STDMETHODIMP CContextMenu::MenuMessageHandler(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *plResult) { TRACE("CContextMenu::MenuMessageHandler()"); CRASH_PROTECT_START; switch (uMsg) { case WM_MEASUREITEM: { LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT itemInfo = (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam; MatroskaAttachmentMenuItem *currentAttachmentStruct = (MatroskaAttachmentMenuItem *)itemInfo->itemData; MatroskaAttachmentItem *currentAttachment = currentAttachmentStruct->attachmentSource; if (currentAttachment != NULL) { // An image attachment CxImage *attachedImage = currentAttachment->GetCxImage(); if (attachedImage != NULL) { //TCHAR track_txt[256]; //_sntprintf(track_txt, 255, _T("%i x %i, %i bits"), attachedImage->GetWidth(), attachedImage->GetHeight(), attachedImage->GetBpp()); ModifyMenuA(currentAttachmentStruct->hmAttachmentItem, currentAttachmentStruct->uIDNewItem, MF_STRING|MF_BYCOMMAND, currentAttachmentStruct->uIDNewItem, currentAttachment->GetImageInfo().c_str()); SIZE correctSize = SmartResize(attachedImage->GetWidth(), attachedImage->GetHeight(), 100, 100); attachedImage->Resample(,, MatroskaShellExt_GetRegistryValue(_T("ThumbnailResizeMethod"), 0)); itemInfo->itemWidth =; itemInfo->itemHeight =; } } break; } case WM_DRAWITEM: { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT itemInfo = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; MatroskaAttachmentMenuItem *currentAttachmentStruct = (MatroskaAttachmentMenuItem *)itemInfo->itemData; MatroskaAttachmentItem *currentAttachment = currentAttachmentStruct->attachmentSource; if (currentAttachment != NULL) { // An image attachment CxImage *attachedImage = currentAttachment->GetCxImage(); if (attachedImage != NULL) { long leftPos = (itemInfo->rcItem.right - itemInfo->rcItem.left - attachedImage->GetWidth()) / 2 + itemInfo->rcItem.left; long topPos = itemInfo->; attachedImage->Draw(itemInfo->hDC, leftPos, topPos); } } break; } } CRASH_PROTECT_END; return S_OK; };
bool SmtSmfRasLayer::Fetch(eSmtFetchType type) { if (!IsOpen()) return false; char szImgUrl[MAX_LAYER_FILE_NAME]; SmtDataSourceInfo info; m_pOwnerDs->GetInfo(info); sprintf(szImgUrl,"%s",m_szLayerFileName); long lCodeType = GetImageTypeByFileExt(m_szLayerFileName); CxImage img; if (img.Load(szImgUrl,lCodeType)) { BYTE *pImageBuf = NULL; long lImageBufSize = 0; fRect fLocRect; m_pMemLayer->GetRasterRect(fLocRect); fLocRect.rt.y = + fLocRect.Width()*img.GetHeight()/img.GetWidth(); if (img.Encode(pImageBuf,lImageBufSize,lCodeType)) { return (SMT_ERR_NONE == m_pMemLayer->CreaterRaster((const char *)pImageBuf,lImageBufSize,fLocRect,lCodeType)); } } return false; }
bool IGFrameManager::Cut(LPCWSTR pcwGuid) { IGSmartPtr <IGFrame> spFrame; if (!GetFrame(pcwGuid, spFrame)) return false; CxImage *pCxLayer = spFrame->GetWorkingLayer(); if (!pCxLayer) return false; RECT rcSel; if (pCxLayer->SelectionIsValid()) pCxLayer->SelectionGetBox (rcSel); else{ rcSel.bottom = 0; rcSel.left = 0; = pCxLayer->GetHeight(); rcSel.right = pCxLayer->GetWidth(); } m_spClipboardLayer = new IGLayer(NULL); m_spClipboardLayer->Create (rcSel.right - rcSel.left, - rcSel.bottom, 24); m_spClipboardLayer->AlphaCreate(); pCxLayer->AlphaCreate(); RGBQUAD qGray; qGray.rgbBlue = CXIMAGE_GRAY; qGray.rgbGreen = CXIMAGE_GRAY; qGray.rgbRed = CXIMAGE_GRAY; for(long y=rcSel.bottom; y<; y++){ for(long x=rcSel.left; x<rcSel.right; x++){ if (pCxLayer->BlindSelectionIsInside(x,y)){ m_spClipboardLayer->BlindSetPixelColor(x - rcSel.left, y - rcSel.bottom, pCxLayer->BlindGetPixelColor(x,y)); pCxLayer->BlindSetPixelColor(x, y, qGray); pCxLayer->AlphaSet(x, y, 0); } else m_spClipboardLayer->AlphaSet (x - rcSel.left, y - rcSel.bottom, 0); } } return true; }
void CCaptchaGenerator::ReGenerateCaptcha(uint32 nLetterCount) { Clear(); CxImage* pimgResult = new CxImage(nLetterCount > 1 ? (LETTERSIZE + (nLetterCount-1)*CROWDEDSIZE) : LETTERSIZE, 32, 1, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); pimgResult->SetPaletteColor(0, 255, 255, 255); pimgResult->SetPaletteColor(1, 0, 0, 0, 0); pimgResult->Clear(); CxImage imgBlank(LETTERSIZE, LETTERSIZE, 1, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); imgBlank.SetPaletteColor(0, 255, 255, 255); imgBlank.SetPaletteColor(1, 0, 0, 0, 0); imgBlank.Clear(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < nLetterCount; i++) { CxImage imgLetter(imgBlank); CString strLetter(schCaptchaContent[GetRandomUInt16() % ARRSIZE(schCaptchaContent)]); m_strCaptchaText += strLetter; uint16 nRandomSize = GetRandomUInt16() % 10; uint16 nRandomOffset = 3 + GetRandomUInt16() % 11; imgLetter.DrawString(NULL, nRandomOffset, 32, strLetter, imgLetter.RGBtoRGBQUAD(RGB(0, 0, 0)), _T("Arial"), 40 - nRandomSize, 1000); //imgLetter.DrawTextA(NULL, nRandomOffset, 32, strLetter, imgLetter.RGBtoRGBQUAD(RGB(0, 0, 0)), "Arial", 40 - nRandomSize, 1000); float fRotate = (float)(35 - (GetRandomUInt16() % 70)); imgLetter.Rotate2(fRotate, NULL, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_BACKGROUND, 0, false, true); uint32 nOffset = i * CROWDEDSIZE; ASSERT( imgLetter.GetHeight() == pimgResult->GetHeight() && pimgResult->GetWidth() >= nOffset + imgLetter.GetWidth() ); for (uint32 j = 0; j < imgLetter.GetHeight(); j++) for (uint32 k = 0; k < imgLetter.GetWidth(); k++) if (pimgResult->GetPixelIndex(nOffset + k, j) != 1) pimgResult->SetPixelIndex(nOffset + k, j, imgLetter.GetPixelIndex(k, j)); } pimgResult->Jitter(1); //pimgResult->Save("D:\\CaptchaTest.bmp", CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); m_pimgCaptcha = pimgResult; }
bool CPicShowCtrl::SaveFile(CString strPath) { int width=180; int height=180; CPaintDC dc(this); CxImage img; img.CreateFromHBITMAP(m_hBmp); CBitmap bitmapmem; CBitmap *pOldBit; CDC m_pMemDC; m_pMemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc); bitmapmem.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, width, height); pOldBit=m_pMemDC.SelectObject(&bitmapmem); CRect rect(0,0,width,height); HBRUSH bgBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,255)); FillRect(m_pMemDC,&rect,bgBrush); DeleteObject(bgBrush); img.Draw(m_pMemDC,m_iStartx,m_iStarty,img.GetWidth(),img.GetHeight(),&rect); CBitmap* pBmp=m_pMemDC.SelectObject(pOldBit); CxImage xImagebmp; xImagebmp.CreateFromHBITMAP((HBITMAP)bitmapmem.m_hObject); xImagebmp.Resample(100,100,0); bitmapmem.DeleteObject(); m_pMemDC.DeleteDC(); if(xImagebmp.Save(common::utility::stringhelper::UnicodeToAscii(strPath.GetBuffer()).c_str(), CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG)) { return true; } return false; }
int ResampleKeepAspect(CxImage &image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { bool bResize = false; float fAspect = ((float)image.GetWidth()) / ((float)image.GetHeight()); unsigned int newwidth = image.GetWidth(); unsigned int newheight = image.GetHeight(); if (newwidth > width) { bResize = true; newwidth = width; newheight = (DWORD)( ( (float)newwidth) / fAspect); } if (newheight > height) { bResize = true; newheight = height; newwidth = (DWORD)( fAspect * ( (float)newheight) ); } if (bResize) { if (!image.Resample(newwidth, newheight, RESAMPLE_QUALITY) || !image.IsValid()) { printf("PICTURE::SaveThumb: Unable to resample picture: Error:%s\n", image.GetLastError()); return -1; } } return bResize ? 1 : 0; }
bool CxImageIG::decodeSubLayer (CxFile& file, IGLibrary::IGLayer *pSubLayerOwner, IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSection) { CxImage cxSubLayer; if (!file.Seek (pLayerSection->commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "decodeSubLayer", "file.Seek failed"); // read sub-layer pixels BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf]; file.Read (pBufImg, pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1); if (!cxSubLayer.Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "decodeSubLayer", "cxSubLayer.Decode failed"); delete [] pBufImg; // read sub-layer alpha cxSubLayer.AlphaCreate (255); file.Read (cxSubLayer.pAlpha, cxSubLayer.GetWidth() * cxSubLayer.GetHeight(), 1); // decode sub-layer into layer BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < pLayerSection->ptSize.y; i++) { pSubLayerBits = cxSubLayer.GetBits (i); pLayerBits = pSubLayerOwner->GetBits (pLayerSection->ptOffset.y + i) + 3 * pLayerSection->ptOffset.x; ::memcpy (pLayerBits, pSubLayerBits, (pLayerSection->ptSize.x) * 3); } BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < (pLayerSection->ptSize.y); i++) { pLayerAlpha = pSubLayerOwner->AlphaGetPointer (pLayerSection->ptOffset.x, pLayerSection->ptOffset.y + i); pSubLayerAlpha = cxSubLayer.AlphaGetPointer (0, i); ::memcpy (pLayerAlpha, pSubLayerAlpha, (pLayerSection->ptSize.x)); } return true; }
HBITMAP FrameBitmap(HBITMAP hBmp, COLORREF clrInColor, COLORREF clrOutColor, UINT inLineWidth, UINT outLineWidth) { CxImage ximage; ximage.CreateFromHBITMAP(hBmp); ximage.IncreaseBpp(24); UINT totalWidth = inLineWidth + outLineWidth; if (totalWidth == 0) return ximage.MakeBitmap(); LONG newWidth = ximage.GetWidth() + totalWidth * 2; LONG newHeight = ximage.GetHeight() + totalWidth * 2; RGBQUAD expandClr; expandClr.rgbBlue = GetBValue(clrInColor); expandClr.rgbGreen = GetGValue(clrInColor); expandClr.rgbRed = GetRValue(clrInColor); expandClr.rgbReserved = 0; ximage.Expand(newWidth, newHeight, expandClr); ximage.DrawLine(1, (newWidth - 1), 1, 1, clrOutColor); ximage.DrawLine(1, 1, 1, (newHeight - 1), clrOutColor); ximage.DrawLine((newWidth - 1), (newWidth - 1), 1, (newHeight - 1), clrOutColor); ximage.DrawLine((newWidth - 1), 1, (newHeight - 1), (newHeight - 1), clrOutColor); return ximage.MakeBitmap(); }
__declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImage(const char *file, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info) { if (!file || !info) return false; if (IsDir(file)) return false; // load the image DWORD dwImageType = GetImageType(file); CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType); if (!image) return false; int actualwidth = maxwidth; int actualheight = maxheight; try { if (!image->Load(file, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight) || !image->IsValid()) { #if !defined(_LINUX) && !defined(__APPLE__) int nErr = GetLastError(); #else int nErr = errno; #endif printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: %s Error:%s (%d)\n", file, image->GetLastError(),nErr); delete image; return false; } } catch (...) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: %s\n", file); delete image; return false; } // ok, now resample the image down if necessary if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture: %s\n", file); delete image; return false; } // make sure our image is 24bit minimum image->IncreaseBpp(24); // fill in our struct info->width = image->GetWidth(); info->height = image->GetHeight(); info->originalwidth = actualwidth; info->originalheight = actualheight; memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO)); // create our texture info->context = image; info->texture = image->GetBits(); info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits(); return (info->texture != NULL); };
int ResampleKeepAspectArea(CxImage &image, unsigned int area) { float fAspect = ((float)image.GetWidth()) / ((float)image.GetHeight()); unsigned int width = (unsigned int)sqrt(area * fAspect); unsigned int height = (unsigned int)sqrt(area / fAspect); if (width > MAX_WIDTH) width = MAX_WIDTH; if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) height = MAX_HEIGHT; return ResampleKeepAspect(image, width, height, true); }
BOOL CSonicImage::Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize) { if(m_gif.LoadGif(hGlobal, dwSize) == 1) { if(PrepareMemDC(m_gif.GetWidth(), m_gif.GetHeight()) == FALSE) { m_gif.Clear(); return FALSE; } m_gif.Draw(m_Dib.GetSafeHdc()); } else { BYTE * pData = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hGlobal); CxImage img; img.Decode(pData, dwSize, 0); GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); if(PrepareMemDC(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) == FALSE) { img.Clear(); return FALSE; } if(!img.AlphaIsValid()) { img.Draw(m_Dib.GetSafeHdc()); CSSE::DoOr(0xff000000, m_Dib.GetBits(), m_Dib.GetSize()); } else { if(img.GetBpp() != 24) { img.Clear(); return FALSE; } BYTE * pSrc = img.GetBits(); BYTE * pAlpha = img.AlphaGetBits(); BYTE * pMyBits = m_Dib.GetBits(); int nLineTail = m_nWidth % 4; for(int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < m_nWidth; j++) { *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pAlpha++; } pSrc += nLineTail; } EnableAlphaChannel(); } img.Clear(); } return TRUE; }
bool CxImageIG::writeSelection (CxFile& file, IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION& selectionSection, CxImage& layer, bool bOneMemoryBlock) { // write selection data if (!file.Seek (selectionSection.commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "writeSelection", "file.Seek failed"); // extracting rect selection BYTE *pFromSelection = layer.SelectionGetPointer(selectionSection.rcSelection.left, selectionSection.rcSelection.bottom); BYTE *pSelection = new BYTE [(selectionSection.rcSelection.right - selectionSection.rcSelection.left + 1) * ( - selectionSection.rcSelection.bottom + 1)]; if (!pFromSelection) { ::ZeroMemory (pSelection, (selectionSection.rcSelection.right - selectionSection.rcSelection.left + 1) * ( - selectionSection.rcSelection.bottom + 1)); } else { BYTE *pDstSelection = pSelection; if (bOneMemoryBlock) { ::memcpy (pDstSelection, pFromSelection, (selectionSection.rcSelection.right - selectionSection.rcSelection.left + 1) * - selectionSection.rcSelection.bottom + 1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < - selectionSection.rcSelection.bottom + 1; i++) { ::memcpy (pDstSelection, pFromSelection, selectionSection.rcSelection.right - selectionSection.rcSelection.left + 1); pFromSelection += layer.GetWidth(); pDstSelection += selectionSection.rcSelection.right - selectionSection.rcSelection.left + 1; } } } // compressing data BYTE *pSelectionZipped = NULL; unsigned long ulSelectionZippedSize = IGPacker::gzipCompress (pSelection, (selectionSection.rcSelection.right - selectionSection.rcSelection.left + 1) * ( - selectionSection.rcSelection.bottom + 1), &pSelectionZipped); delete [] pSelection; file.Write (pSelectionZipped, ulSelectionZippedSize, 1); delete [] pSelectionZipped; selectionSection.commonHeader.nSizeBuf = ulSelectionZippedSize; selectionSection.commonHeader.nEndByteOffset = selectionSection.commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset + ulSelectionZippedSize; return true; }
// if do resample, then return true bool AutoPicSize(CxImage &img, CSize *pSizeMax/* = NULL*/) { CSize sizeImg(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()); CScreenSize sizeScreen; if (!pSizeMax) pSizeMax = &sizeScreen; CRect rcWin; GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), rcWin); if (CalcPicSize(sizeImg, *pSizeMax)) { img.QIShrink(,; // img.Resample2(,, CxImage::IM_CATROM); return true; } else { return false; } }
void CPicShowCtrl::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting // TODO: 在此处添加消息处理程序代码 common::ui::CClientRect rcThis(this); if (m_hBmp == NULL) { //还没有选择图片,则绘制白色背景 HBRUSH bgBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,255)); CRect rect; GetWindowRect(&rcThis); ScreenToClient(&rcThis); FillRect(dc,&rcThis,bgBrush); ::DeleteObject(bgBrush); } else { int width=180; int height=180; CxImage img; img.CreateFromHBITMAP(m_hBmp); CBitmap bitmapmem; CBitmap *pOldBit; CDC m_pMemDC; m_pMemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc); bitmapmem.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, width, height); pOldBit=m_pMemDC.SelectObject(&bitmapmem); CRect rect(0,0,width,height); HBRUSH bgBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,255)); FillRect(m_pMemDC,&rect,bgBrush); DeleteObject(bgBrush); img.Draw(m_pMemDC,m_iStartx,m_iStarty,img.GetWidth(),img.GetHeight(),&rect); dc.SetStretchBltMode(HALFTONE); dc.StretchBlt(rcThis.left,,rcThis.Width(),rcThis.Height(),&m_pMemDC,0,0,width,height,SRCCOPY); m_pMemDC.SelectObject(pOldBit); m_pMemDC.DeleteDC(); bitmapmem.DeleteObject(); } }
bool CxImageIG::DecodeLayer (CxFile &file, int nLayerIdx, int nLayerPos, RECT *p_rcSubLayer, bool bUndo, int nSubLayerId) { // read current header IGHEADER igHeader; if (!decodeHeader (&file, &igHeader)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeHeader failed"); if (nLayerIdx < 0) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "nLayerIdx failed"); if ((nLayerPos < 0) || (nLayerPos >= info.nNumLayers)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "nLayerPos failed"); IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER [CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS]; IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION *pSelectionSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION [CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBSELECTIONS]; if (!decodeSections (&file, &igHeader, &pLayerSections[0], &pSelectionSections[0])) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeSections failed"); IGLibrary::IGLayer *pLayer = GetLayer (nLayerPos); if (!pLayer) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "GetLayer failed"); CxImage cxSubLayer; CxImage *pDecodingLayer = p_rcSubLayer ? &cxSubLayer : pLayer; bool bIsSubLayerOwner = bUndo && p_rcSubLayer; // no need to find sub-layer owner in do mode int nLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner); if ((nLayerSectionIndex < 0) || (nLayerSectionIndex >= igHeader.nNbLayers)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); // in undo mode, if a sub-layer owner is found, decode it if (bUndo){ if (bIsSubLayerOwner) { // decode sub-layer owner if (!DecodeLayer (file, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId, nLayerPos)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "DecodeLayer failed"); // decode sub-layers int nSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner); if ((nSubLayerSectionIndex < 0) || (nSubLayerSectionIndex >= igHeader.nNbLayers)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); RECT rcSubLayer; rcSubLayer.left = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x; rcSubLayer.right = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x + pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.x - 1; = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y; rcSubLayer.bottom = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y + pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.y - 1; return DecodeLayer (file, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId, nLayerPos, &rcSubLayer, true, nLayerIdx); } } if (!file.Seek (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "file.Seek failed"); // read layer pixels BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf]; file.Read (pBufImg, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1); if (!pDecodingLayer->Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "pDecodingLayer->Decode failed"); delete [] pBufImg; // read layer alpha pDecodingLayer->AlphaCreate (255); file.Read (pDecodingLayer->pAlpha, pDecodingLayer->GetWidth() * pDecodingLayer->GetHeight(), 1); int nSubLayerWidth = 0; int nSubLayerHeight = 0; if (p_rcSubLayer) { // decode sub-layer nSubLayerWidth = p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1; nSubLayerHeight = p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1; BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++) { // if undo, then sub-layer == original layer pSubLayerBits = bUndo ? pDecodingLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left : pDecodingLayer->GetBits (i); pLayerBits = pLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left; ::memcpy (pLayerBits, pSubLayerBits, nSubLayerWidth * 3); } BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++) { pLayerAlpha = pLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i); pSubLayerAlpha = bUndo ? pDecodingLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i) : pDecodingLayer->AlphaGetPointer (0, i); ::memcpy (pLayerAlpha, pSubLayerAlpha, nSubLayerWidth); } if (bUndo) { // original layer is now decoded. decode sub-layers bIsSubLayerOwner = false; int nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nSubLayerId, bIsSubLayerOwner); // we always have bIsSubLayerOwner = false, its used for the reference only if (nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex < 0) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); if (nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex <= igHeader.nNbLayers) { for (int i = 0; i < pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers; i++) { if (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [i] <= nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex) { if (!decodeSubLayer (file, pLayer, &pLayerSections [pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [i]])) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeSubLayer failed"); } } } } } else { pLayer->info.xOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x; pLayer->info.yOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y; } pLayer->SetId (nLayerIdx); pLayer->UpdateImageParameters(); delete [] pLayerSections; delete [] pSelectionSections; return true; }
bool CxImageIG::EncodeLayer (const wchar_t *pcwFilePath, int nLayerIdx, int nLayerPos, RECT *p_rcSubLayer, int nSubLayerOwnerId) { CxIOFile file; if (!file.Open (pcwFilePath, L"r+b")) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "file.Open failed"); // read current header IGHEADER igHeader; if (!decodeHeader (&file, &igHeader)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "decodeHeader failed"); IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER[CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS]; IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION *pSelectionSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION[CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBSELECTIONS]; if (!decodeSections (&file, &igHeader, &pLayerSections[0], &pSelectionSections[0])) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "decodeSections failed"); IGLibrary::IGLayer *pLayer = GetLayer (nLayerPos); if (!pLayer) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "GetLayer failed"); _ASSERTE ((int)pLayer->GetId() == nLayerIdx && "CxImageIG::EncodeLayer FAILED"); bool bIsSubLayerOwner = false; int nLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner); if (nLayerSectionIndex < 0) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); if ((nLayerSectionIndex > igHeader.nNbLayers) || (nLayerSectionIndex >= CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); CxImage cxSubLayer; CxImage *pEncodingLayer = pLayer; int nSubLayerWidth = 0; int nSubLayerHeight = 0; if (p_rcSubLayer) { // Encode sub-layer nSubLayerWidth = p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1; nSubLayerHeight = p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1; cxSubLayer.Create (nSubLayerWidth, nSubLayerHeight, 24); cxSubLayer.AlphaCreate (255); BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++) { pSubLayerBits = cxSubLayer.GetBits (i); pLayerBits = pLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left; ::memcpy (pSubLayerBits, pLayerBits, nSubLayerWidth * 3); } BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++) { pLayerAlpha = pLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i); pSubLayerAlpha = cxSubLayer.AlphaGetPointer (0, i); ::memcpy (pSubLayerAlpha, pLayerAlpha, nSubLayerWidth); } pEncodingLayer = &cxSubLayer; int nSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nSubLayerOwnerId, bIsSubLayerOwner); if (nSubLayerSectionIndex < 0) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); pLayerSections [nSubLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [pLayerSections [nSubLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers++] = nLayerSectionIndex; } ProgressSetRange (pLayer->GetHeight(), 0); ProgressSetMessage (L"Encoding layer..."); // fill layer offset and size pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers = 0; pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->left : pLayer->info.xOffset; pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->top : pLayer->info.yOffset; pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.x = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1 : pLayer->GetWidth(); pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.y = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1 : pLayer->GetHeight(); if (nLayerSectionIndex == igHeader.nNbLayers) pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId = (BYTE)igHeader.nNbSections; pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId = nLayerIdx; pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.eSectionType = IGSECTION_LAYER; // set byte offset if (igHeader.nNbSections == 0) pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset = sizeof (IGHEADER) + sizeof (IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER) * CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS + sizeof (IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION) * CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBSELECTIONS; else pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset = findSectionFirstByteOffset (&igHeader, pLayerSections, pSelectionSections, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId); igHeader.nNbLayers = nLayerSectionIndex + 1; if (igHeader.nNbSelections == 0) { igHeader.nNbSections = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId + 1; igHeader.nNbSelections = igHeader.nNbSections - igHeader.nNbLayers; } else { if (pSelectionSections [igHeader.nNbSelections - 1].commonHeader.nSectionId == pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId + 1) igHeader.nNbSections = igHeader.nNbSelections + igHeader.nNbLayers; else { igHeader.nNbSections = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId + 1; igHeader.nNbSelections = igHeader.nNbSections - igHeader.nNbLayers; } } // write layer pixels if (!file.Seek (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "file.Seek failed"); // set max JPEG quality float fCurQuality = pEncodingLayer->GetJpegQualityF(); pEncodingLayer->SetJpegQualityF (100.0f); // JPEG encoding BYTE *pBuf = new BYTE [CXIMAGEIG_INIT_LAYERSIZE]; CxMemFile memFile (pBuf, CXIMAGEIG_INIT_LAYERSIZE); if (!pEncodingLayer->Encode (&memFile, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "pEncodingLayer->Encode failed"); BYTE *pBufImg = memFile.GetBuffer(); long nSizeBufImg = memFile.Tell(); // reset JPEG quality pEncodingLayer->SetJpegQualityF (fCurQuality); file.Write (pBufImg, nSizeBufImg, 1); delete [] pBufImg; pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf = nSizeBufImg; // write layer alpha if (!pEncodingLayer->pAlpha) pEncodingLayer->AlphaCreate(255); int nNbPixels = pEncodingLayer->GetWidth() * pEncodingLayer->GetHeight(); file.Write (pEncodingLayer->pAlpha, nNbPixels, 1); pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nEndByteOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset + nSizeBufImg + nNbPixels; // write new headers if (!encodeHeader (&file, &igHeader)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "encodeHeader failed"); if (!encodeSections (&file, &igHeader, pLayerSections, pSelectionSections)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "encodeSections failed"); delete [] pLayerSections; delete [] pSelectionSections; return true; }
