Exemple #1
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : CMatrix(const CVector3& pos,
//                        const CVector3& xAxis,
//                        const CVector3& yAxis,
//                        const CVector3& zAxis)
//  - Purpose   : Constructor based on a space position and 3 axis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMatrix::CMatrix(const CVector3& pos, const CVector3& xAxis, const CVector3& yAxis, const CVector3& zAxis)
	m_fM[0][0] = xAxis.X(); m_fM[0][1] = xAxis.Y(); m_fM[0][2] = xAxis.Z(); m_fM[0][3] = pos.X();
	m_fM[1][0] = yAxis.X(); m_fM[1][1] = yAxis.Y(); m_fM[1][2] = yAxis.Z(); m_fM[1][3] = pos.Y();
	m_fM[2][0] = zAxis.X(); m_fM[2][1] = zAxis.Y(); m_fM[2][2] = zAxis.Z(); m_fM[2][3] = pos.Z();
	m_fM[3][0] = 0.0f;      m_fM[3][1] = 0.0f;      m_fM[3][2] = 0.0f;      m_fM[3][3] = 1.0f;
Exemple #2
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CPlane
//  - Prototype : void Build(const CVector3& point, const CVector3& normal)
//  - Purpose   : Builds a plane given a point laying on it and the plane's
//                normal.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPlane::Build(const CVector3& point, const CVector3& normal)
	m_fA = normal.X();
	m_fB = normal.Y();
	m_fC = normal.Z();

	m_fD = -((m_fA * point.X()) + (m_fB * point.Y()) + (m_fC * point.Z()));
Exemple #3
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : bool HasNegativeScale()
//  - Purpose   : Returns true if matrix has some negative scaling, otherwise
//                false.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CMatrix::HasNegativeScale() const
	CVector3 xAxis = XAxis();
	CVector3 yAxis = YAxis();
	CVector3 zAxis = ZAxis();
	CVector3 c0(xAxis.X(), yAxis.X(), zAxis.X());
	CVector3 c1(xAxis.Y(), yAxis.Y(), zAxis.Y());
	CVector3 c2(xAxis.Z(), yAxis.Z(), zAxis.Z());

	return ((c0 ^ c1) * c2) < 0.0f ? true : false;
Exemple #4
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : CMatrix Inverse()
//  - Purpose   : Returns the inverse transformation matrix.
//  - Note      : IMPORTANT: Algorithm only valid for orthogonal matrices!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMatrix CMatrix::Inverse() const
	CMatrix result;

	// Transpose rotation submatrix

	CVector3 row0(m_fM[0][0], m_fM[1][0], m_fM[2][0]);
	CVector3 row1(m_fM[0][1], m_fM[1][1], m_fM[2][1]);
	CVector3 row2(m_fM[0][2], m_fM[1][2], m_fM[2][2]);

	CVector3 position(m_fM[0][3], m_fM[1][3], m_fM[2][3]);
	CVector3 invPosition;

	// Solve ecuation system

	invPosition.SetX((-row0) * position);
	invPosition.SetY((-row1) * position);
	invPosition.SetZ((-row2) * position);

	// Get scale values

	CVector3 scale = Scale();

	float sqrSclX = scale.X(); sqrSclX *= sqrSclX;
	float sqrSclY = scale.Y(); sqrSclY *= sqrSclY;
	float sqrSclZ = scale.Z(); sqrSclZ *= sqrSclZ;

	// Shouldn't happen:


	// Normalize axis and multiply by the inverse scale.

	row0 = row0 / sqrSclX;
	row1 = row1 / sqrSclY;
	row2 = row2 / sqrSclZ;

	// Insert values

	result.SetRow0(row0.X(), row0.Y(), row0.Z(), invPosition.X());
	result.SetRow1(row1.X(), row1.Y(), row1.Z(), invPosition.Y());
	result.SetRow2(row2.X(), row2.Y(), row2.Z(), invPosition.Z());
	result.SetRow3(  0.0f,      0.0f,      0.0f,         1.0f);

	return result;
Exemple #5
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : void SetPosition(const CVector3& position)
//  - Purpose   : Sets matrix's position values.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMatrix::SetPosition(const CVector3& position)
	m_fM[0][3] = position.X();
	m_fM[1][3] = position.Y();
	m_fM[2][3] = position.Z();

