void GameRenderer::drawColour(const glm::vec4& colour, glm::vec4 extents) { glUseProgram(ssRectProgram); // Move into NDC extents.x /= renderer->getViewport().x; extents.y /= renderer->getViewport().y; extents.z /= renderer->getViewport().x; extents.w /= renderer->getViewport().y; extents.x += extents.z / 2.f; extents.y += extents.w / 2.f; extents.x -= .5f; extents.y -= .5f; extents *= glm::vec4(2.f,-2.f, 1.f, 1.f); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glUniform2f(ssRectOffset, extents.x, extents.y); glUniform2f(ssRectSize, extents.z, extents.w); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glUniform1i(ssRectTexture, 0); glUniform4f(ssRectColour, colour.r, colour.g, colour.b, colour.a); glBindVertexArray( ssRectDraw.getVAOName() ); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); // Ooops renderer->invalidate(); }
void GameRenderer::renderLetterbox() { glUseProgram(ssRectProgram); const float cinematicExperienceSize = 0.15f; glUniform2f(ssRectOffset, 0.f, -1.f * (1.f - cinematicExperienceSize)); glUniform2f(ssRectSize, 1.f, cinematicExperienceSize); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glUniform1i(ssRectTexture, 0); glUniform4f(ssRectColour, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); glBindVertexArray( ssRectDraw.getVAOName() ); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); glUniform2f(ssRectOffset, 0.f, 1.f * (1.f - cinematicExperienceSize)); glUniform2f(ssRectSize, 1.f, cinematicExperienceSize); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); }
void GameRenderer::renderWorld(GameWorld* world, const ViewCamera &camera, float alpha) { _renderAlpha = alpha; _renderWorld = world; // Store the input camera, _camera = camera; setupRender(); glBindVertexArray( vao ); float tod = world->getHour() + world->getMinute()/60.f; // Requires a float 0-24 auto weatherID = static_cast<WeatherLoader::WeatherCondition>(world->state->basic.nextWeather * 24); auto weather = world->data->weatherLoader.getWeatherData(weatherID, tod); glm::vec3 skyTop = weather.skyTopColor; glm::vec3 skyBottom = weather.skyBottomColor; glm::vec3 ambient = weather.ambientColor; glm::vec3 dynamic = weather.directLightColor; float theta = (tod/(60.f * 24.f) - 0.5f) * 2 * 3.14159265; glm::vec3 sunDirection{ sin(theta), 0.0, cos(theta), }; sunDirection = glm::normalize(sunDirection); _camera.frustum.near = world->state->cameraNear; _camera.frustum.far = weather.farClipping; auto view = _camera.getView(); auto proj = _camera.frustum.projection(); Renderer::SceneUniformData sceneParams { proj, view, glm::vec4{ambient, 0.0f}, glm::vec4{dynamic, 0.0f}, glm::vec4(skyBottom, 1.f), glm::vec4(camera.position, 0.f), weather.fogStart, camera.frustum.far }; renderer->setSceneParameters(sceneParams); renderer->clear(glm::vec4(skyBottom, 1.f)); _camera.frustum.update(proj * view); if (cullOverride) { cullingCamera.frustum.update( cullingCamera.frustum.projection() * cullingCamera.getView()); } culled = 0; renderer->useProgram(worldProg); //=============================================================== // Render List Construction //--------------------------------------------------------------- RW_PROFILE_BEGIN("RenderList"); // This is sequential at the moment, it should be easy to make it // run in parallel with a good threading system. RenderList renderList; // Naive optimisation, assume 10% hitrate renderList.reserve(world->allObjects.size() * 0.5f); RW_PROFILE_BEGIN("Build"); ObjectRenderer objectRenderer(_renderWorld, (cullOverride ? cullingCamera : _camera), _renderAlpha, getMissingTexture()); // World Objects for (auto object : world->allObjects) { objectRenderer.buildRenderList(object, renderList); } RW_PROFILE_END(); renderer->pushDebugGroup("Objects"); renderer->pushDebugGroup("RenderList"); // Also parallelizable RW_PROFILE_BEGIN("Sort"); std::sort(renderList.begin(), renderList.end(), [](const Renderer::RenderInstruction& a, const Renderer::RenderInstruction&b) { return a.sortKey < b.sortKey; }); RW_PROFILE_END(); RW_PROFILE_BEGIN("Draw"); renderer->drawBatched(renderList); RW_PROFILE_END(); renderer->popDebugGroup(); profObjects = renderer->popDebugGroup(); RW_PROFILE_END(); // Render arrows above anything that isn't radar only (or hidden) ModelRef& arrowModel = world->data->models["arrow"]; if( arrowModel && arrowModel->resource ) { auto arrowTex = world->data->textures[{"copblue",""}]; auto arrowFrame = arrowModel->resource->findFrame( "arrow" ); for( auto& blip : world->state->radarBlips ) { if( blip.second.display == BlipData::Show ) { glm::mat4 model; if( blip.second.target > 0 ) { // TODO restore arrows /*auto& pool = world->getTypeObjectPool(blip.second.target); auto object = pool.find(blip.second.target); if( object ) { model = object->getTimeAdjustedTransform( _renderAlpha ); }*/ } else { model = glm::translate( model, blip.second.coord ); } float a = world->getGameTime() * glm::pi<float>(); model = glm::translate( model, glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, 2.5f + glm::sin( a ) * 0.5f) ); model = glm::rotate( model, a, glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f) ); model = glm::scale( model, glm::vec3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f) ); Renderer::DrawParameters dp; dp.textures = {arrowTex->getName()}; dp.ambient = 1.f; dp.colour = glm::u8vec4(255, 255, 255, 255); auto geom = arrowModel->resource->geometries[arrowFrame->getGeometries()[0]]; Model::SubGeometry& sg = geom->subgeom[0]; dp.start = sg.start; dp.count = sg.numIndices; dp.diffuse = 1.f; renderer->draw( model, &geom->dbuff, dp ); } } } // Draw goal indicators glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); renderer->useProgram( particleProg ); for(auto& i : world->getAreaIndicators()) { renderAreaIndicator( &i ); } glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); renderer->pushDebugGroup("Water"); water.render(this, world); profWater = renderer->popDebugGroup(); renderer->pushDebugGroup("Sky"); glBindVertexArray( vao ); Renderer::DrawParameters dp; dp.start = 0; dp.count = skydomeSegments * skydomeRows * 6; renderer->useProgram(skyProg); renderer->setUniform(skyProg, "TopColor", glm::vec4(skyTop, 1.f)); renderer->setUniform(skyProg, "BottomColor", glm::vec4(skyBottom, 1.f)); renderer->draw(glm::mat4(), &skyDbuff, dp); profSky = renderer->popDebugGroup(); renderer->pushDebugGroup("Effects"); renderEffects(world); profEffects = renderer->popDebugGroup(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); GLuint splashTexName = 0; auto fc = world->state->fadeColour; if((fc.r + fc.g + fc.b) == 0 && world->state->currentSplash.size() > 0) { auto splash = world->data->findTexture(world->state->currentSplash); if ( splash ) { splashTexName = splash->getName(); } } if( (world->state->isCinematic || world->state->currentCutscene ) && splashTexName != 0 ) { renderLetterbox(); } float fadeTimer = world->getGameTime() - world->state->fadeStart; if( fadeTimer < world->state->fadeTime || !world->state->fadeOut ) { glUseProgram(ssRectProgram); glUniform2f(ssRectOffset, 0.f, 0.f); glUniform2f(ssRectSize, 1.f, 1.f); glUniform1i(ssRectTexture, 0); if(splashTexName != 0) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, splashTexName); fc = glm::u16vec3(0, 0, 0); } else { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); } float fadeFrac = 0.f; if( world->state->fadeTime > 0.f ) { fadeFrac = std::min(fadeTimer / world->state->fadeTime, 1.f); } float a = world->state->fadeOut ? 1.f - fadeFrac : fadeFrac; glm::vec4 fadeNormed(fc.r / 255.f, fc.g/ 255.f, fc.b/ 255.f, a); glUniform4fv(ssRectColour, 1, glm::value_ptr(fadeNormed)); glBindVertexArray( ssRectDraw.getVAOName() ); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); } if( (world->state->isCinematic || world->state->currentCutscene ) && splashTexName == 0 ) { renderLetterbox(); } renderPostProcess(); glUseProgram(0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindVertexArray( 0 ); }