Exemple #1
void CPeripherals::GetSettingsFromMappingsFile(TiXmlElement *xmlNode, map<CStdString, CSetting *> &m_settings)
  TiXmlElement *currentNode = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("setting");
  while (currentNode)
    CSetting *setting = NULL;
    CStdString strKey(currentNode->Attribute("key"));
    if (strKey.IsEmpty())

    CStdString strSettingsType(currentNode->Attribute("type"));
    int iLabelId = currentNode->Attribute("label") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("label")) : -1;
    bool bConfigurable = (!currentNode->Attribute("configurable") ||
                          strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "") == 0 ||
                           (strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "no") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "false") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "0") != 0));
    if (strSettingsType.Equals("bool"))
      bool bValue = (strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "no") != 0 &&
                     strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "false") != 0 &&
                     strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "0") != 0);
      setting = new CSettingBool(0, strKey, iLabelId, bValue, CHECKMARK_CONTROL);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("int"))
      int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      int iMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      int iStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 1;
      int iMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 255;
      CStdString strFormat(currentNode->Attribute("format"));
      setting = new CSettingInt(0, strKey, iLabelId, iValue, iMin, iStep, iMax, SPIN_CONTROL_INT, strFormat);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("float"))
      float fValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      float fMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      float fStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 0;
      float fMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 0;
      setting = new CSettingFloat(0, strKey, iLabelId, fValue, fMin, fStep, fMax, SPIN_CONTROL_FLOAT);
      CStdString strValue(currentNode->Attribute("value"));
      setting = new CSettingString(0, strKey, iLabelId, strValue, EDIT_CONTROL_INPUT, !bConfigurable, -1);

    //TODO add more types if needed
    m_settings[strKey] = setting;
    currentNode = currentNode->NextSiblingElement("setting");
Exemple #2
void CPeripherals::GetSettingsFromMappingsFile(TiXmlElement *xmlNode, std::map<std::string, PeripheralDeviceSetting> &settings)
  TiXmlElement *currentNode = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("setting");
  int iMaxOrder = 0;

  while (currentNode)
    CSetting *setting = nullptr;
    std::string strKey = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(currentNode, "key");
    if (strKey.empty())

    std::string strSettingsType = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(currentNode, "type");
    int iLabelId = currentNode->Attribute("label") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("label")) : -1;
    const std::string config = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(currentNode, "configurable");
    bool bConfigurable = (config.empty() || (config != "no" && config != "false" && config != "0"));
    if (strSettingsType == "bool")
      const std::string value = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(currentNode, "value");
      bool bValue = (value != "no" && value != "false" && value != "0");
      setting = new CSettingBool(strKey, iLabelId, bValue);
    else if (strSettingsType == "int")
      int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      int iMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      int iStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 1;
      int iMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 255;
      setting = new CSettingInt(strKey, iLabelId, iValue, iMin, iStep, iMax);
    else if (strSettingsType == "float")
      float fValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      float fMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      float fStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 0;
      float fMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 0;
      setting = new CSettingNumber(strKey, iLabelId, fValue, fMin, fStep, fMax);
    else if (StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(strSettingsType, "enum"))
      std::string strEnums = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(currentNode, "lvalues");
      if (!strEnums.empty())
        std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > enums;
        std::vector<std::string> valuesVec;
        StringUtils::Tokenize(strEnums, valuesVec, "|");
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < valuesVec.size(); i++)
          enums.push_back(std::make_pair(atoi(valuesVec[i].c_str()), atoi(valuesVec[i].c_str())));
        int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
        setting = new CSettingInt(strKey, iLabelId, iValue, enums);
      std::string strValue = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(currentNode, "value");
      setting = new CSettingString(strKey, iLabelId, strValue);

    if (setting)
      //! @todo add more types if needed

      /* set the visibility */

      /* set the order */
      int iOrder = 0;
      currentNode->Attribute("order", &iOrder);
      /* if the order attribute is invalid or 0, then the setting will be added at the end */
      if (iOrder < 0)
        iOrder = 0;
      if (iOrder > iMaxOrder)
       iMaxOrder = iOrder;

      /* and add this new setting */
      PeripheralDeviceSetting deviceSetting = { setting, iOrder };
      settings[strKey] = deviceSetting;

    currentNode = currentNode->NextSiblingElement("setting");

  /* add the settings without an order attribute or an invalid order attribute set at the end */
  for (auto& it : settings)
    if (it.second.m_order == 0)
      it.second.m_order = ++iMaxOrder;
Exemple #3
void CPeripherals::GetSettingsFromMappingsFile(TiXmlElement *xmlNode, map<CStdString, CSetting *> &m_settings)
  TiXmlElement *currentNode = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("setting");
  int iMaxOrder(0);

  while (currentNode)
    CSetting *setting = NULL;
    CStdString strKey(currentNode->Attribute("key"));
    if (strKey.IsEmpty())