// --[ Method ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CVector3
//  - Prototype : bool operator != (const CVector3& vector) const
//  - Purpose   : Comparison operator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CVector3::operator != (const CVector3& vector) const
	if(!ARE_EQUAL(vector.X(), m_fX)) return true;
	if(!ARE_EQUAL(vector.Y(), m_fY)) return true;
	if(!ARE_EQUAL(vector.Z(), m_fZ)) return true;

	return false;
void CTargetingComputer::render() 
   // Display surround

   char strFont[256];

   if (m_pTarget) {
      // Calculate position of targeting reticle
      CVector3 pos = m_pTarget->m_ppMasses[0]->m_vecPos;
      // Get viewport
      int viewport[4];
      double modelview[16];
      double projection[16];
      // Project to 2d screen coords
      double dX, dY, dZ;
                 modelview, projection,
                 viewport, &dX, &dY, &dZ);
      // If behind, invert and scale everything up lots to force it to the edge
      // This could perhaps work better... not too happy, but it's late
      if (dZ > 1.0f) {
         dX = -(dX - (viewport[2]/2)) * viewport[2] + viewport[2]/2;
         dY = -(dY - (viewport[3]/2)) * viewport[3] + viewport[3]/2;
      // Clip
      if (dX < 0) dX = 0;
      else if (dX > viewport[2]) dX = viewport[2];
      if (dY < 0) dY = 0;
      else if (dY > viewport[3]) dY = viewport[3];         
      // Rescale to 0..1
      dX /= viewport[2];
      dY /= viewport[3];
		double dW = 32.0f / viewport[2];
		double dH = 32.0f / viewport[3];
      // Render reticle
      m_poTargetingReticle->setPosition(dX-dW, (1-dY)-dH, dW*2, dH*2);
		// Radar imagexs
         // Calculate range
		NSDMath::CVector3 vecTarget = m_pTarget->m_ppMasses[0]->m_vecPos - m_pPlayerShip->m_ppMasses[0]->m_vecPos;
      int iRange = static_cast<int>(vecTarget.length());           
      // Range
      sprintf(strFont,"%5d m", iRange);
      m_poFont->print("Range:", CVector2(0.03f, 0.25f), 0.0075f, CVector3(0,1,0));
      m_poFont->print(strFont, CVector2(0.03f, 0.28f), 0.0075f, CVector3(0,1,0));
      // Velocity
      sprintf(strFont,"%5d m/s", static_cast<int>(m_pTarget->m_fVel));
      m_poFont->print("Velocity:", CVector2(0.03f, 0.32f), 0.0075f, CVector3(0,1,0));
      m_poFont->print(strFont, CVector2(0.03f, 0.35f), 0.0075f, CVector3(0,1,0));
Exemple #8
void CStars::draw(CVector3 vecPos)
	glTranslatef(vecPos.X(), vecPos.Y(), vecPos.Z());

	for (int iCount = 0 ; iCount < m_iNumStars ; iCount++)
		if (m_oFrustum.PointInFrustum(m_aoStars[iCount].m_vecPos))
			// Set size
			// Set position
			// Render
Exemple #9
// Function name    : CFrustum::CubeInFrustum
// Author           : Gary Ingram
// Return type      : bool 
// Date Created     : 25/05/2003
// Argument         :  float x
// Argument         : float y
// Argument         : float z
// Argument         : float size
// Description      : This test is a bit more work, but not too much more 
//                    complicated. Basically, what is going on is, that we are 
//                    given the center of the cube, and half the length.  Think 
//                    of it like a radius.  Then we checking each point in the 
//                    cube and seeing if it is inside the frustum.  If a point 
//                    is found in front of a side, then we skip to the next 
//                    side.  If we get to a plane that does NOT have a point in 
//                    front of it, then it will return false.  *Note* - This 
//                    will sometimes say that a cube is inside the frustum when 
//                    it isn't. This happens when all the corners of the 
//                    bounding box are not behind any one plane. This is rare 
//                    and shouldn't effect the overall rendering speed.  
bool CFrustum::CubeInFrustum(const CVector3& vecCentre, float size )

