ALERROR CAdventureDesc::GetStartingShipClasses (TSortMap<CString, CShipClass *> *retClasses, CString *retsError) // GetStartingShipClasses // // Returns a sorted list of ship classes for this adventure { int i; bool bShowDebugShips = g_pUniverse->InDebugMode(); // Make a list retClasses->DeleteAll(); for (i = 0; i < g_pUniverse->GetShipClassCount(); i++) { CShipClass *pClass = g_pUniverse->GetShipClass(i); if (pClass->IsShownAtNewGame() && IsValidStartingClass(pClass) && (!pClass->IsDebugOnly() || bShowDebugShips)) { CString sKey = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d %s !%x"), (pClass->IsDebugOnly() ? 2 : 1), pClass->GetName(), pClass->GetUNID()); retClasses->Insert(sKey, pClass); } } return NOERROR; }
void RunEncounterSim (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine) { int iRuns = pCmdLine->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(COUNT_ATTRIB, 1, -1, DEFAULT_RUN_COUNT); int iTimeOut = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT; // Get the station criteria CString sCriteria = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s t"), pCmdLine->GetAttribute(DEFENDERS_ATTRIB)); CDesignTypeCriteria DefenderCriteria; if (CDesignTypeCriteria::ParseCriteria(sCriteria, &DefenderCriteria) != NOERROR) { printf("ERROR: Unable to parse defenders criteria.\n"); return; } bool bAll = pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("all")); // Get the criteria from the command line. Always append 's' because we // want ship classes. sCriteria = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s s"), pCmdLine->GetAttribute(ATTACKERS_ATTRIB)); CDesignTypeCriteria AttackerCriteria; if (CDesignTypeCriteria::ParseCriteria(sCriteria, &AttackerCriteria) != NOERROR) { printf("ERROR: Unable to parse attackers criteria.\n"); return; } // Create a viewer, if desired CSimViewer Viewer; if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(VIEWER_ATTRIB)) Viewer.Create(); // Print headers printf("Encounter\tLevel"); int iAttacker; for (iAttacker = 0; iAttacker < Universe.GetShipClassCount(); iAttacker++) { CShipClass *pAttackerClass = Universe.GetShipClass(iAttacker); if (!pAttackerClass->MatchesCriteria(AttackerCriteria)) continue; printf("\t%s", pAttackerClass->GetName().GetASCIIZPointer()); } printf("\n"); // Loop over all defenders int iDefender; for (iDefender = 0; iDefender < Universe.GetStationTypeCount(); iDefender++) { CStationType *pDefenderType = Universe.GetStationType(iDefender); if (!bAll && pDefenderType->GetLevel() == 0) continue; if (!pDefenderType->MatchesCriteria(DefenderCriteria)) continue; // Compute an enemy of the station CSovereign *pAttackerSovereign = GetAttackerSovereign(Universe, pDefenderType); if (pAttackerSovereign == NULL) { printf("ERROR: Unable to find enemy sovereign of encounter: %s [%x].\n", pDefenderType->GetNounPhrase().GetASCIIZPointer(), pDefenderType->GetUNID()); return; } printf("%s [%x]\t%d", pDefenderType->GetNounPhrase().GetASCIIZPointer(), pDefenderType->GetUNID(), pDefenderType->GetLevel()); // Loop over all attackers for (iAttacker = 0; iAttacker < Universe.GetShipClassCount(); iAttacker++) { CShipClass *pAttackerClass = Universe.GetShipClass(iAttacker); if (!pAttackerClass->MatchesCriteria(AttackerCriteria)) continue; // Do several runs so we can get some statistical data int iAttackerSurvived = 0; int iRun; for (iRun = 0; iRun < iRuns; iRun++) { EResults iResult = RunEncounter(Universe, Viewer, pDefenderType, pAttackerClass, pAttackerSovereign); if (iResult == resultError) return; // Did the attacker survive? if (iResult != resultAttackerDestroyed) iAttackerSurvived++; } // Output results for this attacker int iSurvivability = 100 * iAttackerSurvived / iRuns; printf("\t%d%%", iSurvivability); } printf("\n"); } Viewer.Destroy(); }
