bool AccessibilityTable::isDataTable() const { if (!m_renderer) return false; // Do not consider it a data table is it has an ARIA role. if (hasARIARole()) return false; // When a section of the document is contentEditable, all tables should be // treated as data tables, otherwise users may not be able to work with rich // text editors that allow creating and editing tables. if (node() && node()->hasEditableStyle()) return true; if (!m_renderer->isTable()) return false; // This employs a heuristic to determine if this table should appear. // Only "data" tables should be exposed as tables. // Unfortunately, there is no good way to determine the difference // between a "layout" table and a "data" table. RenderTable* table = toRenderTable(m_renderer); HTMLTableElement* tableElement = this->tableElement(); if (tableElement) { // If there is a caption element, summary, THEAD, or TFOOT section, it's most certainly a data table. if (!tableElement->summary().isEmpty() || tableElement->tHead() || tableElement->tFoot() || tableElement->caption()) return true; // If someone used "rules" attribute than the table should appear. if (!tableElement->rules().isEmpty()) return true; // If there's a colgroup or col element, it's probably a data table. for (const auto& child : childrenOfType<Element>(*tableElement)) { if (child.hasTagName(colTag) || child.hasTagName(colgroupTag)) return true; } } // go through the cell's and check for tell-tale signs of "data" table status // cells have borders, or use attributes like headers, abbr, scope or axis table->recalcSectionsIfNeeded(); RenderTableSection* firstBody = table->firstBody(); if (!firstBody) return false; int numCols = firstBody->numColumns(); int numRows = firstBody->numRows(); // If there's only one cell, it's not a good AXTable candidate. if (numRows == 1 && numCols == 1) return false; // If there are at least 20 rows, we'll call it a data table. if (numRows >= 20) return true; // Store the background color of the table to check against cell's background colors. const RenderStyle& tableStyle = table->style(); Color tableBGColor = tableStyle.visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); // check enough of the cells to find if the table matches our criteria // Criteria: // 1) must have at least one valid cell (and) // 2) at least half of cells have borders (or) // 3) at least half of cells have different bg colors than the table, and there is cell spacing unsigned validCellCount = 0; unsigned borderedCellCount = 0; unsigned backgroundDifferenceCellCount = 0; unsigned cellsWithTopBorder = 0; unsigned cellsWithBottomBorder = 0; unsigned cellsWithLeftBorder = 0; unsigned cellsWithRightBorder = 0; Color alternatingRowColors[5]; int alternatingRowColorCount = 0; int headersInFirstColumnCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) { int headersInFirstRowCount = 0; for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col) { RenderTableCell* cell = firstBody->primaryCellAt(row, col); if (!cell) continue; Element* cellElement = cell->element(); if (!cellElement) continue; if (cell->width() < 1 || cell->height() < 1) continue; validCellCount++; bool isTHCell = cellElement->hasTagName(thTag); // If the first row is comprised of all <th> tags, assume it is a data table. if (!row && isTHCell) headersInFirstRowCount++; // If the first column is comprised of all <th> tags, assume it is a data table. if (!col && isTHCell) headersInFirstColumnCount++; // In this case, the developer explicitly assigned a "data" table attribute. if (is<HTMLTableCellElement>(cellElement)) { HTMLTableCellElement& tableCellElement = downcast<HTMLTableCellElement>(*cellElement); if (!tableCellElement.headers().isEmpty() || !tableCellElement.abbr().isEmpty() || !tableCellElement.axis().isEmpty() || !tableCellElement.scope().isEmpty()) return true; } const RenderStyle& renderStyle = cell->style(); // If the empty-cells style is set, we'll call it a data table. if (renderStyle.emptyCells() == HIDE) return true; // If a cell has matching bordered sides, call it a (fully) bordered cell. if ((cell->borderTop() > 0 && cell->borderBottom() > 0) || (cell->borderLeft() > 0 && cell->borderRight() > 0)) borderedCellCount++; // Also keep track of each individual border, so we can catch tables where most // cells have a bottom border, for example. if (cell->borderTop() > 0) cellsWithTopBorder++; if (cell->borderBottom() > 0) cellsWithBottomBorder++; if (cell->borderLeft() > 0) cellsWithLeftBorder++; if (cell->borderRight() > 0) cellsWithRightBorder++; // If the cell has a different color from the table and there is cell spacing, // then it is probably a data table cell (spacing and colors take the place of borders). Color cellColor = renderStyle.visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); if (table->hBorderSpacing() > 0 && table->vBorderSpacing() > 0 && tableBGColor != cellColor && cellColor.alpha() != 1) backgroundDifferenceCellCount++; // If we've found 10 "good" cells, we don't need to keep searching. if (borderedCellCount >= 10 || backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= 10) return true; // For the first 5 rows, cache the background color so we can check if this table has zebra-striped rows. if (row < 5 && row == alternatingRowColorCount) { RenderObject* renderRow = cell->parent(); if (!renderRow || !renderRow->isBoxModelObject() || !toRenderBoxModelObject(renderRow)->isTableRow()) continue; const RenderStyle& rowRenderStyle = renderRow->style(); Color rowColor = rowRenderStyle.visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); alternatingRowColors[alternatingRowColorCount] = rowColor; alternatingRowColorCount++; } } if (!row && headersInFirstRowCount == numCols && numCols > 1) return true; } if (headersInFirstColumnCount == numRows && numRows > 1) return true; // if there is less than two valid cells, it's not a data table if (validCellCount <= 1) return false; // half of the cells had borders, it's a data table unsigned neededCellCount = validCellCount / 2; if (borderedCellCount >= neededCellCount || cellsWithTopBorder >= neededCellCount || cellsWithBottomBorder >= neededCellCount || cellsWithLeftBorder >= neededCellCount || cellsWithRightBorder >= neededCellCount) return true; // half had different background colors, it's a data table if (backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= neededCellCount) return true; // Check if there is an alternating row background color indicating a zebra striped style pattern. if (alternatingRowColorCount > 2) { Color firstColor = alternatingRowColors[0]; for (int k = 1; k < alternatingRowColorCount; k++) { // If an odd row was the same color as the first row, its not alternating. if (k % 2 == 1 && alternatingRowColors[k] == firstColor) return false; // If an even row is not the same as the first row, its not alternating. if (!(k % 2) && alternatingRowColors[k] != firstColor) return false; } return true; } return false; }
bool DragController::concludeEditDrag(DragData* dragData) { ASSERT(dragData); ASSERT(!m_isHandlingDrag); if (!m_document) return false; IntPoint point = m_document->view()->windowToContents(dragData->clientPosition()); Element* element = m_document->elementFromPoint(point.x(), point.y()); ASSERT(element); Frame* innerFrame = element->ownerDocument()->frame(); ASSERT(innerFrame); if (dragData->containsColor()) { Color color = dragData->asColor(); if (!color.isValid()) return false; if (!innerFrame) return false; RefPtr<Range> innerRange = innerFrame->selection()->toNormalizedRange(); RefPtr<CSSStyleDeclaration> style = m_document->createCSSStyleDeclaration(); ExceptionCode ec; style->setProperty("color",, ec); if (!innerFrame->editor()->shouldApplyStyle(style.get(), innerRange.get())) return false; m_client->willPerformDragDestinationAction(DragDestinationActionEdit, dragData); innerFrame->editor()->applyStyle(style.get(), EditActionSetColor); return true; } if (!m_page->dragController()->canProcessDrag(dragData)) { m_page->dragCaretController()->clear(); return false; } if (HTMLInputElement* fileInput = asFileInput(element)) { if (!fileInput->isEnabled()) return false; if (!dragData->containsFiles()) return false; Vector<String> filenames; dragData->asFilenames(filenames); if (filenames.isEmpty()) return false; // Ugly. For security none of the API's available to us to set the input value // on file inputs. Even forcing a change in HTMLInputElement doesn't work as // RenderFileUploadControl clears the file when doing updateFromElement() RenderFileUploadControl* renderer = static_cast<RenderFileUploadControl*>(fileInput->renderer()); if (!renderer) return false; renderer->receiveDroppedFiles(filenames); return true; } Selection dragCaret(m_page->dragCaretController()->selection()); m_page->dragCaretController()->clear(); RefPtr<Range> range = dragCaret.toNormalizedRange(); // For range to be null a WebKit client must have done something bad while // manually controlling drag behaviour if (!range) return false; DocLoader* loader = range->ownerDocument()->docLoader(); loader->setAllowStaleResources(true); if (dragIsMove(innerFrame->selection()) || dragCaret.isContentRichlyEditable()) { bool chosePlainText = false; RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = documentFragmentFromDragData(dragData, range, true, chosePlainText); if (!fragment || !innerFrame->editor()->shouldInsertFragment(fragment, range, EditorInsertActionDropped)) { loader->setAllowStaleResources(false); return false; } m_client->willPerformDragDestinationAction(DragDestinationActionEdit, dragData); if (dragIsMove(innerFrame->selection())) { bool smartMove = innerFrame->selectionGranularity() == WordGranularity && innerFrame->editor()->smartInsertDeleteEnabled() && dragData->canSmartReplace(); applyCommand(MoveSelectionCommand::create(fragment, dragCaret.base(), smartMove)); } else { if (setSelectionToDragCaret(innerFrame, dragCaret, range, point)) applyCommand(ReplaceSelectionCommand::create(m_document, fragment, true, dragData->canSmartReplace(), chosePlainText)); } } else { String text = dragData->asPlainText(); if (text.isEmpty() || !innerFrame->editor()->shouldInsertText(text, range.get(), EditorInsertActionDropped)) { loader->setAllowStaleResources(false); return false; } m_client->willPerformDragDestinationAction(DragDestinationActionEdit, dragData); if (setSelectionToDragCaret(innerFrame, dragCaret, range, point)) applyCommand(ReplaceSelectionCommand::create(m_document, createFragmentFromText(range.get(), text), true, false, true)); } loader->setAllowStaleResources(false); return true; }
Color Color::contrasted() const { Color c = *this; c.contrast(); return c; }
float LightEntity::computeClosestPower( const Color &target, const Color &source) { //minimize sqrt((source.r*power - target.r)^2 + (source.g*power - target.g) + (source.b*power - target.b)); return / source.lengthSquared(); }
