; }
void CChildView::OnSrtpEnvironmentbrdf() { CWaitCursor wait;//在函数执行过程中使鼠标图标变成等待图标 int newX = 256, newY = 256; CImage tmpimg; tmpimg.Create(newX, newY, 24, 0); float NoV, roughness; float* res = new float[2]; for (int x = 0; x < newX; x++){ NoV = x*1.0f / newX; for (int y = 0; y < newY; y++){ roughness = y*2.0f / newY; IntegrateBRDF(res, roughness, NoV); tmpimg.SetPixelRGB(x, y, (byte)(res[0] * 255), (byte)(res[1] * 255), 0); } } delete[] res; imgOriginal.Destroy(); imgOriginal.Create(newX, newY, tmpimg.GetBPP());//根据新的大小建立CImage,GetBPP是获取其大小 for (int x = 0; x < newX; x++){ for (int y = 0; y < newY; y++){ imgOriginal.SetPixel(x, y, tmpimg.GetPixel(x, y)); } } tmpimg.Destroy(); //刷新显示图像 Invalidate(); UpdateWindow(); }
double img_get_pxl(int img_no, int i, int j, int channel) { // Reading input texture sample CImage* pImage = saved_images[img_no]; unsigned char *pData = (unsigned char*)pImage->GetBits(); int pitch = pImage->GetPitch(); int byte_pp = pImage->GetBPP() / 8; //fout << "Initial sizeof: " << sizeof(pData) << std::endl; if (pitch < 0) { //fout << "NEGATIVE; pitch = " << pitch << std::endl; pData += pitch * (image_shapes[img_no].second - 1); //pitch = -pitch; } /*for (int i = 0; i < pImage->GetHeight(); i++) // Image lines { for (int j = 0; j < pImage->GetWidth(); j++) // Pixels in line { unsigned char b = pCurrentLine[j * 4]; unsigned char g = pCurrentLine[j * 4 + 1]; unsigned char r = pCurrentLine[j * 4 + 2]; unsigned char alpha = pCurrentLine[j * 4 + 3]; } pCurrentLine += pitch; }*/ //fout << i << ' ' << pitch << ' ' << j << ' ' << byte_pp << ' ' << channel << std::endl << i * pitch + j * byte_pp + channel << // ' ' << sizeof(pData) << std::endl; unsigned char *pxl_addr = (unsigned char *)pImage->GetPixelAddress(i, j); // j, i? double pxl = double(*(pxl_addr + channel)); return pxl; }
BOOL CChildView::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { CRect r; CImage img; img.Attach(m_img); if ((m_pMainFrame->GetLoadState() != MLS::CLOSED || (!m_bFirstMedia && m_pMainFrame->m_controls.DelayShowNotLoaded())) && !m_pMainFrame->IsD3DFullScreenMode() && !m_pMainFrame->m_fAudioOnly) { pDC->ExcludeClipRect(m_vrect); } else if (!img.IsNull()) { const double dImageAR = double(img.GetWidth()) / img.GetHeight(); GetClientRect(r); int width = r.Width(); int height = r.Height(); if (!m_bCustomImgLoaded) { // Limit logo size // TODO: Use vector logo to preserve quality and remove limit. width = std::min(img.GetWidth(), width); height = std::min(img.GetHeight(), height); } double dImgWidth = height * dImageAR; double dImgHeight; if (width < dImgWidth) { dImgWidth = width; dImgHeight = dImgWidth / dImageAR; } else { dImgHeight = height; } int x = std::lround((r.Width() - dImgWidth) / 2.0); int y = std::lround((r.Height() - dImgHeight) / 2.0); r = CRect(CPoint(x, y), CSize(std::lround(dImgWidth), std::lround(dImgHeight))); if (!r.IsRectEmpty()) { if (m_resizedImg.IsNull() || r.Width() != m_resizedImg.GetWidth() || r.Height() != m_resizedImg.GetHeight() || img.GetBPP() != m_resizedImg.GetBPP()) { m_resizedImg.Destroy(); m_resizedImg.Create(r.Width(), r.Height(), std::max(img.GetBPP(), 24)); HDC hDC = m_resizedImg.GetDC(); SetStretchBltMode(hDC, STRETCH_HALFTONE); img.StretchBlt(hDC, 0, 0, r.Width(), r.Height(), SRCCOPY); m_resizedImg.ReleaseDC(); } m_resizedImg.BitBlt(*pDC, r.TopLeft()); pDC->ExcludeClipRect(r); } } img.Detach(); GetClientRect(r); pDC->FillSolidRect(r, 0); return TRUE; }