void CListSaveFilesTask::CreateFileEntry (CGameFile &GameFile, const CTimeDate &ModifiedTime, int yStart, IAnimatron **retpEntry, int *retcyHeight) // CreateFileEntry // // Creates a display entry for the save file { const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals(); const CG16bitFont &MediumFont = VI.GetFont(fontMedium); const CG16bitFont &SubTitleFont = VI.GetFont(fontSubTitle); int x = 0; int y = 0; int xText = x + ADVENTURE_ICON_WIDTH + ICON_SPACING_HORZ; int cxText = m_cxWidth - (ADVENTURE_ICON_WIDTH + 2 * ICON_SPACING_HORZ + SHIP_IMAGE_WIDTH); // Start with a sequencer CAniSequencer *pRoot = new CAniSequencer; pRoot->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(0, yStart)); // Add the character name and current star system CString sHeading = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s — %s"), GameFile.GetPlayerName(), GameFile.GetSystemName()); IAnimatron *pName = new CAniText; pName->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xText, y)); pName->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(10000, 1000)); pName->SetPropertyColor(PROP_COLOR, VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogInput)); pName->SetPropertyFont(PROP_FONT, &SubTitleFont); pName->SetPropertyString(PROP_TEXT, sHeading); pRoot->AddTrack(pName, 0); y += SubTitleFont.GetHeight(); // Now add some additional information CShipClass *pClass = g_pUniverse->FindShipClass(GameFile.GetPlayerShip()); CString sShipClass = (pClass ? pClass->GetName() : NULL_STR); CString sGenome = strCapitalize(GetGenomeName(GameFile.GetPlayerGenome())); CString sState; if (GameFile.IsGameResurrect()) sState = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Resurrect in the %s System"), GameFile.GetSystemName()); else sState = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Continue in the %s System"), GameFile.GetSystemName()); CString sDesc; if (!sGenome.IsBlank() && !sShipClass.IsBlank()) sDesc = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s — %s — %s"), sGenome, sShipClass, sState); else sDesc = sState; IAnimatron *pDesc = new CAniText; pDesc->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xText, y)); pDesc->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(cxText, 1000)); pDesc->SetPropertyColor(PROP_COLOR, VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogInput)); pDesc->SetPropertyFont(PROP_FONT, &MediumFont); pDesc->SetPropertyString(PROP_TEXT, sDesc); RECT rcLine; pDesc->GetSpacingRect(&rcLine); pRoot->AddTrack(pDesc, 0); y += RectHeight(rcLine); // Adventure info CExtension *pAdventure = NULL; bool bHasAdventureIcon = false; if (g_pUniverse->FindExtension(GameFile.GetAdventure(), 0, &pAdventure)) { // Adventure icon CG16bitImage *pIcon; pAdventure->CreateIcon(ADVENTURE_ICON_WIDTH, ADVENTURE_ICON_HEIGHT, &pIcon); if (pIcon) { int xOffset = (ADVENTURE_ICON_WIDTH - pIcon->GetWidth()) / 2; IAnimatron *pIconAni = new CAniRect; pIconAni->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(x + xOffset, 0)); pIconAni->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(pIcon->GetWidth(), pIcon->GetHeight())); pIconAni->SetFillMethod(new CAniImageFill(pIcon, true)); pRoot->AddTrack(pIconAni, 0); bHasAdventureIcon = true; } // Adventure name pName = new CAniText; pName->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xText, y)); pName->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(10000, 1000)); pName->SetPropertyColor(PROP_COLOR, VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogLabel)); pName->SetPropertyFont(PROP_FONT, &MediumFont); pName->SetPropertyString(PROP_TEXT, pAdventure->GetName()); pRoot->AddTrack(pName, 0); y += MediumFont.GetHeight(); } // Create an image of the ship class if (pClass) { const CObjectImageArray &ObjImage = pClass->GetImage(); if (ObjImage.IsLoaded()) { RECT rcRect = ObjImage.GetImageRect(); CG16bitImage &Image = ObjImage.GetImage(NULL_STR); int cxImage = RectWidth(rcRect); int cyImage = RectHeight(rcRect); int cxNewWidth = Min(SHIP_IMAGE_WIDTH, cxImage); int cyNewHeight = cxNewWidth; CG16bitImage *pNewImage = new CG16bitImage; pNewImage->CreateFromImageTransformed(Image, rcRect.left,, cxImage, cyImage, (Metric)cxNewWidth / cxImage, (Metric)cyNewHeight / cyImage, 0.0); // Position int xImage = x + m_cxWidth - SHIP_IMAGE_WIDTH + (SHIP_IMAGE_WIDTH - cxNewWidth) / 2; int yImage = (SHIP_IMAGE_HEIGHT - cyNewHeight) / 2; // New image frame IAnimatron *pImageFrame = new CAniRect; pImageFrame->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xImage, yImage)); pImageFrame->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(cxNewWidth, cyNewHeight)); pImageFrame->SetFillMethod(new CAniImageFill(pNewImage, true)); pRoot->AddTrack(pImageFrame, 0); } } // Extra information CString sEpitaph = GameFile.GetEpitaph(); int iScore = GameFile.GetScore(); CTimeDate LocalTime = ModifiedTime.ToLocalTime(); CString sModifiedTime = LocalTime.Format("%d %B %Y %I:%M %p"); CString sFilename = pathGetFilename(GameFile.GetFilespec()); CString sGameType; if (GameFile.IsRegistered()) sGameType = CONSTLIT("Registered"); else if (GameFile.IsDebug()) sGameType = CONSTLIT("Debug"); else sGameType = CONSTLIT("Unregistered"); CString sExtra; if (!sEpitaph.IsBlank()) sExtra = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Score %d — %s\n%s — %s — %s"), iScore, sEpitaph, sGameType, sModifiedTime, sFilename); else if (iScore > 0) sExtra = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Score %d\n%s — %s — %s"), iScore, sGameType, sModifiedTime, sFilename); else sExtra = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s — %s — %s"), sGameType, sModifiedTime, sFilename); pDesc = new CAniText; pDesc->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xText, y)); pDesc->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(cxText, 1000)); pDesc->SetPropertyColor(PROP_COLOR, VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogLabel)); pDesc->SetPropertyFont(PROP_FONT, &MediumFont); pDesc->SetPropertyString(PROP_TEXT, sExtra); pDesc->GetSpacingRect(&rcLine); pRoot->AddTrack(pDesc, 0); y += RectHeight(rcLine); // Done *retpEntry = pRoot; if (retcyHeight) *retcyHeight = (bHasAdventureIcon ? Max(ADVENTURE_ICON_HEIGHT, y) : y); }
