void CommandParser::ProcessCommand(LocalUser *user, std::string &cmd)
	std::vector<std::string> command_p;
	irc::tokenstream tokens(cmd);
	std::string command, token;

	/* A client sent a nick prefix on their command (ick)
	 * rhapsody and some braindead bouncers do this --
	 * the rfc says they shouldnt but also says the ircd should
	 * discard it if they do.
	if (command[0] == ':')

	while (tokens.GetToken(token))

	std::transform(command.begin(), command.end(), command.begin(), ::toupper);

	/* find the command, check it exists */
	Command* handler = GetHandler(command);

	/* Modify the user's penalty regardless of whether or not the command exists */
	if (!user->HasPrivPermission("users/flood/no-throttle"))
		// If it *doesn't* exist, give it a slightly heftier penalty than normal to deter flooding us crap
		user->CommandFloodPenalty += handler ? handler->Penalty * 1000 : 2000;

	if (!handler)
		ModResult MOD_RESULT;
		FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnPreCommand, MOD_RESULT, (command, command_p, user, false, cmd));

		 * This double lookup is in case a module (abbreviation) wishes to change a command.
		 * Sure, the double lookup is a bit painful, but bear in mind this only happens for unknowns anyway.
		 * Thanks dz for making me actually understand why this is necessary!
		 * -- w00t
		handler = GetHandler(command);
		if (!handler)
			if (user->registered == REG_ALL)
				user->WriteNumeric(ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, "%s :Unknown command",command.c_str());

	// If we were given more parameters than max_params then append the excess parameter(s)
	// to command_p[maxparams-1], i.e. to the last param that is still allowed
	if (handler->max_params && command_p.size() > handler->max_params)
		 * command_p input (assuming max_params 1):
		 *	this
		 *	is
		 *	a
		 *	test

		// Iterator to the last parameter that will be kept
		const std::vector<std::string>::iterator lastkeep = command_p.begin() + (handler->max_params - 1);
		// Iterator to the first excess parameter
		const std::vector<std::string>::iterator firstexcess = lastkeep + 1;

		// Append all excess parameter(s) to the last parameter, seperated by spaces
		for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = firstexcess; i != command_p.end(); ++i)
			lastkeep->push_back(' ');

		// Erase the excess parameter(s)
		command_p.erase(firstexcess, command_p.end());

	 * We call OnPreCommand here seperately if the command exists, so the magic above can
	 * truncate to max_params if necessary. -- w00t
	ModResult MOD_RESULT;
	FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnPreCommand, MOD_RESULT, (command, command_p, user, false, cmd));

	/* activity resets the ping pending timer */
	user->nping = ServerInstance->Time() + user->MyClass->GetPingTime();

	if (handler->flags_needed)
		if (!user->IsModeSet(handler->flags_needed))
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, ":Permission Denied - You do not have the required operator privileges");

		if (!user->HasPermission(command))
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, ":Permission Denied - Oper type %s does not have access to command %s",
				user->oper->name.c_str(), command.c_str());

	if ((user->registered == REG_ALL) && (!user->IsOper()) && (handler->IsDisabled()))
		/* command is disabled! */
		if (ServerInstance->Config->DisabledDontExist)
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, "%s :Unknown command", command.c_str());
			user->WriteNumeric(ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, "%s :This command has been disabled.", command.c_str());

		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "%s denied for %s (%s@%s)",
				command.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), user->ident.c_str(), user->host.c_str());

	if ((!command_p.empty()) && (command_p.back().empty()) && (!handler->allow_empty_last_param))

	if (command_p.size() < handler->min_params)
		user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, "%s :Not enough parameters.", command.c_str());
		if ((ServerInstance->Config->SyntaxHints) && (user->registered == REG_ALL) && (handler->syntax.length()))
			user->WriteNumeric(RPL_SYNTAX, ":SYNTAX %s %s", handler->name.c_str(), handler->syntax.c_str());

	if ((user->registered != REG_ALL) && (!handler->WorksBeforeReg()))
		user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOTREGISTERED, "%s :You have not registered",command.c_str());
		/* passed all checks.. first, do the (ugly) stats counters. */

		/* module calls too */
		FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnPreCommand, MOD_RESULT, (command, command_p, user, true, cmd));

		 * WARNING: be careful, the user may be deleted soon
		CmdResult result = handler->Handle(command_p, user);

		FOREACH_MOD(OnPostCommand, (handler, command_p, user, result, cmd));
Exemple #2
void TreeSocket::ProcessConnectedLine(std::string& prefix, std::string& command, parameterlist& params)
	User* who = FindSource(prefix, command);
	if (!who)
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Command '%s' from unknown prefix '%s'! Dropping entire command.", command.c_str(), prefix.c_str());

