void CRoutingZone::WriteFile() { // don't overwrite a bootstrap nodes.dat with an empty one, if we didn't finished probing if (!CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.IsEmpty() && GetNumContacts() == 0){ DebugLogWarning(_T("Skipped storing nodes.dat, because we have an unfinished bootstrap of the nodes.dat version and no contacts in our routing table")); return; } try { // Write a saved contact list. CUInt128 uID; CSafeBufferedFile file; CFileException fexp; if (file.Open(m_sFilename, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fexp)) { setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768); // The bootstrap method gets a very nice sample of contacts to save. ContactList listContacts; GetBootstrapContacts(&listContacts, 200); // Start file with 0 to prevent older clients from reading it. file.WriteUInt32(0); // Now tag it with a version which happens to be 2 (1 till 0.48a). file.WriteUInt32(2); // file.WriteUInt32(0) // if we would use version >=3, this would mean that this is a normal nodes.dat file.WriteUInt32((uint32_t)listContacts.size()); for (ContactList::const_iterator itContactList = listContacts.begin(); itContactList != listContacts.end(); ++itContactList) { CContact* pContact = *itContactList; pContact->GetClientID(&uID); file.WriteUInt128(&uID); file.WriteUInt32(pContact->GetIPAddress()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetUDPPort()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetTCPPort()); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->GetVersion()); pContact->GetUDPKey().StoreToFile(file); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->IsIpVerified() ? 1 : 0); } file.Close(); AddDebugLogLine( false, _T("Wrote %ld contact%s to file."), listContacts.size(), ((listContacts.size() == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"))); } else DebugLogError(_T("Unable to store Kad file: %s"), m_sFilename); } catch (CFileException* e) { e->Delete(); AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("CFileException in CRoutingZone::writeFile")); } }
uint32 CRoutingZone::GetBootstrapContacts(ContactList *plistResult, uint32 uMaxRequired) { ASSERT(m_pSuperZone == NULL); plistResult->clear(); uint32 uRetVal = 0; try { ContactList top; TopDepth(LOG_BASE_EXPONENT, &top); if (top.size() > 0) { for (ContactList::const_iterator itContactList = top.begin(); itContactList != top.end(); ++itContactList) { plistResult->push_back(*itContactList); uRetVal++; if (uRetVal == uMaxRequired) break; } } } catch (...) { AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Exception in CRoutingZone::getBoostStrapContacts")); } return uRetVal; }
void CRoutingZone::WriteFile() { try { // Write a saved contact list. CUInt128 uID; //CSafeBufferedFile file; CBufferedFileIO file; CFileException fexp; if (file.Open(m_sFilename, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fexp)) { setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768); // The bootstrap method gets a very nice sample of contacts to save. ContactList listContacts; GetBootstrapContacts(&listContacts, 200); // Start file with 0 to prevent older clients from reading it. file.WriteUInt32(0); // Now tag it with a version which happens to be 1. file.WriteUInt32(1); file.WriteUInt32((uint32)listContacts.size()); for (ContactList::const_iterator itContactList = listContacts.begin(); itContactList != listContacts.end(); ++itContactList) { CContact* pContact = *itContactList; pContact->GetClientID(&uID); file.WriteUInt128(&uID); file.WriteUInt32(pContact->GetIPAddress()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetUDPPort()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetTCPPort()); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->GetVersion()); } file.Close(); //AddDebugLogLine( false, _T("Wrote %ld contact%s to file."), listContacts.size(), ((listContacts.size() == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"))); TRACE(_T("Wrote %ld contact%s to file.\n"), listContacts.size(), ((listContacts.size() == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"))); } } catch (CFileException* e) { e->Delete(); AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("CFileException in CRoutingZone::writeFile")); } }
uint32_t CRoutingZone::GetBootstrapContacts(ContactList *results, uint32_t maxRequired) const { ASSERT(m_superZone == NULL); results->clear(); uint32_t count = 0; ContactList top; TopDepth(LOG_BASE_EXPONENT, &top); if (top.size() > 0) { for (ContactList::const_iterator it = top.begin(); it != top.end(); ++it) { results->push_back(*it); count++; if (count == maxRequired) { break; } } } return count; }
void LinkDoodService::onContactListChanged(int oper,ContactList contacts) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO <<"contact size111111111111111111:" << contacts.size(); emit contactListChanged(oper,contacts); }