void Csmoothorsharp::FilterImg(int* temp,CImage imga){ int nW=imga.GetWidth()-1; int nH=imga.GetHeight()-1; byte *pRealData; pRealData=(byte*)imga.GetBits(); int pit=imga.GetPitch(); int bitCount=imga.GetBPP()/8; for (int i=1;i<nH;i++) { for (int j=1;j<nW;j++) { int Rval=0,Gval=0,Bval=0,indx=0; for ( int row=-1;row<=1;row++) { for (int col=-1;col<=1;col++) { Bval+=((int)(int)(*(pRealData+pit*(i+row)+(j+col)*bitCount))) *temp[indx]; Gval=((int)(int)(*(pRealData+pit*(i+row)+(j+col)*bitCount+1)))*temp[indx]; Rval=((int)(int)(*(pRealData+pit*(i+row)+(j+col)*bitCount+2)))*temp[indx]; indx++; } } //template work is over,You need get the center point pixel. Rval=(int)(Rval*cval); if (Rval>255) Rval=255; else if(Rval<0) Rval=0; Gval=(int)(Gval*cval); if (Gval>255) Gval=255; else if(Gval<0) Gval=0; Bval=(int)(Bval*cval); if (Bval>255) Bval=255; else if (Bval<0) Bval=0; //ok,write the new pixel into the pic. *(pRealData+pit*(i-1)+(j-1)*bitCount)=Bval; *(pRealData+pit*(i-1)+(j-1)*bitCount+1)=Gval; *(pRealData+pit*(i-1)+(j-1)*bitCount+2)=Rval; } } //CALL the OnDraw in MFC }
UINT InverseThread(LPVOID pParam) { LANGID id = PIGetThreadUILanguage(); SetThreadUILanguage(id); CString str; str.LoadString(ID_IMAGE_INVERSE); PIProgressInit(PI_PROGRESS_DLG, str); // PIProgressInit(PI_PROGRESS_BAR, str); CImage* pImage = (CImage*)pParam; int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth(); int nHeight = pImage->GetHeight(); BYTE* pImageData = (BYTE*)pImage->GetBits(); int nPitch = pImage->GetPitch(); int nBitCount = pImage->GetBPP() / 8; for (int j=0; j<nHeight; j++) { for (int i=0; i<nWidth; i++) { int nPixelIndex = j * nPitch + i * nBitCount; BYTE* pPixel = pImageData + j * nPitch + i * nBitCount; *(pPixel) = 255 - *(pPixel); *(pPixel + 1) = 255 - *(pPixel + 1); *(pPixel + 2) = 255 - *(pPixel + 2); } LRESULT lResult = PIProgressPercent(j * 100 / nHeight); if (!lResult) { // quit thread return 1; } } PIProgressDone(); // refresh view PIGetActiveView()->Invalidate(FALSE); return 0; }
// // Copies the content of a byte buffer to a MFC image with respect to the image's alignment // // Parameters: // [in] pInbuffer The byte buffer as received from the cam // [in] ePixelFormat The pixel format of the frame // [out] OutImage The filled MFC image // void CAsynchronousGrabDlg::CopyToImage( VmbUchar_t *pInBuffer, VmbPixelFormat_t ePixelFormat, CImage &OutImage ) { const int nHeight = m_ApiController.GetHeight(); const int nWidth = m_ApiController.GetWidth(); const int nStride = OutImage.GetPitch(); const int nBitsPerPixel = OutImage.GetBPP(); VmbError_t Result; if( ( nWidth*nBitsPerPixel ) /8 != nStride ) { Log( _TEXT( "Vimba only supports stride that is equal to width." ), VmbErrorWrongType ); return; } VmbImage SourceImage,DestinationImage; SourceImage.Size = sizeof( SourceImage ); DestinationImage.Size = sizeof( DestinationImage ); SourceImage.Data = pInBuffer; DestinationImage.Data = OutImage.GetBits(); Result = VmbSetImageInfoFromPixelFormat( ePixelFormat, nWidth, nHeight, &SourceImage ); if( VmbErrorSuccess != Result ) { Log( _TEXT( "Error setting source image info." ), static_cast<VmbErrorType>( Result ) ); return; } static const std::string DisplayFormat( "BGR24" ); Result = VmbSetImageInfoFromString( DisplayFormat.c_str(),DisplayFormat.size(), nWidth,nHeight, &DestinationImage ); if( VmbErrorSuccess != Result ) { Log( _TEXT( "Error setting destination image info." ),static_cast<VmbErrorType>( Result ) ); return; } Result = VmbImageTransform( &SourceImage, &DestinationImage,NULL,0 ); if( VmbErrorSuccess != Result ) { Log( _TEXT( "Error transforming image." ), static_cast<VmbErrorType>( Result ) ); } }
