// Purpose: Handles mouse move events in the 2D view.
// Input  : Per CWnd::OnMouseMove.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Clipper3D::OnMouseMove2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetDocument();
	if (!pDoc)
		return false;

	bool bCursorSet = false;
	BOOL bDisableSnap = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	// Make sure the point is visible.
	if (m_bLButtonDown)

	// Convert to some odd coordinate space that the base tools code uses.
  	CPoint ptScreen = point;
	ptScreen.x += pView->GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
	ptScreen.y += pView->GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);

	// Convert to world coords.
	Vector vecWorld;
	pView->ClientToWorld(vecWorld, point);
	point.x = vecWorld[axHorz];
	point.y = vecWorld[axVert];

	// Update status bar position display.
	char szBuf[128];
	sprintf(szBuf, " @%.0f, %.0f ", vecWorld[axHorz], vecWorld[axVert]);
	SetStatusText(SBI_COORDS, szBuf);
	if (IsTranslating())
		// cursor is cross here
		bCursorSet = true;

		UINT uConstraints = 0;

		if (bDisableSnap)
			uConstraints |= Tool3D::constrainNosnap;

		if(nFlags & MK_CONTROL)
			uConstraints |= Clipper3D::constrainMoveBoth;

		if (UpdateTranslation(point, uConstraints, CSize(0,0)))
	else if (!IsEmpty())
		// If the cursor is on a handle, set it to a cross.
		if (HitTest(ptScreen, TRUE) != -1)
			bCursorSet = true;

	if (!bCursorSet)

	return true;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : pView - 
//			nFlags - 
//			point - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool Marker3D::OnMouseMove2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetDocument();
	if (!pDoc)
		return false;

	bool bCursorSet = false;
	unsigned int uConstraints = 0;
	if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000))
		uConstraints |= Tool3D::constrainNosnap;
	// Make sure the point is visible.
	if (m_bLButtonDown)

	// Convert to some odd coordinate space that the base tools code uses.
  	CPoint ptHitTest = point;
	ptHitTest.x += pView->GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
	ptHitTest.y += pView->GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);

	// Convert to world coords.
	Vector vecWorld;
	pView->ClientToWorld(vecWorld, point);
	point.x = vecWorld[axHorz];
	point.y = vecWorld[axVert];

	// Update status bar position display.
	char szBuf[128];
	sprintf(szBuf, " @%.0f, %.0f ", vecWorld[axHorz], vecWorld[axVert]);
	SetStatusText(SBI_COORDS, szBuf);

	// If we are currently dragging the marker, update that operation based on
	// the current cursor position and keyboard state.
	if (IsTranslating())
		if (UpdateTranslation(point, uConstraints, CSize(0,0)))

		// Don't change the cursor while dragging - it should remain a cross.
		bCursorSet = true;
	else if (!IsEmpty())
		// Don't change the cursor while dragging - it should remain a cross.
		bCursorSet = true;

	if (!bCursorSet)

	return true;