UINT CFrameGrabThread::GrabFrames(){ #define TIMEBETWEENFRAMES 50.0 // could be a param later, if needed for (int i = 0; i!= nFramesToGrab; i++) imgResults[i] = NULL; try{ HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMediaDet> pDet; hr = pDet.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MediaDet)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return 0; // Convert the file name to a BSTR. CComBSTR bstrFilename(strFileName); hr = pDet->put_Filename(bstrFilename); long lStreams; bool bFound = false; hr = pDet->get_OutputStreams(&lStreams); for (long i = 0; i < lStreams; i++) { GUID major_type; hr = pDet->put_CurrentStream(i); hr = pDet->get_StreamType(&major_type); if (major_type == MEDIATYPE_Video) { bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) return 0; double dLength = 0; pDet->get_StreamLength(&dLength); if (dStartTime > dLength) dStartTime = 0; long width = 0, height = 0; AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt; hr = pDet->get_StreamMediaType(&mt); if (mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)(mt.pbFormat); width = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth; height = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight; // We want the absolute height, don't care about orientation. if (height < 0) height *= -1; } else { return 0; // Should not happen, in theory. } /*FreeMediaType(mt); = */ if (mt.cbFormat != 0){ CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)mt.pbFormat); mt.cbFormat = 0; mt.pbFormat = NULL; } if (mt.pUnk != NULL){ mt.pUnk->Release(); mt.pUnk = NULL; } /**/ long size; uint32 nFramesGrabbed; for (nFramesGrabbed = 0; nFramesGrabbed != nFramesToGrab; nFramesGrabbed++){ hr = pDet->GetBitmapBits(dStartTime + (nFramesGrabbed*TIMEBETWEENFRAMES), &size, NULL, width, height); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // we could also directly create a Bitmap in memory, however this caused problems/failed with *some* movie files // when I tried it for the MMPreview, while this method works always - so I'll continue to use this one long nFullBufferLen = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + size; char* buffer = new char[nFullBufferLen]; BITMAPFILEHEADER bfh; memset( &bfh, 0, sizeof( bfh ) ); bfh.bfType = 'MB'; bfh.bfSize = nFullBufferLen; bfh.bfOffBits = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ); memcpy(buffer,&bfh,sizeof( bfh ) ); try { hr = pDet->GetBitmapBits(dStartTime+ (nFramesGrabbed*TIMEBETWEENFRAMES), NULL, buffer + sizeof( bfh ), width, height); } catch (...) { ASSERT(0); hr = E_FAIL; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // decode CxImage* imgResult = new CxImage(); imgResult->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, nFullBufferLen, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); delete[] buffer; if (!imgResult->IsValid()){ delete imgResult; break; } // resize if needed if (nMaxWidth > 0 && nMaxWidth < width){ float scale = (float)nMaxWidth / imgResult->GetWidth(); int nMaxHeigth = (int)(imgResult->GetHeight() * scale); imgResult->Resample(nMaxWidth, nMaxHeigth, 0); } // decrease bpp if needed if (bReduceColor){ RGBQUAD* ppal=(RGBQUAD*)malloc(256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); if (ppal) { CQuantizer q(256,8); q.ProcessImage(imgResult->GetDIB()); q.SetColorTable(ppal); imgResult->DecreaseBpp(8, true, ppal); free(ppal); } } //CString TestName; //TestName.Format("G:\\testframe%i.png",nFramesGrabbed); //imgResult->Save(TestName,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG); // done imgResults[nFramesGrabbed] = imgResult; } else{ delete[] buffer; break; } } } return nFramesGrabbed; } catch(...){ ASSERT(0); return 0; } }
bool IGFrame::ManageSelection (const IGLibrary::SELECTIONPARAMS& selParams, const std::list<POINT>& lPts) { // Request thread access if (!RequestAccess ()) return false; CxImage *pCurrentLayer = GetWorkingLayer(); if (!pCurrentLayer) return false; int nCurLayerId = (int)pCurrentLayer->GetId(); int nCurLayerWidth = (int)pCurrentLayer->GetWidth(); int nCurLayerHeight = (int)pCurrentLayer->GetHeight(); _ASSERTE ((nCurLayerId >= 0) && L"Current layer is not identified"); if (nCurLayerId < 0) return false; bool bRes = false; POINT ptTopLeft = {0, 0}; POINT ptBottomRight = {-1, -1}; IGSELECTIONENUM eSelectionType = selParams.eSelectionType; if (((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_SQUARE) == IGSELECTION_SQUARE) || ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_LASSO) == IGSELECTION_LASSO)) { if (lPts.size() > 0) { bool bAllEqual = true; for (list <POINT>::const_iterator itPt = lPts.cbegin(); itPt != lPts.cend(); ++itPt) { if (((*itPt).x != lPts.front().x) || ((*itPt).y != lPts.front().y)) bAllEqual = false; } if (bAllEqual) eSelectionType = IGSELECTION_CLEAR; } } if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_CLEAR) == IGSELECTION_CLEAR) { if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_INVERT) == IGSELECTION_INVERT) bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionInvert(); else bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionDelete(); } else { if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_REPLACE) == IGSELECTION_REPLACE) pCurrentLayer->SelectionClear(); BYTE level = ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_REMOVE) == IGSELECTION_REMOVE) ? 0 : 255; std::list<POINT> lConvertedPts (lPts); // convert IG coordinates to Cx coordinates IGConvertible::FromIGtoCxCoords(lConvertedPts, pCurrentLayer->GetHeight()); // apply selection if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_SQUARE) == IGSELECTION_SQUARE) { if (lPts.size() != 2) return false; // read rectangle coordinates ptTopLeft = lConvertedPts.front(); ptBottomRight = lConvertedPts.back(); int nPosX = ptTopLeft.x; int nPosY = ptBottomRight.y; RECT rcSel; rcSel.left = nPosX; = nPosY; nPosX = ptBottomRight.x; nPosY = ptTopLeft.y; rcSel.right = nPosX; rcSel.bottom = nPosY; // adjust rectangle orientation int nWidth = rcSel.right - rcSel.left; int nHeight = - rcSel.bottom; nWidth = (nWidth < 0) ? -1 * nWidth : nWidth; nHeight = (nHeight < 0) ? -1 * nHeight : nHeight; rcSel.left = (rcSel.left < rcSel.right) ? rcSel.left : rcSel.right; rcSel.bottom = (rcSel.bottom < ? rcSel.bottom :; rcSel.right = rcSel.left + nWidth; = rcSel.bottom + nHeight; // test if rectangle is inside the frame if ((rcSel.right < 0) || (rcSel.left >= nCurLayerWidth) || ( < 0) || (rcSel.bottom >= nCurLayerHeight)) return false; // selection out of bounds // adjust bounds rcSel.left = (rcSel.left < 0) ? 0 : rcSel.left; rcSel.right = (rcSel.right >= nCurLayerWidth) ? nCurLayerWidth - 1 : rcSel.right; rcSel.bottom = (rcSel.bottom < 0) ? 0 : rcSel.bottom; = ( >= nCurLayerHeight) ? nCurLayerHeight - 1 :; // add the selection bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddRect (rcSel, level); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_LASSO) == IGSELECTION_LASSO) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddPolygon (lConvertedPts, level); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_MAGIC) == IGSELECTION_MAGIC) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddMagic (lConvertedPts.front(), level, selParams.nTolerance); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_FACES) == IGSELECTION_FACES) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddFaces (level); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_EYES) == IGSELECTION_EYES) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddEyes (level); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_MOUTH) == IGSELECTION_MOUTH) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddMouth (level); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_NOZE) == IGSELECTION_NOZE) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddNoze (level); } else if ((eSelectionType & IGSELECTION_LPE) == IGSELECTION_LPE) { bRes = pCurrentLayer->SelectionAddLPE (lConvertedPts, level); } if (ptBottomRight.x < ptTopLeft.x) { int nSwap = ptTopLeft.x; ptTopLeft.x = ptBottomRight.x; ptBottomRight.x = nSwap; } if (ptBottomRight.y < ptTopLeft.y) { int nSwap = ptTopLeft.y; ptTopLeft.y = ptBottomRight.y; ptBottomRight.y = nSwap; } if (ptTopLeft.x < 0) ptTopLeft.x = 0; if (ptTopLeft.y < 0) ptTopLeft.y = 0; if (ptBottomRight.x >= nCurLayerWidth) ptBottomRight.x = nCurLayerWidth - 1; if (ptBottomRight.y >= nCurLayerHeight) ptBottomRight.y = nCurLayerHeight - 1; } if (!pCurrentLayer->SelectionIsValid()) pCurrentLayer->SelectionDelete(); AddNewStep (IGFRAMEHISTORY_STEP_SELECTION, L"Change selection", (int)&selParams, (int)&lPts); Redraw (true); return bRes; }