void GenerateShipImageChart (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine) { int i; enum OrderTypes { orderSmallest = 1, orderLargest = 2, orderName = 3, }; // Options bool bTextBoxesOnly = pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("textBoxesOnly")); // Figure out what order we want CString sOrder = pCmdLine->GetAttribute(CONSTLIT("sort")); int iOrder; if (strEquals(sOrder, CONSTLIT("smallest"))) iOrder = orderSmallest; else if (strEquals(sOrder, CONSTLIT("largest"))) iOrder = orderLargest; else iOrder = orderName; // Image size int cxDesiredWidth; if (pCmdLine->FindAttributeInteger(CONSTLIT("width"), &cxDesiredWidth)) cxDesiredWidth = Max(512, cxDesiredWidth); else cxDesiredWidth = 1280; // Spacing int cxSpacing = pCmdLine->GetAttributeInteger(CONSTLIT("xSpacing")); int cxExtraMargin = pCmdLine->GetAttributeInteger(CONSTLIT("xMargin")); // Rotation int iRotation = pCmdLine->GetAttributeInteger(CONSTLIT("rotation")); // Font for text CString sTypeface; int iSize; bool bBold; bool bItalic; if (!CG16bitFont::ParseFontDesc(pCmdLine->GetAttribute(CONSTLIT("font")), &sTypeface, &iSize, &bBold, &bItalic)) { sTypeface = CONSTLIT("Arial"); iSize = 10; bBold = false; bItalic = false; } CG16bitFont NameFont; NameFont.Create(sTypeface, -PointsToPixels(iSize), bBold, bItalic); WORD wNameColor = CG16bitImage::RGBValue(255, 255, 255); // Output file CString sFilespec = pCmdLine->GetAttribute(CONSTLIT("output")); if (!sFilespec.IsBlank()) sFilespec = pathAddExtensionIfNecessary(sFilespec, CONSTLIT(".bmp")); // Generate a table of ships CSymbolTable Table(FALSE, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < Universe.GetShipClassCount(); i++) { CShipClass *pClass = Universe.GetShipClass(i); // Skip player ship classes if (pClass->GetPlayerSettings()) continue; // Skip non-generic classes if (!pClass->HasAttribute(CONSTLIT("genericClass"))) continue; // Compute the sort key char szBuffer[1024]; switch (iOrder) { case orderLargest: wsprintf(szBuffer, "%04d%s%x", 2048 - RectWidth(pClass->GetImage().GetImageRect()), pClass->GetName().GetASCIIZPointer(), pClass); break; case orderSmallest: wsprintf(szBuffer, "%04d%s%x", RectWidth(pClass->GetImage().GetImageRect()), pClass->GetName().GetASCIIZPointer(), pClass); break; default: wsprintf(szBuffer, "%s%x", pClass->GetName().GetASCIIZPointer(), pClass); break; } // Add to list Table.AddEntry(CString(szBuffer), (CObject *)pClass); } // Allocate a map that tracks where to paint each ship CPaintMap Map(Table.GetCount()); // Arrange the ships SArrangeDesc Desc; Desc.cxDesiredWidth = Max(512, cxDesiredWidth - (2 * (cxSpacing + cxExtraMargin))); Desc.cxSpacing = cxSpacing; Desc.cxExtraMargin = cxExtraMargin; Desc.pHeader = &NameFont; ArrangeByRow(Table, Desc, Map); //ArrangeByCell(Table, cxDesiredWidth, Map); // Create a large image CG16bitImage Output; int cxWidth = Max(cxDesiredWidth, Map.GetWidth()); int cyHeight = Map.GetHeight(); Output.CreateBlank(cxWidth, cyHeight, false); printf("Creating %dx%d image.\n", cxWidth, cyHeight); // Paint the images for (i = 0; i < Table.GetCount(); i++) { CShipClass *pClass = (CShipClass *)Table.GetValue(i); int x = Map.GetX(i); int y = Map.GetY(i); if (x != -1) { if (!bTextBoxesOnly) pClass->GetImage().PaintImageUL(Output, x, y, 0, Angle2Direction(iRotation)); // Paint name int xText = Map.GetTextX(i); int yText = Map.GetTextY(i); if (xText != -1) { if (bTextBoxesOnly) Output.Fill(xText, yText, Map.GetTextWidth(i), Map.GetTextHeight(i), 0xffff); if (!bTextBoxesOnly) { Output.FillColumn(x + (Map.GetWidth(i) / 2), y + Map.GetHeight(i), yText - (y + Map.GetHeight(i)), wNameColor); NameFont.DrawText(Output, xText, yText, wNameColor, 255, pClass->GetNounPhrase(0)); } } } } // Write to file or clipboard OutputImage(Output, sFilespec); }