void showInfo(HWND hDlg, PLUGIN_DATA *data, int selected) { int size = 128; // Load the background image CGdiPlusBitmapResource* image = new CGdiPlusBitmapResource(); image->Load(IDB_BACKGROUND, _T("PNG"), dllInstance); if (image->m_pBitmap != NULL) { // Get the background color Color* background = new Color(); background->SetFromCOLORREF(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); // Create the bitmap Bitmap bitmap(size+64,size+64); Graphics bitmapGraphics(&bitmap); SolidBrush solidBrush(*background); bitmapGraphics.FillRectangle(&solidBrush, 0, 0, image->m_pBitmap->GetHeight()+64, image->m_pBitmap->GetWidth()+64); // Apply color transformation and draw the icon RectF rect(0.0f, 0.0f, (REAL)size+64, (REAL)size+64); ImageAttributes attributes; ColorMatrix colorMatrix = { 0.45f, 0.33f, 0.33f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.33f, 0.33f, 0.33f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.33f, 0.33f, 0.33f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; attributes.SetColorMatrix(&colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault, ColorAdjustTypeDefault); bitmapGraphics.DrawImage(image->m_pBitmap, rect, 0, 0, (REAL)image->m_pBitmap->GetHeight(), (REAL)image->m_pBitmap->GetWidth(), UnitPixel, &attributes, NULL, NULL); // Init Brushes & Font SolidBrush blackBrush(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); SolidBrush whiteBrush(Color(128, 160, 160, 160)); FontFamily fontFamily(L"Arial"); Font font(&fontFamily, 13, FontStyleBold, UnitPixel); // Draw the name, author, version and notes Docklet::DOCKLET_INFO info = Docklet::GetInformationFromDll((char*)data->docklets[selected].path); USES_CONVERSION; wchar_t name[200]; wcscpy_s(name, L""); wcscat_s(name, CA2W(; wchar_t notes[500]; wcscpy_s(notes, L""); wcscat_s(notes, CA2W(info.notes)); wchar_t author[200]; wcscpy_s(author, L"By "); wcscat_s(author, CA2W(; int major = info.version/100; int minor = info.version - 100*major; wchar_t version[40]; wcscpy_s(version, L""); if (minor > 9) swprintf_s(version, L"Version %d.%d", major, minor); else swprintf_s(version, L"Version %d.0%d", major, minor); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)&name, -1, &font, PointF(1.0f, 1.0f), &whiteBrush); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)&name, -1, &font, PointF(0.0f, 0.0f), &blackBrush); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)&author, -1, &font, PointF(1.0f, 21.0f), &whiteBrush); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)&author, -1, &font, PointF(0.0f, 20.0f), &blackBrush); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)&version, -1, &font, PointF(1.0f, 41.0f), &whiteBrush); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)&version, -1, &font, PointF(0.0f, 40.0f), &blackBrush); RectF rect1(1.0f, 101.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f); RectF rect2(0.0f, 100.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)¬es, -1, &font, rect1, StringFormat::GenericDefault(), &whiteBrush); bitmapGraphics.DrawString((WCHAR *)¬es, -1, &font, rect2, StringFormat::GenericDefault(), &blackBrush); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HBITMAP hBitmap; bitmap.GetHBITMAP(*background, &hBitmap); // Display the image SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_ICON_PIC, STM_SETIMAGE, (WPARAM)IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM) hBitmap); delete(background); } delete(image); }
void JSONValue::AddColor(const Color& value) { AddString(value.ToString()); }
void SubThreadStage() { ResIdentifierPtr psmm_input = ResLoader::Instance().Open(ps_desc_.res_name); KlayGE::XMLDocument doc; XMLNodePtr root = doc.Parse(psmm_input); { XMLNodePtr particle_node = root->FirstNode("particle"); { XMLNodePtr alpha_node = particle_node->FirstNode("alpha"); ps_desc_.ps_data->particle_alpha_from_tex = alpha_node->Attrib("from")->ValueString(); ps_desc_.ps_data->particle_alpha_to_tex = alpha_node->Attrib("to")->ValueString(); } { XMLNodePtr color_node = particle_node->FirstNode("color"); { Color from; XMLAttributePtr attr = color_node->Attrib("from"); if (attr) { std::vector<std::string> strs; boost::algorithm::split(strs, attr->ValueString(), boost::is_any_of(" ")); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (i < strs.size()) { boost::algorithm::trim(strs[i]); from[i] = static_cast<float>(atof(strs[i].c_str())); } else { from[i] = 0; } } } from.a() = 1; ps_desc_.ps_data->particle_color_from = from; Color to; attr = color_node->Attrib("to"); if (attr) { std::vector<std::string> strs; boost::algorithm::split(strs, attr->ValueString(), boost::is_any_of(" ")); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (i < strs.size()) { boost::algorithm::trim(strs[i]); to[i] = static_cast<float>(atof(strs[i].c_str())); } else { to[i] = 0; } } } to.a() = 1; ps_desc_.ps_data->particle_color_to = to; } } } { XMLNodePtr emitter_node = root->FirstNode("emitter"); XMLAttributePtr type_attr = emitter_node->Attrib("type"); if (type_attr) { ps_desc_.ps_data->emitter_type = type_attr->ValueString(); } else { ps_desc_.ps_data->emitter_type = "point"; } XMLNodePtr freq_node = emitter_node->FirstNode("frequency"); if (freq_node) { XMLAttributePtr attr = freq_node->Attrib("value"); ps_desc_.ps_data->frequency = attr->ValueFloat(); } XMLNodePtr angle_node = emitter_node->FirstNode("angle"); if (angle_node) { XMLAttributePtr attr = angle_node->Attrib("value"); ps_desc_.ps_data->angle = attr->ValueInt() * DEG2RAD; } XMLNodePtr pos_node = emitter_node->FirstNode("pos"); if (pos_node) { float3 min_pos(0, 0, 0); XMLAttributePtr attr = pos_node->Attrib("min"); if (attr) { std::vector<std::string> strs; boost::algorithm::split(strs, attr->ValueString(), boost::is_any_of(" ")); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (i < strs.size()) { boost::algorithm::trim(strs[i]); min_pos[i] = static_cast<float>(atof(strs[i].c_str())); } else { min_pos[i] = 0; } } } ps_desc_.ps_data->min_pos = min_pos; float3 max_pos(0, 0, 0); attr = pos_node->Attrib("max"); if (attr) { std::vector<std::string> strs; boost::algorithm::split(strs, attr->ValueString(), boost::is_any_of(" ")); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (i < strs.size()) { boost::algorithm::trim(strs[i]); max_pos[i] = static_cast<float>(atof(strs[i].c_str())); } else { max_pos[i] = 0; } } } ps_desc_.ps_data->max_pos = max_pos; } XMLNodePtr vel_node = emitter_node->FirstNode("vel"); if (vel_node) { XMLAttributePtr attr = vel_node->Attrib("min"); ps_desc_.ps_data->min_vel = attr->ValueFloat(); attr = vel_node->Attrib("max"); ps_desc_.ps_data->max_vel = attr->ValueFloat(); } XMLNodePtr life_node = emitter_node->FirstNode("life"); if (life_node) { XMLAttributePtr attr = life_node->Attrib("min"); ps_desc_.ps_data->min_life = attr->ValueFloat(); attr = life_node->Attrib("max"); ps_desc_.ps_data->max_life = attr->ValueFloat(); } } { XMLNodePtr updater_node = root->FirstNode("updater"); XMLAttributePtr type_attr = updater_node->Attrib("type"); if (type_attr) { ps_desc_.ps_data->updater_type = type_attr->ValueString(); } else { ps_desc_.ps_data->updater_type = "polyline"; } if ("polyline" == ps_desc_.ps_data->updater_type) { for (XMLNodePtr node = updater_node->FirstNode("curve"); node; node = node->NextSibling("curve")) { std::vector<float2> xys; for (XMLNodePtr ctrl_point_node = node->FirstNode("ctrl_point"); ctrl_point_node; ctrl_point_node = ctrl_point_node->NextSibling("ctrl_point")) { XMLAttributePtr attr_x = ctrl_point_node->Attrib("x"); XMLAttributePtr attr_y = ctrl_point_node->Attrib("y"); xys.push_back(float2(attr_x->ValueFloat(), attr_y->ValueFloat())); } XMLAttributePtr attr = node->Attrib("name"); size_t const name_hash = RT_HASH(attr->ValueString().c_str()); if (CT_HASH("size_over_life") == name_hash) { ps_desc_.ps_data->size_over_life_ctrl_pts = xys; } else if (CT_HASH("mass_over_life") == name_hash) { ps_desc_.ps_data->mass_over_life_ctrl_pts = xys; } else if (CT_HASH("opacity_over_life") == name_hash) { ps_desc_.ps_data->opacity_over_life_ctrl_pts = xys; } } } } RenderFactory& rf = Context::Instance().RenderFactoryInstance(); RenderDeviceCaps const & caps = rf.RenderEngineInstance().DeviceCaps(); if (caps.multithread_res_creating_support) { this->MainThreadStage(); } }
int main() { Vector2<int> vec2(12,25); Vector2<int> vec3(13,24); Vector2<int> storage; std::cout << "Vector2: \n\n"; storage = vec3 + vec2; std::cout << "Add:" << "(" << storage.x << "," << storage.y << ")" << std::endl; storage = vec3 - vec2; std::cout << "Subtract:" << "(" << storage.x << "," << storage.y << ")" << std::endl; storage = vec3 / vec2; std::cout << "Divide:" << "(" << storage.x << "," << storage.y << ")" << std::endl; storage = vec3 * vec2; std::cout << "Multiply:" << "(" << storage.x << "," << storage.y << ")" << std::endl; storage = vec3 % vec2; std::cout << "Modulus:" << "(" << storage.x << "," << storage.y << "," << ")" << std::endl; int sto = storage.Dot(vec2, vec3); std::cout << "Dot product: " << sto << std::endl; int mg = storage.Mag(vec2); std::cout << "Magnitude: " << mg << std::endl; Vector2<int> norm = storage.Normalise(vec2); std::cout << "Normalize:" << "(" << norm.x << "," << norm.y << "," << ")\n\n" << std::endl; Vector3<int> vec1(12, 12, 12); Vector3<int> vec4(12, 12, 12); Vector3<int> storage2; std::cout << "Vector3: \n\n"; storage2 = vec1 + vec4; std::cout << "Add:" << "(" << storage2.x << "," << storage2.y << "," << storage2.z << ")" << std::endl; storage2 = vec1 - vec4; std::cout << "Subtract:" << "(" << storage2.x << "," << storage2.y << "," << storage2.z << ")" << std::endl; storage2 = vec1 / vec4; std::cout << "Divide:" << "(" << storage2.x << "," << storage2.y << "," << storage2.z << ")" << std::endl; storage2 = vec1 * vec4; std::cout << "Multiply:" << "(" << storage2.x << "," << storage2.y << "," << storage2.z << ")" << std::endl; storage2 = vec1 % vec4; std::cout << "Modulus:" << "(" << storage2.x << "," << storage2.y << "," << storage2.z << ")" << std::endl; int Dot = storage2.Dot(vec1, vec4); std::cout << "Dot Product is: " << Dot << std::endl; Vector3<int> cross = storage2.Cross(vec1, vec4); std::cout << "Cross Product is: " << cross.x << "," << cross.y << cross.z << std::endl; int Mag = storage2.Mag(vec1); std::cout << "Magnitude Product is: " << Mag << std::endl; Vector3<int> Norm = storage2.Normalise(vec1); std::cout << "Normalised:" << "(" << Norm.x << "," << Norm.y << "," << Norm.z << ")\n" << std::endl; std::cout << "Color: \n\n"; Color<int> color; Color<int> boo1(12, 12, 12, 12); Color<int> boo2(13, 13, 13, 13); Color<int> test; test = boo1 + boo2; std::cout << "Add:" << "(" << test.r << "," << test.g << "," << test.b << "," << test.a << ")" << std::endl; test = boo1 - boo2; std::cout << "Subtract:" << "(" << test.r << "," << test.g << "," << test.b << "," << test.a << ")" << std::endl; test = boo1 * boo2; std::cout << "Multiply:" << "(" << test.r << "," << test.g << "," << test.b << "," << test.a << ")" << std::endl; test = boo1 / boo2; std::cout << "Quotient:" << "(" << test.r << "," << test.g << "," << test.b << "," << test.a << ")" << std::endl; test = boo1 % boo2; std::cout << "Modulus:" << "(" << test.r << "," << test.g << "," << test.b << "," << test.a << ")" << std::endl; test = test.Normalise(boo1); std::cout << "Normalize:" << "(" << test.r << "," << test.g << "," << test.b << "," << test.a << ")" << std::endl; float mag = test.Mag(boo1); std::cout << "Magnitude: " << mag; Color<int> rgba = color.HexConv("#FFFFFF"); std::cout << "\nRGBA Values Are : (" << rgba.r << "," << rgba.g << "," << rgba.b << "," << rgba.a << ")\n"; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Event