    CStdString strSettingsType(currentNode->Attribute("type"));
    int iLabelId = currentNode->Attribute("label") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("label")) : -1;
    bool bConfigurable = (!currentNode->Attribute("configurable") ||
                          strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "") == 0 ||
                           (strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "no") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "false") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "0") != 0));
    if (strSettingsType.Equals("bool"))
      bool bValue = (strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "no") != 0 &&
                     strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "false") != 0 &&
                     strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "0") != 0);
      setting = new CSettingBool(0, strKey, iLabelId, bValue, CHECKMARK_CONTROL);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("int"))
      int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      int iMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      int iStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 1;
      int iMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 255;
      CStdString strFormat(currentNode->Attribute("format"));
      setting = new CSettingInt(0, strKey, iLabelId, iValue, iMin, iStep, iMax, SPIN_CONTROL_INT, strFormat);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("float"))
      float fValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      float fMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      float fStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 0;
      float fMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 0;
      setting = new CSettingFloat(0, strKey, iLabelId, fValue, fMin, fStep, fMax, SPIN_CONTROL_FLOAT);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("enum"))
      CStdString strEnums(currentNode->Attribute("lvalues"));
      if (!strEnums.IsEmpty())
        map<int,int> enums;
        vector<CStdString> valuesVec;
        CUtil::Tokenize(strEnums, valuesVec, "|");
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < valuesVec.size(); i++)
          enums.insert(make_pair(atoi(valuesVec[i]), atoi(valuesVec[i])));
        int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
        setting = new CSettingInt(0, strKey, iLabelId, iValue, enums, SPIN_CONTROL_TEXT);
      CStdString strValue(currentNode->Attribute("value"));
      setting = new CSettingString(0, strKey, iLabelId, strValue, EDIT_CONTROL_INPUT, !bConfigurable, -1);

    if (setting)
      //TODO add more types if needed

      /* set the visibility */

      /* set the order */
      int iOrder(0);
      currentNode->Attribute("order", &iOrder);
      /* if the order attribute is invalid or 0, then the setting will be added at the end */
      if (iOrder < 0)
        iOrder = 0;
      if (iOrder > iMaxOrder)
       iMaxOrder = iOrder;

      /* and add this new setting */
      m_settings[strKey] = setting;

    currentNode = currentNode->NextSiblingElement("setting");

  /* add the settings without an order attribute or an invalid order attribute set at the end */
  for (map<CStdString, CSetting *>::iterator it = m_settings.begin(); it != m_settings.end(); it++)
    if (it->second->GetOrder() == 0)
Exemple #4
void CPeripherals::GetSettingsFromMappingsFile(TiXmlElement *xmlNode, map<CStdString, CSetting *> &m_settings)
  TiXmlElement *currentNode = xmlNode->FirstChildElement("setting");
  while (currentNode)
    CSetting *setting = NULL;
    CStdString strKey(currentNode->Attribute("key"));
    if (strKey.empty())

    CStdString strSettingsType(currentNode->Attribute("type"));
    int iLabelId = currentNode->Attribute("label") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("label")) : -1;
    bool bConfigurable = (!currentNode->Attribute("configurable") ||
                          strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "") == 0 ||
                           (strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "no") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "false") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("configurable"), "0") != 0));
    if (strSettingsType.Equals("bool"))
      bool bValue = (strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "no") != 0 &&
                     strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "false") != 0 &&
                     strcmp(currentNode->Attribute("value"), "0") != 0);
      setting = new CSettingBool(strKey, iLabelId, bValue);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("int"))
      int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      int iMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      int iStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 1;
      int iMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 255;
      setting = new CSettingInt(strKey, iLabelId, iValue, iMin, iStep, iMax);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("float"))
      float fValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
      float fMin   = currentNode->Attribute("min") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("min")) : 0;
      float fStep  = currentNode->Attribute("step") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("step")) : 0;
      float fMax   = currentNode->Attribute("max") ? (float) atof(currentNode->Attribute("max")) : 0;
      setting = new CSettingNumber(strKey, iLabelId, fValue, fMin, fStep, fMax);
    else if (strSettingsType.Equals("enum"))
      CStdString strEnums(currentNode->Attribute("lvalues"));
      if (!strEnums.empty())
        vector< pair<int,int> > enums;
        vector<std::string> valuesVec;
        StringUtils::Tokenize(strEnums, valuesVec, "|");
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < valuesVec.size(); i++)
          enums.push_back(make_pair(atoi(valuesVec[i].c_str()), atoi(valuesVec[i].c_str())));
        int iValue = currentNode->Attribute("value") ? atoi(currentNode->Attribute("value")) : 0;
        setting = new CSettingInt(strKey, iLabelId, iValue, enums);
      CStdString strValue(currentNode->Attribute("value"));
      setting = new CSettingString(strKey, iLabelId, strValue);

    if (setting)
      //TODO add more types if needed

      /* set the visibility */

      /* and add this new setting */
      m_settings[strKey] = setting;

    currentNode = currentNode->NextSiblingElement("setting");