Exemple #1
void GraphicsItemEdge::calculateAndSetPath()

    double edgeDistance = QLineF(m_startingLocation, m_endingLocation).length();

    double extensionLength = g_settings->segmentLength;
    if (extensionLength > edgeDistance / 2.0)
        extensionLength = edgeDistance / 2.0;

    m_controlPoint1 = extendLine(m_beforeStartingLocation, m_startingLocation, extensionLength);
    m_controlPoint2 = extendLine(m_afterEndingLocation, m_endingLocation, extensionLength);

    //If this edge is connecting a node to itself, and that node
    //is made of only one line segment, then a special path is
    //required, otherwise the edge will be mostly hidden underneath
    //the node.
    DeBruijnNode * startingNode = m_deBruijnEdge->getStartingNode();
    DeBruijnNode * endingNode = m_deBruijnEdge->getEndingNode();
    if (startingNode == endingNode)
        GraphicsItemNode * graphicsItemNode = startingNode->getGraphicsItemNode();
        if (graphicsItemNode == 0)
            graphicsItemNode = startingNode->getReverseComplement()->getGraphicsItemNode();
        if (graphicsItemNode != 0 && graphicsItemNode->m_linePoints.size() == 2)

    //If we are in single mode and the edge connects a node to its reverse
    //complement, then we need a special path to make it visible.
    if (startingNode == endingNode->getReverseComplement() &&

    //Otherwise, the path is just a single cubic Bezier curve.
    QPainterPath path;
    path.cubicTo(m_controlPoint1, m_controlPoint2, m_endingLocation);

Exemple #2
//This function recursively labels all nodes as drawn that are within a
//certain distance of this node.  Whichever node called this will
//definitely be drawn, so that one is excluded from the recursive call.
void DeBruijnNode::labelNeighbouringNodesAsDrawn(int nodeDistance, DeBruijnNode * callingNode)
    if (m_highestDistanceInNeighbourSearch > nodeDistance)
    m_highestDistanceInNeighbourSearch = nodeDistance;

    if (nodeDistance == 0)

    DeBruijnNode * otherNode;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
        otherNode = m_edges[i]->getOtherNode(this);

        if (otherNode == callingNode)

        if (g_settings->doubleMode)
            otherNode->m_drawn = true;
        else //single mode
            if (otherNode->isPositiveNode())
                otherNode->m_drawn = true;
                otherNode->getReverseComplement()->m_drawn = true;
        otherNode->labelNeighbouringNodesAsDrawn(nodeDistance-1, this);
Exemple #3
void GraphicsItemEdge::setControlPointLocations()
    DeBruijnNode * startingNode = m_deBruijnEdge->getStartingNode();
    DeBruijnNode * endingNode = m_deBruijnEdge->getEndingNode();

    if (startingNode->hasGraphicsItem())
        m_startingLocation = startingNode->getGraphicsItemNode()->getLast();
        m_beforeStartingLocation = startingNode->getGraphicsItemNode()->getSecondLast();
    else if (startingNode->getReverseComplement()->hasGraphicsItem())
        m_startingLocation = startingNode->getReverseComplement()->getGraphicsItemNode()->getFirst();
        m_beforeStartingLocation = startingNode->getReverseComplement()->getGraphicsItemNode()->getSecond();

    if (endingNode->hasGraphicsItem())
        m_endingLocation = endingNode->getGraphicsItemNode()->getFirst();
        m_afterEndingLocation = endingNode->getGraphicsItemNode()->getSecond();
    else if (endingNode->getReverseComplement()->hasGraphicsItem())
        m_endingLocation = endingNode->getReverseComplement()->getGraphicsItemNode()->getLast();
        m_afterEndingLocation = endingNode->getReverseComplement()->getGraphicsItemNode()->getSecondLast();
//The startingNodes and nodeDistance parameters are only used if the graph scope
//is not WHOLE_GRAPH.
void AssemblyGraph::buildOgdfGraphFromNodesAndEdges(std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> startingNodes, int nodeDistance)
    if (g_settings->graphScope == WHOLE_GRAPH)
        QMapIterator<QString, DeBruijnNode*> i(m_deBruijnGraphNodes);
        while (i.hasNext())

            //If double mode is off, only positive nodes are drawn.  If it's
            //on, all nodes are drawn.
            if (i.value()->isPositiveNode() || g_settings->doubleMode)
    else //The scope is either around specified nodes or around nodes with BLAST hits
        for (size_t i = 0; i < startingNodes.size(); ++i)
            DeBruijnNode * node = startingNodes[i];

            //If we are in single mode, make sure that each node is positive.
            if (!g_settings->doubleMode && node->isNegativeNode())
                node = node->getReverseComplement();

            node->labelNeighbouringNodesAsDrawn(nodeDistance, 0);