	 * Check for fake direction here, and drop any instances that are found.
	 * What is fake direction? Imagine the following server setup:
	 *    0AA <-> 0AB <-> 0AC
	 * Fake direction would be 0AC sending a message to 0AB claiming to be from
	 * 0AA, or something similar. Basically, a message taking a path that *cannot*
	 * be correct.
	 * When would this be seen?
	 * Well, hopefully never. It could be caused by race conditions, bugs, or
	 * "miscreant" servers, though, so let's check anyway. -- w
	 * We also check here for totally invalid prefixes (prefixes that are neither
	 * a valid SID or a valid UUID, so that invalid UUID or SID never makes it
	 * to the higher level functions. -- B
	TreeServer* const server = TreeServer::Get(who);
	if (server->GetSocket() != this)
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Protocol violation: Fake direction '%s' from connection '%s'", prefix.c_str(), linkID.c_str());

	// Translate commands coming from servers using an older protocol
	if (proto_version < ProtocolVersion)
		if (!PreProcessOldProtocolMessage(who, command, params))

	ServerCommand* scmd = Utils->Creator->CmdManager.GetHandler(command);
	CommandBase* cmdbase = scmd;
	Command* cmd = NULL;
	if (!scmd)
		// Not a special server-to-server command
		cmd = ServerInstance->Parser.GetHandler(command);
		if (!cmd)
			if (command == "ERROR")

			throw ProtocolException("Unknown command");
		cmdbase = cmd;

	if (params.size() < cmdbase->min_params)
		throw ProtocolException("Insufficient parameters");

	if ((!params.empty()) && (params.back().empty()) && (!cmdbase->allow_empty_last_param))
		// the last param is empty and the command handler doesn't allow that, check if there will be enough params if we drop the last
		if (params.size()-1 < cmdbase->min_params)

	CmdResult res;
	if (scmd)
		res = scmd->Handle(who, params);
		res = cmd->Handle(params, who);
		if (res == CMD_INVALID)
			throw ProtocolException("Error in command handler");

	if (res == CMD_SUCCESS)
		Utils->RouteCommand(server->GetRoute(), cmdbase, params, who);
Exemple #3
void TreeSocket::ProcessConnectedLine(std::string& prefix, std::string& command, parameterlist& params)
	User* who = ServerInstance->FindUUID(prefix);
	std::string direction;

	if (!who)
		TreeServer* ServerSource = Utils->FindServer(prefix);
		if (prefix.empty())
			ServerSource = MyRoot;

		if (ServerSource)
			who = ServerSource->ServerUser;
			/* It is important that we don't close the link here, unknown prefix can occur
			 * due to various race conditions such as the KILL message for a user somehow
			 * crossing the users QUIT further upstream from the server. Thanks jilles!

			if ((prefix.length() == UIDGenerator::UUID_LENGTH) && (isdigit(prefix[0])) &&
				((command == "FMODE") || (command == "MODE") || (command == "KICK") || (command == "TOPIC") || (command == "KILL") || (command == "ADDLINE") || (command == "DELLINE")))
				/* Special case, we cannot drop these commands as they've been committed already on a
				 * part of the network by the time we receive them, so in this scenario pretend the
				 * command came from a server to avoid desync.

				who = ServerInstance->FindUUID(prefix.substr(0, 3));
				if (!who)
					who = this->MyRoot->ServerUser;
				ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Command '%s' from unknown prefix '%s'! Dropping entire command.",
					command.c_str(), prefix.c_str());

	// Make sure prefix is still good
	direction = who->server;
	prefix = who->uuid;

	 * Check for fake direction here, and drop any instances that are found.
	 * What is fake direction? Imagine the following server setup:
	 *    0AA <-> 0AB <-> 0AC
	 * Fake direction would be 0AC sending a message to 0AB claiming to be from
	 * 0AA, or something similar. Basically, a message taking a path that *cannot*
	 * be correct.
	 * When would this be seen?
	 * Well, hopefully never. It could be caused by race conditions, bugs, or
	 * "miscreant" servers, though, so let's check anyway. -- w
	 * We also check here for totally invalid prefixes (prefixes that are neither
	 * a valid SID or a valid UUID, so that invalid UUID or SID never makes it
	 * to the higher level functions. -- B
	TreeServer* route_back_again = Utils->BestRouteTo(direction);
	if ((!route_back_again) || (route_back_again->GetSocket() != this))
		if (route_back_again)
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Protocol violation: Fake direction '%s' from connection '%s'",