bool LoadPicture(CImage& bmp, UINT nImgID, LPCTSTR lpImgType) //含Alpha通道的图片处理成CImage { LoadImageFromResourse(&bmp, nImgID, lpImgType); //加载图片资源 if (bmp.IsNull()) { return false; } if(bmp.GetBPP() == 32) //确认该图片包含Alpha通道 { for (int i=0; i < bmp.GetWidth(); i++) { for(int j=0; j < bmp.GetHeight(); j++) { byte* pByte = (byte*)bmp.GetPixelAddress(i, j); pByte[0] = pByte[0] * pByte[3] / 255; pByte[1] = pByte[1] * pByte[3] / 255; pByte[2] = pByte[2] * pByte[3] / 255; } } } return true; }
BOOL CPlayerToolBar::Create(CWnd* pParentWnd) { VERIFY(__super::CreateEx(pParentWnd, TBSTYLE_FLAT | TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT | TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE | TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_BOTTOM | CBRS_TOOLTIPS, CRect(2, 2, 0, 1))); VERIFY(LoadToolBar(IDB_PLAYERTOOLBAR)); // Should never be RTLed ModifyStyleEx(WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL, WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT); CToolBarCtrl& tb = GetToolBarCtrl(); tb.DeleteButton(tb.GetButtonCount() - 1); tb.DeleteButton(tb.GetButtonCount() - 1); SetMute(AfxGetAppSettings().fMute); UINT styles[] = { TBBS_CHECKGROUP, TBBS_CHECKGROUP, TBBS_CHECKGROUP, TBBS_SEPARATOR, TBBS_BUTTON, TBBS_BUTTON, TBBS_BUTTON, TBBS_BUTTON, TBBS_SEPARATOR, TBBS_BUTTON, TBBS_SEPARATOR, TBBS_SEPARATOR, TBBS_CHECKBOX, }; for (int i = 0; i < _countof(styles); ++i) { // This fixes missing separator in Win 7 if (styles[i] & TBBS_SEPARATOR) { SetButtonInfo(i, GetItemID(i), styles[i], -1); } else { SetButtonStyle(i, styles[i] | TBBS_DISABLED); } } m_volctrl.Create(this); m_volctrl.SetRange(0, 100); m_nButtonHeight = 16; // reset m_nButtonHeight CImage image; if (LoadExternalToolBar(&image)) { CBitmap* bmp = CBitmap::FromHandle(image); int width = image.GetWidth(); int height = image.GetHeight(); int bpp = image.GetBPP(); if (width == height * 15) { // the manual specifies that sizeButton should be sizeImage inflated by (7, 6) SetSizes(CSize(height + 7, height + 6), CSize(height, height)); m_pButtonsImages = DEBUG_NEW CImageList(); if (bpp == 32) { m_pButtonsImages->Create(height, height, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 1, 0); m_pButtonsImages->Add(bmp, nullptr); // alpha is the mask } else { m_pButtonsImages->Create(height, height, ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, 1, 0); m_pButtonsImages->Add(bmp, RGB(255, 0, 255)); } m_nButtonHeight = height; GetToolBarCtrl().SetImageList(m_pButtonsImages); } image.Destroy(); } return TRUE; }