void CExport::GenerateImages() { // 25-80% progress BYTE* tempBuffer = NULL; long theSize; int index = 0; CString oldAppPath = main_frame->m_INI.GetString("General", "ImageCacheApp"); CString newAppPath = application->file_information.file_path; CPath path; path.SetToCurrentDirectory(); CString cachePath = path.GetFullPath(); cachePath += "Data\\imagecache.bin"; // Check if there is a cached image block we can use if (application == pLastAppCachedImageBlock && !application->resources.images_changed && fileexists(cachePath) && oldAppPath == newAppPath) { imageBlock.load(cachePath); return; } // Write the app path to the INI so the cache doesnt get used with the wrong application main_frame->m_INI.WriteString("General", "ImageCacheApp", newAppPath); // Write image count imageBlock<<(int)application->resources.images.size(); // Loop and add resources.images for (list<CImageResource>::iterator i = application->resources.images.begin(); i != application->resources.images.end(); i++, index++) { CxImage& im = i->bitmap; if (application->runtime == CApplication::rt_application) im.Encode(tempBuffer, theSize, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); else im.Encode(tempBuffer, theSize, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG); // Write image ID imageBlock<<(int)i->m_FixedID; // Write image hotspot imageBlock << i->m_Hotspot.x; imageBlock << i->m_Hotspot.y; // Write image action points int apointsize = i->m_Action.size(); imageBlock << apointsize; for(map<CString, CPoint>::iterator it = i->m_Action.begin(); it!= i->m_Action.end(); it++) { imageBlock << it->second.x << it->second.y << it->first; } // Write image data size imageBlock<<(int)theSize; // Write image data code imageBlock.append(tempBuffer, theSize); // Free memory using CxImage (for malloc/new compatibility) im.FreeMemory(tempBuffer); // Generate a collision mask BYTE* bits; int pitch; CxImage* pCol = &im; if(i->m_Collision.IsValid()) { pCol = & i->m_Collision; } CreateCollisionMask(*pCol, bits, pitch); imageBlock<< pCol->GetWidth(); imageBlock<< pCol->GetHeight(); imageBlock<< pitch; imageBlock.append(bits, pitch * pCol->GetHeight()); // CreateCollisionMask allocated bits so free it delete[] bits; // CxImage requires the tempBuffer parameter be NULL (for some reason) tempBuffer = NULL; // Progress 25-80% for this function ProgressDlg.SetProgress(25 + (index * 55) / application->resources.images.size()); } // Dump the image block to file; pLastAppCachedImageBlock = application; application->resources.images_changed = false; }
__declspec(dllexport) bool CreateFolderThumbnail(const char **file, const char *thumb, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { if (!file || !file[0] || !file[1] || !file[2] || !file[3] || !thumb) return false; CxImage folderimage(maxWidth, maxHeight, 32, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG); folderimage.AlphaCreate(); int iWidth = maxWidth / 2; int iHeight = maxHeight / 2; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int width = iWidth; int height = iHeight; bool bBlank = false; if (strlen(file[i*2 + j]) == 0) bBlank = true; if (!bBlank) { CxImage image; if (image.Load(file[i*2 + j], CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG, width, height)) { // resize image to iWidth if (ResampleKeepAspect(image, iWidth - 2, iHeight - 2) >= 0) { int iOffX = (iWidth - 2 - image.GetWidth()) / 2; int iOffY = (iHeight - 2 - image.GetHeight()) / 2; for (int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) { RGBQUAD rgb; if (x < iOffX || x >= iOffX + (int)image.GetWidth() || y < iOffY || y >= iOffY + (int)image.GetHeight()) { rgb.rgbBlue = 0; rgb.rgbGreen = 0; rgb.rgbRed = 0; rgb.rgbReserved = 0; } else { rgb = image.GetPixelColor(x - iOffX, y - iOffY); rgb.rgbReserved = 255; } folderimage.SetPixelColor(x + j*iWidth, y + (1 - i)*iHeight, rgb, true); } } } else bBlank = true; } else bBlank = true; } if (bBlank) { // no image - just fill with black alpha for (int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) { RGBQUAD rgb; rgb.rgbBlue = 0; rgb.rgbGreen = 0; rgb.rgbRed = 0; rgb.rgbReserved = 0; folderimage.SetPixelColor(x + j*iWidth, y + (1 - i)*iHeight, rgb, true); } } } } } ::DeleteFile(thumb); if (!folderimage.Save(thumb, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)) { printf("Unable to save thumb file"); ::DeleteFile(thumb); return false; } return true; };
// return number of faces and score void detectFaces(const CxImage& img, std::list <Face>& lFaces, int nRot) { if (cascade_el == NULL || cascade_er == NULL || cascade_f == NULL || cascade_m == NULL || cascade_n == NULL) init(); CxImage imgRotated (img); imgRotated.Rotate180(); IplImage *pIplImage = cvCreateImageHeader (cvSize (img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()), 8, img.GetBpp() / 8); pIplImage->imageDataOrigin = (char*)imgRotated.GetDIB(); pIplImage->imageData = (char*)imgRotated.GetBits(); CvMemStorage *storage; /* setup memory storage, needed by the object detector */ storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); assert(cascade_f && cascade_el && cascade_er && cascade_m && cascade_n && storage); /* haar detection for faces */ CvSeq *pFaces = cvHaarDetectObjects( pIplImage, cascade_f, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize( 40, 40 ) ); if (pFaces->total == 0) return; CvSeq seqFaces (*pFaces); list <CvRect> lrFaces; for(int idxFace = 0; idxFace <; idxFace++ ) { CvRect *r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(&seqFaces, idxFace); if (r) lrFaces.push_back (*r); } /* haar detection for eyes */ list<pair <RECT, RECT>> lpairEyes; detect_eyes (storage, pIplImage, lpairEyes); /* haar detection for mouths */ list<RECT> lMouths; detect_mouths (storage, pIplImage, lMouths); /* haar detection for noses */ list<RECT> lNoses; detect_noses (storage, pIplImage, lNoses); for(list <CvRect>::iterator itFace = lrFaces.begin(); itFace != lrFaces.end(); ++itFace) { CvRect r (*itFace); CvRect rFace (*itFace); rFace.x = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width; rFace.y = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height; RECT rcFace; rcFace.left = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width - 10; rcFace.right = img.GetWidth() - r.x + 10; = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height - 10; rcFace.bottom = img.GetHeight() - r.y + 10; /* detect current eyes */ pair <RECT, RECT> pairEyes; match_eyes_with_face (lpairEyes, rFace, pairEyes); /* detect current mouth */ RECT rcMouth; match_mouths_with_face (lMouths, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth); /* detect current nose */ RECT rcNose; match_noses_with_face (lNoses, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose); lFaces.push_back (Face (rcFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose, nRot)); } Face::adjustRectFaces(lFaces); cvReleaseMemStorage (&storage); cvReleaseImageHeader (&pIplImage); }
void CToolBarCtrlZ::DrawItem(CDC *pDC, int iIndex, const CRect &rtItem, BOOL bHover) { UINT uItemId; UINT uItemState; TBBUTTON tbb; TCHAR szText[1024]; TBBUTTONINFO tbi; CArray<CxImage*, CxImage*> *parrImgs = NULL; CxImage *pIconImg = NULL; int iIconTop; CRect rtDraw; CRect rtText; COLORREF clrText; CClientRect rtClient(this); rtDraw = rtItem; =; rtDraw.bottom = rtClient.bottom; if (!GetButton(iIndex, &tbb)) return; uItemId = tbb.idCommand; uItemState = GetState(uItemId); parrImgs = &m_arrImgs; if ( !IsButtonEnabled(uItemId) ) { clrText = RGB(204, 128, 128); if (0 != m_arrDisableImgs.GetCount()) parrImgs = &m_arrDisableImgs; } else { clrText = RGB(255, 254, 253); if (TBSTATE_PRESSED & uItemState/*IsButtonPressed(uItemId)*/) rtDraw.OffsetRect(1, 1); else if (bHover/*iIndex == GetHotItem()*/) rtDraw.OffsetRect(-1, -2); } ZeroMemory(&tbi, sizeof(TBBUTTONINFO)); tbi.cbSize = sizeof(TBBUTTONINFO); tbi.dwMask = TBIF_TEXT | TBIF_IMAGE; tbi.pszText = szText; tbi.cchText = 1024; //if (GetButtonInfo(p->nmcd.dwItemSpec, &tbi)) GetButtonInfo(uItemId, &tbi); { rtText = rtDraw; if (tbi.iImage < parrImgs->GetCount()) { pIconImg = parrImgs->GetAt(tbi.iImage); if (NULL != pIconImg) { iIconTop = rtDraw.Height() - pIconImg->GetHeight(); iIconTop /= 2; iIconTop +=; pIconImg->Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rtDraw.left, iIconTop); rtText.left += pIconImg->GetWidth() + 4; } } { CWndFontDC fontDC(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), GetSafeHwnd()); CTextDC textDC(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), clrText); pDC->DrawText(tbi.pszText, -1, &rtText, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); } } }
__declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImageFromMemory(const BYTE *buffer, unsigned int size, const char *mime, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info) { if (!buffer || !size || !mime || !info) return false; // load the image DWORD dwImageType = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; if (strlen(mime)) dwImageType = GetImageType(mime); if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) dwImageType = DetectFileType(buffer, size); if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to determine image type."); return false; } CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType); if (!image) return false; int actualwidth = maxwidth; int actualheight = maxheight; try { bool success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight); if (!success && dwImageType != CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { // try to decode with unknown imagetype success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); } if (!success || !image->IsValid()) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image. Error:%s\n", image->GetLastError()); delete image; return false; } } catch (...) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image."); delete image; return false; } // ok, now resample the image down if necessary if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture\n"); delete image; return false; } // make sure our image is 24bit minimum image->IncreaseBpp(24); // fill in our struct info->width = image->GetWidth(); info->height = image->GetHeight(); info->originalwidth = actualwidth; info->originalheight = actualheight; memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO)); // create our texture info->context = image; info->texture = image->GetBits(); info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits(); return (info->texture != NULL); };
bool CxImageIG::Decode(CxFile *hFile) { IGHEADER igHeader; if (!decodeHeader (hFile, &igHeader)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "Decode", "decodeHeader failed"); IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER[CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS]; IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION *pSelectionSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION[CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBSELECTIONS]; if (!decodeSections (hFile, &igHeader, &pLayerSections[0], &pSelectionSections[0])) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "Decode", "decodeSections failed"); if (igHeader.nNbSelections > 1) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "Decode", "igHeader.nNbSelections failed"); head.biWidth = igHeader.nWidth; head.biHeight = igHeader.nHeight; info.nNumLayers = 0; ProgressSetRange (head.biHeight, 0); ProgressSetMessage (L"Decoding IG..."); // read layers IGLibrary::IGLayer *pLayer; int nNbSteps = 0; for (int i = 0; i < igHeader.nNbLayers; i++) { // create a layer on top with no alpha and selection LayerCreate (-1, false, false); pLayer = GetLayer (i); if (!pLayer) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "Decode", "GetLayer failed"); pLayer->setProgressOwner (info.hProgress); // read layer pixels BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSections [i].commonHeader.nSizeBuf]; hFile->Seek (pLayerSections[i].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET); hFile->Read (pBufImg, pLayerSections [i].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1); if (!pLayer->Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSections [i].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "Decode", "pLayer->Decode failed"); delete [] pBufImg; // create selection //pLayer->SelectionCreate(); // read layer alpha pLayer->AlphaCreate (255); hFile->Read (pLayer->pAlpha, pLayer->GetWidth() * pLayer->GetHeight(), 1); pLayer->info.xOffset = pLayerSections[i].ptOffset.x; // OffsetX pLayer->info.yOffset = pLayerSections[i].ptOffset.y; // OffsetY pLayer->setFrameOwner (this); pLayer->UpdateImageParameters(); pLayer->SetId (i); } AddLayerCache(2); if (igHeader.nNbSelections > 0) { // read selection BYTE *pSelectionZipped = new BYTE[pSelectionSections[0].commonHeader.nSizeBuf]; hFile->Read (pSelectionZipped, pSelectionSections[0].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1); std::ostrstream strOstream; int nSelectionUnzippedSize = 0; if (IGPacker::gzipUncompress (pSelectionZipped, pSelectionSections [0].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, strOstream, nSelectionUnzippedSize) != Z_OK) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "Decode", "gzipUncompress failed"); delete [] pSelectionZipped; if (nSelectionUnzippedSize > 0) { // copy selection to dst selection rect BYTE *pFromSelection = (BYTE *)strOstream.str(); CxImage *pSelectionLayer = GetLayer(igHeader.nPosWorkingLayer); RECT rcSel = pSelectionSections[0].rcSelection; BYTE *pDstSelection = pSelectionLayer->SelectionGetPointer(rcSel.left, rcSel.bottom); if (!pDstSelection) { pSelectionLayer->SelectionCreate(); pDstSelection = pSelectionLayer->SelectionGetPointer (rcSel.left, rcSel.bottom); } int nLayerWidth = pSelectionLayer->GetWidth(); int nLayerHeight = pSelectionLayer->GetHeight(); if (((rcSel.right - rcSel.left + 1) == nLayerWidth) && (( - rcSel.bottom + 1) == nLayerHeight)) { ::memcpy (pDstSelection, pFromSelection, nLayerWidth * nLayerHeight); } else { for (int i = 0; i < - rcSel.bottom; i++) { ::memcpy (pDstSelection, pFromSelection, pSelectionSections [0].rcSelection.right - pSelectionSections [0].rcSelection.left + 1); pFromSelection += pSelectionSections [0].rcSelection.right - pSelectionSections [0].rcSelection.left + 1; pDstSelection += nLayerWidth; } } } } delete [] pLayerSections; delete [] pSelectionSections; return true; }
void TextureManager::LoadBLP(GLuint id, Texture *tex) { // Vars int offsets[16], sizes[16], w=0, h=0, type=0; GLint format = 0; char attr[4]; if (useLocalFiles) { wxString texName(tex->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8); BYTE *buffer = NULL; CxImage *image = NULL; if ((TryLoadLocalTexture(texName, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG, &image) || TryLoadLocalTexture(texName, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TGA, &image)) && image) { long size = image->GetWidth() * image->GetHeight() * 4; if (image->Encode2RGBA(buffer, size, true)) { tex->w = image->GetWidth(); tex->h = image->GetHeight(); tex->compressed = true; GLuint texFormat = GL_TEXTURE_2D; glBindTexture(texFormat, id); glTexImage2D(texFormat, 0, GL_RGBA8, image->GetWidth(), image->GetHeight(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); glTexParameteri(texFormat, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Linear Filtering glTexParameteri(texFormat, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Linear Filtering wxDELETE(image); wxDELETE(buffer); return; } } } // bind the texture glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); MPQFile f(tex->name); if (g_modelViewer) { g_modelViewer->modelOpened->Add(wxString(tex->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); } if (f.isEof()) { tex->id = 0; wxLogMessage(wxT("Error: Could not load the texture '%s'"), wxString(tex->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8).c_str()); f.close(); return; } else { //tex->id = id; // I don't see the id being set anywhere, should I set it now? wxLogMessage(wxT("Loading texture: %s"), wxString(tex->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8).c_str()); };,4);,4);,4);,4);,4*16);,4*16); tex->w = w; tex->h = h; bool hasmipmaps = (attr[3]>0); int mipmax = hasmipmaps ? 16 : 1; /* reference: */ //wxLogMessage(wxT("[BLP]: type: %d, encoding: %d, alphadepth: %d, alphaencoding: %d, mipmap: %d, %d*%d"), type, attr[0], attr[1], attr[2], attr[3], w, h); if (type == 0) { // JPEG compression /* * DWORD JpegHeaderSize; * BYTE[JpegHeaderSize] JpegHeader; * struct MipMap[16] * { * BYTE[???] JpegData; * } */ wxLogMessage(wxT("Error: %s:%s#%d type=%d"), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, type); BYTE *buffer = NULL; CxImage *image = NULL; unsigned char *buf = new unsigned char[sizes[0]];[0]);,sizes[0]); image = new CxImage(buf, sizes[0], CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG); if (image == NULL) return; long size = image->GetWidth() * image->GetHeight() * 4; image->Encode2RGBA(buffer, size); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, image->GetWidth(), image->GetHeight(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); wxDELETE(image); wxDELETE(buffer); wxDELETE(buf); } else if (type == 1) { if (attr[0] == 2) { /* Type 1 Encoding 2 AlphaDepth 0 (DXT1 no alpha) The image data is formatted using DXT1 compression with no alpha channel. Type 1 Encoding 2 AlphaDepth 1 (DXT1 one bit alpha) The image data is formatted using DXT1 compression with a one-bit alpha channel. Type 1 Encoding 2 AlphaDepth 8 (DXT3) The image data is formatted using DXT3 compression. Type 1 Encoding 2 AlphaDepth 8 AlphaEncoding 7 (DXT5) The image data are formatted using DXT5 compression. */ // encoding 2, directx compressed unsigned char *ucbuf = NULL; if (!video.supportCompression) ucbuf = new unsigned char[w*h*4]; format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; int blocksize = 8; // guesswork here :( // new alpha bit depth == 4 for DXT3, alfred 2008/10/11 if (attr[1]==8 || attr[1]==4) { format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; blocksize = 16; } // Fix to the BLP2 format required in WoW 2.0 thanks to Linghuye (creator of MyWarCraftStudio) if (attr[1]==8 && attr[2]==7) { format = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; blocksize = 16; } tex->compressed = true; unsigned char *buf = new unsigned char[sizes[0]]; // do every mipmap level for (size_t i=0; i<mipmax; i++) { if (w==0) w = 1; if (h==0) h = 1; if (offsets[i] && sizes[i]) {[i]);,sizes[i]); int size = ((w+3)/4) * ((h+3)/4) * blocksize; if (video.supportCompression) { glCompressedTexImage2DARB(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLint)i, format, w, h, 0, size, buf); } else { decompressDXTC(format, w, h, size, buf, ucbuf); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLint)i, GL_RGBA8, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ucbuf); } } else break; w >>= 1; h >>= 1; } wxDELETEA(buf); if (!video.supportCompression) wxDELETEA(ucbuf); } else if (attr[0]==1) {