	// Translate commands coming from servers using an older protocol
	if (proto_version < ProtocolVersion)
		if (!PreProcessOldProtocolMessage(who, command, params))

	ServerCommand* scmd = Utils->Creator->CmdManager.GetHandler(command);
	CommandBase* cmdbase = scmd;
	Command* cmd;
	if (!scmd)
		// Not a special server-to-server command
		cmd = ServerInstance->Parser->GetHandler(command);
		if (!cmd)
			irc::stringjoiner pmlist(params);
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_SPARSE, "Unrecognised S2S command :%s %s %s",
				who->uuid.c_str(), command.c_str(), pmlist.GetJoined().c_str());
			SendError("Unrecognised command '" + command + "' -- possibly loaded mismatched modules");
		cmdbase = cmd;

	if (params.size() < cmdbase->min_params)
		irc::stringjoiner pmlist(params);
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_SPARSE, "Insufficient parameters for S2S command :%s %s %s",
			who->uuid.c_str(), command.c_str(), pmlist.GetJoined().c_str());
		SendError("Insufficient parameters for command '" + command + "'");

	if ((!params.empty()) && (params.back().empty()) && (!cmdbase->allow_empty_last_param))
		// the last param is empty and the command handler doesn't allow that, check if there will be enough params if we drop the last
		if (params.size()-1 < cmdbase->min_params)

	CmdResult res;
	if (scmd)
		res = scmd->Handle(who, params);
		res = cmd->Handle(params, who);

	if (res == CMD_INVALID)
		irc::stringjoiner pmlist(params);
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_SPARSE, "Error handling S2S command :%s %s %s",
			who->uuid.c_str(), command.c_str(), pmlist.GetJoined().c_str());
		SendError("Error handling '" + command + "' -- possibly loaded mismatched modules");
	else if (res == CMD_SUCCESS)
		Utils->RouteCommand(route_back_again, cmdbase, params, who);
Exemple #4
void TreeSocket::ProcessConnectedLine(std::string& prefix, std::string& command, parameterlist& params)
	User* who = ServerInstance->FindUUID(prefix);
	std::string direction;

	if (!who)
		TreeServer* ServerSource = Utils->FindServer(prefix);
		if (prefix.empty())
			ServerSource = MyRoot;

		if (ServerSource)
			who = ServerSource->ServerUser;
			/* It is important that we don't close the link here, unknown prefix can occur
			 * due to various race conditions such as the KILL message for a user somehow
			 * crossing the users QUIT further upstream from the server. Thanks jilles!

			if ((prefix.length() == UUID_LENGTH-1) && (isdigit(prefix[0])) &&
				((command == "FMODE") || (command == "MODE") || (command == "KICK") || (command == "TOPIC") || (command == "KILL") || (command == "ADDLINE") || (command == "DELLINE")))
				/* Special case, we cannot drop these commands as they've been committed already on a
				 * part of the network by the time we receive them, so in this scenario pretend the
				 * command came from a server to avoid desync.

				who = ServerInstance->FindUUID(prefix.substr(0, 3));
				if (!who)
					who = this->MyRoot->ServerUser;
				ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_spanningtree", DEBUG, "Command '%s' from unknown prefix '%s'! Dropping entire command.",
					command.c_str(), prefix.c_str());

	// Make sure prefix is still good
	direction = who->server;
	prefix = who->uuid;

	 * Check for fake direction here, and drop any instances that are found.
	 * What is fake direction? Imagine the following server setup:
	 *    0AA <-> 0AB <-> 0AC
	 * Fake direction would be 0AC sending a message to 0AB claiming to be from
	 * 0AA, or something similar. Basically, a message taking a path that *cannot*
	 * be correct.
	 * When would this be seen?
	 * Well, hopefully never. It could be caused by race conditions, bugs, or
	 * "miscreant" servers, though, so let's check anyway. -- w
	 * We also check here for totally invalid prefixes (prefixes that are neither
	 * a valid SID or a valid UUID, so that invalid UUID or SID never makes it
	 * to the higher level functions. -- B
	TreeServer* route_back_again = Utils->BestRouteTo(direction);
	if ((!route_back_again) || (route_back_again->GetSocket() != this))
		if (route_back_again)
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_spanningtree",DEBUG,"Protocol violation: Fake direction '%s' from connection '%s'",