//根据文件路径获取单张图片 Texture2D* TextureLoader::CreateTexture2D(const char* fileName) { GLuint texture; glGenTextures(1, &texture); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); CImage *img = new CImage; // 新建CImage对象 char *complete_path = FileTool::GetInstance()->GetCompletePath(fileName); if (complete_path == NULL) { SAFDelete(img); return NULL; } wchar_t *wchat_file_name = ATC2W(complete_path); img->Load(wchat_file_name); // 读入图像文件 SAFDelete(wchat_file_name); SAFDelete(complete_path); int width = img->GetWidth(); // 获取图像宽度 int height = img->GetHeight(); // 获取图像高度 int n = img->GetBPP() / 8; int test = img->GetPitch();//图片是正的还是反的 GLubyte *image = new GLubyte[width * height * n]; // 用于保存图像数据的数组 // 将图像数据读入image数组 if(test<0) for(int j = height-1,k=0; j >=0; j--,k++){ for(int i = width-1,z=width-1; i >=0; i--,z--){ int index = (k * width + z) * n; RGBQUAD rgb = GetPixelColor(img, i, j); image[index] = rgb.rgbRed; image[index+1] = rgb.rgbGreen; image[index+2] = rgb.rgbBlue; if(n==4) image[index+3] = rgb.rgbReserved; } } else for(int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for(int i = 0; i < width; i++){ int index = (j * width + i) * n; RGBQUAD rgb = GetPixelColor(img, i, j); image[index] = rgb.rgbRed; image[index+1] = rgb.rgbGreen; image[index+2] = rgb.rgbBlue; if(n==4) image[index+3] = rgb.rgbReserved; } } delete img; // CImage对象已无用,数据已读入image数组 // 根据image中的数据在纹理内存中创建纹理 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); // 每行图像数据紧密排列 if(n==4) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image); else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image); glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT ); glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT ); glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); delete image; // 纹理数据已在显卡纹理内存中了,主机内存中的image已无用 Texture2D *tex = new Texture2D(); tex->texture_name_ = fileName; tex->height_ = height; tex->width_ = width; tex->tex_res_ = texture; return tex; }
bool CScene::OnProcessingWindowMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT nMessageID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (nMessageID) { case WM_DROPFILES: { HDROP hDrop = (HDROP)wParam; TCHAR szPathFileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0, szPathFileName, MAX_PATH); if (m_cImage) { DeleteObject(m_cImage); m_cImage = nullptr; } if (m_hIcon) { DestroyIcon(m_hIcon); m_hIcon = nullptr; } std::wstring strExtension(PathFindExtension(szPathFileName)); if ( strExtension == TEXT(".png") || strExtension == TEXT(".jpg") || strExtension == TEXT(".bmp") || strExtension == TEXT(".jpeg") || strExtension == TEXT(".PNG") || strExtension == TEXT(".JPG") || strExtension == TEXT(".JPEG") || strExtension == TEXT(".BMP") ) { CImage m_cImageSumnail; m_cImageSumnail.Load(szPathFileName); float height = (float)m_cImageSumnail.GetHeight(); float width = (float)m_cImageSumnail.GetWidth(); bool bStand = false; int space = 0; if (height > width) { bStand = true; width /= height; height = 1; } else if (height < width) { bStand = false; height /= width; width = 1; } else { height = width = 1; } height *= 64.f; width *= 64.f; space = 32 - (bStand ? width : height) * 0.5f; CImage cImage; cImage.Create(64, 64, 32, CImage::createAlphaChannel); HDC hdc = cImage.GetDC(); RECT rc = { 0,0,64,64 }; SetDCBrushColor(hdc, RGB(255, 0, 255)); FillRect(hdc, &rc, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH)); if (bStand) m_cImageSumnail.TransparentBlt(hdc, int(space), 0, int(width), int(height), RGB(255, 0, 255)); else m_cImageSumnail.TransparentBlt(hdc, 0, int(space), int(width), int(height), RGB(255, 0, 