handler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFDeathMatchScoreBoardDialog::FireGameEvent(IGameEvent *event) { const char *type = event->GetName(); if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( type, "server_spawn" ) ) { // set server name in scoreboard const char *hostname = event->GetString( "hostname" ); wchar_t wzHostName[256]; wchar_t wzServerLabel[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( hostname, wzHostName, sizeof( wzHostName ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzServerLabel, sizeof(wzServerLabel), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Scoreboard_Server" ), 1, wzHostName ); SetDialogVariable( "server", wzServerLabel ); // Set the level name after the server spawn char szMapName[MAX_MAP_NAME]; Q_FileBase(engine->GetLevelName(), szMapName, sizeof(szMapName)); Q_strlower(szMapName); SetDialogVariable("mapname", GetMapDisplayName(szMapName)); m_pWinPanel->SetVisible(false); bLockInput = false; ShowPanel(false); } else if (Q_strcmp("teamplay_win_panel", type) == 0) { if (!TFGameRules() || !TFGameRules()->IsDeathmatch()) return; m_flTimeUpdateTeamScore = gpGlobals->curtime + 4.5f; bLockInput = true; C_TF_PlayerResource *tf_PR = dynamic_cast<C_TF_PlayerResource *>(g_PR); if (!tf_PR) return; // look for the top 3 players sent in the event for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { bool bShow = false; char szPlayerIndexVal[64] = "", szPlayerScoreVal[64] = "", szPlayerKillsVal[64] = "", szPlayerDeathsVal[64] = ""; // get player index and round points from the event Q_snprintf(szPlayerIndexVal, ARRAYSIZE(szPlayerIndexVal), "player_%d", i); Q_snprintf(szPlayerScoreVal, ARRAYSIZE(szPlayerScoreVal), "player_%d_points", i); Q_snprintf(szPlayerKillsVal, ARRAYSIZE(szPlayerKillsVal), "player_%d_kills", i); Q_snprintf(szPlayerDeathsVal, ARRAYSIZE(szPlayerDeathsVal), "player_%d_deaths", i); int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt(szPlayerIndexVal, 0); int iRoundScore = event->GetInt(szPlayerScoreVal, 0); int iPlayerKills = event->GetInt(szPlayerKillsVal, 0); int iPlayerDeaths = event->GetInt(szPlayerDeathsVal, 0); // round score of 0 means no player to show for that position (not enough players, or didn't score any points that round) if (iRoundScore > 0) bShow = true; CAvatarImagePanel *pPlayerAvatar = dynamic_cast<CAvatarImagePanel *>(m_pWinPanel->FindChildByName(CFmtStr("Player%dAvatar", i))); if (pPlayerAvatar) { pPlayerAvatar->ClearAvatar(); if (bShow) { pPlayerAvatar->SetPlayer(GetSteamIDForPlayerIndex(iPlayerIndex), k_EAvatarSize32x32); pPlayerAvatar->SetAvatarSize(32, 32); } pPlayerAvatar->SetVisible(bShow); } vgui::Label *pPlayerName = dynamic_cast<Label *>(m_pWinPanel->FindChildByName(CFmtStr("Player%dName", i))); vgui::Label *pPlayerKills = dynamic_cast<Label *>(m_pWinPanel->FindChildByName(CFmtStr("Player%dKills", i))); vgui::Label *pPlayerDeaths = dynamic_cast<Label *>(m_pWinPanel->FindChildByName(CFmtStr("Player%dDeaths", i))); CModelPanel *pPlayerModel = dynamic_cast<CModelPanel *>(m_pWinPanel->FindChildByName(CFmtStr("Player%dModel", i))); if (!pPlayerName || !pPlayerKills || !pPlayerDeaths) return; if (bShow) { // set the player labels to team color Color clr = tf_PR->GetPlayerColor(iPlayerIndex); pPlayerName->SetFgColor(clr); pPlayerKills->SetFgColor(clr); pPlayerDeaths->SetFgColor(clr); // set label contents pPlayerName->SetText(g_PR->GetPlayerName(iPlayerIndex)); pPlayerKills->SetText(CFmtStr("Kills: %d", iPlayerKills)); pPlayerDeaths->SetText(CFmtStr("Deaths: %d", iPlayerDeaths)); // store the colors for model coloring m_vecWinningPlayerColor.AddToTail(Vector(clr.r() / 255.0f, clr.g() / 255.0f, clr.b() / 255.0f)); } // show or hide labels for this player position pPlayerName->SetVisible(bShow); pPlayerKills->SetVisible(bShow); pPlayerDeaths->SetVisible(bShow); pPlayerModel->SetVisible(bShow); } ShowPanel(true); } else if (Q_strcmp("teamplay_round_start", type) == 0) { m_flTimeUpdateTeamScore = 0.0f; m_pWinPanel->SetVisible(false); bLockInput = false; ShowPanel(false); } if( IsVisible() ) { Update(); } }
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const { cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext(); cairo_save(cr); cairo_set_scaled_font(cr, font->platformData().scaledFont()); GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = (GlyphBufferGlyph*)glyphBuffer.glyphs(from); float offset = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) { glyphs[i].x = offset; glyphs[i].y = 0.0f; offset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i); } Color fillColor = context->fillColor(); // Synthetic Oblique if(font->platformData().syntheticOblique()) { cairo_matrix_t mat = {1, 0, -tanf(SYNTHETIC_OBLIQUE_ANGLE * acosf(0) / 90), 1, point.x(), point.y()}; cairo_transform(cr, &mat); } else { cairo_translate(cr, point.x(), point.y()); } // Text shadow, inspired by FontMac IntSize shadowSize; int shadowBlur = 0; Color shadowColor; bool hasShadow = context->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && context->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor); // TODO: Blur support if (hasShadow) { // Disable graphics context shadows (not yet implemented) and paint them manually context->clearShadow(); Color shadowFillColor(,,, shadowColor.alpha() * fillColor.alpha() / 255); cairo_save(cr); float red, green, blue, alpha; shadowFillColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha); #if ENABLE(FILTERS) cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(font->platformData().scaledFont(), glyphs, numGlyphs, &extents); FloatRect rect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(extents.width, extents.height)); IntSize shadowBufferSize; FloatRect shadowRect; float kernelSize = 0.f; GraphicsContext::calculateShadowBufferDimensions(shadowBufferSize, shadowRect, kernelSize, rect, shadowSize, shadowBlur); // Draw shadow into a new ImageBuffer OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> shadowBuffer = ImageBuffer::create(shadowBufferSize); GraphicsContext* shadowContext = shadowBuffer->context(); cairo_t* shadowCr = shadowContext->platformContext(); cairo_translate(shadowCr, kernelSize, extents.height + kernelSize); cairo_set_scaled_font(shadowCr, font->platformData().scaledFont()); cairo_show_glyphs(shadowCr, glyphs, numGlyphs); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { cairo_save(shadowCr); cairo_translate(shadowCr, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); cairo_show_glyphs(shadowCr, glyphs, numGlyphs); cairo_restore(shadowCr); } cairo_translate(cr, 0.0, -extents.height); context->createPlatformShadow(shadowBuffer.release(), shadowColor, shadowRect, kernelSize); #else cairo_translate(cr, shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs); cairo_restore(cr); } #endif cairo_restore(cr); } if (context->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill) { if (context->fillGradient()) { cairo_set_source(cr, context->fillGradient()->platformGradient()); if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) { cairo_push_group(cr); cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha()); cairo_pop_group_to_source(cr); } } else if (context->fillPattern()) { TransformationMatrix affine; cairo_set_source(cr, context->fillPattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)); if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) { cairo_push_group(cr); cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha()); cairo_pop_group_to_source(cr); } } else { float red, green, blue, alpha; fillColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha * context->getAlpha()); } cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs); if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) { cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0); cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs); cairo_restore(cr); } } if (context->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke) { if (context->strokeGradient()) { cairo_set_source(cr, context->strokeGradient()->platformGradient()); if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) { cairo_push_group(cr); cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha()); cairo_pop_group_to_source(cr); } } else if (context->strokePattern()) { TransformationMatrix affine; cairo_set_source(cr, context->strokePattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)); if (context->getAlpha() < 1.0f) { cairo_push_group(cr); cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, context->getAlpha()); cairo_pop_group_to_source(cr); } } else { Color strokeColor = context->strokeColor(); float red, green, blue, alpha; strokeColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha * context->getAlpha()); } cairo_glyph_path(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs); cairo_set_line_width(cr, context->strokeThickness()); cairo_stroke(cr); } // Re-enable the platform shadow we disabled earlier if (hasShadow) context->setShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor, DeviceColorSpace); cairo_restore(cr); }
void SVGInlineTextBox::paintSelectionBackground(PaintInfo& paintInfo) { ASSERT(paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(renderer())); ASSERT(paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection); ASSERT(truncation() == cNoTruncation); if (renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return; RenderObject* parentRenderer = parent()->renderer(); ASSERT(parentRenderer); ASSERT(!parentRenderer->document()->printing()); // Determine whether or not we're selected. bool paintSelectedTextOnly = paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection; bool hasSelection = selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone; if (!hasSelection || paintSelectedTextOnly) return; Color backgroundColor = renderer()->selectionBackgroundColor(); if (!backgroundColor.isValid() || !backgroundColor.alpha()) return; RenderSVGInlineText* textRenderer = toRenderSVGInlineText(this->textRenderer()); ASSERT(textRenderer); if (!textShouldBePainted(textRenderer)) return; RenderStyle* style = parentRenderer->style(); ASSERT(style); RenderStyle* selectionStyle = style; if (hasSelection) { selectionStyle = parentRenderer->getCachedPseudoStyle(SELECTION); if (!selectionStyle) selectionStyle = style; } int startPosition, endPosition; selectionStartEnd(startPosition, endPosition); int fragmentStartPosition = 0; int fragmentEndPosition = 0; AffineTransform fragmentTransform; unsigned textFragmentsSize = m_textFragments.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < textFragmentsSize; ++i) { SVGTextFragment& fragment =; ASSERT(!m_paintingResource); fragmentStartPosition = startPosition; fragmentEndPosition = endPosition; if (!mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(fragment, fragmentStartPosition, fragmentEndPosition)) continue; GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context); fragment.buildFragmentTransform(fragmentTransform); if (!fragmentTransform.isIdentity()) paintInfo.context->concatCTM(fragmentTransform); paintInfo.context->setFillColor(backgroundColor, style->colorSpace()); paintInfo.context->fillRect(selectionRectForTextFragment(fragment, fragmentStartPosition, fragmentEndPosition, style), backgroundColor, style->colorSpace()); m_paintingResourceMode = ApplyToDefaultMode; } ASSERT(!m_paintingResource); }