	 * First up, check for any malformed commands (e.g. MODE without a timestamp)
	 * and rewrite commands where necessary (SVSMODE -> MODE for services). -- w
	if (command == "SVSMODE") // This isn't in an "else if" so we still force FMODE for changes on channels.
		command = "MODE";

	// TODO move all this into Commands
	if (command == "MAP")
		Utils->Creator->HandleMap(params, who);
	else if (command == "SERVER")
	else if (command == "ERROR")
	else if (command == "AWAY")
	else if (command == "PING")
	else if (command == "PONG")
		TreeServer *s = Utils->FindServer(prefix);
		if (s && s->bursting)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('l',"Server \002%s\002 has not finished burst, forcing end of burst (send ENDBURST!)", prefix.c_str());
	else if (command == "VERSION")
	else if (command == "ADDLINE")
	else if (command == "DELLINE")
	else if (command == "SAVE")
	else if (command == "OPERQUIT")
	else if (command == "IDLE")
	else if (command == "PUSH")
	else if (command == "SQUIT")
		if (params.size() == 2)
	else if (command == "SNONOTICE")
		if (params.size() >= 2)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask(params[0][0], "From " + who->nick + ": "+ params[1]);
			params[1] = ":" + params[1];
			Utils->DoOneToAllButSender(prefix, command, params, prefix);
	else if (command == "BURST")
		// Set prefix server as bursting
		TreeServer* ServerSource = Utils->FindServer(prefix);
		if (!ServerSource)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('l', "WTF: Got BURST from a non-server(?): %s", prefix.c_str());

		ServerSource->bursting = true;
		Utils->DoOneToAllButSender(prefix, command, params, prefix);
	else if (command == "ENDBURST")
		TreeServer* ServerSource = Utils->FindServer(prefix);
		if (!ServerSource)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('l', "WTF: Got ENDBURST from a non-server(?): %s", prefix.c_str());

		Utils->DoOneToAllButSender(prefix, command, params, prefix);
	else if (command == "ENCAP")
		this->Encap(who, params);
	else if (command == "NICK")
		if (params.size() != 2)
			SendError("Protocol violation: Wrong number of parameters for NICK message");

		if (IS_SERVER(who))
			SendError("Protocol violation: Server changing nick");

		if ((isdigit(params[0][0])) && (params[0] != who->uuid))
			SendError("Protocol violation: User changing nick to an invalid UID - " + params[0]);

		/* Update timestamp on user when they change nicks */
		who->age = atoi(params[1].c_str());

		 * On nick messages, check that the nick doesnt already exist here.
		 * If it does, perform collision logic.
		User* x = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(params[0]);
		if ((x) && (x != who))
			int collideret = 0;
			/* x is local, who is remote */
			collideret = this->DoCollision(x, who->age, who->ident, who->GetIPString(), who->uuid);
			if (collideret != 1)
				 * Remote client lost, or both lost, parsing or passing on this
				 * nickchange would be pointless, as the incoming client's server will
				 * soon recieve SVSNICK to change its nick to its UID. :) -- w00t
		Utils->RouteCommand(route_back_again, command, params, who);
		Command* cmd = ServerInstance->Parser->GetHandler(command);

		if (!cmd)
			irc::stringjoiner pmlist(" ", params, 0, params.size() - 1);
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_spanningtree", SPARSE, "Unrecognised S2S command :%s %s %s",
				who->uuid.c_str(), command.c_str(), pmlist.GetJoined().c_str());
			SendError("Unrecognised command '" + command + "' -- possibly loaded mismatched modules");

		if (params.size() < cmd->min_params)
			irc::stringjoiner pmlist(" ", params, 0, params.size() - 1);
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_spanningtree", SPARSE, "Insufficient parameters for S2S command :%s %s %s",
				who->uuid.c_str(), command.c_str(), pmlist.GetJoined().c_str());
			SendError("Insufficient parameters for command '" + command + "'");

		if ((!params.empty()) && (params.back().empty()) && (!cmd->allow_empty_last_param))
			// the last param is empty and the command handler doesn't allow that, check if there will be enough params if we drop the last
			if (params.size()-1 < cmd->min_params)

		CmdResult res = cmd->Handle(params, who);

		if (res == CMD_INVALID)
			irc::stringjoiner pmlist(" ", params, 0, params.size() - 1);
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_spanningtree", SPARSE, "Error handling S2S command :%s %s %s",
				who->uuid.c_str(), command.c_str(), pmlist.GetJoined().c_str());
			SendError("Error handling '" + command + "' -- possibly loaded mismatched modules");
		else if (res == CMD_SUCCESS)
			Utils->RouteCommand(route_back_again, command, params, who);