void ContactsTreeWidget::loadContactList() { appInstance->logEvent("ContactsTreeWidget::loadContactList()", SEVERITY_DEBUG); GroupList *gl = appInstance->mUser->getGroupList(); ContactList *cl; ContactList::iterator c**t; GroupList::iterator glIt; appInstance->mainWindow->contactsTree->treeModel->clear(); for (glIt = gl->begin(); glIt != gl->end(); glIt++) { cl = glIt->second.contacts(); // prevent adding empty "Unauthorized" group if(glIt->first != GROUP_INDEX_NOT_AUTHORIZED || !cl->empty()) { appInstance->mainWindow->contactsTree->addGroup(glIt->first, glIt->second); } } for (glIt = gl->begin(); glIt != gl->end(); glIt++) { cl = glIt->second.contacts(); for(c**t = cl->begin(); c**t != cl->end(); c**t++) { appInstance->mainWindow->contactsTree->addContact(*c**t); } } appInstance->mainWindow->contactsTree->loadAvatars(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { const int Sentinel = 0; //The value 0 Exits the program if entered by the user. int input = 1; //Variable 'input' is where the value entered by the user is stored. string name; //This value stores the name of a contact. //It is meant to be instantiated by the askName() function ContactList clientList; cout << "This program is designed to maintain contact information" << endl; while(input != Sentinel) //Loop structure. Loop will only exit when 0 is entered. { menu(); //display menu and choices cin >> input; //User inputs a choice. Choice is saved in 'input' //Perform appropriate operation pending on the input value. if(input == 1) { cout <<"(Add Contact)"<< endl; clientList.addToHead(getContact()); } else if(input == 2) { if(clientList.empty()) { cout <<"Error:Cannot delete from empty contact list" << endl; } else { cout <<"(Delete Contact)" << endl; name = askName(); if(clientList.verify(name)) {clientList.delete_ByName(name);} else{ cout << "Error:Contact '" << name << "' not found in the contact list" << endl;} } } else if(input == 3) if(clientList.empty()) { cout <<"Error:Cannot display empty contact list" << endl; } else{ cout << "(Display all Contacts)"<< endl; clientList.displayList(); } else if(input == 4) if(clientList.empty()) { cout <<"Error:Cannot display specific contact from empty contact list" << endl; } else{ cout <<"(Display Specific Contact)"<< endl; name = askName(); if(clientList.verify(name)) {clientList.get_ByName(name)->display();} else {cout << "Error: Contact '" << name << "' not found in the contact list" << endl;} } } return 0; }