255)); cImage.ReleaseDC(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BITMAPINFO m_bif; ZeroMemory(&m_bif, sizeof(BITMAPINFO)); // 비트맵(DDB) 정보 얻기 BITMAP bmp; GetObject(cImage, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp); // 비트맵(DIB) 정보 설정 BITMAPINFOHEADER& bmih = m_bif.bmiHeader; ZeroMemory(&bmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bmih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmih.biWidth = bmp.bmWidth; // 가로 bmih.biHeight = bmp.bmHeight; // 세로 bmih.biPlanes = 1; bmih.biBitCount = cImage.GetBPP(); // 픽셀당 비트수(BPP) bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB; // 비트맵(DIB) 데이터 추출 // 데이터의 크기를 알아낸다 HDC hDC = GetDC(NULL); GetDIBits(hDC, cImage, 0, bmp.bmHeight, NULL, (LPBITMAPINFO)&bmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS); DWORD m_dwImageSize = bmih.biSizeImage; // 데이터 저장 공간 확보 LPBYTE m_bytes = new BYTE[m_dwImageSize]; GetDIBits(hDC, cImage, 0, bmp.bmHeight, m_bytes, (LPBITMAPINFO)&bmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS); ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC); size_t cnt = 0; for (int y = 0; y < m_bif.bmiHeader.biHeight; y++) for (int x = 0; x < m_bif.bmiHeader.biWidth; x++) { if (!(m_bytes[cnt] == 255 && m_bytes[cnt + 1] == 0 && m_bytes[cnt + 2] == 255)) m_bytes[cnt + 3] = 255; cnt += 4; } LPVOID pNewBytes; m_cImage = ::CreateDIBSection(NULL, &m_bif, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pNewBytes, 0, 0); hDC = GetDC(NULL); SetDIBits(hDC, m_cImage, 0, m_bif.bmiHeader.biHeight, m_bytes, &m_bif, DIB_RGB_COLORS); ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC); m_cImageSumnail.Destroy(); cImage.Destroy(); delete[] m_bytes; } else { SHFILEINFO sfi; ZeroMemory(&sfi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO)); SHGetFileInfo(szPathFileName, 0, &sfi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES | SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_TYPENAME); m_hIcon = sfi.hIcon; } } default: return false; } return true; }
void CStorageDoc::OnFileImport () { CFile fImport; CFileDialog dlgOpen (true); // #### TODO: Place here initial directory name taken from configuration structures dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = "."; dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = "Kontron Elektronik Images (*.img)""\0""*.IMG""\0" "All supported signle image formats""\0""*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.GIF;*.PNG;*.BMP;*.DIB""\0" "JPEG Bitmap (*.jpg, *.jpeg)""\0""*.JPG;*.JPEG""\0" "CumpuServe GIF (*.gif)""\0""*.GIF""\0" "Prtable Network Graphics (*.png)""\0""*.PNG""\0" "MS Windows Bitmap (*.bmp, *.dib)""\0""*.BMP;*.DIB""\0"; dlgOpen.m_ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; // dlgOpen.SetWindowText (theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_DLGCAPTION)); if (dlgOpen.DoModal () != IDOK) return; // #### TODO: Add support for video formats // #### TODO: Add support for multi-page tif format // #### TODO: Create import dialog // #### TODO: Add progress control on the status bar uvar32_64 selected; svar32_64 nImages; uvar32_64 dwSize = m_nDimX * m_nDimY; CString strTitle; BYTE *pbPixels = (BYTE *)aimMemoryCommit (dwSize, "CStorageDoc::OnDocAddImportseq", "pbPixels"); if ((selected = Frames[aimActive].GetActiveImageNo()) == -1) selected = Images.GetCount () - 1; theApp.StatusState (IDI_INDICATOR_IMPORT); if (dlgOpen.m_ofn.nFilterIndex == 1) { if (!fImport.Open (dlgOpen.GetPathName (), CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary | CFile::shareDenyWrite)) { MessageBox (theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_OPENERR), theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_DLGCAPTION), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; } BYTE *pbHeader = new BYTE[0x80]; fImport.Read ( pbHeader, 0x80 ); if (((DWORD*)(pbHeader + 2))[0] != 0xB06D1247) { MessageBox (theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_TYPEERR), theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_DLGCAPTION), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; } if (((WORD*)pbHeader)[5] != 0x4321) { MessageBox (theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_TYPEERR), theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_DLGCAPTION), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; } if (((WORD*)pbHeader)[3] != m_nDimX || ((WORD*)pbHeader)[4] != m_nDimY || m_nBPP != 8) { MessageBox (theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_SIZEERR), theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_DLGCAPTION), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; } nImages = ((WORD*)pbHeader)[6]; theApp.StatusState (IDI_INDICATOR_IMPORT); while (--nImages >= 0) { strTitle.Format ("%s #%03d", dlgOpen.GetFileTitle (), ((WORD*)pbHeader)[6] - nImages); CPicture *pImg = new CPicture (this, strTitle, ""); fImport.Read (pbPixels, dwSize); pImg->Channels(aimAll).SetBits (pbPixels, dwSize); Images.Insert (selected++, *pImg); } nImages = ((WORD*)pbHeader)[6]; fImport.Close (); delete [] pbHeader; aimMemoryRelease (pbPixels, "CStorage::OnDocAddImportseq", "pbPixels"); } else if (dlgOpen.m_ofn.nFilterIndex >= 2) { CImage image; image.Load (dlgOpen.GetPathName ()); if (image.GetBPP () != m_nBPP || image.GetHeight () != m_nDimY || image.GetWidth () != m_nDimX) { MessageBox (theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_SIZEERR), theApp.LoadString (IDS_IMPORTSEQ_DLGCAPTION), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; } CPicture *pImg = new CPicture (this, dlgOpen.GetFileTitle (), ""); ubyte *pBits; if (image.IsDIBSection () && image.GetPitch () < 0) pBits = (ubyte*)image.GetBits () - (m_nDimY - 1) * m_nDimX; else pBits = (ubyte*)image.GetBits (); pImg->Channels(aimAll).SetBits (pBits, m_nDimX * m_nDimY * m_nBPP / 8); Images.Insert (selected++, *pImg); } theApp.StatusState (0); }
/* OnDraw() */ void CWallBrowserStretchView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { // documento CWallBrowserDoc* pDoc = (CWallBrowserDoc*)GetDocument(); if(!pDoc) return; // nome file memset(m_szFileName,'\0',sizeof(m_szFileName)); strcpyn(m_szFileName,pDoc->GetFileName(),sizeof(m_szFileName)); if(m_szFileName[0]=='\0') return; // immagine CImage *pImage = pDoc->GetImage(); if(pImage && pImage->GetWidth() > 0 && pImage->GetHeight() > 0) m_ImageDraw.SetImage(pImage); else return; // immagine valida if(!pDoc->GetPictureFlag()) return; // dimensione corrente della vista GetClientRect(&m_rcClient); // adatta l'immagine alla dimensione corrente della vista double nRemains = 0.0; double nWidth = (double)pImage->GetWidth(); double nHeight = (double)pImage->GetHeight(); if(nHeight > (double)m_rcClient.bottom) { nRemains = FDIV(nHeight,(double)m_rcClient.bottom); if(nRemains > 0.0) { nHeight = FDIV(nHeight,nRemains); nWidth = FDIV(nWidth,nRemains); } } if(nWidth > (double)m_rcClient.right) { nRemains = FDIV(nWidth,(double)m_rcClient.right); if(nRemains > 0.0) { nHeight = FDIV(nHeight,nRemains); nWidth = FDIV(nWidth,nRemains); } } m_rcInvalid.SetRect(0,0,(int)nWidth,(int)nHeight); // nome del file if(m_pMainFrameStatusBar) { strcpyn(m_szStatus,pDoc->GetFileName(),sizeof(m_szStatus)); m_pMainFrameStatusBar->SetPaneText(ID_INDICATOR_FILENAME_ID,m_szStatus); } double nFactor = 0.0; char szFactor[8] = {0}; if(m_nViewType==VIEWTYPE_SCROLL) { nFactor = GetZoomRatio(); if(nFactor >= 1.0) sprintf(szFactor,"%.2f:1",nFactor); else sprintf(szFactor,"1:%.2f",1/nFactor); } // fattore di zoom e % di visualizzazione dell'immagine nella vista int nRatio = (int)((nWidth * 100.0)/pImage->GetWidth()); if(m_pMainFrameStatusBar) { m_pMainFrameStatusBar->SetPaneText(ID_INDICATOR_ZOOM_ID,szFactor); if(m_nViewType==VIEWTYPE_STRETCH) _snprintf(m_szStatus,sizeof(m_szStatus)-1,"%d%% (stretch)",nRatio); else _snprintf(m_szStatus,sizeof(m_szStatus)-1,"%.1f%% (scroll)",nFactor * 100.0); m_pMainFrameStatusBar->SetPaneText(ID_INDICATOR_RATIO_ID,m_szStatus); } // area della vista (client rect) m_rcClient.right = (int)nWidth; m_rcClient.bottom = (int)nHeight; // ricava le informazioni per il titolo char szTitle[_MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; int nColors = pImage->GetNumColors(); if(m_nViewType==VIEWTYPE_STRETCH) _snprintf(szFactor,sizeof(szFactor)-1,"%d%%",nRatio); _snprintf(szTitle, sizeof(szTitle)-1, "%s (%s) - %d x %d x %d%s", pDoc->GetFileName(), szFactor, pImage->GetWidth(), pImage->GetHeight(), (nColors > 256 || nColors==0) ? 16 : nColors, (nColors > 256 || nColors==0) ? "M" : "" ); pDoc->SetTitle(szTitle); // ricava le informazioni per la status bar if(m_pMainFrameStatusBar) { int nColors = pImage->GetNumColors(); _snprintf(m_szStatus, sizeof(m_szStatus)-1, "%d x %d x %d%s colors, %d bpp", pImage->GetWidth(), pImage->GetHeight(), (nColors > 256 || nColors==0) ? 16 : nColors, (nColors > 256 || nColors==0) ? "M" : "", pImage->GetBPP() ); m_pMainFrameStatusBar->SetPaneText(ID_INDICATOR_INFO_ID,m_szStatus); UINT nMemUsed = pImage->GetMemUsed(); if(nMemUsed < 1024L) _snprintf(m_szStatus,sizeof(m_szStatus)-1,"%ld bytes",nMemUsed); else if(nMemUsed < 1048576L) _snprintf(m_szStatus,sizeof(m_szStatus)-1,"%0.1f KB",FDIV(((float)nMemUsed),1024.0f)); else _snprintf(m_szStatus,sizeof(m_szStatus)-1,"%0.2f MB",FDIV(((float)nMemUsed),1048576.0f)); m_pMainFrameStatusBar->SetPaneText(ID_INDICATOR_MEM_ID,m_szStatus); strcpyn(m_szStatus,pImage->GetLibraryName(),sizeof(m_szStatus)); m_pMainFrameStatusBar->SetPaneText(ID_INDICATOR_LIBRARY_ID,m_szStatus); } // area dell'immagine CRect rcImg(0,0,pImage->GetWidth(),pImage->GetHeight()); // se per la vista deve usare lo scroll, imposta le aree in modo tale che vengano visualizzate le barre di scorrimento if(m_nViewType==VIEWTYPE_SCROLL) m_rcClient = rcImg; // visualizza l'immagine scalata rispetto alla dimensione corrente della vista m_ImageDraw.DrawEx(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), &m_rcClient, &rcImg, NULL, FALSE, COLORONCOLOR, m_nDrawMode, SRCCOPY, m_bRebuildPalette ); m_bRebuildPalette = FALSE; }