void OGLGraphics::setBackgroundColor(const Color &color) { m_bcgColor.assign(color); glClearColor(color.r(), color.g(), color.b(), color.a()); }
Color Color::blend(const Color& B, const Color& A) { Color C; C.setRedF(B.redF() + (1.0 - B.alphaF()) * A.redF()); C.setGreenF(B.greenF() + (1.0 - B.alphaF()) * A.greenF()); C.setBlueF(B.blueF() + (1.0 - B.alphaF()) * A.blueF()); C.setAlphaF(B.alphaF() + (1.0 - B.alphaF()) * A.alphaF()); return C; }
void RenderTreeAsText::writeRenderObject(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& o, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior) { ts << o.renderName(); if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowAddresses) ts << " " << static_cast<const void*>(&o); if ( &&>zIndex()) ts << " zI: " <<>zIndex(); if (o.node()) { String tagName = getTagName(o.node()); if (!tagName.isEmpty()) { ts << " {" << tagName << "}"; // flag empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan because we never // want to leave them in the DOM if (isEmptyOrUnstyledAppleStyleSpan(o.node())) ts << " *empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan*"; } } RenderBlock* cb = o.containingBlock(); bool adjustForTableCells = cb ? cb->isTableCell() : false; LayoutRect r; if (o.isText()) { // FIXME: Would be better to dump the bounding box x and y rather than the first run's x and y, but that would involve updating // many test results. const RenderText& text = *toRenderText(&o); IntRect linesBox = text.linesBoundingBox(); r = IntRect(text.firstRunX(), text.firstRunY(), linesBox.width(), linesBox.height()); if (adjustForTableCells && !text.firstTextBox()) adjustForTableCells = false; } else if (o.isRenderInline()) { // FIXME: Would be better not to just dump 0, 0 as the x and y here. const RenderInline& inlineFlow = *toRenderInline(&o); r = IntRect(0, 0, inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().width(), inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().height()); adjustForTableCells = false; } else if (o.isTableCell()) { // FIXME: Deliberately dump the "inner" box of table cells, since that is what current results reflect. We'd like // to clean up the results to dump both the outer box and the intrinsic padding so that both bits of information are // captured by the results. const RenderTableCell& cell = *toRenderTableCell(&o); r = LayoutRect(cell.x(), cell.y() + cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore(), cell.width(), cell.height() - cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore() - cell.intrinsicPaddingAfter()); } else if (o.isBox()) r = toRenderBox(&o)->frameRect(); // FIXME: Temporary in order to ensure compatibility with existing layout test results. if (adjustForTableCells) r.move(0, -toRenderTableCell(o.containingBlock())->intrinsicPaddingBefore()); // FIXME: Convert layout test results to report sub-pixel values, in the meantime using enclosingIntRect // for consistency with old results. ts << " " << enclosingIntRect(r); if (!(o.isText() && !o.isBR())) { if (o.isFileUploadControl()) ts << " " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(toRenderFileUploadControl(&o)->fileTextValue()); if (o.parent()) { Color color =>visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor); if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor) != color) ts << " [color=" << color.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]"; // Do not dump invalid or transparent backgrounds, since that is the default. Color backgroundColor =>visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor) != backgroundColor && backgroundColor.isValid() && backgroundColor.rgb()) ts << " [bgcolor=" << backgroundColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]"; Color textFillColor =>visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor); if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor) != textFillColor && textFillColor.isValid() && textFillColor != color && textFillColor.rgb()) ts << " [textFillColor=" << textFillColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]"; Color textStrokeColor =>visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor); if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor) != textStrokeColor && textStrokeColor.isValid() && textStrokeColor != color && textStrokeColor.rgb()) ts << " [textStrokeColor=" << textStrokeColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]"; if (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeWidth() !=>textStrokeWidth() &&>textStrokeWidth() > 0) ts << " [textStrokeWidth=" <<>textStrokeWidth() << "]"; } if (!o.isBoxModelObject()) return; const RenderBoxModelObject& box = *toRenderBoxModelObject(&o); if (box.borderTop() || box.borderRight() || box.borderBottom() || box.borderLeft()) { ts << " [border:"; BorderValue prevBorder; if (>borderTop() != prevBorder) { prevBorder =>borderTop(); if (!box.borderTop()) ts << " none"; else { ts << " (" << box.borderTop() << "px "; printBorderStyle(ts,>borderTopStyle()); Color col =>borderTopColor(); if (!col.isValid()) col =>color(); ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")"; } } if (>borderRight() != prevBorder) { prevBorder =>borderRight(); if (!box.borderRight()) ts << " none"; else { ts << " (" << box.borderRight() << "px "; printBorderStyle(ts,>borderRightStyle()); Color col =>borderRightColor(); if (!col.isValid()) col =>color(); ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")"; } } if (>borderBottom() != prevBorder) { prevBorder =>borderBottom(); if (!box.borderBottom()) ts << " none"; else { ts << " (" << box.borderBottom() << "px "; printBorderStyle(ts,>borderBottomStyle()); Color col =>borderBottomColor(); if (!col.isValid()) col =>color(); ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")"; } } if (>borderLeft() != prevBorder) { prevBorder =>borderLeft(); if (!box.borderLeft()) ts << " none"; else { ts << " (" << box.borderLeft() << "px "; printBorderStyle(ts,>borderLeftStyle()); Color col =>borderLeftColor(); if (!col.isValid()) col =>color(); ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")"; } } ts << "]"; } } if (o.isTableCell()) { const RenderTableCell& c = *toRenderTableCell(&o); ts << " [r=" << c.rowIndex() << " c=" << c.col() << " rs=" << c.rowSpan() << " cs=" << c.colSpan() << "]"; } #if ENABLE(DETAILS) if (o.isDetailsMarker()) { ts << ": "; switch (toRenderDetailsMarker(&o)->orientation()) { case RenderDetailsMarker::Left: ts << "left"; break; case RenderDetailsMarker::Right: ts << "right"; break; case RenderDetailsMarker::Up: ts << "up"; break; case RenderDetailsMarker::Down: ts << "down"; break; } } #endif if (o.isListMarker()) { String text = toRenderListMarker(&o)->text(); if (!text.isEmpty()) { if (text.length() != 1) text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text); else { switch (text[0]) { case bullet: text = "bullet"; break; case blackSquare: text = "black square"; break; case whiteBullet: text = "white bullet"; break; default: text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text); } } ts << ": " << text; } } if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass) { if (Node* node = o.node()) { if (node->hasID()) ts << " id=\"" + static_cast<Element*>(node)->getIdAttribute() + "\""; if (node->hasClass()) { StyledElement* styledElement = static_cast<StyledElement*>(node); String classes; for (size_t i = 0; i < styledElement->classNames().size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) classes += " "; classes += styledElement->classNames()[i]; } ts << " class=\"" + classes + "\""; } } } if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowLayoutState) { bool needsLayout = o.selfNeedsLayout() || o.needsPositionedMovementLayout() || o.posChildNeedsLayout() || o.normalChildNeedsLayout(); if (needsLayout) ts << " (needs layout:"; bool havePrevious = false; if (o.selfNeedsLayout()) { ts << " self"; havePrevious = true; } if (o.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) { if (havePrevious) ts << ","; havePrevious = true; ts << " positioned movement"; } if (o.normalChildNeedsLayout()) { if (havePrevious) ts << ","; havePrevious = true; ts << " child"; } if (o.posChildNeedsLayout()) { if (havePrevious) ts << ","; ts << " positioned child"; } if (needsLayout) ts << ")"; } #if PLATFORM(QT) // Print attributes of embedded QWidgets. E.g. when the WebCore::Widget // is invisible the QWidget should be invisible too. if (o.isRenderPart()) { const RenderPart* part = toRenderPart(const_cast<RenderObject*>(&o)); if (part->widget() && part->widget()->platformWidget()) { QObject* wid = part->widget()->platformWidget(); ts << " [QT: "; ts << "geometry: {" << wid->property("geometry").toRect() << "} "; ts << "isHidden: " << !wid->property("isVisible").toBool() << " "; ts << "isSelfVisible: " << part->widget()->isSelfVisible() << " "; ts << "isParentVisible: " << part->widget()->isParentVisible() << " ] "; } } #endif }
static inline void setColor(cairo_t* cr, const Color& col) { float red, green, blue, alpha; col.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha); }
inline void ToGDIColor(const Color& source, Gdiplus::Color& target) { target = Gdiplus::Color(source.GetAlpha(), source.GetRed(), source.GetGreen(), source.GetBlue()); }
void JSONValue::SetColor(const String& name, const Color& value) { SetString(name, value.ToString()); }
void Text::setShadowColor (const Color &c) { evas_object_text_shadow_color_set (o, (), (), (), c.alpha ()); }
void SVGColorProperty::calculateAnimatedValue(SVGNativeAnimationElement* animationElement, float percentage, unsigned repeatCount, PassRefPtr<SVGPropertyBase> fromValue, PassRefPtr<SVGPropertyBase> toValue, PassRefPtr<SVGPropertyBase> toAtEndOfDurationValue, SVGElement* contextElement) { StyleColor fromStyleColor = toSVGColorProperty(fromValue)->m_styleColor; StyleColor toStyleColor = toSVGColorProperty(toValue)->m_styleColor; StyleColor toAtEndOfDurationStyleColor = toSVGColorProperty(toAtEndOfDurationValue)->m_styleColor; // Apply currentColor rules. ASSERT(contextElement); Color fallbackColor = fallbackColorForCurrentColor(contextElement); Color fromColor = fromStyleColor.resolve(fallbackColor); Color toColor = toStyleColor.resolve(fallbackColor); Color toAtEndOfDurationColor = toAtEndOfDurationStyleColor.resolve(fallbackColor); Color animatedColor = m_styleColor.resolve(fallbackColor); ASSERT(animationElement); float animatedRed =; animationElement->animateAdditiveNumber(percentage, repeatCount,,,, animatedRed); float animatedGreen =; animationElement->animateAdditiveNumber(percentage, repeatCount,,,, animatedGreen); float animatedBlue =; animationElement->animateAdditiveNumber(percentage, repeatCount,,,, animatedBlue); float animatedAlpha = animatedColor.alpha(); animationElement->animateAdditiveNumber(percentage, repeatCount, fromColor.alpha(), toColor.alpha(), toAtEndOfDurationColor.alpha(), animatedAlpha); m_styleColor = StyleColor(makeRGBA(roundf(animatedRed), roundf(animatedGreen), roundf(animatedBlue), roundf(animatedAlpha))); }
void Text::setGlow2Color (const Color &c) { evas_object_text_glow2_color_set (o, (), (), (), c.alpha ()); }
