void LIB_FIELD::Plot( PLOTTER* aPlotter, const wxPoint& aOffset, bool aFill,
                      const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    if( IsVoid() )

    /* Calculate the text orientation, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror */
    int orient = (int) GetTextAngle();

    if( aTransform.y1 )  // Rotate component 90 deg.
        if( orient == TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ )
            orient = TEXT_ANGLE_VERT;
            orient = TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ;

    EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = GetBoundingBox();

    wxPoint textpos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( BoundaryBox.Centre() )
                      + aOffset;

    aPlotter->Text( textpos, GetDefaultColor(), GetShownText(),
                    orient, GetTextSize(),
                    hjustify, vjustify,
                    GetPenSize(), IsItalic(), IsBold() );
Exemple #2
void LIB_TEXT::Plot( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& offset, bool fill,
                     const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxASSERT( plotter != NULL );

    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    // convert coordinates from draw Y axis to libedit Y axis
    wxPoint txtpos = bBox.Centre();

    /* The text orientation may need to be flipped if the
     * transformation matrix causes xy axes to be flipped. */
    int t1  = ( aTransform.x1 != 0 ) ^ ( GetTextAngle() != 0 );
    wxPoint pos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( txtpos ) + offset;

    // Get color
    COLOR4D color;

    if( plotter->GetColorMode() )       // Used normal color or selected color
        color = IsSelected() ? GetItemSelectedColor() : GetDefaultColor();
        color = COLOR4D::BLACK;

    plotter->Text( pos, color, GetShownText(),
                   t1 ? TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ : TEXT_ANGLE_VERT,
                   GetPenSize(), IsItalic(), IsBold() );
Exemple #3
const EDA_RECT LIB_BEZIER::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;
    int      xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

    if( !GetCornerCount() )
        return rect;

    xmin = xmax = m_PolyPoints[0].x;
    ymin = ymax = m_PolyPoints[0].y;

    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < GetCornerCount(); ii++ )
        xmin = std::min( xmin, m_PolyPoints[ii].x );
        xmax = std::max( xmax, m_PolyPoints[ii].x );
        ymin = std::min( ymin, m_PolyPoints[ii].y );
        ymax = std::max( ymax, m_PolyPoints[ii].y );

    rect.SetOrigin( xmin, ymin );
    rect.SetEnd( xmax, ymax );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize()+1 ) / 2 );


    return rect;
Exemple #4
void LIB_POLYLINE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                                EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                                const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint  pos1;
    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );
    wxPoint* buffer = NULL;

    if( aColor < 0 )                // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    buffer = new wxPoint[ m_PolyPoints.size() ];

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
        buffer[ii] = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_PolyPoints[ii] ) + aOffset;

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
                (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE  )
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
                color, color );
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 0, GetPenSize(),
                color, color );

    delete[] buffer;

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around polyline to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
Exemple #5
const EDA_RECT LIB_CIRCLE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x - m_Radius, m_Pos.y - m_Radius );
    rect.SetEnd( m_Pos.x + m_Radius, m_Pos.y + m_Radius );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize()+1 ) / 2 );


    return rect;
const EDA_RECT LIB_RECTANGLE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos );
    rect.SetEnd( m_End );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize()+1 ) / 2 );


    return rect;
const EDA_RECT LIB_TEXT::GetBoundingBox() const
    /* Y coordinates for LIB_ITEMS are bottom to top, so we must invert the Y position when
     * calling GetTextBox() that works using top to bottom Y axis orientation.
    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1, -1, true );

    // We are using now a bottom to top Y axis.
    wxPoint orig = rect.GetOrigin();
    wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd();
    RotatePoint( &orig, m_Pos, -m_Orient );
    RotatePoint( &end, m_Pos, -m_Orient );

    rect.SetOrigin( orig );
    rect.SetEnd( end );

    // We are using now a top to bottom Y axis:

    return rect;
void LIB_RECTANGLE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
                                 const wxPoint& aOffset, EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                                 void* aData, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint pos1, pos2;

    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor < 0 )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    pos2 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_End ) + aOffset;

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR && !aData )
        GRFilledRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, GetPenSize( ),
                      (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                      GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( m_Fill == FILLED_SHAPE  && !aData )
        GRFilledRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y,
                      GetPenSize(), color, color );
        GRRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around rectangle to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
void LIB_CIRCLE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                              COLOR4D aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                              const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint pos1;

    COLOR4D color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;
    if( aColor != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRFilledCircle( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, m_Radius, GetPenSize(),
                        (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                        GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE )
        GRFilledCircle( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, m_Radius, 0, color, color );
        GRCircle( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, m_Radius, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around circle to validate bounding
     * box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
Exemple #10
void LIB_TEXT::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                            COLOR4D aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                            const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    COLOR4D color = GetDefaultColor();

    if( aColor == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    /* Calculate the text orientation, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror (needed when draw text in schematic)
    int orient = GetTextAngle();

    if( aTransform.y1 )  // Rotate component 90 degrees.
        if( orient == TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ )
            orient = TEXT_ANGLE_VERT;
            orient = TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ;

    /* Calculate the text justification, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror this is a bit complicated due to cumulative
     * calculations:
     * - numerous cases (mirrored or not, rotation)
     * - the DrawGraphicText function recalculate also H and H justifications
     *      according to the text orientation.
     * - When a component is mirrored, the text is not mirrored and
     *   justifications are complicated to calculate
     * so the more easily way is to use no justifications ( Centered text )
     * and use GetBoundaryBox to know the text coordinate considered as centered
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();

    // convert coordinates from draw Y axis to libedit Y axis:
    wxPoint txtpos = bBox.Centre();

    // Calculate pos according to mirror/rotation.
    txtpos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( txtpos ) + aOffset;

    EDA_RECT* clipbox = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    DrawGraphicText( clipbox, aDC, txtpos, color, GetShownText(), orient, GetTextSize(),
                     IsItalic(), IsBold() );

    /* Enable this to draw the bounding box around the text field to validate
     * the bounding box calculations.
#if 0
    // bBox already uses libedit Y axis.
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
void LIB_ARC::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                           COLOR4D aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                           const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    // Don't draw the arc until the end point is selected.  Only the edit indicators
    // get drawn at this time.
    if( IsNew() && m_lastEditState == 1 )

    wxPoint pos1, pos2, posc;
    COLOR4D color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_ArcEnd ) + aOffset;
    pos2 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_ArcStart ) + aOffset;
    posc = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    int  pt1  = m_t1;
    int  pt2  = m_t2;
    bool swap = aTransform.MapAngles( &pt1, &pt2 );

    if( swap )
        std::swap( pos1.x, pos2.x );
        std::swap( pos1.y, pos2.y );

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;

    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRFilledArc( clipbox, aDC, posc.x, posc.y, pt1, pt2,
                     m_Radius, GetPenSize( ),
                     (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                     GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE && !aData )
        GRFilledArc( clipbox, aDC, posc.x, posc.y, pt1, pt2, m_Radius,
                     color, color );


        GRArc( clipbox, aDC, posc.x, posc.y, pt1, pt2, m_Radius,
               GetPenSize(), color );

        GRArc1( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y,
                posc.x, posc.y, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around arc to validate bounding box
     * calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );