Exemple #1
	Fetch the next operator during a reverse sweep.

	Use reverse_start to initialize to reverse play back.
	The first call to reverse_next (after reverse_start) will give the 
	last operator in the recording.
	We use the notation reverse_routine to denote the set
	reverse_start, reverse_next, reverse_csum, reverse_cskip.

	\param op [in,out]
	The input value of \c op must be its output value from the 
	previous call to a reverse_routine.
	Its output value is the next operator in the recording (in reverse order).
	The last operator sets op equal to EndOp.

	\param op_arg [in,out]
	The input value of \c op_arg must be its output value from the 
	previous call to a reverse_routine.
	Its output value is the
	beginning of the vector of argument indices for this operation.
	The last operator sets op_arg equal to the beginning of the 
	argument indices for the entire recording.
	For speed, \c reverse_next does not check for the special cases
	<tt>op == CSumOp</tt> or <tt>op == CSkipOp</tt>. In these cases, the other
	return values from \c reverse_next must be corrected by a call to 
	\c reverse_csum or \c reverse_cskip respectively.

	\param op_index [in,out]
	The input value of \c op_index must be its output value from the 
	previous call to a reverse_routine.
	Its output value
	is the index of this operator in the recording. Thus the output
	value following the previous call to reverse_start is equal to 
	the number of variables in the recording minus one.
	In addition, the output value decreases by one with each call to
	The last operator sets op_index equal to 0.

	\param var_index [in,out]
	The input value of \c var_index must be its output value from the 
	previous call to a reverse_routine.
	Its output value is the
	index of the primary (last) result corresponding to the operator op.
	The last operator sets var_index equal to 0 (corresponding to BeginOp
	at beginning of operation sequence).
	void reverse_next(
	OpCode& op, const addr_t*& op_arg, size_t& op_index, size_t& var_index)
	{	using CppAD::NumRes;
		using CppAD::NumArg;
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_       == op );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_arg    == op_arg_ );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_index  == op_index_ );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_index == var_index_ );

		// index of the last result for the next operator
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_index_ >= NumRes(op_) );
		var_index   = var_index_ -= NumRes(op_);

		// next operator
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_index_  > 0 );
		op_index    = --op_index_;                                  // index
		op          = op_         = OpCode( op_rec_[ op_index_ ] ); // value

		// first argument for next operator
		op_arg      = op_arg_    -= NumArg(op);
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_arg_rec_.data() <= op_arg_ );
			op_arg_ + NumArg(op) <= op_arg_rec_.data() + op_arg_rec_.size() 
Exemple #2
	Fetch the next operator during a forward sweep.

	Use forward_start to initialize to the first operator; i.e.,
	the BeginOp at the beginning of the recording. 
	We use the notation forward_routine to denote the set
	forward_start, forward_next, forward_csum, forward_cskip.

	\param op [in,out]
	The input value of \c op must be its output value from the 
	previous call to a forward_routine.
	Its output value is the next operator in the recording.
	For speed, \c forward_next does not check for the special cases
	where  <tt>op == CSumOp</tt> or <tt>op == CSkipOp</tt>. In these cases, 
	the other return values from \c forward_next must be corrected by a call 
	to \c forward_csum or \c forward_cskip respectively.

	\param op_arg [in,out]
	The input value of \c op_arg must be its output value form the
	previous call to a forward routine. 
	Its output value is the
	beginning of the vector of argument indices for this operation.

	\param op_index [in,out]
	The input value of \c op_index must be its output value form the
	previous call to a forward routine. 
	Its output value is the index of the next operator in the recording. 
	Thus the ouput value following the previous call to forward_start is one.
	In addition,
	the output value increases by one with each call to forward_next. 

	\param var_index [in,out]
	The input value of \c var_index must be its output value form the
	previous call to a forward routine. 
	Its output value is the
	index of the primary (last) result corresponding to the operator op.
	void forward_next(
	OpCode& op, const addr_t*& op_arg, size_t& op_index, size_t& var_index)
	{	using CppAD::NumRes;
		using CppAD::NumArg;
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_       == op );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_arg    == op_arg_ );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_index  == op_index_ );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_index == var_index_ );

		// index for the next operator 
		op_index    = ++op_index_;

		// first argument for next operator 
		op_arg      = op_arg_    += NumArg(op_);

		// next operator
		op          = op_         = OpCode( op_rec_[ op_index_ ] );

		// index for last result for next operator
		var_index   = var_index_ += NumRes(op);

		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_arg_rec_.data() <= op_arg_ );
			op_arg_ + NumArg(op) <= op_arg_rec_.data() + op_arg_rec_.size() 
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_index_  < num_var_rec_ );
Exemple #3
	void next_reverse(
	OpCode& op, const addr_t*& op_arg, size_t& op_index, size_t& var_index)
	{	using CppAD::NumRes;
		using CppAD::NumArg;

		// index of the last result for the next operator
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_index_ >= NumRes(op_) );
		var_index   = var_index_ -= NumRes(op_);

		// next operator
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_index_  > 0 );
		op_index    = --op_index_;                                  // index
		op          = op_         = OpCode( rec_op_[ op_index_ ] ); // value

		// first argument for next operator
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_arg_ >= NumArg(op)  );
		op_arg_    -= NumArg(op);                            // index
		op_arg      = op_arg_ + rec_op_arg_.data();          // pointer
Exemple #4
	void next_forward(
	OpCode& op, const addr_t*& op_arg, size_t& op_index, size_t& var_index)
	{	using CppAD::NumRes;
		using CppAD::NumArg;

		// index for the next operator 
		op_index    = ++op_index_;

		// first argument for next operator 
		op_arg_    += NumArg(op_);                   // index
		op_arg      = op_arg_ + rec_op_arg_.data();  // pointer

		// next operator
		op          = op_         = OpCode( rec_op_[ op_index_ ] );

		// index for last result for next operator
		var_index   = var_index_ += NumRes(op);

		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op_arg_ + NumArg(op) <= rec_op_arg_.size() );
		CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_index_  < num_rec_var_ );