void Font::internalPrint(float x, float y, const Color& color, const char* output) const { program->use(); glUniformMatrix4fv(program->getUniformLocation(u_projectionMatrix), 1, GL_FALSE, camera->getProjectionMatrix().getM()); glUniformMatrix4fv(program->getUniformLocation(u_viewMatrix), 1, GL_FALSE, camera->getViewMatrix().getM()); glUniform1f(program->getUniformLocation(u_fontWidth), cellWidthNormalized); glUniform1f(program->getUniformLocation(u_fontHeight), cellHeightNormalized); glUniform4fv(program->getUniformLocation(u_fontColor), 1, color.getRGBA()); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fontTextureName); glUniform1i(program->getUniformLocation(u_fontTexture), 0); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); ViewportSP currentViewport = ViewportManager::getInstance()->getDefaultViewport(); Matrix4x4 modelMatrix; Matrix4x4 toScreenMatrix; toScreenMatrix.translate(-static_cast<float>(currentViewport->getWidth()) / 2.0f + cellWidth / 2.0f, static_cast<float>(currentViewport->getHeight()) / 2.0f - cellHeight / 2.0f, 0.0f); fontVAO->bind(); char c; float currentColumnNormalized; float currentRowNormalized; float currentX = x; float currentY = y; int32_t stringLength = strlen(output); for (int32_t i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { c = output[i]; if (c != '\n') { currentColumnNormalized = static_cast<float>(c % columns) * cellWidth / width; currentRowNormalized = 1.0f - static_cast<float>(c / rows) * cellHeight / height - cellHeightNormalized; glUniform1f(program->getUniformLocation(u_fontLeft), currentColumnNormalized); glUniform1f(program->getUniformLocation(u_fontTop), currentRowNormalized); modelMatrix.identity(); modelMatrix.translate(currentX, -currentY, 0.0f); modelMatrix.multiply(toScreenMatrix); glUniformMatrix4fv(program->getUniformLocation(u_modelMatrix), 1, GL_FALSE, modelMatrix.getM()); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, numberIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0); currentX += fontWidth; } else { currentX = x; currentY += fontHeight; } } fontVAO->unbind(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); }
void Text::setOutlineColor (const Color &c) { evas_object_text_outline_color_set (o, (), (), (), c.alpha ()); }
inline void debug_ast(AST_Node* node, std::string ind, Env* env) { if (node == 0) return; if (ind == "") std::cerr << "####################################################################\n"; if (dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node)) { Bubble* bubble = dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Bubble " << bubble; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << bubble->tabs(); std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(bubble->node(), ind + " ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Trace*>(node)) { Trace* trace = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Trace " << trace; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << " [name:" << trace->name() << "]" << std::endl; debug_ast(trace->block(), ind + " ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node)) { At_Root_Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "At_Root_Block " << root_block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << root_block->tabs(); std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(root_block->expression(), ind + ":", env); debug_ast(root_block->block(), ind + " ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<CommaSequence_Selector*>(node)) { CommaSequence_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<CommaSequence_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "CommaSequence_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"; std::cerr << (selector->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_placeholder() ? " [PLACEHOLDER]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << std::endl; for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } // } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) { // Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node); // std::cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression << " " << expression->concrete_type() << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node)) { Parent_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Parent_Selector " << selector; // if (selector->not_selector()) cerr << " [in_declaration]"; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " [" << (selector->is_real_parent_ref() ? "REAL" : "FAKE") << "]"; std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; // debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + "->", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Sequence_Selector*>(node)) { Sequence_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Sequence_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Sequence_Selector " << selector << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << " <" << selector->hash() << ">" << " [length:" << longToHex(selector->length()) << "]" << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]" << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]" << (selector->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]": " -") << (selector->has_placeholder() ? " [PLACEHOLDER]": " -") << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -") << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has parent]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << " -- "; std::string del; switch (selector->combinator()) { case Sequence_Selector::PARENT_OF: del = ">"; break; case Sequence_Selector::PRECEDES: del = "~"; break; case Sequence_Selector::ADJACENT_TO: del = "+"; break; case Sequence_Selector::ANCESTOR_OF: del = " "; break; case Sequence_Selector::REFERENCE: del = "//"; break; } // if (del = "/") del += selector->reference()->perform(&to_string) + "/"; std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; debug_ast(selector->head(), ind + " " /* + "[" + del + "]" */, env); if (selector->tail()) { debug_ast(selector->tail(), ind + "{" + del + "}", env); } else if(del != " ") { std::cerr << ind << " |" << del << "| {trailing op}" << std::endl; } SourcesSet set = selector->sources(); // debug_sources_set(set, ind + " @--> "); } else if (dynamic_cast<SimpleSequence_Selector*>(node)) { SimpleSequence_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<SimpleSequence_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "SimpleSequence_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]"; std::cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"; std::cerr << (selector->extended() ? " [extended]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node)) { Wrapped_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Wrapped_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>"; std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + " () ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node)) { Pseudo_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Pseudo_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>"; std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(selector->expression(), ind + " <= ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node)) { Attribute_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Attribute_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>"; std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(selector->value(), ind + "[" + selector->matcher() + "] ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Class_Selector*>(node)) { Class_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Class_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Class_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>"; std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Id_Selector*>(node)) { Id_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Id_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Id_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>"; std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Element_Selector*>(node)) { Element_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Element_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Element_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"; std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>"; std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -"); std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -"); std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">"; std::cerr << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Placeholder_Selector*>(node)) { Placeholder_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Placeholder_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Placeholder_Selector [" << selector->ns_name() << "] " << selector << " <" << selector->hash() << ">" << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]" << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -") << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node)) { Simple_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Simple_Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node)) { Selector_Schema* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Selector_Schema " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << (selector->at_root() && selector->at_root() ? " [@ROOT]" : "") << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]" << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << std::endl; debug_ast(selector->contents(), ind + " "); // for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node)) { Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Selector " << selector; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node)) { Media_Query_Expression* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Media_Query_Expression " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << (block->is_interpolated() ? " [is_interpolated]": " -") << std::endl; debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) "); debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node)) { Media_Query* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Media_Query " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << (block->is_negated() ? " [is_negated]": " -") << (block->is_restricted() ? " [is_restricted]": " -") << std::endl; debug_ast(block->media_type(), ind + " "); for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node)) { Media_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Media_Block " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + " =@ "); if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Block*>(node)) { Supports_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Block*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Block " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->condition(), ind + " =@ "); debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " <>"); } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Operator*>(node)) { Supports_Operator* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Operator*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Operator " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << std::endl; debug_ast(block->left(), ind + " left) "); debug_ast(block->right(), ind + " right) "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Negation*>(node)) { Supports_Negation* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Negation*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Negation " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << std::endl; debug_ast(block->condition(), ind + " condition) "); } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Root_Query*>(node)) { At_Root_Query* block = dynamic_cast<At_Root_Query*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "At_Root_Query " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << std::endl; debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) "); debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Declaration*>(node)) { Supports_Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Declaration*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Declaration " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")" << std::endl; debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) "); debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) { Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Block " << root_block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; if (root_block->is_root()) std::cerr << " [root]"; std::cerr << " " << root_block->tabs() << std::endl; if (root_block->block()) for(auto i : root_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node)) { Warning* block = dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Warning " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->message(), ind + " : "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Error*>(node)) { Error* block = dynamic_cast<Error*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Error " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node)) { Debug* block = dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Debug " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node)) { Comment* block = dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Comment " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << " <" << prettyprint(block->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; debug_ast(block->text(), ind + "// ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<If*>(node)) { If* block = dynamic_cast<If*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "If " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->predicate(), ind + " = "); debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " <>"); debug_ast(block->alternative(), ind + " ><"); } else if (dynamic_cast<Return*>(node)) { Return* block = dynamic_cast<Return*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Return " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node)) { Extension* block = dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Extension " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "-> ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) { Content* block = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Content " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [@media:" << block->media_block() << "]"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node)) { Import_Stub* block = dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Import_Stub " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << block->imp_path() << "] "; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Import*>(node)) { Import* block = dynamic_cast<Import*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Import " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; // std::vector<std::string> files_; for (auto imp : block->urls()) debug_ast(imp, ind + "@: ", env); debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + "@@ "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node)) { Assignment* block = dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Assignment " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " <<" << block->variable() << ">> " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "=", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node)) { Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Declaration " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->property(), ind + " prop: ", env); debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value: ", env); debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node)) { Keyframe_Rule* has_block = dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Keyframe_Rule " << has_block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << has_block->tabs() << std::endl; if (has_block->selector()) debug_ast(has_block->selector(), ind + "@"); if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Directive*>(node)) { Directive* block = dynamic_cast<Directive*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Directive " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << block->keyword() << "] " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "~", env); debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "+", env); if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Each*>(node)) { Each* block = dynamic_cast<Each*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Each " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<For*>(node)) { For* block = dynamic_cast<For*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "For " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<While*>(node)) { While* block = dynamic_cast<While*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "While " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node)) { Definition* block = dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Definition " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [name: " << block->name() << "] "; std::cerr << " [type: " << (block->type() == Sass::Definition::Type::MIXIN ? "Mixin " : "Function ") << "] "; // this seems to lead to segfaults some times? // std::cerr << " [signature: " << block->signature() << "] "; std::cerr << " [native: " << block->native_function() << "] "; std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl; debug_ast(block->parameters(), ind + " params: ", env); if (block->block()) debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node)) { Mixin_Call* block = dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Mixin_Call " << block << " " << block->tabs(); std::cerr << " [" << block->name() << "]"; std::cerr << " [has_content: " << block->has_content() << "] " << std::endl; debug_ast(block->arguments(), ind + " args: "); if (block->block()) debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " ", env); } else if (Ruleset* ruleset = dynamic_cast<Ruleset*>(node)) { std::cerr << ind << "Ruleset " << ruleset; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [indent: " << ruleset->tabs() << "]"; std::cerr << (ruleset->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]" : ""); std::cerr << (ruleset->at_root() ? " [@ROOT]" : ""); std::cerr << (ruleset->is_root() ? " [root]" : ""); std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(ruleset->selector(), ind + ">"); debug_ast(ruleset->block(), ind + " "); } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) { Block* block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Block " << block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << (block->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]" : ""); std::cerr << " [indent: " << block->tabs() << "]" << std::endl; for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node)) { Textual* expression = dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Textual "; if (expression->type() == Textual::NUMBER) std::cerr << " [NUMBER]"; else if (expression->type() == Textual::PERCENTAGE) std::cerr << " [PERCENTAGE]"; else if (expression->type() == Textual::DIMENSION) std::cerr << " [DIMENSION]"; else if (expression->type() == Textual::HEX) std::cerr << " [HEX]"; std::cerr << expression << " [" << expression->value() << "]"; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]"; std::cerr << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node)) { Variable* expression = dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Variable " << expression; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << expression->name() << "]" << std::endl; std::string name(expression->name()); if (env && env->has(name)) debug_ast(static_cast<Expression*>((*env)[name]), ind + " -> ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node)) { Function_Call_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Function_Call_Schema " << expression; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << "" << std::endl; debug_ast(expression->name(), ind + "name: ", env); debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node)) { Function_Call* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Function_Call " << expression; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << expression->name() << "]"; if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]"; if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]"; std::cerr << std::endl; debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node)) { Arguments* expression = dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Arguments " << expression; if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]"; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; if (expression->has_named_arguments()) std::cerr << " [has_named_arguments]"; if (expression->has_rest_argument()) std::cerr << " [has_rest_argument]"; if (expression->has_keyword_argument()) std::cerr << " [has_keyword_argument]"; std::cerr << std::endl; for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node)) { Argument* expression = dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Argument " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << "]"; std::cerr << " [name: " << expression->name() << "] "; std::cerr << " [rest: " << expression->is_rest_argument() << "] "; std::cerr << " [keyword: " << expression->is_keyword_argument() << "] " << std::endl; debug_ast(expression->value(), ind + " value: ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Parameters*>(node)) { Parameters* expression = dynamic_cast<Parameters*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Parameters " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [has_optional: " << expression->has_optional_parameters() << "] "; std::cerr << " [has_rest: " << expression->has_rest_parameter() << "] "; std::cerr << std::endl; for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Parameter*>(node)) { Parameter* expression = dynamic_cast<Parameter*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Parameter " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [name: " << expression->name() << "] "; std::cerr << " [default: " << expression->default_value() << "] "; std::cerr << " [rest: " << expression->is_rest_parameter() << "] " << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node)) { Unary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Unary_Expression " << expression; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] "; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << expression->type() << "]" << std::endl; debug_ast(expression->operand(), ind + " operand: ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node)) { Binary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Binary_Expression " << expression; if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [is interpolant] "; if (expression->is_left_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [left interpolant] "; if (expression->is_right_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [right interpolant] "; std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] "; std::cerr << " [ws_before: " << expression->op().ws_before << "] "; std::cerr << " [ws_after: " << expression->op().ws_after << "] "; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << expression->type_name() << "]" << std::endl; debug_ast(expression->left(), ind + " left: ", env); debug_ast(expression->right(), ind + " right: ", env); } else if (dynamic_cast<Map*>(node)) { Map* expression = dynamic_cast<Map*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Map " << expression; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [Hashed]" << std::endl; for (auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i.first, ind + " key: "); debug_ast(i.second, ind + " val: "); } } else if (dynamic_cast<List*>(node)) { List* expression = dynamic_cast<List*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "List " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " (" << expression->length() << ") " << (expression->separator() == SASS_COMMA ? "Comma " : expression->separator() == SASS_HASH ? "Map" : "Space ") << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] " << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] " << " [listized: " << expression->from_selector() << "] " << " [arglist: " << expression->is_arglist() << "] " << " [hash: " << expression->hash() << "] " << std::endl; for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) { Content* expression = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Content " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [@media:" << expression->media_block() << "]"; std::cerr << " [Statement]" << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node)) { Boolean* expression = dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Boolean " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << "]" << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Color*>(node)) { Color* expression = dynamic_cast<Color*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Color " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] "; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " [" << expression->r() << ":" << expression->g() << ":" << expression->b() << "@" << expression->a() << "]" << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Number*>(node)) { Number* expression = dynamic_cast<Number*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Number " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] "; std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << expression->unit() << "]" << " [hash: " << expression->hash() << "] " << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node)) { String_Quoted* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "String_Quoted " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]"; if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]"; if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]"; if (expression->quote_mark()) std::cerr << " [quote_mark: " << expression->quote_mark() << "]"; std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node)) { String_Constant* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "String_Constant " << expression; if (expression->concrete_type()) { std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type(); } std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]"; if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]"; if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]"; std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node)) { String_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "String_Schema " << expression; std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type(); if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]"; if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [is interpolant]"; if (expression->has_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [has interpolant]"; if (expression->is_left_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [left interpolant] "; if (expression->is_right_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [right interpolant] "; std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<String*>(node)) { String* expression = dynamic_cast<String*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "String " << expression; std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type(); std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]"; std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) { Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; switch (expression->concrete_type()) { case Expression::Concrete_Type::NONE: std::cerr << " [NONE]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::BOOLEAN: std::cerr << " [BOOLEAN]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUMBER: std::cerr << " [NUMBER]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::COLOR: std::cerr << " [COLOR]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::STRING: std::cerr << " [STRING]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::LIST: std::cerr << " [LIST]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::MAP: std::cerr << " [MAP]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::SELECTOR: std::cerr << " [SELECTOR]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::NULL_VAL: std::cerr << " [NULL_VAL]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::C_WARNING: std::cerr << " [C_WARNING]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::C_ERROR: std::cerr << " [C_ERROR]"; break; case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUM_TYPES: std::cerr << " [NUM_TYPES]"; break; } std::cerr << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node)) { Has_Block* has_block = dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Has_Block " << has_block; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << has_block->tabs() << std::endl; if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); } } else if (dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node)) { Statement* statement = dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node); std::cerr << ind << "Statement " << statement; std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"; std::cerr << " " << statement->tabs() << std::endl; } if (ind == "") std::cerr << "####################################################################\n"; }
bool AccessibilityTable::isDataTable() const { if (!m_renderer) return false; // Do not consider it a data table is it has an ARIA role. if (hasARIARole()) return false; // This employs a heuristic to determine if this table should appear. // Only "data" tables should be exposed as tables. // Unfortunately, there is no good way to determine the difference // between a "layout" table and a "data" table. RenderTable* table = toRenderTable(m_renderer); Node* tableNode = table->node(); if (!tableNode || !tableNode->hasTagName(tableTag)) return false; // if there is a caption element, summary, THEAD, or TFOOT section, it's most certainly a data table HTMLTableElement* tableElement = static_cast<HTMLTableElement*>(tableNode); if (!tableElement->summary().isEmpty() || tableElement->tHead() || tableElement->tFoot() || tableElement->caption()) return true; // if someone used "rules" attribute than the table should appear if (!tableElement->rules().isEmpty()) return true; // go through the cell's and check for tell-tale signs of "data" table status // cells have borders, or use attributes like headers, abbr, scope or axis RenderTableSection* firstBody = table->firstBody(); if (!firstBody) return false; int numCols = firstBody->numColumns(); int numRows = firstBody->numRows(); // if there's only one cell, it's not a good AXTable candidate if (numRows == 1 && numCols == 1) return false; // store the background color of the table to check against cell's background colors RenderStyle* tableStyle = table->style(); if (!tableStyle) return false; Color tableBGColor = tableStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); // check enough of the cells to find if the table matches our criteria // Criteria: // 1) must have at least one valid cell (and) // 2) at least half of cells have borders (or) // 3) at least half of cells have different bg colors than the table, and there is cell spacing unsigned validCellCount = 0; unsigned borderedCellCount = 0; unsigned backgroundDifferenceCellCount = 0; Color alternatingRowColors[5]; int alternatingRowColorCount = 0; int headersInFirstColumnCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) { int headersInFirstRowCount = 0; for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col) { RenderTableCell* cell = firstBody->primaryCellAt(row, col); if (!cell) continue; Node* cellNode = cell->node(); if (!cellNode) continue; if (cell->width() < 1 || cell->height() < 1) continue; validCellCount++; HTMLTableCellElement* cellElement = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(cellNode); bool isTHCell = cellElement->hasTagName(thTag); // If the first row is comprised of all <th> tags, assume it is a data table. if (!row && isTHCell) headersInFirstRowCount++; // If the first column is comprised of all <tg> tags, assume it is a data table. if (!col && isTHCell) headersInFirstColumnCount++; // in this case, the developer explicitly assigned a "data" table attribute if (!cellElement->headers().isEmpty() || !cellElement->abbr().isEmpty() || !cellElement->axis().isEmpty() || !cellElement->scope().isEmpty()) return true; RenderStyle* renderStyle = cell->style(); if (!renderStyle) continue; // a cell needs to have matching bordered sides, before it can be considered a bordered cell. if ((cell->borderTop() > 0 && cell->borderBottom() > 0) || (cell->borderLeft() > 0 && cell->borderRight() > 0)) borderedCellCount++; // if the cell has a different color from the table and there is cell spacing, // then it is probably a data table cell (spacing and colors take the place of borders) Color cellColor = renderStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); if (table->hBorderSpacing() > 0 && table->vBorderSpacing() > 0 && tableBGColor != cellColor && cellColor.alpha() != 1) backgroundDifferenceCellCount++; // if we've found 10 "good" cells, we don't need to keep searching if (borderedCellCount >= 10 || backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= 10) return true; // For the first 5 rows, cache the background color so we can check if this table has zebra-striped rows. if (row < 5 && row == alternatingRowColorCount) { RenderObject* renderRow = cell->parent(); if (!renderRow || !renderRow->isBoxModelObject() || !toRenderBoxModelObject(renderRow)->isTableRow()) continue; RenderStyle* rowRenderStyle = renderRow->style(); if (!rowRenderStyle) continue; Color rowColor = rowRenderStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); alternatingRowColors[alternatingRowColorCount] = rowColor; alternatingRowColorCount++; } } if (!row && headersInFirstRowCount == numCols && numCols > 1) return true; } if (headersInFirstColumnCount == numRows && numRows > 1) return true; // if there is less than two valid cells, it's not a data table if (validCellCount <= 1) return false; // half of the cells had borders, it's a data table unsigned neededCellCount = validCellCount / 2; if (borderedCellCount >= neededCellCount) return true; // half had different background colors, it's a data table if (backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= neededCellCount) return true; // Check if there is an alternating row background color indicating a zebra striped style pattern. if (alternatingRowColorCount > 2) { Color firstColor = alternatingRowColors[0]; for (int k = 1; k < alternatingRowColorCount; k++) { // If an odd row was the same color as the first row, its not alternating. if (k % 2 == 1 && alternatingRowColors[k] == firstColor) return false; // If an even row is not the same as the first row, its not alternating. if (!(k % 2) && alternatingRowColors[k] != firstColor) return false; } return true; } return false; }