	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() - size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() - size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() - size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() + size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() - size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() - size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() - size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() + size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() - size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() + size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() + size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() - size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() - size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() - size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() + size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() + size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() - size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() + size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() - size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() + size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() + size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)
		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * (vecCentre.X() + size) + m_Frustum[i][B] * (vecCentre.Y() + size) + m_Frustum[i][C] * (vecCentre.Z() + size) + m_Frustum[i][D] > 0)

												//If we get here, it isn't in the frustum   //

		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #10
// Function name    : CFrustum::PointInFrustum
// Author           : Gary Ingram
// Return type      : bool 
// Date Created     : 25/05/2003
// Argument         :  float x
// Argument         : float y
// Argument         : float z
// Description      : The code below will allow us to make checks within the 
//                    frustum.  For example, if we want to see if a point, a 
//                    sphere, or a cube lies inside of the frustum. Because all 
//                    of our planes point INWARDS (The normals are all pointing 
//                    inside the frustum) we then can assume that if a point is 
//                    in FRONT of all of the planes, it's inside.  
bool CFrustum::PointInFrustum(const CVector3& vecPoint)
												//If you remember the plane equation (A*x   //
												//+ B*y + C*z + D = 0), then the rest of    //
												//this code should be quite obvious and     //
												//easy to figure out yourself. In case      //
												//don't know the plane equation, it might   //
												//be a good idea to look at our Plane       //
												//Collision tutorial at                     //
												//www.GameTutorials.com in OpenGL           //
												//Tutorials. I will briefly go over it      //
												//here.  (A,B,C) is the (X,Y,Z) of the      //
												//normal to the plane. They are the same    //
												//thing... but just called ABC because you  //
												//don't want to say: (x*x + y*y + z*z + d   //
												//= 0).  That would be wrong, so they       //
												//substitute them. the (x, y, z) in the     //
												//equation is the point that you are        //
												//testing.  The D is The distance the       //
												//plane is from the origin.  The equation   //
												//ends with "= 0" because that is true      //
												//when the point (x, y, z) is ON the        //
												//plane.  When the point is NOT on the      //
												//plane, it is either a negative number     //
												//(the point is behind the plane) or a      //
												//positive number (the point is in front    //
												//of the plane).  We want to check if the   //
												//point is in front of the plane, so all    //
												//we have to do is go through each point    //
												//and make sure the plane equation goes     //
												//out to a positive number on each side of  //
												//the frustum. The result (be it positive   //
												//or negative) is the distance the point    //
												//is front the plane.                       //

												//Go through all the sides of the frustum   //

	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
												//Calculate the plane equation and check    //
												//if the point is behind a side of the      //
												//frustum                                   //

		if(m_Frustum[i][A] * vecPoint.X() + m_Frustum[i][B] * vecPoint.Y() + m_Frustum[i][C] * vecPoint.Z() + m_Frustum[i][D] <= 0)
												//The point was behind a side, so it ISN'T  //
												//in the frustum                            //

			return false;

												//The point was inside of the frustum (In   //
												//front of ALL the sides of the frustum)    //

	return true;
Exemple #11
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : void SetZAxis(const CVector3& zAxis)
//  - Purpose   : Sets matrix's Z axis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMatrix::SetZAxis(const CVector3& zAxis)
	m_fM[2][0] = zAxis.X();	m_fM[2][1] = zAxis.Y(); m_fM[2][2] = zAxis.Z();
Exemple #12
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : void SetYAxis(const CVector3& yAxis)
//  - Purpose   : Sets matrix's Y axis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMatrix::SetYAxis(const CVector3& yAxis)
	m_fM[1][0] = yAxis.X();	m_fM[1][1] = yAxis.Y(); m_fM[1][2] = yAxis.Z();
Exemple #13
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : void SetXAxis(const CVector3& xAxis)
//  - Purpose   : Sets matrix's X axis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMatrix::SetXAxis(const CVector3& xAxis)
	m_fM[0][0] = xAxis.X();	m_fM[0][1] = xAxis.Y(); m_fM[0][2] = xAxis.Z();