Exemple #1
float Warp::squareToHSWPDF(const Point2f &p, HSWrapper *testWrapper) {

    float total = testWrapper->m_totalLum;
    float height = testWrapper->m_lightprob.rows();
    float width = testWrapper->m_lightprob.cols();
    float fPixH = height * p(1);
    float fPixW = width * p(0);
    int y = int(std::min(height - 1.0f ,std::floor(fPixH)));
    int x = int(std::min(width  - 1.0f ,std::floor(fPixW)));

    int yNext = y + 1;
    int xNext = x + 1;

    Color3f Q11 = testWrapper->m_lightprob(y, x);
    Color3f Q21 = testWrapper->m_lightprob(y, std::min(int(width -1.0f), xNext));
    Color3f Q12 = testWrapper->m_lightprob(std::min(int(height -1.0f), yNext), x);
    Color3f Q22 = testWrapper->m_lightprob(std::min(int(height -1.0f), yNext), std::min(int(width -1.0f), xNext));

    float fact1 = ((xNext - fPixW) / (xNext - x));
    float fact2 = ((fPixW - x) / (xNext - x));

    Color3f R1 = fact1 * Q11 + fact2 * Q21;
    Color3f R2 = fact1 * Q12 + fact2 * Q22;

    fact1 = ((yNext - fPixH) / (yNext - y));
    fact2 = ((fPixH - y) / (yNext - y));

    Color3f result = fact1 * R1 + fact2 * R2;

    float lum = result.getLuminance();
    if (lum < 0) {
        cout << "Negative luminance detected : " << lum << endl;
    float pdf = lum / total;

    return pdf;

Exemple #2
float Bitmap::getTotalLuminace(){
    Color3f totalColor = sum();

    float totalLum = totalColor.getLuminance();
    return totalLum;
Exemple #3
    /// Invoke a series of t-tests on the provided input
    void activate() {
        int total = 0, passed = 0;
        pcg32 random;

        if (!m_bsdfs.empty()) {
            if (m_references.size() * m_bsdfs.size() != m_angles.size())
                throw NoriException("Specified a different number of angles and reference values!");
            if (!m_scenes.empty())
                throw NoriException("Cannot test BSDFs and scenes at the same time!");

            /* Test each registered BSDF */
            int ctr = 0;
            for (auto bsdf : m_bsdfs) {
                for (size_t i=0; i<m_references.size(); ++i) {
                    float angle = m_angles[i], reference = m_references[ctr++];

                    cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
                    cout << "Testing (angle=" << angle << "): " << bsdf->toString() << endl;

                    BSDFQueryRecord bRec(sphericalDirection(degToRad(angle), 0));

                    cout << "Drawing " << m_sampleCount << " samples .. " << endl;
                    double mean=0, variance = 0;
                    for (int k=0; k<m_sampleCount; ++k) {
                        Point2f sample(random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat());
                        double result = (double) bsdf->sample(bRec, sample).getLuminance();

                        /* Numerically robust online variance estimation using an
                           algorithm proposed by Donald Knuth (TAOCP vol.2, 3rd ed., p.232) */
                        double delta = result - mean;
                        mean += delta / (double) (k+1);
                        variance += delta * (result - mean);
                    variance /= m_sampleCount - 1;
                    std::pair<bool, std::string>
                        result = hypothesis::students_t_test(mean, variance, reference,
                            m_sampleCount, m_significanceLevel, (int) m_references.size());

                    if (result.first)
                    cout << result.second << endl;
        } else {
            if (m_references.size() != m_scenes.size())
                throw NoriException("Specified a different number of scenes and reference values!");

            Sampler *sampler = static_cast<Sampler *>(
                NoriObjectFactory::createInstance("independent", PropertyList()));

            int ctr = 0;
            for (auto scene : m_scenes) {
                const Integrator *integrator = scene->getIntegrator();
                const Camera *camera = scene->getCamera();
                float reference = m_references[ctr++];

                cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
                cout << "Testing scene: " << scene->toString() << endl;

                cout << "Generating " << m_sampleCount << " paths.. " << endl;

                double mean = 0, variance = 0;
                for (int k=0; k<m_sampleCount; ++k) {
                    /* Sample a ray from the camera */
                    Ray3f ray;
                    Point2f pixelSample = (sampler->next2D().array()
                        * camera->getOutputSize().cast<float>().array()).matrix();
                    Color3f value = camera->sampleRay(ray, pixelSample, sampler->next2D());

                    /* Compute the incident radiance */
                    value *= integrator->Li(scene, sampler, ray);

                    /* Numerically robust online variance estimation using an
                       algorithm proposed by Donald Knuth (TAOCP vol.2, 3rd ed., p.232) */
                    double result = (double) value.getLuminance();
                    double delta = result - mean;
                    mean += delta / (double) (k+1);
                    variance += delta * (result - mean);
                variance /= m_sampleCount - 1;

                std::pair<bool, std::string>
                    result = hypothesis::students_t_test(mean, variance, reference,
                        m_sampleCount, m_significanceLevel, (int) m_references.size());

                if (result.first)
                cout << result.second << endl;
        cout << "Passed " << passed << "/" << total << " tests." << endl;