Exemple #1
void CiratefiApp::ShowMatOnPicture(Mat& image, CDialog* dlg, int pID)

	CRect PictureRect;
	CStatic* PictureControl=(CStatic*)dlg->GetDlgItem(pID);
	CDC *pDc = PictureControl->GetWindowDC();

	Mat resizeImage = image.clone();
	if(resizeImage.rows>PictureRect.Height() || resizeImage.cols>PictureRect.Width())
		double resizeRatio = min((double)PictureRect.Width()/(double)image.cols, (double)PictureRect.Height()/(double)image.rows);
		resize(image, resizeImage, Size(), resizeRatio, resizeRatio);

	CImage outputImage;
	int width = resizeImage.cols;
	int height = resizeImage.rows;
	int channels = resizeImage.channels();
	outputImage.Destroy(); //clear
	outputImage.Create(width, height, 8*channels);

		RGBQUAD* ColorTable;
		int MaxColors=outputImage.GetMaxColorTableEntries();
		ColorTable = new RGBQUAD[MaxColors];
		outputImage.GetColorTable(0, MaxColors, ColorTable);
		for (int i = 0; i < MaxColors; i++)
			ColorTable[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)i;
			ColorTable[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)i;
			ColorTable[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)i;
		outputImage.SetColorTable(0, MaxColors, ColorTable);
		delete []ColorTable;

	uchar* ps;
	uchar* pimg = (uchar*)outputImage.GetBits(); //A pointer to the bitmap buffer
	//The pitch is the distance, in bytes. represent the beginning of
	// one bitmap line and the beginning of the next bitmap line
	int step = outputImage.GetPitch();
	for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
		ps = (resizeImage.ptr<uchar>(i));
		for ( int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
			if ( channels == 1 ) //gray
				*(pimg + i*step + j) = ps[j];
			else if ( channels == 3 ) //color
				for (int k = 0 ; k < 3; k++ )
					*(pimg + i*step + j*3 + k ) = ps[j*3 + k];
	outputImage.Draw(pDc->m_hDC, CRect(CPoint(PictureRect.TopLeft().x+(PictureRect.Width()-width)/2,PictureRect.TopLeft().y+(PictureRect.Height()-height)/2), CSize(width,height)));