Exemple #1
/** Given an argument with format, DataSet_Name[,min,max,step,bins], check
  * that DataSet_Name exists and is valid. Add the argument to 
  * dimensionArgs and the corresponding dataset to histdata.
int Analysis_Hist::CheckDimension(std::string const& input, DataSetList& DSLin) {
  ArgList arglist;
  // Separate input string by ','
  arglist.SetList(input, ",");
  if (arglist.Nargs()<1) {
    mprinterr("Error: No arguments found in histogram argument: %s\n",input.c_str());
    return 1;

  // First argument should specify dataset name
  if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tHist: Setting up histogram dimension using dataset %s\n",
  DataSet* dset = DSLin.GetDataSet( arglist[0] );
  if (dset == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Dataset %s not found.\n",arglist.Command());
    return 1;

  // For now only 1D scalar data sets can be histogrammed
  if (dset->Group() != DataSet::SCALAR_1D) {
    mprinterr("Error: Cannot histogram data set '%s'\n", dset->legend());
    mprinterr("Error: Currently only 1D scalar data sets can be histogrammed.\n");
    return 1;
  // TODO parse remaining args here, create data structure.
  dimensionArgs_.push_back( arglist );
  histdata_.push_back( (DataSet_1D*)dset );
  return 0;
Exemple #2
/** Replace all variables in given ArgList with their values. */
ArgList VariableArray::ReplaceVariables(ArgList const& argIn, DataSetList const& DSL, int debug)
  if (debug > 0) mprintf("DEBUG: Before variable replacement:  [%s]\n", argIn.ArgLine());
  ArgList modCmd = argIn;
  for (int n = 0; n < modCmd.Nargs(); n++) {
    size_t pos = modCmd[n].find("$");
    while (pos != std::string::npos) {
      // Argument is/contains a variable. Find first non-alphanumeric char
      size_t len = 1;
      for (size_t pos1 = pos+1; pos1 < modCmd[n].size(); pos1++, len++)
        if (!isalnum(modCmd[n][pos1])) break;
      std::string var_in_arg = modCmd[n].substr(pos, len);
      // See if variable occurs in CurrentVars_
      Varray::const_iterator vp = CurrentVars_.begin();
      for (; vp != CurrentVars_.end(); ++vp)
        if (vp->first == var_in_arg) break;
      // If found replace with value from CurrentVars_
      if (vp != CurrentVars_.end()) {
        if (debug > 0)
          mprintf("DEBUG: Replaced variable '%s' with value '%s'\n",
                  var_in_arg.c_str(), vp->second.c_str());
        std::string arg = modCmd[n];
        arg.replace(pos, vp->first.size(), vp->second);
        modCmd.ChangeArg(n, arg);
      } else {
        // Not found in CurrentVars_; see if this is a DataSet.
        for (size_t pos1 = pos+len; pos1 < modCmd[n].size(); pos1++, len++)
          if (!isalnum(modCmd[n][pos1]) &&
              modCmd[n][pos1] != '[' &&
              modCmd[n][pos1] != ':' &&
              modCmd[n][pos1] != ']' &&
              modCmd[n][pos1] != '_' &&
              modCmd[n][pos1] != '-' &&
              modCmd[n][pos1] != '%')
        var_in_arg = modCmd[n].substr(pos+1, len-1);
        DataSet* ds = DSL.GetDataSet( var_in_arg );
        if (ds == 0) {
          mprinterr("Error: Unrecognized variable in command: %s\n", var_in_arg.c_str());
          return ArgList();
        } else {
          if (ds->Type() != DataSet::STRING && ds->Group() != DataSet::SCALAR_1D) {
            mprinterr("Error: Only 1D data sets supported.\n");
            return ArgList();
          if (ds->Size() < 1) {
            mprinterr("Error: Set is empty.\n");
            return ArgList();
          if (ds->Size() > 1)
            mprintf("Warning: Only using first value.\n");
          std::string value;
          if (ds->Type() == DataSet::STRING)
            value = (*((DataSet_string*)ds))[0];
            value = doubleToString(((DataSet_1D*)ds)->Dval(0));
          if (debug > 0)
            mprintf("DEBUG: Replaced variable '$%s' with value '%s' from DataSet '%s'\n",
                    var_in_arg.c_str(), value.c_str(), ds->legend());
          std::string arg = modCmd[n];
          arg.replace(pos, var_in_arg.size()+1, value);
          modCmd.ChangeArg(n, arg);
      pos = modCmd[n].find("$");
    } // END loop over this argument
  return modCmd;