// Exec_SortEnsembleData::Execute()
Exec::RetType Exec_SortEnsembleData::Execute(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& argIn)
  debug_ = State.Debug();
  DataSetList setsToSort;
  std::string dsarg = argIn.GetStringNext();
  while (!dsarg.empty()) {
    setsToSort += State.DSL().GetMultipleSets( dsarg );
    dsarg = argIn.GetStringNext();

  int err = 0;
# ifdef MPI
  // For now, require ensemble mode in parallel.
  if (!Parallel::EnsembleIsSetup()) {
    rprinterr("Error: Data set ensemble sort requires ensemble mode in parallel.\n");
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // Only TrajComm masters have complete data.
  if (Parallel::TrajComm().Master()) {
    comm_ = Parallel::MasterComm();
# endif
    DataSetList OutputSets;
    err = SortData( setsToSort, OutputSets );
    if (err == 0) {
      // Remove unsorted sets. 
      for (DataSetList::const_iterator ds = setsToSort.begin(); ds != setsToSort.end(); ++ds)
        State.DSL().RemoveSet( *ds );
      // Add sorted sets.
      for (DataSetList::const_iterator ds = OutputSets.begin(); ds != OutputSets.end(); ++ds)
        State.DSL().AddSet( *ds );
      // Since sorted sets have been transferred to master DSL, OutputSets now
      // just has copies.
      OutputSets.SetHasCopies( true );
      mprintf("\tSorted sets:\n");
# ifdef MPI
  if (Parallel::World().CheckError( err ))
# else
  if (err != 0) 
# endif
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  return CpptrajState::OK;
// Exec_SortEnsembleData::SortData()
int Exec_SortEnsembleData::SortData(DataSetList const& setsToSort, DataSetList& OutputSets)
  int err = 0;
  if (setsToSort.empty()) {
    rprinterr("Error: No sets selected.\n");
    err = 1;
  if (CheckError(err)) return 1;
  mprintf("\tSorting the following sets:\n");
# ifdef MPI
  // Number of sets to sort should be equal to # members I am responsible for.
  if (Parallel::N_Ens_Members() != (int)setsToSort.size()) {
    rprinterr("Internal Error: Number of ensemble members (%i) != # sets to sort (%zu)\n",
               Parallel::N_Ens_Members(), setsToSort.size());
    return 1;
# endif

  DataSet::DataType dtype = setsToSort[0]->Type();
  unsigned int maxSize = 0;
  for (DataSetList::const_iterator ds = setsToSort.begin(); ds != setsToSort.end(); ++ds) {
    if ((*ds)->Size() < 1) { //TODO check sizes match
      rprinterr("Error: Set '%s' is empty.\n", (*ds)->legend());
      err = 1;
    if (ds == setsToSort.begin())
      maxSize = (*ds)->Size();
    else if ((*ds)->Size() < maxSize) {
      rprintf("Warning: Set '%s' has fewer frames (%zu) than previous set(s) (%u)\n"
              "Warning: Only using the first %zu frames of all sets.\n",
              (*ds)->legend(), (*ds)->Size(), maxSize, (*ds)->Size());
      maxSize = (unsigned int)(*ds)->Size();
    } else if ((*ds)->Size() > maxSize) {
      rprintf("Warning: Set '%s' has more frames (%zu) than previous set(s) (%u)\n"
              "Warning: Only using the first %u frames of all sets.\n",
              (*ds)->legend(), (*ds)->Size(), maxSize, maxSize);
    if (dtype != (*ds)->Type()) {
      rprinterr("Error: Set '%s' has different type than first set.\n", (*ds)->legend());
      err = 1;
  if (CheckError(err)) return 1;

# ifdef MPI
  unsigned int threadSize = maxSize;
  comm_.AllReduce( &maxSize, &threadSize, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_MIN );
  typedef std::vector<int> Iarray;
  Iarray Dtypes( comm_.Size(), -1 );
  if ( comm_.AllGather( &dtype, 1, MPI_INT, &Dtypes[0] ) ) return 1;
  for (int rank = 1; rank < comm_.Size(); rank++)
    if (Dtypes[0] != Dtypes[rank]) {
      rprinterr("Error: Set types on rank %i do not match types on rank 0.\n", rank);
      err = 1;
  if (comm_.CheckError( err )) return 1;
# endif

  // Only work for pH data for now.
  if (dtype != DataSet::PH_EXPL && dtype != DataSet::PH_IMPL) {
    rprinterr("Error: Only works for pH REMD data for now.\n");
    return 1;

  err = Sort_pH_Data( setsToSort, OutputSets, maxSize );

  return err;