void CDemoView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) { switch (lHint) { case WM_USER_NEWIMAGE: { m_tracker.m_rect = CRect(0,0,0,0); CDemoDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); CxImage* ima = pDoc->GetImage(); if (ima) { int px=GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ); int py=GetScrollPos(SB_VERT); CSize sz(GetTotalSize()); int x=(int)(ima->GetWidth()*pDoc->GetZoomFactor()); int y=(int)(ima->GetHeight()*pDoc->GetZoomFactor()); SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, CSize(x,y)); CSize sz2(GetTotalSize()); CWnd* pFrame=GetParentFrame(); RECT rClient; pFrame->GetClientRect(&rClient); if (!=0 &&!=0){ if (x>rClient.right) SetScrollPos(SB_HORZ,*px/; else SetScrollPos(SB_HORZ,0); if (y>rClient.bottom) SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,*py/; else SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,0); } if (!(pFrame->IsIconic()||pFrame->IsZoomed())){ RECT rMainCl,rFrame,rMainFr; ((CMainFrame *)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->GetClientRect(&rMainCl); ((CMainFrame *)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->GetWindowRect(&rMainFr); pFrame->GetWindowRect(&rFrame); pFrame->SetWindowPos(0,0,0, (4+rFrame.right-rFrame.left-rClient.right+rClient.left)+ min(rMainCl.right-(rFrame.left-rMainFr.left+12),x), ( min(rMainCl.bottom-(,y), SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER); //ResizeParentToFit(1); } if (!ima->SelectionIsValid()) KillTimer(1); #ifdef VATI_EXTENSIONS ima->SetJpegQualityF(theApp.m_optJpegQuality); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPG ima->SetCodecOption(theApp.m_optJpegOptions,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG); #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAW ima->SetCodecOption(theApp.m_optRawOptions,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW); #endif #endif CMainFrame* pMain = (CMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd(); if (pMain->m_HistoBar.IsWindowVisible()){ pDoc->m_hmax=ima->Histogram(pDoc->m_hr,pDoc->m_hg,pDoc->m_hb,pDoc->m_hgray); pMain->m_HistoBar.Invalidate(); } else { pDoc->m_hmax = 0; } } break; } default: { CDemoDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); if (pDoc){ CxImage* ima = pDoc->GetImage(); if (ima){ if (pDoc->GetStretchMode()) SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, CSize(0,0)); else SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT,CSize((int)(ima->GetWidth()*pDoc->GetZoomFactor()), (int)(ima->GetHeight()*pDoc->GetZoomFactor()))); } } } } CScrollView::OnUpdate(pSender, lHint, pHint); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDemoView drawing void CDemoView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CDemoDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); BOOL bPrinting = pDC->IsPrinting(); CMemDC* pMemDC = NULL; if (!bPrinting) pDC = pMemDC = new CMemDC(pDC); if (!bPrinting && m_brHatch.m_hObject){ CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); rect.right = max(rect.right ,; rect.bottom = max(rect.bottom,; m_brHatch.UnrealizeObject(); CPoint pt(0, 0); pDC->LPtoDP(&pt); pt = pDC->SetBrushOrg(pt.x % 8, pt.y % 8); CBrush* old = pDC->SelectObject(&m_brHatch); pDC->FillRect(&rect, &m_brHatch); pDC->SelectObject(old); } CxImage* ima = pDoc->GetImage(); if (ima) { if (bPrinting) { // get size of printer page (in pixels) int cxPage = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES); int cyPage = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES); //int dcbpp = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(BITSPIXEL); //int dcnc = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(NUMCOLORS); //int dcp = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PLANES); // get printer pixels per inch int cxInch = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX); int cyInch = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY); // Best Fit case: create a rectangle which preserves the aspect ratio int cx = ima->GetXDPI() ? (ima->GetWidth()*cxInch)/ima->GetXDPI():ima->GetWidth()*cxInch/96; int cy = ima->GetYDPI() ? (ima->GetHeight()*cyInch)/ima->GetYDPI():ima->GetHeight()*cyInch/96; // print it! /*HDC TmpDC=CreateCompatibleDC(pDC->GetSafeHdc()); HBITMAP bm =::CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), cx, cy); HBITMAP oldbm = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(TmpDC,bm); BitBlt(TmpDC,0,0,cx,cy,0,0,0,WHITENESS); ima->Draw(TmpDC,CRect(0,0,cx,cy)); BitBlt(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),100,100,cx,cy,TmpDC,0,0,SRCCOPY); DeleteObject(SelectObject(TmpDC,oldbm)); DeleteDC(TmpDC);*/ CxImage tmp; tmp.Copy(*ima); RGBQUAD c={255,255,255,0}; if (tmp.GetTransIndex()>=0) tmp.SetPaletteColor((BYTE)tmp.GetTransIndex(),c); tmp.SetTransColor(c); tmp.AlphaStrip(); tmp.Stretch(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), CRect(100,100,cx,cy)); } else { if (pDoc->GetStretchMode()) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); ima->Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rect,0,pDoc->GetSmoothMode()!=0); } else { float zoom=pDoc->GetZoomFactor(); if (zoom==1) ima->Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc()); else ima->Draw(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), CRect(0,0,(int)(ima->GetWidth()*zoom),(int)(ima->GetHeight()*zoom)), 0,pDoc->GetSmoothMode()!=0); } if ( m_tracker.m_rect.Width()>0 && m_tracker.m_rect.Height()>0 ) m_tracker.Draw(pDC); } } delete pMemDC; }
bool IGIPFilter::OnImageProcessing (CxImage& image, IGImageProcMessage& message) { IGIPFilterMessage *pIGThreadMessage = dynamic_cast <IGIPFilterMessage *> (&message); _ASSERTE (pIGThreadMessage && L"Wrong IGThread message, image processing aborted"); if (!pIGThreadMessage || !m_pFrame) return false; IGLayer *pLayer = m_pFrame->GetLayer (m_pFrame->GetLayerPos (image.GetWorkingLayer())); if (!pLayer) return false; switch (pIGThreadMessage->m_eFilterType) { case IGIPFILTER_BLUR: return pLayer->GaussianBlur (5.0f); case IGIPFILTER_GRADIENT: { long tKernel [9]; pLayer->GrayScale(); CxImage g1(*pLayer), g2(*pLayer), g3(*pLayer), g4(*pLayer); tKernel[0] = 0;tKernel[1] = 1;tKernel[2] = -1; tKernel[3] = 0;tKernel[4] = 1;tKernel[5] = -1; tKernel[6] = 0;tKernel[7] = 1;tKernel[8] = -1; g1.Filter (tKernel, 3, 4, 0); tKernel[0] = -1;tKernel[1] = 1;tKernel[2] = 0; tKernel[3] = -1;tKernel[4] = 1;tKernel[5] = 0; tKernel[6] = -1;tKernel[7] = 1;tKernel[8] = 0; g2.Filter (tKernel, 3, 4, 0); tKernel[0] = -1;tKernel[1] = -1;tKernel[2] = -1; tKernel[3] = 1;tKernel[4] = 1;tKernel[5] = 1; tKernel[6] = 0;tKernel[7] = 0;tKernel[8] = 0; g3.Filter (tKernel, 3, 4, 0); tKernel[0] = 0;tKernel[1] = 0;tKernel[2] = 0; tKernel[3] = 1;tKernel[4] = 1;tKernel[5] = 1; tKernel[6] = -1;tKernel[7] = -1;tKernel[8] = -1; g4.Filter (tKernel, 3, 4, 0); pLayer->Copy (g1, true, false, false, false); *pLayer += g2; *pLayer += g3; *pLayer += g4; return true; } case IGIPFILTER_GRADIENT_MORPHO: return pLayer->ComputeGradient (true); case IGIPFILTER_GRAY: return pLayer->GrayScale(); case IGIPFILTER_SKIN: return pLayer->FilterSkin(); case IGIPFILTER_SKIN_UNNOISED: return pLayer->FilterSkinUnnoised(); case IGIPFILTER_EYES: { RECT rcNo = {-1,-1,-1,-1}; return pLayer->RedEyeRemove (rcNo, rcNo, 0.5f); } case IGIPFILTER_EYES_COLOR: { RECT rcNo = {-1,-1,-1,-1}; RGBQUAD rgbq; IGTexture texture; if (!m_pFrame->GetProperty (IGProperties::IGPROPERTY_CURTEXTURE, texture)) return false; COLORREF col = (COLORREF)texture; rgbq.rgbRed = GetRValue (col); rgbq.rgbBlue = GetBValue (col); rgbq.rgbGreen = GetGValue (col); rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; rgbq = pLayer->RGBtoHSL (rgbq); return pLayer->ChangeEyeColor (rcNo, rcNo, rgbq.rgbRed, rgbq.rgbGreen, 50.0f); } case IGIPFILTER_FFT: { CxImage copy (*pLayer); copy.GrayScale(); CxImage res; if (!pLayer->FFT2 (©, NULL, &res, NULL)) return false; pLayer->Copy (res); return true; } case IGIPFILTER_FACE_EFFECT: { IGIPFaceEffectMessage *pIGIPFaceEffectMessage = dynamic_cast <IGIPFaceEffectMessage *> (pIGThreadMessage); _ASSERTE (pIGIPFaceEffectMessage && L"Wrong IGThread message, face effect image processing aborted"); if (!pIGIPFaceEffectMessage) return false; return pLayer->ProcessFaceEffect (pIGIPFaceEffectMessage); } case IGIPFILTER_COLORIZE: { RGBQUAD rgbq; IGTexture texture; if (!m_pFrame->GetProperty (IGProperties::IGPROPERTY_CURTEXTURE, texture)) return false; COLORREF col = (COLORREF)texture; rgbq.rgbRed = GetRValue (col); rgbq.rgbBlue = GetBValue (col); rgbq.rgbGreen = GetGValue (col); rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; rgbq = pLayer->RGBtoHSL (rgbq); return pLayer->Colorize (rgbq.rgbRed, rgbq.rgbGreen, rgbq.rgbBlue, (float)texture.GetTransparency() / 255.0f); } case IGIPFILTER_BRIGHTNESS: { int nStrength = -1; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_STRENGTH, nStrength) || (nStrength == -1)) return false; return pLayer->Light ((long)((float)nStrength * 2.55f)); } case IGIPFILTER_CONTRAST: { int nStrength = -1; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_STRENGTH, nStrength) || (nStrength == -1)) return false; return pLayer->Light (0, nStrength); } case IGIPFILTER_SATURATE: { int nStrength = -1; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_STRENGTH, nStrength) || (nStrength == -1)) return false; return pLayer->Saturate (nStrength); } case IGIPFILTER_VIBRANCE: { int nStrength = -1; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_STRENGTH, nStrength) || (nStrength == -1)) return false; return pLayer->Vibrance ((long)((float)nStrength * 2.55f)); } case IGIPFILTER_MORPHING: { int nRadius = -1, nType = -1, nPosX = -1, nPosY = -1, nDirectionX = 0, nDirectionY = 0; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_STRENGTH, nRadius) || (nRadius == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_TYPE, nType) || (nType == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_POSX, nPosX) || (nPosX == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_POSY, nPosY) || (nPosY == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_DIRECTIONX, nDirectionX)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_DIRECTIONY, nDirectionY)) return false; // convert DZ coords to IG double dSeadragonToPixelRatioX, dSeadragonToPixelRatioY; IGConvertible::FromDZtoIGRatios (image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), dSeadragonToPixelRatioX, dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); POINT ptPos; ptPos.x = (int)((double)nPosX * dSeadragonToPixelRatioX); ptPos.y = (int)((double)nPosY * dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); POINT ptDir; ptDir.x = (int)((double)nDirectionX * dSeadragonToPixelRatioX); ptDir.y = (int)((double)nDirectionY * dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); // convert IG coords to CX IGConvertible::FromIGtoCxCoords(ptPos, image.GetHeight()); ptDir.y *= -1; // apply morphing return pLayer->Morphing (ptPos.x, ptPos.y, (float)ptDir.x, (float)ptDir.y, (float)nRadius, nType); } case IGIPFILTER_NEGATIVE: return pLayer->Negative(); case IGIPFILTER_TRANSPARENCY: { int nAlpha = 0; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_STRENGTH, nAlpha)) return false; pLayer->AlphaDelete(); return pLayer->AlphaCreate ((BYTE)((float)nAlpha * 2.55f)); } case IGIPFILTER_PAINT: { int nPosX = -1, nPosY = -1; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_POSX, nPosX) || (nPosX == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_POSY, nPosY) || (nPosY == -1)) return false; int nTolerance = 0; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_TOLERANCE, nTolerance)) return false; RGBQUAD rgbq; IGTexture texture; if (!m_pFrame->GetProperty (IGProperties::IGPROPERTY_CURTEXTURE, texture)) return false; // convert DZ coords to IG double dSeadragonToPixelRatioX, dSeadragonToPixelRatioY; IGConvertible::FromDZtoIGRatios (image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), dSeadragonToPixelRatioX, dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); POINT ptPos; ptPos.x = (int)((double)nPosX * dSeadragonToPixelRatioX); ptPos.y = (int)((double)nPosY * dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); // convert IG coords to CX IGConvertible::FromIGtoCxCoords(ptPos, image.GetHeight()); COLORREF col = (COLORREF)texture; rgbq.rgbRed = GetRValue (col); rgbq.rgbBlue = GetBValue (col); rgbq.rgbGreen = GetGValue (col); rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; return pLayer->FloodFill (ptPos.x, ptPos.y, rgbq, nTolerance); } case IGIPFILTER_PAINTGRADIENT: { int nPosX = -1, nPosY = -1, nDirectionX = 0, nDirectionY = 0; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_POSX, nPosX) || (nPosX == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_POSY, nPosY) || (nPosY == -1)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_DIRECTIONX, nDirectionX)) return false; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_DIRECTIONY, nDirectionY)) return false; RGBQUAD rgbq, rgbqBkgnd; IGTexture texture, bkgndTexture; if (!m_pFrame->GetProperty (IGProperties::IGPROPERTY_CURTEXTURE, texture)) return false; COLORREF col = (COLORREF)texture; rgbq.rgbRed = GetRValue (col); rgbq.rgbBlue = GetBValue (col); rgbq.rgbGreen = GetGValue (col); rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; if (!m_pFrame->GetProperty (IGProperties::IGPROPERTY_BKGNDTEXTURE, bkgndTexture)) return false; // convert DZ coords to IG double dSeadragonToPixelRatioX, dSeadragonToPixelRatioY; IGConvertible::FromDZtoIGRatios (image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), dSeadragonToPixelRatioX, dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); POINT ptPos; ptPos.x = (int)((double)nPosX * dSeadragonToPixelRatioX); ptPos.y = (int)((double)nPosY * dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); POINT ptDir; ptDir.x = (int)((double)nDirectionX * dSeadragonToPixelRatioX); ptDir.y = (int)((double)nDirectionY * dSeadragonToPixelRatioY); // convert IG coords to CX IGConvertible::FromIGtoCxCoords(ptPos, image.GetHeight()); ptDir.y *= -1; COLORREF colBkgnd = (COLORREF)bkgndTexture; rgbqBkgnd.rgbRed = GetRValue (colBkgnd); rgbqBkgnd.rgbBlue = GetBValue (colBkgnd); rgbqBkgnd.rgbGreen = GetGValue (colBkgnd); rgbqBkgnd.rgbReserved = 0x00; return pLayer->FillGradient (ptPos.x, ptPos.y, ptDir.x, ptDir.y, rgbq, rgbqBkgnd); } case IGIPFILTER_REPAIR: return pLayer->Repair (0.25f, 3, 0); case IGIPFILTER_SHARPEN: return pLayer->UnsharpMask (5.0f, 0.5f, 0); case IGIPFILTER_MATIFY: { COLORREF col = IGIPFACE_EFFECT_MATIFY_COLORCODE; RGBQUAD rgbq; rgbq.rgbRed = GetRValue (col); rgbq.rgbBlue = GetBValue (col); rgbq.rgbGreen = GetGValue (col); rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; rgbq = pLayer->RGBtoHSL (rgbq); return pLayer->Colorize (rgbq.rgbRed, rgbq.rgbGreen, rgbq.rgbBlue, 1.0f); } case IGIPFILTER_THRESHOLD: return pLayer->AdaptiveThreshold(0); case IGIPFILTER_AUTOROTATE: return pLayer->AutoRotate(); case IGIPFILTER_SKETCH: return pLayer->Sketch(); case IGIPFILTER_CARTOON: return pLayer->Cartoon(); case IGIPFILTER_OILPAINTING: return pLayer->OilPainting(); case IGIPFILTER_WATERPAINTING: return pLayer->WaterPainting(); case IGIPFILTER_SEPIA: { RGBQUAD rgbq; rgbq.rgbRed = 112; rgbq.rgbBlue = 20; rgbq.rgbGreen = 66; rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; rgbq = pLayer->RGBtoHSL (rgbq); return pLayer->Colorize (rgbq.rgbRed, rgbq.rgbGreen, rgbq.rgbBlue, 1.0f); } case IGIPFILTER_VINTAGE: { pLayer->UnsharpMask (5.0f, 0.5f, 0); pLayer->UnsharpMask (5.0f, 0.5f, 0); pLayer->UnsharpMask (5.0f, 0.5f, 0); RGBQUAD rgbq; rgbq.rgbRed = 112; rgbq.rgbBlue = 20; rgbq.rgbGreen = 66; rgbq.rgbReserved = 0x00; rgbq = pLayer->RGBtoHSL (rgbq); return pLayer->Colorize (rgbq.rgbRed, rgbq.rgbGreen, rgbq.rgbBlue, 0.25f); } case IGIPFILTER_DITHER: return pLayer->Dither(); case IGIPFILTER_CLAY: return pLayer->Clay(); case IGIPFILTER_PYTHON: { wstring wsPythonScript; if (!m_pFrame->GetRequestProperty(IGIPFILTER_PARAM_SCRIPT, wsPythonScript)) return false; return pLayer->ExecutePythonScript (wsPythonScript); } case IGIPFILTER_FILTER1: { CxImage *layer1 (*pLayer); CxImage *layer2 (*pLayer); CxImage *layer3 (*pLayer); int nAlpha = 0; // Contrast the image using the curve: out 116, in 139 long contrast_in = 139, contrast_out = 116; CxImage *contrast_IN (*pLayer); CxImage *contrast_OUT (*pLayer); contrast_IN->Mix(*contrast_OUT); contrast_IN->Light(0, contrast_in); contrast_OUT->Light(0, contrast_out); // Add contrast IN & OUT images // Apply layer 2 as screen with opacity 48 nAlpha = 48; layer2->AlphaDelete(); layer2->AlphaCreate ((BYTE)((float)nAlpha * 2.55f)); // Apply layer 3 as overlay with opacity 35 nAlpha = 35; layer3->AlphaDelete(); layer3->AlphaCreate ((BYTE)((float)nAlpha * 2.55f)); // Adding the three layers layer1->Mix(*layer2); layer1->Mix(*layer3); return true; } case IGIPFILTER_PAPER: return pLayer->Paper(); case IGIPFILTER_HALOSEPIA: return pLayer->Sepia(); case IGIPFILTER_BW: return pLayer->BlackAndWhite(); } return false; }
void CExport::CreateCollisionMask(CxImage& image, BYTE*& bits, int& pitch) { // Determine size of our buffer. All buffers are rounded up to 128 bit pitch, just in case SSE can be used. const int align_pitch_bits = 64; const int align_pitch_bytes = align_pitch_bits / 8; pitch = image.GetWidth() / 8; if (image.GetWidth() % 8 != 0) pitch++; // 11 pixel width needs 2 bytes not 1 rounded // Eg. a 20 byte pitch must round up to 32 (+12, 16 - 4) if (pitch % align_pitch_bytes != 0) pitch += align_pitch_bytes - (pitch % align_pitch_bytes); // If the pitch does not leave at least a 64 pixel gutter, increase it by 64 pixels. // This prevents false positives when a 64 pixel check from the far right edge can wrap around to the next line. if ((pitch * 8) - image.GetWidth() < align_pitch_bits) pitch += align_pitch_bytes; // Allocate and zero the memory bits = new BYTE[image.GetHeight() * pitch]; memset(bits, 0, image.GetHeight() * pitch); /* // Set as per a DWORD pointer to prevent endian corruption DWORD* ptr = (DWORD*)bits; int ipitch = pitch / sizeof(DWORD); // Loop each pixel and set the bit in the bitmask for (int x = 0; x < image.GetWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < image.GetHeight(); y++) { // Set the bit (check alpha component) int bit = image.GetPixelColor(x, y).rgbReserved > 0 ? 1 : 0; // Invert Y (CxImage stupidness) ptr[(image.GetHeight() - y - 1) * ipitch + (x/32)] |= bit << (31 - (x % 32)); } } */ // sorry tigs trying byte method BYTE* ptr = (BYTE*)bits; int ipitch = pitch / sizeof(BYTE); // Loop each pixel and set the bit in the bitmask for (int x = 0; x < image.GetWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < image.GetHeight(); y++) { // What is this for??? Commented out 22/11/08 since it has no effect anyway -AG //if(x == 0) // ptr[(image.GetHeight() - y - 1) * ipitch] = 0; //first byte must be 0 // Set the bit (check alpha component) int bit = image.GetPixelColor(x, y).rgbReserved > 0 ? 1 : 0; // Invert Y (CxImage stupidness) ptr[(image.GetHeight() - y - 1) * ipitch + (x/8)] |= bit << (7 - (x % 8)); } } }