Color Color::blend(const Color& source) const { if (!alpha() || !source.hasAlpha()) return source; if (!source.alpha()) return *this; int d = 255 * (alpha() + source.alpha()) - alpha() * source.alpha(); int a = d / 255; int r = (red() * alpha() * (255 - source.alpha()) + 255 * source.alpha() * / d; int g = (green() * alpha() * (255 - source.alpha()) + 255 * source.alpha() * / d; int b = (blue() * alpha() * (255 - source.alpha()) + 255 * source.alpha() * / d; return Color(r, g, b, a); }
Color Renderer::rayTraceRecursive(Shape* scene, Ray& ray, Lights& lights, int maxReflect) { IntersectResult result; scene->Intersect(ray, &result); if (result.geometry) { Material* pMaterial = result.geometry->material; float reflectiveness = pMaterial->reflectiveness; Color color(0, 0, 0); std::mt19937 eng(4029349); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> fraction_dist; for (int i = 0; i < lights.size(); i++) { Light* pLight = lights[i]; Color c; if (!pLight->shadow) { //no shadow Vector3dF incidenceNormal = pLight->incidenceNormal(result.position); c = pMaterial->Sample(ray, result.position, result.normal, incidenceNormal); } else if (pLight->softshadow) { Vector3dF incidenceCenter = pLight->incidence(result.position); Vector3dF incidenceNormal = incidenceCenter.Normalize(); Vector3dF rayNormal(-incidenceCenter.y, incidenceCenter.x, 0); rayNormal = rayNormal.Normalize(); float disToLight = 0; if (pLight->lightType == LightType_Point) { disToLight = (dynamic_cast<PointLight*>(pLight)->pos - result.position).Length(); } int hitTimes = 0; int raysPerFan = pLight->shadowrays / 4; for (int quadrant = 0; quadrant < 4; quadrant++) { for (int r = 0; r < raysPerFan; r++) { float angle = quadrant * 90.0f + fraction_dist(eng) * 90.f; float dis = fraction_dist(eng) * pLight->radius; //printf("<%.1f, %.1f> ", angle, dis); Vector3dF d = rayNormal.rotate(incidenceNormal, PI * angle / 180.f); Ray shadowrays(result.position, (-incidenceCenter) + d * dis); shadowrays.d = shadowrays.d.Normalize(); IntersectResult _result; scene->Intersect(shadowrays, &_result); if (_result.geometry) { if (disToLight && _result.distance >= disToLight) { continue; } hitTimes++; } } //printf("\n"); } //printf("\n"); c = pMaterial->Sample(ray, result.position, result.normal, incidenceNormal); if (hitTimes > 0) { //printf("%d\n", hitTimes); float black_ratio = hitTimes / (float)pLight->shadowrays; //c = c * ( 1.0f - black_ratio) + Color::Black * black_ratio; c = c.Modulate(Color::White * (1.0f - black_ratio)); c = c.clamp(); } } else { //normal shadow Vector3dF incidenceNormal = pLight->incidenceNormal(result.position); //Is this light visible Ray shadowrays(result.position, -incidenceNormal); IntersectResult _result; scene->Intersect(shadowrays, &_result); bool canSample = true; if (_result.geometry) { if (pLight->lightType == LightType_Point) { float disToLight = (dynamic_cast<PointLight*>(pLight)->pos - result.position).Length(); if (disToLight >= _result.distance) { canSample = false; c = Color::Black; } } else if (pLight->lightType == LightType_Direction) { canSample = false; c = Color::Black; } } if(canSample){ c = pMaterial->Sample(ray, result.position, result.normal, incidenceNormal); } } color = color + c; } color = Color(color * (1.0f - reflectiveness)); if (reflectiveness > 0 && maxReflect > 0) { Vector3dF r = Vector3dF(result.normal * (-2 * (result.normal.Dot(ray.d))) + ray.d); Ray new_ray(result.position, r); Color reflectedColor = rayTraceRecursive(scene, new_ray, lights, maxReflect - 1); assert(reflectedColor.r() >= 0 && reflectedColor.g() >= 0 && reflectedColor.b() >= 0); color = color + reflectedColor * reflectiveness; } return color; } else return Color::Black; }
Color Color::inverted() const { Color c = *this; c.invert(); return c; }
int main() { outPut[0]="scene1.test"; outPut[1]="scene1-camera1.test"; outPut[2]="scene1-camera2.test"; outPut[3]="scene1-camera3.test"; outPut[4]="scene1-camera4.test"; outPut[5]="scene2-camera1.test"; outPut[6]="scene2-camera2.test"; outPut[7]="scene2-camera3.test"; outPut[8]="scene3.test"; outPut[9]="self.test"; outPut[10]="spheres.test"; outPut[11]="self1.test"; outPut[12]="spheres2.test"; outPut[13]="spheres3.test"; outPut[14]="scene3-2.test"; outPut[15]="self2.test"; outPut[16]="self3.test"; outPut[17]="self4.test"; outPut[18]="self2-1.test"; outPut[19]="self2-2.test"; outPut[20]="self4-2.test"; outPut[21]="self4-3.test"; outPut[22]="spheres4.test"; outPut[23]="self4-4.test"; outPut[24]="self4-5.test"; outPut[25]="self4-6.test"; outPut[26]="self2-3.test"; outPut[27]="self3-1.test"; outPut[28]="scene1-4.test"; outPut[29]="spheres4-1.test"; outPut[30]="spheres4-2.test"; outPut[31]="spheres4-3.test"; outPut[32]="spheres4-4.test"; outPut[33]="spheres4-5.test"; for (int names=0; names<TESTS; names++){ Film myImage; Camera myCamera; vector<Primitive> myPrimitives(1, Primitive()); vector<Triangle> myTriangles(1, Triangle()); Parser myParser; Sample currSample(0,0); Sampler mySampler; RayTracer myTracer; Ray currRay(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,0,0)); Color currColor;[names].c_str()); int *x,*y; x =(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); y =(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); myParser.initialparse(inputfile, x, y); myCamera.SetAspect(x, y); myImage.SetFilm(*x,*y); myImage.InitializeFilm(); mySampler.SetSamplerSize(*x, *y); myParser.parsefile(inputfile, &myCamera, &myTracer, &maxDepth); myTracer.SetDepth(maxDepth); cout<<"maxDepth: "<<maxDepth<<endl; assert(maxDepth>=2); while(mySampler.GetSample(&currSample)){ currColor.SetColor(0.0,0.0,0.0); // reset currColor to 0 every time myCamera.GenerateRay(currSample,&currRay); myTracer.traceRay(&currRay, 0, &currColor); myImage.Commit(currSample, currColor); } myImage.WriteImage(outPut[names]); inputfile.close(); delete x; delete y; cout << "finished " << outPut[names] << endl; } cout << "finished everything" << endl; return 0; }
bool AccessibilityTable::isTableExposableThroughAccessibility() { // the following is a heuristic used to determine if a // <table> should be exposed as an AXTable. The goal // is to only show "data" tables if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isTable()) return false; // if the developer assigned an aria role to this, then we shouldn't // expose it as a table, unless, of course, the aria role is a table AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute(); if (ariaRole == TableRole) return true; if (ariaRole != UnknownRole) return false; RenderTable* table = static_cast<RenderTable*>(m_renderer); // this employs a heuristic to determine if this table should appear. // Only "data" tables should be exposed as tables. // Unfortunately, there is no good way to determine the difference // between a "layout" table and a "data" table Node* tableNode = table->element(); if (!tableNode || !tableNode->hasTagName(tableTag)) return false; // if there is a caption element, summary, THEAD, or TFOOT section, it's most certainly a data table HTMLTableElement* tableElement = static_cast<HTMLTableElement*>(tableNode); if (!tableElement->summary().isEmpty() || tableElement->tHead() || tableElement->tFoot() || tableElement->caption()) return true; // if someone used "rules" attribute than the table should appear if (!tableElement->rules().isEmpty()) return true; // go through the cell's and check for tell-tale signs of "data" table status // cells have borders, or use attributes like headers, abbr, scope or axis RenderTableSection* firstBody = table->firstBody(); if (!firstBody) return false; int numCols = firstBody->numColumns(); int numRows = firstBody->numRows(); // if there's only one cell, it's not a good AXTable candidate if (numRows == 1 && numCols == 1) return false; // store the background color of the table to check against cell's background colors RenderStyle* tableStyle = table->style(); if (!tableStyle) return false; Color tableBGColor = tableStyle->backgroundColor(); // check enough of the cells to find if the table matches our criteria // Criteria: // 1) must have at least one valid cell (and) // 2) at least half of cells have borders (or) // 3) at least half of cells have different bg colors than the table, and there is cell spacing unsigned validCellCount = 0; unsigned borderedCellCount = 0; unsigned backgroundDifferenceCellCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col) { RenderTableCell* cell = firstBody->cellAt(row, col).cell; if (!cell) continue; Node* cellNode = cell->element(); if (!cellNode) continue; if (cell->width() < 1 || cell->height() < 1) continue; validCellCount++; HTMLTableCellElement* cellElement = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(cellNode); // in this case, the developer explicitly assigned a "data" table attribute if (!cellElement->headers().isEmpty() || !cellElement->abbr().isEmpty() || !cellElement->axis().isEmpty() || !cellElement->scope().isEmpty()) return true; RenderStyle* renderStyle = cell->style(); if (!renderStyle) continue; // a cell needs to have matching bordered sides, before it can be considered a bordered cell. if ((cell->borderTop() > 0 && cell->borderBottom() > 0) || (cell->borderLeft() > 0 && cell->borderRight() > 0)) borderedCellCount++; // if the cell has a different color from the table and there is cell spacing, // then it is probably a data table cell (spacing and colors take the place of borders) Color cellColor = renderStyle->backgroundColor(); if (table->hBorderSpacing() > 0 && table->vBorderSpacing() > 0 && tableBGColor != cellColor && cellColor.alpha() != 1) backgroundDifferenceCellCount++; // if we've found 10 "good" cells, we don't need to keep searching if (borderedCellCount >= 10 || backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= 10) return true; } } // if there is less than two valid cells, it's not a data table if (validCellCount <= 1) return false; // half of the cells had borders, it's a data table unsigned neededCellCount = validCellCount / 2; if (borderedCellCount >= neededCellCount) return true; // half had different background colors, it's a data table if (backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= neededCellCount) return true; return false; }
Color ColorDistance::addColors(const Color& first, const Color& second) { return Color( +, +, +; }