    //First loop through each node, adding it to OGDF if it is drawn.
    QMapIterator<QString, DeBruijnNode*> i(m_deBruijnGraphNodes);
    while (i.hasNext())
        if (i.value()->isDrawn())

    //Then loop through each determining its drawn status and adding it
    //to OGDF if it is drawn.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_deBruijnGraphEdges.size(); ++i)
        if (m_deBruijnGraphEdges[i]->isDrawn())
Exemple #5
//This function differs from the above by including all reverse complement
//nodes in the path search.
std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> DeBruijnNode::getNodesCommonToAllPaths(std::vector< std::vector <DeBruijnNode *> > * paths,
                                                                   bool includeReverseComplements) const
    std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> commonNodes;

    //If there are no paths, then return the empty vector.
    if (paths->size() == 0)
        return commonNodes;

    //If there is only one path in path, then they are all common nodes
    commonNodes = (*paths)[0];
    if (paths->size() == 1)
        return commonNodes;

    //If there are two or more paths, it's necessary to find the intersection.
    for (size_t i = 1; i < paths->size(); ++i)
        std::vector <DeBruijnNode *> * path = &((*paths)[i]);

        //If we are including reverse complements in the search,
        //then it is necessary to build a new vector that includes
        //reverse complement nodes and then use that vector.
        std::vector <DeBruijnNode *> pathWithReverseComplements;
        if (includeReverseComplements)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < path->size(); ++j)
                DeBruijnNode * node = (*path)[j];
            path = &pathWithReverseComplements;

        //Combine the commonNodes vector with the path vector,
        //excluding any repeats.
        std::sort(commonNodes.begin(), commonNodes.end());
        std::sort(path->begin(), path->end());
        std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> newCommonNodes;
        std::set_intersection(commonNodes.begin(), commonNodes.end(), path->begin(), path->end(), std::back_inserter(newCommonNodes));
        commonNodes = newCommonNodes;

    return commonNodes;
Exemple #6
//This function determines the contiguity of nodes relative to this one.
//It has two steps:
// -First, for each edge leaving this node, all paths outward are found.
//  Any nodes in any path are MAYBE_CONTIGUOUS, and nodes in all of the
//  paths are CONTIGUOUS.
// -Second, it is necessary to check in the opposite direction - for each
//  of the MAYBE_CONTIGUOUS nodes, do they have a path that unambiguously
//  leads to this node?  If so, then they are CONTIGUOUS.
void DeBruijnNode::determineContiguity()

    //A set is used to store all nodes found in the paths, as the nodes
    //that show up as MAYBE_CONTIGUOUS will have their paths checked
    //to this node.
    std::set<DeBruijnNode *> allCheckedNodes;

    //For each path leaving this node, find all possible paths
    //outward.  Nodes in any of the paths for an edge are
    //MAYBE_CONTIGUOUS.  Nodes in all of the paths for an edge
    //are CONTIGUOUS.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i)
        DeBruijnEdge * edge = m_edges[i];
        bool outgoingEdge = (this == edge->getStartingNode());

        std::vector< std::vector <DeBruijnNode *> > allPaths;
        edge->tracePaths(outgoingEdge, g_settings->contiguitySearchSteps, &allPaths, this);

        //Set all nodes in the paths as MAYBE_CONTIGUOUS
        for (size_t j = 0; j < allPaths.size(); ++j)
            for (size_t k = 0; k < allPaths[j].size(); ++k)
                DeBruijnNode * node = allPaths[j][k];

        //Set all common nodes as CONTIGUOUS_STRAND_SPECIFIC
        std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> commonNodesStrandSpecific = getNodesCommonToAllPaths(&allPaths, false);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < commonNodesStrandSpecific.size(); ++j)

        //Set all common nodes (when including reverse complement nodes)
        std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> commonNodesEitherStrand = getNodesCommonToAllPaths(&allPaths, true);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < commonNodesEitherStrand.size(); ++j)
            DeBruijnNode * node = commonNodesEitherStrand[j];

    //For each node that was checked, then we check to see if any
    //of its paths leads unambiuously back to the starting node (this node).
    for (std::set<DeBruijnNode *>::iterator i = allCheckedNodes.begin(); i != allCheckedNodes.end(); ++i)
        DeBruijnNode * node = *i;
        ContiguityStatus status = node->getContiguityStatus();

        //First check without reverse complement target for
        //strand-specific contiguity.
        if (status != CONTIGUOUS_STRAND_SPECIFIC &&
                node->doesPathLeadOnlyToNode(this, false))

        //Now check including the reverse complement target for
        //either strand contiguity.
        if (status != CONTIGUOUS_STRAND_SPECIFIC &&
                status != CONTIGUOUS_EITHER_STRAND &&
                node->doesPathLeadOnlyToNode(this, true))